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Millions of pitches,
pitches for free.
David Cristina
I’m here to help with your pitches. Hopefully.
Twitter: @davidzcristina
“There is no bigger drive than
knowing something that
everyone else does not”
- Me (just now)
First of all.0

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Top 5 Note Taking Tips from Future Innovators
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Top 5 Note Taking Tips from Future Innovators

The document provides 5 tips for improving note taking skills based on how children take notes: 1. Keep all notes organized in one place for easy access. 2. Doodling can help spark comprehension and create memory anchors. 3. Writing notes by hand forces focusing on key ideas and concepts. 4. Underlining, asterisks, and arrows can help connect and emphasize important information. 5. Develop a note taking system that works for your individual learning style.

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Troubleshoot Your Mind For Better Business Ideas
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This document provides tips for generating new business ideas by feeding your creative mind fresh experiences, environments, questions, expectations, and skills. It discusses how idea blocks can arise from a lack of fresh inputs and bad habits like excessive TV, lack of exercise, never being alone, not writing ideas down, and more. The document recommends proactive strategies to avoid blocks, such as quiet thinking time each morning, meeting with like-minded people weekly, taking walks without your phone, getting enough sleep, taking online courses in new topics, and feeding your mind fresh content. The overall message is that introducing fresh inputs keeps your creative thinking unblocked.

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8 Ways To Make Any Presentation Interesting
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At Big Fish Presentations, we know that boring presentations have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. If the content doesn't seem interesting, you can change that by how you present the information. Here are 8 ways to make ANYTHING interesting.

big fish presentationscustomer experiencepresentations
89,526,124$That’s a lot of money
100%Total success!
185,244 usersAnd a lot of users
89,526,124Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud?
Your presentation
may still suck.
What we think we
But really don’t.

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Are you nervous about an upcoming presentation? Use these tips to step up your presentation game and give the audience an experience they won't forget.

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The document provides tips for giving a strong opening to a presentation, noting that the first 4 minutes are critical for making a good impression. It recommends getting the audience's attention, welcoming them, introducing yourself and stating the purpose and questions policy. The opening should break the ice and gain sympathy. Specific opening options include using startling statistics, speaking to a conference theme, telling a brief relevant story, or quoting someone famous related to the topic.


The document provides tips for entrepreneurs to sell their product ideas or business opportunities to potential investors or supporters who control funding. It advises being direct, clear, concise, and enthusiastic in explaining the idea using terms the listener can relate to. Entrepreneurs should prepare 2-3 well-developed opportunity ideas and defend them concisely in front of professionals using a 3-slide, 3-minute format that presents the best idea first without long introductions.

Common misconceptions about
pitching to investors:
◉There is only one right way to present.
◉It’s only about information.
◉Investors will decide based on your pitch.
◉It’s about convincing investors to fund you.
What is a pitch?
Pitches are Stories.
They must engage you emotionally, have an arch
and goshdarnit they must have a point.
Pitches have a
shared structure.
Which is pretty straightfoward. But people get it wrong.

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5 Ways to Close a Presentation
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In our newest Slideshare presentation, we at Big Fish Presentations would love to share with our followers 5 ways to close your next presentation.

Public Speaking: How To Speak In Public Without Getting Sweaty Palms, Shaky K...
Public Speaking: How To Speak In Public Without Getting Sweaty Palms, Shaky K...Public Speaking: How To Speak In Public Without Getting Sweaty Palms, Shaky K...
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This presentation gives individuals the basics on what they should concentrate on when they have to speak in public. It covers the before, during, and after each speech and what should be focused on. It also gives tips on getting over the fear and nervousness of speaking in public.

fear of public speakingtransforming your outerself when speakingnervousness of public speaking
10 things that have helped me be a better advertising account handler
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Short presentation on '10 things that help me in my job in 10 minutes' from the inaugural IPA Account Management Breakfasts in Scotland. Designed for anyone who works in account management to pop along for an hour in the morning, have a chance to chew the fat with cross-agency comrades, and come away with a handful of answers and a dollop of inspiration.

best practiseipaaccount management
Pitch Basic Structure:
◉Short Context.
◉Team (could be moved to ending).
◉Problem (hint at market).
◉Solution (Value Proposition).
Value Proposition:
Know it, understand it and convey
it. Have it be crystal clear in our
head. Presentations are great tools
to clarify this.
Pitch Basic Structure:
◉Short Context.
◉Team (could be moved to ending).
◉Problem (hint at market).
◉Solution (Value Proposition).
◉Tech/product (IP, know-how).
◉Go-to-Market Plan.
◉Development plan + Ask.
◉Financial Projections (for a good laugh).
Different pitches
for different folks.
Tailor your pitch to your audience. Do it.

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The ted commandments
The ted commandmentsThe ted commandments
The ted commandments

The document outlines 10 commandments for speakers at TED conferences. The commandments instruct speakers to share new ideas or personal stories, reveal their passion for a topic, tell engaging stories, comment on other talks, discuss topics relevant to the audience, avoid reading from a script or going over time limits, and recommend embracing vulnerability and humor.

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With the explosion of content marketing, the battle for customer attention is more intense than ever. We held an event in New York to discuss how organizations can win the war of the words.

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Pitch Like a Boss: Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.
Pitch Like a Boss: Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.Pitch Like a Boss: Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.
Pitch Like a Boss: Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.

Master the art of communicating with anyone with ten easy tips on how you can confidently talk to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. By Michael Koenka. Want to download this presentation? Pay with a Post via the link below! http://j.mp/MDKDL

Know your audience:
◉Death by Powerpoint (good for graphs and
◉Everything on slide will be read. Banana.
◉Test presentation without slides.
◉Know your audience. In real-time.
◉Three main presentation settings: Pitch,
Discussion and Social Setting
Tailor pitch to situation
◉ Be clear and
◉ Stand up.
◉ Time constrained.
◉ Leave them
wanting to know
◉ Be clear and
◉ Sit down.
◉ Take your time.
◉ Make sure they
know everything.
Social settings
◉ Be clear and
◉ Not with your
mouth full.
◉ Keep it short.
◉ Never sell.
Always sell.
◉ Know who you
are talking to.
Prepare it well.
If it was good, it was not improvised.
Preparation has method.
◉What do you want to get out of it?
◉Make slides.
◉Write down key sentences.
◉Rehearse out loud.

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The Science of Story: How Brands Can Use Storytelling To Get More Customers

Storytelling is not only an entertaining source for information, but a way to engage and humanize our messages that helps them stick. Our brains are wired for stories. Like a drug, we seek them out. Good stories create lasting emotional connections that persuade, educate, entertain, and convert consumers into brand loyalists. Here’s another good reason to believe in the power of stories: You don't have a goddamn choice. We spend a third of our waking hours crafting stories, and the rest of the time consuming them. Our brains are always searching for stories. You need stories. You live your life around stories. Your life itself is a story. So, now find out how you can use them to better understand how brands and businesses can use storytelling to increase engagement and sales.

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Strategies to grab the audience’s attention
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Strategies to grab the audience’s attention

This document discusses strategies for grabbing an audience's attention when presenting, including: asking rhetorical questions, stating an impressive fact, telling a story, citing a quotation, narrating an appropriate joke, and going among the audience. Attention-grabbing skills are important for establishing relevance and bringing an audience into the presenter's world who may not be fully engaged initially. The strategies provided give concrete examples and aim to relax audiences to make them more interactive.

Boring Brand?! Try these 12 Storytelling Techniques
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Boring Brand?! Try these 12 Storytelling Techniques

Not everyone has the privilege to create advertising for exciting brands like Red Bull, Old Spice and Nike. The truth is that most people in the advertising industry face clients who sell soap to retirees. What storytelling techniques will work here?

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Questions are half
the battle.
Think on your feet.
Tips for a good discussion.
◉Do not be defensive. Be patient.
◉Disagree often. Only once per issue.
◉Listen. Take it in.
◉Only answer questions you understood.
◉When you don’t know, state it.
Easy tricks to
presenting expertly.
There are no easy tricks to presenting expertly.
Pitching is a lot like doing
◉Sets, Bits, Jokes and Punchlines.
◉Never memorize all your presentation.
Always memorize some of it.
◉Know what you want to say at each
◉Use pauses for intensity.

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This document provides 10 tips for talking to humans, including dos and don'ts. The dos include going prepared with goals and questions, targeting early adopters, speaking to individuals rather than groups, listening for past behaviors rather than speculation, asking for advice rather than pitching, and following interests that emerge. The don'ts include having endless questions, a shotgun approach, focus groups, bias, speculation, talking too much, and leaving empty handed.

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Great leaders have a very strong belief system in everything that they do. The first step to be a great speaker is to have a strong inner belief system of knowledge, facts, vision, intuition and attitude. Let us see, one by one, at all the tips to overcome your fear of public speaker.

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Apply: f6s.com/startupbragaaccelerationprogram More info: bit.ly/sbacceleration Startup Braga Acceleration program is a great opportunity to push your startup forward, the 7 teams participating in the 2014 edition managed to raised over 1.5 Million euros in funding even before the demo day. We connect you with over 50 entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts and executives and we also provide office space 24/7, access to a network of startup providers, top-notch workshops and a community of over 30 startups. In the end, you also have the opportunity to participate in our internacional roadshow. Apply until March 15 for the 2015 Startup Braga Acceleration Program. That will run for 3 months with a limited number of teams. This time the focus will be on Mobile/ eCommerce, MedTech and Nano Technology.

Primer on body
What the heck should I do with my hands?
If it feels unconfortable you are
doing it right:
◉Keep an open posture.
◉Arms are not to be crossed.
◉Look at specific spots.
◉Legs well balanced, walk with purpose.
◉Project voice, love the microphone.
How to stop being
It’s not about you. It’s about them.
Nervous? Good.
That means you’re human. Everyone gets
nervous before a presentation.

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This document discusses various tactics for startup growth, including growth hacking, models, metrics, email marketing, acquisition, and retention. It provides examples of key metrics like CPA, retention rates, and lifetime value. Tactics covered include testing different subject lines and copy in emails, segmenting lists, optimizing funnels in Mixpanel, and focusing on retention over time through simple engagement processes. The document emphasizes testing ideas and optimizing for goals and metrics on a weekly basis.

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Startup Braga Acceleration program is a great opportunity to push your startup forward, the 7 teams participating in the 2014 edition managed to raised over 1.5 Million euros in funding even before the demo day. We connect you with over 50 entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts and executives and we also provide office space 24/7, access to a network of startup providers, top-notch workshops and a community of over 30 startups. In the end, you also have the opportunity to participate in our internacional roadshow. Apply until March 15 for the 2015 Startup Braga Acceleration Program. That will run for 3 months with a limited number of teams. This time the focus will be on Mobile/ eCommerce, MedTech and Nano Technology. Apply: www.f6s.com/startupbragaaccelerationprogram Info: www.startupbraga.com

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Training manual - customer development
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Training manual - customer development

The document provides a training manual on customer development with 14 rules or guidelines. Some of the key points covered in the rules include: conducting customer development outside the company by talking to potential customers to learn facts; pairing customer development with agile development to iterate based on customer feedback; embracing failure as part of the learning process through experiments and pivots; using a business model canvas to track hypotheses and iterate based on customer validation or rejection; and focusing on passion and speed in decision making. The overall message is that customer development is about turning hypotheses into facts through customer validation, which requires getting outside the building to interact with potential customers.

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Get out of your head:
◉Focus on the task, with purpose.
◉The presentation is external to you.
◉Do. Don’t think.
◉This is a conversation, not a presentation.
Mantra of Zen-ness:
Tell them your thing. You have to
believe in it. Which means it’s clear
in your mind. So you thought about
it. Which means you may know
something that no one else
knows. Fight to the death to get it
out there.
Any questions ?
Find me at:
Twitter: @davidzcristina

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Body language - by David Cristina

  • 2. David Cristina I’m here to help with your pitches. Hopefully. david.cristina@portugalventures.pt Twitter: @davidzcristina Hi!
  • 3. “ “There is no bigger drive than knowing something that everyone else does not” - Me (just now)
  • 5. 89,526,124$That’s a lot of money 100%Total success! 185,244 usersAnd a lot of users
  • 6. 89,526,124Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud?
  • 8. What we think we know. But really don’t. 1
  • 9. Common misconceptions about pitching to investors: ◉There is only one right way to present. ◉It’s only about information. ◉Investors will decide based on your pitch. ◉It’s about convincing investors to fund you.
  • 10. “ What is a pitch?
  • 11. Pitches are Stories. They must engage you emotionally, have an arch and goshdarnit they must have a point.
  • 12. Pitches have a shared structure. Which is pretty straightfoward. But people get it wrong. 2
  • 13. Pitch Basic Structure: ◉Short Context. ◉Team (could be moved to ending). ◉Problem (hint at market). ◉Solution (Value Proposition).
  • 14. Value Proposition: Know it, understand it and convey it. Have it be crystal clear in our head. Presentations are great tools to clarify this.
  • 15. Pitch Basic Structure: ◉Short Context. ◉Team (could be moved to ending). ◉Problem (hint at market). ◉Solution (Value Proposition). ◉Tech/product (IP, know-how). ◉Market. ◉Go-to-Market Plan. ◉Development plan + Ask. ◉Financial Projections (for a good laugh).
  • 16. Different pitches for different folks. Tailor your pitch to your audience. Do it. 3
  • 17. Know your audience: ◉Death by Powerpoint (good for graphs and numbers). ◉Everything on slide will be read. Banana. ◉Test presentation without slides. ◉Know your audience. In real-time. ◉Three main presentation settings: Pitch, Discussion and Social Setting
  • 18. Tailor pitch to situation Pitch ◉ Be clear and concise. ◉ Stand up. ◉ Time constrained. ◉ Leave them wanting to know more. Discussion ◉ Be clear and concise. ◉ Sit down. ◉ Take your time. ◉ Make sure they know everything. Social settings ◉ Be clear and concise. ◉ Not with your mouth full. ◉ Keep it short. ◉ Never sell. Always sell. ◉ Know who you are talking to.
  • 19. Prepare it well. If it was good, it was not improvised. 4
  • 20. Preparation has method. ◉What do you want to get out of it? ◉Brainstorm. ◉Structure. ◉Make slides. ◉Write down key sentences. ◉Rehearse out loud.
  • 21. Questions are half the battle. Think on your feet. 5
  • 22. Tips for a good discussion. ◉Do not be defensive. Be patient. ◉Disagree often. Only once per issue. ◉Listen. Take it in. ◉Only answer questions you understood. ◉When you don’t know, state it.
  • 23. Easy tricks to presenting expertly. There are no easy tricks to presenting expertly. 6
  • 24. Pitching is a lot like doing standup. ◉Sets, Bits, Jokes and Punchlines. ◉Never memorize all your presentation. Always memorize some of it. ◉Know what you want to say at each slide/moment. ◉Use pauses for intensity.
  • 25. Primer on body language. What the heck should I do with my hands? 7
  • 26. If it feels unconfortable you are doing it right: ◉Keep an open posture. ◉Arms are not to be crossed. ◉Look at specific spots. ◉Legs well balanced, walk with purpose. ◉Project voice, love the microphone.
  • 27. How to stop being nervous. It’s not about you. It’s about them. 8
  • 28. Nervous? Good. That means you’re human. Everyone gets nervous before a presentation.
  • 29. Get out of your head: ◉Focus on the task, with purpose. ◉The presentation is external to you. ◉Do. Don’t think. ◉This is a conversation, not a presentation.
  • 30. Mantra of Zen-ness: Tell them your thing. You have to believe in it. Which means it’s clear in your mind. So you thought about it. Which means you may know something that no one else knows. Fight to the death to get it out there.
  • 31. Any questions ? Find me at: david.cristina@portugalventures.pt Twitter: @davidzcristina Thanks!