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Presentation On Heat Treatment

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Presentation on Heat Treatment

Date - 23/03/2022
By- V.N Shembalkar (QA & CS)
What is the Heat treatment ?

Heat treatment is defined as heating and cooling a solid metal

or alloys in such a way as to obtain desired condition or
Reason of heat treatment.
 Remove stress such as those developed in processing.
 Refine the grain structure of steel used in a part.
 Add wear resistance to surface of part by increasing its
hardness and at the same time increase its resistance to impact
by maintaining a soft, ductile core.
 Making it possible to replace a more expensive steel reduce
material cost in given application.
 Increase toughness by providing a combination of high tensile
strength and good ductility to enhance impact strength
 Improve the cutting properties.
Important Metallurgical Phases
Important Metallurgical Phases
Heat Treatment Processes
 Normalizing
 Annealing
 Stress Reliving
 Surface hardening
 Through Hardening
 Tempering
This process is often
considered from thermal and
microstrcutural stand point.
 Thermal means normalizing
is an autenising heating cycle
followed by air cooling.
 Microstructure - area that
contain about 0.8%C are
Pearlitic. Those low in carbon
are ferrite.
 To increase or decrease
strength and hardness
Typical Normalizing Temperatures
 Normalizing is applied for to improve the machinability or to refine
its grain structure or homogenized its grain structure or to reduce
residual stress.
Before Normalizing

After Normalizing

Annealing of Steel
 Subcritical annealing -
Maximum temperature may
be below the lower critical
 Intercritical annealing -
Maximum temperature is
above the AC1 but below
upper critical temperature
 Full annealing - Maximum
temperature is above AC3.
Annealing Temperatures for Selected Carbon and alloys steels.
Diagram of Annealing
Subcritical Annealing

 Austenite is not formed in this treatment. This prior condition

& steel is modified by such processes as recovery,
recrystallization, Grain growth the prior history of steel is
Intercritical Annealing

 Austenite begin to form when temperature of steel exceeds A1

temperature the equilibrium structure in Intercritical range
between A1 & A3 consist of ferrite and austenite.
Supercritical OR Full Annealing

 Full annealing is common practice, is obtain by heating steel

above AC3. Full annealing taken place in austenite region at the
annealing temperature.
Spheroidizing Annealing
 This treatment usually chosen to improve cold formability.
Other application include improving the machinability. Sph
microstructure used in cold forming because it lowers the flow
stresses of materials. Flow stresses determined by proportion
& distribution of ferrite and carbides. Ferrite strength depends
on its grain size & rate of cooling. The formability of steel is
significantly affected by whether carbides are in the lamellae or
spheroid condition.
 Steel may be heated and cooled to produce globular carbides
in a ferrite matrix.
Spheroidizing Annealing Curve
Spheroidizing Annealing Curve
Fe-C binary phase diagram of temp. for Spheroidizing
 Prolong heating at temperature just below Ac1
 Heating and cooling alternately between temperatures that are
just above Ac1.
 Heating to temperature just above Ac1 & cooling slowly in the
Hardening / Quenching
 Quenching is the most critical
part of the hardening process
must designe to extract heat
form the hot workpiece at rate
required to produce desired
microstrcuture, hardness and
residual stress.
 Distortion is perhaps one of the
biggest problem in heattreating.
Types of Quenching Process

 Air Quenching
 Oil Quenching
 Water Quenching
 Polymer Quenching
 Molten Solt Bath Quenching
 Brine Water Quenching
Typical Quench severities achievable with various media

Quenchant H Factor / Quenching power

Oil 0.25-0.8

Polymer 0.2-1.2

Water 0.9-2.0

Brine 2.0-5.0

Agitation has an important effect on all polymer quenchants,

by insuring a uniform termperature distribution within the
bath. It also effect cooling rate.
Martensite is a quenched microstructure that is usually
Cooling Curves and Processing Effects on Curve Shape
Cooling Stages
Stage-A Heat Removal-The first stage of cooling is characterized by a
quenchant vapor blanket around the part. Also called the vapor
blanket cooling stage Relatively slow cooling occurs during this period
because the vapor envelope acts as an insulator

Stage-B Heat Removal-The highest cooling rates occur in stage B or

the nucleate boiling stage. During this period,the vapor envelope
collapses, and high heat extraction rates are achieved that are
associated with nucleate boiling of the quenchant on the metal
surface. Heat is rapidly removed from the surface as liquid quenchant
contacts the metal surface and is vaporized.
Cooling Stages
Stage-C Heat Removal. Stage C is called the liquid cooling stage. Stage
C begins when the temperature of the metal surface is reduced
below the boiling point of the quenching liquid. Below this
temperature, boiling stops and cooling takes place by conduction and
convection into the quenchant. C-stage cooling rates are dependent
on the viscosity of the quenchant. All other factors being equal,
cooling rates decrease with increasing viscosity.
Cooling Stages
Photo sequence of a hot steel rod being quenched
in a 25% polyalkylene glycol (PAG) polymer in
water solution.
(1) When the rod is immersed, a polymer film
forms on its surface.
(2) After 15 s, polymer activates and begins to
boil. (3) After 25 s, boiling occurs over the entire
rod as the cooling rate increases.
(4) After 35 s,boiling collapses and the convection
stage begins.
(5) After 60 s, the polymer starts to redissolve.
(6) After 75 s, polymer film has completely
redissolved and the heat removal is achieved
entirely by convection.
TTT Diagram & Cooling curves

TTT diagram for 4130

low-alloy steel
Tempering of steel
 Tempering is a process in which
previously hardened or
normalized steel is heated to
temperature below transformation
range to increased ductility and
 Steel are tempered by reheating
by after hardening to obtain
specific value of mechanical
properties, relive quenching 1000X

stresses and ensure dimension

Principles variables

Variable that affect microstructure and mechanical

properties of a tempered steel includes

 Tempering Temperatures – 100 - 660⁰C.

 Time at temperatures – 1 to 2 hrs.
 Cooling rate from the tempering temperatures.
Effect of tempering temperature on room-temperature hardness
and strength of AISI 1050 steel.
Effect of tempering temperatures on room temperatures

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