5.1 Metakaolin Based Geopolymer Brick
5.1 Metakaolin Based Geopolymer Brick
5.1 Metakaolin Based Geopolymer Brick
In this chapter, after many trials, the mix ratio of metakaolin based
geopolymer brick to attain a compressive strength of 5.5 N/mm2 was designed
to be used in masonry construction. Properties of wire cut clay bricks and
metakaolin based geopolymer bricks were tested in accordance with IS 3495
and compared for its suitability in masonry construction. The behaviour of
metakaolin brick masonry prisms and clay brick masonry prisms of different
aspect ratio constructed in 1:3 cement mortar is studied.
The demand for ordinary clay bricks leads to a search for alternate bricks
to meet the escalating demand of the construction sector. Production of clay
brick involves usage of natural resources in large quantity and there is non-
uniformity in compressive strength of bricks of different regions. In order to
produce bricks of uniform strength, factory production is resorted to using
materials of known strength. Geopolymer bricks require no firing like clay brick
or curing like commercially available flyash and cement bricks. In this study,
different mix ratios with flyash and metakaolin were studied with sand as fine
aggregate in 1:5 and 1:6 ratios. The proportions of various mix ratios of MK
modified GP brick studied is presented in Table 5.1. 50% replacement of flyash
with metakaolin in 1:6 ratio with liquid to solid ratio of 1 was selected to
produce 1000 bricks of size 190×90×90 mm and an average compressive
strength of 5.5 N/mm2.
The minimum compressive strength required for the bricks to be used for
the structural purpose is 5.5 N/mm2 according to IS 1905-1987. Metakaolin 1
was chosen for the casting of bricks as it has lower silica and high alumina and
results in the inferior quality of bricks. Two mix ratios of 1:5 and 1:6 by mass
of MK+FA and sand were identified for Metakaolin based geopolymer bricks
and in each mix ratio, the percentage of MK is varied from 0-75, and the
remaining FA was used. Using trial mixes, the average mass of material
required for a mould of 190×90×90 mm was estimated as 3.2 kg. The solid-
liquid ratio was maintained at 1. Eight different mixes were cast and tested.
12M NaOH solution and sodium silicate solution with 3.2 moduli (mass of
Na2O/SiO2=3.2) was used. The ratio between two liquids was maintained as 2.5.
Eight different types of bricks of mix MK0, MK25, M50, M75 with 1:5 and 1:6
ratio of alumina silicate precursor (FA+MK) and sand.190×90×90 mm size and
40 number of bricks were hand moulded using steel moulds. The stacking of
trial GP brick is shown in Figure 5.1
In this study, locally available clay bricks were used. They were chosen
to be wire cut bricks to have uniform size and to have consistent properties with
average size of the brick as 220 mm×90 mm×70 mm. 1000 bricks were
procured for use and broken bricks were rejected.
MK geopolymer
S.No Property Clay brick
1 Size 220×90×70 mm 190×90×90 mm
2 Compressive strength 9.5 N/mm2 5.5 N/mm2
3 Weight 3 kg 2.9 kg
4 Efflorescence Slight nil
5 Initial Rate of Absorption 0.8 Kg/m2/min 0.5 Kg/m2/min
6 Water absorption 10-15% 3-5%
7 Static E of brick 3155 MPa 2340 MPa
8 Dynamic E of brick 3210 MPa 2490 MPa
9 µ of brick 0.21 0.2
Lateral strain
Poisson's ratio (µ) =
Longitudinal strain
Time taken to travel the path length was digitally displayed. Velocity of
the pulse was calculated using
V = L/T (5.2)
ρ (1+µ) (1-2µ) V
(1-µ) (5.3)
Cement mortars of 1:3 ratio by volume were used for the construction of
clay brick masonry and metakaolin based geopolymer bricks. OPC was used for
mortar preparation and sand used was in accordance with IS 2116(1980).
Mortar Cubes of size 150 mm side were cast with water cement ratio of 0.6 in
accordance to IS 2250(1981) Code of practice for preparation and use of
masonry mortars. The compressive strength of mortar cubes was tested after 28
days of water curing in compression testing machine.
Cylinders of 150 mm diameter and 300 mm height were cast with the
mortar used and tested for Young‟s modulus using compressometer. The test
setup used for finding Young's modulus of Elasticity is shown in Figure 5.3.
The compressometer is fitted with a dial gauge of 25mm as largest deformation
and a least count of 0.01mm.
Clay bricks were soaked in water for 30 minutes before being placed in
position and used in the construction of prisms in surface dry condition. 10mm
mortar thickness was maintained in joints and beddings. Details of the size, type
of bonding and number of clay prisms used in this study are given in Table 5.3.
As it is customary to test stacked five brick prisms, three prisms of 220 × 390 ×
90 mm in stretcher bond with an aspect ratio of 4.33 were constructed. English
bond is in practice in the construction field and it is relevant to test the prisms in
this bond. Nine prisms in English bond with h/t ratio of 2, 2.77, and 3.8 were
constructed. Photograph of clay brick prisms used in this research is presented
in Figure 5.4. Clay brick masonry was cured for 28 days with water and tested
for compressive strength.
Bonding No. of
S.No Size in mm h/t ratio
type Prisms
1 490×90×190 5.4 Stretcher 3
2 490×190×190 2.57 English 3
3 590×190× 600 3.1 English 3
4 790×190× 600 4.1 English 3