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Art Movements - P-WPS Office

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Art Movements/

"Modern Artwork"
Initial Question
What is
Modern A
Modern art includes artistic w
ork produced during the period
extending roughly from the 186
0s to the 1970s, and denotes t
he styles and philosophies of
the art produced during that e
ra. The term is usually associ
ated with art in which the tra
ditions of the past have been
thrown aside in a spirit of ex
Who are the
famous moder
n artist?
Vincent van Gogh
Dutch painter

Edvard Munch

Andy Warhol
American artist
Who is Vincent
Van Gogh in mo
dern artwork?
• Vincent Willem van Gogh was
a Dutch post-impressionist pa
inter who posthumously beca
me one of the most famous a
nd influential figures in the hi
story of Western art.
• In a decade, he created abou
t 2,100 artworks, including ar
ound 860 oil paintings, most
of which date from the last t
wo years of his life.
• He struggle with mental ill
ness and he was admitted.
• During that day,the master
piece depicts the night vie
w outside the window of V
an Gogh's room.
• The"starry night" is one of
the most famous painting
by Vincent Van Gogh.
The Starry
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Location: The Museum of
Modern Art
Subject: Saint-Rémy-de-Pr
Medium: Oil Paint
Created: June 1889
Periods: Post-Impressioni
sm, Modern art
The Starry Nig
Painting by Vi
ncent van Gogh
• It shows the artist inter
est in astronomy and a
study made by the Griffi
th Park.
• It is one of the painting
that is recognize in the
history of Western Art.
• It is regardedas one of t
he greatest works in mo
dern art.
Try to t
If you have giv
en a chance t
o interpret thi
s modern art
work,what wo
uld it be?
If you have given a chance to interpre
t this modern artwork,what would it be?

Your own Interpretation Artist Interpretation

".... "Starry night conveys stron
g feelings of hope through t
he bright lights of the stars
shining down over the dark
landscape and night. In 188
8, Van Gogh wrote a person
al letter which described;
“a great starlit vault of heav
en… one can only call God”.
Try to t
How about th
e Art Element
s composition
How about the Art Elements c
Your own Interpretation Artist Interpretation
... "The night sky depicted in the
Starry Night painting is brimm
ing with whirling clouds, shini
ng stars, and a bright crescent
moon. These internal element
s ensure fluidity and such con
tours were important for the
artist even though they were
becoming less significant for o
ther Impressionists at this tim
Who is Andy Warh
ol in modern art
Andy Warhol
American artist

• Andy Warhol was an Am

erican artist, film directo
r, and producer who was
a leading figure in the vis
ual art movement know
n as pop art.
• His artwork in modern ar
t was Marilyn Monroe,a
n american actress.
Marilyn Diptych
Painting by And
y Warhol
Artist: Andy Warhol
Created: 1962
Medium Acrylic pai
nt on canvas
Dimensions 205.44
cm × 289.56 cm (80.
88 in × 114.00 in)
Marilyn Diptych
Painting by Andy
• Andy Warhol,acclaimed as the
pope of art,made this masterpi
ece which contains fifty images
of the actress.
• All the images are based on the
same publicity photograph from
the 1953 film Niagara.
• It is an iconic work of pop art,a
movement marked by use of re
cognizable imagery from popula
r culture like advertisements,cel
ebrities and comic book charact
Marilyn Diptych
Painting by And
y Warhol
• It is also the best known mas
terpiece of Andy Warhol and
the most famous painting by
an American Artist.
• In 2004,it was named the thi
rd most influential piece of
modern art in a survey of 50
0 artists,curators,critics and
dealers,which was commissi
on by the sponsor of the tur
ner price.
Marilyn Diptych
Painting by Andy Warhol
END of Present
• https://www.theartstory.org/definition
• https://www.vangoghgallery.com/painti
• https://www.khanacademy.org/humani

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