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Tool Up Your LAMP Stack
About Me

 • Lorna Mitchell

 • Web Development Consultant

 • Speaker and Author

 • Website: http://lornajane.net

 • Twitter: @lornajane



 • Linux

 • Apache

 • MySQL

 • PHP (or Perl, or Python)

Technology and Agile
Technology is not the

Technology is not the


 • We need good tools


 • We need good tools

 • They enable our workflow


 • We need good tools

 • They enable our workflow

 • They facilitate our achievements


 • We need good tools

 • They enable our workflow

 • They facilitate our achievements

 • They allow us to meet our deadlines


 • We need good tools

 • They enable our workflow

 • They facilitate our achievements

 • They allow us to meet our deadlines

 • They are not the silver bullet (sorry)

Iterative Development

            develop     deploy

The Main Ingredients

Preparation time: some years


   • Source control

   • Development platforms

   • Task tracking

   • Automated testing

   • Static analysis

   • Automated deployment

   • Continuous integration

Source Control
Source Control: Key Ingredient

  • Central, canonical version

  • Collaboration point

  • Historical information

      • what changed
      • when
      • by whom

  • Can include its own config

Source Control Tools

  • Subversion http://subversion.apache.org/

  • Git http://git-scm.com/

  • Mercurial http://mercurial.selenic.com/

Branching Strategies

Common patterns:

  • Feature branches

  • Version branches

  • Live/integration branches

Traditional Centralised Source Control


    checkout         checkout            checkout

Distributed Source Control





                     repo                 16
Database Version Control

No silver bullet to keep code and database schema in sync


   • All db changes done via script

   • Scripts are numbered

   • Database knows what numbers it already has


   • homespun scripts

   • DbDeploy http://dbdeploy.com/

   • Liquibase http://www.liquibase.org/

Development Platforms
Development Platforms


  • Safe area "sandpit" for developers to work

  • All software as-live

  • Isolated

Task Tracking
Task Tracking

Once called ’bug tracking’.

We can track what status everything is in.

Task Tracking

Once called ’bug tracking’.

We can track what status everything is in.

Developers understand bug trackers, bug trackers understand your


          Backlog    Sprint


          Blocked    Verify


Task Tracking Tools

  • Pivotal Tracker http://www.pivotaltracker.com/

  • GreenHopper

  • Trac http://trac.edgewall.org/

Automated Testing
How do you test a website

How do you test a website

Automated Testing

Gives repeatable results

TDD Test-Driven Development

BDD Behaviour-Driven Development

Automated Testing Tools

 • Selenium: browser-based record and play of tests

     • Selenium IDE http://seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/
     • Selenium RC

 • PHPUnit: unit testing and automation

     • http://phpunit.de
     • Also generates code coverage graphs

My First Unit Test

require_once '../src/models/MathUtilModel.php';

class MathUtilModelTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
    public function testAddNumbersWithNumbers() {
        $util = new MathUtilModel();
        $result = $util->addNumbers(3,5);
        $this->assertEquals(8, $result);

Running One Test

To run our tests, from the tests directory do:
phpunit models/MathUtilModel

PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 3.00Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

Testable Code

 • Testable code is clean and modular

 • Need to be able to separate elements to test

 • Each function does one thing

 • Not too many paths through the code

 • Dependencies are dangerous

Dependency Injection

Passing things in or looking them up.
function getData() {
    $db = new MyDatabaseObject();
    // sql and query

function getData($db) {
    // sql and query

Code Coverage

What percentage of your code is tested?

  • Summary view

  • Drill in to see which lines are run by tests

  • Beware: 100% code coverage does not mean fully tested

Use phpunit -coverage-html and specify where PHPUnit should
write the report files
Examples from http://jenkins.joind.in

Code Coverage

Code Coverage

Static Analysis
Static Analysis

Evaluating code without running it

Allows us to check for quality, commenting, coding standards

Static Analysis Tools

  • PHP Code Sniffer: checks for coding standards

      • http://pear.php.net/PHP_CodeSniffer

  • PHP Mess Detector: detects ’bad smells’

      • http://phpmd.org/

  • PHP Lines of Code: project size, class count

      • https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phploc

phploc Sample Output (joind.in)

Directories:                                 32
Files:                                      213

Lines of Code (LOC):                       21339
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:    0.10
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):               4908
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):         16431

Namespaces:                                   0
Interfaces:                                   0
Classes:                                     87
  Abstract:                                   1 (1.15%)
  Concrete:                                  86 (98.85%)
  Average Class Length (NCLOC):             116
Methods:                                    532
    Non-Static:                             532 (100.00%)
    Static:                                   0 (0.00%)
    Public:                                 501 (94.17%)
    Non-Public:                              31 (5.83%)
  Average Method Length (NCLOC):             18             39
API Documentation

Another form of static analysis is to generate documentation

  • Commented documentation in each file, class, function

  • Automatically generate into readable documents

  • Tools:

       • PHPDocumentor http://www.phpdoc.org/
       • DocBlox http://www.docblox-project.org/

API Documentation

PHPCS Examples

pear install PHP_CodeSniffer

phpcs --standard=PEAR example.php

Examples taken from http://bit.ly/kedQrU

PHPCS Examples

Source code:
class recipe

    protected $_id;

    public $name;

    public $prep_time;

    function getIngredients() {
        $ingredients = Ingredients::fetchAllById($this->_id);
        return $ingredients;

PHPCS Examples

Sniffer output:
FILE: /home/lorna/phpcs/recipe.class.php
  2 | ERROR | Missing file doc comment
  3 | ERROR | Class name must begin with a capital letter
  3 | ERROR | Missing class doc comment
  6 | ERROR | Protected member variable "_id" must not be prefixed wit
    |       | underscore
 12 | ERROR | Missing function doc comment
 12 | ERROR | Opening brace should be on a new line
 13 | ERROR | Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 8 spaces, f
 13 | ERROR | Spaces must be used to indent lines; tabs are not allowe

Automated Deployment
Automated Deployment

 • How many times do you deploy an agile project?

Automated Deployment

 • How many times do you deploy an agile project?

 • Fast

 • Hardened

 • Painless

 • Repeatable

Automated Deployment Tools

 • Phing/Ant: easy automated build scripts

     • http://phing.info/
     • http://ant.apache.org/

 • Capistrano (or Webistrano): scripted releases (with web interface)

     • https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano

Automating Deployment: Why

 • Minimise mistakes

 • Save time on each deploy

 • Better than documentation

 • Reliable process - use for different platforms

 • Scope for rollback

Automating Deployment: What

 • Application code

     • minimal downtime or time in an inconsistent state
     • easy rollback
     • additional setup steps (upload files, etc) also automated

 • Database

     • apply database patches
     • include rollback patches

 • Config changes

     • useful for large or complex sites
     • config deploys separately, can update quickly and easily

Code Deployment

 • Get a clean copy of code

 • Place in new directory on server

 • Perform any other preparation tasks

 • Change symlink in web directory to point to new version

 • Tools: shell script or ant/phing

Config Deployment

 • Exactly like code deployment

 • Application needs to be designed with this in mind

     • Default to live config
     • Environment variables set in vhost

Phing Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="example" basedir="." default="deploy">
        <property name="builddir" value="./build" />
        <property name="appdir" value="./build/code" />
        <tstamp><format property="date" pattern="%Y%m%d-%H%M" /></tsta

       <target name="deploy" depends="clean, prepare, export, putlive

       <target name="export">
           <exec command="svn export ${repo} ${appdir}/${date}" />

       <target name="putlive">
           <exec command="scp -r ${appdir}/${date} ${destination}
               > ${builddir}/logs/scp.log" />

Phing Example Cont’d

        <target name="clean">
                <delete dir="${builddir}" />

        <target name="prepare">
                <mkdir dir="${builddir}" />
                <mkdir dir="${builddir}/logs" />

Phing can also handle upload directories, database versioning, other
deployment recipe steps and post deploy tasks

Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration

The glue that holds everything together!

   • Source control commit triggers:

       • Static analysis tools
       • Automated tests
       • Document generation

   • CI system centralises:

       • Deployment (to various platforms)
       • Other tasks, cron jobs

   • Centralised dashboard and reporting

Continuous Integration Tools

  • Jenkins (née Hudson)

      • http://jenkins-ci.org/

  • PHPUnderControl (PHP-specific CruiseControl project)

      • http://phpundercontrol.org/

Tool Up Your LAMP Stack
The Main Ingredients for LAMP

Preparation time: some years


   • Source control

   • Development platforms

   • Task tracking

   • Automated testing

   • Static analysis

   • Automated deployment

   • Continuous integration


 • Website: http://lornajane.net

 • Twitter: @lornajane

Image Credits

 • LAMP http://www.flickr.com/photos/sewpixie/2059308961

 • Sandpit


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Tool Up Your LAMP Stack

  • 1. Tool Up Your LAMP Stack
  • 2. About Me • Lorna Mitchell • Web Development Consultant • Speaker and Author • Website: http://lornajane.net • Twitter: @lornajane 2
  • 3. LAMP 3
  • 4. LAMP • Linux • Apache • MySQL • PHP (or Perl, or Python) 4
  • 6. Technology is not the problem 6
  • 7. Technology is not the solution 7
  • 8. Technology • We need good tools 8
  • 9. Technology • We need good tools • They enable our workflow 8
  • 10. Technology • We need good tools • They enable our workflow • They facilitate our achievements 8
  • 11. Technology • We need good tools • They enable our workflow • They facilitate our achievements • They allow us to meet our deadlines 8
  • 12. Technology • We need good tools • They enable our workflow • They facilitate our achievements • They allow us to meet our deadlines • They are not the silver bullet (sorry) 8
  • 13. Iterative Development develop deploy 9
  • 14. The Main Ingredients Preparation time: some years Ingredients: • Source control • Development platforms • Task tracking • Automated testing • Static analysis • Automated deployment • Continuous integration 10
  • 16. Source Control: Key Ingredient • Central, canonical version • Collaboration point • Historical information • what changed • when • by whom • Can include its own config 12
  • 17. Source Control Tools • Subversion http://subversion.apache.org/ • Git http://git-scm.com/ • Mercurial http://mercurial.selenic.com/ 13
  • 18. Branching Strategies Common patterns: • Feature branches • Version branches • Live/integration branches 14
  • 19. Traditional Centralised Source Control repo checkout checkout checkout 15
  • 20. Distributed Source Control repo repo repo repo repo 16
  • 21. Database Version Control No silver bullet to keep code and database schema in sync Strategies: • All db changes done via script • Scripts are numbered • Database knows what numbers it already has Tools: • homespun scripts • DbDeploy http://dbdeploy.com/ • Liquibase http://www.liquibase.org/ 17
  • 23. Development Platforms Requirements: • Safe area "sandpit" for developers to work • All software as-live • Isolated 19
  • 25. Task Tracking Once called ’bug tracking’. We can track what status everything is in. 21
  • 26. Task Tracking Once called ’bug tracking’. We can track what status everything is in. Developers understand bug trackers, bug trackers understand your workflow. 21
  • 27. Workflow Backlog Sprint Active Blocked Verify Complete 22
  • 28. Task Tracking Tools • Pivotal Tracker http://www.pivotaltracker.com/ • GreenHopper http://www.atlassian.com/software/greenhopper/ • Trac http://trac.edgewall.org/ 23
  • 30. How do you test a website ? 25
  • 31. How do you test a website repeatedly ? 26
  • 32. Automated Testing Gives repeatable results TDD Test-Driven Development BDD Behaviour-Driven Development 27
  • 33. Automated Testing Tools • Selenium: browser-based record and play of tests • Selenium IDE http://seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/ • Selenium RC http://seleniumhq.org/projects/remote-control/ • PHPUnit: unit testing and automation • http://phpunit.de • Also generates code coverage graphs 28
  • 34. My First Unit Test require_once '../src/models/MathUtilModel.php'; class MathUtilModelTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testAddNumbersWithNumbers() { $util = new MathUtilModel(); $result = $util->addNumbers(3,5); $this->assertEquals(8, $result); } } 29
  • 35. Running One Test To run our tests, from the tests directory do: phpunit models/MathUtilModel Output: PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann. . Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 3.00Mb OK (1 test, 1 assertion) 30
  • 36. Testable Code • Testable code is clean and modular • Need to be able to separate elements to test • Each function does one thing • Not too many paths through the code • Dependencies are dangerous 31
  • 37. Dependency Injection Passing things in or looking them up. function getData() { $db = new MyDatabaseObject(); // sql and query } function getData($db) { // sql and query } 32
  • 38. Code Coverage What percentage of your code is tested? • Summary view • Drill in to see which lines are run by tests • Beware: 100% code coverage does not mean fully tested Use phpunit -coverage-html and specify where PHPUnit should write the report files Examples from http://jenkins.joind.in 33
  • 42. Static Analysis Evaluating code without running it Allows us to check for quality, commenting, coding standards 37
  • 43. Static Analysis Tools • PHP Code Sniffer: checks for coding standards • http://pear.php.net/PHP_CodeSniffer • PHP Mess Detector: detects ’bad smells’ • http://phpmd.org/ • PHP Lines of Code: project size, class count • https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phploc 38
  • 44. phploc Sample Output (joind.in) Directories: 32 Files: 213 Lines of Code (LOC): 21339 Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code: 0.10 Comment Lines of Code (CLOC): 4908 Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC): 16431 Namespaces: 0 Interfaces: 0 Classes: 87 Abstract: 1 (1.15%) Concrete: 86 (98.85%) Average Class Length (NCLOC): 116 Methods: 532 Scope: Non-Static: 532 (100.00%) Static: 0 (0.00%) Visibility: Public: 501 (94.17%) Non-Public: 31 (5.83%) Average Method Length (NCLOC): 18 39
  • 45. API Documentation Another form of static analysis is to generate documentation • Commented documentation in each file, class, function • Automatically generate into readable documents • Tools: • PHPDocumentor http://www.phpdoc.org/ • DocBlox http://www.docblox-project.org/ 40
  • 47. PHPCS Examples Install: pear install PHP_CodeSniffer Run: phpcs --standard=PEAR example.php Examples taken from http://bit.ly/kedQrU 42
  • 48. PHPCS Examples Source code: class recipe { protected $_id; public $name; public $prep_time; function getIngredients() { $ingredients = Ingredients::fetchAllById($this->_id); return $ingredients; } } 43
  • 49. PHPCS Examples Sniffer output: FILE: /home/lorna/phpcs/recipe.class.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 8 ERROR(S) AND 0 WARNING(S) AFFECTING 5 LINE(S) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | ERROR | Missing file doc comment 3 | ERROR | Class name must begin with a capital letter 3 | ERROR | Missing class doc comment 6 | ERROR | Protected member variable "_id" must not be prefixed wit | | underscore 12 | ERROR | Missing function doc comment 12 | ERROR | Opening brace should be on a new line 13 | ERROR | Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 8 spaces, f 13 | ERROR | Spaces must be used to indent lines; tabs are not allowe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
  • 51. Automated Deployment • How many times do you deploy an agile project? 46
  • 52. Automated Deployment • How many times do you deploy an agile project? • Fast • Hardened • Painless • Repeatable 46
  • 53. Automated Deployment Tools • Phing/Ant: easy automated build scripts • http://phing.info/ • http://ant.apache.org/ • Capistrano (or Webistrano): scripted releases (with web interface) • https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano 47
  • 54. Automating Deployment: Why • Minimise mistakes • Save time on each deploy • Better than documentation • Reliable process - use for different platforms • Scope for rollback 48
  • 55. Automating Deployment: What • Application code • minimal downtime or time in an inconsistent state • easy rollback • additional setup steps (upload files, etc) also automated • Database • apply database patches • include rollback patches • Config changes • useful for large or complex sites • config deploys separately, can update quickly and easily 49
  • 56. Code Deployment • Get a clean copy of code • Place in new directory on server • Perform any other preparation tasks • Change symlink in web directory to point to new version • Tools: shell script or ant/phing 50
  • 57. Config Deployment • Exactly like code deployment • Application needs to be designed with this in mind • Default to live config • Environment variables set in vhost 51
  • 58. Phing Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="example" basedir="." default="deploy"> <property name="builddir" value="./build" /> <property name="appdir" value="./build/code" /> <tstamp><format property="date" pattern="%Y%m%d-%H%M" /></tsta <target name="deploy" depends="clean, prepare, export, putlive <target name="export"> <exec command="svn export ${repo} ${appdir}/${date}" /> </target> <target name="putlive"> <exec command="scp -r ${appdir}/${date} ${destination} > ${builddir}/logs/scp.log" /> </target> 52
  • 59. Phing Example Cont’d <target name="clean"> <delete dir="${builddir}" /> </target> <target name="prepare"> <mkdir dir="${builddir}" /> <mkdir dir="${builddir}/logs" /> </target> </project> Phing can also handle upload directories, database versioning, other deployment recipe steps and post deploy tasks 53
  • 61. Continuous Integration The glue that holds everything together! • Source control commit triggers: • Static analysis tools • Automated tests • Document generation • CI system centralises: • Deployment (to various platforms) • Other tasks, cron jobs • Centralised dashboard and reporting 55
  • 62. Continuous Integration Tools • Jenkins (née Hudson) • http://jenkins-ci.org/ • PHPUnderControl (PHP-specific CruiseControl project) • http://phpundercontrol.org/ 56
  • 63. Tool Up Your LAMP Stack
  • 64. The Main Ingredients for LAMP Preparation time: some years Ingredients: • Source control • Development platforms • Task tracking • Automated testing • Static analysis • Automated deployment • Continuous integration 58
  • 66. Thanks • Website: http://lornajane.net • Twitter: @lornajane 60
  • 67. Image Credits • LAMP http://www.flickr.com/photos/sewpixie/2059308961 • Sandpit http://www.flickr.com/photos/giltastic/3159081924 61