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Control System Electronic Unit (CSEU) : For Training Purposes Only

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For Training Purposes 1


Two identical control system electronic units(CSEU)

are located in the main equipment center. Each
CSEU contains eight modules which include two
power supply modules (PSM) and six operating
modules. The six operating modules include
three spoiler control modules (SCM), a stabilizer
trim aileron lockout module (SAM), a rudder
ratio changer module (RRCM) and a yaw
damper module (YDM). The CSEUs operate
independently of each other and do not provide
a redundant or backup capability for each other
except for the SAM aileron lockout and mach
trim functions and the rudder ratio changer
function. Either PSM can provide all the power
requirements of the six operating modules in the
same CSEU but cannot provide power to the
.modules in the other CSEU
The CSEU modules perform control, failure
protection and fault indication functions for the
.aileron, spoiler, stabilizer and rudder systems
Modules are interchangeable between the left and
.right CSEUs

For Training Purposes 2

For Training Purposes Flight Control System Electronic Unit - CSEU 3
The SAM also uses speed signals from the .)STCM(
Control/Operation air data system (ADS) and actuator position
switch inputs to control two aileron lockout
The control system electronic unit (CSEU) modules .actuators
perform control functions in the aileron, spoiler, Rudder ratio changer module (RRCM) -The RRCM -
stabilizer and rudder systems. The CSEU receives speed signals from the SAM and position
modules use various inputs to provide outputs to signals from a ratio changer mechanism LVDT to
:actuators and modules as follows .control the ratio changer actuator
Spoiler control modules (SCM) - Each SCM - Yaw damper module (YDM) - The YDM -

receives command signals from rotary and linear receives inputs from the air data and inertial
variable differential transformers (RVDT/LVDT) reference systems and position signals from an
and spoiler panel position from spoiler actuator .actuator LVDT to control a yaw damper actuator
LVDTs. Flap position is provided by three
flap/stabilizer position modules (FSPM). Each Hydraulic/Air Ground Inputs
SCM controls two actuators. One SCM in each
CSEU receives a control wheel inhibit signal
.from the SAM All the CSEU operating modules receiver hydraulic
Stabilizer trim aileron lockout module (SAM) - The - pressure switch and air/ground relay signals for
SAM receives stabilizer trim control inputs from various control, test and fault indication
flight control computers (FCC) and alternate and .functions
manual electric trim switches. Stabilizer and flap
position inputs are from a FSPM. The SAM
provides control signals to a stabilizer trim
control module

For Training Purposes 4

For Training Purposes CSEU Block Diagram 5
The left CSEU power supply modules (PSM)are vdc is supplied to all the modules for solenoid 28 -
.powered by the standby ac|dc busses valve, actuator, relay, fault monitor and fault ball
control depending on the specific module. The
SAM and RRCM receive 28 vdc from dedicated
The right CSEU PSMs are powered by the left .circuit breakers
and right busses. The dual PSMs
in each CSEU output "26 vac, +5 vdc and +/-15 vdc to
the six operating modules as follows:26 vac is
supplied to the yaw (YDM),rudder ratio changer
(RRCM) and spoiler control modules(CSM) as
reference power and as excitation power to the
yaw demper,control wheel, speedbrake lever, and
ratio changer rotary and linear variable
differential transformers (RVDT/LVDT). The
spoiler actuator LVDTs receive excitation power
from the PSM through the SCM. PSM one in
each CSEU supplies 26 vac power with automatic
.failure changeover to PSM two
vdc is supplied by both CSEU PSMs to the 5-
.YDM and SAM for microprocessor operation
vdc is supplied to all the modules 15 -|+
for card and electrohydraulic servo valve

For Training Purposes 6

For Training Purposes CSEU Power Distribution 7

General following loss of one PSM or single component

failures within a PSM. Power changeover relays
are provided in the PSMs such that PSM one
Dual power supply modules (PSM) provide + 5 vdc, normally provides 26 vac to the operating
+/-15 vdc and 26 vac power to the six operating modules and associated RVDT/LVDTs with
modules in each control system electronic unit switching to PSM two, 26 vac output, controlled
(CSEU). Either PSM in each CSEU can meet the by the dual monitor channels, in event of out of
.power requirements for that unit tolerance 26 vac from PSM one. There are
Power monitors for each type of power: +/-15 vdc, 5
.vdc, and 26 VAC
A converter receives 115 vac and outputs 5 vdc and In addition to controlling 26 vac changeover the dual
+/-19 vdc. A transformer provides 26 vac monitor channels in each PSM provide reset,
directly from 115 vac. The 19 vdc inputs are valid and fail annunciation to the operating
provided to the regulators, for generation of +/-15 :modules and the EICAS as follows
vdc power. Dual 28 vdc inputs are provided to RESET: Provides status, on or off, of the 5 vdc -
the monitors for operating power. (The 19 vdc output to the microprocessors (stab trim aileron
power provides hold-up monitor power during 28 lockout and yaw damper modules) to ensure a
vdc power interrupts.) proper power up sequence. On power down (loss
of 115 vac to PSMs), a reset discrete to these
modules insures microprocessor reset prior to loss
Operation .of 5 vdc power

PSM 5 vdc and or +/15 vdc outputs are combined in

each CSEU such that power continuity is
maintained to the loads

For Training Purposes 8

Operation (cont) vac power. After unlatch, with 5 vdc in tolerance, the
"FLT CONT ELEC" message will clear and the
module fault LED can be reset by pressing the
Valid: 5 vdc, +/-15 vdc, and 26 vac output monitors - reset button below the LED. The PSM can only
provide a valid signal to the operating modules .output 26 vac during converter shutdown
(except ratio changer which only uses 15 vdc for
test). Loss of valid output inhibits fault vdc out of tolerance causes the message and 15
.annunciation on the operating modules illumination of the module fault LED. Upon
recovery of 15 vdc to within tolerance the
Fail: Loss of valid output caused by an output -
message will clear. The MODULE FAULT LED
monitor trip, will result in a fail output discrete must be reset by the reset switch. (5 volts and 26
with an EICAS annunciation message "L/R FLT volts ac are not affected.)
CONT ELEC" on the maintenance page (30 sec.
time delay) and setting of the module fault LED. vac out of tolerance causes the message, tripping of 26
Removal of one PSM will also cause a fail internal solid-state circuit breakers, and
.annunciation on the remaining PSM illumination of a 26 VAC fault LED. If PSM one,
26 vac for the CSEU will be changed to PSM
two. Upon recovery of valid 26 vac the message
Maintenance Practices will clear (if PSM one, 26 vac would change from
PSM two). The 26 VAC fault LED must be reset
vdc out of tolerance causes converter shutdown 5 - by pressing the reset button below the LED.
(latched), the fault message and illumination of Pressing the reset buttons will close internal
the module fault LED. Converter shutdown can solid-state circuit breakers. (5 vdc and 15 vdc are
be unlatched by pressing the reset button below .not affected)
the module fault LED or cycling PSM 115

For Training Purposes 9

For Training Purposes CSEU – Power Supply Module 10
CSEU FAULT ANNUNCIATION Amber Lights/Alert Messages

Fault Balls/Maintenance Messages In addition to specific faultball annunciation, the

CSEU modules can illuminate amber lights and
The module faceplates have windows containing fault EICAS caution and advisory messages for
balls. (The power supply, yaw damper and failures affecting system operation. Details for
spoiler control modules have LED fault display these lights/messages are covered in the
rather than faultballs.) The fault balls are yellow .appropriate section of this manual
on one half and black on the other half. Normally
the black half is visible, but if a fault is detected
the ball will be electrically pulsed and
magnetically latched to show the yellow half. A
label above the faultball will indicate the specific
input or component which is faulted. In addition,
a latched EICAS maintenance message will
identify the type of module in the control system
electronic units (CSEU) which has a latched
Each module has a faultball maintenance RESET
switch. Some modules also have the capability to
automatically reset faultballs. The specific details
of setting and resetting faultballs will be covered
.in the appropriate sections of this manual

For Training Purposes 11

For Training Purposes CSEU Fault Annunciation 12

General These inputs are used to control fault annunciation

when an actuator fails to respond to command
The control system electronic unit (CSEU) modules use due to low hydraulic system pressure. The SCMs
air/ground relay and hydraulic pressure switch use hydraulic pressure signals from the hydraulic
discrete inputs for control of fault annunciation and systems to reset fault latches. The three SCMs
.system operation that control actuators powered by the center
hydraulic system also use the ram air turbine
(RAT) pressure switch signal to reset fault
Air/Ground Relay Inputs latches. Each SAM also receives a hydraulic
pressure signal from the hydraulic system
Four air/ground relays provide three separate air/ground powering the hydraulic motor controlled by the
signals to the spoiler (SCM), yaw damper (YDM) other SAM for control of a fault message and
and stabilizer trim/aileron lockout (SAM) modules. .light
Three inputs enable these modules to perform
control functions after failure of one air/ground
input, using the two inputs in agreement. The
rudder ratio changer module (RRCM) uses
air/ground inputs only for a ground test function
.and receives two air/ground inputs

Hydraulic Pressure Switch Inputs

Each CSEU module receives hydraulic pressure switch
signals from the hydraulic system(s) that powers
.the actuators/motors the module controls

For Training Purposes 13

For Training Purposes CSEU Air/Ground And Hydraulic Discrete Inputs 14

Three flap stabilizer position modules (FSPM) provide

flap retracted discrete signals to the stabilizer trim
aileron lockout modules (SAM) for control of the
mach trim stabilizer trim function. Three inputs
are used to enable continued operation with one
.signal failed
The FSPMs provide flaps in landing position discrete
signals to the spoiler control modules (SCM) for
programming of spoiler panel control wheel
operation. Each SCM subchannel A, B and C
receives a flap position signal from a different

For Training Purposes 15

For Training Purposes CSEU Flap Position Discrete Inputs 16
For Training Purposes 17

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