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– Module 6: Using
Simple Present Tense
What I Know
Put a check (/) if the form of the verb used in the sentence is correct, and
put a cross (x) if the verb is incorrect.

1.The front liners wear face shields and

face masks to protect themselves from
the deadly virus. _______
What I Know
Put a check (/) if the form of the verb used in the sentence is
correct, and put a cross (x) if the verb is incorrect.

2. Proper handwashing protect oneself

from COVID-19. ________
What I Know
Put a check (/) if the form of the verb used in the sentence is
correct, and put a cross (x) if the verb is incorrect.

3. Alcohol kill germs and viruses.

What I Know
Put a check (/) if the form of the verb used in the sentence is correct, and
put a cross (x) if the verb is incorrect.

4. The health experts work very

hard to find a cure for COVID-
19. _
What I Know
Put a check (/) if the form of the verb used in the sentence is correct, and
put a cross (x) if the verb is incorrect.

5. Disinfectants prevent the

virus to spread.
What’s In
Write the correct form of the verb.
(drink) 1. Nowadays, people ______vitamins.
(help) 2. The doctors and nurses _____the covid-19
19 patients.
(try ) 3. Scientists _______ to discover the cure for the
deadly virus.
(remind ) 4. My mother always ___me to wear face mask
and face shield.
( pray ) 5. We ____hard to keep us safe from the virus.
Lets Study
The band marches down the street.
The girl watches the band from the window.
The procession passes our street.
The vendor crosses the street.
Grandfather mingle with the crowd to see the band.
Lets Study
Singular Subject Singular Simple present Tense
The band marches
The girl passes
The procession crosses
The vendor watches
Grandfather mingle
Lets Study
People in the street cheer in gladness.

Parishioners join the procession.

Boys and girls enjoy to the music of the band.

Band members play music in unison.

Children and adults like the fiesta celebration

Lets Study
Plural Subject Plural Simple present Tense
People cheer
Parishioners join
Children enjoy
Band members play
Children and adults like
Use a verb that ends in s or es when the noun
or pronoun subjects is singular, except when
the subject is You or I. Use the simple or base
form of the verb when talking about two or
more persons or things.
Lets Practice
A. Copy the correct verb in the parenthesis to complete each
sentence. Do this in your notebook.
1.Tina (sell, sells) fruits everyday.
2. Carlo (go, goes) home at lunchtime.
3. Mother (buy, buys) different kinds of fruits.
4. Ann (chose, chooses) two ripe avocados for her
5. I like to (eat, eats) a big red apple.
Lets Practice
A. Copy the correct verb in the parenthesis to complete each
sentence. Do this in your notebook.
6. We (need, needs) to eat fruits everyday.
7. They (wake, wakes) up early and prepare themselves
for school.
8. Dan (return, returns) to school for the continuation of
classes after lunch.
9. The farmers in Bulacan (supply, supplies) rice in the
10. Father (read, reads) the newspaper every morning.
What did we learn today?
Activity 1: Box the correct form of the verb.
1.Jhun and I (go, goes) to church every
2. He (drive, drives) the car carefully.
3. Every day, my mother (cook, cooks) my
favorite food.
4. I (submit, submits) my project on time.
5. Aling Simang (leave, leaves) the house
Activity 2: Copy the correct verb in the parenthesis to complete
each sentence
________ (wake, wakes) up early every morning.

2. Our helper __________ (prepare, prepares)

breakfast for us.
3. My sister __________ (take, takes) her bath early
every weekdays.
4. My classmates __________ (stay, stays) near our
5. We _________ (walk, walks) together in going to
Asynchronous Activities

Activity 3- page 6
What I Have Learned page 7
What Can I do page 7
Assessment page 8
Day 2

– Module 6: Using
Simple Present
When do we used present
tense of verb?
When do we add s or es to
the verb?
When do we used the base
form of the verbs?
Activity 3: Supply a correct verb form to tell what each picture

1. The children ____ at

the park happily.
Activity 3: Supply a correct verb form to tell what each picture

2. The cat ___the mouse

every night.
Activity 3: Supply a correct verb form to tell what each picture

3. The little boy

______ to read books.
Activity 3: Supply a correct verb form to tell what each picture

4. My friends _______
gracefully during our
Activity 3: Supply a correct verb form to tell what each picture

5. My little sister
___well every night.
Here are your key take-aways in this
module. Fill in the sentences with what What I Have Learned
you have learned so far.

1. I have learned that simple present tense of the verb is

2. I have also learned that if the subject is singular, the verb
3. And if the subject is plural, the verb ________________
4. I learned a lot today and felt _____________
What I Can Do
Read the paragraph carefully. Then encircle the correct
verb as you go along
Someone (knock, knocks) at the door. Carmela (run, runs) to
open it. A lot of her friends (shout, shouts). “Congratulations!”
She (smile, smiles) at them. “Why do you have to congratulate
me?”, she (ask, asks). “You (win, wins) in the electronic raffle.”
Then they (give, gives) the new mobile phone to Carmela. She
(seem, seems) to be so happy.
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb inside
the parenthesis
(bake) 1. My mother ______the cake.
( direct ) 2. The traffic enforcer _______the
vehicles in busy streets.
(live) 3. My friends _______far from our school.
(enjoy) 4. Carmina ______ shopping with her old
(choose)5. They _____the best output for their
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb inside
the parenthesis
(sell) 6. Aling Lita _____ fruits and vegetables
every morning.
(eat) 7. I ____my favorite vegetable for lunch.
(need) 8. People ____ to drink hot beverages
every night.
(croak) 9. The frog ___ very loud at night.
(obey) 10. A good boy _____her parents all the
Performance # 3
Write a paragraph about the things you
and your family enjoy doing every Sunday. Use
verbs in the present form. Underline all the
verbs used in the paragraph. Post your work in
your classwork.

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