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Microcontroller based MHO relay

EED | 2023


1. Khushal Jhanwar ( BT20EEE052) Dr. T.G. Arora
2.Sandarbha Komujwar (BT20EEE054)
3. Himanshu Patil( BT20EEE084)
1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Study of Mho relay
4. Principle of mho relay
5. Characteristic of mho relay
6. Introduction to arduino
7. Architecture and Pin diagram
8. Reference
Problem Statement

Microcontroller based Mho relay

Study Of MHO Relay
• Need of protection in power system
• Different types of relays
• Classification of distance relay
• Introduction to Mho relay
• Principle operation of Mho relay
• Characteristics of Mho relay
• Operating condition of Mho relay
• Advantages of Mho relay
• Drawbacks of Mho relay
Need of protection in power system
• Asset protection.
• Personnel safety.
• Continuity of power supply.
• System stability.
• Fault identification and location.
• Protection coordination.
• Regulatory compliance.
• Fault detection and diagnostics.
Different types of relays

Types of Relays

Overcurrent Differential Distance
Relay Relay Relay
Classification of distance relay
• Impedance Relays: Operating condition: Zr< Zn
• Reactance Relays: Operating condition: Xr < Xn
• Mho Relay: Operating Condition : Zr < Zn Cos(θ – T)
Introduction mho relay
Mho Relay (Admittance Relay): It is the relay made directional by potential
polarization. Characteristics of Mho relay is circle passing through origin and
diameter equal to impedance setting of relay at angle T with respect to resistance axis.
All the impedance vector whose tip lies inside the circle will cause of operation of
relay. It is used for protection of long transmission line as in long lines power swings
are frequent and effect of arc resistance is not dominating.
Characteristics of Mho relay
Operating condition of mho relay
It is the relay made directional by potential polarization.

operating torque is generated by directional element
T operating = K1VrIr Cos(θ- T)
Restraining torque is generated by
T restraining = K2Vr ^2 + K3 K3=spring constant
Neglecting K3 operating condition : Top > Tres
K1VrIr cos(θ – T) > K2Vr^2

K2/K1 < Ir/Vr Cos(θ – T)

Yn < Yr Cos(θ - T)
1/Yr < 1/Yn Cos(θ - T)

Zr < Zn Cos(θ – T) This is the operating condition

ZR -> Impedance measured by the relay

Zn -> Impedance setting or reach of relay
Θ -> angle between Vr and Ir
T -> MTA ( Maximum torque angle )
Advantages of Mho relay
• Directional feature : It has inherent directional feature which is not present in
reactance and impedance relay.
• High Speed: Mho relays are known for their high-speed operation. They can
quickly respond to faults, minimizing the damage caused by faults such as short
circuits. This is crucial for maintaining system stability and reducing equipment
• Stable Operation: Mho relays are stable over a wide range of operating
conditions, including changes in system impedance and fault resistance. This
stability ensures that the relay does not trip unnecessarily due to minor variations
in the system.
• Least affected by power swing: least affected by transients and voltage and
current fluctuations
Drawbacks of Mho relay
• Sensitivity to System Changes: Mho relays rely on the measurement of
impedance or admittance, which can vary with changes in the system
configuration, such as line length, fault location, and system load.
• Performance Under Heavy Loading: Mho relays can have limitations in
accurately detecting faults during heavy loading conditions when the impedance
values change significantly. This can lead to delayed or incorrect fault tripping.
• Affected by arc resistance: when fault occure short circuit takes place and
current flowes through fault path so resistance of arc is vary by fault type or fault
What is arduino?
•An Arduino microcontroller is a small, programmable device that can be used to control
electronic devices. It is based on a microcontroller chip, which is a computer on a single
chip that has all the components of a computer, including a processor, memory, and
input/output (I/O) ports.
• There are multiple options of microcontrollers to make a microcontroller based MHO relay like:
i. Arduino Uno
ii. ESP32
iii. Arduino Nano
The reasons to choose Arduino Nano are:
• Smaller size : The Arduino Nano is only 45 x 18 mm in size, making it much smaller than the Arduino
Uno (68.6 x 53.3 mm) and ESP32 chip (58.5 x 21.5 mm). This can be important for our project where space
is a constraint, such as a wearable device or a small robot.
• Less power consumption : The Arduino Nano consumes only 10 mA of power, while the Arduino Uno
consumes 20 mA and the ESP32 chip consumes 80 mA. This can be important for battery-powered projects,
such as a wireless sensor network.
• Wide availability : The Arduino Nano is more widely available than the ESP32 chip. This means that it is
easier to find and purchase the components you need for your project.
• Reliability : The Arduino Nano is based on the ATmega328P microcontroller, which is a well-known and
reliable microcontroller. Arduino Board is so much more robust than ESP32 chip.
Differences Between All the Options
Feature Arduino Nano Arduino Uno ESP32

Microcontroller ATmega328P ATmega328P ESP32

Clock speed 16 MHz 16 MHz 240 MHz

RAM 32 KB 32 KB 520 KB

Flash 32 KB 32 KB 4 MB

Power consumption 10 mA 20 mA 80 mA

Dimensions 45 x 18 mm 68.6 x 53.3 mm 58.5 x 21.5 mm

Weight 4.6 g 28 g 13.5 g


Arduino ESP32

From All the results we got
• We can see that ESP32 has bigger size than Arduino Nano.
• Smaller size is constraint for our project. As a result Arduino Nano is better option
than the ESP32.

• Arduino Uno and Nano are based on same microcontroller chip known as
ATMega328P. All the performance characteristics clock speed, RAM, Flash in
Arduino Uno and Nano are same in both because of that.
• Even more than that, power consumption, Size and Weight are extremely less than.
Therefore, Nano is chosen for our project.
Fault Analysis of BLDC

Architecture of arduino
The Arduino Nano has 30 pins, which are divided into the following categories:
• Power pins: These pins provide power to the Arduino Nano. The Vin pin can be used to supply
power from an external source, while the 5V and 3.3V pins provide regulated power from the
Arduino Nano's onboard regulator. The GND pin is the ground pin.
• Digital pins: These pins can be used as digital input or output pins. They can be used to read the
state of digital sensors or to control digital devices.
• Serial pins: The D0 and D1 pins are used for serial communication. These pins can be used to
communicate with other devices, such as computers or other Arduino boards.
• PWM pins: The D3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 pins can be used to generate pulse-width modulated
(PWM) signals. PWM signals are used to control the brightness of LEDs or the speed of
• Analog pins: These pins can be used to read analog signals. Analog signals are signals that
can have a continuous range of values, such as the voltage from a sensor. The A0 to A7 pins
can be used to read analog signals.
•The digital pins can be used as inputs or outputs. They can be used to read data from
sensors or to control actuators.
•The PWM pins can be used to generate analog outputs. This can be used to control the
brightness of LEDs or the speed of motors.
•The analog pins can be used to read analog signals from sensors. This can be used to
measure temperature, light, or sound.
•The 3.3V pin provides a 3.3V power output. This can be used to power devices that
require a 3.3V power supply.
•The GND pin is the ground pin. It provides a common ground for all of the pins on the
•The VIN pin is the external power input pin. This pin can be used to supply power to the
board from an external power source.
•The ICSP header is used for in-circuit serial programming. This allows the board to be
programmed without the need to remove it from the circuit.
Pin Diagram of Arduino Nano

Fault Analysis of
[1] S. Rambabu, “Modelling and control of brushless DC motor”, Master
Thesis, NIT Rourkela, 2007.

[2] A. Wankhede
Drive," et al.,
IECON 2018 "Fault
- 44th Analysis
Annual of Grid Connected
Conference of the IEEE Multi-PM
IndustrialBLDC Motor
Society, 2018.

[3] R. Kumar and B. Singh, "BLDC motor driven solar PV array fed water

system employing zeta converter," 2014 IEEE 6th India International Conference
Power Electronics (IICPE), 2014.
Fault Analysis of
[4] DP Kothari, IJ Nagrath, “Eectric Machines”, McGraw and Hill Education , 5th
Edition 2017.
Power System Protection
• Main idea of protection is to remove faults as quickly as
possible and to maintain the system stability.
• Under abnormal operating conditions protection is necessary
 Safety of electrical equipments.
 Safety of human personnel.

• Sequence of events in relation with a fault

Bus zone Bus zone Bus zone
1. Fault
Unit Generator-Tx zoneoccurrence Line zone
Transformer zone Motor zone
2. Sensing of faultzone

~ 3. Isolation of faulted section

Generator XFMR Bus Line Bus XFMR Bus Motor
Types of protection
• Primary protection

• Backup protection

Classification of relays based on application

1. Under voltage, under current & under power relays
2. Over voltage, over current & over power relays
3. Directional or reverse current relay
4. Differential relay
5. Distance relay
Mho relay
• It has 3 zones of protections
1. Zone 1: 80-85% of protected line
2. Zone 2(minimum): 120% of protected line
Zone 2(maximum): < protected line + 50% of
shortest second line
3. Zone 3F: 1.2(protected line + longest second line)
Zone 3R: 20% of protected line
Tripping time
• Zone 1: Instantaneous
• Zone 2: 0.5 sec
• Zone 3: 1 sec




Phase Shifter


• Arduino UNO
• Adder Circuit
• Phase Shifter
• Mho Relay
• Electrical load
Thank You !

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