Practical Research1report
Practical Research1report
Practical Research1report
•2. Review the literature.
•3. Formulate hypothesis.
•4. Prepare the research design.
•5. Collect data.
•6. Analyze data.
•7. Interpret and report the findings.
1. Define the research
• 1. Voluntary participation
• 2. Informed consent
• 3. Risk of harm
• 4. Confidentiality
• 5. Anonymity
1. Voluntary
• The research participants must be given the
privilege to exercise their free will whether
to participate or not.
2. Informed consent
The research participants must be provided
with sufficient information about the
procedures and risks involved in the research
3. Risk of harm
The research participants must be protected
from any type of harm whether it may be
physical, psychological, social, or economic.
4. Confidentiality
The research participants must be assured of
their privacy particularly
on personal information. The researcher
must secure that all information
disclosed by them will not be used without
authorized access.
5. Anonymity
The research participants must remain
anonymous or unidentified throughout the
study even to the researchers themselves.