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The International Reviewer
Volume 1 | Issue 2 | July - December 2014 | pp. 30-33 | ISSN 2395-1575
Sunil, A. U. Ravishankar, Suresha S. N., S. M. Naik

Presentation by: Ahmad Shah Kakar, Tsegaye Arega, Shamsuddin Masoud

Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016

 i) Properties of RAC
 ii) Mix Proportions
 iii) Slump Test
 IV) Compression Test
 V) Modulus of Elasticity Test
 Recycled aggregate are comprised of crushed, graded inorganic particles processed
from the materials that have been used in the construction and demolition debris.
 These materials are generally from buildings, roads, bridges, and sometimes even from
catastrophes, such as wars and earthquakes.
 Recycled aggregate is generally produced by two stages crushing of demolished
concrete, screening and removal of contaminants such as reinforcement, plastic etc.
 Concrete made with such aggregates is called as Recycled aggregate Concrete (RAC).
Demolition of old and deteriorated buildings and traffic infrastructure, and their
substitution with new ones, is a frequent phenomenon today in a large part of the

 Recent research of Freedonia group

has found:

 Global demand of aggregates for

46 billion metric tons in 2011
51 billion metric tons in 2019
In addition…

 Construction and demolition wastes are generated annually in world

 14.5 Million Tons (India)
 13 Million Tons (France)
 10-15 Million Tons (Japan)
 20 Million Tons ( Hong Kong)
 Investigation results of Environmental resources ltd(1979) for EEC (European
Economic Community) member countries found
 55 Million Tons - by 1980
 302 Million Tons – by 2020

 Limbachiya and Leelawat (2000) found that recycled aggregate concrete had 7 to 9%
lower relative density and 2 times higher water absorption than natural aggregate.

 According to Bodin and Zaharieva, precautions must also be taken of pathological

reactions such as alkali – aggregate reaction and sulphate reaction in the industrially
produced recycled aggregate.

 In this project, the recycled concrete aggregates

are obtained from the big concrete blocks.
 These blocks are first crushed by using
Hammer to a size of 40mm or less then it is
crushed by using Crusher. Due to this the
recycled aggregates of size 10mm to 20mm are
 These recycled aggregates are wet they are
dried by keeping in oven for 24 days.
 The different tests are carried out on finally
obtained recycled aggregates and Mix design of
concrete of grade M20 by using IS 1260:2009
and 456:2000.
 i) Properties of RAC
Sum of Cumulative Percentage Retained = 533.8 Fineness Modulus = 533.8/100 = 5.338

Table 1: Particule Size Distribution . Table 2: Properties of RAC.

IS Sieve
Recycled Aggregate
Cumulative Properties
Cumulative Cumulative Concrete
Weight Percentage
Weight Percentage
Retained Weight
Retained Passing
(kg) Retained Specific gravity 2.57
(kg) (%)

Water absorption 1.21%

40mm 0 0 0 100
20mm 0.1750 0.170 3.4 96.6
10mm 2.475 2.645 52.9 47.1 Aggregate Impact
4.75mm 1.806 4.451 89.02 10.98 Value
2.36mm 0.23 4.681 93.62 6.38
1.18mm 0.15 4.831 96.62 3.38 Aggregate Crushing
600micron 0.10 4.931 98.62 1.38 29.86%
150micron 0.05 4.981 99.62 0.38 Value
ii) Mix Proportions
 The compressive strength increased with a decrease in w/c ratio and is directly
proportional to strength of blended aggregate. However, when used at higher level of
replacement, the high water absorption ability of recycled aggregate resulted in the higher
total water demand. We Know that, Target Strength for M20 Mix proportion is 20 +
(1.65x4) as equal to 26.6MPa and the Ratio of Cement : Sand : aggregate was arrived at as
1:2.65:3.92. The results are tabulated under Table

Table 3: Mix Proportion.

Cement 300kg/m3
Water 148.8 kg/m3
Fine aggregate 796kg
Coarse aggregate 1173.462kg
Water – Cement ratio 0.50
Fine aggregate to Cement ratio 2.65
Coarse aggregate to Cement ratio 3.92
Slump 50mm
iii) Slump Test
 Slump test was used to determine the workability of fresh concrete. The slump less than
25mm indicates a very stiff concrete and a slump that more than 125mm indicates a
running concrete. The results indicated 48mm for 100% recycled aggregate and 55 mm for
75% recycled aggregate. The results are tabulated under Table 4.

Table 4: Variation of Slump with Percentage of RAC.

Percentage of Recycled Aggregate (%) Slump (mm)

100% recycled aggregate

75% recycled aggregate 55
IV) Compression Test
 A Concrete mix having cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in the ratio of 1:2.65:3.92
was prepared. The components were mixed using machine in adding water cement ratio of 0.50
during the process. The concrete mix was filled in 9 cube moulds kept for 24 hours. After 24
hours, the specimens were demoulded and kept immersed in water for 7, 14 and 21 days after
which they were removed for testing. The results are tabulated under Table 5.

Table 5: Variation of Compressive Strength.

Percentage of Compressive Compressive Compressive

Recycled Strength for Strength for Strength for
Aggregate 7days 14days 21days
Concrete (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
100% 21.24 23.62 24.88
75% 23.70 24.98 25.99
Compression Test
V) Modulus of Elasticity Test
 Moulded test specimens (cylinders) were of the size 150x300mm. 3 such specimens were
prepared using same concrete mix design as compressive strength and tested after 21 days of
curing. The results are presented under Chart 1.
VI) Splitting Tensile Strength Test of Concrete.

 Moulded test specimens (cylinders) are of the size 150x300mm. 3 such specimens were prepared
using same concrete mix design and tested after 21days of curing. The results are tabulated under
Table 6.

Table 6: Variation of Splitting Tensile Strength with Ultimate Load.

Weight of Split Tensile

Specimens Ultimate Load
Cylinder (kg) Strength (MPa)
P (KN)
2P/ (ΠDL)
1 12.56 190 2.63
2 12.46 180 2.54
3 12.60 195 2.75
Splitting Tensile Strength Test of Concrete.
 Using Recycled fine aggregates in concrete can prove to be better however in less quantity
and can be recommended for lower grade applications like lower layers of roads such Sub
base course and base course.
 By using Recycled aggregates in construction it will maximize the economic and
environmental benefits.
 Compressive Strength of Concrete will decreases with increase in Percentage of Recycled
Aggregates for 7, 14, 21 days.
 The Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete is an important property in Mix Design. The
modulus of elasticity of concrete also affects its strength.
 Splitting Tensile Strength Test is simple and gives uniform results. The Average Tensile
Strength is 2.65MPa for 21 days test specimen.
 Average Compressive Strength for 100% of Recycled aggregate at 21days specimen is
24.98MPa. Average Compressive Strength for 75% of Recycled aggregate at 21days
specimen is 25.99MPa.

 [1] Limbachiya M.C., Leelawat T. and Dhir R.K.; Use of recycled concrete aggregate in
high-strength concrete, Materials and Structures, Vol. 33, pp. 574-580, 2000.

 [2] Buyle-Bodin F. and Hadijieva-Zaharieva R.; Influence of industrially produced recycled

aggregates on flow properties of concrete, Materials and Structures, Vol. 35, pp. 504-509, 2002.

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