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A Film Review
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A Film Review A Film Review
Daniel Patrick Moynihan Essay
An Assistant Secretary by the name of Daniel Patrick Moynihan decided to write a report on African
American Families on New Year s Eve in 1964. Known now as the Moynihan Report . According to
the article The Negro Family; The case for National Action, completed in March, 1965, became one of
the most controversial documents of twentieth century. Moynihan became a successful author and
started working at Howard University as a professor. In June,1965 President Johnson gave props to the
Moynihan report, stating Freedom is not enough : Equal citizenship for African Americans was
incomplete without the ability to make a decent living . In the report Moynihan had recognized certain
irregularities in U.S. work information; for instance, by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The second was the high frequency of unemployment among black men that lessened their allure and
practicability in the marriage market. Moynihan, believed that fathers should usually be the providers
in American families, and he had much to say in regards to illegitimacy (the word used at a time for
pregnancies out of wedlock). The number of white births in the U.S. that was ill conceived, he wrote,
2 percent in 1940 to 3 percent in 1963. The black percentage, in any case, had hopped amid these
years from 16.8 percent to 23.6 percent, subsequently remaining about eight times higher than among
whites. black separation rates, as well, had expanded: in 1940 these had been the same for blacks and
whites, yet by 1964 the nonwhite (here as somewhere else he implied Negro) rate had moved toward
becoming 40 percent higher than that among whites. The outcome, he composed, was that Just about
One Fourth of Negro Families Are Headed by Females. By August 1965 the Johnson organization
immediately abandoned the Moynihan Report. Moynihan s report caused a huge controversy, even
caused riots to break out in Los
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What Factors Influence the Individual Person and...
5.2 Why and how people give?
Overall donations to charities is dominated by Inner Directed people. Inner Direct people are the most
likely out of the three to give to a cause as they are the tester and innovators and are always question
what is right and what is wrong.
In these following graphs the axis is the average from the population that was asked during the survey.
So the first graph shows that 11% agrees with the statement they are regular givers and give to one or
more charities it shows that Inner Directed people are 30 times more likely than the average person to
donate. So here Inner Directed people are over indexed by 30% which means they are 30 % more
likely to give to more than one charity than the average person. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
As the advert shows both poverty close to home and poverty in other parts of the world they are
attracting the attention of both types of people meaning a larger proportion of the population will
donate to the charity.
5.3 What type of charities do people give to?
Each of the three sections responds to very different charities. Sustenance Driven are attracted to
institutions such as the Army/ military and hospitals, this is linked to the fact that sustenance driven
people have a strong interest in the safety and security of their communities and nation. They are more
interested in what is happening in the UK rather than international and overseas work.
Outer Directed people are interested in people as they are empathetic to people who are struggling, as
shown in the graph below by the interest in charities that support people with disabilities as well as
children and adults improving themselves. Again this group does not focus on international, or
overseas work are not as popular with Outer Directed people. They are also not as focused on
environmental matters.
Inner Directed people give to totally different causes to the other two, Inner Directed people are
focused on the world as a whole. Meaning they support international charities, as they are interested in
preserving the culture and heritage of other people, for the future.
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Charismatic Theology Essay
Research Paper
A Select Issue in Contemporary Theology: Charismatic Theology.
THEO 510 C03 LUO (Fall 2012)
Survey of Christian Doctrine
Dr. Eunice Abogunrin, Professor
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Carol H. Montgomery (ID# 24993689)
November 11, 2012
This research paper will show that biblical referred to as glossolalia; the ability to speak in tongues is
fiercely debated. While the Bible gives clear examples of genuine glossolalia, which will be examined
later, the modern debate centers around the need or not, nature, importance, and usage of ... Show
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The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an act whereby the individual is placed in the body of Christ. John
the Baptist, after witnessing the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove at the baptism of Jesus, recorded
Most Pentecostal, and Charismatic believe that tongues are the initial sign of the baptism in the Holy
The book of Acts is its foundation stone. If the book of Acts were excluded from the discussion, there
would be no other source of information since the only other passage in the New Testament that
discusses tongues at any length is 1 Corinthians 12 14 which clearly teaches all do not speak in
Also, Paul examines tongues as one of many differing spiritual gifts that are given freely by the Spirit
after one has been baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13).
In Charismatic Theology, Stronstad states, And tongues is the sign that all who belong to this
charismatic community have been empowered by the Spirit for charismatic ministry.
I choose the charismatic gifts debate because coming from a Pentecostal/Charismatic background

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Nuclear bombs pose a grave danger to humanity and all life on Earth. If the most powerful countries engaged in a nuclear war, the consequences would be catastrophic. While some countries still possess nuclear weapons, their use could trigger widespread destruction through nuclear war and endanger the world. Controlling nuclear arms and avoiding nuclear conflict is vital to ensure global safety.

College Essay Diary Entry Examples
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Here is a summary of the key points about stress effects at France Telecom: - France Telecom (now Orange) underwent major restructuring and job cuts in the late 2000s which led to extreme stress among employees. - Over a 10 year period, at least 35 employees committed suicide due to the pressure, workload and uncertainty about their jobs/futures. - A French court recognized work-related depression and suicide as an "occupational disease" due to the high-pressure work environment and brutal restructuring at France Telecom. - The case highlighted how excessive job insecurity, pressure to meet goals, and lack of support can seriously damage workers' mental health and even lead to suicide in some cases.

Essay Grading Scale Sat. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Grading Scale Sat. Online assignment writing service.Essay Grading Scale Sat. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Grading Scale Sat. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the character of Beowulf from the epic poem Beowulf. It describes how Beowulf is portrayed as the perfect hero, exhibiting great strength and bravery by defeating the monster Grendel and later Grendel's mother. However, in his final battle against the dragon near the end of his life, Beowulf is unable to defeat the dragon alone and dies in the process, showing that even the greatest of heroes has limitations.

growing up in church, I know a little about the gift. With growing up in a Charismatic church, I saw
the gifts in action.
There is a lot of debate on whether the gift is relevant for today or have they ceased from the church.
One side says that the gifts are in the past and is not relevant for the day that we live in and another
side says that the gifts are still
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Developing A Schedule. Where Do You Begin To Prepare Your
Developing a schedule
Where do you begin to prepare your advertising schedule? The best point of reference is the creative
or advertising brief. Here, you will be given a direction on how long the campaign should run for,
when it should begin and when it should end, along with other relevant information. You may choose
to run it over days, weeks, months or even years.
Regardless of which option you select, the length and timing of the campaign will be determined by
the targets set by the original brief and the budget.
If there is any doubt about how long the campaign should run for, it is best to go back to the team that
created the original brief and seek clarification.
The next step in developing the schedule is to ensure that your ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The account executive debriefs the art director and copywriter, who then direct the assembly of the ad.
This may require a fashion shoot by a reputable fashion photographer, a model, make up artist,
wardrobe artist, props, and lighting assistants.
The finished artwork is assembled digitally in the digital studio by a graphic designer, under the
direction of the art director. Once the ad is completed and proofed, it goes back to the client for final
approval and sign off. The production department sends the approved ad directly to the magazine,
electronically, to their production department.
The double page ad appears in the December edition of the magazine.
As shown in the example above, there are a lot of moving parts to producing a simple ad. With so
many moving parts, there are a number of opportunities for things to go wrong or fall behind schedule,
this is why proper planning and scheduling, along with constant follow up with each of the people
involved in the process, is critical to the success of any advertising campaign.
Identifying relevant service providers
Which service providers will you need to achieve your advertising objectives? This will depend on the
type of campaign you are running and the media you select. As we saw in the previous section, service
providers may include:
● designers
● photographers
● media planning/buying agencies
● public relations or event management
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The Function Of The Acid Base Equilibrium
PBL Write up: Acid Base
This document aims to explain the function of the acid base equilibrium in place in the human body
and to identify potential problems that may occur. Theses processes are tightly linked with the control
of fluid levels in the body, this relationship and the function of the water homeostasis system will also
be explored. The aim of this write up is to display a full understanding of the learning objectives
developed in the PBL session. However by adhering to the original learning objectives it would be
difficult to develop a clear structure for this write up as they do not seem clearly defined. They cover
areas multiple times and are structurally unsound. Therefore in this write up the following structure
will be used:
1. Acid Base Balance
What is the body s acid base equilibrium?
The Body s buffer systems and how they function?
What can go wrong and how does it affect the body?
2. Dehydration
What can cause dehydration and what are symptoms?
How does this link to the acid base problem?
How does it affect electrolyte balance?
How is fluid balance regulated?
3. Possible diagnosis of the patient and an explanation
Acid Base Balance:
What is the body s acid base equilibrium?
The acid base equilibrium within the body is a key part of the homeostatic maintenance of the body
and has wide ranging effects on body chemistry and function. This system is based on the regulation
of Hydrogen ions, as this is the basis of the pH
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What Is Alliances In 1914
In the late summer of 1914 in Europe the most terrible thing occured Germany went against Russia
,Austria Hungary fought france and Italy went against the UK, thus creating the alliances. During this
time people didn t think the war would last that long ,the people thought it was going to last maybe a
year or two. Instead of the war lasting a couple of years it ended up lasting four horrendous years.
Many lives were lost many parents lost their kids. While this time every guy it was the must do to go
to war fight for the country the seniors of the german,english,french and the russians all of those
graduates died in battle. The underlying causes of World war one were aliance militarism and
imperialism. The meaning of alliances is a relationship based on the same interests in nature, or
qualities that are the same with that person or country . In the 1914 there were two big alliances the
triple entente and the triple alliance.The country that were in the triple ente were Britain, ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The meaning of militarism is the desire of government or people of that country should provide a
strong military,and be prepared for anything and to use the military aggressively. In document C it
show how much each country used for navy and army. During the war was happening in 1914 the
triple alliance spent around 170 million euros which is 180 million us dollars that s how much they
spent on their navy.The triple alliance only spent 129 million euros for their army which is 133 million
dollars. The triple entente spent 210 million euros on their navy which is 222 million in us dollars.
While on army they only spent 130 million euros which in us dollars equals 138 million. In document
D is talks about that is germany the hammer or the anvil the anvil is the thing or person that gets hit
and a hammer is the object used to hit thing or person. The most significant cause of world war one
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

When I CanT Avoid Writing - BE KITS
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The document discusses genetic modification (GM) and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It notes that GM is the use of biotechnology to change an organism's genes, such as in plants or animals. In Australia, GMOs cannot be used unless approved as safe by the Gene Technology Regulator. The document states that as the world's population increases, the demand for food and fiber is rising drastically, and GM foods and fibers may help address this growing demand.

Scholarship Personal Statement Format SOP F
Scholarship Personal Statement Format  SOP FScholarship Personal Statement Format  SOP F
Scholarship Personal Statement Format SOP F

1. Assessment of pupil learning is one of the most critical aspects of the education system. Assessment drives how and what students learn. 2. Developing mental health literacy programs and campaigns is important to address barriers to treatment and reduce the treatment gap. 3. Delivering comprehensive, integrated, and responsive mental health and social care services in community based settings is needed to improve access to care.

White House Staff
The White House is the corporate central station of the free world. Our Leader is the President. The
bureau people and white house staff or administrators. Further down Pennsylvania Street at the State
house are the Top managerial staff, and for some odd reason the Directorate, have gatherings pretty
much consistently. We the general population are the shareholders of our country. This is the way our
country is kept running in the present state of affairs. FDR had forty five full time staff people.
President Clinton had five hundred and eleven. Who was more successful Clinton or FDR? When you
have people to backing and help you, it is less demanding and more powerful to complete the current
workload. Our media look to the president as the boss wellspring of open approach. This thought
makes the President responsible to the shareholders all the live long day.
The American Administration has experienced a tremendous change throughout the establishment.
The White House Staff ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our Leader is presently more responsible to his shareholders because of these progressions. He needs
to have a question and answer session consistently, he needs to have a week by week radio plays, and
his staff members must be on all the real Sunday morning news magazines. As boss the military his
activities are more looked upon, because of the openness to data. At the point when the president is on
political missions they re continually being watched. This change has conveyed more obligations to
the Chief.
The administration arrangement of the White House is vital to the skill and status as a world political
dominion, if he botches people are watching. At the point when his staff people spoil it s been viewed
by millions. So as to keep our country running like an all around oiled machine we need a president
rely on upon their bureau and staff. Our leader should be made canny and a decent pioneer so as to be
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Greasy Lake Character Development
Character development in short story, from I ve noticed, tends to be brought on by sudden unexpected
twist. Often times those twist lead to the demise of the protagonist. Essentially, there are a lot of short
stories that build on a type of too little too late variant of character development. The narrator in
Greasy Lake starts out as something of an innocent teenager posing as a tough guy. In the beginning of
the story, the narrator described nature as the full throated roar of rock and roll. The narrator and his
friends wanted to head down to the lake to get drunk, do drugs, and chase girls. They thought they
were bad (bad meaning good in the context) because they didn t fit in with what they thought was
society s model of a good
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The Recognition Of Indian And Transgender Identity Essay
The Recognition of Indian and Transgender Identity There are various groups throughout the United
State and globally that continue to be treated as though they are not who they say they are. Indian and
transgender individuals, while very different, face similar identity issues. Both groups have faced and
continue to face issues regarding their identity and whether or not they can be legally recognized for
who they are. Indian tribes such as the Navajo have blood quantum laws preventing anyone with less
than a quarter Navajo blood from registering with their tribe. This means that they are unable to be
legally recognized as an Indian, despite having Indian ancestors. In comparison, the transgender
community is facing legal issues with a new bill in North Carolina and Mississippi that requires them
to use the bathroom of the gender they were born into. In addition to this, it takes away legal
protection for people who identify as LGBT, allowing for legal discrimination. The percent of people
who identify as transgender is 0.3% in the United States as of 2011. (How Many People Are Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?). The percent of Indians in the United States as of 2013 is two
percent, or 5.2 million (Facts for Features: American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month:
November 2014). The misrepresentation Indians and Transgender communities face within the United
States is a controversial issue, one that can be seen in the news, novels, and more. For centuries,
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Home Design in the 19th Century Essay
Home Design in the 19th Century
Home decorating styles changed dramatically during the middle part of the 1800 s, even though
design began to refer back to the styles the century had begun with as it came to an end. This
difference in popular taste did not just evolve because of the passage of time, however; new
technological advancements in furniture production and an increased interest in the arts of Asia
influenced home décor. The changing British culture manifested itself in how the middle class
decorated their homes, and how they perceived themselves.
In the earlier part of the 19th century, tastes tended toward lighter looks. According to The Victorian
Web online site, Satinwood was in vogue and a light finish for mahogany ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 was a landmark because it featured furniture so ornate it
became tasteless . Stokstad s Art History (Revised Edition) describes the concern over the designs
featured in the show by saying, The elaboration of decorative elements at the expense of function and
good taste distressed many, including the event s organizers (1006). The excess had gone too far; the
Victorians needed a change.
William Morris, convinced that industrialism itself was the problem (1006), began to design furniture
with a medieval, yet more basic, style. He endorsed the benefits of hand crafting pieces, stressing the
importance of work by people rather than machines. Not all of the Morris furniture was expensive,
either: the chair on the right side of figure 6, below, was a cheap, simple, and basic...hand crafted
alternative to the vulgar excess of previous years (Stokstad 1007). The social unrest at the time was
translated into furniture trends. Near the end of the century, dark, heavy furniture was transformed into
lighter looking and lighter colored again. This was partly due to the increasing interest in the
simplicity of Japanese designs; bamboo, and blue and white china replaced the ornate knickknacks. At
the same time, perhaps as a reaction to the influence of foreign cultures, collecting antique furniture
became popular. Again, Jane Eyre is not excluded from this trend: she
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The document discusses gun control and mass shootings in the United States. It notes that while there has been some progress with laws and policies around gun control, mass shootings are still prevalent issues. Specifically, it states that assault weapon bans have expired and that high-capacity magazines are still legal in most states. Additionally, it mentions that the majority of Americans support some reasonable gun control measures but the gun lobby prevents many proposed laws from passing. The document aims to provide context around the current state of gun control and challenges that still exist in addressing mass shootings in America.

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The document discusses three laws related to electronic communication privacy and data sharing: 1) The Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 which allows the government to obtain some digital information without a warrant, sparking debate. 2) The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act which enables companies to share cyber threat information with authorities, but raises privacy concerns about sharing personal data. 3) The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement being negotiated between several Pacific nations including the US, with implications for digital copyright laws worldwide. Experts remain worried about the full effects of these laws on privacy and data use.

Sample Argumentative Essay On Childhood Obesity
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website in 5 steps: registering with an email and password, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids and choosing one, reviewing and authorizing payment for the completed paper, and having the option to request revisions until satisfied. The process aims to match students with qualified writers to complete assignments while allowing revisions to ensure high quality original work.

The History of Native Americans Essay
The United States was a new nation in the 18th century when most of the world was divided among
the European imperialist governments. Looking right of religion, technology and military power,
people from these nations began to claim the land and lock up new worlds of natural resources to meet
their needs, that is why some decided to immigrate to the United States seeking freedom and the
opportunity for economical improvements; but this search for improvement, among other things, only
brought suffering and death to Native American tribes. In the United States, Indian groups were
willing to live with the newcomers until relations were strained by the continuing immigration to its
territory, loss of resources, diseases and among ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main purpose of the treaty, form the American perspective, was to remove the Indian threat to the
peaceful westward expansion, and try to destroy its cultures, spiritual, economic, and political
traditions by assimilating Native American into American life. The signing of these treaties and the
adoption of policies and laws gradually declined sovereignty of indigenous nations. In the 1830 s, Five
Indians Nations lived in territories that many Americans thought it might be more profitable for
breeding, however, Americans could not do anything, because these tribes had signed treaties with the
federal government, which guaranteed them the right to live in their ancestral lands and maintain its
sovereignty; and it is not surprising that these notions were not willing to give up their land and to
negotiate new treaties. That is why President Andrew Jackson decided that a new federal policy would
be necessary to remove the Indians from their lands. This policy was called Removal Act of 1830, and
gave the president the right to remove the five nations from their ancestral lands against their will.
While Removal Act immediately helped alleviate the Indian
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Ineffective Postoperative Pain
What is postoperative pain?
An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage due
to surgery... thus pain is what the person says it is, and exists when the person experiencing the pain
says it does.
Situational Analysis.
Approximately 80% of patients who undergo surgery experience acute postoperative pain. With 75%
of these patients report post operative pain as moderate, severe or extreme 12,96.
In adequate post operative pain management and assessment postpones patient discharge and delays
recovery affecting 24% of patients. As a result there are increased readmissions and prolonged length
of stays in hospital, and also poor clinical outcomes for the patient.
Therefore when acute postoperative pain is improperly managed, it leads to emotional and
physiological disorders (Gillaspie, 2010; Polomano et al., 2008), hinder social functioning (Cox,
2010), and may lead to the progression of chronic pain disorders (Dunwoody, Krenzischek, Pasero,
Rathmell, Polomano, 2008; Gillaspie, 2010; Gupta, Daigle, Mojica, Hurley, 2009). ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Barriers to effective management of post operative pain are the clinicians insufficient knowledge in
pain assessment and management skills (Dunwoody et al., 2008, Gillaspie, 2010; Gupta et al., 2009;
Michaels, 2006; Polomano et al., 2008), as well as negative misperceptions and biases from clinicians
such as nursing staff, often prevent the provision of adequate pain control.
Strategies implemented to alleviate postoperative pain include acupuncture or acupressure and
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An Argument Against An Unjust Dismissal Essay
Introduction The notion of employers not having to defend against an unjust dismissal has come under
assault in public debate. The court system in New Zealand (NZ) yet fully upholds the right of
employees to seek justice against an unjustified dismissal by an employer. However, this essay
acclaims that all employers in NZ should have the right to fire without having to defend against an
unjust dismissal , as the benefits of employment at will outweighs the costs. This counter argument is
support by empirical research on the exemptions under the proposed doctrine, the mutual benefit it
brings employees and employers, the interpretations of the law by the courts, and the evident lack of
support for the current system implemented within New Zealand. Despite the emotional appeal of
employees allegedly abusing employees, there are compelling reasons to settle employment at will
within NZ. For most of NZs laws, there is less freedom of an employer to dismiss an employee on
grounds they seem are fair. The law can be very ambiguous, because ultimately the decision is not
based on the face value of the law, but rather the interpretation and implication by the courts.
Definition of Unjust Dismissal An unjust dismissal is defined as the removal of an employee without a
fair and genuine reason. Under NZ legislation, it is recognized as an act where an employee finds
themselves removed unfairly. It is also known as a wrongful dismissal where there is a breach of
agreement, and
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The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman...
Critical analysis of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a
Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, investigates the hidden facts about Indians. Alexie displays
amiability, sorrow, and reality through his primary character, Junior, to influence the reader to
comprehend how much the Native Americans are suffering. In present day society, desperate Indians
that reside in these reservations endure incurable poverty that keeps on prevailing. This dim world
loaded with destitution and much oppress has motivated the main character, Junior to understand what
kind of life he would expect if he escapes from Spokane rez . The impact of poverty has shaped Junior
into a valiant and clever person, who has taken ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
as long as you never left the bathtub. That s basically what happened with Native American
reservations. Even today, these reservations are still rife with poverty, unemployment, and crime they
re essentially little third world islands scattered all across the U.S. and Canada . It seems that the
reservation is full of undesirable people that no one wants to deal with. While Junior still present at
Willpinit, the school inside the reservation, one of his educators, Mr. P, begins to get upset about the
increasing poverty in the reservation and ends up plainly irate towards the Indians for surrendering:
Every white person on this rez should get smashed in the face... All Indians should get smashed in the
face, too. The only thing you [Indian] kids are being taught is how to give up... [All members of the
rez] are defeated... But not you. You won t give up. (Alexie, 42 43). This moment helped Junior to
decide to flee from the miserable reservation and start new life in the real world. All through Junior s
change from the reservation to the white community, he connects with memorable folks. Nonetheless,
out of his entire family and friends, there are just two main examples that have influenced Junior s life
forever. The first main example for Junior is Mr. P, who was Junior s instructor back when he went to
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1. Faye Abdellah was a pioneering nursing researcher who helped transform nursing theory, care, and education through her vision and leadership. 2. The media's role should be to factually report on political candidates' views, policies, and polling without inserting opinions, but some outlets analyzed Bernie Sanders' status as a socialist rather than Democrat. 3. When Christian missionaries established schools in Kenya, their goal was religious conversion, and they learned local languages to facilitate teaching and translating the Bible. However, this later caused cultural conflicts as more land was seized.

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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and attach a sample for style imitation. 3. Writers will bid on the request and the client chooses based on qualifications, history, and feedback before paying a deposit. 4. Client reviews the paper and pays the writer if satisfied, or requests free revisions. 5. HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality content and refunds if plagiarized.

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Amazon.Co.Uk Pens To Write On Black PaperAmazon.Co.Uk Pens To Write On Black Paper
Amazon.Co.Uk Pens To Write On Black Paper

This document summarizes the 5 step process for requesting a paper writing service from the website HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and valid email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline and attach a sample if wanting the writer to mimic your style. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history and feedback, then pay a deposit to start. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if pleased, or request revisions using the free revision policy. 5. Choose this service confidently knowing your needs will be fully met, or receive a full refund if the paper is plagiarized.

Marquis De Lafayette In The American Revolutionary War
I will be writing about Marquis de Lafayette and informing you on some of his achievements. My
purpose for writing this paper is to inform you about Marquis de Lafayette. To start off he was Major
General in the American Revolutionary war. Marquis de Lafayette shaped our history along with
France s history. He was a huge factor in America s victory against the British. I am going to write
about his whole life. Marquis de lafayette was born on September 6th, 1757 to Michel Louis
Christophe Roch Gilbert Paulette du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette and Marie Louise Jolie de La
Rivière. He was born at the Chateau de Chavaniac, in Chavaniac Lafayette, near Le Puy en Velay, in
the Province of Auvergne. His birth name was Marie Joseph Paul Yves ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Lafayette then sent a message to General Washington for him to arrive. Washington arrived to see
General Lee s men in retreat. They turned around to fight and the British retreated back to NYC.
When the French fleet arrived in Rhode Island, Admiral d Estaing was in control. Without consulting
d Estaing Lafayette attack. d Estaing was to worried about destroying the British navy. After this
battle, Lafayette requested for permission from George Washington and the Continental Congress to
go back to France. They agreed, with Congress voting to give Lafayette a ceremonial sword, to be
presented to him in France.
After 1 month at sea he arrived in Paris. For disobeying orders his was placed on house arrest for 8
days. Lafayette gave birth to his son and named him George Washington Lafayette. His last battle was
The battle of Yorktown. After the American Revolution he traveled back and forth to America. He died
on May 20th, 1834 at age 76. Back in America he was given the same memorial ceremony as George
Washington when he died. In conclusion Lafayette was a great man, A Hero from both Worlds , and an
American Veteran. We Should treat him with a ton of honor and
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Non Profit Analysis Essay
Non Profit Analysis Project
Liberty University
Penny LeBaron
Busi 602
Carlson Hurst
Part 1: Christian World View According to Del Tackett s article on the Focus on the Family website, a
person with a Biblical world view believes his primary reason for existence is to love and serve God
(Tackett, 2012). Barna Research Group asks the following questions to determine if a person has a
Biblical worldview: Do absolute moral truths exist? Is absolute truth defined by the Bible? Did Jesus
Christ live a sinless life? Is God the all powerful and all knowing Creator of the universe, and does He
still rule it today? Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned? Is Satan real? Does a Christian
have a responsibility to share his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A Christian who has a real Christian worldview should measure what they do in their personal and
professional life against what the Bible says and how the Holy Spirit leads us. This will allow us to
make sure that our Biblical worldview does not get too much of the world within it.
Part 2: 10 Non Profits
Georgia Ensemble Theatre Georgia Ensemble Theatre and Conservatory was started in 1992 under the
guidance of Robert J. Farley a nationally known director of national theatres such as the Alaska
Repertory Theatre and Atlanta Alliance Theatre. Georgia Ensemble Theatre captures the attention of
adults who enjoy the theatre and also nurtures the interest of our youth to keep the love of theatre alive
for the future generations.
Georgia Ensemble Theatre operates all year at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center. Theatre classes and
productions are offered on a continuing basis. GET produces such plays as The Diary of Anne Frank,
Of Mice and Men, The Miracle Worker and To Kill a Mockingbird during the school year so that
schools, both public and private can make literature come to life with theatrical productions. Classes
are offered for preschoolers, children, teens and adults of all levels from novice to expert. Community
outreach is essential to Georgia Ensemble theatre and they have partnerships with twelve area schools.
Free and reduced price tickets are available to students and senior citizens.
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Confucianism
For all the strengths of Confucian attitudes toward nature, there are also weaknesses that must be
recognized. As a governance system, Confucianism s emphasis on hierarchy has served the programs
of political elites, fostering a disconnect between rulers and the ruled. This pattern has contributed to
poor environmental management over time, despite Confucian philosophy emphasizing unity between
humans and the land (Elvin, 2004; Tuan, 1968). Even within a single tradition, Chinese environmental
values are not monolithic. But clearly, Confucian values are insufficient by themselves to ground
Conservation with Chinese
Characteristics .
Beyond Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, here wish to point out the multiplicity of beliefs about
nature within the Chinese s many ethnic nationality peoples that also ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The WTO (2001), however, defines sustainability in tourism literature as Development that meets the
needs of the today s tourists and the host region while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the
future. It is envisaged as leading to the management of all resources in such a way that economic,
social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecology
processes, biological diversity and life support system.
Four different stakeholder groups have been identified for this study in sustainable tourism: the
present tourists, the present host community, the future tourists, and the future host community. All of
these groups have a legitimate interest in tourism development in their community because they can
affect or be affected by the tourism business as a whole. Other major stakeholders are central and local
government, the private sector, international organizations, public/private initiatives and traditional
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Monologue For An Onion By Suji Kwock Kim
In the poem Monologue for an Onion by Suji Kwock Kim, an onion speaks to another individual. In
the poem The Suitor by Jane Kenyon, the speaker reacts to the recurring presence of a suitor. In each
poem, the onion and the suitor represent something else. Through the metaphor of the onion, Kim
shows that the onion represents her guarded heart broken into so many pieces that she does not even
believe that it is there. Someone tries to love her, but in the end they both end up hurt. In The Suitor
the suitor represents a woman who has finally found happiness and stability after many suitors have
come and gone from her life. The two metaphors in each poem have meanings that are very similar.
The onion represents her heart and the suitor represents happiness. Although they are different they
both rely on each other in the poems. Without finding the onion s heart, the man is broken and is
unable to find happiness, and the happiness that is given by the suitor comes from him from love
inside her heart. A representation of this can be found in The monologue of an onion when it is said
you are the one in pieces this man is so distraught at not finding her heart, his heart is breaking into
pieces as well. In the suitor it is stated that she is finally happy, and it slowly came as suitors went into
her life bringing her love. One major difference between the poems are that, the men in the suitor
show their true selves without a problem. In the monologue of an onion it is
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Writing Text Response Essay
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Writing Text Response Essay

This document discusses the history and issues with America's War on Drugs. It began in the 1970s under President Nixon as a law and order issue rather than a health one. The DEA was formed in 1973 to enforce drug laws. Drug use rose in the late 1970s despite these efforts. The war has failed to curb drug use and has negatively impacted minority communities while benefiting private prisons. Alternatives such as decriminalization and treatment are proposed instead of the current punitive approach.

Ap Spanish Literature Essay Rubric
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Ap Spanish Literature Essay Rubric

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work.

An Essay Writing
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Ancient Greek architecture had a significant influence on later buildings and structures. Some key aspects of Greek architecture included precise mathematical calculations in construction, the use of pillars and entablatures to support building weight, and standardized architectural styles for temples and other buildings. These elements of Greek architecture were adopted and adapted by later Mediterranean and European cultures.

Miss Wayland Teenage Usa
My Journey as Miss Wayland Teen USA It all started on a sunny summer day. I was scrolling through
Facebook, an ad popped up and it said, Are you the next Miss Michigan Teen USA? I clicked on it,
just wondering what it was and it said that all you had to do was send in a biography of yourself and a
picture. I sent mine in. I told them that I volunteer at a non profit organization called Caleb s Closet in
honor of my cousin, and that I would love to be an anti distracted driving advocate, I also sent in my
photo from 8th grade graduation. About 2 days later, I received an email and it said Welcome to one of
the most prestigious pageants in the world! We are rooting for YOU Miss Wayland Teen! From that
moment, I was Miss Wayland Teen USA ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After that embarrassing experience, we had to start rehearsal with Kent, if there is anyone that would
put on a great show it would be him he is so funny, and he makes you practice everything until you get
it right. If your walk in your evening gown was not exciting, he made you redo it. After three hours of
walking in heels, they took us downstairs to the dinner hall. After dinner, we had to do our makeup
and hair. Luigi Bruni is a makeup and hair stylist, he, and his team did my hair and makeup upstairs
after I had my fake eyelashes on and curled my hair. The waiting process after hair and makeup was
where I made a lot of my friends. Aria and Rena kept reassuring me that I d do great and they are the
only thing that kept me from having a mental breakdown before going on stage and for that, I am
forever grateful. Soon enough, 7:00 pm came. We were all scurrying to get all of our stuff in order
before we went on stage. First we had to introduce ourselves. I had to walk on stage and say, Riley
Hall, Wayland! in the most enthusiastic way I possibly could. Then, we had to get ready for
swimsuit/active wear. We had about 2 minutes to be changed and ready. I had owned that stage. I
bounced around in my hot pink Vans and you would ve thought that I was actually at the
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Pros And Cons Of The Driving Age
Everyday, approximately twenty nine humans die in the United States from alcohol impaired vehicle
crashes that would mean that every fifty minutes one person died in 2016. Also at eighteen years of
age, you are more likely to drink and drive. Various adults stereotype teenagers, when an adult is more
likely to break the laws. For example, more adults drink, which may lead to drinking and driving. Also
adults have had their license for so long that they are not as cautious because if they get a ticket they
won t be suspended from their license as easily. Plus to even get a driver s license there are multiple
tests that a teenager has to take and the teenager has to have around forty hours of experience. That is
why the driving age should stay at 16 years of age and should not be raised to eighteen years of ...
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According to Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey Around 2,379 adults work
full time. How are these adults going to get their kids around. Between school, sports, and other
family activities, it is hard until teens can drive to get their other children around. As stated by Driver
Guide for Parents and Teens Indiana law makes it necessary that drivers have 50 hours of practice so
that it s a good habit before you can receive a driver s license. According to LiveStrong.com by letting
teeagers drive to is beneficial. Adults do not have to take their time and risk being late to take children
to school. Having complicated schedules to make sure your children approach at school on time and
be there when school is over .SafeTeenDrivingClub.org. Also written by LiveStrong.com teenagers
can drive to in and out of school activities, athletic practices and games. The hours of going home taxi
service will be over and you will not half to drive you children around to school related activities,
written by SafeTeenDrivingClub.org. To wrap this up Teens can provide transportation for
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Universal Design For Learning Essay
I chose to read an article about Universal Design for Learning. This was a learning theory that I had
not heard about before. This theory covers a wide range of learning styles for children along with
multiple strategies. The Universal Design for Learning Theory ensures that students are provided with
a variety of engaging strategies in order to best meet each student s individual needs.
A large component of Universal Design for Learning is text comprehension. This theory understands
that comprehension doesn t just come after reading a selection of text, but takes time and will grow
after students develop more maturity, socialize with others and gain more schema. Students are
encouraged to make connections through a wide range of methods.
In order to increase their text to text connections, students are encouraged to bring in books from
home that align with what they are learning, create compare/contrast diagrams, debate over two
similar books and compare books in literature ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the past, I have been a little confused with how to best teach my students comprehension. This
article has opened a window toward personal professional understanding in the area of teaching
reading comprehension. While reading this article I was surprised to find such a variety of ways to
make each type of connection. Many of which are fairly easy and can be done in a timely manner. I
will make it a professional goal to provide my students with more of these opportunities to connect
with what we are learning. If I am able to successfully integrate some of these activities in my
classroom, I know my students will greatly benefit from the exposure. They will become more
independent and informed worldly thinkers. All I have to do is assist each child in overcoming their
barriers, and they can all become better readers, thinkers, writers, listeners and
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Teenage Alcohol Abuse
Gateway Technical College
Teenage Alcohol Abuse/Addiction
550 150 2W7A
Dennis Markus, MSW, LCSW, C SAC
Tracy L. Murray (Rego) MSW, LCSW, CTS
11 November 2009
The dangers of teenage alcohol abuse are underestimated in our country due to the social acceptability
of the drug alcohol. The social acceptability of alcohol itself is seen by the frequency it is categorized
separately from other drugs and substances when we talk about use and abuse. Alcohol is a drug but
our nation and the media do not want to call it one or treat it like one. Alcohol is a legal drug abused
by many teenagers and this paper will address some of the issues today s teenagers face when dealing
with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Parents may think as long as their children are drinking beer instead of doing drug s its okay. People in
America do not want to wake up to the fact that alcohol is a drug and it does kill our youth. Youth
need to be educated on the affects alcohol can have on their bodies, and parents and communities need
to play a role in their education. Contrary to popular belief, youth do drink alone just like some adults
do. They drink to change their mood, alleviate boredom, and to handle stress. Many youth will drink
anything as they don t realize the difference in alcohol content between hard liquor, beer, or wine
(Novello, 1997). Even if teenagers attempt to read the labels on alcoholic beverages, they may be
confused due to obscure labeling. High school students drink 35% of all the wine coolers consumed in
the United States and they believe beer has a higher alcohol content than wine coolers. According to
the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in the past year, 32.9 percent of the
youths surveyed from age 12 to 17 had used alcohol. According to the 2005 NSDUH survey, 74.3
percent of high school students nationwide had already consumed one or more drinks in their lifetime.
Many teenagers and children get their information about alcohol from friends and the media. With
these sources they do not have sufficient information to advise them of the dangers of alcohol
consumption (Pringle,
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The document provides an analysis of the novel All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. It discusses how the novel exemplifies important themes, imagery, and symbolism of World War I along the Western Front. Some examples of symbolism analyzed include Kemmerich's boots, the river, and the horse, which give insights into struggles that occurred often during the war. The boots in particular symbolize both the struggles of wartime and strength, as soldiers needed good boots to protect their feet and themselves.

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This summary provides an overview of the document in 3 sentences: The document discusses the steps to request writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing writer bids before selecting one and placing a deposit to start the assignment. It notes that customers can request revisions until satisfied and will receive a full refund if the content is plagiarized. The process aims to ensure high-quality, original content that fully meets customers' needs.

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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to complete assignments while ensuring client satisfaction.

What Does Goodnight Moon Mean
His place is full of joy, a endless eternity of fun enjoy.Goodnight moon sets the tone for a child to
sleep. It has amazing pictures that calm a child.the whole theme of the book is trying to fall
asleep.Goodnight moon is the perfect book to read to a child before bed.
Goodnight moon is the best book to read to kids at night.It´s a calming picture book with astonishing
drawings and sets a tone for a child to sleep easy.When the Old lady rocking back in her rocking chair
tells the child to sleep.This example of text evidence shows a prime example of text evidence.It
showing a old women put a child to sleeplike a mother or grandmother would.This perfect bed time
story for kids that was published 1947 is still going strong in sales today.
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Reason Why Teenagers Age 13- 18 Years Old from Different...
Reasons Why Teenagers Engage Themselves to Smoking
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of
St. Paul College, Pasig
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements in Research
Nicole Therese Ang Angco
Caryl Marie Balagot
Cara Dominique Beltran
Sheena Sharmaine Estayo
Julianne Rose Santarina
March 2009
A. Research Problem: Reason why teenagers age 13 18 years old from different colleges and
universities engage in cigarette smoking despite its negative effects
B. Objectives: 1. To gather information about teenage smoking 2. To conduct surveys to both smokers
and past smokers 3. To interview 8 smokers/past smokers for the researchers to be able to probe and
get ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Dr. Christine Williams of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York;
children who have parents who smoke are more likely to smoke as well as they get bigger. Williams
also states that parents who do not want their children to smoke must quit themselves. Children learn
what they live, it s not enough for parents to say, do what I say and not what I do , Williams said. She
also believes that advertisements play a very strong role in influencing the children. (Philippine
Journal, November 20, 1998) Parents are the single most important influence on their children s
decision to smoke, drink, or use drugs, yet many parents do not fully understand the extent of their
influence. (Philip Morris USA, n.d.) Kids do understand that smoking is dangerous, but many of them
try it anyway out of curiosity, low self esteem, peer pressure, the need to establish their own
independent identities, and to rebel against their parents. (Rodrigo Cuenca, M., Philippine Star, p. E 1,
August 5, 2003) According to the book, Peddling Poison: The Tobacco Industry and Kids, Many
young people have the false impression that the effect of smoking and other tobacco use are problems
they will only have to face much later in life. Many youth who start smoking think they can quit the
habit easily. (Snell, C., 2005) Another reason is related to physical appearance. Prof. Arthur Crisp of
St. George s Hospital in London says, We found
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Symbolism In The Tortilla Certain
A coyote is not only a wolf like wild dog that is native to North America, it also is a name for someone
who profits from smuggling immigrants across the US border, typically the Mexican border for a high
fee. There is much myth and lure that is surrounding the coyote dog like animal and there are
thousands of stories and believes about what coyote means. It s the great trickster, it has magical
powers, the medicine dog. The bringer of misfortune, signifying a time when everything backfires.
Indeed, symbolism is extracted from such myths and used to represent ideas or qualities. The story
seems to follow the lure in the way the coyotes have many symbolic contexts throughout the story that
add a deeper meaning to the The Tortilla Curtain.
Through metaphors and deeper meaning the book takes on a start contrast between Delaney
Mossbacher who lives the American Dream and Cándido and America Rincón who struggle to attempt
to reach that dream. The wall symbolizes fear and segregation from outside elements and increases
racism attitudes towards immigrants. Boyle also uses the symbolic messages using wild animals,
coyotes in particular, in order to create racism throughout the story. Thus, using animals, physical
barriers, food, possessions, and lifestyle the author of The Tortilla Certain, T.C. Boyle creates
symbolic meaning of a world of separation.
T.C. Boyle in the Tortilla Curtain heavily draws symbolic meaning from the coyotes who like the
Mexicans are stalking around
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Teen pregnancy rates in the US have reached an all-time high, with around 750,000 teenage girls getting pregnant each year. In response, many high schools have taken action to try to decrease the teen pregnancy rate by providing better sex education and access to contraceptives. While some argue this will promote teenage sex, others believe it can help teens make informed choices and reduce unintended pregnancies and STDs. The issue remains controversial with valid arguments on both sides.

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The document discusses the steps involved in requesting and receiving a custom paper writing service through HelpWriting.net. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account with valid email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work.

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I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing a summary of content related to missing or exploited children.

Simple Tutoring Case Study
Location Market Growth
State and Regional Highlights
The estimated population in 2014 is 5,453,218 in Minnesota.
Between 2010 and 2014 Minnesota added 149,293 residents.
Only 2 of the 13 regions in Minnesota grew faster than the state population growth rate of +2.8%.
(Hibbs, 2014)
Minnesota regions that grew the fastest between 2010 and 2014 were Twin Cities (+4.6) and St. Cloud
Over half (54.6%) of Minnesota s population lives in the seven Twin Cities area counties. (Hibbs,
The urban core area has at least 50,000 or more populations.
Over 77 percent of all Minnesotans lived in a metropolitan area in 2014. With an increase of 3.8%, the
metropolitan population grew faster than the state average (+2.8%) ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
We offer online classes, one on one tutoring, group tutoring, summer school fun camps and other
academic improvement activities. Our math subject area offers elementary math, pre algebra, algebra,
algebra II, pre calculus, calculus, and statistics. Language Arts offers reading, writing, and English.
(Simply Tutoring Services)
Marketing Mix Strategy: Promotion The following locations for advertising tutoring service is where
there are high traffic areas from families with students or students themselves. The best place to reach
students is schools where you can visit the counselor office and student service office, since this is
where students receive their academic help. Public libraries are also an excellent location because
there are bulletin boards for local services. There are many ways to promote with the community such
as direct mail, local shops, families, community centers, schools, community newspaper, radio and
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Elements Of Nature And Culture
Elements that seem to inherently contradict or oppose one another are often represented both as
separate and holistic entities within our environment. For instance, concluding the exact meanings of
terms without extensive research or knowledge of them isn t always the correct conclusion.
Throughout this paper, two seemingly separate entities, nature and culture, will be defined both
separately and together. Examples will be given that define both nature and culture, and demonstrate
how they are both different and related. Nature and culture are not as opposing as one might think, and
through analysis of both terms, a new understanding can be reached.
Nature, as stated in the slides of January 23rd, is a biophysical entity, meaning that it comprises biotic
and abiotic natural substances within the environment. Nature is something which is often thought of
as an objective element which is separate from our society. Culture, in opposition, also stated in the
slides of January 23rd, is something that is a human made creation. It is a subjective, social entity. In
the slides of January 16th, culture is also defined as a learned way of thinking, feeling, and believing.
It is something that has been handed down by older generations and is continually remade.
Often used in many different places is the comparison of the two terms, nature and wilderness . The
two are usually seen together. Wilderness is usually one of the first things one thinks
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Crossfit Executive Summary
VALLEY CROSSFIT Chris Chapple Business Plan MG 530 4/30/2012 Table of Contents: 1.
Executive Summary a. Mission Statement b. Company Information c. Service d. Financial
Information e. Future Plans 2. Description of the Business f. Nature of the Business g. Target Market
h. How Product/Services Meet Needs 3. Competitive Analysis i. CrossFit Gyms j. Other Gyms 4.
Industry Description and Outlook 5. Marketing Plan k. Market Penetration Strategy l. Growth Strategy
m. Communication Strategy 6. Financial Plan n. Start Up Costs o. Continual Costs p. Revenue 7.
Critical Risk Factors Executive Summary Mission Statement: Valley ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
He has defined fitness in a meaningful, measurable way; increased work capacity across broad time
and modal domains. CrossFit itself is defined as that which optimizes fitness through constantly varied
functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. CrossFit is also the community that
arises when people do these workouts together. In fact, the communal aspect of CrossFit is a key
component of why it s so effective. Today, CrossFit provides accredited training seminars throughout
the world. They publish several websites providing extensive free content including workouts, training
and support for becoming fit, as well as a growing Journal of extended instruction. They have a
worldwide network of more than 5,500 affiliated gyms and more than 35,000 accredited CrossFit
Level 1 trainers. They have also created the Sport of Fitness, known as the CrossFit Games, where we
crown the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth. Financial information: Valley CrossFit will be providing
a group training service with future plans to expand into merchandising and supplement sales. Initial
start up costs will include $1000 to become CrossFit Level 1 Certified or a coach and a $3000
affiliation fee. This will give Valley CrossFit access to the CrossFit name and brand for marketing
purposes. Once approved, I will then have to create a website that is approved by CrossFit
headquarters. The other major
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The Paradox Of Change In Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine
The Paradox of Change
Change is a force which is ever present in the universe, and an individual is never free from its effects;
change will continuously mold the individual by challenging its perception of its surroundings and
itself. In many ways, change causes development and maturity, yet it also causes decline and decay.
Change is constant. However, the paradox of change is often difficult to accept, and people will fight
with its reality throughout their lifetimes: friends will come and go, epiphanies and advances will
arrive, and things will never quite be like they used to be. The struggle between change and the
individual is a recurring part of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine. This relationship shows not only
through the main character, Doug Spaulding, but also through those around him. Doug and the rest of
Green Town show how people contend with changes in that which they know, those whom they know,
and even themselves.
Many of Doug s favorite parts of Green Town become altered in some way during the summer of
1928. No more trolley. Bus starts to run tomorrow. Going to retire me with a pension, they are
(Bradbury 98). After Mr. Tridden tells them that the trolley is shutting down, Doug protests by
pointing out that a bus doesn t have the charm of the trolley. Later on, a woman thwarts an attempted
murder by the town s serial killer, The Lonely One . As Doug, Tom, and Charlie reflect upon seeing
the paramedics take Lonely One in on a stretcher, they lament the fact that there will be no more
killings to create excitement around town. Charlie rants to Tom, This town used to have some good
stuff in it up until about twelve o clock last night. From here on, we re vanilla junket (Bradbury 178).
They even try to convince themselves that the man on the stretcher wasn t the Lonely One. Regardless
of how unpleasant or cumbersome certain aspects of the town were, the kids still disliked their
altercation, and they struggled with everything beginning and ending around them.
The people of Green Town repeatedly grappled with very personal changes to those whom they were
familiar with. This contention is very prevalent within Doug when he hears that his friend, John Huff,
is moving away. To delay the
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The document discusses conducting a study to test whether different personalities can be observed in a group of pre-teen Inuit children in northern Canada who are fluent in the Inuktitut language. A questionnaire would be developed based on the children's literacy level and understanding, translated to Inuktitut, and use a Likert scale to determine personality traits based on five factors: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The study would use statistical analysis software to assess the results and determine if personalities can be distinguished among the children.

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The Disney movie Pocahontas depicts several important sociological concepts through the storyline and characters. Gender roles and stereotypes are shown through the portrayal of Pocahontas breaking from traditional Native American women's roles. Cultural values and norms are highlighted by the clash between the Native American Powhatan tribe's culture and the invading English settlers. Finally, ethnocentrism is demonstrated as the English view their own culture as superior, failing to understand the Powhatan people and their way of life.

Pin On Homeschool Smarts
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions as needed, with HelpWriting.net guaranteeing original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Effects Of Korean Wave
Nowadays, Korean wave is so famous in global rapidly. Korean wave is not only expanding in Asia,
but Korean wave is expanding including in the Middle East, Oceania, Europe, and the United States.
Korean wave was starting in 1990s. Korean drama and Korean music (K Pop) were the first wave that
spread in Southeast Asia. Then Korean wave became a new trend of the world because it was used by
social media and internet to expand in global. In the 21st century, Korean wave is increasing growth,
such as Korean drama, Korean music (K pop), including tourism, food, culture and Korean language.
Korean wave makes people can listen Korean music (K pop) widely, addict to Korean drama and then
it is inspiration of some people that they want to learn ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many famous artists had sung the songs. Not only Korean drama is famous, but also Korean music is
very famous too. It is called K pop . There are K pop idol groups for promoting in domestic and Asia
such as H.O.T, Shinhwa, S.E.S, and Fly to The Sky. They are the first generation K pop idol group.
They make K pop is famous in China and Japan. Then, in 2000 2010, many entertainment companies
established such as JYP Entertainment and YG Entertainment. SM, JYP, and YG Entertainment make
a new phenomenon because they can be clever promoting their K pop idol groups in domestic and
global. They make new generation K pop idol groups that they are famous in domestic and global
such as TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls Generation, Wonder Girls, 2PM, Miss A, Big Bang and 2NE1.
Then, in 2010 present, there are many K pop idol groups for more competition. The amount of fan
club is increased that following the amount of K pop idol groups. Some K pop idol groups were
successful, but some were not. K pop is expanding rapidly because the many global fan club addicts to
K pop and likes to sing and dance. K pop is interesting because of choreography, melody, and fashion.
Some fan club like to translate the songs from Korean language in many languages because people
will know what the song said
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Sherman Alexie s Short Story What You Pawn I Will Redeem
Marisa Tobias
Dr. Cutting
1 April 2017
What You Pawn I Will Redeem : Jackson Jackson Hero or Not? After a first reading of Sherman
Alexie s short story What You Pawn I Will Redeem, the reader may find it difficult to classify main
character Jackson Jackson as a hero because he does not possess characteristics that most people are
familiar with because of characters like Atticus Finish of To Kill a Mockingbird, among others; in fact,
he appears to be a loser and a drifter that cannot get his act together no matter how hard he tries or
doesn t try. As the story develops the reader becomes increasingly frustrated with Jackson Jackson
because he continually gets off course from his goal; however, Jackson is a not only a hero because his
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Although the subject matters in Alexie s fiction are morally and ethically engaging, the same texts are
often ironic, satiric, and full of humor. As the characters in a caricature like manner stagger across the
reservation, between drinking the next beer and cracking the next joke, the reader is often invited to
laugh along with them, even at them. (Nygren)
Alexie s stories are engaging and touch readers even though the atmosphere of violence, alcoholism,
and poverty pervades much of Alexie s writing whether the setting is on or off the reservation
(Donovan 21). Many of Alexie s stories take place on the reservation and some take place in urban
cities such as What You Pawn I Will Redeem, although the characters are far from the harsh life of the
reservations, the bad things in life seem to follow them. Alexie s fictional reservation is a place where
his characters are tormented by collective memories of a genocidal past, of cavalry approved
hangings, massacres, and smallpox infected blankets (Nygren). These nightmares haunt his characters;
they may not verbalize the horrific history of their people but the reader can sense that not all is well
with Alexie s characters and it is a burden that they have to
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My Argument In Crash Cart
To whom this may concern, I am writing to you regarding my termination on Friday, February 24th. i
believe that my termination was unfair and unjustified. I understand they believe i failed to pass
probation, however all of the incidents in my file are unjustifiable. The reasons for my termination are
as follows: Incident with broselow cart Failure to deliver crash cart up the hill Leaving property
during break Cooling machine write up Forgetting pressure bag in Crash Cart Forgetting ET tunes in
Crash Cart I understand getting reprimanded for some of these reasons however most incidences on
here are completely beyond my control. The incident with the broselow cart is as follows, in my file it
is said that I personally incorrectly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I was told within the past two months that they were not happy with the way i was working and they
have thought about firing me however they believe i was hired for a reason and do believe i am fit for
this job. Since that has occurred i haven t gotten anything but praise for the work i have done, there
was an email sent to Mike Foster for the work i have been putting in from a different unit. I haven t
been spoken to by the supervisors since they had told me things needed to change and that is exactly
what i did. As for the write ups that were completely past my jurisdiction, and a responsibility that i
was not trained or certified for. Most of those were written by the supervisor that is in charge of those
situations, for example Kenny is the only supervisor that I was told to call during any situation with a
broselow cart or Up the hill
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Gender, Race, And Ethnicity And Power Essay
Society is complex and diverse. In such a diverse society, individuals may have different life
experiences to one another. While some individuals have positive viewpoints in the society, others
may differ in an negative aspect. In this socio autobiography, I argue that the society is an nightmare
as humans develop a whole range of complex sociological concepts. The following paragraphs will
explain the struggle of my life experiences being influenced by using the concepts of gender, race and
ethnicity and power.
My journey began the moment I entered the world on May 25, 1996. I was born and raised in a small
developed country called New Zealand. At birth, my biological sex was quickly determine as I was
category as a baby girl. My parents, both immigrant from Hong Kong, China in the 1980 s. As a
result, I automatically associates with an East Asian background which is dissimilar from the Western
culture in New Zealand. I grew up as the youngest member in the family, among with one older
The concept of gender has a strong social impact on me. When I was born, I was immediately
assigned to a biological sex as a female with two X chromosomes. I was then socially classified as a
girl in the society with feminine gender roles. Gender is defined as a social principle which attribute to
the roles and expectations of males and females through the years of different societies (Phillips,
2005). Gender can be considered as behavioural, cultural and psychological traits
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This document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to request that writers complete assignments. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The service aims to match users with qualified writers and provide original, high-quality assignments that can be revised until the customer is satisfied.

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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work.

5 Paragraph Narrative Essay Example Guide
5 Paragraph Narrative Essay Example  Guide5 Paragraph Narrative Essay Example  Guide
5 Paragraph Narrative Essay Example Guide

The poem "The Sound of the Sea" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow uses auditory imagery of the sounds of the sea and nature to represent the subtle nature of human inspiration. Through descriptive sounds like "pebbly beaches" and the "tide's uninterrupted sweep", Longfellow conveys how inspiration is present but cannot be consciously controlled. While the speaker hears the sounds of the waves, inspiration remains elusive yet perceptible like the sea, visible only through its sound.

Reflection Of Remember The Titans
Remember the Titans is a movie about a football team, but it was not as a simple as it seemed. The
year is 1971, a high school in Alexandria, Virginia becomes integrated. Bringing together many
talented athletes. This movie is lead by two coach s, Coach Boone (Denzel Washington), and Coach
Yoast (Will Patton). Before the school was integrated Coach Yoast who is white was the head coach.
After the integration Coach Boone was given the title head coach. Yoast does not want that to happen,
and Boone does not agree on it either. He has respect for him, but understands he has a job to do. With
this happening Coach Boone is the first black coach of an integrated school. The thing was Coach
Yoast has his players and Coach Boone has is. They both new the challenge of bringing them together
was going to be difficult. When Yoast tells his white players they do not want to play for a black
coach. It seems completely unreasonable, but during this time racism was a big problem. He did not
want his players to lose their scholarships so he accepts the title of assistant coach. All of the players
were very talented but as a team they were nothing. They weren t working together at all, because they
both had too much of an ego and did not want to work together. So the whole team was sent to
football camp, but the point of this camp was to make them play as a team. Of course they went to
improve their skills, but the main reason was to build a bond between the players. They headed to
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Privatization of Russian Industries
For some, the privatization of Russian industry has been one of the great success stories of Russia s
painful economic transition: quick, firm and radical action was taken to shift the great bulk of Russian
industry out of state hands, thereby laying the basis for a radical restructuring of enterprises and
improvements in their performance. Others see privatization as a best a failure, at worst a catastrophe.
Not surprisingly those opposed to the market and economic reform as a whole share this view. But
many commentators who see themselves as supporters of reform find plenty in Russian privatization
to criticize: the process led to the transfer of ownership to inappropriate people and as a consequence
no beneficial restructuring of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Collective ownership derives either from a natural alliance between managers and rank and file
employees, probably based on Soviet traditions of paternalism and the ‘social contract , or from the
need of managers to pander to workers who control a majority of voting rights at shareholder
meetings. Although some observers might find a collective ownership outcome desirable, on the
grounds that it provides for workplace democracy and high incentive work habits, reform oriented
commentators generally find it a form of ownership likely to lead to the maintenance of excessively
high levels of underemployed staff and an over concentration on consumption at the expense of
The management ownership outcome derives from the ability of management to totally dominate
divided, demoralized or indifferent rank and file employees. The argument that they do so by bribing
employees with promises of secure employment and the maintenance of social welfare provisions is
essentially the same as that presented in the previous paragraph on collective ownership. However,
there is an increasing awareness among commentators that any Soviet paternalism and coincidence of
management worker interests that might have once existed have not survived the rigors of the
transition and the self interest of managers. As A.S. Bim puts it:
Given serious ‘positional differences between managers and other employees, it seemed reasonable
as early as
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Comparing Upton Sinclair s The Jungle And Capitalism
The major issues Sinclair addressed in The Jungle are Capitalism. The explosive growth of American
industry in the late nineteenth century caused a similar expansion in the work force. Working
conditions in the new urban industrial zones were wretched, and a progressive reform movement soon
grew out of the need to address the health and welfare of the American worker. In 1905, Upton
Sinclair (1878 1968), a young socialist journalist and novelist, received a $500 advance to write a
novel about abuses in the meat processing industry and spent seven weeks investigating the subject in
Chicago. His novel, The Jungle (1906), shows the unsanitary and dangerous conditions in the plants,
was an immediate best seller and incited President Roosevelt to
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Essay about Farming The Tambopata Reserve
Tambopata Peru is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions of Latin America. The area is
home to undernourished children, lack of secure work and education.
There is an imperative need not just for Tambopata, but all of Peru to increase its economy and enable
the access of basic needs to its citizens. While the area of Tambopata has many arguments for its
potential use, sustainable soybean cultivation is the best approach to improve Peruvian infrastructure,
economy and future preservation of natural areas.
There are many potential land uses for the Tambopata Reserve. One of which, that gains much
environmentalist backing, is slash and burn agriculture. While this method of agriculture has long
traditionally been employed and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the same study, 3.3 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions will be lessened by 2020 through
sustainable soybean production. These methods allow for a reduction in overall costs due to decreased
overhead in both machinery and herbicide applications (Green, 2010).
Perhaps the greatest benefit of using conservation tillage soybean production over other potential land
uses is the consecutive insurance of high yields in small areas. Due to these high yields per hectare,
more land can be saved for the Tambopata Reserve and its inhabitants. Additionally, if soybeans that
were raised within the reserve were taxed, money can come back into the park to aid in its prosperity
and protection of the local soybean market. Many guidelines have been implemented in neighboring
Brazil and Paraguay to ensure both economic growth and rainforest protection that could be
implemented in Tambopata.
If soybean production were undertaken in Tambopata, the crops would be raised under World Wildlife
Federation and the Nature Conservancy s guidelines of Forest Friendly Soy (Schnoecker, 2007). This
means that at least eighty percent of farmers land must be preserved as forest to make up for the
twenty percent farmed. The World Wildlife Federation recently awarded Paraguay with the Leaders
for a Living Planet award in recognition of their Zero Deforestation Law, which prohibits the
conversion of forested to agricultural
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Uranus is a unique planet due to its tilted axis, blue color, and gaseous composition rather than a solid surface. Its axis is tilted 98 degrees, causing it to rotate on its side rather than upright like other planets. Its blue hue comes from methane in the atmosphere scattering red light from the sun. Unlike rocky planets, Uranus has no defined surface and is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium gases, with a potential icy interior of water, methane and ammonia.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. 3) Writers will bid on the request and their qualifications will be reviewed. 4) Receive the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Revisions are allowed to ensure satisfaction. The website aims to match students with qualified writers and provide original, high-quality content.

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Essays You Can Buy Online - Buy Essay Papers OnlineEssays You Can Buy Online - Buy Essay Papers Online
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This document discusses how wage led growth can benefit credit unions and the macro economy. It notes that concerns over a slowing Chinese economy contributed to stock market turmoil in early 2016. However, it argues that a slowing Chinese economy will have only marginal effects on credit unions. It also states that wage led growth, where wages increase due to rising consumer demand, is better for the economy than export or investment led growth. When more people have higher wages, it leads to greater consumer spending which benefits all businesses including credit unions.

Ice Hockey Research Paper
Hockey is a sport thats origins may be from Persia, Egypt or China, while archaeological evidence
shows an early ball and stick game played in Greece in the 400s BCE. As civilization spread, so did
the games. In 1872, a young man from Halifax, Nova Scotia named James Creighton moved to
Montreal, bringing the sport of ice hockey with him bringing with him hockey sticks and skates.
Which in turn a man named Lord Stanley created the first national hockey organization. In 1912 the
very first professional hockey game. I ll present my information in chronological order with also
talking about how and when hockey affected the country presented.
Section B: Summary of Evidence
Claimed millions of lives around the world
hockey players were among the one who lost their lives
Many hockey teams were gutted due to the war
Canada was still under British control so canadians had to fight in the war
Hockey games still went on and new teams were created within the soldiers
Units of the british forces still held exhibition games and some earned high profits
Helped fire up the cause for women rights
Also helped for the right for women to play hockey professionally
Before the war women couldn t vote or own property
War began and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many of the soldiers weren t sent overseas so this allowed them to stay at their jobs which was
essential for Canada at the time. The only hockey team that wasn t 100% safe from war was the
Toronto Maple Leafs. Thier coach Con Smyth was devoted to the military in canada. With the
Canadiens hockey team staying home from the way they took their chance to take over the hockey
league in the early 1940 s. Maurice Richard was added to the Canadiens hockey team which then
made them a very strong team in whole. Maurice Richard is the first player in hockey history to reach
the 500 goals record in a career. (WWII
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Netherland Political Analysis
The History and Politics of the Netherlands
A kingdom by the sea that is characterised by the roaring lion and the falling petals of a tulip bulb. A
place once revolved around the trade of agricultural products such as fish and meat production that has
become an industrial empire among its surrounding sister nations. Throughout time the Kingdom of
the Netherlands has been somewhat of an isolationist country but nonetheless has managed to keep a
prominent place with its own rich history, bustling economy and extensive political influences.
With a history as rich as its signature dutch chocolate The Netherlands has been through many of its
own struggles for identification as a country itself as well as in the protection of domestics from
outside ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The stimulus programs and bank bailouts, however, resulted in a government budget deficit of 5.3% of
GDP in 2010 that contrasted sharply with a surplus of 0.7% in 2008. The government of Prime
Minister Mark Rutte has since implemented significant austerity measures to improve public finances
and has instituted broad structural reforms in key policy areas, including the labor market, the housing
sector, the energy market, and the pension system.
Thus displaying to the world a country of prominence, wealth, business and relative economic security
despite everything else that may be going on around it. Commonly today the integration of religion
into politics is seen as a primitive form of rule. This concept of a separation of church and state being
in conflict with early Dutch ideal. In fact there was such a deep connection between these two forms
of human affiliation that certain laws were made that prohibited public worship of non majority
religions such as catholicism and threatened federal punishment for non compliance. This being a
norm for such medieval civilizations that revolved on particular things alike to monarchical rule and
religious organization. In contrast to past instances the Netherlandish government now
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My Style Of Writing, One Needs For First Think About A Lab...
In order to best describe my style of writing, one needs to first think about a lab dissection. My
portfolio is a collection of literary imperfections, but, more importantly, it is a good example of one
writer s journey on refining himself and how he analyzes literature. The writings attached show how I
got progressively more particular with my writing. Theses documents are good evidence of how my
writing grew to become more in depth and challenging. I tend to take a literary work that I have either
read or watched. I focus my writing on the process of scrutinizing the main character. More
specifically, I center on their importance to the author and his ability to effectively represent his
The first step in a dissection is to examine the species. This is where one gets familiar with what they
are working on. In terms of how I write, this is where I tend to take the time to outline and focus
specific points in the text that may be valuable to my paper. Formally called a pre write , this is when
my paper is in its infantile stage of development. I do not focus on grammar or sentence structure. I
am simply gathering ideas from my mind on to paper. Often times, the majority of what I write in this
stage will get cut, but it is important that I pull out many different quotes or ideas that may begin to
relate in some way. Even though this is a very informal stage of my paper, it is sometimes one of the
most time consuming. I will write until I cannot think of anything
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Does Elevation Head of the Bed Reduce Risk Ventilator...
Does elevating the head of the bed reduce the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)?
According to Polit and Beck (2012,p.3) research is a systematic review inquiry that uses disciplined
methods to answer a question or solve problems. The ultimate goal of research is to develop, improve
and expand knowledge . Research in nursing can produce new knowledge into nursing practice,
develop and improve methods of caring and trial the efficacy of care (Gerrish, K and Lacey A, 2007).
However, research according to Hockey (1984) in the first edition of the book, research is an attempt
to increase the sum of what is known, usually referred to as a body of knowledge by the discovery of
new facts or relationships ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
F. Punch 2009). (incorrect citation)
The research question is Does elevating the head of the bed reduce the risk of ventilator associated
There are many ways to search for evidence base practice. After a topic has been chosen and the
question developed, the literature can be easy to search. Draft outline of the project before beginning
to search. Latest information regarding the topic that was chosen available at the website. You may
begin to search for literature via an internet search engine. How to access appropriate information
from proper website? An early chore in carrying out an electronic search is to classify keywords to
generate the search. From the lecture, the attending student was given access for the academic library
of University of Huddersfield. The student needs to log in to portal plus via Internet access. Go for
library services or summon and search for the article, type the key words into search column provided
by the electronic base. For example the research topic is does elevating the head of the bed reduce the
risk of ventilator associated pneumonia? The key words are ventilator associated pneumonia and head
of bed elevation . You have to restrict the search by limiting a certain type of page for example only
research reports; to
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The passage discusses the blurred nature of reminiscing about the "good old days" compared to modern times. While older generations nostalgically recall a slower paced past without internet, the author argues life today is vastly different and improved with near-instant access to information, communication through technology, and an always-connected world. The internet has revolutionized society and made networking, learning, and sharing information much easier compared to relying on in-person interactions, mail, and libraries of the past.

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This project analyzes the correlation between drought conditions and water quality in the coastal regions of North and South Carolina. It uses the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index to classify drought severity based on temperature and precipitation patterns in specific locations. The project aims to understand how drought may impact water quality over time. It examines different data sets between states and analyzes the frequency of drought. The project provides valuable insights for drought early warning systems and supports integrated science assessments in the Carolinas region.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account on the HelpWriting.net site to request paper writing help. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The site promises original, high-quality content or a full refund.

Black Belt Interview Essay
Julie: Hello, and welcome to Black Belt Interviews which will be in Black Belt Magazine. I am Julie
Smith and today we have special guest Ed Parker. Mr. Parker has created a style called Kenpo Karate
which belongs to the American system. Mr. Parker is fondly called as Father of American Kenpo . It is
very obvious that many people look up to Mr. Parker as a great martial artist. Today, we are here to
ask him about his inspiration and reasons for creating this style of martial arts.
Mr. Parker: Thank you Julie. I decided to create this style of martial arts because I have lately been
noticing that the martial arts that were created many years ago, are not being adapted to the present
world. I have lately been seeing many problems with this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, American Kenpo is now known internationally. How did Mr. Parker: You are correct in
saying that when I first created American Kenpo, I was never seeking for it to become so popular. I
did want to spread the word about Kenpo however, and I was able to do this by teaching many famous
people such as Elvis Presley and Bruce Lee. Elvis and I are actually very close friends and he has
always assisted me in making American Kenpo popular. With Elvis being such a famous musician, he
often performed in front of an audience. Whenever he was performing, he played a guitar that had the
Kenpo Karate patch on it. By doing so, many audience members consulted him about the patch and in
doing so he led them to me. I was also the one who was able to get Bruce Lee into the acting world.
Bruce and I met through one of my friends. From the second that Bruce showed me a couple of
moves, it was obvious that he had the potential to be a great martial artist. Bruce also shared his desire
to be an actor and asked for my assistance. I asked him to perform at the very first International Karate
Championships and I videotaped him while he was performing. With his permission, I shared the
video with a few directors who were searching for an action star. After Bruce s first onscreen
performance, he became a big hit. Bruce and I are still very close friends and have several discussions
about martial artists. Bruce
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  • 2. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Essay An Assistant Secretary by the name of Daniel Patrick Moynihan decided to write a report on African American Families on New Year s Eve in 1964. Known now as the Moynihan Report . According to the article The Negro Family; The case for National Action, completed in March, 1965, became one of the most controversial documents of twentieth century. Moynihan became a successful author and started working at Howard University as a professor. In June,1965 President Johnson gave props to the Moynihan report, stating Freedom is not enough : Equal citizenship for African Americans was incomplete without the ability to make a decent living . In the report Moynihan had recognized certain irregularities in U.S. work information; for instance, by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The second was the high frequency of unemployment among black men that lessened their allure and practicability in the marriage market. Moynihan, believed that fathers should usually be the providers in American families, and he had much to say in regards to illegitimacy (the word used at a time for pregnancies out of wedlock). The number of white births in the U.S. that was ill conceived, he wrote, 2 percent in 1940 to 3 percent in 1963. The black percentage, in any case, had hopped amid these years from 16.8 percent to 23.6 percent, subsequently remaining about eight times higher than among whites. black separation rates, as well, had expanded: in 1940 these had been the same for blacks and whites, yet by 1964 the nonwhite (here as somewhere else he implied Negro) rate had moved toward becoming 40 percent higher than that among whites. The outcome, he composed, was that Just about One Fourth of Negro Families Are Headed by Females. By August 1965 the Johnson organization immediately abandoned the Moynihan Report. Moynihan s report caused a huge controversy, even caused riots to break out in Los ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. What Factors Influence the Individual Person and... 5.2 Why and how people give? Overall donations to charities is dominated by Inner Directed people. Inner Direct people are the most likely out of the three to give to a cause as they are the tester and innovators and are always question what is right and what is wrong. In these following graphs the axis is the average from the population that was asked during the survey. So the first graph shows that 11% agrees with the statement they are regular givers and give to one or more charities it shows that Inner Directed people are 30 times more likely than the average person to donate. So here Inner Directed people are over indexed by 30% which means they are 30 % more likely to give to more than one charity than the average person. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the advert shows both poverty close to home and poverty in other parts of the world they are attracting the attention of both types of people meaning a larger proportion of the population will donate to the charity. 5.3 What type of charities do people give to? Each of the three sections responds to very different charities. Sustenance Driven are attracted to institutions such as the Army/ military and hospitals, this is linked to the fact that sustenance driven people have a strong interest in the safety and security of their communities and nation. They are more interested in what is happening in the UK rather than international and overseas work. Outer Directed people are interested in people as they are empathetic to people who are struggling, as shown in the graph below by the interest in charities that support people with disabilities as well as children and adults improving themselves. Again this group does not focus on international, or overseas work are not as popular with Outer Directed people. They are also not as focused on environmental matters. Inner Directed people give to totally different causes to the other two, Inner Directed people are focused on the world as a whole. Meaning they support international charities, as they are interested in preserving the culture and heritage of other people, for the future. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Charismatic Theology Essay Research Paper Of A Select Issue in Contemporary Theology: Charismatic Theology. THEO 510 C03 LUO (Fall 2012) Survey of Christian Doctrine Dr. Eunice Abogunrin, Professor Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Carol H. Montgomery (ID# 24993689) November 11, 2012 CONTENTS COVER PAGE 1 CONTENTS 2 THESIS 3 INTRODUCTION 3 CHARSMATIC GIFTS DEBATE 3 12 CONCLUSION 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 INTRODUCTION This research paper will show that biblical referred to as glossolalia; the ability to speak in tongues is fiercely debated. While the Bible gives clear examples of genuine glossolalia, which will be examined later, the modern debate centers around the need or not, nature, importance, and usage of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an act whereby the individual is placed in the body of Christ. John the Baptist, after witnessing the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove at the baptism of Jesus, recorded Most Pentecostal, and Charismatic believe that tongues are the initial sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts is its foundation stone. If the book of Acts were excluded from the discussion, there would be no other source of information since the only other passage in the New Testament that discusses tongues at any length is 1 Corinthians 12 14 which clearly teaches all do not speak in tongues. Also, Paul examines tongues as one of many differing spiritual gifts that are given freely by the Spirit after one has been baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). In Charismatic Theology, Stronstad states, And tongues is the sign that all who belong to this charismatic community have been empowered by the Spirit for charismatic ministry. I choose the charismatic gifts debate because coming from a Pentecostal/Charismatic background
  • 5. growing up in church, I know a little about the gift. With growing up in a Charismatic church, I saw the gifts in action. There is a lot of debate on whether the gift is relevant for today or have they ceased from the church. One side says that the gifts are in the past and is not relevant for the day that we live in and another side says that the gifts are still ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Developing A Schedule. Where Do You Begin To Prepare Your Developing a schedule Where do you begin to prepare your advertising schedule? The best point of reference is the creative or advertising brief. Here, you will be given a direction on how long the campaign should run for, when it should begin and when it should end, along with other relevant information. You may choose to run it over days, weeks, months or even years. Regardless of which option you select, the length and timing of the campaign will be determined by the targets set by the original brief and the budget. If there is any doubt about how long the campaign should run for, it is best to go back to the team that created the original brief and seek clarification. The next step in developing the schedule is to ensure that your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The account executive debriefs the art director and copywriter, who then direct the assembly of the ad. This may require a fashion shoot by a reputable fashion photographer, a model, make up artist, wardrobe artist, props, and lighting assistants. The finished artwork is assembled digitally in the digital studio by a graphic designer, under the direction of the art director. Once the ad is completed and proofed, it goes back to the client for final approval and sign off. The production department sends the approved ad directly to the magazine, electronically, to their production department. The double page ad appears in the December edition of the magazine. As shown in the example above, there are a lot of moving parts to producing a simple ad. With so many moving parts, there are a number of opportunities for things to go wrong or fall behind schedule, this is why proper planning and scheduling, along with constant follow up with each of the people involved in the process, is critical to the success of any advertising campaign. Identifying relevant service providers Which service providers will you need to achieve your advertising objectives? This will depend on the type of campaign you are running and the media you select. As we saw in the previous section, service providers may include: ● designers ● photographers ● media planning/buying agencies ● public relations or event management ● ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Function Of The Acid Base Equilibrium PBL Write up: Acid Base This document aims to explain the function of the acid base equilibrium in place in the human body and to identify potential problems that may occur. Theses processes are tightly linked with the control of fluid levels in the body, this relationship and the function of the water homeostasis system will also be explored. The aim of this write up is to display a full understanding of the learning objectives developed in the PBL session. However by adhering to the original learning objectives it would be difficult to develop a clear structure for this write up as they do not seem clearly defined. They cover areas multiple times and are structurally unsound. Therefore in this write up the following structure will be used: 1. Acid Base Balance What is the body s acid base equilibrium? The Body s buffer systems and how they function? What can go wrong and how does it affect the body? 2. Dehydration What can cause dehydration and what are symptoms? How does this link to the acid base problem? How does it affect electrolyte balance? How is fluid balance regulated? 3. Possible diagnosis of the patient and an explanation Treatment Acid Base Balance: What is the body s acid base equilibrium? The acid base equilibrium within the body is a key part of the homeostatic maintenance of the body and has wide ranging effects on body chemistry and function. This system is based on the regulation of Hydrogen ions, as this is the basis of the pH ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. What Is Alliances In 1914 In the late summer of 1914 in Europe the most terrible thing occured Germany went against Russia ,Austria Hungary fought france and Italy went against the UK, thus creating the alliances. During this time people didn t think the war would last that long ,the people thought it was going to last maybe a year or two. Instead of the war lasting a couple of years it ended up lasting four horrendous years. Many lives were lost many parents lost their kids. While this time every guy it was the must do to go to war fight for the country the seniors of the german,english,french and the russians all of those graduates died in battle. The underlying causes of World war one were aliance militarism and imperialism. The meaning of alliances is a relationship based on the same interests in nature, or qualities that are the same with that person or country . In the 1914 there were two big alliances the triple entente and the triple alliance.The country that were in the triple ente were Britain, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The meaning of militarism is the desire of government or people of that country should provide a strong military,and be prepared for anything and to use the military aggressively. In document C it show how much each country used for navy and army. During the war was happening in 1914 the triple alliance spent around 170 million euros which is 180 million us dollars that s how much they spent on their navy.The triple alliance only spent 129 million euros for their army which is 133 million dollars. The triple entente spent 210 million euros on their navy which is 222 million in us dollars. While on army they only spent 130 million euros which in us dollars equals 138 million. In document D is talks about that is germany the hammer or the anvil the anvil is the thing or person that gets hit and a hammer is the object used to hit thing or person. The most significant cause of world war one was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. White House Staff The White House is the corporate central station of the free world. Our Leader is the President. The bureau people and white house staff or administrators. Further down Pennsylvania Street at the State house are the Top managerial staff, and for some odd reason the Directorate, have gatherings pretty much consistently. We the general population are the shareholders of our country. This is the way our country is kept running in the present state of affairs. FDR had forty five full time staff people. President Clinton had five hundred and eleven. Who was more successful Clinton or FDR? When you have people to backing and help you, it is less demanding and more powerful to complete the current workload. Our media look to the president as the boss wellspring of open approach. This thought makes the President responsible to the shareholders all the live long day. The American Administration has experienced a tremendous change throughout the establishment. The White House Staff ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our Leader is presently more responsible to his shareholders because of these progressions. He needs to have a question and answer session consistently, he needs to have a week by week radio plays, and his staff members must be on all the real Sunday morning news magazines. As boss the military his activities are more looked upon, because of the openness to data. At the point when the president is on political missions they re continually being watched. This change has conveyed more obligations to the Chief. The administration arrangement of the White House is vital to the skill and status as a world political dominion, if he botches people are watching. At the point when his staff people spoil it s been viewed by millions. So as to keep our country running like an all around oiled machine we need a president rely on upon their bureau and staff. Our leader should be made canny and a decent pioneer so as to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Greasy Lake Character Development Character development in short story, from I ve noticed, tends to be brought on by sudden unexpected twist. Often times those twist lead to the demise of the protagonist. Essentially, there are a lot of short stories that build on a type of too little too late variant of character development. The narrator in Greasy Lake starts out as something of an innocent teenager posing as a tough guy. In the beginning of the story, the narrator described nature as the full throated roar of rock and roll. The narrator and his friends wanted to head down to the lake to get drunk, do drugs, and chase girls. They thought they were bad (bad meaning good in the context) because they didn t fit in with what they thought was society s model of a good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Recognition Of Indian And Transgender Identity Essay The Recognition of Indian and Transgender Identity There are various groups throughout the United State and globally that continue to be treated as though they are not who they say they are. Indian and transgender individuals, while very different, face similar identity issues. Both groups have faced and continue to face issues regarding their identity and whether or not they can be legally recognized for who they are. Indian tribes such as the Navajo have blood quantum laws preventing anyone with less than a quarter Navajo blood from registering with their tribe. This means that they are unable to be legally recognized as an Indian, despite having Indian ancestors. In comparison, the transgender community is facing legal issues with a new bill in North Carolina and Mississippi that requires them to use the bathroom of the gender they were born into. In addition to this, it takes away legal protection for people who identify as LGBT, allowing for legal discrimination. The percent of people who identify as transgender is 0.3% in the United States as of 2011. (How Many People Are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?). The percent of Indians in the United States as of 2013 is two percent, or 5.2 million (Facts for Features: American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month: November 2014). The misrepresentation Indians and Transgender communities face within the United States is a controversial issue, one that can be seen in the news, novels, and more. For centuries, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Home Design in the 19th Century Essay Home Design in the 19th Century Home decorating styles changed dramatically during the middle part of the 1800 s, even though design began to refer back to the styles the century had begun with as it came to an end. This difference in popular taste did not just evolve because of the passage of time, however; new technological advancements in furniture production and an increased interest in the arts of Asia influenced home décor. The changing British culture manifested itself in how the middle class decorated their homes, and how they perceived themselves. In the earlier part of the 19th century, tastes tended toward lighter looks. According to The Victorian Web online site, Satinwood was in vogue and a light finish for mahogany ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 was a landmark because it featured furniture so ornate it became tasteless . Stokstad s Art History (Revised Edition) describes the concern over the designs featured in the show by saying, The elaboration of decorative elements at the expense of function and good taste distressed many, including the event s organizers (1006). The excess had gone too far; the Victorians needed a change. William Morris, convinced that industrialism itself was the problem (1006), began to design furniture with a medieval, yet more basic, style. He endorsed the benefits of hand crafting pieces, stressing the importance of work by people rather than machines. Not all of the Morris furniture was expensive, either: the chair on the right side of figure 6, below, was a cheap, simple, and basic...hand crafted alternative to the vulgar excess of previous years (Stokstad 1007). The social unrest at the time was translated into furniture trends. Near the end of the century, dark, heavy furniture was transformed into lighter looking and lighter colored again. This was partly due to the increasing interest in the simplicity of Japanese designs; bamboo, and blue and white china replaced the ornate knickknacks. At the same time, perhaps as a reaction to the influence of foreign cultures, collecting antique furniture became popular. Again, Jane Eyre is not excluded from this trend: she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The History of Native Americans Essay The United States was a new nation in the 18th century when most of the world was divided among the European imperialist governments. Looking right of religion, technology and military power, people from these nations began to claim the land and lock up new worlds of natural resources to meet their needs, that is why some decided to immigrate to the United States seeking freedom and the opportunity for economical improvements; but this search for improvement, among other things, only brought suffering and death to Native American tribes. In the United States, Indian groups were willing to live with the newcomers until relations were strained by the continuing immigration to its territory, loss of resources, diseases and among ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main purpose of the treaty, form the American perspective, was to remove the Indian threat to the peaceful westward expansion, and try to destroy its cultures, spiritual, economic, and political traditions by assimilating Native American into American life. The signing of these treaties and the adoption of policies and laws gradually declined sovereignty of indigenous nations. In the 1830 s, Five Indians Nations lived in territories that many Americans thought it might be more profitable for breeding, however, Americans could not do anything, because these tribes had signed treaties with the federal government, which guaranteed them the right to live in their ancestral lands and maintain its sovereignty; and it is not surprising that these notions were not willing to give up their land and to negotiate new treaties. That is why President Andrew Jackson decided that a new federal policy would be necessary to remove the Indians from their lands. This policy was called Removal Act of 1830, and gave the president the right to remove the five nations from their ancestral lands against their will. While Removal Act immediately helped alleviate the Indian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Ineffective Postoperative Pain What is postoperative pain? An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage due to surgery... thus pain is what the person says it is, and exists when the person experiencing the pain says it does. Situational Analysis. Approximately 80% of patients who undergo surgery experience acute postoperative pain. With 75% of these patients report post operative pain as moderate, severe or extreme 12,96. In adequate post operative pain management and assessment postpones patient discharge and delays recovery affecting 24% of patients. As a result there are increased readmissions and prolonged length of stays in hospital, and also poor clinical outcomes for the patient. Therefore when acute postoperative pain is improperly managed, it leads to emotional and physiological disorders (Gillaspie, 2010; Polomano et al., 2008), hinder social functioning (Cox, 2010), and may lead to the progression of chronic pain disorders (Dunwoody, Krenzischek, Pasero, Rathmell, Polomano, 2008; Gillaspie, 2010; Gupta, Daigle, Mojica, Hurley, 2009). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barriers to effective management of post operative pain are the clinicians insufficient knowledge in pain assessment and management skills (Dunwoody et al., 2008, Gillaspie, 2010; Gupta et al., 2009; Michaels, 2006; Polomano et al., 2008), as well as negative misperceptions and biases from clinicians such as nursing staff, often prevent the provision of adequate pain control. Strategies implemented to alleviate postoperative pain include acupuncture or acupressure and multimodal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. An Argument Against An Unjust Dismissal Essay Introduction The notion of employers not having to defend against an unjust dismissal has come under assault in public debate. The court system in New Zealand (NZ) yet fully upholds the right of employees to seek justice against an unjustified dismissal by an employer. However, this essay acclaims that all employers in NZ should have the right to fire without having to defend against an unjust dismissal , as the benefits of employment at will outweighs the costs. This counter argument is support by empirical research on the exemptions under the proposed doctrine, the mutual benefit it brings employees and employers, the interpretations of the law by the courts, and the evident lack of support for the current system implemented within New Zealand. Despite the emotional appeal of employees allegedly abusing employees, there are compelling reasons to settle employment at will within NZ. For most of NZs laws, there is less freedom of an employer to dismiss an employee on grounds they seem are fair. The law can be very ambiguous, because ultimately the decision is not based on the face value of the law, but rather the interpretation and implication by the courts. Definition of Unjust Dismissal An unjust dismissal is defined as the removal of an employee without a fair and genuine reason. Under NZ legislation, it is recognized as an act where an employee finds themselves removed unfairly. It is also known as a wrongful dismissal where there is a breach of agreement, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian By Sherman... Critical analysis of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, investigates the hidden facts about Indians. Alexie displays amiability, sorrow, and reality through his primary character, Junior, to influence the reader to comprehend how much the Native Americans are suffering. In present day society, desperate Indians that reside in these reservations endure incurable poverty that keeps on prevailing. This dim world loaded with destitution and much oppress has motivated the main character, Junior to understand what kind of life he would expect if he escapes from Spokane rez . The impact of poverty has shaped Junior into a valiant and clever person, who has taken ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... as long as you never left the bathtub. That s basically what happened with Native American reservations. Even today, these reservations are still rife with poverty, unemployment, and crime they re essentially little third world islands scattered all across the U.S. and Canada . It seems that the reservation is full of undesirable people that no one wants to deal with. While Junior still present at Willpinit, the school inside the reservation, one of his educators, Mr. P, begins to get upset about the increasing poverty in the reservation and ends up plainly irate towards the Indians for surrendering: Every white person on this rez should get smashed in the face... All Indians should get smashed in the face, too. The only thing you [Indian] kids are being taught is how to give up... [All members of the rez] are defeated... But not you. You won t give up. (Alexie, 42 43). This moment helped Junior to decide to flee from the miserable reservation and start new life in the real world. All through Junior s change from the reservation to the white community, he connects with memorable folks. Nonetheless, out of his entire family and friends, there are just two main examples that have influenced Junior s life forever. The first main example for Junior is Mr. P, who was Junior s instructor back when he went to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Marquis De Lafayette In The American Revolutionary War I will be writing about Marquis de Lafayette and informing you on some of his achievements. My purpose for writing this paper is to inform you about Marquis de Lafayette. To start off he was Major General in the American Revolutionary war. Marquis de Lafayette shaped our history along with France s history. He was a huge factor in America s victory against the British. I am going to write about his whole life. Marquis de lafayette was born on September 6th, 1757 to Michel Louis Christophe Roch Gilbert Paulette du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette and Marie Louise Jolie de La Rivière. He was born at the Chateau de Chavaniac, in Chavaniac Lafayette, near Le Puy en Velay, in the Province of Auvergne. His birth name was Marie Joseph Paul Yves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lafayette then sent a message to General Washington for him to arrive. Washington arrived to see General Lee s men in retreat. They turned around to fight and the British retreated back to NYC. When the French fleet arrived in Rhode Island, Admiral d Estaing was in control. Without consulting d Estaing Lafayette attack. d Estaing was to worried about destroying the British navy. After this battle, Lafayette requested for permission from George Washington and the Continental Congress to go back to France. They agreed, with Congress voting to give Lafayette a ceremonial sword, to be presented to him in France. After 1 month at sea he arrived in Paris. For disobeying orders his was placed on house arrest for 8 days. Lafayette gave birth to his son and named him George Washington Lafayette. His last battle was The battle of Yorktown. After the American Revolution he traveled back and forth to America. He died on May 20th, 1834 at age 76. Back in America he was given the same memorial ceremony as George Washington when he died. In conclusion Lafayette was a great man, A Hero from both Worlds , and an American Veteran. We Should treat him with a ton of honor and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Non Profit Analysis Essay Non Profit Analysis Project Liberty University Penny LeBaron Busi 602 Carlson Hurst Part 1: Christian World View According to Del Tackett s article on the Focus on the Family website, a person with a Biblical world view believes his primary reason for existence is to love and serve God (Tackett, 2012). Barna Research Group asks the following questions to determine if a person has a Biblical worldview: Do absolute moral truths exist? Is absolute truth defined by the Bible? Did Jesus Christ live a sinless life? Is God the all powerful and all knowing Creator of the universe, and does He still rule it today? Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned? Is Satan real? Does a Christian have a responsibility to share his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A Christian who has a real Christian worldview should measure what they do in their personal and professional life against what the Bible says and how the Holy Spirit leads us. This will allow us to make sure that our Biblical worldview does not get too much of the world within it. Part 2: 10 Non Profits Georgia Ensemble Theatre Georgia Ensemble Theatre and Conservatory was started in 1992 under the guidance of Robert J. Farley a nationally known director of national theatres such as the Alaska Repertory Theatre and Atlanta Alliance Theatre. Georgia Ensemble Theatre captures the attention of adults who enjoy the theatre and also nurtures the interest of our youth to keep the love of theatre alive for the future generations. Georgia Ensemble Theatre operates all year at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center. Theatre classes and productions are offered on a continuing basis. GET produces such plays as The Diary of Anne Frank, Of Mice and Men, The Miracle Worker and To Kill a Mockingbird during the school year so that schools, both public and private can make literature come to life with theatrical productions. Classes are offered for preschoolers, children, teens and adults of all levels from novice to expert. Community outreach is essential to Georgia Ensemble theatre and they have partnerships with twelve area schools. Free and reduced price tickets are available to students and senior citizens. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Confucianism For all the strengths of Confucian attitudes toward nature, there are also weaknesses that must be recognized. As a governance system, Confucianism s emphasis on hierarchy has served the programs of political elites, fostering a disconnect between rulers and the ruled. This pattern has contributed to poor environmental management over time, despite Confucian philosophy emphasizing unity between humans and the land (Elvin, 2004; Tuan, 1968). Even within a single tradition, Chinese environmental values are not monolithic. But clearly, Confucian values are insufficient by themselves to ground Conservation with Chinese Characteristics . Beyond Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, here wish to point out the multiplicity of beliefs about nature within the Chinese s many ethnic nationality peoples that also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The WTO (2001), however, defines sustainability in tourism literature as Development that meets the needs of the today s tourists and the host region while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to the management of all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecology processes, biological diversity and life support system. Four different stakeholder groups have been identified for this study in sustainable tourism: the present tourists, the present host community, the future tourists, and the future host community. All of these groups have a legitimate interest in tourism development in their community because they can affect or be affected by the tourism business as a whole. Other major stakeholders are central and local government, the private sector, international organizations, public/private initiatives and traditional chiefs/community ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Monologue For An Onion By Suji Kwock Kim In the poem Monologue for an Onion by Suji Kwock Kim, an onion speaks to another individual. In the poem The Suitor by Jane Kenyon, the speaker reacts to the recurring presence of a suitor. In each poem, the onion and the suitor represent something else. Through the metaphor of the onion, Kim shows that the onion represents her guarded heart broken into so many pieces that she does not even believe that it is there. Someone tries to love her, but in the end they both end up hurt. In The Suitor the suitor represents a woman who has finally found happiness and stability after many suitors have come and gone from her life. The two metaphors in each poem have meanings that are very similar. The onion represents her heart and the suitor represents happiness. Although they are different they both rely on each other in the poems. Without finding the onion s heart, the man is broken and is unable to find happiness, and the happiness that is given by the suitor comes from him from love inside her heart. A representation of this can be found in The monologue of an onion when it is said you are the one in pieces this man is so distraught at not finding her heart, his heart is breaking into pieces as well. In the suitor it is stated that she is finally happy, and it slowly came as suitors went into her life bringing her love. One major difference between the poems are that, the men in the suitor show their true selves without a problem. In the monologue of an onion it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Miss Wayland Teenage Usa My Journey as Miss Wayland Teen USA It all started on a sunny summer day. I was scrolling through Facebook, an ad popped up and it said, Are you the next Miss Michigan Teen USA? I clicked on it, just wondering what it was and it said that all you had to do was send in a biography of yourself and a picture. I sent mine in. I told them that I volunteer at a non profit organization called Caleb s Closet in honor of my cousin, and that I would love to be an anti distracted driving advocate, I also sent in my photo from 8th grade graduation. About 2 days later, I received an email and it said Welcome to one of the most prestigious pageants in the world! We are rooting for YOU Miss Wayland Teen! From that moment, I was Miss Wayland Teen USA ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After that embarrassing experience, we had to start rehearsal with Kent, if there is anyone that would put on a great show it would be him he is so funny, and he makes you practice everything until you get it right. If your walk in your evening gown was not exciting, he made you redo it. After three hours of walking in heels, they took us downstairs to the dinner hall. After dinner, we had to do our makeup and hair. Luigi Bruni is a makeup and hair stylist, he, and his team did my hair and makeup upstairs after I had my fake eyelashes on and curled my hair. The waiting process after hair and makeup was where I made a lot of my friends. Aria and Rena kept reassuring me that I d do great and they are the only thing that kept me from having a mental breakdown before going on stage and for that, I am forever grateful. Soon enough, 7:00 pm came. We were all scurrying to get all of our stuff in order before we went on stage. First we had to introduce ourselves. I had to walk on stage and say, Riley Hall, Wayland! in the most enthusiastic way I possibly could. Then, we had to get ready for swimsuit/active wear. We had about 2 minutes to be changed and ready. I had owned that stage. I bounced around in my hot pink Vans and you would ve thought that I was actually at the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Pros And Cons Of The Driving Age Everyday, approximately twenty nine humans die in the United States from alcohol impaired vehicle crashes that would mean that every fifty minutes one person died in 2016. Also at eighteen years of age, you are more likely to drink and drive. Various adults stereotype teenagers, when an adult is more likely to break the laws. For example, more adults drink, which may lead to drinking and driving. Also adults have had their license for so long that they are not as cautious because if they get a ticket they won t be suspended from their license as easily. Plus to even get a driver s license there are multiple tests that a teenager has to take and the teenager has to have around forty hours of experience. That is why the driving age should stay at 16 years of age and should not be raised to eighteen years of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey Around 2,379 adults work full time. How are these adults going to get their kids around. Between school, sports, and other family activities, it is hard until teens can drive to get their other children around. As stated by Driver Guide for Parents and Teens Indiana law makes it necessary that drivers have 50 hours of practice so that it s a good habit before you can receive a driver s license. According to LiveStrong.com by letting teeagers drive to is beneficial. Adults do not have to take their time and risk being late to take children to school. Having complicated schedules to make sure your children approach at school on time and be there when school is over .SafeTeenDrivingClub.org. Also written by LiveStrong.com teenagers can drive to in and out of school activities, athletic practices and games. The hours of going home taxi service will be over and you will not half to drive you children around to school related activities, written by SafeTeenDrivingClub.org. To wrap this up Teens can provide transportation for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Universal Design For Learning Essay I chose to read an article about Universal Design for Learning. This was a learning theory that I had not heard about before. This theory covers a wide range of learning styles for children along with multiple strategies. The Universal Design for Learning Theory ensures that students are provided with a variety of engaging strategies in order to best meet each student s individual needs. A large component of Universal Design for Learning is text comprehension. This theory understands that comprehension doesn t just come after reading a selection of text, but takes time and will grow after students develop more maturity, socialize with others and gain more schema. Students are encouraged to make connections through a wide range of methods. In order to increase their text to text connections, students are encouraged to bring in books from home that align with what they are learning, create compare/contrast diagrams, debate over two similar books and compare books in literature ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the past, I have been a little confused with how to best teach my students comprehension. This article has opened a window toward personal professional understanding in the area of teaching reading comprehension. While reading this article I was surprised to find such a variety of ways to make each type of connection. Many of which are fairly easy and can be done in a timely manner. I will make it a professional goal to provide my students with more of these opportunities to connect with what we are learning. If I am able to successfully integrate some of these activities in my classroom, I know my students will greatly benefit from the exposure. They will become more independent and informed worldly thinkers. All I have to do is assist each child in overcoming their barriers, and they can all become better readers, thinkers, writers, listeners and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Teenage Alcohol Abuse Gateway Technical College Teenage Alcohol Abuse/Addiction 550 150 2W7A Psychopharmacology Instructor Dennis Markus, MSW, LCSW, C SAC Tracy L. Murray (Rego) MSW, LCSW, CTS 11 November 2009 The dangers of teenage alcohol abuse are underestimated in our country due to the social acceptability of the drug alcohol. The social acceptability of alcohol itself is seen by the frequency it is categorized separately from other drugs and substances when we talk about use and abuse. Alcohol is a drug but our nation and the media do not want to call it one or treat it like one. Alcohol is a legal drug abused by many teenagers and this paper will address some of the issues today s teenagers face when dealing with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Parents may think as long as their children are drinking beer instead of doing drug s its okay. People in America do not want to wake up to the fact that alcohol is a drug and it does kill our youth. Youth need to be educated on the affects alcohol can have on their bodies, and parents and communities need to play a role in their education. Contrary to popular belief, youth do drink alone just like some adults do. They drink to change their mood, alleviate boredom, and to handle stress. Many youth will drink anything as they don t realize the difference in alcohol content between hard liquor, beer, or wine (Novello, 1997). Even if teenagers attempt to read the labels on alcoholic beverages, they may be confused due to obscure labeling. High school students drink 35% of all the wine coolers consumed in the United States and they believe beer has a higher alcohol content than wine coolers. According to the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in the past year, 32.9 percent of the youths surveyed from age 12 to 17 had used alcohol. According to the 2005 NSDUH survey, 74.3 percent of high school students nationwide had already consumed one or more drinks in their lifetime. Many teenagers and children get their information about alcohol from friends and the media. With these sources they do not have sufficient information to advise them of the dangers of alcohol consumption (Pringle, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Does Goodnight Moon Mean His place is full of joy, a endless eternity of fun enjoy.Goodnight moon sets the tone for a child to sleep. It has amazing pictures that calm a child.the whole theme of the book is trying to fall asleep.Goodnight moon is the perfect book to read to a child before bed. Goodnight moon is the best book to read to kids at night.It´s a calming picture book with astonishing drawings and sets a tone for a child to sleep easy.When the Old lady rocking back in her rocking chair tells the child to sleep.This example of text evidence shows a prime example of text evidence.It showing a old women put a child to sleeplike a mother or grandmother would.This perfect bed time story for kids that was published 1947 is still going strong in sales today. Goodnight ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Reason Why Teenagers Age 13- 18 Years Old from Different... 6545345 Reasons Why Teenagers Engage Themselves to Smoking A thesis submitted to the Faculty of St. Paul College, Pasig In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research Nicole Therese Ang Angco Caryl Marie Balagot Cara Dominique Beltran Sheena Sharmaine Estayo Julianne Rose Santarina March 2009 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING A. Research Problem: Reason why teenagers age 13 18 years old from different colleges and universities engage in cigarette smoking despite its negative effects B. Objectives: 1. To gather information about teenage smoking 2. To conduct surveys to both smokers and past smokers 3. To interview 8 smokers/past smokers for the researchers to be able to probe and get ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Dr. Christine Williams of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York; children who have parents who smoke are more likely to smoke as well as they get bigger. Williams also states that parents who do not want their children to smoke must quit themselves. Children learn what they live, it s not enough for parents to say, do what I say and not what I do , Williams said. She also believes that advertisements play a very strong role in influencing the children. (Philippine Journal, November 20, 1998) Parents are the single most important influence on their children s decision to smoke, drink, or use drugs, yet many parents do not fully understand the extent of their influence. (Philip Morris USA, n.d.) Kids do understand that smoking is dangerous, but many of them try it anyway out of curiosity, low self esteem, peer pressure, the need to establish their own independent identities, and to rebel against their parents. (Rodrigo Cuenca, M., Philippine Star, p. E 1, August 5, 2003) According to the book, Peddling Poison: The Tobacco Industry and Kids, Many young people have the false impression that the effect of smoking and other tobacco use are problems they will only have to face much later in life. Many youth who start smoking think they can quit the habit easily. (Snell, C., 2005) Another reason is related to physical appearance. Prof. Arthur Crisp of St. George s Hospital in London says, We found
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  • 28. Symbolism In The Tortilla Certain A coyote is not only a wolf like wild dog that is native to North America, it also is a name for someone who profits from smuggling immigrants across the US border, typically the Mexican border for a high fee. There is much myth and lure that is surrounding the coyote dog like animal and there are thousands of stories and believes about what coyote means. It s the great trickster, it has magical powers, the medicine dog. The bringer of misfortune, signifying a time when everything backfires. Indeed, symbolism is extracted from such myths and used to represent ideas or qualities. The story seems to follow the lure in the way the coyotes have many symbolic contexts throughout the story that add a deeper meaning to the The Tortilla Curtain. Through metaphors and deeper meaning the book takes on a start contrast between Delaney Mossbacher who lives the American Dream and Cándido and America Rincón who struggle to attempt to reach that dream. The wall symbolizes fear and segregation from outside elements and increases racism attitudes towards immigrants. Boyle also uses the symbolic messages using wild animals, coyotes in particular, in order to create racism throughout the story. Thus, using animals, physical barriers, food, possessions, and lifestyle the author of The Tortilla Certain, T.C. Boyle creates symbolic meaning of a world of separation. T.C. Boyle in the Tortilla Curtain heavily draws symbolic meaning from the coyotes who like the Mexicans are stalking around ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Simple Tutoring Case Study Location Market Growth State and Regional Highlights The estimated population in 2014 is 5,453,218 in Minnesota. Between 2010 and 2014 Minnesota added 149,293 residents. Only 2 of the 13 regions in Minnesota grew faster than the state population growth rate of +2.8%. (Hibbs, 2014) Minnesota regions that grew the fastest between 2010 and 2014 were Twin Cities (+4.6) and St. Cloud (+2.9%). Over half (54.6%) of Minnesota s population lives in the seven Twin Cities area counties. (Hibbs, 2014) The urban core area has at least 50,000 or more populations. Over 77 percent of all Minnesotans lived in a metropolitan area in 2014. With an increase of 3.8%, the metropolitan population grew faster than the state average (+2.8%) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We offer online classes, one on one tutoring, group tutoring, summer school fun camps and other academic improvement activities. Our math subject area offers elementary math, pre algebra, algebra, algebra II, pre calculus, calculus, and statistics. Language Arts offers reading, writing, and English. (Simply Tutoring Services) Marketing Mix Strategy: Promotion The following locations for advertising tutoring service is where there are high traffic areas from families with students or students themselves. The best place to reach students is schools where you can visit the counselor office and student service office, since this is where students receive their academic help. Public libraries are also an excellent location because there are bulletin boards for local services. There are many ways to promote with the community such as direct mail, local shops, families, community centers, schools, community newspaper, radio and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Elements Of Nature And Culture Elements that seem to inherently contradict or oppose one another are often represented both as separate and holistic entities within our environment. For instance, concluding the exact meanings of terms without extensive research or knowledge of them isn t always the correct conclusion. Throughout this paper, two seemingly separate entities, nature and culture, will be defined both separately and together. Examples will be given that define both nature and culture, and demonstrate how they are both different and related. Nature and culture are not as opposing as one might think, and through analysis of both terms, a new understanding can be reached. Nature, as stated in the slides of January 23rd, is a biophysical entity, meaning that it comprises biotic and abiotic natural substances within the environment. Nature is something which is often thought of as an objective element which is separate from our society. Culture, in opposition, also stated in the slides of January 23rd, is something that is a human made creation. It is a subjective, social entity. In the slides of January 16th, culture is also defined as a learned way of thinking, feeling, and believing. It is something that has been handed down by older generations and is continually remade. Often used in many different places is the comparison of the two terms, nature and wilderness . The two are usually seen together. Wilderness is usually one of the first things one thinks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Crossfit Executive Summary VALLEY CROSSFIT Chris Chapple Business Plan MG 530 4/30/2012 Table of Contents: 1. Executive Summary a. Mission Statement b. Company Information c. Service d. Financial Information e. Future Plans 2. Description of the Business f. Nature of the Business g. Target Market h. How Product/Services Meet Needs 3. Competitive Analysis i. CrossFit Gyms j. Other Gyms 4. Industry Description and Outlook 5. Marketing Plan k. Market Penetration Strategy l. Growth Strategy m. Communication Strategy 6. Financial Plan n. Start Up Costs o. Continual Costs p. Revenue 7. Critical Risk Factors Executive Summary Mission Statement: Valley ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He has defined fitness in a meaningful, measurable way; increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. CrossFit itself is defined as that which optimizes fitness through constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. CrossFit is also the community that arises when people do these workouts together. In fact, the communal aspect of CrossFit is a key component of why it s so effective. Today, CrossFit provides accredited training seminars throughout the world. They publish several websites providing extensive free content including workouts, training and support for becoming fit, as well as a growing Journal of extended instruction. They have a worldwide network of more than 5,500 affiliated gyms and more than 35,000 accredited CrossFit Level 1 trainers. They have also created the Sport of Fitness, known as the CrossFit Games, where we crown the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth. Financial information: Valley CrossFit will be providing a group training service with future plans to expand into merchandising and supplement sales. Initial start up costs will include $1000 to become CrossFit Level 1 Certified or a coach and a $3000 affiliation fee. This will give Valley CrossFit access to the CrossFit name and brand for marketing purposes. Once approved, I will then have to create a website that is approved by CrossFit headquarters. The other major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Paradox Of Change In Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine The Paradox of Change Change is a force which is ever present in the universe, and an individual is never free from its effects; change will continuously mold the individual by challenging its perception of its surroundings and itself. In many ways, change causes development and maturity, yet it also causes decline and decay. Change is constant. However, the paradox of change is often difficult to accept, and people will fight with its reality throughout their lifetimes: friends will come and go, epiphanies and advances will arrive, and things will never quite be like they used to be. The struggle between change and the individual is a recurring part of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine. This relationship shows not only through the main character, Doug Spaulding, but also through those around him. Doug and the rest of Green Town show how people contend with changes in that which they know, those whom they know, and even themselves. Many of Doug s favorite parts of Green Town become altered in some way during the summer of 1928. No more trolley. Bus starts to run tomorrow. Going to retire me with a pension, they are (Bradbury 98). After Mr. Tridden tells them that the trolley is shutting down, Doug protests by pointing out that a bus doesn t have the charm of the trolley. Later on, a woman thwarts an attempted murder by the town s serial killer, The Lonely One . As Doug, Tom, and Charlie reflect upon seeing the paramedics take Lonely One in on a stretcher, they lament the fact that there will be no more killings to create excitement around town. Charlie rants to Tom, This town used to have some good stuff in it up until about twelve o clock last night. From here on, we re vanilla junket (Bradbury 178). They even try to convince themselves that the man on the stretcher wasn t the Lonely One. Regardless of how unpleasant or cumbersome certain aspects of the town were, the kids still disliked their altercation, and they struggled with everything beginning and ending around them. The people of Green Town repeatedly grappled with very personal changes to those whom they were familiar with. This contention is very prevalent within Doug when he hears that his friend, John Huff, is moving away. To delay the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Effects Of Korean Wave Nowadays, Korean wave is so famous in global rapidly. Korean wave is not only expanding in Asia, but Korean wave is expanding including in the Middle East, Oceania, Europe, and the United States. Korean wave was starting in 1990s. Korean drama and Korean music (K Pop) were the first wave that spread in Southeast Asia. Then Korean wave became a new trend of the world because it was used by social media and internet to expand in global. In the 21st century, Korean wave is increasing growth, such as Korean drama, Korean music (K pop), including tourism, food, culture and Korean language. Korean wave makes people can listen Korean music (K pop) widely, addict to Korean drama and then it is inspiration of some people that they want to learn ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many famous artists had sung the songs. Not only Korean drama is famous, but also Korean music is very famous too. It is called K pop . There are K pop idol groups for promoting in domestic and Asia such as H.O.T, Shinhwa, S.E.S, and Fly to The Sky. They are the first generation K pop idol group. They make K pop is famous in China and Japan. Then, in 2000 2010, many entertainment companies established such as JYP Entertainment and YG Entertainment. SM, JYP, and YG Entertainment make a new phenomenon because they can be clever promoting their K pop idol groups in domestic and global. They make new generation K pop idol groups that they are famous in domestic and global such as TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls Generation, Wonder Girls, 2PM, Miss A, Big Bang and 2NE1. Then, in 2010 present, there are many K pop idol groups for more competition. The amount of fan club is increased that following the amount of K pop idol groups. Some K pop idol groups were successful, but some were not. K pop is expanding rapidly because the many global fan club addicts to K pop and likes to sing and dance. K pop is interesting because of choreography, melody, and fashion. Some fan club like to translate the songs from Korean language in many languages because people will know what the song said ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Sherman Alexie s Short Story What You Pawn I Will Redeem Marisa Tobias Dr. Cutting EN 1 April 2017 What You Pawn I Will Redeem : Jackson Jackson Hero or Not? After a first reading of Sherman Alexie s short story What You Pawn I Will Redeem, the reader may find it difficult to classify main character Jackson Jackson as a hero because he does not possess characteristics that most people are familiar with because of characters like Atticus Finish of To Kill a Mockingbird, among others; in fact, he appears to be a loser and a drifter that cannot get his act together no matter how hard he tries or doesn t try. As the story develops the reader becomes increasingly frustrated with Jackson Jackson because he continually gets off course from his goal; however, Jackson is a not only a hero because his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the subject matters in Alexie s fiction are morally and ethically engaging, the same texts are often ironic, satiric, and full of humor. As the characters in a caricature like manner stagger across the reservation, between drinking the next beer and cracking the next joke, the reader is often invited to laugh along with them, even at them. (Nygren) Alexie s stories are engaging and touch readers even though the atmosphere of violence, alcoholism, and poverty pervades much of Alexie s writing whether the setting is on or off the reservation (Donovan 21). Many of Alexie s stories take place on the reservation and some take place in urban cities such as What You Pawn I Will Redeem, although the characters are far from the harsh life of the reservations, the bad things in life seem to follow them. Alexie s fictional reservation is a place where his characters are tormented by collective memories of a genocidal past, of cavalry approved hangings, massacres, and smallpox infected blankets (Nygren). These nightmares haunt his characters; they may not verbalize the horrific history of their people but the reader can sense that not all is well with Alexie s characters and it is a burden that they have to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. My Argument In Crash Cart To whom this may concern, I am writing to you regarding my termination on Friday, February 24th. i believe that my termination was unfair and unjustified. I understand they believe i failed to pass probation, however all of the incidents in my file are unjustifiable. The reasons for my termination are as follows: Incident with broselow cart Failure to deliver crash cart up the hill Leaving property during break Cooling machine write up Forgetting pressure bag in Crash Cart Forgetting ET tunes in Crash Cart I understand getting reprimanded for some of these reasons however most incidences on here are completely beyond my control. The incident with the broselow cart is as follows, in my file it is said that I personally incorrectly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was told within the past two months that they were not happy with the way i was working and they have thought about firing me however they believe i was hired for a reason and do believe i am fit for this job. Since that has occurred i haven t gotten anything but praise for the work i have done, there was an email sent to Mike Foster for the work i have been putting in from a different unit. I haven t been spoken to by the supervisors since they had told me things needed to change and that is exactly what i did. As for the write ups that were completely past my jurisdiction, and a responsibility that i was not trained or certified for. Most of those were written by the supervisor that is in charge of those situations, for example Kenny is the only supervisor that I was told to call during any situation with a broselow cart or Up the hill ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Gender, Race, And Ethnicity And Power Essay Society is complex and diverse. In such a diverse society, individuals may have different life experiences to one another. While some individuals have positive viewpoints in the society, others may differ in an negative aspect. In this socio autobiography, I argue that the society is an nightmare as humans develop a whole range of complex sociological concepts. The following paragraphs will explain the struggle of my life experiences being influenced by using the concepts of gender, race and ethnicity and power. My journey began the moment I entered the world on May 25, 1996. I was born and raised in a small developed country called New Zealand. At birth, my biological sex was quickly determine as I was category as a baby girl. My parents, both immigrant from Hong Kong, China in the 1980 s. As a result, I automatically associates with an East Asian background which is dissimilar from the Western culture in New Zealand. I grew up as the youngest member in the family, among with one older sibling. The concept of gender has a strong social impact on me. When I was born, I was immediately assigned to a biological sex as a female with two X chromosomes. I was then socially classified as a girl in the society with feminine gender roles. Gender is defined as a social principle which attribute to the roles and expectations of males and females through the years of different societies (Phillips, 2005). Gender can be considered as behavioural, cultural and psychological traits ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Reflection Of Remember The Titans Remember the Titans is a movie about a football team, but it was not as a simple as it seemed. The year is 1971, a high school in Alexandria, Virginia becomes integrated. Bringing together many talented athletes. This movie is lead by two coach s, Coach Boone (Denzel Washington), and Coach Yoast (Will Patton). Before the school was integrated Coach Yoast who is white was the head coach. After the integration Coach Boone was given the title head coach. Yoast does not want that to happen, and Boone does not agree on it either. He has respect for him, but understands he has a job to do. With this happening Coach Boone is the first black coach of an integrated school. The thing was Coach Yoast has his players and Coach Boone has is. They both new the challenge of bringing them together was going to be difficult. When Yoast tells his white players they do not want to play for a black coach. It seems completely unreasonable, but during this time racism was a big problem. He did not want his players to lose their scholarships so he accepts the title of assistant coach. All of the players were very talented but as a team they were nothing. They weren t working together at all, because they both had too much of an ego and did not want to work together. So the whole team was sent to football camp, but the point of this camp was to make them play as a team. Of course they went to improve their skills, but the main reason was to build a bond between the players. They headed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Privatization of Russian Industries For some, the privatization of Russian industry has been one of the great success stories of Russia s painful economic transition: quick, firm and radical action was taken to shift the great bulk of Russian industry out of state hands, thereby laying the basis for a radical restructuring of enterprises and improvements in their performance. Others see privatization as a best a failure, at worst a catastrophe. Not surprisingly those opposed to the market and economic reform as a whole share this view. But many commentators who see themselves as supporters of reform find plenty in Russian privatization to criticize: the process led to the transfer of ownership to inappropriate people and as a consequence no beneficial restructuring of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Collective ownership derives either from a natural alliance between managers and rank and file employees, probably based on Soviet traditions of paternalism and the ‘social contract , or from the need of managers to pander to workers who control a majority of voting rights at shareholder meetings. Although some observers might find a collective ownership outcome desirable, on the grounds that it provides for workplace democracy and high incentive work habits, reform oriented commentators generally find it a form of ownership likely to lead to the maintenance of excessively high levels of underemployed staff and an over concentration on consumption at the expense of investment. The management ownership outcome derives from the ability of management to totally dominate divided, demoralized or indifferent rank and file employees. The argument that they do so by bribing employees with promises of secure employment and the maintenance of social welfare provisions is essentially the same as that presented in the previous paragraph on collective ownership. However, there is an increasing awareness among commentators that any Soviet paternalism and coincidence of management worker interests that might have once existed have not survived the rigors of the transition and the self interest of managers. As A.S. Bim puts it: Given serious ‘positional differences between managers and other employees, it seemed reasonable as early as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Comparing Upton Sinclair s The Jungle And Capitalism The major issues Sinclair addressed in The Jungle are Capitalism. The explosive growth of American industry in the late nineteenth century caused a similar expansion in the work force. Working conditions in the new urban industrial zones were wretched, and a progressive reform movement soon grew out of the need to address the health and welfare of the American worker. In 1905, Upton Sinclair (1878 1968), a young socialist journalist and novelist, received a $500 advance to write a novel about abuses in the meat processing industry and spent seven weeks investigating the subject in Chicago. His novel, The Jungle (1906), shows the unsanitary and dangerous conditions in the plants, was an immediate best seller and incited President Roosevelt to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Essay about Farming The Tambopata Reserve Tambopata Peru is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions of Latin America. The area is home to undernourished children, lack of secure work and education. There is an imperative need not just for Tambopata, but all of Peru to increase its economy and enable the access of basic needs to its citizens. While the area of Tambopata has many arguments for its potential use, sustainable soybean cultivation is the best approach to improve Peruvian infrastructure, economy and future preservation of natural areas. There are many potential land uses for the Tambopata Reserve. One of which, that gains much environmentalist backing, is slash and burn agriculture. While this method of agriculture has long traditionally been employed and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the same study, 3.3 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions will be lessened by 2020 through sustainable soybean production. These methods allow for a reduction in overall costs due to decreased overhead in both machinery and herbicide applications (Green, 2010). Perhaps the greatest benefit of using conservation tillage soybean production over other potential land uses is the consecutive insurance of high yields in small areas. Due to these high yields per hectare, more land can be saved for the Tambopata Reserve and its inhabitants. Additionally, if soybeans that were raised within the reserve were taxed, money can come back into the park to aid in its prosperity and protection of the local soybean market. Many guidelines have been implemented in neighboring Brazil and Paraguay to ensure both economic growth and rainforest protection that could be implemented in Tambopata. If soybean production were undertaken in Tambopata, the crops would be raised under World Wildlife Federation and the Nature Conservancy s guidelines of Forest Friendly Soy (Schnoecker, 2007). This means that at least eighty percent of farmers land must be preserved as forest to make up for the twenty percent farmed. The World Wildlife Federation recently awarded Paraguay with the Leaders for a Living Planet award in recognition of their Zero Deforestation Law, which prohibits the conversion of forested to agricultural ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Ice Hockey Research Paper Hockey is a sport thats origins may be from Persia, Egypt or China, while archaeological evidence shows an early ball and stick game played in Greece in the 400s BCE. As civilization spread, so did the games. In 1872, a young man from Halifax, Nova Scotia named James Creighton moved to Montreal, bringing the sport of ice hockey with him bringing with him hockey sticks and skates. Which in turn a man named Lord Stanley created the first national hockey organization. In 1912 the very first professional hockey game. I ll present my information in chronological order with also talking about how and when hockey affected the country presented. Section B: Summary of Evidence WWI Claimed millions of lives around the world hockey players were among the one who lost their lives Many hockey teams were gutted due to the war Canada was still under British control so canadians had to fight in the war Hockey games still went on and new teams were created within the soldiers Units of the british forces still held exhibition games and some earned high profits Helped fire up the cause for women rights Also helped for the right for women to play hockey professionally Before the war women couldn t vote or own property War began and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many of the soldiers weren t sent overseas so this allowed them to stay at their jobs which was essential for Canada at the time. The only hockey team that wasn t 100% safe from war was the Toronto Maple Leafs. Thier coach Con Smyth was devoted to the military in canada. With the Canadiens hockey team staying home from the way they took their chance to take over the hockey league in the early 1940 s. Maurice Richard was added to the Canadiens hockey team which then made them a very strong team in whole. Maurice Richard is the first player in hockey history to reach the 500 goals record in a career. (WWII ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Netherland Political Analysis The History and Politics of the Netherlands A kingdom by the sea that is characterised by the roaring lion and the falling petals of a tulip bulb. A place once revolved around the trade of agricultural products such as fish and meat production that has become an industrial empire among its surrounding sister nations. Throughout time the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been somewhat of an isolationist country but nonetheless has managed to keep a prominent place with its own rich history, bustling economy and extensive political influences. With a history as rich as its signature dutch chocolate The Netherlands has been through many of its own struggles for identification as a country itself as well as in the protection of domestics from outside ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The stimulus programs and bank bailouts, however, resulted in a government budget deficit of 5.3% of GDP in 2010 that contrasted sharply with a surplus of 0.7% in 2008. The government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte has since implemented significant austerity measures to improve public finances and has instituted broad structural reforms in key policy areas, including the labor market, the housing sector, the energy market, and the pension system. Thus displaying to the world a country of prominence, wealth, business and relative economic security despite everything else that may be going on around it. Commonly today the integration of religion into politics is seen as a primitive form of rule. This concept of a separation of church and state being in conflict with early Dutch ideal. In fact there was such a deep connection between these two forms of human affiliation that certain laws were made that prohibited public worship of non majority religions such as catholicism and threatened federal punishment for non compliance. This being a norm for such medieval civilizations that revolved on particular things alike to monarchical rule and religious organization. In contrast to past instances the Netherlandish government now ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. My Style Of Writing, One Needs For First Think About A Lab... In order to best describe my style of writing, one needs to first think about a lab dissection. My portfolio is a collection of literary imperfections, but, more importantly, it is a good example of one writer s journey on refining himself and how he analyzes literature. The writings attached show how I got progressively more particular with my writing. Theses documents are good evidence of how my writing grew to become more in depth and challenging. I tend to take a literary work that I have either read or watched. I focus my writing on the process of scrutinizing the main character. More specifically, I center on their importance to the author and his ability to effectively represent his message. The first step in a dissection is to examine the species. This is where one gets familiar with what they are working on. In terms of how I write, this is where I tend to take the time to outline and focus specific points in the text that may be valuable to my paper. Formally called a pre write , this is when my paper is in its infantile stage of development. I do not focus on grammar or sentence structure. I am simply gathering ideas from my mind on to paper. Often times, the majority of what I write in this stage will get cut, but it is important that I pull out many different quotes or ideas that may begin to relate in some way. Even though this is a very informal stage of my paper, it is sometimes one of the most time consuming. I will write until I cannot think of anything ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Does Elevation Head of the Bed Reduce Risk Ventilator... Title: Does elevating the head of the bed reduce the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)? Introduction: According to Polit and Beck (2012,p.3) research is a systematic review inquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer a question or solve problems. The ultimate goal of research is to develop, improve and expand knowledge . Research in nursing can produce new knowledge into nursing practice, develop and improve methods of caring and trial the efficacy of care (Gerrish, K and Lacey A, 2007). However, research according to Hockey (1984) in the first edition of the book, research is an attempt to increase the sum of what is known, usually referred to as a body of knowledge by the discovery of new facts or relationships ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... F. Punch 2009). (incorrect citation) The research question is Does elevating the head of the bed reduce the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia? Search: There are many ways to search for evidence base practice. After a topic has been chosen and the question developed, the literature can be easy to search. Draft outline of the project before beginning to search. Latest information regarding the topic that was chosen available at the website. You may begin to search for literature via an internet search engine. How to access appropriate information from proper website? An early chore in carrying out an electronic search is to classify keywords to generate the search. From the lecture, the attending student was given access for the academic library of University of Huddersfield. The student needs to log in to portal plus via Internet access. Go for library services or summon and search for the article, type the key words into search column provided by the electronic base. For example the research topic is does elevating the head of the bed reduce the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia? The key words are ventilator associated pneumonia and head of bed elevation . You have to restrict the search by limiting a certain type of page for example only research reports; to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Black Belt Interview Essay Julie: Hello, and welcome to Black Belt Interviews which will be in Black Belt Magazine. I am Julie Smith and today we have special guest Ed Parker. Mr. Parker has created a style called Kenpo Karate which belongs to the American system. Mr. Parker is fondly called as Father of American Kenpo . It is very obvious that many people look up to Mr. Parker as a great martial artist. Today, we are here to ask him about his inspiration and reasons for creating this style of martial arts. Mr. Parker: Thank you Julie. I decided to create this style of martial arts because I have lately been noticing that the martial arts that were created many years ago, are not being adapted to the present world. I have lately been seeing many problems with this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, American Kenpo is now known internationally. How did Mr. Parker: You are correct in saying that when I first created American Kenpo, I was never seeking for it to become so popular. I did want to spread the word about Kenpo however, and I was able to do this by teaching many famous people such as Elvis Presley and Bruce Lee. Elvis and I are actually very close friends and he has always assisted me in making American Kenpo popular. With Elvis being such a famous musician, he often performed in front of an audience. Whenever he was performing, he played a guitar that had the Kenpo Karate patch on it. By doing so, many audience members consulted him about the patch and in doing so he led them to me. I was also the one who was able to get Bruce Lee into the acting world. Bruce and I met through one of my friends. From the second that Bruce showed me a couple of moves, it was obvious that he had the potential to be a great martial artist. Bruce also shared his desire to be an actor and asked for my assistance. I asked him to perform at the very first International Karate Championships and I videotaped him while he was performing. With his permission, I shared the video with a few directors who were searching for an action star. After Bruce s first onscreen performance, he became a big hit. Bruce and I are still very close friends and have several discussions about martial artists. Bruce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...