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Grantmaker Due Diligence
                                                         in the
                 Pension Protection Act Era:

       How to identify supporting organizations and align
        your grants administration process with th 21st
                 t d i i t ti                ith the
                        century tax code

                                                       10 April 2012

© 2012, GuideStar USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This information is copyrighted subject matter owned by
GuideStar USA and is protected by United States and international copyright law.
Today’s Facilitators

        Pamela Jowdy
        Senior Product Manager, GuideStar

        Suzanne Ross McDowell
        Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Participant Poll

Today’s Objectives
1. Internal Revenue Code: Considerations for Grantmakers

     Why Verify:                       Pension Protection Act of 2006

     Supporting Organizations:
        pp     g g                      Relationships and Control

     Expenditure Responsibility:       Defined

     Revenue Procedure 2011-33:        Practical Implications

     Due Diligence:                    Methods and Best Practices

2. GuideStar Charity Check: Anatomy of a Solution
                   y              y

     How it works and what it delivers

     Failure to File Automatic Revocations

     Why it’s 100% compliant

     New advanced features: streamlining grantee management

3. Q & A                            4
Internal Revenue Code
Impact of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 on

Suzanne Ross McDowell ll
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Summary of
Pension Protection Act Provisions
       Affecting Grants to
   Supporting Organizations

Changes Made by the
Pension Protection Act of 2006
    i          i        f

 Private Foundations (PFs)
      Grants to certain supporting organizations (SOs) do
       not count towards minimum distribution
        • Penalty: 30% of shortfall; must make correction
      Grants to certain SOs require expenditure
          p         y
        • Penalty: 20% of grant on foundation; potentially 5% on
         directors and officers; must make correction
 Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
      Grants to certain SOs require expenditure
        • Penalty: 20% of grant on sponsor of DAF

What is a Supporting Organization?

 Internal Revenue Code provides--
      All 501(c)(3) organizations are either private
       foundations or public charities
      Private foundations are subject to greater regulation
 Public charities include:
      Schools, hospitals churches
       Schools hospitals, churches, government units
      Organizations that meet specific requirements for
       broad public support
      SOs
 All other 501(c)(3) organizations are private

What is a Supporting Organization?
(    ’d)

 SO is a 501(c)(3) organization which is--
      Classified as a public charity (not a PF)
      Because it has a specified relationship with another
       public charity (the supported organization)
 Types of relationships
      Type I – Parent-subsidiary
      Type II – Brother-sister
      Type III – Operated in connection with
        • Functionally Integrated
        • Not Functionally Integrated

Which Supporting Organizations
Require Expenditure Responsibility?
    i        di             ibili

 Type III Non-Functionally Integrated SOs
 All other SOs if--
     A disqualified person of the foundation
         di     lifi d         f h f      d i
      making a grant to the SO directly or indirectly
      controls the SO or a supported organization;
                               pp          g          ;
     A donor to a DAF, or a person designated by
      the donor to advise with respect to
      distributions, directly or indirectly controls a
      supported organization

What is Expenditure Responsibility?

 Procedures designed to ensure that PF funds
  are used for exclusively charitable purposes--
     Pre-grant
      Pre grant inquiry
     Written grant agreement with the grantee
     Grantee must keep funds separate from
      noncharitable funds
     Regular reports from the grantee to PF
     PF reports to IRS on Form 990-PF that
      expenditure responsibility requirements were
Which Grants Do Not Count Toward a
Private Foundation s Minimum

Grants to--
 Type III Non-Functionally Integrated SOs
 All other SOs if--
     A disqualified person of the foundation
      making a grant to the SO directly or indirectly
      controls the SO or a supported organization

When Does a Person Have Control?

 No IRS guidance provides clear method for
    determining whether control exists.
   Control exists when one or more disqualified
    persons or donors may, by aggregating their
    votes or positions of authority require the SO
    or supported organization to make an
    expenditure or prevent the SO or supported
    organization from making an expenditure.
    See Notice 2006-109.
When is a Type III Supporting
Organization Functionally Integrated?
O    i ti    F    ti  ll I t     t d?

 Proposed Regulations issued on September 24 2009
 Until temporary or final regulations are issued, can
  rely on Notice 2006-109 or Proposed Regulations
     y                             p        g
    Notice 2006-109: SO is functionally integrated

        • When the activities engaged in for or on behalf
          of a supported organization(s) are activities to
          perform the functions of, or to carry out the
          p p
          purposes of, such organization(s), and;
                      ,        g         ( ),    ;
        • But for the involvement of the SO, would
          normally be engaged in by the supported
          organization(s) themselves.
                i ti ( ) th      l
When is a Type III Supporting
Organization Functionally Integrated?

 Proposed Regulations: SO is functionally integrated
      If engages in activities substantially all of which
       directly further the exempt purposes of the supported
              y                  p p p                   pp
       organization(s), by performing the functions of or
       carrying out the purposes of the supported
       organization(s); and
      But for the involvement of the SO, would normally be
       engaged in by the supported organizations
      Includes owning and managing exempt-use property
      Does not include fundraising or managing non-
       exempt use property for a supported organization
      Special rules for hospitals and governmental units

Conducting Due Diligence to
    Avoid Excise Taxes
        under the
  Pension Protection Act

Step 1: Determine if Potential
Grantee i a 501(c)(3) Organization
         is    ( )( )        i i

 Approved Methods
      IRS Determination Letter
      IRS Pub. No. 78
        • Pub. No. 78 Weekly Updates in Internal
         Revenue Bulletin
      IRS Business Master File (BMF)
 If grantee is not a 501(c)(3), no new rules
 If grantee is a 501(c)(3), must determine if it
  is an SO
Step 2: Determine if Potential
Grantee i a SO

 Approved Methods
         d    h d
      IRS Determination Letter
        • Section 509(a)(1) and 509(a)(2) organization – not a
        • Section 509(a)(3) organization = SO
        • IRS letter may be silent
      BMF
        • Direct access (Notice 2006-109)
        • Access to IRS BMF data through third party such as
          GuideStar (Rev. Proc. 2009-32; Rev. Proc. 2011-33)
                    (                  ;                   )
      Pub. 78 does not include information
 If grantee is not a SO, can make grant—no new rules
 If grantee is a SO must determine the type
Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine
the Type of SO
 Method 1: IRS Determination Letter and BMF
      Most Determination Letters don’t include Type
        • Prior to 2006, no need for Type
      May be based on
        • Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM)
         issued on Aug. 2, 2007
       • Prop. Reg. issued on Sept 24, 2009
      When Prop. Reg. finalized, rules may change
      IRS modifying BMF to show type of SO
        • Updated monthly
        • Reflects changes that occur after determination letter
          i    d
Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine
the Type of SO (
 h         f   (cont’d)

 Method 2
     Reasoned written opinion of counsel of PF or DAF

Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine
the Type of SO (
 h         f   (cont’d)
 Method 3:
     Good Faith Reliance on Written Representation
      by Grantee
       • Representation by officer, director or trustee
       • Describes how officers, directors and trustees
         of grantee are selected
       • For Type I or II, references governing
         document provisions establishing relationship
                    p                     g            p
         with supported organization
       • For Type III-- identifies supported
               i ti
Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine
the Type of SO (
 h         f   (cont’d)

Method 3 (cont’d)
      PF or DAF must review
        • Governing documents of SO and supported organization
        • For Type III, representation from supported
          o Re types of activities
          o That, but for SO, supported organization would conduct
            activities of SO

Note: cannot rely on Form 990 to determine Type

Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine
the Type of SO (
 h         f   (cont’d)

 If grantee is a Non-Functionally Integrated
    Type III SO, then PF or DAF must exercise
    expenditure responsibility and grant does not
          dit            ibilit   d     td        t
    count toward non-operating foundation’s
    minimum distribution
   If grantee is a Type I, Type II or Functionally
    Integrated Type III SO must determine if a
    disqualified person of a PF or donor or
    donor’s designee of a DAF has control
Step 4: Determine if Disqualified Person
or Donor has Control over SO or
Supported Organization

 No IRS approved procedure; use definition in Notice
   Obtain list of supported organization(s)
   Identify disqualified persons for a PF and donors and
    their designees for a DAF
   Determine if disqualified persons exercise control
    over SO or supported organization
   Determine if d
    D t     i     donors/designees control supported
                         /d i            t l      t d
   Direct or indirect control
Step 4: Determine Control (cont d)

 If disqualified person or donor (or donor’s
  designee) has control, then must exercise
  expenditure responsibility and grant does not
        dit          ibilit    d     td       t
  count toward a non-operating foundation’s
  minimum distribution


 Type III which is Not Functionally Integrated
      Grant does not count toward non-operating
       foundation’s minimum distribution
      PFs and DAFs must exercise expenditure
 Type I II or Functionally Integrated Type III with
  disqualified person or donor control
      Grant does not count toward non-operating
       foundation s
       foundation’s minimum distribution
      PFs and DAFs must exercise expenditure

GuideStar Charity Check       ®

Anatomy of a Solution

Pamela Jowdy
Senior Product Manager
   #duediligence         27
Why Verify?
The Challenge
                                 Three Unique Due Diligence To-Do’s:

To Do:                                                Data Source:

                                                                Publication 78
Verify Current Charitable Status                                     and
                                                          Internal Revenue Bulletin

 Identify Supporting Organizations
        with 509(a)(3) status                             IRS B i
                                                              Business M t Fil
                                                                       Master File

     Identify revoked and / or                          IRS Automatic Revocation of
     reinstated organizations                                   Exemption List

        #duediligence                         28
Why Verify: IRS Data Sources
Pub 78 and Internal Revenue Bulletin
          Establish Tax Deductibility and Verify Current Charitable Status

 IRS Publication 78:
    Also known as Cumulative List of Organizations
    Includes all organizations to which charitable contributions are tax deductible
    Current tax-exempt status, percentage of contributions that are tax deductible
               tax exempt
    Deductibility limitations
    Published monthly (new for 2012); published quarterly previously

 IRS Internal Revenue Bulletin:
    S te a e e ue u et
    Also known as the ‘IRB’
    Lists organizations whose charitable status has been changed or revoked
    Updated weekly

 Rev. Proc. 82-39, 1982-1 C.B. 759 Sec.3.01 and Sec.3.02 states that grantors “may rely on
       the classification of an organization listed in or covered by Publication No. 78.”

       #duediligence                      29
Why Verify: IRS Data Sources
IRS Business Master File
                                   Determine 509(a) Status

   IRS Business Master File:
       Lists all tax-exempt organizations registered with the IRS
       Published monthly (not necessarily on the same day as Publication 78)
       Includes reason for non-private foundation status, aka “public charity classification”
       RReason f non-private foundation status = 509(a) status
                  for      i t f    d ti     t t    509( ) t t

   509(a)(1) and 509(a)(2):
      A public charity that receives a substantial amount of public support to fund its operations

   509(a)(3): Supporting Organization
      A public charity that provides support to one or more publicly supported organizations
      Must demonstrate that is has a particular type of relationship with the organization it

        #duediligence                        30
Why Verify: IRS Data Sources
IRS Automatic Revocation of Exemption List
                           Identify Revoked Organizations

 Failure to file annual return or notice with the IRS for three consecutive years
    990, 990N, 990EZ or 990PF

 Federal tax-exempt status revoked

 Subsequently reinstated organizations remain on the Automatic Revocation List

 Erroneously listed nonprofits and nonprofits that already hold an IRS determination
              y         p                p                y
  of nonfiling requirement will be deleted from the revocation list

 http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=221600,00.html

        Procedures for reinstatement and other helpful FAQs

         #duediligence                  31
How Big?
Data Source Size and Scope
                    IRS Business Master File: March 2012

 1,560,339 total organizations

 24,626 Supporting Organizations
    408 include supporting organization type
         73% Type I SO
         14.7% Type II SO
         6.9% Type III Functionally Integrated SO
         5.4% Type III Not Functionally Integrated SO

 ~2,200 organizations reinstated from a previous BMF

 ~6,800 organizations not seen in any previous BMF

 1,059,911 501(c)(3)s
    960K Form 990 / Form 990 EZ / Form 990 N filers
    98K Form 990 PF filers

      #duediligence               32
How Big?
Data Source Size and Scope
                      IRS Publication 78: March 2012

 825,612 total organizations
 337,384 subordinate organizations covered under group exemption but not
  listed in Pub 78 that GuideStar matches from BMF

                 IRS Automatic Revocation List: April 2012

 443,447 total organizations
 2,189 subordinate organizations covered under group exemption but not
  listed in Pub 78 that GuideStar matches from BMF

      #duediligence              33
Grants Administration                                                       Charity Check v1.5     Charity Check v2.0

Milestones                                                                  100% compliant with
                                                                               IRS FAQ and
                                                                            Revenue Procedure
                                                                                                  •100% compliant
                                                                                                  •Parent /
                                                                                 2009-32          Subordinate Linkage

       1969                  August
                               g                         March                   June                    June
                              2006                       2007                    2009                    2011

                                            Internal Revenue Code

 Tax Reform Act         Pension Protection            IRS FAQ on               IRS Revenue           IRS Revenue
                               Act                Business Master File      Procedure 2009 32
                                                                                      2009-32     Procedure 2011-33
The legal framework                                     Reliance
for the regulation of   New requirements on                                 Formalizes March       Supersedes Rev
 private foundations      grants to certain       Allows grantors to use       2007 FAQ             Proc 2009-32
and public charities         supporting            third party resources
    is established         organizations          to obtain required IRS       Precedential       Clarifies reliance on
                             [509(a)(3)]             BMF information         instrument upon         BMF, Pub 78,
                                                     about a potential      which compliance      Revocations Lists
                         Definition of Type III      grantee’s charity      and grantmaking          and maintains
                              supporting            classification under      teams can rely       requirements for
                            organizations          section 509(a)(1), (2)                           third party BMF
                                                            or (3)                                     resources

                         Definition of Type III
                        functionally integrated
                            organizations                 34
Why Verify: Pension Protection Act
IRS Revenue Procedure 2011-33
                                    June 2011

             Source: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rp-11-33.pdf

   #duediligence                     35
GuideStar Charity Check
An Integrated, One-Stop Verification Solution
       g     ,        p
                                 How it Works

                                                      FTF Revocations

 Incorporates Weekly Internal Revenue Bulletin
 Marries Publication 78 data with IRS Business Master File data
     Married, but never modified
     Pub 78 Additions included
 OFAC verification included (organization level)
 501p suspension messaging included
      p    p               g g
 Parent – Subordinate matching (BMFPub 78)
 Group Exemption Messaging          36
 12 year track record of consuming and managing IRS data
GuideStar Charity Check
An Integrated, One-Stop Verification Solution
       g     ,        p
                         What it Delivers
                                            Date and time stamp

                                             Electronic or hard copy

     Verify Current
    Charitable Status
                                            Latest Quarterly Pub 78

                                            Weekly Bulletin Date

                  EIN                            Identify
         IRS BMF Date                          Supporting
Reason for Non-Private                        with 509(a)(3)
  Foundation Status                               status

GuideStar Charity Check
An Integrated, One-Stop Verification Solution
       g     ,        p
                                                          Why it Works

Fully compliant with recently issued g
    y    p                  y        guidance
 from IRS concerning reliance on third-party
        resources for IRS BMF data:

 The grantees’ name, EIN and public charity classification
  (aka “reason for non private foundation status”) under
   section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) is presented in the report

 A statement that the information in the report is from the
 most currently available IRS monthly update to the BMF,
              y                      y p                   ,
          along with the IRS BMF revision date

The date and time of the grantor’s search is included on the
                             report t

 The third party IRS BMF data and report must be in a form
            which the grantor can store in hard copy or

Why Verify?
The Challenge: Recap
           g       p
                                 Three Unique Due Diligence To-Do’s:

To Do:                                                Data Source:

                                                                 Publication 78
Verify Current Charitable Status                                      and
                                                           Internal R
                                                           I t    l Revenue B ll ti

 Identify Supporting Organizations
        with 509(a)(3) status                             IRS B i
                                                              Business M t Fil
                                                                       Master File

     Identify revoked and / or                           IRS Automatic Revocation of
     reinstated organizations                                    Exemption List

        #duediligence                         39
Charity Check User Experience
Two Clicks to Compliance

 Pamela Jowdy
 Senior Product Manager
     #duediligence        40
Charity Check v2.0 New Features
 E Mail Alerts
    Customizable based on 9 different events
    Upload up to 20K EINs
    Create individual organization alerts
    Actively track grantee status as events occur
    Upload Excel files from MicroEdge GIFTS and other grants
      management software solutions
    Easy 3-step configuration
    Single click access to Charity Check reports from Alert Emails

 Parent – Subordinate Linkage
    Identify over 300K subordinate orgs not listed in Pub 78 but covered
      under group exemption
    Single click link to Parent Charity Check Report

 Display of IRB Revoked Organizations
    Condense 20+ minute manual search process to single click
    Confirm compliance of past grants by viewing date of IRB revocation
    Link directly to the IRB PDF for documentation

Charity Check v2.0 New Features

Charity Check v2.0 New Features
 E Mail Alerts
    Customizable based on 9 different events
    Upload up to 20K EINs
    Create individual organization alerts
    Actively track grantee status as events occur
    Upload Excel files from MicroEdge GIFTS and other grants
      management software
    Easy 3-step configuration
    Single click access to Charity Check reports from Alert Emails

 Parent – Subordinate Linkage
    Identify over 300K subordinate orgs not listed in Pub 78 but covered
      under group exemption
    Single click link to Parent Charity Check Report

 Display of IRB Revoked Organizations
    Condense 20+ minute manual search process to single click
    Confirm compliance of past grants by viewing date of IRB revocation
    Link directly to the IRB PDF for documentation

Common Questions
1. How quickly d
1 H      i kl does G id St publish IRS revocations once posted?
                   GuideStar bli h           ti            t d?

2. Can I search for revoked organizations by EIN?

3. Do i t bl
3 D printable and PDF reports have a flag for revoked organizations?
                d          t h       fl f         k d      i ti    ?

4. Can I set up alerts or manage a watchlist?

5. Any
5 A progress on identifying S
                id tif i Supporting O
                               ti Organization T
                                       i ti Type??

6. Can grantors still rely on Letters of Determination?

7. What
7 Wh t are my verification options if I d not subscribe to G id St Charity Check?
                 ifi ti      ti         do t b ib t GuideStar Ch it Ch k?

8. What is OFAC and why is it important?

9. Is the Advance R li Process no longer in place?
9 I th Ad         Ruling P        l      i l ?

10. Does the Charity Check web service include revocation data?

11. Do Premium P A Y G R
11 D P     i   Pay As You Go Reports include revocation information?
                                  t i l d          ti i f      ti ?

The Letter of Determination
Isn’t this good enough?
           g        g
              What it is

   Static, historic snapshot

   Only accurate at time of issuance

   Confirms 501(c)(3) status

           What it is NOT

   Does not account for changes in
    charitable status since date of
    original issuance
   Some letters include SO Type
   Does not reflect automatic

Exempt Organizations “Select Check”
Grantmaker Verification Options
                         IRS Publication 78 Online: “EO Select Check”

   IRS website provides search
    functionality for three databases:

          Pub 78 data (eligible to
           receive tax-deductible
          Form 990-N (e-Postcard)
          Automatic Revocation data

   Can only search one database
    at a time

   Must
    M t search IRB separately
             h           t l

   No date or time stamp

   No reinstatement flag

Source: http://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
IRS Internal Revenue Bulletin
Grantmaker Verification Options
                                          IRS IRB

    Includes status changes and revocations
    Published weekly in pdf and html format
    Does not include EIN
    Not searchable

 Source: http://www.irs.gov/irb           47
IRS Business Master File
Grantmaker Verification Options
           IRS Downloadable Business Master File

                                       Draft of manual solution for
                                      509(a)verification directly from
                                             IRS BMF txt file

Definition and Options
            Office of Foreign Assets Control / Specially Designated Nationals

      http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/
          p               g

Source: Technology Affinity Group and Council on Foundations’ 2007 Grantmakers Information Technology Report, September 2007

Advance Ruling Process
Temporary and Final IRS Regulations
   Issued September 9, 2008
   Eliminated the advance ruling process for 501(c)(3) organizations reasonably expected to be publically
   IRS automatically classifies new 501(c)(3)s as public charities for first 5 years if can reasonably be expected to
    be publically supported
   Includes public charities whose advance ruling period has not yet expired or expired after June 9, 2008
   Final Regulations issued September 8, 2011
   Charity Check no longer publishes the Advance Ruling date in the body of the report
   Footer messaging and link to IRS resource persists

Charity Check Web Service
XML* Data and PDF Report Delivery

                                    *Extensible Markup Language =

                                    easy way to share structured d t
                                             t h       t t d data
                                               via ether

Premium Pay As You Go
Single reports without a subscription

Suzanne Ross McDowell
Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
202.429.6209 | smcdowell@steptoe.com

   Practice focuses on needs of exempt organizations
   Member, IRS Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt
    and Government Entities, 2004-2007;
    Chair, Exempt Organizations Group, 2006-07
   Chair, ABA Tax Section Exempt Organization Comm,
    2011-present; Vice Chair, 2007-2011
   Chair,
    Chair Tax Section, District of Columbia Bar, 2005-2006;
               Section                      Bar 2005 2006;
    Vice Chair, 2004-2005
   Fellow, American College of Tax Counsel
   Associate Tax Legislative Counsel, Office of Tax Policy,
    US Department of the Treasury, 1984-1987
                                      1984 1987
   Former SVP and Deputy General Counsel, National Geographic Society
   Frequently speaks and writes about exempt organization issues
   Listed in Chambers USA, America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, Best
    Lawyers in America, and District of Columbia Super Lawyers

                                       www.steptoe.com                     53
Contact Information


Suzanne Ross McDowell
Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

     #duediligence           54

GuideStar Charity Check
Access Points: Results

    #duediligence    56
GuideStar Charity Check
Access Points: Report

GuideStar Charity Check
509(a)(3) Supporting Organization
   ( )( ) pp       g g

GuideStar Charity Check
Not Verified in Publication 78

GuideStar Charity Check
Not Listed in IRS Business Master File

GuideStar Charity Check
OFAC Organization: Results

GuideStar Charity Check
OFAC Organization: Report
       g             p

Alerts and Watchlists
Charity Check v2.0

International Grantmaking
   Does the foreign charity already have a Letter of Determination?
   Exercise expenditure responsibility
   Equivalency Determination
   International Repository Project:
       www.USIG.org [COF-sponsored website]
       www.ngosource.org [international repository project website]
   Become familiar with the USA Patriot Act

       #duediligence                             64
Supporting Organization Types
Options and Approaches
   Supporting Organization Guidesheets published by IRS
   GuideStar Charity Check policy and long term product vision
   http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=174956,00.html
   Consult your legal counsel!

Grantmaker Due Diligence
                                                          in the
             Pension Protection Act Era:

     How to identify supporting organizations and
     align your grants administration process with
                the 21st century tax code

© 2012, GuideStar USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This information is copyrighted subject matter owned by
GuideStar USA and is protected by United States and international copyright law.

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GuideStar Webinar (04/10/12) - Grantmaker Due Diligence in the Pension Protection Act Era

  • 1. Grantmaker Due Diligence g in the Pension Protection Act Era: How to identify supporting organizations and align your grants administration process with th 21st t d i i t ti ith the century tax code 10 April 2012 1 © 2012, GuideStar USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This information is copyrighted subject matter owned by GuideStar USA and is protected by United States and international copyright law.
  • 2. Today’s Facilitators Pamela Jowdy Senior Product Manager, GuideStar pjowdy@guidestar.org Suzanne Ross McDowell ll Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, LLP smcdowell@steptoe.com 2
  • 3. Participant Poll #duediligence 3
  • 4. Today’s Objectives 1. Internal Revenue Code: Considerations for Grantmakers  Why Verify: Pension Protection Act of 2006  Supporting Organizations: pp g g Relationships and Control p  Expenditure Responsibility: Defined  Revenue Procedure 2011-33: Practical Implications p  Due Diligence: Methods and Best Practices 2. GuideStar Charity Check: Anatomy of a Solution y y  How it works and what it delivers  Failure to File Automatic Revocations  Why it’s 100% compliant  New advanced features: streamlining grantee management 3. Q & A 4
  • 5. Internal Revenue Code Impact of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 on Grantmakers Suzanne Ross McDowell ll Partner Steptoe & Johnson LLP smcdowell@steptoe.com 5 #duediligence
  • 6. Summary of Pension Protection Act Provisions Affecting Grants to Supporting Organizations 6
  • 7. Changes Made by the Pension Protection Act of 2006 i i f  Private Foundations (PFs)  Grants to certain supporting organizations (SOs) do not count towards minimum distribution • Penalty: 30% of shortfall; must make correction  Grants to certain SOs require expenditure responsibility p y • Penalty: 20% of grant on foundation; potentially 5% on directors and officers; must make correction  Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)  Grants to certain SOs require expenditure responsibility • Penalty: 20% of grant on sponsor of DAF 7
  • 8. What is a Supporting Organization?  Internal Revenue Code provides--  All 501(c)(3) organizations are either private foundations or public charities p  Private foundations are subject to greater regulation  Public charities include:  Schools, hospitals churches Schools hospitals, churches, government units  Organizations that meet specific requirements for broad public support  SOs SO  All other 501(c)(3) organizations are private foundations 8
  • 9. What is a Supporting Organization? (cont’d) ( ’d)  SO is a 501(c)(3) organization which is--  Classified as a public charity (not a PF)  Because it has a specified relationship with another public charity (the supported organization)  Types of relationships  Type I – Parent-subsidiary  Type II – Brother-sister  Type III – Operated in connection with • Functionally Integrated • Not Functionally Integrated 9
  • 10. Which Supporting Organizations Require Expenditure Responsibility? i di ibili  Type III Non-Functionally Integrated SOs  All other SOs if--  A disqualified person of the foundation di lifi d f h f d i making a grant to the SO directly or indirectly controls the SO or a supported organization; pp g ; or  A donor to a DAF, or a person designated by the donor to advise with respect to distributions, directly or indirectly controls a supported organization 10
  • 11. What is Expenditure Responsibility?  Procedures designed to ensure that PF funds are used for exclusively charitable purposes--  Pre-grant Pre grant inquiry  Written grant agreement with the grantee  Grantee must keep funds separate from noncharitable funds  Regular reports from the grantee to PF  PF reports to IRS on Form 990-PF that expenditure responsibility requirements were met 11
  • 12. Which Grants Do Not Count Toward a Private Foundation s Minimum Foundation’s Distribution? Grants to--  Type III Non-Functionally Integrated SOs  All other SOs if--  A disqualified person of the foundation making a grant to the SO directly or indirectly controls the SO or a supported organization 12
  • 13. When Does a Person Have Control?  No IRS guidance provides clear method for determining whether control exists.  Control exists when one or more disqualified persons or donors may, by aggregating their votes or positions of authority require the SO authority, or supported organization to make an expenditure, expenditure or prevent the SO or supported organization from making an expenditure. See Notice 2006-109. 13
  • 14. When is a Type III Supporting Organization Functionally Integrated? O i ti F ti ll I t t d?  Proposed Regulations issued on September 24 2009 24,  Until temporary or final regulations are issued, can rely on Notice 2006-109 or Proposed Regulations y p g  Notice 2006-109: SO is functionally integrated • When the activities engaged in for or on behalf of a supported organization(s) are activities to perform the functions of, or to carry out the p p purposes of, such organization(s), and; , g ( ), ; • But for the involvement of the SO, would normally be engaged in by the supported organization(s) themselves. i ti ( ) th l 14
  • 15. When is a Type III Supporting Organization Functionally Integrated? (cont’d)  Proposed Regulations: SO is functionally integrated  If engages in activities substantially all of which directly further the exempt purposes of the supported y p p p pp organization(s), by performing the functions of or carrying out the purposes of the supported organization(s); and  But for the involvement of the SO, would normally be engaged in by the supported organizations  Includes owning and managing exempt-use property  Does not include fundraising or managing non- exempt use property for a supported organization  Special rules for hospitals and governmental units 15
  • 16. Conducting Due Diligence to Avoid Excise Taxes under the Pension Protection Act 16
  • 17. Step 1: Determine if Potential Grantee i a 501(c)(3) Organization is ( )( ) i i  Approved Methods  IRS Determination Letter  IRS Pub. No. 78 • Pub. No. 78 Weekly Updates in Internal Revenue Bulletin  IRS Business Master File (BMF)  If grantee is not a 501(c)(3), no new rules 501(c)(3)  If grantee is a 501(c)(3), must determine if it is an SO 17
  • 18. Step 2: Determine if Potential Grantee i a SO is  Approved Methods d h d  IRS Determination Letter • Section 509(a)(1) and 509(a)(2) organization – not a SO • Section 509(a)(3) organization = SO • IRS letter may be silent  BMF • Direct access (Notice 2006-109) • Access to IRS BMF data through third party such as GuideStar (Rev. Proc. 2009-32; Rev. Proc. 2011-33) ( ; )  Pub. 78 does not include information  If grantee is not a SO, can make grant—no new rules  If grantee is a SO must determine the type SO, 18
  • 19. Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine the Type of SO  Method 1: IRS Determination Letter and BMF  Most Determination Letters don’t include Type • Prior to 2006, no need for Type  May be based on • Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) issued on Aug. 2, 2007 • Prop. Reg. issued on Sept 24, 2009  When Prop. Reg. finalized, rules may change  IRS modifying BMF to show type of SO • Updated monthly • Reflects changes that occur after determination letter issued i d 19
  • 20. Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine the Type of SO ( h f (cont’d) ’d)  Method 2  Reasoned written opinion of counsel of PF or DAF 20
  • 21. Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine the Type of SO ( h f (cont’d) ’d)  Method 3:  Good Faith Reliance on Written Representation by Grantee • Representation by officer, director or trustee • Describes how officers, directors and trustees of grantee are selected • For Type I or II, references governing document provisions establishing relationship p g p with supported organization • For Type III-- identifies supported organizations i ti 21
  • 22. Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine the Type of SO ( h f (cont’d) ’d) Method 3 (cont’d)  PF or DAF must review • Governing documents of SO and supported organization • For Type III, representation from supported organizations o Re types of activities o That, but for SO, supported organization would conduct activities of SO Note: cannot rely on Form 990 to determine Type 22
  • 23. Step 3: If Grantee is a SO, Determine the Type of SO ( h f (cont’d) ’d)  If grantee is a Non-Functionally Integrated Type III SO, then PF or DAF must exercise expenditure responsibility and grant does not dit ibilit d td t count toward non-operating foundation’s minimum distribution  If grantee is a Type I, Type II or Functionally Integrated Type III SO must determine if a SO, disqualified person of a PF or donor or donor’s designee of a DAF has control g 23
  • 24. Step 4: Determine if Disqualified Person or Donor has Control over SO or Supported Organization  No IRS approved procedure; use definition in Notice 2006-109  Obtain list of supported organization(s)  Identify disqualified persons for a PF and donors and their designees for a DAF g  Determine if disqualified persons exercise control over SO or supported organization  Determine if d D t i donors/designees control supported /d i t l t d organization  Direct or indirect control 24
  • 25. Step 4: Determine Control (cont d) (cont’d)  If disqualified person or donor (or donor’s designee) has control, then must exercise expenditure responsibility and grant does not dit ibilit d td t count toward a non-operating foundation’s minimum distribution 25
  • 26. Summary  Type III which is Not Functionally Integrated  Grant does not count toward non-operating foundation’s minimum distribution  PFs and DAFs must exercise expenditure responsibility  Type I II or Functionally Integrated Type III with I, disqualified person or donor control  Grant does not count toward non-operating foundation s foundation’s minimum distribution  PFs and DAFs must exercise expenditure responsibility 26
  • 27. GuideStar Charity Check ® Anatomy of a Solution Pamela Jowdy Senior Product Manager #duediligence 27
  • 28. Why Verify? The Challenge g Three Unique Due Diligence To-Do’s: To-Do: To Do: Data Source: Publication 78 Verify Current Charitable Status and Internal Revenue Bulletin Identify Supporting Organizations with 509(a)(3) status IRS B i Business M t Fil Master File Identify revoked and / or IRS Automatic Revocation of reinstated organizations Exemption List #duediligence 28
  • 29. Why Verify: IRS Data Sources Pub 78 and Internal Revenue Bulletin Establish Tax Deductibility and Verify Current Charitable Status  IRS Publication 78:  Also known as Cumulative List of Organizations  Includes all organizations to which charitable contributions are tax deductible  Current tax-exempt status, percentage of contributions that are tax deductible tax exempt  Deductibility limitations  Published monthly (new for 2012); published quarterly previously  IRS Internal Revenue Bulletin: S te a e e ue u et  Also known as the ‘IRB’  Lists organizations whose charitable status has been changed or revoked  Updated weekly Rev. Proc. 82-39, 1982-1 C.B. 759 Sec.3.01 and Sec.3.02 states that grantors “may rely on the classification of an organization listed in or covered by Publication No. 78.” #duediligence 29
  • 30. Why Verify: IRS Data Sources IRS Business Master File Determine 509(a) Status  IRS Business Master File:  Lists all tax-exempt organizations registered with the IRS  Published monthly (not necessarily on the same day as Publication 78)  Includes reason for non-private foundation status, aka “public charity classification”  RReason f non-private foundation status = 509(a) status for i t f d ti t t 509( ) t t  509(a)(1) and 509(a)(2):  A public charity that receives a substantial amount of public support to fund its operations  509(a)(3): Supporting Organization  A public charity that provides support to one or more publicly supported organizations  Must demonstrate that is has a particular type of relationship with the organization it supports #duediligence 30
  • 31. Why Verify: IRS Data Sources IRS Automatic Revocation of Exemption List p Identify Revoked Organizations  Failure to file annual return or notice with the IRS for three consecutive years  990, 990N, 990EZ or 990PF  Federal tax-exempt status revoked p  Subsequently reinstated organizations remain on the Automatic Revocation List  Erroneously listed nonprofits and nonprofits that already hold an IRS determination y p p y of nonfiling requirement will be deleted from the revocation list  http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=221600,00.html  Procedures for reinstatement and other helpful FAQs #duediligence 31
  • 32. How Big? Data Source Size and Scope p IRS Business Master File: March 2012  1,560,339 total organizations  24,626 Supporting Organizations  408 include supporting organization type  73% Type I SO  14.7% Type II SO  6.9% Type III Functionally Integrated SO  5.4% Type III Not Functionally Integrated SO  ~2,200 organizations reinstated from a previous BMF  ~6,800 organizations not seen in any previous BMF  1,059,911 501(c)(3)s  960K Form 990 / Form 990 EZ / Form 990 N filers  98K Form 990 PF filers #duediligence 32
  • 33. How Big? Data Source Size and Scope p IRS Publication 78: March 2012  825,612 total organizations  337,384 subordinate organizations covered under group exemption but not listed in Pub 78 that GuideStar matches from BMF IRS Automatic Revocation List: April 2012  443,447 total organizations  2,189 subordinate organizations covered under group exemption but not listed in Pub 78 that GuideStar matches from BMF #duediligence 33
  • 34. Grants Administration Charity Check v1.5 Charity Check v2.0 Milestones 100% compliant with IRS FAQ and Revenue Procedure •100% compliant •Alerts •Parent / Parent 2009-32 Subordinate Linkage 1969 August g March June June 2006 2007 2009 2011 Internal Revenue Code Tax Reform Act Pension Protection IRS FAQ on IRS Revenue IRS Revenue Act Business Master File Procedure 2009 32 2009-32 Procedure 2011-33 The legal framework Reliance for the regulation of New requirements on Formalizes March Supersedes Rev private foundations grants to certain Allows grantors to use 2007 FAQ Proc 2009-32 and public charities supporting third party resources is established organizations to obtain required IRS Precedential Clarifies reliance on [509(a)(3)] BMF information instrument upon BMF, Pub 78, about a potential which compliance Revocations Lists Definition of Type III grantee’s charity and grantmaking and maintains supporting classification under teams can rely requirements for organizations section 509(a)(1), (2) third party BMF or (3) resources Definition of Type III functionally integrated supporting organizations 34
  • 35. Why Verify: Pension Protection Act IRS Revenue Procedure 2011-33 June 2011 Source: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rp-11-33.pdf #duediligence 35
  • 36. GuideStar Charity Check An Integrated, One-Stop Verification Solution g , p How it Works FTF Revocations  Incorporates Weekly Internal Revenue Bulletin  Marries Publication 78 data with IRS Business Master File data  Married, but never modified  Pub 78 Additions included  OFAC verification included (organization level)  501p suspension messaging included p p g g  Parent – Subordinate matching (BMFPub 78)  Group Exemption Messaging 36  12 year track record of consuming and managing IRS data
  • 37. GuideStar Charity Check An Integrated, One-Stop Verification Solution g , p What it Delivers Date and time stamp Electronic or hard copy documentation Verify Current Charitable Status Latest Quarterly Pub 78 Weekly Bulletin Date EIN Identify IRS BMF Date Supporting Organizations Reason for Non-Private with 509(a)(3) Foundation Status status 37
  • 38. GuideStar Charity Check An Integrated, One-Stop Verification Solution g , p Why it Works Fully compliant with recently issued g y p y guidance from IRS concerning reliance on third-party resources for IRS BMF data: The grantees’ name, EIN and public charity classification (aka “reason for non private foundation status”) under non-private section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) is presented in the report A statement that the information in the report is from the most currently available IRS monthly update to the BMF, y y p , along with the IRS BMF revision date The date and time of the grantor’s search is included on the report t The third party IRS BMF data and report must be in a form which the grantor can store in hard copy or electronically. electronically 38
  • 39. Why Verify? The Challenge: Recap g p Three Unique Due Diligence To-Do’s: To-Do: To Do: Data Source: Publication 78 Verify Current Charitable Status and Internal R I t l Revenue B ll ti Bulletin Identify Supporting Organizations with 509(a)(3) status IRS B i Business M t Fil Master File Identify revoked and / or IRS Automatic Revocation of reinstated organizations Exemption List #duediligence 39
  • 40. Charity Check User Experience Two Clicks to Compliance Pamela Jowdy Senior Product Manager GuideStar #duediligence 40
  • 41. Charity Check v2.0 New Features  E Mail Alerts E-Mail  Customizable based on 9 different events  Upload up to 20K EINs  Create individual organization alerts  Actively track grantee status as events occur  Upload Excel files from MicroEdge GIFTS and other grants management software solutions  Easy 3-step configuration  Single click access to Charity Check reports from Alert Emails Single-click  Parent – Subordinate Linkage  Identify over 300K subordinate orgs not listed in Pub 78 but covered under group exemption  Single click link to Parent Charity Check Report  Display of IRB Revoked Organizations  Condense 20+ minute manual search process to single click  Confirm compliance of past grants by viewing date of IRB revocation  Link directly to the IRB PDF for documentation 41
  • 42. Charity Check v2.0 New Features 42
  • 43. Charity Check v2.0 New Features  E Mail Alerts E-Mail  Customizable based on 9 different events  Upload up to 20K EINs  Create individual organization alerts  Actively track grantee status as events occur  Upload Excel files from MicroEdge GIFTS and other grants management software  Easy 3-step configuration  Single click access to Charity Check reports from Alert Emails Single-click  Parent – Subordinate Linkage  Identify over 300K subordinate orgs not listed in Pub 78 but covered under group exemption  Single click link to Parent Charity Check Report  Display of IRB Revoked Organizations  Condense 20+ minute manual search process to single click  Confirm compliance of past grants by viewing date of IRB revocation  Link directly to the IRB PDF for documentation 43
  • 44. Common Questions 1. How quickly d 1 H i kl does G id St publish IRS revocations once posted? GuideStar bli h ti t d? 2. Can I search for revoked organizations by EIN? 3. Do i t bl 3 D printable and PDF reports have a flag for revoked organizations? d t h fl f k d i ti ? 4. Can I set up alerts or manage a watchlist? 5. Any 5 A progress on identifying S id tif i Supporting O ti Organization T i ti Type?? 6. Can grantors still rely on Letters of Determination? 7. What 7 Wh t are my verification options if I d not subscribe to G id St Charity Check? ifi ti ti do t b ib t GuideStar Ch it Ch k? 8. What is OFAC and why is it important? 9. Is the Advance R li Process no longer in place? 9 I th Ad Ruling P l i l ? 10. Does the Charity Check web service include revocation data? 11. Do Premium P A Y G R 11 D P i Pay As You Go Reports include revocation information? t i l d ti i f ti ? 44
  • 45. The Letter of Determination Isn’t this good enough? g g What it is  Static, historic snapshot  Only accurate at time of issuance  Confirms 501(c)(3) status What it is NOT  Does not account for changes in charitable status since date of original issuance g  Some letters include SO Type (2006)  Does not reflect automatic revocations 45
  • 46. Exempt Organizations “Select Check” Grantmaker Verification Options IRS Publication 78 Online: “EO Select Check”  IRS website provides search functionality for three databases:  Pub 78 data (eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions)  Form 990-N (e-Postcard) filers  Automatic Revocation data  Can only search one database at a time  Must M t search IRB separately h t l  No date or time stamp  No reinstatement flag g 46 Source: http://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
  • 47. IRS Internal Revenue Bulletin Grantmaker Verification Options IRS IRB  Includes status changes and revocations g  Published weekly in pdf and html format  Does not include EIN  Not searchable Source: http://www.irs.gov/irb 47
  • 48. IRS Business Master File Grantmaker Verification Options IRS Downloadable Business Master File Draft of manual solution for 509(a)verification directly from IRS BMF txt file 48
  • 49. OFAC and SDN Definition and Options Office of Foreign Assets Control / Specially Designated Nationals  http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/ p g Source: Technology Affinity Group and Council on Foundations’ 2007 Grantmakers Information Technology Report, September 2007 49
  • 50. Advance Ruling Process Temporary and Final IRS Regulations  Issued September 9, 2008  Eliminated the advance ruling process for 501(c)(3) organizations reasonably expected to be publically supported  IRS automatically classifies new 501(c)(3)s as public charities for first 5 years if can reasonably be expected to be publically supported  Includes public charities whose advance ruling period has not yet expired or expired after June 9, 2008  Final Regulations issued September 8, 2011  Charity Check no longer publishes the Advance Ruling date in the body of the report  Footer messaging and link to IRS resource persists 50 http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-09-08/pdf/2011-22614.pdf
  • 51. Charity Check Web Service XML* Data and PDF Report Delivery *Extensible Markup Language = easy way to share structured d t t h t t d data via ether 51
  • 52. Premium Pay As You Go Single reports without a subscription commitment 52
  • 53. Suzanne Ross McDowell Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP 202.429.6209 | smcdowell@steptoe.com  Practice focuses on needs of exempt organizations  Member, IRS Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities, 2004-2007; Chair, Exempt Organizations Group, 2006-07  Chair, ABA Tax Section Exempt Organization Comm, 2011-present; Vice Chair, 2007-2011  Chair, Chair Tax Section, District of Columbia Bar, 2005-2006; Section Bar 2005 2006; Vice Chair, 2004-2005  Fellow, American College of Tax Counsel  Associate Tax Legislative Counsel, Office of Tax Policy, US Department of the Treasury, 1984-1987 1984 1987  Former SVP and Deputy General Counsel, National Geographic Society  Frequently speaks and writes about exempt organization issues  Listed in Chambers USA, America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, Best Lawyers in America, and District of Columbia Super Lawyers www.steptoe.com 53
  • 54. Contact Information webinars@guidestar.org Suzanne Ross McDowell Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, LLP smcdowell@steptoe.com #duediligence 54
  • 55. Appendix 55
  • 56. GuideStar Charity Check Access Points: Results #duediligence 56
  • 57. GuideStar Charity Check Access Points: Report p 57
  • 58. GuideStar Charity Check 509(a)(3) Supporting Organization ( )( ) pp g g 58
  • 59. GuideStar Charity Check Not Verified in Publication 78 59
  • 60. GuideStar Charity Check Not Listed in IRS Business Master File 60
  • 61. GuideStar Charity Check OFAC Organization: Results g 61
  • 62. GuideStar Charity Check OFAC Organization: Report g p 62
  • 63. Alerts and Watchlists Charity Check v2.0 y 63
  • 64. International Grantmaking Considerations  Does the foreign charity already have a Letter of Determination?  Exercise expenditure responsibility  Equivalency Determination  International Repository Project:  www.USIG.org [COF-sponsored website]  www.ngosource.org [international repository project website]  Become familiar with the USA Patriot Act #duediligence 64
  • 65. Supporting Organization Types Options and Approaches  Supporting Organization Guidesheets published by IRS  GuideStar Charity Check policy and long term product vision  http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=174956,00.html  Consult your legal counsel! 65
  • 66. Grantmaker Due Diligence in the Pension Protection Act Era: How to identify supporting organizations and align your grants administration process with the 21st century tax code © 2012, GuideStar USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This information is copyrighted subject matter owned by GuideStar USA and is protected by United States and international copyright law. 66