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Human Impact On The Ocean

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uman impact on the ocean

By Manav Patel

Save the Turtles!

Global Warming
The effects of Global
warming How we can help
• Global warming has a huge environmental • You can help by. ⬇️
impact because it warms up the earth.
Global warming is also known to mess up
most ecosystems in the ocean and on land.
It can be caused by air pollution and some • Power your home with renewable
other toxic gasses. Off the coast of Australia energy.
The Great Barrier Reef has many species of
coral that are turning white because of • Invest in energy-efficient appliances.
global warming. This is not just happening on • Reduce water waste.
the coast of Australia it is happening in many
other places too. After the corals turn white • Actually eat the food you buy—and
after around a few months they decompose. make less of it meat.
This might not seem so
it bad but when the coral • Buy better bulbs.
turn white the fish have
to find a new place to • Pull the plug
live or get

The effect of pollution How we can help

• Litter in the world’s oceans comes from • Conserve energy - at home, at work,
many sources, including containers that fall everywhere.
off ships during storms, trash that washes off
city streets into rivers that lead into the sea, • Look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying
and waste from landfills that blows into home or office equipment.
streams or directly into the ocean. Once in
the ocean, this debris may degrade slowly • Carpool, use public transportation, bike, or
and persist for years, traveling the currents, walk whenever possible.
accumulating in large patches and washing • Follow gasoline refueling instructions for
up on beaches. Clean freshwater is an
essential ingredient for a healthy human life,
efficient vapor recovery, being careful not to
but 1.1 billion people lack access to water spill fuel and always tightening your gas cap
and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate securely.
sanitation. Water becomes polluted from • Consider purchasing portable gasoline
toxic substances dumped or washed into
streams and waterways and the discharge of containers labeled “spill-proof,” where
sewage and industrial waste. These available.
pollutants come in many forms—organic,
The effects of overfishing How we can help
• Overfishing depletes the population of adult fish
and doesn't leave enough fish to reproduce and
• Create More Marine Protected
replenish their dwindling numbers. This can be Areas.
attributed to poor fisheries management,
unsustainable fishing, economic needs, as well as • Stop Trawling.
illegal and unregulated fishing. There are also
many effects like Removal of Essential Predators, • Worldwide Catch Shares.
poor Coral Reef Health, growth of Algae,
unintended Catches, the Threat to Local Food
Sources, and Financial Losses, utter Imbalance of
• Educate Everyone and Spread
the Marine Ecosystems. the Word.
• Join a Campaign
and Support Organizations.
• Make Smart Consumer Choices.
Shark finning
The effects of shark finning How we can help
• Help get the message out there on
• Today, some shark populations have decreased by 60-70%
due to human shark fisheries. Such dramatic population
social media. Change could literally
plunges are not only dangerous for sharks but also for be a click away.
entire ecosystems. When shark populations decrease, a
ripple effect can spread throughout the rest of the • Start a flash mob.
ecosystem. The only reason shark finning exists is because
of shark fin soup. It can be found in China. • Start a campaign in your school.
• Protest.
• Boycott restaurants that serve shark
fin soup.
• Sign a petition OR make your own.
• Start a fundraiser.

• All of this just for soup?

Chemical pollution
The effects of Chemical
Pollution How we can help
• Chemical pollution leads to various serious • You can help by recycling, reuse or
diseases, generally by consuming donate liquids from automobiles. Do not
poisonous food, drinking highly
contaminated water, or breathing highly pour them down the drain or throw them
contaminated air. Metals found in the away in the regular trash. Limit the use
ocean that are highly toxic on their own of your cars and motor vehicles. Riding a
include mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic,
tin, copper, nickel, selenium, and
bike or taking public transportation
zinc. Mercury, cadmium, and lead can will help reduce the amount
become even more highly toxic in of chemicals put into the air.
combination with organic compounds.
• In conclusion there are many Human
impacts on the ocean. Many of these
impact are not being dealt with or even
being acknowledged.

• But You Can

Make a


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