PUSH Program 2021 - NEAP-Recognized
PUSH Program 2021 - NEAP-Recognized
PUSH Program 2021 - NEAP-Recognized
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Professional Development Priorities for Teachers SY 2020-2023
Domain 1: Content and Knowledge and Pedagogy
1.5 Developing and applying effective teaching strategies to promote
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher order thinking skills
Domain 2: Learning Environment
2.1 Exhibiting effective strategies that ensure safe and secure
learning environment to enhance learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures
2.6 Exhibiting effective and constructive behavior management skills
by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Professional Development Priorities for Teachers SY 2020-2023
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
3.3 Designing, adapting and implanting teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with disabilities, gifted and talents
3.4. Planning and delivering teaching strategies that are responsive
to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances,
including geographic isolation, chronic illness; displacement due to
armed conflict, urban resettlement or disaster; child abuse and child
labor practices
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Professional Development Priorities for Teachers SY 2020-2023
Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning
4.1 Developing and applying effective strategies in the planning and
management of developmentally sequenced teaching and learning
process for varies learning needs and contexts
4.5 Advising and guiding colleagues in the selection, organization
and development of appropriate teaching and learning resources
including ICT, to address specific learning goals
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
60 The Rise of e- At the end of the Lecture-discussion Posttest using Google Generated MA. REGAELE A.
minutes Learning: session, the using 4As strategy Form Individual OLARTE
How participants will be Results SGOD Education
Prepared Are able to assess the Use of Mentimeter Program Supervisors
We? readiness of teachers as preliminary Metrobank Most
in utilizing various activity Professional Filled-up Outstanding Teacher
tools necessary for Reflection Professional 2016
distance learning, Presentation of Reflection
and identify the videos and other
strength and related slides for
weaknesses of e- deepening of
learning and understanding
enumerate some of
the basic and Q&A Session for
intermediate digital clarification
skills that are useful
in e-learning.
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
90 Understandi At the end of the Detailed: Venn Diagram on the Filled-up Venn DR. FLORANTE C.
minutes ng the Digital session, the Lecture-discussion Characteristics of Diagram MARMETO
Natives and participants will be using 4As strategy Learners in two Principal IV
their Grasp able to distinguish different generation Certified NEAP
for Learning various Presentation of Facilitator
characteristics of the videos and other
digital natives and related slides for
their study habits, deepening of
compare and understanding
contrast learners of
two different Q&A Session for
generation who both clarification
aim for higher
learning yet acquire
knowledge in different
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
90 Creating a At the end of the Lecture- Survey checklist Generated DR. SUE ANN R.
minutes Positive session, the discussion using using Google Form answers from YAGO
Virtual participants will be 4As strategy the survey Project Development
Environment able to recognize Worksheet on the Officer
simple authentic Presentation of Ideal Virtual Learning Registered Guidance
activities that videos and other Environment Answered Counselor (RGC)
promote positive related slides for Worksheet on
virtual environment deepening of the Ideal Virtual
and distinguish understanding Learning
online norms and/or Environment
netiquettes to be Q&A Session for
observed in clarification
conducting online
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
90 Getting At the end of the Lecture- Interactive Game Generated MR. SHERWIN G.
minutes Acquainted session, the discussion using using Kahoot. result from LOMEDA
with the participants will be 4As strategy Interactive EdTech Specialist
Google able to identify Game via CO-Education
Advantage different Google Apps Presentation of Kahoot. Technology Unit
for learning and list videos and other
down advance related slides for
functions of several deepening of
google apps in understanding
enhancing learner
engagement and Online Games for
performance. Enrichment
Q&A Session for
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
90 Practice At the end of the Lecture- Self-Assessed Generated JOSEPH D. NILO
minutes Perfect in session, the discussion using Hand-on Activity Individual Data Education Program
Utilizing participants will be 4As strategy Checklist on the Specialist, M&E
Google Apps able to apply their Self-Assessed Google Certified
for Learning learnings on different Presentation of Hand-on Educator Level 1
Google apps for videos and other Activity
learning such as related slides for Checklist
creation of drills deepening of
using Google understanding
Jamboard, writing
review items using Online Games for
Google form and Enrichment
sharing ideas with the
use of Google Sheet, Q&A Session for
etc. clarification
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
60 #TeachTECH At the end of the Modeling of KWL Graphic Filled-up KWL JOSEPH D. NILO
minutes Share to session, the presentation by the Organizer Graphic Education Program
Learn participants will be facilitator Organizer Specialist, M&E
Session able to acquire Google Certified
significant tips in Presentation and Educator Level 1
utilizing Google apps positive critiquing
in enhancing learner of outputs of the
engagement and participants
Sharing of ideas
Q&A Session for
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
120 Educational At the end of the Lecture-discussion Online Cloze Test Generated KRISTINE JOAN DA..
minutes Apps for session, the using 4As strategy individual data BARREDO
Effective and participants will be from the cloze Master Teacher I
Engaging able to identify and Presentation of test Google Certified
Learning apply different videos and other Educator Level 1,
educational online related slides for
apps for learners deepening of
active engagement understanding
and tracking of
attendance such as: Online Cloze Test
∙ MyClass for assessment of
Attendance understanding
∙ A+Teacher's Aide
∙ Attendink Q&A Session for
∙ Edevo Teacher clarification
∙ TeacherKit
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Durati Session Assessment Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs Learning
on Objectives Strategies
120 Educational At the end of the Lecture-discussion Posttest via Google Generated RANDY M. VARGAS
minutes Apps for session, the using 4As strategy Form individual data IT Officer I
High participants will be from the Google Google Certified
Performance able to identify and Presentation of Form Educator Level 2
apply different videos and other
educational online related slides for
apps to elevate deepening of
learners performance understanding
such as:
∙ Kahoot Short quiz via
∙ Thinkific Google Form for
∙ Mentimeter assessment of
∙ Quiiziz understanding
∙ Cram Q&A Session for
∙ Cognifit clarification
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers
Levels of Methods and Schedule of Person/s User of M and E
Indicators Data Sources Resources
M&E Tools M and E Responsible Data
RESULTS Learners Analytics on MPS Training Internet All concerned
Performance Learners Facilitator connection
Performance Assessment data
Classroom TWG Google Forms
Assessment FGD results
Focus Group Guide Questions
Discussion April 15-16,
BEHAVIOR Activity Observation Sheet Observation Training Internet All concerned
participation and Structured results Facilitator connection
output Interview
compliance Follow-up Survey Interview data TWG Observation Sheet
Survey data
LEARNING Level of Knowledge and Assessment Training Internet All concerned
awareness and Skill Assessment, Results Facilitator connection
understanding on Skill
the content of Demonstration, Skill inventory TWG Google Forms
1-3, 2021
the topic and Reflection data
Reflection rubric
REACTION Participants Experience Survey Processed data Training Internet All concerned
experiences about from the survey. Facilitator connection
the topic
#2021PUSHProgram 1-3, 2021
TWG Survey
NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Training for Teachers Questionnaire
Things to Accomplish:
Slide Deck (PowerPoint)
1. Title, Name of the RS/Faci, Designation
2. Terminal Objective and Enabling Objective
3. Activity
4. Analysis
5. Abstraction
6. Application
7. Closing Statement
Considerations on Preparing the Slide Deck (PowerPoint)
Font: Book Old Style
Title: 40 font size, bold
Heading: 32 to 36 font size, bold
Sub heading: 24-28 font size, NOT bold
Number if word per slide with graphic: 20-32 words
Number of word per slide without graphic: 50 to 60 words
**Never compromise readability over design
**Omit unnecessary graphics
**Stand for simplicity; focus on the content
Worksheet / Professional Reflection / Cloze / Post/Pretest
(Google Form/Word File)
Font: Book Old Style
Title: 16 font size, bold
Heading: 12 italicized, NOT bold
Sub heading: 11 font size, NOT bold
Number of questions / ideas per sheet: Maximum of 5
**No graphics / picture except for the SmartArt, if applicable
**Answer key must be provided
Thank you.