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Roll No 21-22

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Analysis of the relationship between

personality traits and mental training in
Submitted By :Warda Asim
Roll No : 21-22
S u b m i t t e d To : Mam Nazia
Course Tit le : Sports Psychology

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• Mental training is an important training method that athletes need to practice

throughout their careers and work with experts. Mental training methods usually
include breathing exercises, imagery exercises, concentration exercises, meditation
• Personality traits in athletes are frequently the subject of research. Personality is defined
as different characteristics that distinguish individuals from each other. It can also have
an effect on the behavior of individuals.
• Studies on the personality profile assessment of athletes show high extroversion and
adaptability, and low neuroticism

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correlational survey model

The correlational survey model is a survey approach that aims to determine the presence
of coexistence between two or more variables.
 Study Group
 Women=106

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Data Collection Tools

• Personal Information Form

This form prepared by the researcher consists of gender, age, sports branch, educational
status and sports age questions.
• Sport Mental Training Questionnaire
It consists of 5 sub-dimensions and 20 items: Mental Basic Skills (3, 7, 10, 14), Mental
Performance Skills (1, 5, 8, 12, 16, 19), Interpersonal Skills (4, 11, 15, 18), Self-Talk (2,
6, 13), Mental Revitalization ( 9, 17, 20).
• Ten-item personality scale
The measurement tool, which evaluates personality in a five-factor structure, consists of
a total of 10 items: "extraversion (1-6)", "agreeableness (2-7)", "conscientiousness (3-8)",
"emotional stability (4-9)" and "openness to experiences (5-10 )".
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• According to the results of this study, which was conducted to examine the relationships
between personality traits and mental training in athletes, the lowest mean value in the
personality scale was stability (x=5.15)
• Highest mean value was in the dimension of conscientiousness and openness to
experiences (x=5.84).
• On the mental training scale, the lowest mean value was self-talk (x=3.94), while the
highest mean value was interpersonal skills (x=4.50).
• As a result, positive and significant relationships were found between personality traits
and mental training dimensions, and personality traits and mental training dimensions
are closely related.

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