Components of A Computer System
Components of A Computer System
Components of A Computer System
Computer System
By: Saniata G. Bautista
Components of a Computer System
1. Hardware
• Input Devices
• Output Devices
• Storage Devices
2. Software
• Definition of Software
• Categories of Software
o System Software
o Application Software
3. Peopleware
1. Hardware is the computer and any
equipment connected to it.
Hardware devices are the physical components of
the computer. Items such as the monitor,
keyboard, mouse, and printer are also known as
peripherals because they attach to the computer.
Input Devices
An input device is any device that provides
input to a computer. There are many input
devices, but the two most common ones are a
keyboard and mouse. Every key you press on
the keyboard and every movement or click you
make with the mouse sends a specific input
signal to the computer.
Keyboard – a typewriter-like device
use to type letters, numbers,
and other symbols into the