Robo Sand (2) - 2
Robo Sand (2) - 2
Robo Sand (2) - 2
Test materials
Mix design
Test carried out on materials
• test on cement:
a) fineness test of cement
b) specific gravity of cement
c) determination of standard consistency of cement
d) determination of initial and final setting time
a) specific gravity of fine aggregate
b) sieve analysis of fine aggregate
a) specific gravity of coarse aggregate
b) sieve analysis of coarse aggregate
Fine aggregate
Sand 1.725kg 1.15kg 0.575kg
Robo sand 0.575kg 1.15kg 1.725kg 2.3kg
satisfactory temperature regime. More elaborately, curing is defined as the process of maintaining satisfactory
moisture content and a favorable temperature in concrete during the period immediately following placement, so
that hydration of cement may continue until the desired properties are developed to sufficient degree to meet the
requirement at service.
• After casting, the moulded specimens are stored in the laboratory free from vibration, in moist air and room
temperature for 24 hours from the time at addition of water to the dry ingredients. After this period, the specimens
are removed from the moulds, immediately submerged in clean fresh water tank. The water in which specimens
are submerged are renewed at every 7 days and maintained at a temperature of 27+_2 degree. The specimens are