Chapter Five: Systems of Linear Algebric Equations
Chapter Five: Systems of Linear Algebric Equations
Chapter Five: Systems of Linear Algebric Equations
file: matrix.ppt p. 1
System of Linear Equations
• We have focused our last lectures on
finding a value of x that satisfied a single
f(x) = 0
• Now we will deal with the case of
determining the values of x1, x2, .....xn, that
simultaneously satisfy a set of equations
file: matrix.ppt p. 2
System of Linear Equations
• Simultaneous equations
f1(x1, x2, .....xn) = 0
f2(x1, x2, .....xn) = 0
f3(x1, x2, .....xn) = 0
• Methods will be for linear equations
a11x1 + a12x2 +...... a1nxn =c1
a21x1 + a22x2 +...... a2nxn =c2
file: matrix.ppt p. 5
Note the consistent
column 3 scheme with subscripts
denoting row,column
a11 a12 a13 ... a1n
a a22 a23 ... a2 n
A 21
row 2
. . . .
a am3 ... amn
m1 am2
file: matrix.ppt p. 6
Row vector: m=1
B b1 b2 ....... bn
c a11 a12 a13
C . A a21 a22 a23
. a31 a32 a33
file: matrix.ppt p. 7
The diagonal consist of the elements
• Symmetric matrix
• Diagonal matrix
• Identity matrix
• Upper triangular matrix
• Lower triangular matrix
• Banded matrix
file: matrix.ppt p. 8
Symmetric Matrix
5 1 2
A 1 3 7 Does a23 = a32 ?
2 7 8
Yes. Check the other elements
on your own.
file: matrix.ppt p. 9
Diagonal Matrix
a11 0 0 0
0 a22 0 0
0 0 a33 0
0 0 0 a44
file: matrix.ppt p. 10
Identity Matrix
file: matrix.ppt p. 11
Upper Triangle Matrix
file: matrix.ppt p. 12
Lower Triangular Matrix
5 0 0
A 1 3 0
2 7 8
file: matrix.ppt p. 13
Banded Matrix
file: matrix.ppt p. 14
Matrix Operating Rules
• Addition/subtraction
add/subtract corresponding terms
aij + bij = cij
• Addition/subtraction are commutative
[A] + [B] = [B] + [A]
• Addition/subtraction are associative
[A] + ([B]+[C]) = ([A] +[B]) + [C]
file: matrix.ppt p. 15
Matrix Operating Rules
• Multiplication of a matrix [A] by a scalar g
is obtained by multiplying every element of
[A] by g
ga11 ga12 . . . ga 1n
ga ga22 . . . ga2 n
. . . . . .
B g A
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
gam1 gam2 . . . gamn
file: matrix.ppt p. 16
Matrix Operating Rules
• The product of two matrices is represented as
[C] = [A][B]
c ij a ik b kj
k 1
file: matrix.ppt p. 17
Simple way to check whether
matrix multiplication is possible
exterior dimensions conform to dimension of resulting matrix
interior dimensions
must be equal
file: matrix.ppt p. 18
Matrix multiplication
• If the dimensions are suitable, matrix
multiplication is associative
([A][B])[C] = [A]([B][C])
• If the dimensions are suitable, matrix
multiplication is distributive
([A] + [B])[C] = [A][C] + [B][C]
• Multiplication is generally not commutative
[A][B] is not equal to [B][A]
file: matrix.ppt p. 19
Inverse of [A]
A A 1
file: matrix.ppt p. 20
Inverse of [A]
A A 1
Transpose of [A]
a11 a21 . . . am1
a a22 . . . am2
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
a1n a2 n . . . amn
file: matrix.ppt p. 21
Denoted as det A or A
for a 2 x 2 matrix a b
ad bc
c d
a b
ad bc
c d
file: matrix.ppt p. 22
a11 a12 a13
a22 a23 a21 a23 a21 a22
D a21 a22 a23 a11 a12 a13
a32 a33 a31 a33 a31 a32
a31 a32 a33
file: matrix.ppt p. 23
Calculate the determinant of the following 3x3 matrix.
First, calculate it using the 1st row (the way you probably
have done it all along).
1 7 9
4 3 2
6 1 5
file: matrix.ppt p. 24
Properties of Determinants
• det A = det AT
• If all entries of any row or column is zero,
then det A = 0
• If two rows or two columns are identical,
then det A = 0
file: matrix.ppt p. 25
How to represent a system of
linear equations as a matrix
[A]{X} = {C}
file: matrix.ppt p. 26
0.3 x1 0.52 x2 x3 0.01
0.5 x1 x2 1.9 x3 0.67
0.1x1 0.3 x2 0.5 x3 0.44
A{ X } {C}
file: matrix.ppt p. 27
Practical application
• Consider a problem in structural engineering
• Find the forces and reactions associated with
a statically determinant truss
30 60
2 60
file: matrix.ppt p. 29
Determine where you are
evaluating tension/compression
F1 90
2 60
file: matrix.ppt p. 30
1000 kg
Label forces at the hinge
and roller
F1 90
H2 2 30
file: matrix.ppt p. 31
1000 kg
F1 90
H2 2 30
F 0
file: matrix.ppt p. 32
Node 1 F1,V
30 60 F1,H
F 0 F1 cos 30
F3 cos 60
F 0 F1 sin 30
F3 sin 60
file: matrix.ppt p. 33
Node 2
F 0 H2 F2 F1 cos 30
F 0 V2 F1 sin 30
file: matrix.ppt p. 34
Node 3
F 0 F3 cos 60
F 0 F3 sin 60
file: matrix.ppt p. 35
F1 cos 30 F3 cos 60 0
F1 sin 30 F3 sin 60 1000
H 2 F2 F1 cos 30 0
V2 F1 sin 30 0
F3 cos 60 F2 0
F3 sin 60 V3 0 SIX EQUATIONS
file: matrix.ppt p. 36
Do some book keeping
F1 F2 F3 H2 V2 V3
1 -cos30 0 cos60 0 0 0 0
3 cos30 1 0 1 0 0 0
4 sin30 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 -1 -cos60 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 sin60 0 0 1 0
file: matrix.ppt p. 37
This is the basis for your matrices and the equation
0.866 0 0.5 0 0 0 F1 0
0.5 0 0.866 0 0 0 F 1000
0.866 1 0 1 0 0 F3 0
0.5 0 0 0 1 0 H 0
0 1 0.5 0 0 0 V2 0
0 0 0.866 0 0 1 V 0
file: matrix.ppt p. 38
Matrix Methods
• Gauss elimination
• Matrix inversion
• Gauss Seidel
• LU decomposition
a11 a12 a13
A a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33
file: matrix.ppt p. 39
Graphical Method
2 equations, 2 unknowns
a11 x1 a12 x2 c1 x2
a21 x1 a22 x2 c2
( x1, x2 )
a11 c1
x2 x1
a12 a12
a21 c2
x2 x1
a22 a22 x1
file: matrix.ppt p. 40
3x1 2 x2 18
x1 2 x2 2
x2 x1 9 (4,3)
2 2
x2 x1 1 2
2 1
Check: 3(4) + 2(3) = 12 + 6 = 18
file: matrix.ppt p. 41
Special Cases
• No solution x2
• Infinite solution
• Ill-conditioned ( x1, x2 )
file: matrix.ppt p. 42
a) No solution - same slope f(x)
f(x) x
b) infinite solution
-1/2 x1 + x2 = 1
-x1 +2x2 = 2
c) ill conditioned f(x)
so close that the points of
intersection are difficult to
detect visually
file: matrix.ppt p. 43
Let’s consider how we know if the system is
ill-conditions. Start by considering systems
where the slopes are identical
• If the determinant is zero, the slopes are
a 11 x 1 a 12 x 2 c1
a 21 x 1 a 22 x 2 c2
file: matrix.ppt p. 44
a11 c1
x2 x1
a12 a12
a21 c2
x2 x1
a22 a22
a11 a21
a12 a22 Isn’t this the determinant?
a11a22 a21a12 a11 a12
a11a22 a21a12 0 det A
a21 a22
file: matrix.ppt p. 45
If the determinant is zero the slopes are equal.
This can mean:
- no solution
- infinite number of solutions
file: matrix.ppt p. 46
37.2 4.7 x1 22
19.2 2.5 x 12
file: matrix.ppt p. 47
Cramer’s Rule
• Not efficient for solving large numbers of
linear equations
• Useful for explaining some inherent
problems associated with solving linear
file: matrix.ppt p. 48
Cramer’s Rule
b1 a12 a13 a11 b1 a13
1 1
x1 b2 a22 a23 x2 a21 b2 a23
b3 a32 a33 a13 b3 a33
to solve for
xi - place {b} in
the ith column
file: matrix.ppt p. 49
Cramer’s Rule
b1 a12 a13 a11 b1 a13
1 1
x1 b2 a22 a23 x2 a21 b2 a23
b3 a32 a33 a13 b3 a33
to solve for
xi - place {b} in
a11 a12 b1 the ith column
x3 a21 a22 b2
a13 a32 b3 file: matrix.ppt p. 50
Cramer’s Rule
b1 a12 a13 a11 b1 a13
1 1
x1 b2 a22 a23 x2 a21 b2 a23
b3 a32 a33 a31 b3 a33
file: matrix.ppt p. 51
Use of Cramer’s Rule
2 x1 3x2 5
x1 x2 5
2 3 x1 5
1 1 x 5
file: matrix.ppt p. 52
Elimination of Unknowns
( algebraic approach)
a11x1 a12 x2 c1
a 21x1 a 22 x2 c2
file: matrix.ppt p. 53
Elimination of Unknowns
( algebraic approach)
a21a11 x1 a2`1a12 x2 a2`1c1 SUBTRACT
a21a11 x1 a11a22 x2 a11c2
a22 c1 a12 c2
a11a22 a12 a21
file: matrix.ppt p. 54
Gauss Elimination
• One of the earliest methods developed for
solving simultaneous equations
• Important algorithm in use today
• Involves combining equations in order to
eliminate unknowns
file: matrix.ppt p. 55
Blind (Naive) Gauss Elimination
• Technique for larger matrix
• Same principals of elimination
- manipulate equations to eliminate an unknown
from an equation
- Solve directly then back-substitute into one of
the original equations
file: matrix.ppt p. 56
Two Phases of Gauss Elimination
a11 a12 a13 | c1
a Forward
a 22 a23 | c2
21 Elimination
a31 a 32 a33 | c3
Note: the prime indicates
a11 a12 a13 | c1 the number of times the
0 element has changed from
a 22 '
a 23 | c2'
'' ''
the original value.
0 0 a 33 | c3
file: matrix.ppt p. 57
Two Phases of Gauss Elimination
a11 a12 a13 | c1
0 '
a22 '
a23 | c2'
'' ''
0 0 a33 | c3 Back substitution
x3 ''
c '
2 a123 x3
c1 a12 x2 a13 x3
file: matrix.ppt p. 58
file: matrix.ppt p. 59
• The first part of the procedure is forward
Multiply the first Eq. by(0.1)/3 and subtract the
result from the second Eq. to give:
file: matrix.ppt p. 61
Solution cont.
• We can now solve these equations by back
First, Eq. nine can be solved for
file: matrix.ppt p. 62
• Finally, x3 and x2 can be substituted into
first Eq.:
file: matrix.ppt p. 63
Pitfalls of the Elimination
• Division by zero
• Round off errors
magnitude of the pivot element is small compared to other elements
• Ill conditioned systems
file: matrix.ppt p. 64
Division by Zero
• When we normalize i.e. a12/a11 we need to
make sure we are not dividing by zero
• This may also happen if the coefficient is
very close to zero
2 x2 3x3 8
4 x1 6 x2 7 x3 3
2 x1 x2 6 x3 5
file: matrix.ppt p. 65
Techniques for Improving the
• Use of more significant figures
• Pivoting
• Scaling
a11 a12 a13 x1 b1
a22 a23 x2 b2
A x b
a13 a23 a33 x3 b3
file: matrix.ppt p. 66
Use of more significant figures
file: matrix.ppt p. 67
file: matrix.ppt p. 68
• Partial pivoting
rows are switched so that the largest element is
the pivot element
• Complete pivoting
columns as well as rows are searched for the
largest element and switched
rarely used because switching columns changes
the order of the x’s adding unjustified
complexity to the computer program
file: matrix.ppt p. 69
Division by Zero - Solution
Pivoting has been developed
to partially avoid these problems
2 x2 3x3 8 4 x1 6 x2 7 x3 3
4 x1 6 x2 7 x3 3 2 x2 3 x3 8
2 x1 x2 6 x3 5 2 x1 x2 6 x3 5
file: matrix.ppt p. 70
file: matrix.ppt p. 71
x1 0.00 x2 100
. x1 x2 1
file: matrix.ppt p. 72
(solution in notes)
file: matrix.ppt p. 73
3x2 13x3 50
2 x1 6x2 x3 45
4 x1 8x3 4
file: matrix.ppt p. 74
0 3 13 50 Pivot with equation
2 6 1 45
with largest an1
4 0 8 4
file: matrix.ppt p. 75
0 3 13 50
2 6 1 45
4 0 8 4
4 0 8 4
2 6 1 45
0 3 13 50
file: matrix.ppt p. 76
0 3 13 50
2 6 1 45
4 0 8 4
4 0 8 4
2 6 1 45
0 3 13 50
4 0 8 4 Begin developing
0 6 3 43 upper triangular matrix
0 3 13 50
file: matrix.ppt p. 77
4 0 8 4
0 6 3 43
0 3 13 50
4 0 8 4
0 6 3 43
0 0 14 .5 28.5
28.5 43 3 1.966
x3 1.966 x2 8149
14 .5 6
4 8 1.966
x1 2 .931
...end of
3 8149
. 13 1.966 50 okay
file: matrix.ppt p. 78
• Variation of Gauss elimination
• primary motive for introducing this method is that
it provides and simple and convenient method for
computing the matrix inverse.
• When an unknown is eliminated, it is eliminated
from all other equations, rather than just the
subsequent one
file: matrix.ppt p. 79
• All rows are normalized by dividing them by their
pivot elements
• Elimination step results in and identity matrix
rather than an UT matrix
file: matrix.ppt p. 80
Graphical depiction of Gauss-Jordan
a11 a12 a13 | c1 1 0 0 | c1n
a a ' '
a23 | c2' n
21 22 0 1 0 | c2
a31 a32 a33 | c3
'' ''
0 0 1 | c3 n
1 0 0 | c1n x1 c1n
0 1 0 | c2
x2 c2 n
0 0 1 | c3 n
x3 c3 n
file: matrix.ppt p. 81
Matrix Inversion
• [A] [A] -1 = [A]-1 [A] = I
• One application of the inverse is to solve
several systems differing only by {c}
[A]{x} = {c}
[A]-1[A] {x} = [A]-1{c}
[I]{x}={x}= [A]-1{c}
• One quick method to compute the inverse is
to augment [A] with [I] instead of {c}
file: matrix.ppt p. 82
Graphical Depiction of the Gauss-Jordan
Method with Matrix Inversion
a11 a12 a13 1 0 0
a Note: the superscript
a22 a23 0 1 0 “-1” denotes that
a31 a32 a33 0 0 1 the original values
1 0 0 a111 a121 a131 have been converted
1 1 1 to the matrix inverse,
0 1 0 a21 a22 a23
not 1/aij
0 0 1 1
a31 1
a 32 a33
I A 1
file: matrix.ppt p. 83
• Conservation Laws
• We considered the conservation of
force in the earlier example of a
file: matrix.ppt p. 84
Stimulus-Response Computations
• [A]{x}={c}
• [interactions]{response}={stimuli}
• Superposition
if a system subject to several different stimuli, the response
can be computed individually and the results summed to
obtain a total response
• Proportionality
multiplying the stimuli by a quantity results in the response
to those stimuli being multiplied by the same quantity
• These concepts are inherent in the scaling of terms during
the inversion of the matrix
file: matrix.ppt p. 85
Error Analysis and System
• Scale the matrix of coefficients, [A] so that the largest
element in each row is 1. If there are elements of [A]-1 that
are several orders of magnitude greater than one, it is
likely that the system is ill-conditioned.
• Multiply the inverse by the original coefficient matrix. If
the results are not close to the identity matrix, the system
is ill-conditioned.
• Invert the inverted matrix. If it is not close to the original
coefficient matrix, the system is ill-conditioned.
file: matrix.ppt p. 86
To further study the concepts of ill
conditioning, consider the norm and the
matrix condition number
file: matrix.ppt p. 87
LU Decomposition Methods
Chapter 10
• Elimination methods
Gauss elimination
Gauss Jordan
LU Decomposition Methods
file: matrix.ppt p. 88
Naive LU Decomposition
• [A]{x}={c}
• Suppose this can be rearranged as an upper
triangular matrix with 1’s on the diagonal
• [U]{x}={d}
• [A]{x}-{c}=0 [U]{x}-{d}=0
• Assume that a lower triangular matrix exists
that has the property
[L]{[U]{x}-{d}}= [A]{x}-{c}
file: matrix.ppt p. 89
Naive LU Decomposition
• [L]{[U]{x}-{d}}= [A]{x}-{c}
• Then from the rules of matrix multiplication
• [L][U]=[A]
• [L]{d}={c}
• [L][U]=[A] is referred to as the LU
decomposition of [A]. After it is
accomplished, solutions can be obtained
very efficiently by a two-step substitution
procedure file: matrix.ppt p. 90
Consider how Gauss elimination can be
formulated as an LU decomposition
file: matrix.ppt p. 91
Although not as apparent, the matrix [L] is also
produced during the step. This can be readily
illustrated for a three-equation system
a11 a12 a13 x1 c1
a a a x c
23 2 2
21 22
a31 a32 a33 x3 c3
file: matrix.ppt p. 92
a11 a12 a13 x1 c1
a 22 a 23 x 2 c2
a 31 a 32 a 33 x 3 c3
1 0 0
L f 21 1 0
f 31 f 32 1
file: matrix.ppt p. 94
[A] {x} = {c}
[U]{x}={d} {x}
file: matrix.ppt p. 95
Crout Decomposition
• Gauss elimination method involves two
major steps
forward elimination
back substitution
• Efforts in improvement focused on
development of improved elimination
• One such method is Crout decomposition
file: matrix.ppt p. 96
Crout Decomposition
Represents and efficient algorithm for decomposing [A]
into [L] and [U]
file: matrix.ppt p. 97
l11 0 0 1 u12 u13 a11 a12 a13
l l22 0 0 1 u23 a 21 a 22 a 23
l31 l32 l33 0 0 1 a 31 a 32 a 33
file: matrix.ppt p. 98
l11 0 0 1 u12 u13 a11 a12 a13
l l22 0 0 1 u23 a 21 a 22 a 23
l31 l32 l33 0 0 1 a 31 a 32 a 33
l11 a11
l11u12 a12
l11u13 a13
file: matrix.ppt p. 99
l11 a11
l11 0 0 1 u12 u13 a11 a12 a13
l11u12 a12 l
l22 0 0 1
u23 a 21 a 22
a 23
l31 l32 l33 0 0 1 a 31 a 32 a 33
l11u13 a13
a13 Once the first row of [U] is established
l11 the operation can be represented concisely
a1 j
u1 j for j 2 ,3,..... n
[U]{x}={d} {x}
file: matrix.ppt p. 104
i 1
ci lij d j
j 1
di for i 2 ,3,...... n
Back substitution recall U x d
xn dn
xi di u x
j i 1
ij j for i n 1, n 2 ,..... n
• Solve c1 a12equation
x2 a13for
x3 x2 a1n xn
x the
1 second , etc.
x1 c1 a12 0 a13 0 / a11 x '1
x2 c2 a21 x '1 a23 0 / a22 x '2
x3 c3 a31 x '1 a32 x '2 / a33 x '3
2 3 1 2
4 1 2 2
3 2 1 1
u v
1 Criteria for convergence
x x where presented earlier
u v in class material
y y for nonlinear equations.
Extended to n equations:
aii aij where j 1, n excluding j i
• if = 1unmodified
• if 0 < < 1 underrelaxation
nonconvergent systems may converge
hasten convergence by dampening out oscillations
• if 1<< 2 overrelaxation
extra weight is placed on the present value
assumption that new value is moving to the correct
solution by too slowly
file: matrix.ppt p. 122
Jacobi Iteration
• Iterative like Gauss Seidel
• Gauss-Seidel immediately uses the value of
xi in the next equation to predict x i+1
• Jacobi calculates all new values of xi’s to
calculate a set of new xi values
x1 c1 a12 x2 a13x3 / a11 x1 c1 a12 x2 a13x3 / a11
x2 c2 a 21x1 a 23x3 / a 22 x2 c2 a 21x1 a 23x3 / a 22
x3 c3 a 31x1 a 32 x2 / a 33 x3 c3 a 31x1 a 32 x2 / a 33
file: matrix.ppt p. 124
Given the following augmented matrix, complete
one iteration of the Gauss Seidel method and the
Jacobi method.
2 3 1 2
4 1 2 2
3 2 1 1