Energy Resources
Energy Resources
Energy Resources
Muhammad Daniyal 9B
What is renewable and
Renewable energy resources are which can be
produced repeatedly in a short time and will not run
out. Such as hydroelectric energy, geothermal
Non-renewable energy resources are which are not
able to be produced in a short time. These resources
are produced in a long time which we can not use.
Such as coal, oil, nuclear energy, fossil fuels.
Biofuels are energy resources which are being
produced by plants. They are the best alternative to
fossil fuels because fossil fuels create greenhouse
emissions, but biofuels do not produce greenhouse
emissions. Biofuels are not only produced by
plants they are also produced by animal waste, and
biomass. Wood is a biofuel so if you burn wood
down it would be able to produce heat. This heat
could be used in power plants.
Hydroelectric power
This energy resource uses water to
generate electricity. Electricity is
produced by water falling on a turbine
which causes it to move in fast motion.
This motion is causing the production of
energy. Hydroelectric plants are in dams.
This water is stored by rain and when
there is enough water the water will get
released and go to the turbine.
Solar panels Reduces carbon emissions Won’t work at night only in morning
Decrease your electric bills It’s expensive
Works for 25-30 years.