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Sanshodana Karma

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Main Samśodhana Karma

and Tridoṣa
Professor S P Molligoda
Pradhāna Cikitsā Karma (Main Treatment

• Ayurveda emphasizes on three folds

therapeutic management of the diseases viz:
Samshodhana (purification)
• Nidana parivarjana (avoiding of causative

SAMSHODHANA Ndana parivarjana

SAMSHAMANA (Avoidance of
(Elimination of toxins
(Medicinal treatments) causative factors)
through natural routes)
Dosha Sisira Vasantha Grishma Varsha Sarath Hemanth

Vata Chaya Prakopa Prashama

Pitta Chaya Prakopa Prashama

Kapha Chaya Prakopa Prashama

Caya prakopa praśamā vāyo grãṣmādiṣu triṣu
varśādiṣu tu pittasya śleṣmaõ: śiśirādiṣu

Pūrva Karma/Pre operative treatments
1. Sneha Karma (Oleation Therapy)
2. Sweda Karma (formentation Therapy)

Sneha - root sniha स्निह

two meanings
प्रीत्यौ – render affection
स्नेहने – render lubrication
Sneha Karma (Oleation Therapy)
स्नेहनं विष्य न्दमार्धवक्लेदकारकम्
(च. सु. २२/११)
I. Sneha- oilyness
II. Vishyanda – vilayana (dissolution or diffusion
which causes excretion and overflowing of
III. Mardava – softness
IV. Kleda – increase water content in the body
Sveda Karma (formentation Therapy)

Svedana - root
svid स्विद
three meanings
Sweda Karma (formentation Therapy)
स्थम्भगौरव शीतघ्न स्वेदनं
स्वेदकारकम् Ca.su.22/11

Swedana is the procedure which cures stiffness, heaviness and

coldness of the body produces sweating
Guna of sweda dravya
In general the pharmacodynamic properties of swedana drugs

उष्णं तीक्ष्णं सरं स्निग्धं रूक्षं सूक्ष्मं

द्रवं स्थिरम्
द्रव्यं गुरु च यत् प्रायस्तद्धि स्वेदन मुच्यते
Ca. su. 22/16
Bāhira – External

Abyantara - Internal
Sweda Karma
Pradhāna Karma
1. Vamana
2. Virechana
3. Vasthi
4. Nasya
5. Rakta mokshana
Paṣcāt Karma
• Bringing back to the body to it’s normal physiological
condition after drastic eliminatory purification
procedure by specific dietary regimen and different
• Check fulfill the main criteria
• Dumapana in vamana
• Sansarjana Karma (using peya, vilepi, Akrita, krita
• Parihara vshaya (Don’t do)
Dosha Sisira Vasantha Grishma Varsha Sarath Hemanth

Vata Chaya Prakopa Prashama

•Sneha •Sneha

Pitta Chaya Prakopa Prashama

Gee +Pitta •Gee +Pitta
saman saman
medicine medicine
1. Kapha – Vamana, Nasya
2. Pitta - Virechana
3. Pitta +kapha - Virechana
4. Vata - Vasthi , mrudu Virechana
5. pitta, rakta - Rakta mokshana

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