PPT 3 (1)
PPT 3 (1)
PPT 3 (1)
Opposite side h
Sin θ= =
Hypotenuse l
If ‘h’ and ‘l’ could be measured accurately, ‘θ’ can be also obtained
accurately. The value ‘h’ is built up by slip gauges and the value ‘l’ is
constant for a given sine bar. Sine bars are used either for measuring
angles very accurately or for locating any work to a given angle with in
very close limits. For precision work, the upper face of the sine bar
must be parallel with the plane passing through the axes of both
cylinders. The top and bottom faces of the sine bar also must be
parallel so that the top or bottom face could be used as working
surfaces. A small setting error has much less influence on the
accuracy of measuring a small angle than for a large angle.
Sine bars are made from high carbon, high chromium, corrosion
resistant steel which can be hardened, ground & stabilized.
1 The distance between centres (l) must be precisely known.
2 The axes of rollers must be parallel to each other.
3 The upper surface of the sine bar must be flat and parallel.
4 The rollers must be of identical diameters and round to within a close
θ - setting angle
l - distance between roller of
sine bar
For larger work, the sine bar principle can be extended by making use of
A surface plate is used for this purpose. A set up is made after
building the pile of slips to value ‘h’. A dial indicator is moved on
the surface of the job, after locating the job on the surface of the
sine bar. The slips are adjusted so that the dial indicator reads zero
when moved across the work surface. Thus, the height ‘h’ can be
calculated as
h=𝑙 sin θ
(iii) For Large and Heavy Component
𝑅1 − 𝑅 2
sin θ =
Reason of not using Sine bar beyond 45 degree