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Kuliah-7&8 Pengelolaan Lapangan Migas - Reservoir Evaluation

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Pengelolaan Lapangan Migas

Reservoir Evaluation

Aly Rasyid
Prodi Teknik Perminyakan
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
Reservoir Evaluation Workflow

 Sifat fisik fluida reservoir (minyak, gas dan air formasi):

 Pb, Rs, B, C, r, g, m, Z
 PVT lab test, korelasi
 Sifat fisik batuan
 Porositas : perbandingan volume pori dengan volume batuan
 Saturasi : porsi suatu jenis fluida dibandingan dengan volume fluida seluruhnya
 Permeabilitas : kemampuan batuan untuk meluluskan fluida yg terkandung di
 kebasahan, tekanan kapiler
 Core analysis, well log, well test
 Pemodelan model reservoir dan distribusi sifat petrophysics

 Penghitungan cadangan
 Peramalan dan peningkatan kinerja reservoir

Hidrokarbon (HC):
> zat kimia organik dengan ribuan senyawa yang berbeda
> Tidak ada HC dengan komposisi sama
> Fasa: gas, liquid dan solid
Klasifikasi Hidrokarbon:


Alkana Alkena Alkuna Alifatik Siklik

(paraffin) (olefin) (alkadiena) (naftena)

Ikatan C-C Ikatan C=C Ikatan C≡C Ikatan ring

CnH2n+2 CnH2n CnH2n-2 CnH2n-6

Parrafin-base Asphalt-base
Klasifikasi Hidrokarbon

Komposisi Kimia Titik Didih, oF Penggunaan

C1-C2 LNG-Bahan bakar gas

C3-C4 to 100 LPG-Bahan bakar gas
C5-C10 100-350 Bensin-Bahan bakar motor
C11-C12 350-450 Aerosol-Bahan bakar Jet
C13-C17 450-580 Solar - Bahan bakar Diesel
C18-C25 580-750 Pelumas minyak

C26-C38 750-950(100) Pelumas minyak, lilin

C38+ 950+(200+) Tar, aspal

Fluida dalam Batuan


Batuan berpori
• pasir
• kapur/carbonate
Batuan kedap
• massive rock yang retak
• shale
• massive rock
Resistivity Reading
Type of reservoir and fluid can be
detected by its resistivity in



Resistivity dari : Air

Gas < Minyak < Air < Lempung
Lempung kedap
Electric Logging



Sonic tool
Display of Electric Logging Result

Menentukan kualitas batuan Menentukan kandungan hidrokarbon

Drill Stem Test

Flowing the fluid :

• to know the capacity of
• to know the pressure of
• to know flow characteristic
Calculating Hydrocarbon in Place (Volumetric Approach)

OOIP = Volume x Porositas x Saturasi Oil

Oil Volume Factor

Recoverable Reserve = OOIP x Recovery Factor

Resources Classification

 Prospective Resources : Those quantities of petroleum which are

estimated, on a given date, to be potentially recoverable from
undiscovered accumulations.

 Contingent Resources : Those quantities of petroleum which are

estimated, on a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known
accumulations but which are not currently considered to be
commercially recoverable.

 Reserves are those quantities of hydrocarbons which are anticipated

to be commercially recovered from known accumulations from a given
date forward.
Classification by Commerciality
Categorize by Uncertainty
Quiz 3
1. Perbandingan volume pori dengan volume batuan disebut:
a. Permeabiliatas b. Porositas c. Saturasi
2. Resistivity minyak dibandingkan dengan resistivity air
a. lebih kecil b. lebih besar d. sama saja
3. Ilmu perminyakan yang mempelajari perhitungan cadangan migas:
a. Teknik Reservoir b. Teknik Produksi c. Teknik Pemboran
4. Suatu cadangan migas yang telah dibuktikan dengan pengeboran dan testing, akan
tetapi belum melakukan plan of development (POD), disebut ?
a. Prospective Resources b. Contingent Resources c. Reserve
5Diketahui suatu reservoir minyak:
Area = 1,800 acres, net thickness = 49 ft, average Sw = 45%, Bo = 1.15 STB/BBL, porositas = 15%
Recovery Factor = 20%
Berapakah OOIP dan Recoverable Reserve .?

Jawab : Volume = Vb = 7758 x 1,800 x 49 = 684,255,600 BBL = 684 MMBO

OOIP = Vb x Porositas x (1 – Sw) / Bo = 684 x 0.15 x (1 – 0.45) / 1.15 = 49 MMBO

Recoverable Reserve = OOIP x RF = 49 x 0.2 = 9.8 MMBO

The Earth at Night

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