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By Steven Davies

Frontrunner 6
Listening 1

Listen to the TV show. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. There are two contestants on the TV show. True/False

2. Each contestant has to cook three dishes. True/False

3. Jack rarely cooks at home. True/False

4. The contestants can only use the ingredients in the bag. True/False

5. There is just one onion in each bag. True/False

Listening 1 (answers)

Listen to the TV show. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. There are two contestants on the TV show. True/False

2. Each contestant has to cook three dishes. True/False

3. Jack rarely cooks at home. True/False

4. The contestants can only use the ingredients in the bag. True/False

5. There is just one onion in each bag. True/False

Listening 2
Jack Dishes
Starter: __________________________________ Carrot and onion salad
Main: ____________________________________ Chocolate and orange mousse
Dessert: _________________________________
Pancakes with chocolate sauce
Chicken breast filled with cream cheese
Starter: __________________________________
Pasta with creamy chicken sauce
Main: ____________________________________
Carrot and orange soup
Dessert: _________________________________
Listening 2 (answers)
Jack Dishes
Starter: Carrot and orange soup Carrot and onion salad
Main: Chicken breast filled with cream cheese Chocolate and orange mousse
Dessert: Pancakes with chocolate sauce
Pancakes with chocolate sauce
Chicken breast filled with cream cheese
Starter: Carrot and onion salad
Pasta with creamy chicken sauce
Main: Pasta with creamy chicken sauce
Carrot and orange soup
Dessert: Chocolate and orange mousse
Listening 3

Choose one of the two options.

1. The judge said that the soup/chicken needed more cream.

2. The judge said that the pancakes tasted beautiful/fantastic.

3. The judge said that the salad only needed one/two onion(s).

4. The judge said that the pasta needed more onion/salt and pepper.

5. The judge liked the mousse more than/less than the salad.

6. Jack did better/worse than Liz.

Listening 3 (answers)

Choose one of the two options.

1. The judge said that the soup/chicken needed more cream.

2. The judge said that the pancakes tasted beautiful/fantastic.

3. The judge said that the salad only needed one/two onion(s).

4. The judge said that the pasta needed more onion/salt and pepper.

5. The judge liked the mousse more than/less than the salad.

6. Jack did better/worse than Liz.

Exercise 4
Laura Bailey James DeGale Lionel Shriver
1. Drank tea and coffee for
2. Didn’t cook dinner
3. Never eats lunch
4. Doesn’t eat meat
5. Ate after exercise
6. Drank a very large coffee
7. Loves Italian food
8. Does not eat snacks
9. Ate peppers and onions
with fish.
Exercise 4 (answers)
Laura Bailey James DeGale Lionel Shriver
1. Drank tea and coffee for ✔
2. Didn’t cook dinner ✔
3. Never eats lunch ✔
4. Doesn’t eat meat ✔
5. Ate after exercise ✔
6. Drank a very large coffee ✔
7. Loves Italian food ✔
8. Does not eat snacks ✔
9. Ate peppers and onions ✔
with fish.
Exercise 5
Speaker 1 __________ a) likes to eat the food outside.

Speaker 2 __________ b) the food is eaten with a special kind of bread.

Speaker 3 __________ c) gets special offers for the food he likes.

Speaker 4 __________ d) the food has a sauce that contains a fruit.

e) the dish is served with many vegetables.

Exercise 5 (answers)
Speaker 1 e) a) likes to eat the food outside.

Speaker 2 b) b) the food is eaten with a special kind of bread.

Speaker 3 a) c) gets special offers for the food he likes.

Speaker 4 d) d) the food has a sauce that contains a fruit.

e) the dish is served with many vegetables.

Exercise 6
Fill the spaces with the missing words

1. We all need a _____________ diet.

2. It’s when you eat the right amount of food from each of the five ___________ food groups.

3. These are things like bread, __________, rice, and ___________.

4. These contain important _____________, so you need to eat something from this group with every meal.

5. We need it to grow and ____________ the body.

6. This group contains _____________, which is important for our bones and teeth.

7. The ____________ group is fats and sugars.

Exercise 6
Fill the spaces with the missing words

1. We all need a balanced diet.

2. It’s when you eat the right amount of food from each of the five different food groups.

3. These are things like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes.

4. These contain important vitamins, so you need to eat something from this group with every meal.

5. We need it to grow and repair the body.

6. This group contains calcium, which is important for our bones and teeth.

7. The last group is fats and sugars.

Exercise 7

1. Mr Cruyff wants a table for two/three.

2. The guest is not interested/interested in trying the squid.

3. The lady would rather not/rather go to another restaurant.

4. The man with the allergy would prefer/not prefer a salad to the fish.

5. The man would like a bottle of water/a beer.

6. The man is happy/is not happy with his steak.

Exercise 7 (answers)

1. Mr Cruyff wants a table for two/three.

2. The guest is not interested/interested in trying the squid.

3. The lady would rather not/rather go to another restaurant.

4. The man with the allergy would prefer/not prefer a salad to the fish.

5. The man would like a bottle of water/a beer.

6. The man is happy/is not happy with his steak.

Present Perfect
Grammar The present perfect is used to describe an
action in the past that has a present
significance. Consider the following

Jane: Would you like something to eat?

Paul: No, thank you. I have already eaten.

The action of eating happened in the past,

but it has a present significance because
Paul is trying to explain that he doesn’t
need to eat now.
Present Perfect
We also use the present perfect to
explain how many times we have
done something.

We have visited Lento’s

Restaurant five times this year.

I have tried that dish twice. It’s


This is because up until now, the

present, we have visited it a certain
number of times.
Present Perfect
We can also use the present perfect to state how long we have
done something.

This links past time to present time.

Elaine has been a vegetarian since she was 24 years old.

I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. I’m hungry.

Robert has taken vitamin tablets since he was a kid.

Present Tense
We can also use the present perfect to talk
about an action we haven’t done in the past
but that we expect to be completed soon in the
near future.

Consider the following example.

I haven’t cooked the dinner yet.

It is true that the action hasn’t happened in the

past and is incomplete in the present, but that
we expect the action to be done in the near
Present Perfect
The present perfect consists of an auxiliary verb (have) and a main verb (past participle).

Jake has eaten at the restaurant for many years.

The past participle is non-finite. It doesn’t indicate the tense, subject, or number. It simply
describes the kind of action.

The auxiliary verb is finite. It shows us the tense, subject, and number. It helps us
understand ‘where’ and by whom the action is performed. It does not tell us what kind of
action it is: the main verb does that.
Past simple/Present Perfect

Present Perfect Past Simple

They have already eaten dinner. They ate dinner an hour ago.

(They don’t need to eat now) (That is how long ago they ate)

The dog has drunk the water. The dog drank the water.

(There is nothing left now) (The dog drank it in the past)

The waiter has taken our order. The waiter took our order five minutes ago.

(That action is completed) (We are waiting)

Present Perfect
Exercise 1
1. Alfie is hungry. He didn’t eat/hasn’t eaten dinner yet.

2. Lucy drank/has drunk a cup of coffee three minutes ago.

3. I love going to that restaurant. I have been/went there three times.

4. It’s okay, waiter. We have already ordered/ordered.

5. Sir, I paid/have paid the bill 10 minutes ago.

6. Have/Did you ever been to that restaurant? What’s it like?

7. Mrs Watson hasn’t made/didn’t make the dinner yet.

Present Perfect
Exercise 1 (answers)
1. Alfie is hungry. He didn’t eat/hasn’t eaten dinner yet.

2. Lucy drank/has drunk a cup of coffee three minutes ago.

3. I love going to that restaurant. I have been/went there three times.

4. It’s okay, waiter. We have already ordered/ordered.

5. Sir, I paid/have paid the bill 10 minutes ago.

6. Have/Did you ever been to that restaurant? What’s it like?

7. Mrs Watson hasn’t made/didn’t make the dinner yet.

Present Perfect
Exercise 2
1. The chef ____________ (cook) our dinner. It is ready. Conjugate the
verbs in either the
2. The waiter ____________ (serve) the dishes. present perfect or
the past simple
3. Giles ____________ (wash) the dishes last night.

4. Michael _____________ (break) one of the plates a few minutes ago.

5. ________ David ___________ (clean) the kitchen yet?

6. ________ you ____________ (go) to a restaurant last weekend?

7. Sarah _______ already __________ (eat). She isn’t hungry.

Present Perfect
Exercise 2 (answers)
1. The chef has cooked (cook) our dinner. It is ready.

2. The waiter has served (serve) the dishes.

3. Giles washed (wash) the dishes last night.

4. Michael broke (break) one of the plates a few minutes ago.

5. Has David cleaned (clean) the kitchen yet?

6. Did you go (go) to a restaurant last weekend?

7. Sarah has already eaten (eat). She isn’t hungry.

Present Perfect
Exercise 3
Add the missing auxiliary verbs, either have/has/haven’t/hasn’t or didn’t/did

1. Andrew _______ already taken his vitamin pills.

2. _______ you take a cup of coffee this morning?

3. _______ you eaten breakfast?

4. _______ James and Ben drunk the orange juice?

5. I _________ go shopping yesterday. I had to work all day.

6. Liam _________ eat his vegetables last night, so he can’t have dessert today.

7. __________ you ever eaten at a Japanese restaurant?

8. Which fancy restaurant _________ you go to when you went on vacation?

Present Perfect
Exercise 3 (answers)
Add the missing auxiliary verbs, either have/has/haven’t/hasn’t or didn’t/did

1. Andrew has already taken his vitamin pills.

2. Did you take a cup of coffee this morning?

3. Have you eaten breakfast?

4. Have James and Ben drunk the orange juice?

5. I didn’t go shopping yesterday. I had to work all day.

6. Liam didn’t eat his vegetables last night, so he can’t have dessert today.

7. Have you ever eaten at a Japanese restaurant?

8. Which fancy restaurant did you go to when you went on vacation?

Present Perfect
Exercise 4
1. Tom has not eaten chocolate or candy for a) An action that has not been done in the past but will
probably be done in the near future.
two months.
b) An action that has been done at other instances in
2. The chef has just prepared the dinner. the past.

3. I took a cup of coffee yesterday morning. c) A recently completed action that has relevance in
the present.
4. We haven’t ordered the drinks yet.
d) An action that happened at a specific time in the
5. They have visited this restaurant eight
times. e) An action that began in the past and is still
happening now.
Present Perfect
Exercise 4
1. Tom has not eaten chocolate or candy for a) An action that has not been done in the past but will
probably be done in the near future.
two months.
b) An action that has been done at other instances in
2. The chef has just prepared the dinner. the past.

3. I took a cup of coffee yesterday morning. c) A recently completed action that has relevance in
the present.
4. We haven’t ordered the drinks yet.
d) An action that happened at a specific time in the
5. They have visited this restaurant eight
times. e) An action that began in the past and is still
happening now.
1. Sachertorte 2. Tagine 3. Spring rolls 4. Scones
Country: _________ Country: _________ Country: _________ Country: _________
Served with thick Made with pieces of Filled with raw You cut them in half
___________. It is a lamb cooked in a thick ____________ fresh and cover them with
kind of chocolate cake. sauce. It is a kind of herbs and boiled ___________ or
It has ____________ stew. It contains ________. raspberry jam. You put
jam in the middle. __________ and spices. The sauce has ______ cream on top of the
It doesn’t have juice in it to make it ___________. You can
__________ in it. sour. They are served as heat them in the
part of a meal or a _______.
1. Sachertorte 2. Tagine 3. Spring rolls 4. Scones
Country: Austria Country: Morocco Country: Vietnam Country: Britain
Served with thick Made with pieces of Filled with raw You cut them in half
cream. It is a kind of lamb cooked in a thick vegetables fresh herbs and cover them with
chocolate cake. It has sauce. It is a kind of and boiled noodles. strawberry or raspberry
apricot jam in the stew. It contains onions The sauce has lime jam. You put cream on
middle. and spices. It doesn’t juice in it to make it top of the jam. You can
have chillis in it. sour. They are served as heat them in the oven.
part of a meal or a

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