Synthetic polymers
Topic objectives
• describe polymers in terms of large molecules built up from small units
(monomers), different polymers having different units and/or different
• describe the two different types of polymerisation (addition and condensation)
• deduce the structure of the polymer product from a given alkene monomer and vice
• describe the formation of poly(ethene) as an example of addition
polymerisation of monomer units
• describe the formation of nylon (a polyamide) and Terylene (a polyester) by
condensation polymerization.
• outline some uses of plastics.
Term Meaning
Monomer A small molecule or unit that is covalently bonded to another
to form a polymer
Polymers Large molecules built up from monomers. Different polymers
having different units and / or different linkages
Ester link
Hydrolysis of fats
• The hydrolysis of fats is called saponification.
• When reacting fats with a strong alkali such as sodium hydroxide,
soap and glycerol is produced.
• Fat + sodium hydroxide soap + glycerol
• ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is always 2:1
• When many simple sugar monomers join together, they form
polysaccharides such as starch, glycogen and cellulose.
• Starch is formed by condensation polymerization of many glucose
• Hydrolysis of starch: Polysaccharides can be broken into
monosaccharides by boiling them with dilute acid or through the use
of enzymes.
Enzyme hydrolysis
• During digestion in animals.
• Starch molecules are broken down into glucose molecules.
• The enzyme amylase is the biological catalyst for this reaction.
Acid hydrolysis
• Starch + water glucose
Identify the products of hydrolysis
• Paper chromatography (know steps on page 393)
Properties and uses of fibres
• classify fibre polymers as natural or synthetic, give examples of both
and observe the different types of fibres used in the home
• outline that fibres are made into fabrics/textiles and that
fabrics/textiles have properties which are useful (e.g. insulation,
water absorption)
• describe the pollution problems caused by non-biodegradable plastics
and man-made fibres
• (Page 394 – 395)
Check your progress
• Page 399 (4 – 7)