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Enlighten your software
REST API design & dev
Domingo Suárez Torres
Una propuesta de: “Como construir APIs REST
para sistemas distribuidos con alta
escalabilidad y resilencia"
• Preamble
• Disclaimer
• Context
• Motivation
• Contract
• Programming model
(architecture style)
• This talk and its contents are based in my own
• I’m not trying to say all the following IS the way to
do the right thing. Just my opinion. :)
• All I want is to share my experience with the
• This talk is huge. Hope I can finish on time.
• I’m not covering Hypermedia REST APIs
• I’m a JVM guy, so you will see lots of JVM
references. Sorry.
• Functional requirements is THE challenge.
• API Documentation is always a PITA, keep sync
with the maintenance, new features, fixes, etc.
• Build any API (REST, SOAP, RPC) is hard.
• Development tools choice (programming
language, libraries, frameworks, runtime, etc).
• Non functional requirements, quality attributes.
No longer an acronym. Since 1.2
• Characteristics
• Extensibility (security, routing)
• Neutrality (transport protocol)
• Independence (programming model)
SOAP architecture
• Several layers of specifications for:
• Message format
• Message Exchange Patterns
• Underlying transport protocol bindings
• Message processing models
• Protocol extensibility
• Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
• Universal Description Discovery and Integration
• Complex specification for vendors
• Developers take time to grok
• Sometimes very long time
• Misunderstanding of the guidelines.
I like SOAP intentions
I dislike SOAP complexity
API Contract
API Contract
• Always is over there. Implicit/Explicit
• You should have one.
• You should know it.
• No matter if you build it or you consume the API.
• You should give it so much love.
• Learn to love it.
API contract approaches
• Contract last
• Code driven contract
• Contract first
• Upfront design
Contract last
• Sadly is the commonest.
• Server-side developers dictate the contract.
• Most of the time with only one perspective.
• Implementator perspective VS consumer perpective
• Flaky. If missing test cases. Fragile.
• The documentation is done at the end.
• Bottleneck.
Contract first
• Upfront design API
• Consumer perspective design
• Reusability
• Versioning
• Performance
The contract as corner stone for REST APIs
How to build the contract?
So many others :)
RAML, my favorite
• YAML dialect + JSON schema #ftw (types)
• Readable for humans.
• Can be procesable by machines.
• Design clear, correct, precise & consistent APIs.
• No vendor lock-in.
Design & build
raml + raml-mockup
We can deliver an API in days or hours
RAML & code generation
• Server side
• Client
• Square Retrofit
• Documentation
• OpenSource project from Grupo Expansión
• Generates Plain Old Java/Groovy Objects
• Generates JAX-RS interfases
• Generates an API client with Retrofit
• Can run in Android also in any JVM application.
Nice, now I know how to
create a contract. What’s next?
Programming model
• Build, deploy, and monitor any kind of services in
agile, efficient way with open standards.
• Deployment on-premise, in the cloud, mix of both.
• Deploy services independently from each other.
• Decoupled & scale linearly across commodity
Wait, a buzzword
is coming…
MicroServices architecture
• Service Contracts
• Exposing new & existing services
• Enterprise Integration Patterns (integration, routing,
• Discovery of services
• Service Registry
MicroServices architecture
• Coordination across services
• Event Bus, (smart service, dump pipe)
• Managing complex deployments and their scalability
• Build Tool, CI, DevOps (Chef, Puppet), Linux
Containers, Cloud, monitoring
• Visibility and correlation across services
• Event correlation, ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana.
Sounds nice, but…
Implementation details
Spring Boot is awesome
–Spring Boot reference documentation
“Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-
alone, production-grade Spring based
Applications that you can “just run”. We take an
opinionated view of the Spring platform and
third-party libraries so you can get started with
minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications
need very little Spring configuration.”
Spring Boot
• Embedded Servlet container
• Tomcat
• Jetty
• Undertow
• Executable jar file. Key feature for microservices!
• Monitoring capabilities thanks to actuator
• HealthChecks
• Metrics (Dropwizard aka Coda Hale Metrics)
• Jolokia
Spring Boot & JAX-RS
• Jersey 2.x support out of the box
• Just use the Jersey Starter
• spring-boot-starter-jersey
• raml2code generates JAX-RS artifacts, remember?
Spring Cloud
• Distributed/versioned configuration
• Service registration and discovery
• Routing
• Service-to-service calls
• Load balancing
• Circuit Breakers
• Global locks
• Leadership election and cluster state
• Distributed messaging
Netflix OSS
• Netflix is released tons of good stuff.
• Reactive Extensions for Java
• Hystrix (Circuit breaker)
• Eureka (Service registry)
• Archaius (Configuration management)
• Zuul (Dynamic routing, monitoring, resilience, security)
• And many more…
Spring Boot loves
Netflix OSS
Spring Boot & Spring Cloud
for impatient developers
Each circle is a Docker container
Hystrix send metrics
Turbine listen events
Turbine generates
a http stream
• To all the platform team at Grupo Expansión
• Alvaro Cabrera (@pateketrueke)
• Anallely Olivares (@tsunllly)
• Angel Pimentel (@blzb)
• Eduardo Diaz (@iamedu)
• Tomás Salazar (@atomsfat)
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  • 1. Enlighten your software REST API design & dev Domingo Suárez Torres @domix http://github.com/domix http://domingosuarez.com Una propuesta de: “Como construir APIs REST para sistemas distribuidos con alta escalabilidad y resilencia" 1/jul/2015
  • 2. Agenda • Preamble • Disclaimer • Context • Motivation • API • Contract • Programming model (architecture style)
  • 4. Disclaimer • This talk and its contents are based in my own experience. • I’m not trying to say all the following IS the way to do the right thing. Just my opinion. :) • All I want is to share my experience with the community. • This talk is huge. Hope I can finish on time.
  • 5. Context • I’m not covering Hypermedia REST APIs • I’m a JVM guy, so you will see lots of JVM references. Sorry.
  • 6. Motivation • Functional requirements is THE challenge. • API Documentation is always a PITA, keep sync with the maintenance, new features, fixes, etc. • Build any API (REST, SOAP, RPC) is hard. • Development tools choice (programming language, libraries, frameworks, runtime, etc). • Non functional requirements, quality attributes.
  • 7. SOAP No longer an acronym. Since 1.2
  • 8. SOAP • Characteristics • Extensibility (security, routing) • Neutrality (transport protocol) • Independence (programming model)
  • 9. SOAP architecture • Several layers of specifications for: • Message format • Message Exchange Patterns • Underlying transport protocol bindings • Message processing models • Protocol extensibility
  • 10. SOAP • Web Services Description Language (WSDL) • Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
  • 11. SOAP • Complex specification for vendors • Developers take time to grok • Sometimes very long time • Misunderstanding of the guidelines.
  • 12. I like SOAP intentions
  • 13. I dislike SOAP complexity
  • 15. API Contract • Always is over there. Implicit/Explicit • You should have one. • You should know it. • No matter if you build it or you consume the API. • You should give it so much love. • Learn to love it.
  • 16. API contract approaches • Contract last • Code driven contract • Contract first • Upfront design
  • 17. Contract last • Sadly is the commonest. • Server-side developers dictate the contract. • Most of the time with only one perspective. • Implementator perspective VS consumer perpective • Flaky. If missing test cases. Fragile. • The documentation is done at the end. • Bottleneck.
  • 18. Contract first • Upfront design API • Consumer perspective design • Reusability • Versioning • Performance
  • 19. The contract as corner stone for REST APIs
  • 20. How to build the contract?
  • 21. Tools
  • 26. RAML, my favorite • YAML dialect + JSON schema #ftw (types) • Readable for humans. • Can be procesable by machines. • Design clear, correct, precise & consistent APIs. • No vendor lock-in.
  • 36. raml + raml-mockup We can deliver an API in days or hours
  • 37. RAML & code generation • Server side • JAX-RS • Client • Square Retrofit • Documentation • HTML
  • 38. raml2code • OpenSource project from Grupo Expansión • Generates Plain Old Java/Groovy Objects • Generates JAX-RS interfases • Generates an API client with Retrofit • Can run in Android also in any JVM application.
  • 41. Nice, now I know how to create a contract. What’s next?
  • 44. Services • Build, deploy, and monitor any kind of services in agile, efficient way with open standards. • Deployment on-premise, in the cloud, mix of both. • Deploy services independently from each other. • Decoupled & scale linearly across commodity hardware.
  • 45. Wait, a buzzword is coming…
  • 46. MicroServices architecture • Service Contracts • RAML • Exposing new & existing services • Enterprise Integration Patterns (integration, routing, transformation) • Discovery of services • Service Registry
  • 47. MicroServices architecture • Coordination across services • Event Bus, (smart service, dump pipe) • Managing complex deployments and their scalability • Build Tool, CI, DevOps (Chef, Puppet), Linux Containers, Cloud, monitoring • Visibility and correlation across services • Event correlation, ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana.
  • 51. Spring Boot is awesome
  • 52. –Spring Boot reference documentation “Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand- alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can “just run”. We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.”
  • 53. Spring Boot • Embedded Servlet container • Tomcat • Jetty • Undertow • Executable jar file. Key feature for microservices! • Monitoring capabilities thanks to actuator • HealthChecks • Metrics (Dropwizard aka Coda Hale Metrics) • Jolokia
  • 54. Spring Boot & JAX-RS • Jersey 2.x support out of the box • Just use the Jersey Starter • spring-boot-starter-jersey • raml2code generates JAX-RS artifacts, remember?
  • 55. Spring Cloud • Distributed/versioned configuration • Service registration and discovery • Routing • Service-to-service calls • Load balancing • Circuit Breakers • Global locks • Leadership election and cluster state • Distributed messaging
  • 56. Netflix OSS • Netflix is released tons of good stuff. • Reactive Extensions for Java • Hystrix (Circuit breaker) • Eureka (Service registry) • Archaius (Configuration management) • Zuul (Dynamic routing, monitoring, resilience, security) • And many more…
  • 58. Spring Boot & Spring Cloud for impatient developers
  • 60. Demo
  • 61. Each circle is a Docker container read/write Hystrix send metrics Turbine listen events Turbine generates a http stream
  • 62. Acknowledgments • To all the platform team at Grupo Expansión • Alvaro Cabrera (@pateketrueke) • Anallely Olivares (@tsunllly) • Angel Pimentel (@blzb) • Eduardo Diaz (@iamedu) • Tomás Salazar (@atomsfat)