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Atoms, Elements and

Ion and ionic bonds

 Learning Outcomes
 1. Describe the formation of positive ions, known as
cations, and negative ions, known as anions
 2.Describe the giant lattice structure of ionic compounds
as a regular arrangement of alternating positive and
negative ions
 3. State that an ionic bond is a strong electrostatic
attraction between oppositely charged ions
Ion and Ionic Bonds

 Learning Outcomes
 4.Describe the formation of ionic bonds between ions of
metallic and non-metallic elements, including the use of
dot-and-cross diagrams
 5. Describe and explain in terms of structure and bonding
the properties of ionic compounds: (a) high melting
points and boiling points (b) good electrical conductivity
when aqueous or molten and poor when solid
Importance of Noble Gas Electronic
 The noble gases are in group VIII of the periodic table. It includes
helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon.
 The noble gases do not react with other elements or form compounds.
 They are monoatomic and exist as individual atoms.
 Atoms of the noble gases are unreactive and stable because they have
fully filled outer shells, that is, they have a duplet or octet electronic
Importance of Noble Gas Electronic

 Atoms of the other elements are reactive. They combine with other atoms to
form compounds.
 Atoms of the elements other than noble gases do not have completely filled
valence shell, thus they are unstable. That is why they are reactive.
 They can become stable if they achieve the electronic configuration of a
noble gas (duplet or octet configuration)
Importance of Noble Gas Electronic
 These atoms undergo reactions to achieve the stable electronic
configuration of a noble gas.
 They do so by:
 Losing outer electrons
 Gaining electrons in outer shell
 Sharing of electrons
 When atoms lose or gain electrons, they form ions.
Formation of Positive Ions (Cations)
 Positive ions or cations are f ormrd when atoms lose electrons.
 Atoms of metals generally have a few electrons in their valence
shell. In order to get stable they tend to lose these electrons to
form cations. In this way they achieve the electronic configuration
of a noble gas.
 When an atom loses electrons, it has more protons than electrons.
A positive ion or cation is formed.
Formation of Positive Ions (Cations)

 The charge on cation corresponds to the number of

electrons the atom loses.
 For metalliccations in Groups I, II, and III, their
charges correspond with the group number.
Formation of Positive Ions (Cations)
Formation of Positive Ions (Cations)

Cations are designated by the symbol for the parent

element and a plus charge as a superscript after the
element symbol—the potassium cation would be
indicated as K+1
Potassium ion has lost 1 electron thus has a charge of
+1, and is monovalent.
Formation of Positive Ions (Cations)

 Describethe formation of Aluminum ion?

Draw its electronic structure as well.
Formation of Negative Ions (Anions)

 Anions are negatively charged ions. They are formed

when non-metal gains the electrons. They gain one or
more than one electron. Therefore, they possess a net
negative charge.
Formation of Negative Ions (Anions)
Ionic Bond

 When a metal reacts with a non-metal, the

metal atoms transfer their electrons to the non-
metal atoms. Positive ions (cations) and
negative ions (anions) are formed.
Ionic Bond

Ionic bonds are the strong electrostatic

forces of attraction between positive and
negative ions.
Ionic Bond
Giant Lattice structure of Ionic Compounds

 Ionic compounds form giant lattice structure.

 A giant lattice structure is a 3D network of ions, in which ions
are arranged in a regular and repeating pattern.
 The ions are held in place by ionic bonds.
 The giant lattice structure is held together tightly because the
oppositely charged ions attract one another strongly.
Giant Lattice structure of Ionic Compounds
Physical Properties of Ionic Compounds

1. Melting and boiling points

 The forces between positive and negative ions in the lattice are strong and this leads to
ionic compounds having high melting and boiling points.
 For example, sodium chloride and magnesium oxide have identical structures and both
have high melting and boiling points.
 Sodium chloride melts at 801°C and boils at 1465°C.
 Magnesium oxide melts at 2852°C and boils at 3600°C.
 The higher melting and boiling points of magnesium oxide compared with sodium
chloride are because in magnesium oxide you have 2+ ions attracting 2- ions - a much
stronger attraction than 1+ to 1- in sodium chloride.
Physical Properties of Ionic Compounds

Conduction of Electricity
 Solid ionic compounds such as sodium chloride don't
conduct electricity - there are no free electrons. The ions
are also held in place in the lattice structure and thus
cannot move.
 Aqueous and molten sodium chloride conducts electricity,
it splits up into sodium and chloride ions, which are free to
move and are able to conduct electricity.
Physical Properties of Ionic Compounds
2.5 Simple molecules and covalent bonds
 State that a covalent bond is formed when a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms leading
to noble gas electronic configurations
 2 Describe the formation of covalent bonds in simple molecules, including H2, Cl 2, H2O, CH4,
NH3, HCl, CH3OH, C2H4, O2, CO2 and N2. Use dot-and-cross diagrams to show the electronic
configurations in these and similar molecules
 3 Describe and explain in terms of structure and bonding the properties of simple molecular
 (a) low melting points and boiling points in terms of weak intermolecular forces (specific types of
intermolecular forces are not required)
 (b) poor electrical conductivity
Formation of Covalent Bonds

 Non-metal atoms can share electrons with other non-metal atoms to

obtain a full outer shell of electrons
 When two atoms share pairs of electrons, they form covalent bonds
 Covalent bonds between atoms are very strong
 When two or more atoms are covalently bonded together, they form
 Covalently bonded substances may consist of small molecules or
giant molecules
Formation of Covalent Bonds
Simple Covalent Molecules

 Covalentsubstances tend to have small molecular structures, such as Cl 2,

H2O or CO2
 These small molecules are known as simple molecules
 Small covalent molecules can be represented by dot and cross diagrams
 Draw the structures of the following molecules using dot-and-cross
diagrams: hydrogen (H2), chlorine (Cl2), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2),
hydrogen chloride (HCl), water (H2O), ammonia (NH3) and methane
Simple Covalent Molecules
Simple Covalent Molecules
Simple Covalent Molecules
Simple Covalent Molecules
Simple Covalent Molecules
Simple Covalent Molecules
Simple Covalent Molecules
Structure and Properties of Covalent Substances
 Covalent substances may exist as simple molecules or as giant molecular
 Simple covalent molecules are small and can be separated into individual
molecular units without breaking any chemical bonds (although there will still be
strong covalent bonds holding the atoms in each individual molecule together.)
 Giant ionic and covalent structures form huge continuous networks of atoms that
are bonded together and cannot be separated into individual units without
breaking bonds.
 Their structure and bonding account for their physical properties.
Properties of simple molecular compounds

 Small molecules are compounds made up of molecules that contain just a few atoms covalently
bonded together. Such compounds re known as simple molecular compounds. E.g. Cl2, CO2,
CH4 etc.
 They have low melting and boiling points
 This is due to the weak intermolecular forces that require little energy to overcome
 Due to low melting and boiling points, most of them are liquids or gases at room temperature.
 Electrical Conductivity of simple molecules:
They are poor conductors of electricity as there are no free ions or electrons to carry the
Properties of simple molecular compounds

When a covalent molecule melts or boils the covalent bonds do not

break, only the intermolecular forces.
Giant Covalent/Molecular Structures

 Some substances exist as giant network of atoms that are

covalently bonded. These substances are said to have giant
molecular structures. Giant covalent structures can also be called
macromolecules. Three common macromolecules are diamond,
graphite and silicon dioxide.
Diamond: Structure & Bonding

 Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon.

 Both substances contain only carbon atoms but due to the differences in bonding
arrangements they are physically completely different.
 In diamond, each carbon atom bonds with four other carbons, forming
a tetrahedron
 All the covalent bonds are identical, very strong and there are no intermolecular

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