Power Factor
Power Factor
Power Factor
Power Factor
The power factor indicates the portion
of the current in the system performing
useful work.
A power factor of unity (100 percent)
denotes 100 percent utilization of the
total current for useful work.
a power factor of 0.70 shows that only
70 percent of the current is performing
useful work.
Power Factor
It can be termed as “ The Cosine of angle
between voltage and current in AC circuit is
known as Power Factor.”
I cos Æ
I sin Æ
• I cos Æ = In phase or Useful Component utilized for
doing work.
• I sin Æ = Quadrature or Reactive Component utilized for
creating magnetic field.
• cos Æ = Power Factor
Power Factor
It can also be defined as” The Ratio of True
Power to the Apparent power.”