Recording Measurements, Measurement Book, Technical Check, Records at Site, Preparation of Bills
Recording Measurements, Measurement Book, Technical Check, Records at Site, Preparation of Bills
Recording Measurements, Measurement Book, Technical Check, Records at Site, Preparation of Bills
Measurement Book,
Technical check, Records at site,
Preparation of Bills
• Tenders
• Quotations
• Units and mode of measurements
• IS codes related to measurements and specifications
• Methods and procedures of measurements
• Engineering code chapter XI, XII and XIII - relevant part
• Measurement Book
• Recoding of Measurement Book
• Measurement of items
• Test checks and Technical checks
• Supporting documents for contractual payments
• Records to be maintained at work site
• Contract Bills for payments
• Finalization of contract
• Calculation of Price Variation Clause ( PVC ) 2
Maintenance of Records & Registers
Registers & Records in Special Works
• Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976
• Measurement occupies very important role in any
engineering project from planning, estimating,
executing the project up to the final payment.
Measurements of works
• Works Contracts.
• Store Contracts : Supply Contracts – material, machinery,
equipments etc.
• Service Contracts.
Payments with per unit rates
Accepted rates :
• While publishing tender the unit of measurement and rate
per unit of each item is published in Schedule of Rates and
• Tenderer quotes the rates (at par / below / above ) in
percentage on the basic Schedule rates.
• As the tender is accepted ( LOA issued ) the rates are called as
accepted rates.
• Contractor should start the work within 15 days.
• Contractor will submit Performance Guarantee.
• Contract Agreement is signed by both the parties i.e.
contractor and railway authority only after submitting PG.
• Measurements will not be recorded unless C.A. is signed.
• The Tender Document has a Schedule of Quantities which is
also the part of Contract Agreement.
• This Schedule has full and detail description of items to be
executed, Unit of measurement and also the unit rates which
are binding on both the parties of C.A. . The Contractor will be
paid as per accepted rates.
• Specifications are always associated with each item in which
mode and system of measurement is mention.
• Specifications also lay down quality control requirements to
indicate parameters, target values, tolerances and method of
measurement of various parameters that constitute the
standards of quality and acceptance criteria.
• Supporting IS codes are also available for measurements.
• Any special condition related to measurements/penalties.
IS Codes for Measurements :
Part 1 : Earthwork
IS : 1200 Part 2 : concrete works
Part 3 : Brickwork
Part 4 : stone masonry
Part 5 : form work
Part 6 : refractory work
Part 7 : hardware
Part 8 : steel work and iron work
Part 9 : roof covering (including cladding)
Part 10 : ceiling and linings
Part 11 : paving, floor finishes dado and skirting
Part 12 : Plastering and Pointing
Part 13 : Whitewashing, colour washing, distempering
and painting of building surfaces
Part 14 : glazing
Part 15 : painting, polishing, varnishing etc
Part 16: laying of water and sewer lines including
appurtenant items
IS : 1200 Part 18: demolition and dismantling
Part 19: Water Supply, Plumbing and Drains
Part 20: laying of gas and oil pipelines
Part 21: wood-work and joinery
Part 22: materials
Part 23: piling
Part 24: well foundations
Part 25: tunneling
Part 26: Acid resistant lining
Part 27: Earthwork done by mechanical appliances
Part 28: Sound insulation works
IS 3861 : Method of Measurement of Plinth, Carpet and
Rentable Area of Buildings
SP 27 : Handbook of Method of Measurement of Buildings
Measurement of works
• Measurements required for following purposes :
1. For record .
2. For calculation of quantities of various items of work.
3. For preparation of drawing.
4. For preparing estimates and proposals.
5. For preparation of bills or payment.
6. For recovery .
7. For verification of measurements which are already recorded.
Recording of Measurements :
( Para 1315 of Engineering Code )
• For the payment against contracts, the engineers and
representatives are authorized to carrying out the
measurements of work executed.
Recording of Measurements :
• 1316. On construction projects and special works, Sub-Overseer
Mistries cannot record measurements.
• Inspector of Works and Permanent Way inspectors cannot record
measurements for the supply of ballast, pitching stones and earth
• For all other works, Inspectors of Works and Permanent Way
Inspectors in Grade I & II can record measurements subject to a 20
per cent test check by the Assistant Engineer.
• Measurement of ballast and pitching stones, classification of ballast
and measurement for earth work will be done by the Assistant
General rules for measurements.
1. Mode of measurements should be as per unit in
schedule, according to specification of item and
IS code etc.
4. No extra payment for Bailing out of surface,
underground water or rain water if not mentioned.
Record of Measurement
Form No. E 1314
Recording of Measurements :
• Measurements are recorded in M.B as record, ON Account
Bill, Final Bill & recovery bill.
• Lump sum (L.S.) measurements are not permitted in the
case of foundations or other works below ground level or of
hidden work of any description. For such work, detailed
measurements shall be recorded.
• 1330. For lump sum contract: - Detailed measurements are
not required in the case of a work done under lump sum
• Final measurements in such cases may be made on the
certificate of the AEN to the effect that the work has been
completed according to the drawing and specifications.
Recording of Measurements :
Recording of Measurements :
Recording of Measurements :
(GCC – July 2020)
1331. Approximate Measurements
• 1331. Approximate Measurements. - Detailed
measurements may dispensed with in cases in which
payments `on account' for work actually executed are made
on the certificate of a responsible officer (not below the
rank of Assistant Engineer) to the effect that not less than
the quantity of work paid for has actually been done and
that the measurement are from plans or that they are
approximately estimated.
• The officer granting such certificate will be held personally
responsible for any overpayments which may occur on the
work in consequence. Final payments should, however, in
no case be made without detailed measurements.
Front Page of Measurement Book
Index of Measurement Book
Index of Measurement Book
Measurement Book
Serial Item Particulars Agreement Page Remarks
No. of Entries of work From To
running or order Ref.
Measurement Book
Measurement Book
Instructions for the Maintenance of Measurement Books
(para 1322)
• The pages of the book should be machine-numbered and no page should on any
account be torn out, nor should any entry be erased or defaced so as to be illegible.
• If mistake be made, it should be corrected by crossing out the incorrect words or
figures, and rewriting the correct words or figures, and the correction thus made
should be initialed.
• The entries must be made directly in the measurement books at the site of work.
The copying of entries from another rough note book or similar record is strictly
• A reliable record is the object to be aimed at, as it may have to be produced as
evidence in a Court of Law.
Measurement Book : (Para 1324)
Measurement Book
Particulars No. L B D Contents
Recording Measurements
Measurement Book
Particulars No. L B D Contents
Schedule I : USSOR Items
Measurement Book
Particulars No. L B D Contents
RBM Rd. colony Bldg. No. RB IV /581
Qtr. No. 5
Ceiling 1 3.5 4.0 -- 14.00
Walls 2 3.50 -- 2.80 19.60
2 4.00 -- 2.80 22.40
Measurements :
Certificates in MB with each bill :
• SSE’s Certificate (who is recording measurements).
• Contractor’s Certificate.
• Assistant Engineer’s Certificate.
• SSO’s Certificate.
SSE’s certificate :
Contractor has carried out work as per specifications.
Contractor has deployed graduate / Diploma
Contractor’s Certificate :
MB and Bills :
• For all other works, Inspectors of Works and Permanent Way Inspectors in Grade I & II
can record measurements, subject to a 20 per cent test check by the Assistant Engineer.
Recording measurements
• 1334. The Divisional or Executive Officer should make it a point to see that the
measurement books are maintained in accordance with the rules laid down in
paragraphs 1313 to 1332 ante and that the measurements recorded are complete
records of each kind of work done for which certificates have been given.
Delegation of powers to J.E./SE/S.S.E/P.WAY&WORKS
(Para 1315 of Engineering code)
Delegation of powers to J.E./SE/S.S.E/P.WAY&WORKS
(Para 1315 of Engineering code)
(C) JE / I, SE and SSE for both Works and P. way. not holding
independent charge.
• Up to Rs 1,00,000/- with 20 % check by sup. in charge in
addition 10% check by AEN where total value of work exceeds
estimated value by more than 10%, above Rs 1,00,000/- with no
limit except for ballast, pitching stones and earth work sectional
measurements, full powers with 20 % test check by AEN.
(D)Inspectors of Works and Permanent Way Inspectors in Gr. II and
Gr. I can record all measurement subject to the test checks
given below
• A 10% check by the Assistant Engineer is necessary for works
costing upto Rs. 25,000/-.
• for works costing above Rs. 25,000/- a 20% check by Assistant
Engineer is necessary.
• For ballast and pitching stones, full powers of
classification and measurements, subject to 100% check
by AEN.
Electrical : Recording of measurements (para 1315)
(iv) Recording of Measurement of Elec. open line & construction
• (a) Shop Supdt./ Chief Traction Foreman, in grade Rs. 2375-3500; Sr. Elec.
Foreman/ Elec. Foreman/ Traction Foreman in Grade Rs. 2000-3200/- can record
all measurements.
• A 10% check by the Asstt. Elec. Engineer/Divisional/district Elec. Engg. is necessary
for the work costing upto Rs. 25,000/- each if the value of the work exceeds the
estimated cost by more than 10% and for works costing above Rs. 25,000/- and
20% check by Asstt. Elec. engineer/Divisional/District Elec. engineer is necessary.
• (b) Asstt. Elec.Foreman/Asstt. Traction Foreman/Sr. Elec.chargeman in grade
Rs.1600-2660/- can also record the measurements subject to 10% test check on
the works costing upto Rs. 25,000/- and 20% check on the works costing more
than 25,000/- by Asstt. Elec. Engg./ Divisional/District Elec. Engineer.
• (c) Elec. Chargemen/Asstt. Elec. Foreman in Gr. Rs. 1400-2300 when they hold
independent charge can record measurements for works costing upto Rs. 25,000/-
each subject to a test check by 20% by the Asstt. Elec. Engg./Divisional/District
Elec. engineer.
Standard Measurements
• 1327. Standard Measurements.-Detailed measurements may be
dispensed with in the case of periodical repairs when the quantities
are recorded in efficiently maintained Standard measurement books.
• The grouping should broadly be such that all the quarters in one
group should be susceptible of being given to one contractor for the
purpose of whitewashing.
Standard Measurements
• Non-standard bungalows of officers may, however, be excluded from such grouping.
• The standard areas of white washing to be paid for in respect of one unit of quarters
in each group and approximate number of units to be whitewashed should be
clearly shown in the tender documents.
• Payments should be made for the number of quarters actually whitewashed on the
basis of such area per unit as indicated in the tender documents.
• 22. Necessary test checks shall be carried out by the SSE/JE
and AEN/XEN for the works done before full payment of on-
account contract certificate/final contract certificate, SSE/JE
and AEN/XEN shall communicate the date of test checks to
contractor in advance.
• (e) that for items for which labour, rates only are paid the quantities of
materials issued and charged finally to works are not excessive ( the cost of
materials wasted in defective works subsequently rectified should be
• (c) that the running account and final bills are checked
with the postings in the contractor's ledger, form E. 1483;
Contractor's Bills
Engg. Code Para 1355
Contractor's Bills
Engg. Code Para 1355
• (f) that the quantities executed are according to the sanctioned plans
and estimates; and
• (g) that the methods of measurement are correct.
GCC clause 37. Rates for Items of Works:
• If rates of existing GST or cess on GST for Works Contract is increased or any new tax
/cess on Works Contract is imposed by Statute after the date of opening of tender
but within the original date of completion/date of completion extended under
clause 17 & 17A and the Contractor thereupon properly pays such taxes/cess, the
Contractor shall be reimbursed the amount so paid.
• Further, if rates of existing GST or cess on GST for Works Contract is decreased or
any tax/cess on Works Contract is decreased / removed by Statute after the date of
opening of tender, the reduction in tax amount shall be recovered from
Contractor’s bills/Security Deposit or any other dues of Contractor with the
Government of India.
Measurement of Ballast
Measurement of Ballast
• One copy should be retained as office copy of the subordinate
who trained out the material.
• Two copies should be sent to the receiving subordinate through
the guard of the ballast or material train. One copy should be
sent directly to the Assistant Engineer concerned immediately
after loading to reach within 24 hours to enable the Assistant
Engineer to verify the `ballast or materials if required.
• The receiving subordinate should check the quantites of
materials received with those shown on the challan and accept
it subject to any remarks he may have to make.
• One copy of the accepted challan should then be submitted to
the Assistant Engineer concerned to enable the latter to
prepare the contractor's loading and unloading bill. In this case,
the accepted challan takes the place of a measurement book.
Measurement of Ballast
• 1333. The Measurement of Ballast.—
• Ballast should as a rule, be measured in stacks. When ballast
taken over by the Railway is trained out, the correctness of
the measurements recorded in the ballast train challans, after
making due allowance for shrinkage enroute should be
checked with the original stack measurements.
• In cases where owing to uneven surface of the stacking
ground or for want of space in the quarry, etc. ballast cannot
be stocked in stacks of convenient sizes and where in
consequence ballast has to be measured and taken directly in
wagons, the procedure laid down in para 1332 may be
adopted subject to a test check of 20% of the wagon
measurements by the Assistant Engineer.
Construction projects and special works.
Level Book
Following check by AEN of Level book :
(i) 100% in the case of levels along the center- line
of the alignment .
(ii) Not less than 20 % of the remaining levels of the
cross sections with the provision that this check
should invariably be carried out in cross slopes.
Level Book :-
Level Book :-
(iii) After the AEN has checked the levels, he should
record clear certificate in each field book in the
following manner-
Certificate :
Certified that I have fully checked the levels along the
center line and not less than 20% of the remaining
levels and have satisfied myself about the correctness
of the levels. The entries checked by me in this
respect have been duly initialed by me in the level
Level Book :-
All other works:-
By S.S.E. /JEs / incharge of work
Earth work measurements:-
Earth work measurements:-
Different lead may be calculated by mass haul
• Measurement of unloading & Loading items:- The
percentage voids to be deducted from the
truck/lorry/wagon measurement will be as follow:
(i ) Coal ash and earth of all types except sandy soil -
(ii ) sandy soil –7.5%
(iii) coarse aggregate up to 20 mm – 8%
(iv)coarse aggregate and ballast over 20mm – 20%
(v) Rubble, pitching stones stacked closely– 20%
Measurement of supply of quarry products– percentage
of voids to be deducted will be same as that in the said
above para.
Measurement of Brick work:-
Measurement of Brick work:-
• When a both faces of wall are pointed with the same type of
pointing, deduction shall be made for one face only.
White washing, Distempering, painting etc:-
Steel work
• Unless otherwise stipulated, payment for steel
work shall be based on the calculated weight of
the finished work.
Steel work
Description of How measured Multiplying
work factor
Painting and Iron work:-
Sl. Description of work How measured Multiply
no factor
Sl Description of How measured Multiple
no work factor
Water supply and drainage :-
Sanitary fittings:-
Preparation of Bills
Preparation of Bills
(para 1335)
• 1335. Subject to provisions of paragraph 1312 and 1327 to
1332 ante, the bills of contractors for work done or supplies
made should be prepared in any one of the following forms
according to that circumstances mentioned below against
each :-
Preparation of Bills
(para 1335)
• The final bill Form (E. 1338) should specifically provide that the contractor
concerned accepts the amount billed for as a final payment in settlement of all his
claims in respect of the particular work.
• Bill for work done should necessarily be prepared in any one of the above forms.
• Bills of supplies submitted on supplier's own forms may, however, be accepted
when prepared in English or Hindi, any further particulars required by the
departmental form being added by the disbursing officer.
• All bills passed against a work order should be noted on the work order.
Preparation of Bills
1340. Preparation of Contractors Bills
• No fees should be charged either for forms of bills supplied or for clerical assistance
rendered in the preparation of bills.
• A contractor requiring a copy of his contract certificate or an extract from his
account in the contractor's ledger (paragraph 1483) should be furnished with the
same at a charge of Rs. 100/-
• No request from the contractor for supply of a copy of contract certificate or an
extract from his account in the ledger beyond a period of six years from the date of
closing of contract should be entertained.
Form E. 1337
.......................... RAILWAY
No. ……………………………. Division …………………………………….
Name & Address of Contractor ……………………………………………….
Name of work ………………………………………………………………….
Authority for work ………………………… Agreement No ………………
I. Account of work executed
On account payment Item Unit Rate Quantity Quantity Payment on the Remarks (with reasons for
for work covered by of executed executed basis of actual delay in recording
approximate or plan work since last upto measurement measurement shown in
measurement certificate date as column (1)
Total as Since Total per Upto Since last
per last last Upto measure date certificat
certificat certific date ment e
e ate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Bill format
Bill format
Bill format
Payment on the basis of actual
Bill format Up-to-date Since last
Total 37041.81 37041.81
Escl.13.15% above 4871.00 4871.00
Total (D) 41912.80 41912.80
Total of Schedule A+B+C+D 1549910.91 182964.31
(% quoted ) Less 05.40% Below 83695.19 9880.07
Gross amount 1466215.72 173084.23
Less Prepaid amount 1293131.49 0.00
Gross total amount 173084.23 173084.23
R/off (-) (+) 0.00 0.00
Gross Payable amount 173084.23 173084.23
Basic amount 154539.49 154539.49
CGST 6% 9272.37 9272.37
SGST 6% 9272.37 9272.37
Total Payable amount 173084.23 173084.23
Less Recoveries 20056.00 20056.00
Net Payable amount 153028.23 153028.23
Bill format
(In Rs..)
Income Tax - 2% 3091
Bill Copy 100
Security Deposit @10% (Balanced ) 12177
Conservancy charges @ Rs.208/- per month 1248
for less than 10 labour for six months
Water Charges 350
CGST TDS 1% 1545
Finalisation of Contract
Measurement of Works: (Clause 45)
The date and time on which ‘on account’ or ‘final’
measurements are to be made shall be communicated to the
Contractor who shall be present at the site and shall sign the
results of the measurements recorded in the official
measurements book as an acknowledgement of his acceptance
of the accuracy of the measurements.
Maintenance of works: (Clause 47)
Certificate of Completion of Works: (Clause 48(1))
As soon as, the work has been completed and has satisfactorily
passed any final test or tests that may be prescribed, the
Engineer shall issue a certificate of completion duly indicating
the date of completion.
Period of maintenance of the work shall commence from the
date of completion mentioned in such certificate.
Completion certificate may also issued to any part of the work,
which has been both completed to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and occupied or used by the Railway and the period of
maintenance of such part shall commence from the date of
completion mentioned in the completion certificate issued for
that part of the work.
Contractor Not Absolved By Completion Certificate:
(Clause 48(2))
Final Supplementary Agreement : (Clause 48(3))
Articles of agreement made this day in the year between the President of India, acting through the
Railway Administration having his office at herein after called the Railway of the one part and of the
second part. Whereas the party hereto of the second part executed an agreement with the party hereto of the first part being agreement
dated for the performance herein after called the ‘Principal agreement’.
4. …………………….
It is further agreed by and between the parties that the party hereto of the second part has
accepted the said sums mentioned above in full and final satisfaction of all its dues and claims under the
said Principal Agreement. (Applicable in case Final Supplementary Agreement is signed after release of
Final Payment) or
………… the parties in the consideration of sums already paid through various On Account Bills
and sums to be paid through Final Bill duly adjusted as per price variation clause (PVC), if applicable,
based on accepted final measurements including the security deposit by the party hereto of the first part
to the party hereto of the second part against all outstanding dues and claims for all works done under
the aforesaid principal agreement, the party hereto of the second part have no further dues of claims
against the party hereto of the first part under the said Principal Agreement.
(Applicable in case Final Supplementary Agreement is signed before release of Final Payment)
5. It is further agreed and understood by and between the parties that the arbitration clause
contained in the said principal agreement shall cease to have any effect and/or shall be deemed to be
non- existent for all purposes.
Signature of the Contractor/s for and on behalf of the President of India
Approval only by Maintenance certificate: (Clause 49)
Maintenance certificate: (Clause 50.(1))
The Contract shall not be considered as completed until
a Maintenance Certificate, if applicable, shall have
signed by the Engineer stating that the works have been
completed and maintained to his satisfaction.
The maintenance Certificate shall be given by the Engineer upon
the expiration of the period of maintenance or as soon thereafter
as any defects /faults have been made good under Clause (48-2) to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Competent Authority to issue Maintenance Certificate shall
normally be the authority who is competent to sign the contract,
but not lower than of the rank of JAG
The certificate should mention that all the contractual obligations
have been fulfilled by the Contractor and that there is no due from
the Contractor to Railways against the contract concerned.
C essation of Railway ‘s Laibility : (Clause 50.(2))
The Railway shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter
arising out of or in connection with the contract of the execution
of the works unless the Contractor shall have made a claim in
writing in respect thereof before the issue of the Maintenance
Certificate under this clause.
Measurement of Works by Contractors
RB’ Lt No. 2016/CE-I/CT/14/ Measurement/3 dt 21/09/2017
With the Amendments
in Para 1316 of Engg. Code by introduction of new
para 1316A (advance correction slip no 50) and in GCC-
Measurement of Works: (Clause 45)
RB’ Lt No. 2016/CE-I/CT/14/ Measurement/2 dt 21/09/2017
Clause:45(ii)- Measurement or works by contractor’s Authorized
Representative (In case the contract provided for the same).
PVC Clause
GCC Clause 46A
Applicability - Price Variation Clause(PVC)
Ref: RB Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt 08.02.2017
(Indian Railways –Transformation Cell)
1- Applicability :
• Applicable only in those Contracts where tender conditions
specifically permits it.
• Irrespective of contract completion period.
• Excluding materials supplied free of cost/ fixed rate by Railway.
• Specific payment made to consultant.
• Excluding any extra NS item(s) included in subsequent variation
falling outside the purview of the Schedule of Items of tender
shall fall outside purview of PVC.
2: Base Month – Month 28 days prior to opening of tender
including extensions, if any, unless otherwise stated elsewhere.
The quarter for applicability of PVC shall commence from the
month following Base Month.
PVC shall be based on the average Price Index of the quarter
under consideration.
3: Validity – Rates accepted shall hold good till completion of
work and no additional individual claim shall be admissible
Payment/recovery for increase/decrease in GST on works
contract or imposition/removal of any tax/cess on Works
Contract as per Clause 37,
Payment/recovery for overall market situation as per Price
Variation Clause.
Clause 46(A) -Price Variation clause(PVC)
Clause 46(A.10) -Price Variation Clause(PVC)
PVC during Extended Period:
• Increase or decrease shall be applicable up to the stipulated date
of completion including the extended period of completion
(granted under clause 17-A).
• When extension of time is under Clause 17-B of GCC, price
adjustment shall be as follows:
Increase in indices above the indices applicable to the last
month of original completion period or the extended period
under Clause 17-A – escalation payable as per the indices
applicable to the last month of the original completion period or
extended period under Clause 17-A.
Decrease in indices below the indices applicable to the last
month of original completion period or the extended period
under Clause 17-A – escalation payable as per lower value of
Clause 46(A)-Price Variation Clause(PVC)
46A - 4 & 5.
• Components - Material, Labour, Fuel, Explosives,
Detonators, Steel, Cement.
• No price variation for fixed components.
Clause 46(A.6)-Price Variation Clause(PVC)
Component E/W & Minor Bridges Tunneling Major Building P-Way Other
Contracts, Ballast Contracts and Imp Contracts linking Works
Supply Contracts, (with Bridges (Manua Contracts
Tunneling Contracts explosives) l)
(without explosive)
Component 20 20 20 40 50 20
Other Material
Components 10 15 30 35 5 20
Plant Machinery
& Spares 30 15 20 5 15 30
Fuel &
25 15 15 5 15 15
Component* 15 15 15 15 15 15
Detonators &
- 20 - - - -
Clause 46(A.7)-Price Variation Clause(PVC)
L = W x (LQ – LB) x LC
LB 100
‘W’ for any quarter = Gross value of work done by contractor as
per on-account bill(s) - cost of materials supplied by Railway at
fixed price - the price values of cement and steel - specific
payment, if any, to be made to the consultants engaged by
LB - Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers - All India : Published in
R.B.I. Bulletin for the base period
LQ- CPI for Industrial Workers - All India : the average price index of the 3
months of the quarter under consideration
LC – Component of Labour for that type of Work
Clause 46(A.7)-Price Variation Clause(PVC)
(Labour) L= W x (LQ – LB) x LC
LB 100
Clause 46(A.7) -Price Variation clause(PVC)
LB - Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers - All India : Published in R.B.I.
Bulletin for the base period
LQ- CPI for Industrial Workers - All India : the average price index of the 3
months of the quarter under consideration
MB- Wholesale Price Index: All commodities – as published in the R.B.I.
Bulletin for the base period
MQ- WPI : All commodities –the average price index of the 3 months of the
quarter under consideration
FB- Wholesale Price Index for the group Fuel & Power as published in the
R.B.I. Bulletin for the base period
EB- Index number of Monthly Whole Sale Price Index for the category
‘Explosive’ of (g).Manufacture of other chemical products under (J).
Office of Economic Adviser, Govt. of India, Ministry of Commerce &
Industry, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), for the base
Clause 46(A.7) -Price Variation Clause(PVC)
PMB- Index number of Monthly Whole Sale Price Index for the category
‘k. Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction’
by Office of Economic Adviser, Govt. of India, Ministry of Commerce &
Industry, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), for the
base period.
SW - Gross value of steel supplied by the Contractor as per the ‘on-account’
bill for the month under consideration
SB - Index number of Monthly Whole Sale Price Index for the relevant
category of mild steel item as mentioned in Clause 46A.9, published by
Office of Economic Adviser, Govt. of India
CV - Value of Cement supplied by Contractor as per on account bill in the
quarter under consideration
CB - Index No. of Wholesale Price Index of sub-group Cement, Lime & Plaster
as published in RBI Bulletin for the base period
Clause 46(A.9) -Price Variation Clause(PVC)
• Categories of Steel for the purpose of PVC
S Category Of Steel Supplied In Category Of Steel Item mentioned by the
L Railway Work office of Economic Advisor to Govt. of India,
Ministry of Commerce & DIPP
1 Reinforcement bars and other “MS Bright Bars” individual commodity of
rounds group item (d) Mild Steel-Long Products under
(N) Manufacture of Basic Metal.
2 All types and sizes of angles, “Angles, Channels, Sections, Steel” individual
channels and joists commodity of group item (d) Mild Steel-Long
Products under (N) Manufacture of Basic
3 All types and sizes of plates “e. Mild Steel- Flat Products of (N)
Manufacture of Basic Metal.
4 Any other section of steel not Average price for the 3 categories covered
covered in the above categories under SL 1, 2 & 3 above.
and excluding HTS
Clause 46(A.10) -Sample Calculation of PVC
17(A) 17(B) 17(A)
BM Q1-Avg Q2-Avg LM M1 M2 M3 Q3 -AVG Q4-AVG
110 129 100 112 118 112 107 107 105 105 108 115
17(A) Q1-Avg; 129
17(B) Q3 -AVG;
17(A) Q4-AVG;
17(A) BM; 110
17(B); 112
17(B); 107
17(B); 105
BM Q1-Avg Q2-Avg LM M1 M2 M3 Q3 - Q4-
17(A) 17(B) 17(A)
Calculate :
Website : - Office of The Economic Adviser
Website : Item No. 19 & 21
Website : WPI & CPI
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
Reinforcement Bars – Mild Steel – Long Products :
WPI - Item No. 21/1.3/14.4
Cement : Cement, Lime & Plaster : WPI - Item No.
Website : WPI
Thank you