Emerging Technology Ch.... 3
Emerging Technology Ch.... 3
Emerging Technology Ch.... 3
After completing this chapter, the students will be able to:
Explain what artificial intelligence (AI) is.
Describe the eras of AI.
Explain the types and approaches of AI.
Describe the applications of AI in health, agriculture,
business and education
List the factors that influenced the advancement of AI in
recent years.
Understand the relationship between the human’s way of
thinking and AI systems
Identify AI research focus areas.
Identify real-world AI applications, some platforms, and tools.
Introduction to AI
What is Artificial Intelligence?
• Types of AI
Types of AI
Based On capabilities:
1. Weak AI or Narrow AI
2.General AI
3.Super AI or strong AI
Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to
perform a dedicated task with intelligence.
Narrow AI cannot perform beyond its field, as it is
only trained for one specific task. E.g Apple Siri
General AI is a type of intelligence that could
perform any intellectual task with efficiency like
a human.
Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at
which machines could surpass human
intelligence, and can perform any task better than
a human with cognitive properties
Based on the functionality:
Reactive Machines
Limited Memory
Theory of Mind
Reactive Machines
➢ Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of
Artificial Intelligence.
➢ Such AI systems do not store memories or past
experiences for future actions.
Limited Memory
➢ Limited memory machines can store past experiences
or some data for a short period of time.
➢ These machines can use stored data for a limited time
period only.
• Theory of Mind
➢ Theory of Mind AI should understand human
emotions, people, beliefs, and be able to interact socially
like humans.
➢ This type of AI machines is still not developed
• Self-Awareness
➢ Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence.
These machines will be super intelligent and will have
their own consciousness, sentiments, and self-awareness.
➢ These machines will be smarter than the human mind
How humans think
How does a human being think?
Intelligence or the cognitive process is composed of
three main stages:
➢ Observe and input the information or data in the
➢ Interpret and evaluate the input that is received
from the surrounding environment.
➢ Make decisions as a reaction towards what you
received as input and interpreted and evaluated.
How humans think
In the first stage, humans acquire information from their
environments through human senses.
In AI models, this stage is represented by the sensing
layer, which perceives information from the surrounding
This information is specific to the AI application. For
example, there are sensing agents such as voice
recognition for sensing voice and visual imaging
recognition for sensing images.
Thus, these agents or sensors take the role of the
hearing and sight senses in humans.
The second stage is related to interpreting and evaluating the
input data.
In AI, this stage is represented by the interpretation layer,
that is, reasoning and thinking about the gathered input that
is acquired by the sensing layer.
The third stage is related to taking action or making
After evaluating the input data, the interacting layer
performs the necessary tasks.
Robotic movement control and speech generation are
examples of functions that are implemented in the
interacting layer.
Influencers of artificial intelligence
Big data: Structured data versus unstructured
Advancements in computer processing speed
and new chip architectures
Cloud computing and APIs
The emergence of data science
Applications of AI