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Performance Optimization Case
Study: Shattering Hadoop's Sort
Record with Spark and Scala
Reynold Xin (@rxin)
March 17, 2015
Who am I?
Reynold Xin (@rxin)
Co-founder, Databricks
Apache Spark committer & maintainer on core
API, shuffle, network, block manager, SQL, GraphX
On leave from PhD @ UC Berkeley AMPLab
Spark is In-Memory and Fast
0 25 50 75 100 125
Logistic Regression
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
K-Means Clustering
Hadoop MR
Time per Iteration (s)
“Spark is in-memory. It doesn’t work with BIG
“It is too expensive to buy a cluster with enough
memory to fit our data.”
Common Misconception About Spark
“Spark is in-memory. It doesn’t work with BIG
“It is too expensive to buy a cluster with enough
memory to fit our data.”
Spark Project Goals
Works well with GBs, TBs, or PBs or data
Works well with different storage media (RAM,
Works well from low-latency streaming jobs to
long batch jobs
Spark Project Goals
Works well with KBs, MBs, … or PBs or data
Works well with different storage media (RAM,
Works well from low-latency streaming jobs to
long batch jobs
Sort Benchmark
Originally sponsored by Jim Gray to measure
advancements in software and hardware in 1987
Participants often used purpose-built hardware/
software to compete
–  Large companies: IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, …
–  Academia: UC Berkeley, UCSD, MIT, …
Sort Benchmark
1MB -> 100MB -> 1TB (1998) -> 100TB (2009)
Sorting 100 TB and 1 PB
Participated in the most challenging category
–  Daytona GraySort
–  Sort 100TB in a fault-tolerant manner
–  1 trillion records generated by a 3rd-party harness (10B
key + 90B payload)
Set a new world record (tied with UCSD)
–  Saturated throughput of 8 SSDs and 10Gbps network
–  1st time public cloud + open source won
Sorted 1PB on our own to push scalability
On-Disk Sort Record:
Time to sort 100TB
2100 machines2013 Record:
2014 Record:
Source: Daytona GraySort benchmark, sortbenchmark.org
72 minutes
207 machines
23 minutes
Also sorted 1PB in 4 hours
Why Sorting?
Sorting stresses “shuffle”, which underpins
everything from SQL to machine learning (group
by, join, sort, ALS, etc)
Sorting is challenging because there is no
reduction in data.
Sort 100TB = 500TB disk I/O + 200TB network
What made this possible?
Power of the Cloud
Engineering Investment in Spark
–  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045)
–  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468)
–  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796)
Clever Application Level Techniques
–  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas
–  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting
–  Pipelining
What made this possible?
Power of the Cloud
Engineering Investment in Spark
–  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045)
–  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468)
–  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796)
Clever Application Level Techniques
–  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas
–  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting
–  Pipelining
Sort-based Shuffle
Old hash-based shuffle: require R
(#reduce tasks) concurrent streams
with buffers, i.e. limits R.
New sort-based shuffle: sort
records by partition first, and then
write them out. One active stream
at a time.
Went up to 250,000 tasks in PB sort
Network Transport
High performance event-driven architecture using
Netty (SEDA-like)
Explicitly manages pools of memory outside JVM
garbage collection
Zero-copy (avoid user space buffer through
Network Transport
Sustaining ~1.1GB/node/s
What made this possible?
Power of the Cloud
Engineering Investment in Spark
–  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045)
–  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468)
–  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796)
Clever Application Level Techniques
–  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas
–  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting
–  Pipelining
The guidelines here apply only to hyper
performance optimizations
–  Majority of the code should not be perf sensitive
Measure before you optimize
–  It is ridiculously hard to write good benchmarks
–  Use jmh if you want to do that
Prefer while loops
array.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (x, i) =>
var i = 0
while (i < array.length) {
i += 1
Avoid Collection Library
Avoid Scala collection library
–  Generally slower than java.util.*
Avoid Java collection library
–  Not specialized (too many objects)
–  Bad cache locality
Prefer private[this]
class A {
private val field = 0
def accessor = field
scalac –print A.scala
Class A extends Object {
private[this] val field: Int = _;
<stable> <accessor> private def field(): Int = A.this.field;
def accessor(): Int = A.this.field();
def <init>(): A = {
A.this.field = 0;
JIT might not be able to inline this
Prefer private[this]
class B {
private[this] val field = 0
def accessor = field
scalac –print B.scala
Class B extends Object {
private[this] val field: Int = _;
def accessor(): Int = B.this.field;
def <init>(): B = {
B.this.field = 0;
What made this possible?
Power of the Cloud
Engineering Investment in Spark
–  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045)
–  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468)
–  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796)
Clever Application Level Techniques
–  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas
–  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting
–  Pipelining
Garbage Collection
Hard to tune GC when memory utilization > 60%
Do away entirely with GC: off-heap allocation
GC Take 1: DirectByteBuffer
java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(long size);
Limited size: 2GB only
Hard to recycle
–  only claimed by GC
–  possible to control with reflection, but there is a
static synchronize!
GC Take 2: sun.misc.Unsafe
Available on most JVM implementations
(frequently exploited by trading platforms)
Provide C-like explicit memory allocation
class Unsafe {
public native long allocateMemory(long bytes);
public native void freeMemory(long address);
GC Take 2: sun.misc.Unsafe
class Unsafe {
public native copyMemory(
long srcAddress, long destAddress,
long bytes);
public native long getLong(long address);
public native int getInt(long address);
Caveats when using Unsafe
Maintain a thread local pool of memory blocks to
avoid allocation overhead and fragmentation
(Netty uses jemalloc)
-ea during debugging, -da in benchmark mode
Cache Friendly Sorting
Naïve Scala/Java collection sort is extremely slow
–  object dereferences (random memory access)
–  polymorphic comparators (cannot be inlined)
Spark’s TimSort allows operating on custom data
memory layout
–  Be careful with inlining again
Data Layout Take 1
100B …
Consecutive Memory Block (size N * 100B)
Comparison: uses the 10B key to compare.
Swap: requires swapping 100B.
Too much memcpy!
Record format: 10B key + 90B payload
Data Layout Take 2
Swap: cheap (8B or 4B)
Comparison: requires
dereference 2 pointers
(random access)
Bad cache locality!
Data Layout Take 3
14 bytes …
Consecutive Memory Block (size N * 14B)
10B key prefix + 4B position
Sort comparison: using the 10B prefix inline
Swap: only swap 14B
Good cache locality & low memcpy overhead!
Performance Optimization Case Study: Shattering Hadoop's Sort Record with Spark and Scala
What made this possible?
Power of the Cloud
Engineering Investment in Spark
–  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045)
–  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468)
–  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796)
Clever Application Level Techniques
–  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas
–  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting
–  Pipelining
Add a semaphore to throttle concurrent “reads”
What did we do exactly?
Improve single-thread sorting speed
–  Better sort algorithm
–  Better data layout for cache locality
Reduce garbage collection overhead
–  Explicitly manage memory using Unsafe
Reduce resource contention via pipelining
Increase network transfer throughput
–  Netty (zero-copy, jemalloc)
Performance Optimization Case Study: Shattering Hadoop's Sort Record with Spark and Scala
Extra Readings
Databricks Scala Guide (Performance Section)
Blog post about this benchmark entry
Performance Optimization Case Study: Shattering Hadoop's Sort Record with Spark and Scala

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Performance Optimization Case Study: Shattering Hadoop's Sort Record with Spark and Scala

  • 1. Performance Optimization Case Study: Shattering Hadoop's Sort Record with Spark and Scala Reynold Xin (@rxin) March 17, 2015
  • 2. Who am I? Reynold Xin (@rxin) Co-founder, Databricks Apache Spark committer & maintainer on core API, shuffle, network, block manager, SQL, GraphX On leave from PhD @ UC Berkeley AMPLab
  • 3. Spark is In-Memory and Fast 0.96 110 0 25 50 75 100 125 Logistic Regression 4.1 155 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 K-Means Clustering Hadoop MR Spark Time per Iteration (s)
  • 4. “Spark is in-memory. It doesn’t work with BIG DATA.” “It is too expensive to buy a cluster with enough memory to fit our data.”
  • 5. Common Misconception About Spark “Spark is in-memory. It doesn’t work with BIG DATA.” “It is too expensive to buy a cluster with enough memory to fit our data.”
  • 6. Spark Project Goals Works well with GBs, TBs, or PBs or data Works well with different storage media (RAM, HDDs, SSDs) Works well from low-latency streaming jobs to long batch jobs
  • 7. Spark Project Goals Works well with KBs, MBs, … or PBs or data Works well with different storage media (RAM, HDDs, SSDs) Works well from low-latency streaming jobs to long batch jobs
  • 8. Sort Benchmark Originally sponsored by Jim Gray to measure advancements in software and hardware in 1987 Participants often used purpose-built hardware/ software to compete –  Large companies: IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, … –  Academia: UC Berkeley, UCSD, MIT, …
  • 9. Sort Benchmark 1MB -> 100MB -> 1TB (1998) -> 100TB (2009)
  • 10. Sorting 100 TB and 1 PB Participated in the most challenging category –  Daytona GraySort –  Sort 100TB in a fault-tolerant manner –  1 trillion records generated by a 3rd-party harness (10B key + 90B payload) Set a new world record (tied with UCSD) –  Saturated throughput of 8 SSDs and 10Gbps network –  1st time public cloud + open source won Sorted 1PB on our own to push scalability
  • 11. 11 On-Disk Sort Record: Time to sort 100TB 2100 machines2013 Record: Hadoop 2014 Record: Spark Source: Daytona GraySort benchmark, sortbenchmark.org 72 minutes 207 machines 23 minutes Also sorted 1PB in 4 hours
  • 12. Why Sorting? Sorting stresses “shuffle”, which underpins everything from SQL to machine learning (group by, join, sort, ALS, etc) Sorting is challenging because there is no reduction in data. Sort 100TB = 500TB disk I/O + 200TB network
  • 13. What made this possible? Power of the Cloud Engineering Investment in Spark –  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045) –  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468) –  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796) Clever Application Level Techniques –  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas –  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting –  Pipelining
  • 14. What made this possible? Power of the Cloud Engineering Investment in Spark –  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045) –  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468) –  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796) Clever Application Level Techniques –  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas –  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting –  Pipelining
  • 15. Sort-based Shuffle Old hash-based shuffle: require R (#reduce tasks) concurrent streams with buffers, i.e. limits R. New sort-based shuffle: sort records by partition first, and then write them out. One active stream at a time. Went up to 250,000 tasks in PB sort
  • 16. Network Transport High performance event-driven architecture using Netty (SEDA-like) Explicitly manages pools of memory outside JVM garbage collection Zero-copy (avoid user space buffer through FileChannel.transferTo)
  • 18. What made this possible? Power of the Cloud Engineering Investment in Spark –  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045) –  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468) –  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796) Clever Application Level Techniques –  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas –  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting –  Pipelining
  • 19. Warning The guidelines here apply only to hyper performance optimizations –  Majority of the code should not be perf sensitive Measure before you optimize –  It is ridiculously hard to write good benchmarks –  Use jmh if you want to do that http://github.com/databricks/style-style-guide
  • 20. Prefer while loops array.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (x, i) => … } vs var i = 0 while (i < array.length) { ... i += 1 }
  • 21. Avoid Collection Library Avoid Scala collection library –  Generally slower than java.util.* Avoid Java collection library –  Not specialized (too many objects) –  Bad cache locality
  • 22. Prefer private[this] A.scala: class A { private val field = 0 def accessor = field } scalac –print A.scala Class A extends Object { private[this] val field: Int = _; <stable> <accessor> private def field(): Int = A.this.field; def accessor(): Int = A.this.field(); def <init>(): A = { A.super.<init>(); A.this.field = 0; () } }; JIT might not be able to inline this
  • 23. Prefer private[this] B.scala: class B { private[this] val field = 0 def accessor = field } scalac –print B.scala Class B extends Object { private[this] val field: Int = _; def accessor(): Int = B.this.field; def <init>(): B = { B.super.<init>(); B.this.field = 0; () } };
  • 24. What made this possible? Power of the Cloud Engineering Investment in Spark –  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045) –  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468) –  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796) Clever Application Level Techniques –  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas –  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting –  Pipelining
  • 25. Garbage Collection Hard to tune GC when memory utilization > 60% Do away entirely with GC: off-heap allocation
  • 26. GC Take 1: DirectByteBuffer java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(long size); Limited size: 2GB only Hard to recycle –  only claimed by GC –  possible to control with reflection, but there is a static synchronize!
  • 27. GC Take 2: sun.misc.Unsafe Available on most JVM implementations (frequently exploited by trading platforms) Provide C-like explicit memory allocation class Unsafe { public native long allocateMemory(long bytes); public native void freeMemory(long address); … }
  • 28. GC Take 2: sun.misc.Unsafe class Unsafe { … public native copyMemory( long srcAddress, long destAddress, long bytes); public native long getLong(long address); public native int getInt(long address); ... }
  • 29. Caveats when using Unsafe Maintain a thread local pool of memory blocks to avoid allocation overhead and fragmentation (Netty uses jemalloc) -ea during debugging, -da in benchmark mode
  • 30. Cache Friendly Sorting Naïve Scala/Java collection sort is extremely slow –  object dereferences (random memory access) –  polymorphic comparators (cannot be inlined) Spark’s TimSort allows operating on custom data memory layout –  Be careful with inlining again
  • 31. Data Layout Take 1 100B … Consecutive Memory Block (size N * 100B) Comparison: uses the 10B key to compare. Swap: requires swapping 100B. Too much memcpy! Record format: 10B key + 90B payload
  • 32. Data Layout Take 2 Swap: cheap (8B or 4B) Comparison: requires dereference 2 pointers (random access) Bad cache locality! … 100bytearray 100bytearray 100bytearray 100bytearray 100bytearray Array[Array[Byte]]
  • 33. Data Layout Take 3 14 bytes … Consecutive Memory Block (size N * 14B) 10B key prefix + 4B position Sort comparison: using the 10B prefix inline Swap: only swap 14B Good cache locality & low memcpy overhead!
  • 35. What made this possible? Power of the Cloud Engineering Investment in Spark –  Sort-based shuffle (SPARK-2045) –  Netty native network transport (SPARK-2468) –  External shuffle service (SPARK-3796) Clever Application Level Techniques –  Avoid Scala/JVM gotchas –  Cache-friendly & GC-friendly sorting –  Pipelining
  • 37. Add a semaphore to throttle concurrent “reads”
  • 38. What did we do exactly? Improve single-thread sorting speed –  Better sort algorithm –  Better data layout for cache locality Reduce garbage collection overhead –  Explicitly manage memory using Unsafe Reduce resource contention via pipelining Increase network transfer throughput –  Netty (zero-copy, jemalloc)
  • 40. Extra Readings Databricks Scala Guide (Performance Section) https://github.com/databricks/scala-style-guide Blog post about this benchmark entry http://tinyurl.com/spark-sort