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Sensu and Sensibility 
Sensu and Sensibility
Cycle of failure and 
• Manually edited and deployed monitoring 
• Changes require two teams 
• Low developer visibility about production 
Cycle of failure and 
• Manually edited and deployed monitoring 
• Changes require two teams 
• Low developer visibility about production 
• Escalation of issues is hard 
• Ops ignore alerts from services 
• Postmortems 
Cycle of failure and 
• Manually edited and deployed monitoring 
• Changes require two teams 
• Low developer visibility about production 
• Escalation of issues is hard 
• Ops ignore alerts from services 
• Postmortems 
• High friction, low trust, low visibility. 
This is 
“51 % viewed their ERP implementation as 
The Robbins-Gioia Survey (2001)
The Conference Board Survey (2001) 
“40 % of the projects failed to achieve their 
business case within one year of going live” 
McKinsey & Company in conjunction 
with the University of Oxford (2012) 
• “17 percent of large IT projects go so 
badly that they can threaten the very 
existence of the company” 
• “On average, large IT projects run 45 
percent over budget and 7 percent over 
time, while delivering 56 percent less 
value than predicted” 
Failure is an option 
Why Sensu? 
• Designed to be pluggable / extensible 
• Arbitrary check metadata 
• Simple model 
• Components do exactly one thing 
• Ruby 
• Not afraid to extend (or fork!) 
‘industry standard’ 
‘enterprise class’ 
Cheap shot 
How we use Sensu 
• Don’t use all of this! 
• ‘Standalone’ checks only 
• Default in the puppet module 
Sensu data flow 
• Sensu client runs checks on each machine 
• Pushes results to RabbitMQ 
• Clustered, clients/messages will fail over. 
• Sensu server (multiple, ha) 
• Processes check results, invokes handlers 
• Writes state to redis 
• Redis + sentinel 
• Read by API (2 instances) 
• All layers behind haproxy 
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? 
Mutually assured monitoring 
• Multiple independent Sensu installs (per-datacenter) 
• Monitor each other! 
Machine readable config 
• /etc/sensu/conf.d/checks/check_name.json 
• Extensible with arbitrary metadata 
• Hash merge 
• Never edit by hand! 
monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': 
page => true, 
command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 
check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", 
check_every => ‘5m', 
alert_after => '30m', 
realert_every => 10, 
runbook => 'y/apache', 
monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': 
page => true, 
command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 
check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", 
check_every => ‘5m', 
alert_after => '30m', 
realert_every => 10, 
runbook => 'y/apache', 
monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': 
page => true, 
command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 
check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", 
check_every => ‘5m', 
alert_after => '30m', 
realert_every => 10, 
runbook => 'y/apache', 
monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': 
page => true, 
command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 
check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", 
check_every => ‘5m', 
alert_after => '30m', 
realert_every => 10, 
runbook => 'y/apache', 
• monitoring_check wraps this 
• Writes a JSON file for each check 
• Comment safe 
"disk_ro_mounts": { 
"standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], 
"command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", 
"interval": 60, 
"alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", 
"dependencies": [], 
"runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", 
"annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? 
"team": "operations", 
"irc_channels": "operations-notifications", 
"notification_email": "undef", 
"ticket": true, 
"project": “OPS”, 
"page": false, 
"tip": false 
"disk_ro_mounts": { 
"standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], 
"command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", 
"interval": 60, 
"alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", 
"dependencies": [], 
"runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", 
"annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? 
"team": "operations", 
"irc_channels": "operations-notifications", 
"notification_email": "undef", 
"ticket": true, 
"project": “OPS”, 
"page": false, 
"tip": false 
"disk_ro_mounts": { 
"standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], 
"command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", 
"interval": 60, 
"alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", 
"dependencies": [], 
"runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", 
"annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? 
"team": "operations", 
"irc_channels": "operations-notifications", 
"notification_email": "undef", 
"ticket": true, 
"project": “OPS”, 
"page": false, 
"tip": false 
"disk_ro_mounts": { 
"standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], 
"command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", 
"interval": 60, 
"alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", 
"dependencies": [], 
"runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", 
"annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? 
"team": "operations", 
"irc_channels": "operations-notifications", 
"notification_email": "undef", 
"ticket": true, 
"project": “OPS”, 
"page": false, 
"tip": false 
"disk_ro_mounts": { 
"standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], 
"command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", 
"interval": 60, 
"alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", 
"dependencies": [], 
"runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", 
"annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? 
"team": "operations", 
"irc_channels": "operations-notifications", 
"notification_email": "undef", 
"ticket": true, 
"project": “OPS”, 
"page": false, 
"tip": false 
"disk_ro_mounts": { 
"standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], 
"command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", 
"interval": 60, 
"alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", 
"dependencies": [], 
"runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", 
"annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? 
"team": "operations", 
"irc_channels": "operations-notifications", 
"notification_email": "undef", 
"ticket": true, 
"project": “OPS”, 
"page": false, 
"tip": false 
Check scripts 
• Same as nagios checks 
• Simple (text) output 
• Exit code 
• Result sent to server, along with check definition 
• Including all the custom metadata 
• Our handlers use the extra data. 
• base 
• email 
• irc 
• pagerduty 
• awsprune 
How do checks get run? 
• Every machine runs the client. 
• Client managed by puppet 
• Client has a TCP socket you can send JSON to 
• Custom checks + pysensu-yelp 
Situational awareness 
Single source of truth 
• DNS is canonical for sensu servers 
• Configure things in one place! 
Single source of truth 
• DNS is canonical for sensu servers 
• Configure things in one place! 
Automatic monitoring 
• E.g. cron jobs - check successful recently! 
• cron::d 
Automatic monitoring 
• E.g. cron jobs - check successful recently! 
• cron::d 
Generate monitoring_check 
User specified monitoring 
User specified monitoring 
• Data lives in the service config 
• Next to the code to emit metrics!
• Simple checks for free! 
User specified monitoring
User specified monitoring 
• Data lives in the service config 
• Next to the code to emit metrics 
• Next to metadata about SLAs and LB timeouts 
• Developers can push without OPS 
Cluster checks 
• We’re working on this currently 
• Assert some % of machines are healthy. 
• Use to reduce alert noise. 
• If a service becomes fully unavailable to clients, 
you want to page someone. 
• If one machine goes belly up, you don’t (make 
a JIRA ticket for handling later!) 
• This is all still a work in progress. 
• We’ve not 100% migrated off of Nagios 
• Open sourcing the pieces 
• Slides will be online shortly: 
• slideshare.net/bobtfish 
• @bobtfish 
• Some (most?) of our code is open source: 
• https://github.com/Yelp/sensu/commit/ 
• https://github.com/Yelp/puppet-monitoring_check 
• https://github.com/Yelp/puppet-netstdlib 
• https://github.com/Yelp/sensu_handlers 
• https://github.com/Yelp/pysensu-yelp 

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Sensu and Sensibility - Puppetconf 2014

  • 1. Sensu and Sensibility Tomas Doran @bobtfish 2014-­‐09-­‐23
  • 2. 2 Sensu and Sensibility
  • 3. Cycle of failure and disappointment • Manually edited and deployed monitoring • Changes require two teams • Low developer visibility about production 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Cycle of failure and disappointment • Manually edited and deployed monitoring • Changes require two teams • Low developer visibility about production • Escalation of issues is hard • Ops ignore alerts from services • Postmortems 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Cycle of failure and disappointment • Manually edited and deployed monitoring • Changes require two teams • Low developer visibility about production • Escalation of issues is hard • Ops ignore alerts from services • Postmortems • High friction, low trust, low visibility. 7
  • 8. “Normality” 8 -­‐ http://gunshowcomic.com/648
  • 9. “Normality” dysfunctional 9 This is -­‐ http://gunshowcomic.com/648
  • 12. “51 % viewed their ERP implementation as unsuccessful” 12 The Robbins-Gioia Survey (2001)
  • 13. The Conference Board Survey (2001) “40 % of the projects failed to achieve their business case within one year of going live” 13
  • 14. McKinsey & Company in conjunction with the University of Oxford (2012) • “17 percent of large IT projects go so badly that they can threaten the very existence of the company” • “On average, large IT projects run 45 percent over budget and 7 percent over time, while delivering 56 percent less value than predicted” 14
  • 15. Failure is an option -­‐ blog.parasoft.com/single-­‐greatest-­‐barrier-­‐with-­‐sw-­‐delivery 15
  • 18. Why Sensu? • Designed to be pluggable / extensible • Arbitrary check metadata • Simple model • Components do exactly one thing • Ruby • Not afraid to extend (or fork!) 18
  • 21. 21
  • 25. 25
  • 26. How we use Sensu • Don’t use all of this! • ‘Standalone’ checks only • Default in the puppet module 26
  • 27. Sensu data flow • Sensu client runs checks on each machine • Pushes results to RabbitMQ • Clustered, clients/messages will fail over. • Sensu server (multiple, ha) • Processes check results, invokes handlers • Writes state to redis • Redis + sentinel • Read by API (2 instances) • All layers behind haproxy 27
  • 28. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? 28 “Sensu has so many moving parts that I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night unless I set up a Nagios instance to make sure they were all running.”
  • 29. Mutually assured monitoring • Multiple independent Sensu installs (per-datacenter) • Monitor each other! 29
  • 30. Machine readable config • /etc/sensu/conf.d/checks/check_name.json • Extensible with arbitrary metadata • Hash merge • Never edit by hand! 30
  • 31. monitoring_check monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': page => true, command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", check_every => ‘5m', alert_after => '30m', realert_every => 10, runbook => 'y/apache', } 31
  • 32. monitoring_check monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': page => true, command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", check_every => ‘5m', alert_after => '30m', realert_every => 10, runbook => 'y/apache', } 32
  • 33. monitoring_check monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': page => true, command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", check_every => ‘5m', alert_after => '30m', realert_every => 10, runbook => 'y/apache', } 33
  • 34. monitoring_check monitoring_check { 'systems-apache-external': page => true, command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ check_tcp -H ${external_ip_address} -p 443", check_every => ‘5m', alert_after => '30m', realert_every => 10, runbook => 'y/apache', } 34
  • 35. sensu::check • monitoring_check wraps this • Writes a JSON file for each check • Comment safe 35
  • 36. "disk_ro_mounts": { "standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], "command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", "interval": 60, "alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", "dependencies": [], "runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", "annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? p=puppet.git;a=blob;f=modules/profile/manifests/server.pp#l80", "team": "operations", "irc_channels": "operations-notifications", "notification_email": "undef", "ticket": true, "project": “OPS”, "page": false, "tip": false } 36
  • 37. "disk_ro_mounts": { "standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], "command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", "interval": 60, "alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", "dependencies": [], "runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", "annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? p=puppet.git;a=blob;f=modules/profile/manifests/server.pp#l80", "team": "operations", "irc_channels": "operations-notifications", "notification_email": "undef", "ticket": true, "project": “OPS”, "page": false, "tip": false } 37
  • 38. "disk_ro_mounts": { "standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], "command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", "interval": 60, "alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", "dependencies": [], "runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", "annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? p=puppet.git;a=blob;f=modules/profile/manifests/server.pp#l80", "team": "operations", "irc_channels": "operations-notifications", "notification_email": "undef", "ticket": true, "project": “OPS”, "page": false, "tip": false } 38
  • 39. "disk_ro_mounts": { "standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], "command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", "interval": 60, "alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", "dependencies": [], "runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", "annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? p=puppet.git;a=blob;f=modules/profile/manifests/server.pp#l80", "team": "operations", "irc_channels": "operations-notifications", "notification_email": "undef", "ticket": true, "project": “OPS”, "page": false, "tip": false } 39
  • 40. "disk_ro_mounts": { "standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], "command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", "interval": 60, "alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", "dependencies": [], "runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", "annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? p=puppet.git;a=blob;f=modules/profile/manifests/server.pp#l80", "team": "operations", "irc_channels": "operations-notifications", "notification_email": "undef", "ticket": true, "project": “OPS”, "page": false, "tip": false } 40
  • 41. "disk_ro_mounts": { "standalone": true, "handlers": [“default"], "subscribers": [], "command": "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/yelp/check_ro_mounts", "interval": 60, "alert_after": 0, "realert_every": “-1", "dependencies": [], "runbook": "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=linux+read+only+disk", "annotation": "https://gitweb.yelpcorp.com/? p=puppet.git;a=blob;f=modules/profile/manifests/server.pp#l80", "team": "operations", "irc_channels": "operations-notifications", "notification_email": "undef", "ticket": true, "project": “OPS”, "page": false, "tip": false } 41
  • 42. Check scripts • Same as nagios checks • Simple (text) output • Exit code • Result sent to server, along with check definition • Including all the custom metadata • Our handlers use the extra data. 42
  • 43. Handlers • base • JIRA • email • irc • pagerduty • awsprune 43
  • 44. How do checks get run? • Every machine runs the client. • Client managed by puppet • Client has a TCP socket you can send JSON to • Custom checks + pysensu-yelp 44
  • 45. 45
  • 47. Single source of truth • DNS is canonical for sensu servers • Configure things in one place! 47
  • 48. Single source of truth • DNS is canonical for sensu servers • Configure things in one place! 48
  • 49. Automatic monitoring • E.g. cron jobs - check successful recently! • cron::d 49
  • 50. Automatic monitoring • E.g. cron jobs - check successful recently! • cron::d 50
  • 53. User specified monitoring 53 • Data lives in the service config • Next to the code to emit metrics!
  • 54. • Simple checks for free! 54 User specified monitoring
  • 55. User specified monitoring • Data lives in the service config • Next to the code to emit metrics • Next to metadata about SLAs and LB timeouts • Developers can push without OPS 55
  • 56. Cluster checks • We’re working on this currently • Assert some % of machines are healthy. • Use to reduce alert noise. • If a service becomes fully unavailable to clients, you want to page someone. • If one machine goes belly up, you don’t (make a JIRA ticket for handling later!) 56
  • 57. WIP • This is all still a work in progress. • We’ve not 100% migrated off of Nagios • Open sourcing the pieces 57
  • 58. Thanks! • Slides will be online shortly: • slideshare.net/bobtfish • @bobtfish • Some (most?) of our code is open source: • https://github.com/Yelp/sensu/commit/ aa5c43c2fdfde5e8739952c0b8082000934f3ad2 • https://github.com/Yelp/puppet-monitoring_check • https://github.com/Yelp/puppet-netstdlib • https://github.com/Yelp/sensu_handlers • https://github.com/Yelp/pysensu-yelp 58