Socanth Report
Socanth Report
Socanth Report
Report of: BSN701/801 Dacumos, Jhoanna Solana, Grace Miguel, Bernard Bernas, Ruel Dacua, Jumar Labio, Mitch
Social Classes - economic separation between the rich and the poor 2 Types: a. Rich/Upper Class -enjoy highest levels of health -have access to medical specialists -live an active life
b. Poor/Lower Class -live in unhealthy envt -dont have time to recreational activities -no access to medical facilities
Race and Ethnicity - major issues that influence inequality of healthcare in the society residential segregation = forces many members of minority groups into crowded urban areas with unhealthy environments, few physicians, and inadequate health facilities Nice to know: * individuals who belong to racial and ethnic minorities are less concerned about their health because of inferiority complex * The reasons why racial and ethnic groups have limited access to healthcare is because there are only few healthcare professionals who belong to their group
Gender 2 Conspicous Reality: -most physicians are male -most nurses and staffs are female
Social Epidemiology
Macionis - the study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a societys population Age, sex and health -the decrease of mortality and morbidity rates was brought about by the successful breakthroughs in medicine and nursing Although death is rare among young people, there are two notable exceptions that must be considered: Accidents as men mature, they become adventurous and individualistic which results in higher rates of accidents, suicide and violence AIDS
-some local sociologists believe that the AIDS virus originated from Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) Theories of transmission: conspiracy theory oral polio vaccine hunter theory contaminated needle theory colonialism theory
Nature HIV is a kind of virus that causes AIDS AIDS refers to the effect of HIV which attacks the bodys immune system AIDS and HIV are collectively known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases Persons who are susceptible to the disease: homosexuals drug users underwent blood transfusion human Physical effects of AIDS high fever swollen lymph nodes meningitis
Complications: Kaposis sarcoma Pneumonia Mycobacterium avium Possible treatments it should be made clear that there is no cure for this disease pills that can delay the progress of HIV inside the immune system: - antiretroviral medication - azidothymidine (AZT)
Kaposis Sarcoma
AIDS Patient with Pneumonia
Genital Warts
2. Health Insurance
-the decency of an individuals health insurance depends on ones social class -the gap between the rich and the poor encompasses a wide range of contexts within the human life
3. Cigarette smoking
it is the major single cause of cancer mortality in the U.S. a manifestation of masculinity cigarette smokers: adults and high school & middle school students in the Philippines, about 60% of Filipino men smoke there are no laws prohibiting minors from buying cigarettes many vendors of cigarettes are children
4. Eating Disorders
A. Anorexia Nervosa - the refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimum normal weight for age & height -intense fear of gaining weight, even though underweight Two Types: restricting type bingebinge-eating Common behaviors of an anorexic individual -insidious -perfectionist and introverted with problems related to self-esteem & selfpeer relationships -may or may not lose their appetites
B. Bulimia nervosa Two Types purging type engages in self-induced vomiting or the use of selflaxatives, diuretics/enemas nonnon-purging type uses strict diet, or vigorous exercises Characteristics of bulimics -recurrent episodes of binge eating -feeling of lack of control over eating behaviors during eating binges -recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior -binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors -self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight self-
Preventing Illness
How can we prevent ourselves from getting life-threatening lifediseases? a.reassess our habits b. weight management c. three levels of illness prevention: medical prevention structural prevention behavioral prevention
Parasitic/Infectious Dse.
Leishmaniasis it is caused by infection with Leishmania parasites
Amoebiasis refers to the gastrointestinal infection that may or may not be symptomatic
Filariasis a parasitic and infectious tropical disease that is caused by threadlike filarial nematode worms
pneumonia a serious infection that affects the air sacs in the lungs, resulting to significant reduction in oxygenation measles - is easily and very rapidly transmitted through air or direct contact
Maternal Age
There is a high risk pregnancy when the mother: - is in her teens or older than 40 years old -if the interval between births is less than two years -has given birth for more than seven times
international societies advocating for breastfeeding believe that it should not be replaced by cows milk or formula milk