BOE Workshop
BOE Workshop
BOE Workshop
Primary Air -
Air which flows through the bed or below furnace, which
controls the rate of burning of fuels is called Primary Air
Secondary Air -
Air supplied over the fire to react with unburned gases
called Secondary Air
Tertiary Air -
Air for combustion supplied to a furnace to supplement
the primary & secondary air is called Tertiary Air.
Causes of Bad Combustion & Measures Required to Avoid It.
There are many causes of bad combustion & measures required to
avoid them is as follows -
1) When we are use multi fuels, they requires various percentage of
excess air. When there is insufficient air supply, combustion is
incomplete, so to avoid them supply sufficient air.
2) When there is inadequate furnace volume, there is bad
combustion. So adequate proper furnace volume
3) Inefficient installation is cause of bad combustion, so for
complete combustion correct efficient installation
4) Poor automation is cause of bad combustion, correct the good
atomization for complete combustion
5) The poor mixture of fuel volatiles & air is also cause of bed
combustion, correct the air fuel mixture
6) The entrance of air in furnace at wrong place is cause of bad
combustion, enter the air at correct position
7) The cooling of unconsumed gases below there ignition temp. is also
cause of bad combustion
8) The unconsumed oil striking on cooling surface & presence of
impurities in oil fuel is also cause of bad combustion.
Delayed Combustion -
Continuation of combustion beyond the furnace is called
Delay or Late combustion.
Methods To Minimize Excess Air
Due to use of high excess air, the heat loss through
flue gas is more. To avoid this, the following are the methods to
minimize excess air in boiler.
1) Operate the furnace at correct air fuel ratio.
2) Do not supply more excess air to furnace.
3) Control the draught ideal.
4) Prevent the air leakage in boiler.
5) When rate of steam generation is low or fuel combustion
rate of steam is minimum, supply minimum air from forced and
secondary air fan.
6) Do not furnace doors is open in operation because cold air
enter in furnace.
7) Control or Fine tune up the F.D. fan speed on oxygen % in
flue gas.
Atomic Weights -
Hydrogen- H=1; Carbon-C=12; Oxygen-o=16
Nitrogen-N=14 & Sulphur-S=32
Combustion Reactions -
Combustion of Carbon -
C+O2=CO2 - Complete Combustion
12 +(2*16) = 44
Oxygen Required for complete Combustion = 32/12=8/3
Combustion of Hydrogen -
2H2+O2=2H2O - Complete Combustion
(2*2) + (2+16)= 36
Oxygen Required for complete combustion of Hydrogen = 32/4=8
Combustion of Sulphur -
S+O2= SO2 - Complete Combustion
Oxygen Required for Complete combustion of Sulphur =32/32=1
Theoretical Oxygen Required for 1Kg Fuel -
Theoretical Oxygen Required= (8/3*Xc+8*XH+1*Xs-Xo) Kg
Xc- Weight of Carbon in Fuel in Kg
XH- Weight of Hydrogen in Fuel in Kg
Xs- Weight of Sulphur in Fuel in Kg
Xo- Weight of Oxygen in Fuel in Kg
Now, we know Oxygen in air is 23%
Actual Air Required for Complete Combustion= (Oxygen Required*100)/23
Combustion Products
Total Combustion Products=Ma+1 Kg
Where, Ma= Mass of Air Supplied per Kg of fuel.
CO2 =11/3* Weight of Carbon in Fuel Kg
CO = 7/3*Weight of Carbon in Fuel Kg
H2O = 9* Weight of Hydrogen in Fuel Kg
SO2 =2*Weight of Sulphur in Fuel Kg
Formula's OR Chemical Detonation of Fuel
Fuel Detonation
Methane CH4
Ethane C2H6
Propane C3H8
Butane C4H10
Rentane C5H12
Hexane C6H14
Hentane C7H16
Octane(Petrol) C8H18
Hexadecane(Diesel) C9H34
1) What is stiochmetric Air fuel ratio. Calculate stiochmetric air fuel
ratio of Ethylene(C2H4)(Marks-6; Feb.2019)
Stiochmetric Air Fuel Ratio -
It is minimum mass of air required for complete
combustion of one Kg fuel.
Given Fuel, Ethylene= C2H4
By Atomic Weight,
24+4 = 28 Kg
Weight of Carbon = C=24/28=0.857 Kg
Weight of Hydrogen = H= 4/28 = 0.16 Kg
Now in one kg Ethylene 0.857 Kg Carbon & 0.16 Kg Hydrogen is
Theoretical Oxygen Required = (8/3Xc+8XH)
= 2.66*0.857 + 8*0.16
= 2.279+1.28
= 3.559 Kg
Now in Air 23% is Oxygen.
Theoretical Air Required = Theoretical Oxygen Req.*100/23
= 3.559*100/23
= 15.47 Kg
1. A power boiler consumes 350 Ton of coal per hour. Sulphur percentage
as per ultimate analysis of coal is 1.0%. Calculate quantity of sulphur
dioxide per day from boiler.
( Marks – 6 Feb.- 2017)
Given –
Coal consumption per Hour – 350 MT
Sulphur contain – 1.0%
Coal burning per day = 24 x 350 = 8400 MT
Sulphur weight in coal burning per day = (8400 x 1)/100 = 84 MT
Sulphur dioxide generated per day = 2 x weight of Sulphur
= 2 x 84
= 168 MT/Day.
2. Efficiency of a 250TPH, 80Kg/cm2, 500 OC boiler is 82% coal having GVC
3400 Kcal/kg & 46% ash is used in boiler. Calculate number of trucks
required per day to remove total ash generated when boiler is operated at
full load. Consider feed water temp. 135OC & net loading capacity of truck
is 10MT
(Marks – 6, Feb.- 2017)
Given –
Steam generated capacity – 250 TPH = 250000 Kg/Hr.
Working Pressure – 80 kg/Cm2, Steam temperature – 500OC,
Feed water Temp. – 135OC, Boiler efficiency – 82%,
Coal GVC – 3400 Kcal/Kg., Ash % - 46%,
Net loading capacity of truck – 10MT.
Now from Steam Table –
Enthalpy of Steam @ 80 Kg/Cm2 pressure & 500OC Temp=
hs = 813.39 Kcal/kg.
Enthalpy of Feed Water @ 135OC temp = hf = 135.83 Kcal/kg.
We know
Steam generation(H-h)
Boiler Efficiency = ----------------------------- x 100
Coal firing x GVC
250000 (813.39 – 135.83)
0.82 = -----------------------------
Coal firing x 3400
Coal firing = (250000 x 677.56)/(3400x0.82) = 60756.81
Coal firing per Hour = 60756.81 kg/Hr. = 60.756 MT/Hr.
Coal fired per day = 24 x 60.756 = 1458.24 MT/Day
Ash Generated per day = 1458.24 x 0.46 = 670.790 MT/Day
No. of Trucks req. per day = (ash Generated per day / Net loading of Truck)
= 670.790 / 10 = 67.07
= 67 Nos. of Trucks.
3. A boiler plant has ESP of 99% Efficiency & flue gas scrubber for removal of
Sulphur dioxide with 80% Efficiency. It operates at Efficiency of 85% at fill load.
In which bottom ash share is 20%. Calculate the Sulphur dioxide & particulate
emission through the stack per day ?
GVC of coal – 4000 Kcal/kg., Steam generation – 480 Kg/Min., Working Pressure –
45 Kg/cm2, Steam temp.- 410OC , Feed water Temp.- 105OC
Ash % in Coal- 35% & sulphure % - 0.5 % ( Marks – 5, Feb.- 2019)
Given Data –
Steam Consumption = ms = 480 Kg/min = 28800 Kg/Hr.
Steam Pressure–45Kg/Cm2, steam Temp.-410OC, Feed water Temp.- 105OC
GVC of Coal – 4000 Kcal/Kg, Boiler efficiency – 85%, ESP efficiency – 99 %
Scrubber Efficiency – 80%, ash % coal – 35%,Sulphur % = 0.5%,
Bottom Ash% - 20%
Now from steam table –
Enthalpy of Steam @ 45 Kg/Cm2 pressure & 410OC Temp.
= 5600 Kg/Hr.
= Rs.18030.71 /MT
Thus the cost of steam generation of coal fired boiler is less than Natural gas