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Things To Write Persuasive Essays
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Things To Write Persuasive Essays On Things To Write Persuasive Essays On
Winchendon Natural Resources
Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife with permanent
protection as conservation lands. Harkness and DeMarco (2016) state that a historical review is an
effective way to assess a community. History states that Winchendon was settled in 1752 by the
Europeans, prior to this there is evidence, via early pathways, that the Native Americans where also
once in this area although no settlements were found or recorded (White, 2015). This was originally
the country of the Pennacook Indians then the Nipnet/Nipmuck tribe. The area was wilderness, which
the settles had to clear land, build homes and find a way to survive. Since the area was rich in
waterways this energy was harnessed and used in early gristmills ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The population is largely white 95%, with the medium age in 2013 was 42.8 years old compared to
the Commonwealth s medium age of 39.1 years old indicating a large percentage of older adults. The
population of the age group over age 65 increased by 32.8 percent a faster rate than the population of
the town. The next class of 55 64 year olds increased by more than 50 percent during that same time
frame indicating that the senior population will continue to grow for the next ten years according to
the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission. The population of children in the town is declining
with children under the age of 5 decreased by more than eighteen percent from 2000 2010, which may
indicate a decline in school enrollment in the future (Montachusett Regional Planning Commission,
2013). The medium household income was $61,937 less than statewide of $66,658. The median
household per capita income was $27,688, which is $8,000 less than the state average, with 26.6% of
persons in the poverty range. The male Median income is $22,171 with the female median income at
$18,178. Median housing value is $176,700 with total housing units 1,999 (2010 2014 American
Community Survey 5 Year Profiles). As the local manufacturing jobs continue to decline and local
jobs continue to be concentrated in the service sector it will become more
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The Importance Of JROTC Lessons In Providing A Service
What does it mean to serve someone? Serving someone means that you offered your own time to help
that person and you don t expect anything in return. The Bible tells us in Matthew 20:28 that Even as
the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. In other
words, Jesus came only to serve the people of the world and even died for us. I am going to describe
my role in providing a service to others, tell which JROTC lesson(s) helped me prepare for service to
others and how, and tell what I learned from my participation in service to others. When I was a LET
1, my grandmother was struggling with breast cancer. She needed a lot of help and support from me
and the rest of my family. She ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First, I learned that helping others is one of the best things that you can do. When you help people, it
makes them feel good and even feel some relief. Whenever I help someone, I always feel better
afterwards. At the end of the day, I feel like I can relax. Second, I learned that people really appreciate
it when you help them. My grandmother has been grateful to me ever since I started helping her by
doing basic chores around her house. Third, I learned that people will have a lot of respect for you.
They see that you took time out of your busy schedule to help them and they will not forget it. They
will also be able to trust you. It makes me feel like a better person if people trust me. Finally, I learned
that helping someone else can get your mind off of your own problems. If you did badly on a test, had
a death in the family, or you are just having a bad day for any reason, serving others will be a good
way to keep you from thinking about it. It would be like getting a good workout at the gym. JROTC is
a good program and it has helped me with being a leader and serving others. Its lesson, Leadership
Defined , was the most beneficial to me. It helped me help my grandmother when she needed support
from me and my family. I used the lesson s idea of purpose, direction, and motivation to get the help
of my younger brother and sister. The time spent helping my grandmother also helped me learn
several things
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The Power of the Media to Shape the Thoughts of the...
Thesis Statement Popular opinion credits media with great power to shape not only what the average
individual thinks about, but also how they think about those subjects. Recent research in the fields of
Political Science, Psychology, Economics, and Communications supports this opinion. Abstract
Popular opinion credits media with great power to shape not only what the average individual thinks
about, but also how they think about those subjects. This paper examines research in the fields of
Political Science, Psychology, Economics, and Communications to determine what, if any, effect
media has on American politics. An individual s perception of what is important is influenced by the
media through various methods. The more prominent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regardless of the methodology used, studies support the finding that the more prominent an issue is in
the media, the higher the perceived level of importance by the general public. Thus, the subtle
influence of public opinion toward a candidate or platform can be achieved by increased coverage of
topics where the candidate has succeeded (or failed). The candidate need not be directly named in the
coverage for the perception of their ability to be effected. Mention of a subject in the media on a daily
basis over a period of a month can be more powerful than one urgently worded message. Historical
Overview In the early 1900 s, scholars discounted the influence media had on an individual s political
choices as being minimal (Entman, 1989). The primary method for media contact during this time was
newspapers and magazines, and the presentation of news was primarily confined to clearly defined
presentation of fact or opinion. Technology was minimal, so the time between an event s occurrence
and the media s coverage reaching an individual could range from days to months, depending on
distance and available delivery methods. Over the years, communication techniques have become
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Example 5 Paragraph Essay College
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The document outlines a 5 step process for obtaining writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including registering for an account, submitting a request and paper details, reviewing bids from writers and selecting one, receiving and reviewing the completed paper, and having the option to request revisions to ensure satisfaction. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content and offers refunds if papers are plagiarized.

Equity and Imperfect Transfer
Legal writing and credit For a trust instrument to be valid and effective, it must be properly
constituted. For a trust to be deemed as completely constituted, all of the relevant formalities must
have been satisfied by the settlor, hence the legal title of the property must transfer to the trustees. The
reason for a conveyance of property to the hands of trustee is explained in Milroy v Lord (1862) by
Turner L.J. is that a valid and effectual voluntary settlement will exist, when the settlor have done
everything which was necessary according to the nature of property comprised in the settlement,
which is to transfer that particular property to the trustee. This requirement of constitution of trust is
clear and straightforward, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A harsh decision would been seen in the case of Re Fry (1946), as the donor in this case had
completed necessary forms and returned them. He also applied for the necessary consent which
required by the Defence Regulation (Amendments No.2) SI 1939/1620, but the consent was not given
before his untimely demise. Romer J. did not upheld the trust because the donor has not done
everything that is necessary for the transfer of the title. As Romer J. stated that if the donor had been
asked for further details, he is not compelled to proceed with the transfer, he have the choice to refuse
as he obtain more details about the transfer of share.The law had been very clear with regards to
imperfect gifts or incompletely constituted trust, as some judges even decided harshly to comply with
the maxim and general rule. However there are judges that came out with different rule to curb such
harsh decision and strict principle, this is known as the every effort rule . The every effort rule which
was established in the case of Re Rose [1952] explained by Rimer L.J in Zeital v Kaye [2010] that
once a donor has done all in his own power to transfer the shares, he will be regarded as holding the
legal title to them upon trust for the donee, who will thereupon become their beneficial owner . This
rule will not render the gift or trust failed
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February 1917 Dbq Analysis
In the twentieth century many Europeans liked the idea of having a totalitarian government. The
people in Europe found this to be somewhat comforting. They knew that things would be okay if
everything was controlled. Part of this was the idea all for one and one for all . For this to work out,
there were things that had to be contributed to the governments. There were economic, social, and
political conditions that helped to transition from the current government that they were using to the
totalitarian government. In March 1917, there was a Revolution in Russia that started to change things
in Europe. Tsar Nicholas had left power at this time, and Prince Lvov took over. Kerensky was the one
who lead the revolutionary party. He was the person who was looking out for ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Kerensky was fighting for the farmers and the people who lived in the country to have more rights
than they had. By Kerensky fighting for the working class people, it could be considered to go along
with the economic conditions. Document 26 talks about the economic conditions in Russia. On page
one of document 26 it states that in 1902, Lenin said that we said that there could not yet be social
democratic consciousness among the workers . By this thought, it might have started a fire in the
workers eyes. The workers were willing to fight back against the bosses in order to get what they
deserved. In this document, it says that Social Democracy has more political struggles that are
extremely intense than what the working class has to deal with. Social Democracy definitely had some
political struggles, but to say that they had more extreme struggles than the working class might be an
exaggeration. The working class had to deal with the bosses not caring about them, long hours and
getting paid little to nothing. It would be much easier for this class to have some kind of power if the
country they were in had a backwards economy. For example, in Paris the
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Was Muhammad Ali A Hero
Muhammad Ali is our hero because he was the biggest boxing legend, the face, voice, and heart of the
anti war movement. On January 17, 1942 a legend was born... And his name was Muhammad Ali. He
never gave up in what he believed in. Even when times were tough for him and his family and how
others treated him. But his fierce and headstrong personality shaped him into the man he became, a
hero for many.
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., (as Muhammad Ali was once known), grew up in a time when people of
color were in the servant classes in Louisville ( Where Muhammad Ali grew up). But when
Muhammad turned 12, his bike got stolen, leading up to where his boxing career got started.
Nevertheless Muhammad was beyond outraged. In his own words he was going to whip the robber but
Joe Martin the police officer, that was there at the time suggested he do boxing first... After taking up
boxing from the tutelage of Joe Martin, he advanced through the amateur ranks, won a gold medal at
the age of eighteen at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. And turned professional under the guidance of the
Louisville Sponsoring Group ( Hauser). Conversely, throughout ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A hero is not someone with superpowers from a comic book. They are someone who is brave and not
selfish.They also put themselves in front of other people to either keep them safe or to stand up for
them. Muhammad Ali is a hero because he stood up for people during the Vietnam war. He took over
college campus and talked to the many people there about the war. He also is a hero because he is
brave. He was brave because he went in the boxing ring and got kicked/punched many times, but most
of the time he won the matches, standing his ground on the rink and not giving up. Ali was also not
selfish. He wasn t because he was very kind to many people, and cared about their safety and well
being. Muhammad Ali was a hero because he was brave not selfish and stood up for himself and many
others. Now that s why Muhammad Ali is a
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Abercrombie And Fitch And The Great Depression
Nevertheless, the Great Depression was not all bad. In 1938 Abercrombie and Fitch founded golf and
shooting school in the store. In 1939, Abercrombie and Fitch was calling itself The Greatest Sporting
Goods Store in the World. It bragged the world s biggest and most profitable accumulation of guns
and the vastest combination of angling flies reachable anyplace (15,000 on the whole) to go with its
variety of bars, reels, and other fishing supplies tackle. Riders, canine fanciers, skiers, and bowmen all
discovered each possible sort of rigging. Firearms and outdoors and angling gear represented 30
percent of the New York store s business volume in 1938. Offers of garments, shoes, and decorations
represented 45 percent. Stock close by was esteemed
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Here are the answers to the Hardy-Weinberg questions: 1. a) 0.25 b) 0.5 2. a) 0.16 b) 0.84 3. T = 0.72 4. a) 0.84 b) 0.16 The Hardy-Weinberg conditions are: 1. No mutations - Genetic variation only occurs through random mating. Mutation does not occur. 2. No migration - No individuals enter or leave the population. 3. No genetic drift - Population is large enough that random changes in allele frequencies are negligible. 4. Random mating - Mating between individuals is random with

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The document discusses how the Puritans influenced society through their ideals and values. Politically, the Puritans introduced the idea of representative government, giving voice to white male church members, laying foundations for modern democracy. Economically, the Puritans believed piety and good works led to prosperity. Socially, the Puritans strongly impacted religion and education. Their ideals shaped New England's development from 1630 to 1660 in politics, economics, and society.

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The document provides instructions for requesting an assignment to be written by the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The process aims to ensure high-quality, original content through a competitive bidding system and refund policy.

Taking a Look at Viacom
Viacom President CEO Philippe Dauman The President and CEO for Viacom is Philippe Dauman. He
has been the head of the company since September 5, 2006 has been on the Board of Directors since
January 1, 2006. From May 2000 until September 2006, Dauman co founded and was Co Chairman
and CEO of DND Capital Partners, LLC. Prior to him becoming Viacom s President CEO, he has had
several roles at Viacom such as being Deputy Chairman and Executive Vice President of Viacom Inc.
When he started as CEO, the company he inherited was plagued by bloated costs, and about to enter a
global recession (Norton). He was able to cut costs by cutting theatrical releases and focusing more on
creating sequels to successful movies. He also started to meet with the division leaders at Viacom once
a week and junior staff members once a month to advise them and try solve any problems that their
teams had. http://www.viacom.com/about/pages/seniormanagement.aspx#
http://online.barrons.com/news/articles/SB50001424053111903698104579473463760113566 COO
Thomas E. Dooley Thomas E. Dooley currently serves as Viacom s Chief Operating Officer. He has
been the COO of the company since May 2010. Prior to becoming COO, he was the CFO for Viacom
since January 1, 2007 and joined the Board of Directors on January 1, 2006. Dooley, like Dauman,
was also the co founder and Co Chairman and CEO of DND Capital Partners, LLC. Dooley first
joined viacom in 1980, since then he held various positions
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Finding Vivian Maier Analysis
In the photograph is herself in the way fo glass reflection when she was in new York City. It could be
said that her works were influenced by Lisette Model, a photographer in that era. There are many
photographs of Maier and Model that have the similar style, such as the self portrait using of glass
reflection and a close up of people photograph. However, I believe that maybe they have some
common lifestyle or vision. I watched Finding Vivian Maier , which makes me know that Maier was
scared of men, she always told the children to get away from men on the street. Also, when Model was
a child, she was sexually molested by her father, a medical doctor and military man. These
informations makes me believe that both of them might experienced the same situation and ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This might be the reason that had a big influence on her work and the way she took a photograph. It
shows in the photograph that the half of its darker than the rest, which makes me clearly understand
her feels from inside. She might get a feeling of losing a part of her life and became an isolated.
However, on the right side of the image is bright, which provides an idea of her life. It could be said
that even though she had no one to love, she still enjoying her life and proud of herself. The other idea
that I discovered in shadow and only half revealed is she might had dark personallity, who was
negatively thinking obsessed. I really like how Maier employed contrast as a compositional element in
this work. She uses black and white as a pictorial device to create a contrast in the work. As the lady in
the background is very bright, whereas the left side of Maier is very dark. She took this photograph at
a low level, which is not a critical aspect of the work. Also, using the shallow depth of field provides
the audience to concentrated on her, not the
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Summary Of The Book Hi ! My Name s Ratha
Hi! My name s Ratha. For my independent novel project, I chose the book Life of Pi , written by Yann
Life of Pi is about an Indian teenager named Piscine Molitor Patel. He was named after a French
swimming pool, and he changes his name to Pi after everyone started to call him Pissing . His father is
a zoo owner, and his family lives in Pondicherry, a French colony on India s eastern coast. Pi s dad
decides to leave India and move his entire zoo to Canada, crossing the Pacific ocean on a Japanese
cargo ship named the Tsumtsum.
In a severe storm the Tsimtsum sinks. The cause of the sinking is unknown. Pi is the only human
survivor, and he s stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Pi tries to tame
Richard Parker,
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Variable Cost and Large Vessel
Advanced Topics in Management Accounting and Control
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the economic situation of the company Macedonian Shipping
and give a recommendation whether the company should use the motor vessel Tashtego as a freight
tender beween Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar in East Africa or as a tapioca ship between Balik Papan
and Singapore in the East Indies.
Fundamental to all these considerations are measurement issues. Financial measures, in particular,
cost measures, are needed to evaluate alternate strategies on whether to introduce a new product or
service line, to determine the appropriate sale price and the consequent market position for the firm s
Question 1)
Contribution ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As only ships exceeding 8000 tons burden were to be assessed $ 2.000 no costs for Special
Assessment for Tashtego have to be considered.
Summarizing these figures we get the total trip costs for a roundtrip for each vessel.
Adding the bunkering costs (fuel costs) which are ($ 0,73*960 miles)= 700,80 and ($ 1,27*960
miles)= 1219,20 we get the Incremental trip costs for one roundtrip for the Tashtego and for a large
3. Incremental trip costs of a roundtrip | | |
TASHTEGO | | | |
| BP SP Tapioca | SP BP goods | Roundtrip |
Trip costs | | | |
Portage dues/ton/day in port | 0,14 | 0,20 | |
Portage dues | 1.575,00 | 900,00 | 2.475,00 |
Lighthouse | 73,00 | 126,00 | 199,00 |
Special Assessment | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,00 |
| 1.648,00 | 1.026,00 | 2.674,00 | fuel costs/mile | | | 0,73 |
Seamiles for round trip | | | 960,00 | fuel costs | | | 700,80 |
| | | |
Incremental trip costs Tashtego | | | 3.374,80 |
| BP SP Tapioca | SP BP goods | Roundtrip |

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The film Gangs of New York highlighted two rival gangs, the Natives and Dead Rabbits, who fought for power in Five Points during the Civil War era. The gangs exemplified aspects of social stratification described by Max Weber, including class, status, and power. The Natives were the established gang made up of native-born Americans, while the Dead Rabbits were newcomers comprised of Irish immigrants. Their rivalry represented conflicts that arise from differences in social class, status, and affiliations.

Trip costs | | | |
Portage dues/ton/day in port | 0,14 | 0,20 | |
Portage dues | 5.250,00 | 5.000,00 | 10.250,00 |
Lighthouse | 73,00 | 252,00 | 325,00 |
Special Assessment | 2.000,00 | 0,00 | 2.000,00 |
| 7.323,00 | 5.252,00 | 12.575,00 | fuel costs/mile | 1,27 | round trip | 960 | fuel costs | 1.219,20 |
| |
Incremental trip costs Large Vessel | 13.794,20 |
Question 4)
With the above calculated revenue, trip
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George Herbert s Metaphysical Poetry
Metaphysical poetry comes into being as a kind of rebellion against the precedent of Golden Poetry.
Not only is it extremely difficult to define metaphysical poetry, but difficult to decide what poets
practise it and in which of their verses (Eliot.)
If we try to define the Metaphysical Poetry we can say that it is poetry that moves from the image to
the conceit, from the visual to beyond the visual. George Herbert was among a group of poets together
with John Donne, Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley and more, who were considered metaphysical
poets. It is difficult to find any precise use of metaphor, simile, or other conceit, which is common to
all the poets and at the same time important enough as an element of style to isolate these poets as a
group (Eliot.) It is to be observed that the language of these poets is as a rule simple and pure; in the
verse of George Herbert this simplicity is carried as far as it can go a simplicity emulated without
success by numerous modern poets. The structure of the sentences, on ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
We can see that same unorthodox usage of a banal concept such as love in another Metaphisical poet:
John Donne. Donne in his poems also uses very unconventional ways to describe love, and also was
criticized by Jonson for his unconventional method. In his poem A Valediction Forbidding Mourning ,
he uses ideas from the world of mathematics and geography (a compass) in order to describe the two
lovers. For Jonson it is a combination of dissimilar images, the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by
violence together. Namely, he sees no connection between compasses and lovers. Herbert, in his
poems, uses this simple idea of love and transcends it into something
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Representation of Women and Femininity in She and Arabian...
She written by H Rider Haggard is a novel about two men, Holly and his adoptive son, Leo set out to
search for a mysterious queen, Ayesha who killed her lover, Kallikrates. After finding the queen, both
of them hopelessly fall in love with her and remain in her control not until she dies. Her beauty is
legendary that no man can look up upon her and keep his own will. Arabian Nights is a collection of
Arabic short story told by a woman, Shahrazad who willingly to marry her lustful King. The King
marries a virgin woman every night and kills them the next day because he is once being cheated by
his late wife but not until he is married to Shahrazad. Her generous nature to save other women in the
kingdom that motivates her to the marriage. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The similarity between them is they are the causes of the male character s downfall. In She, Ayesha is
a threatening figure that harms male bonds which is between Holly and Leo. Both of them cannot
resist Ayesha s charms. Holly admits that Leo would be his rival. Their brotherly bond in She is
broken as they are competing with one another to get Ayesha and they forget about their friend
relationships. Holly leaves Leo to spend time with Ayesha when Leo has a fever. After he recovers
from her spell, he finds Leo and said [h]ow I cursed my selfishness and the folly that had kept me
lingering by Ayesha s side while my dear boy lay dying! Alas and alas! How easily the best of us are
lighted down to evil by [women] (185). This shows that a woman can become the causes for men to
have a fight because they are competing to win the female. However, in Arabian Nights, Shahrazad
who is a slave but become a hero at the end of the story as she managed to win the heart of her
husband. Shahrazad is brave enough to offer herself to get married with the Sultan even she knows she
might be killed after the marriage as her father, a vizier who is in charge of finding a new wife for the
Sultan has told her earlier. Shahrazad explains to her father about the marriage that I may either
succeed in saving people or perish and die like the rest (43). This shows that even her father could not
stop her from
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Essay about The Future of Cyborgs
The Future of Cyborgs
Terminator and Bladerunner, portrayed cyborgs or cybernetic organisms as creatures of destruction.
Are they really as horrible as the movies make them out to be? They can be more useful than
perceived; it is necessary to first perfect the technology involved in creating and operating them. In
this paper, I will describe how these cyborgs work and how they are portrayed in the movies.
Furthermore, I will explain the helpful ways that they are expected to perform in the future.
Cyborgs are a very complex creation of the future. The general concept is that they cannot be
recognized as non humans. Although it has a programmed mission, this unit thinks and reacts on its
own. The understructure is made of a very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the following scenes, you can see the complex design and circuitry of the cyborg. He is then blown
into many pieces, but still his intact torso claws its way toward its target. Finally, he is destroyed by a
metal stamp, which crushes him. This perseverance shows that cyborgs are very strong, nearly
indestructible creations.
In the movie Bladerunner, the cyborgs were less distinguishable from humans. The cyborgs in this
movie were referred to as replicants. They represented a computer mind implanted into a human body.
They were created to be slaves in the New World. They were designed to live only four years in
length. This was all before there was an uprising and many of them escaped. Those who did not
escape were kept under tight surveillance and lived out their four years. The others that escaped were
hunted down by the bladerunners. The reason the replicants were such a threat is that their life span
was only four years.
They plundered and killed to try to get an extension on their life. They performed all this horrible
actions in vain because there was no way to extend their life. When caught, they were retired, which
was what their execution was called. The Replicants were extremely difficult to recognize. They had
to be put through a series of tests and questions to determine if they were replicants. The key to
recognition was in the eyes. As you can see by their portrayal in these two movies, cyborgs were evil
creatures that were nearly
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A Film Review
A Film ReviewA Film Review
A Film Review

The document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Choose a writer based on their bid, qualifications, history, and feedback. Place a deposit to start. 4. Review the paper and authorize full payment if satisfied, or request free revisions.

Funny Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas. Online assignment writing service.
Funny Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas. Online assignment writing service.Funny Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas. Online assignment writing service.
Funny Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas. Online assignment writing service.

This document provides instructions for requesting and receiving help with an assignment from the website HelpWriting.net. There are 5 steps: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism. The website aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.

Is Essay A Bad Word In Spanish
Is Essay A Bad Word In SpanishIs Essay A Bad Word In Spanish
Is Essay A Bad Word In Spanish

The document provides instructions for requesting and obtaining writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure needs are fully met. The website promises original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

Dwight D. Eisenhower and Civil Rights Act Essay
Cold War
United Nations
Chiang Kai Shek
Mao Zedong
China Lobby
Containment Doctrine
George Kennan
Marshall Plan
National Security Act of 1947
Central Intelligence Agency
Berlin Airlift
Warsaw Pact
NSC 68
Servicemen s Readjustment Act 1944 GI Bill
Coal Strike 1946
Fair Deal
Labor Management Relations Act 1947
Progressive Party
Thomas Dewey
Korean War
Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur
The Hollywood 10
Alger Hiss
Whittaker Chambers
Richard Nixon
J. Edgar Hoover
Klaus Fuchs
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Joseph McCarthy
Red Scare
Adlai Stevenson
Dwight D. Eisenhower
National Defense Education Act
John Foster Dulles
Massive Retaliation
Shah of Iran Gammel Abdel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Apply this statement to the following periods: 1870 1915 1915 1935 1935 1950
Analyze the influence of the following on American Soviet relations in the decade following the
Second World War: Yalta Conference Communist Revolution in China Korean War McCarthyism
How do you account for the appeal of McCarthyism in the United States in the era following the
Second World War?
To what extent did the decade of the 1950s deserve its reputation as an age of political, social, and
cultural conformity?
What accounted for the growth between 1940 and 1965 of popular and governmental concern for the
position of blacks in American society?
There are people who suggest that President Eisenhower was cautious in . . . international affairs.
Assess the validity of this statement in regard to policies toward Korea, Vietnam, the Suez Crisis, Iran,
Israel, and the Soviet Union.
Reform movements of the twentieth century have shown continuity in their goals and
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2007-2008 Financial Crisis
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007 2008
The Global Financial Crisis 2007 2008 Economists and scholars spend years dissecting financial
markets and evaluating the causes of booms and busts. Throughout United States history there have
been multiple economic booms that were underestimated and followed by recessions. In the situation
of the 2007 2008 global financial crisis many culprits have been identified as causes, such as loose
monetary policy, credit booms, deregulation, over complexity, and greed. Since the economic boom
was solely dependent on weak policies and misconceptions, this leads me to believe prevention was
possible with adequate regulatory policy, risk assessment and clarifications for commercial banks.
Monetary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Generally homeowners were required to meet certain qualifications in order to borrow funds for
mortgages, also known as prime mortgages. Since the prime mortgage market had receded, lenders
were encouraged to lower their requirements for lending and began to allow subprime mortgages.
These less responsible homeowners began to default on their mortgages, which turned investment
bankers stream of mortgage payments into empty houses. Increases in foreclosures raise the supply of
available houses, which lowers the fair market values of houses. The prime mortgage homeowners
were left with houses that were highly devalued relative to their mortgages and began to abandon their
mortgage obligations. Mortgage lenders, investment bankers, and outside investors froze their
activities, as they faced possible bankruptcy.
Regulatory/Supervisory Inadequacies Deregulation is believed to be the underlying cause of all
economic downturns, as its scope of responsibility reaches all markets. In the 1930s the United States
experienced a bank crisis that sparked a widespread distrust in the banking system and people
withdrew their money from the depository institutions overnight. The sudden retraction of the money
supply from the economy caused many banks to close and the economy to suffer. The Banking Act of
1933, also known as the Glass Steagall Act, was created to insure depositors
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The Skippers In The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in a collection of 24 stories while on a pilgrimage to
visit the relics of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. The purpose behind this pilgrimage is
for the pilgrims to visit the shrine to seek forgiveness for their sins. Due to the long trip, the host made
a deal with everyone to tell two stories on the way and back from Canterbury and whoever tells the
best one receives a paid for meal. Each character telling their stories gives away bits of information
and a visual idea of who they really are. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer uses detail, point of view,
and descriptive language to portray the Pardoner and Summoner to be worse than the Skipper.
The Skipper begins to tell his tale by bringing light to his past and the battles he has fought in using
details. Chaucer wrote, When he fought, the enemy vessel sank, he sent his prisoners home. (409) to
give a visual of the Skippers performance in battle. In this quote Chaucer portrays the skipper as a
pirate but merciful to the people who has already defeated and and took from. He was confident
throughout his battle, never letting up until he felt like the overall goal was met. Another example
describes his demeanor and how he presents himself, Hardy he was, prudent in undertaking. (415)
during the time of his battles. In this quote Chaucer uses detail to characterize the Skipper as confident
and cautious about every move he made on and off the battlefield. It was
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This document provides instructions for writing a methodology section of a research paper. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account and provide registration information. 2) Complete a form with paper instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, knowing plagiarized work will result in a refund.

Addison Essays On The Imagination. Online assignment writing service.
Addison Essays On The Imagination. Online assignment writing service.Addison Essays On The Imagination. Online assignment writing service.
Addison Essays On The Imagination. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized content.

A Synthesis Apa Paper Example Synthesis Matri
A Synthesis Apa Paper Example  Synthesis MatriA Synthesis Apa Paper Example  Synthesis Matri
A Synthesis Apa Paper Example Synthesis Matri

The document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed, with refunds offered for plagiarized work. Customers can request assistance with confidence through this process.

Hamlet Twelfth Night
William Shakespeare s plays Hamlet and Twelfth Night are completely opposite plays. However, there
are many connections that can be made between the two. Seeing as Hamlet is a dark tragedy and
Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy, both seem to have romantic twists to them developed by the
hindering of the truth of one s appearance. These are shown through major themes, such as deceit
through disguises, complex love triangles, and varying opinions of marriage.
In the play Twelfth Night Shakespeare uses disguise as a major theme. This is partially what makes
the play a comedy but also creates the ties to Hamlet . In the beginning of Hamlet the main character
himself makes everyone believe he is mad to try to get the truth out of his uncle of why is father died.
Many of the other characters in this play pretend to be good natured and caring toward Hamlet, when
in all reality they were unjust and self absorbed. In Twelfth Night, many of the characters disguise
themselves as someone else, such as Viola pretending to be Cesario. Olivia falls in love with Cesario .
Feste and Malvolio disguise themselves as two completely different people than the people they ...
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In Twelfth Night, the main love triangle occurs between the main character Viola, Olivia, and Orsino.
The play begins with Orsino already being in love with Viola, who then follows Olivia falling in love
with Viola, who is dressed as Cesario and in love with Orsino. The love triangle is solved when Viola
s twin brother Sebastian arrives. Olivia marries Sebastian, thinking him to be Viola. Thus leaving
Orsino without a love interest and to find out that Viola is a woman. He decides to marry her when he
finds out. The love triangle in Hamlet, or rather sexual tension, is underlying between mother and son.
A great deal of jealousy is also present between Hamlet and Claudius in pursuit of Gertrude s
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Integration Of Engineers And Military History
Name: Josue Forgue (SSG) Institution: SLC Class 004 14 Introduction
The US military is a national force that is tasked with the duty of protecting the federal state from
attacks from external forces. In this respect, the military is obliged to use some special scientific skills.
This sees to it that the military combating is done with convenience and effectiveness. In this regard,
the military was compelled to integrate engineers in its operations throughout its long history
(Arkesian, Connor Sarkesian, 2006).
The military history s integration of engineers dates back to the year 1775 when the continental
government established the first Army Corps. This was essentially an Army ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The academy was stationed at West Point in New York State. It became the only and then the major
school of engineering in the US. The Corps of Engineers were tasked with duties such as the
improvement of navigation on the Mississippi river (Arkesian, Connor Sarkesian, 2006).
The US military integrated topographical engineers. At around the year 1838, they were used for the
sake of mainstreaming civil works. They took up the task of mapping as well as the design and the
fortification of the coastal routes. The engineers also took up the task of surveying the lakes of the US
in the North and the North West. These engineers saw to it that the topography of the nation was
effectively mainstreamed in accordance to the requirements of the federal government (American
Society of Naval Engineers Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2006).
During the civil war, the engineering element that had been integrated into the military in the US
played a very key role. The military carried out many missions during this time and the central nerve
to these missions was the engineers. They undertook tasks like the construction of bridges, forts,
batteries, the entrenchment into fortified enemy territory, and the demolition of the supply chain of the
enemy. It is in this respect that the military was able to keep the enemies at bay. They were able to go
over running torrents of rivers and entered into the
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Niccolo Paganini s The Piano And The Mandolin By The...
Niccolo Paganini was born in Genoa,Italy on October 27th, 1782. As a young boy, he was taught to
play the violin and the mandolin by the elder Paganini, which played the mandolin and gained profit
from doing so. As he grew up, he was somewhat of a prodigy. He displayed fascinating music talent
and was also taught by the best teachers in Genoa. Given his talent with the violin, he could ve
became an inspiration. He was widely known because he was a travelling performer. Niccolo s
reputation was raised due to a concert within Europe.
Not only did Niccolo play the violin, he also played many other instruments. Niccolo faced many
illnesses, which later caused the death and health decline of Niccolo. Niccolo s first break was a
concert at La Scala in Milan. This concert was a success. From this, he attracted many other musicians
within Europe. Some of Niccolo s teachers in which are Ferdinando Paer and Gasparo Giretti, both
had an influence on Niccolo. Although Niccolo s school is unknown, he took violin classes under
famous violinists. Niccolo s skill with the violin earned him many scholarships.
Niccolo s parents were Antonio and Teresa Paganini. His non legalized relationship was with Antonia
Bianchi. She bore a son and his name was Achilles Cyrus Alexander. In 1805, Lucca was invaded by
the Napoleonic French. From there the region was given to Napoleon s sister, Elisa Baciocchi. Niccolo
became a violinist in Baciocchi court. Niccolo was affected by many syndromes and
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Examples Of Gothic Elements In Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is a romantic/gothic novel which was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym
″Ellis Bell . It was originally written by Emily Bronte who died the same year at the age of thirty.
Emily Bronte was born on 30 July 1818 in the village of Thornton, West Riding of Yorkshire, in
Northern England, to Maria Branwell and an Irish father, Patrick Bronte. She was the younger sister of
Charlotte Bronte and the fifth of six children, though the two oldest girls, Maria and Elizabeth, died in
childhood of tuberculosis. In 1820, shortly after the birth of Emily s younger sister Anne, the family
moved eight miles away to Haworth, where Patrick was employed as perpetual curate; here the
children developed their literary talents. Wuthering ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The genre further continued to become popular throughout the romantic period and its characteristics
were adopted into various modes of literature, including, Wuthering Heights. It is a tale of tragic love
and all consuming passion, these romantic themes and a sense of horror and the supernatural combine
to make Wuthering Heights a Gothic novel. Quintessential elements of Gothic fiction include the
above mentioned themes as well as grotesque imagery, dark and foreboding mansions and landscapes,
chaos, pain and doomed love, all themes present in Bronte s work. Gothic elements are used by Bronte
in allowing the novel to transcend the binds of the merely romantic. She uses the Gothic style to evoke
terror and fear.
The Gothic atmosphere is frequently transmitted through the setting of an antiquated or seemingly
antiquated space, such as castles or mansions in faraway countries, and through raging storms, dark
nights, tyranny, incarceration, and torture (Morris 301). When considering the abovementioned criteria
for a narrative to be categorized as being a Gothic, there can be no doubt that Emily Bronte s story of
the self contained world of Wuthering Heights, indeed, is a Gothic
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Here are the key points about stigma and disidentifiers from the passage: - There are three main categories of stigma: physical disfigurements, individual character flaws, and membership in a tainted social group. - Tainted social groups include those defined by race, ethnicity, religion, health conditions (like STDs), behaviors (like teenage pregnancy), and disabilities. - Individuals with stigmatized identities fall into two groups - the "discreditable" and the "discredited". - Discreditable individuals can potentially conceal their stigmatized attribute, while discredited individuals have a visible or known stigma that can't be concealed. So in summary, the passage discusses the different types and

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The Best Colleges That DonT Require Supplemental Ess

This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction. The service uses a bidding system and promises original, high-quality content or a full refund.

3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.
3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.
3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses reasons for the rapid spread of Islam following its founding in 610 CE. It analyzes three potential factors: military conquest, trade routes, and treaties/taxes/tolerations. Trade routes may have been the most important factor, as they connected the Arabian Peninsula to Asia and northern regions, making the spread of Islamic ideas along lucrative caravan routes highly effective. Treaties like the one between Spain and Muslims in 713 CE also promoted the spread by allowing coexistence when certain conditions were met. The document examines evidence from the time period to understand the factors that enabled Islam to disseminate widely in its early centuries.

Brave New World Literary Devices
In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930 s
to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence,
segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his
society looks like during the 1930 s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal
to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those
devices are simile, details, metaphor...
One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the literary
devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to Lenina
and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. Lenina liked the drums. Shutting
her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness
more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one deep pulse of
sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford s Day
celebrations. Orgy porgy, she whispered to herself.
These drums beat out just the same rhythms (107 8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and what
she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over and over it
reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today s
Sawyer 2
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Essay On Asian Americans
Asian Americans Asian Americans are a diverse group of people who are among the fastest growing
minority groups in the United States. Despite their minority status, they often surpass Whites in
America and do so while holding on to their cultural values regarding family, education, and success.
Cultural Values Toward Education The Asian group has strong standards regarding academic success.
The United States Census Bureau reported that the percentage of Asian Americans to possess a
bachelor s degree or higher increased by 54% which shows a significant increase within the past 20
years (United States Census Bureau, 2016). Throughout much of Asia, children are taught at an early
age to believe that education is the only path to success. While they are a distinct minority, their
indicators of success in terms of education and future income occur because of the unique style of
parenting which is based on the belief of the philosopher Confucius. Within their culture, they are
taught to work on self perfection which will help them achieve self improvement in qualities such as
diligence, determination, and concentration (Seal, 2010). Parents, family members, and their
community assume the responsibility for teaching and disciplining children. Furthermore, they instill
the belief that a child s achievement or lack thereof is a direct reflection on the efforts of the entire
family and community (Chen Uttal, 1988). These types of demands coupled with academic
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Restorative Justice And The Justice Centres
Restorative Justice(RJ) is a process in by which it takes an alternative form from the traditional CJS
and aims to prompt resolution with offender, victims and the wider community in a safe setting. RJ
looks at crime in terms of violation against the community and individual rather than a violation
against the law (Gabbay, 2005). As with the traditional CJS, the voices of the victims and offenders
are very minimal and not adequately addressed to a large extent; restorative justice centres its main
attention on these parties. Since the adoption of RJ practices, there have been different types of RJ
created by various different countries that have also resorted to this practice, such as Family Group
Conferencing (NZ and Australia) and Sentencing Circles (Canada) and victim offender mediation.
Since, one of the main stakeholders of these conferences are victims, it is vital that their needs and
wants are being heard and met and victim satisfaction is also one of the key restorative values in these
conferences, thus it is important know whether their needs are being adequately met. This essay will
critically discuss the principle of restorative justice, how restorative justice effectively addresses the
concerns of victims using examples illustrated from Canada and New Zealand and the limitations of
RJ in certain crime cases in addressing victim concerns. . The concerns will be based on the different
proponents of RJ and the overall satisfaction that arises for victims out
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Human Resources Management ( Hrm )
Human Resources Management (HRM) is people who work in an organization. The manager is a
person who manages people, leads, facilitates and provide tools for the organization. HRM sets
strategic processes and procedures, run difficult and complex communication as the organization
attracts the best talents from the recruiting process. Human resources management is where everything
begins and ends for an individual and the organization. Meaning, it s where total processes are created
for the organization and the individual, such as; planning, forecasting, compensation, benefits,
diversity, salary, decisions, ethics, records, right protection, leadership, development, and the list is
endless. In view of the fact that everything starts with HRM, it faces many challenges for the
organization and the individual. Therefore, excellent communication skills are essential.
Communication is everything. It s the number one driver in the process of planning a successful
organization. Managers from top to bottom must be able to communicate, listen and comprehend in
order to be effective in delivering the goals and mission of the organization. Chester Barnard
identified seven must do communication skills in order to keep the lines of communication open and
they are: a definite formal channel of communication to every member of an organization; the line of
communication should be as direct and short as possible; the complete formal line of communication
should normally be
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6Th Grade Informative Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.6Th Grade Informative Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.
6Th Grade Informative Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.

The document outlines a 6 step process for obtaining writing help from HelpWriting.net, including registering for an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing bids from writers before choosing one and placing a deposit to start the assignment. It notes that customers can request revisions until satisfied and will receive a full refund if the paper is plagiarized. The process aims to ensure high quality, original content that fully meets customers' needs.

5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets

This document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It describes the 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers and provide original, high-quality content through revisions.

5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses strategies for finding a mate, noting that men and women both seek out partners with desirable traits but that their preferences often differ, with men tending to value youth and physical attractiveness more while women seek partners with resources and status. It outlines David Buss's research into what characteristics each sex seeks in a partner and how their mating strategies and preferences have evolved. Overall, the strategies discussed aim to explain how evolutionary pressures have shaped what men and women look for in potential mates.

Arabian Economic Advantages And Disadvantages
After rapid growth in the international debt of developing countries in the 1970s and the increasing
incidence of scheduling back debt in the early 1980s, the risk of countries reflecting the ability and
willingness of a country to financial services has been a topic of concern for the international world
(Cosset and Roy, 1991).
As well as significant events that occurred on September 11, 2001, the associated risks in international
relations has increased substantially, and it becomes more difficult to be analyzed and predicted for
decision makers in the fields of Economics, finance and politics. International investors are also aware
that the globalization of world trade and capital market openness poses a risk that could cause the
financial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, in a country naturally has advantages and disadvantages. In a country that is strong in
economics may have a weakness in political or social fields. This is the one that causes a country still
has risks although is included in a State that has a stable economy.
One example is the case in the Arabian peninsula, the Levant. The Arabian peninsula is the name of a
giant peninsula in Western Asia that has the form resembles the boots. the continental climate is hot is
known as one of the more prosperous cities in the world thanks to the existing oil reserves beneath it.
However, not all the residents of the Arabian peninsula has a prosperous people. Yemen located in the
heel of the peninsula is an example of a country that is not lucky, because in addition to having only
meager oil reserves, Yemen must also wrestle with the war tearing his territory.
The factor ethnicity was a factor in the Arabian peninsula that also affect why conflict there lasts
incessant from past to present.
KH Said Aqeel Siroj who educated scholars until the doctor in Saudi Arabia to explain, political
parties or religious sect based on
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Anne Frank House Research Paper
We are almost up, my mother said as we waited in line to enter the Anne Frank House. We stood over
an hour in the winding line of people. During that time, I was able to completely assimilate to my
surroundings, even though I endured the nervous anticipation. The surreal feeling of standing in a
colorful world just outside the room where eight people languished in a dark existence for twenty five
months was a seminal event in my life.
Unbeknownst to anyone, where I stood, in 1942, Anne Frank hid in plain sight because she lived in a
world that would not understand the similarity in our differences. Entering the house, people in line
continued through the building. I approached the infamous bookcase that concealed the Secret Annex
where Anne and her family hid. Understandably, it was heartbreaking to walk through the unfurnished
house with original photos and writings still on the walls. I don t think of all the misery, but of the
beauty that still remains. This was one of the many quotes by Anne Frank that was stenciled on the
wall. It was unimaginable to think that despite everything she endured, she was still able to find the ...
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I have been able to use my travel as the synapse to what I have learned in school, watched in movies,
read in books or experienced from the news. I find myself reminiscing upon the real places on which
was reported, the same places I have been. Seeing the diary of Anne Frank in real life and standing in
the same place she hid in secret as a teenager was the nexus for understanding the important role
travel has played in the balanced perspective of different cultures I have, the similar perspective Anne
Frank embraced without regards to her particular circumstance. From this event I also embrace; we
are more alike, my friends, than we are
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Scramble for Africa
What were the major historical factors explaining the scramble for Africa ?
In order to approach this essay question, my analysis will be divided into two parts. The first section
will define what the scramble for Africa means. In the subsequent sections, I will refer to the case
history of colonization of Africa by some European countries, the motives behind their actions and its
consequences on Africa particularly.
The scramble for Africa was described as the golden period of European expansionism in the 19th
century. It was an age in which the continents of Africa, Asia and Middle Eastern states were brought
under the control of European powers following the Berlin Conference from 1884 to 1885. Hobsbawm
(1987: 56) describes the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Padmore, pp. 164 165).
As argued by H. L. Wessseling (1996: 366), the historical interpretation of the partition was based on
imperialism due to entrepreneurship and therefore, primarily a struggle for profitable markets of
investment . He opined that aside from the economic motives upon which the partition was based,
there was indeed, consideration of strategic and political motives as well. From his perspective, the
political elites in Britain had no plan for Africa; instead they were promoting their own preferences in
Asia which was aimed at defending the crucial stake in both India and the East (p. 366). Furthermore,
the development of transportation was paramount to the Middle East war because it promoted the
development of Africa transportation network which was used to transport bulky supplies from Congo
Rivers, through Juba and Egypt (Hargreaves, 1988: 54).
Certainly, there was no question of the strategic and commercial importance of Africa, Asia and the
Middle Eastern territories to the Allied Powers prior to, and during, the Second World War. acquiring a
colony which further lead to an empire was significant factor in proving the status and importance of a
country (Chamberlain, 1985: p. 3). Whilst huge merit pertains in this argument, there is no doubt the
policy of imperialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East is different from one nation to
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California Department Of Transportation ( Caltrans ) Essay
Thank you for providing the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the opportunity to
review and comment on the Initial Study and Notice of Preparation of the Environmental Impact
Report (EIR) for the City of Colton Roquest Ranch Specific Plan (Project), located west of La Cadena
Drive and north of Center Street in the City of Colton. The project proposes to develop the 336.2 acre
site with up to 1,050 residential dwelling units, 1.2 acres of neighborhood commercial use, 22.3 acres
of recreational open space, 199.7 acres of open space, a 0.8 acre fire station site, and a 10.3 acre
school site.
As the owner and operator of the State Highway System (SHS), it is our responsibility to coordinate
and consult with local jurisdictions when proposed development may impact our facilities. As the
responsible agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, it is also our responsibility to
make recommendations to offset associated impacts with the proposed project. Although the project is
under the jurisdiction of the City of Colton, due to the project s potential impact to the State facilities,
including Interstate 10, Interstate 215, State Route 60, and State Route 91, it is also subject to the
policies and regulations that govern the SHS.
In the preceding Environmental Impact Report (EIR), we recommend a scoping meeting prior to the
preparation of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to discuss any potential issues and accurately
evaluate the extent of
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4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.
4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.
4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. Users first create an account by providing a password and email. They then complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. Writers bid on the request, and the user chooses a writer based on qualifications. After receiving the paper, the user can request revisions if needed.

5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.
5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.
5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The student reflects on growing as a writer during their time at Colorado Christian University, noting that feedback helped them improve their writing skills, especially with using clear academic language. An experience where negative feedback from a coworker revealed issues with broken English in a letter motivated the student to seek ways to better organize their writing. Overall, the reflection demonstrates the importance of feedback for developing strong writing abilities as a student.

5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses Melissa McCarthy's career as a comedic actress. It compares her to legendary comedians like Bill Murray and Chris Farley in terms of her dominance in the comedy genre. While some of McCarthy's films like Tammy and Identity Theft were less memorable, her performances in films like Spy, Bridesmaids, and The Heat cemented her status. The document then asks where her latest role in the R-rated comedy The Boss fits within her filmography.

How Did Albert Einstein Changed How People Viewed The...
Nicholas Fitzgerald
Literature and Composition
5 October 2017
History and Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was one of the greatest physicists of all time. His early life
demonstrated his fascination with science. Einstein s work changed how people viewed the entire
Einstein s was born on the 14th of March in 1879. He grew up in Ulm, Germany. Einstein had an
irregular education because he was always moving schools. Though being thrown around to many
schools he read many popular books on science. By the age of 17 he started attending the Federal
Polytechnic Academy in Zurich, Switzerland. While there Einstein studied physics and mathematics.
In 1905 Einstein was awarded his PH.D. from the University of Zurich. 1905 was also the year that
historians refer to has Einstein s miracle year . During this time he was wrote and published five
theoretical papers. One of these papers titled On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and
Transformation of Light, Einstein talked about how he believed that light is made up of many photons
that have particle like properties and behave like a wave. Einstein s work would eventually lead to him
getting the Nobel Prize in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He talked about something he called special relativity. History.com states that In special relativity,
time and space are not absolute, but relative to the motion of the observer. Thus, two observers
traveling at great speeds in regard to each other would not necessarily observe simultaneous events in
time at the same moment, nor necessarily agree in their measurements of space. History.com also
stated In Einstein s theory, the speed of light, which is the limiting speed of any body having mass, is
constant in all frames of reference. In the fifth paper that year, an exploration of the mathematics of
special relativity, Einstein announced that mass and energy were equivalent and could be calculated
with an equation,
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Essay The Art of Maya Lin
Maya Lin is a driven and innovative artist of our time. Many of her works have been seen as
controversial and received harsh criticism. She manages to trudge on. Her works express both an
artistic and mathematical feel, somehow finding a beautiful marriage between. Her obsession with art
and knowledge can be greatly attributed to her parents, as she was very successful at an early age. Her
art career is one of many triumphs and breaking boundaries in the art world. Lin has a great love for
nature, and many of her pieces help to express the significance of this, and she loves to enthrall the
audience. Maya Lin was born on October 5th, 1959 in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While attending Yale University she entered a grueling art competition amid 1500 fellow artists, and
won, at the young age of twenty one. The contest was to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, in
Washington,D.C. She did extensive research for the wall on subjects ranging from cultural memorials
through out history to soldiers journals from World War I. The completion of the wall turned out to be
her breaking moment in the world of art. After creating her visionary Vietnam Veterans Memorial she
suffered much controversy and criticism. Many Veterans believed her simple black wall with listed
names was a black wall of shame (Ergas 265) and insulting to the traditional idea of white marble and
statues of soldiers the veterans had expected. Critics even began using her asian background to
discriminate against her, which had not been an issue for Lin before this time. Even Ross Pero after
finding out she was asian was heard to call her an egg roll. Lin feels if her lineage had been known at
the time of the contest she never would have won. This criticism almost caused Lin to exit the world
of art forever, if it hadn t been for the immense impact the wall had on visitors and the sheer number
of them. Many visitors found closure and rejoice in finding there loved ones names and leaving
flowers. The rubbings of loved ones names even
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Similar Triangles Activity Report
Introduction In this activity, I will be working with Carolyn Ulrich, a fellow geometry teacher, to
improve our students achievement in our Similar Triangles unit. This application will occur at Deer
Valley High School in Glendale, Arizona; the website is: http://www.dvusd.org/Domain/42. The
mathematical level of geometry is the second year math class taken by all sophomores and is tested on
the Arizona state standardized test. Mrs. Ulrich is our geometry level leader on our campus, but she
teaches four honors geometry classes and one regular geometry class, where I teach three of the
regular geometry classes on campus. In this activity, we have decided on three standards to focus on
when we instruct our students in this unit, which I will state in the next section. We will work together
in a collaborative inquiry which involves identifying and agreeing on one problem or area of student
need. (Nelson et al., 2010, p. 36) We will meet throughout the week and discuss what we did in class
for our instructional practice, how we thought it went for each class, administer the common
assessment, and see how our students did on these three standards and compare results. ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
205 (Carolyn s room) Standard 1:
G SRT.2 given 2 figures, use definitions of similarity in terms of transformations to decide if they are
similar (similarity of triangles)
Standard 2:
G SRT.5 use congruence/similarity for triangles to solve problems/prove
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Social Determinants Of Population Health
The influence of the population health is based on the role of the government but is not limited within
the health sector but by various sectors outside the health systems. The health system is strengthened
by the human resource development and the capacity to build and regulate the public health in the
important areas of the health sector. The contributions to the health population are derived from the
social determinants of health such as the living conditions, education, and the social security
measures. Other areas for action are the population stabilization, reducing the impact of climate
change on health and improving the community participation. Making public health a shared value
across the various sectors is a politically challenging
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5 College Essay Questions. Online assignment writing service.
5 College Essay Questions. Online assignment writing service.5 College Essay Questions. Online assignment writing service.
5 College Essay Questions. Online assignment writing service.

This document discusses Nando's, a South African casual dining chain known for its spicy chicken. It is celebrating its 25th anniversary and continues expanding globally. The marketing manager discusses Nando's expansion plans and keeping momentum despite competition from brands like KFC. Nando's aims to customize each store's local art, design, and staff ("nandocas") while maintaining quality, afro-luso roots, and an experience for fans to enjoy the food. The document also mentions Hot Favourites, a manufacturer of prepared meals for over 10 years for Nando's and other retailers.

8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.
8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.
8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to fully meet their needs.

40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses how different news sources prioritize and frame important news stories. It analyzes the front pages of The Guardian, The New York Times, and The New York Post on October 3rd, which covered the Las Vegas shooting and Trump's visit to Puerto Rico. The Guardian's top story instead discussed Theresa May's Brexit plans, highlighting the importance of proximity and relevance in story selection. The Post included a minor story about a possible human body part that was likely not real, showing how absurd stories can generate clicks. The sources' political orientations and audiences influence their opinions and newsworthiness judgments.

Castles In Japan Research Paper
Castles in Japan were built for two main purposes. First, it was built as a defensive platform. Daimyo
(feudal lords) all over the country built these strongholds so they could retreat during an attack. Both
the castle itself and the grounds surrounding it are fortified with numerous defenses. The main keep of
the castle also stored food and weapons in case of prolonged battles.
A castle was constructed to display the daimyo s wealth and power as well. Of course, the grander the
castle, the stronger and wealthier the daimyo.
Japan s history is intimately intertwined with the history of castles. Castles have their roots in defense
built around the homes of warlords. Preceding the rise of Nobunaga, Japan was divided into a great
many small provinces each ruled by a different warlord for nearly two centuries. The need for bigger
and stronger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They evolved from the wooden fortress of earlier centuries to their best known form in the 16th
century. Castles in Japan were built to guard significant or strategic sites, such as ports, river
crossings, or crossroads. They almost always incorporated the landscape into their defenses as well.
Although they were built to endure and used more stone in their construction than most Japanese
buildings, castles were still constructed primarily of wood. Many were destroyed over the years,
especially during the Sengoku (Warring States) period (1467 1603). However, many were rebuilt later
during the Sengoku period and the following Edo period (1603 1867).
Today there are more than one hundred castles remain, or partially remain, in Japan. It is estimated
that there were once five thousand of them. Some castles, such as the ones at Matsue and Kōchi (both
built in 1611) exist in their original forms, not having suffered any damage from sieges or other
threats. In contrast, Hiroshima Castle was destroyed in the atomic bombing, and was rebuilt in 1958 as
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Juno Research Paper
Nasa s space probe, Juno, has many interesting information about it. Juno s manufacturers were very
skilled and thoughtful when they created it. Juno s scientific instruments were a great feat. Juno is still
working on gathering information to help us better understand our world.
Juno was built by one of four main business divisions of Lockheed Martin, the LMSSC (Lockheed
Martin Space Systems Company). Lockheed Martin was founded on March 15th, 1995. LMSSC has
their headquarters located in Denver, Colorado. Other areas of operation include Sunnyvale,
California, Santa Cruz, California and Huntsville, Alabama. LMSSC has built other famous products
such as, commercial/military satellites, other space probes, missile defense systems and space ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Juno is measuring the composition, gravity field, magnetic field, amount of water in the deep
atmosphere, mass distribution and polar magnetosphere of Jupiter. Along with measuring parts of
Jupiter, Juno is currently trying to find clues on how the planet was formed and whether or not it was a
rocky core and studying Jupiter s deep winds. The main goal is to find the story of Jupiter s formation
and evolution. Juno studies the bright auroras at Jupiter s poles. Juno launched on August 5th, 2011 at
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and is set to decay in February 2018. On August/September 2012,
Juno use deep space maneuvers to get to try to get Jupiter. In October 2013, Earth assist Juno with a
gravity assist. Using Earth s gravity, it altered Juno s path/speed so it could get to Jupiter. July 4th,
2016 was a joyous day for many people; for it was the day that Juno successfully arrived at Jupiter s
orbit. The current plan for Juno is for it to orbit Jupiter for 20 months, which is roughly 37 orbits and
deorbit Jupiter on February
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Measuring The Quality Of Clusters
Analysis Comparison
For measuring the quality of clusters four criteria have been used. The first three criteria are designed
so as to measure the quality of cluster sets at different levels of granularity. Ideally it s needed to
generate partitions that have compact, well separated clusters. Hence, the criteria used presently
combine the two measures to return a value that indicates the quality of the partition thus the value
returned is minimized when the partition is judged to consist of compact well separated clusters with
different criteria judging different partition as the best one. The last criterion is based on time
The term compactness and isolation are defined as follows: Compactness: This is a measure of
cohesion or similarity of objects in an individual cluster with respect to the other objects outside the
cluster. The greater the similarity the greater the compactness. Isolation: This is the measure of
distinctiveness or dissimilarity between a cluster and the rest of the world. The smaller the similarity,
the greater the isolation.
Presently simple distance based measure are used to evaluate compactness and isolation (Manhattan
Distance for the present work) has been used rather than statistical test of significance used in
multivariate analysis of variance. In this section, whilediscussing about each of the criterion R_i
represents an object or search result, C_j represents a cluster and C_jc its centroid. G_cis the global
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How Parchman Reflects The Intertwined Themes Of Reform And...
Analyzing how Parchman reflects the intertwined themes of reform and race, we must look back into
the history of the state, to see what caused the instability that led to reform and the role that citizens
played. The Civil War is just ending and the South lost not only did they lose the battle , but they also
lost their family members, homes, land and most of all for some they lost their slaves. During the war
Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in territories that
opposed the Union. Oshinsky paints a beautiful picture of the scenes that had unfolded when he wrote
that, Few could escape the consequences of this war. Mississippi was bankrupt. Its commerce and
transportation had collapsed. The railroads and levees lay in ruins. Local governments barely
functioned. (p.12) The world that many white southerners had come to know was now destroyed.
Being placed under these conditions, outraged many white southerners. Adding fuel to the fire, the
fact of knowing that former slaves were now equal to even the poorest of whites, did not set well. The
author states that, this hatred had many sources. The ex slave had become a scapegoat for the South s
humiliating defeat. John F.H. Claiborne, Mississippi s most prominent historian, blamed him for
causing the war and for helping the North to prevail. ( Oshinsky, 1996, p. 14) Carl Schdrz, a reformer
from the North, became very concerned about how blacks would be treated, with rising sense of
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9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.

Hassan Rouhani has served as the seventh president of Iran since 2013, working to improve Iran's relations with other countries and reduce sanctions through diplomatic negotiations over Iran's nuclear program. He was born in 1948 in Iran to a religious family and received degrees in law from universities in Iran and Scotland, helping to shape his focus on diplomacy and rule of law as president. Rouhani's moderate policies stand in contrast to other world leaders and have had a meaningful positive impact on both Iran and international relations.

1 Page Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
1 Page Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.1 Page Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
1 Page Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.

The document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing bids from writers to select one and authorize payment after receiving a satisfactory paper. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers based on qualifications, order history, and feedback to ensure high quality original content that can be revised until the client is fully satisfied.

5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.
5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.
5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.

The town of Lolita, Texas took issue with Vladimir Nabokov's famous novel of the same name upon its publication in 1959, as the name then connoted rape rather than patriotism as originally intended. While the town initially wanted to distance itself from the association, over time the name "Lolita" became ingrained in popular culture. Today it is commonly used to denote a sexually precocious young girl. Some modern celebrities have adopted aspects of the "Lolita" persona to portray an image blending childlike innocence with sexuality.

Out Of The Depth Summary
Out of the Depths is a very interesting narrative book about retired Marine Edgar Harrell surviving the
sinking of the USS Indianapolis in 1945. Harrell grew up on a farm in Kentucky, as a little boy he
listened to the radio about the Naval Wars and Marines losing their lives, so he decided he wanted to
help. When Harrell became 18, he registered for the draft right away. The massive cruiser, the USS
Indianapolis, became his life and, more importantl, became his home. He lived on this ship serving
and fighting for his country. He remembers very precisely about the one time he saw a Japanese
Kamikaze plane hit the ship in the battle for Okinawa. He survived the attack, but nine of his friends
tragically lost their lives. The ship had to return to the states as needed for repairs, because the
Indianapolis had important components for the atomic bombs to drop on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
While there, he noticed that the captain said that their next assignment was to head for the Philippines
to invade Japan. Harrell stated to the captain that it was necessary to have an escort through the seas to
that area as the US has already lost 129 soldiers due to Japanese attacks ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The torpedoes hit the ship in less than fifteen minutes causing the ship to sink. Harrell with no
hesitation immediately started to find his way out as rushing waters flooded the ship. The only thing
he could think of as he was struggling to escape from the deadly waters was his mom, dad, 6 brothers,
two sisters, and his girlfriend that said she would wait for him to come home. Harrell thinking of this
recalled to himself, I want to live, I don t want to die . He says that millions of things were going
through his brain. Him and 900 to 1,200 men who survived the attack were stranded in the sea, oil
soaked, holding onto anything that
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Humphry Davy Honor
Honor, respect that is given to someone who is admired. To me, honor means respecting someone for
something that they did. I typically honor someone if they made a sacrifice for something or someone,
for example, people that serve in the military. Humphry Davy was a british scientist who could be
known as honorable. Humphry Davy was a chemist who was born on December 17, 1778 and died on
May 29, 1829 at age 50. Humphry Davy was a British chemist who was born on December 17, 1778
and died on May 29, 1829 at age 50. He was raised Penzance, Cornwall by a middle class family. He
did good in school but was also naturally intelligent, he loved to read and was always interested in
nature growing up. Around age 16, Davy became friends with Davies Gilbert, who let Davy use a
library and lab for scientific work. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Humphry Davy is widely known for discovering chlorine and iodine and also for creating the Davy
lamp. Davy also inhaled laughing gas to test its disease causing properties. Davy tested with many
things like oxides, nitrogen, and ammonia. With all the experiences he had gone through, Davy began
writing books about his experiments and gained lots of respect and fame for his work. Humphry Davy
may not be a familiar name, but to some the name Davy Lamp lights a bulb within their mind.
Humphry Davy can be known for creating the Davy Lamp which was a safety lamp that was used for
flammable atmospheres. The lamp made an impact on the world because it provided safety for many
miners and many people could ve gotten injured or killed if the lamp was never
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AIDS Essay examples
Research Paper: AIDS Did you know that in the United States of America the sixth leading cause of
death in people from their mid 20 s through their mid 40 s is AIDS (Zuger, 2010)? AIDS stands for
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and is a disease derived from the virus known as Human
Immunodeficiency Virus. The immune system gets broken down when someone has AIDS and it is
basically the highest form of HIV. When a person has HIV, the CD4 cells get infected and start to
deteriorate and once the CD4 count is below 200, the person is considered to have AIDS rather than
HIV ( Living , 2005). Not many people know that AIDS is extremely prevalent in the world because it
is not spoken about in society as much as it used to be when it first ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Some women encounter vaginal itching, discharge, pain and irritation, which heighten the risk of
passing on the virus to others (Cunningham, 2000).
Though there are many signs and symptoms for HIV/AIDS, it is possible for a patient to have little to
no symptoms at all within the first ten years of having it (Zuger, 2010). Having no symptoms is more
of a curse than a blessing because if the person infected does not know they have anything wrong,
they will not seek medical help. This is horrible considering it is better to start getting treated as soon
as possible to stay as healthy as possible for longer while having HIV/AIDS. Another reason it would
be better to have symptoms is because since it is attacking the immune system, it is destroying the
lymph node glands that are trying to fight off the infection and the sooner a person can find out, the
sooner they can start salvaging their lymph nodes so they can help fight off future, less severe
infections. Not having any signs of HIV/AIDS is harmful because the weaker immune system a
person has, the more likely it is for them to get something like pneumonia which is extremely life
threatening even in someone who is healthy.
Without taking an HIV test, it is impossible to determine whether or not these symptoms are because
the patient is affected with HIV or if they have something else that is wrong. There are many tests that
can be used to figure out if a person is infected but the most common one is the
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The Man that Was Muhammad Ali Essay
Eleanor Roosevelt once quoted The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Most people look at those kinds of quotes and similar to me, laugh at it because we realize that
following your dream will lead you to a high percentage of failure in life. Famous people and
programs such as Disney channel, tell us to follow our dreams and never quit. Most of the time, we
refuse to listen by switching the channel or just turning off the TV. Although, Muhammad Ali was
different. He challenged himself. He didn t switch the channel or refused to hear it. Instead, he didn t
give up his dream that later on rewarded him with becoming the best boxer in the world. Unlike us, he
had huge objects blocking his path in the time he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result, young men were being drafted to go and serve in the military. When Ali was noticed for
his fighting, political figures decided to draft him due to his useful fighting skills. Although, Ali
rejected. He rejected because he had just won his heavyweight boxing title and because he did not
want to go to war to kill people. Because of this decision, Ali s heavyweight boxing title was taken
away and he was put in a five year prison sentence. Coming out of prison was hard for Ali. Because of
his racial color, he would get rejected from places such as restaurants. A lot of people turned him
down and he wasn t allowed to fight back in the ring. But, Ali didn t give up and soon found an
opportunity that brought him to become the first person in history, to win the heavyweight champion
title three times. Muhammad Ali was not only the first person in history to win the heavyweight
champion title three times, but he was also a person who never gave up his dream. We quit our dream
jobs because there are such obstacles in our path such as expenses, lack of education, or simply
because of laziness and complicatedness but not Muhammad Ali. In fact, he faced much bigger
problems than us such as segregation and going to jail however he did not quit. He fought through it in
order to become the best boxer in the world. He never gave up his dream in order to achieve in
something he wanted to fulfill. Muhammad Ali never gave
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5 Page Essay On Respect. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides a character analysis of the Addams Family musical performed by high school students. It describes the major conflict as Wednesday Addams wanting to marry a normal boy, which her family and his family oppose. The tone of the play is said to be comedic. Details are given about the actors' singing abilities, the director's casting choices, and set design that helped bring the Addams Family world to life. Costumes were described as fitting each character's personality well.

Stanford Acceptance Letter Real And Official
Stanford Acceptance Letter Real And OfficialStanford Acceptance Letter Real And Official
Stanford Acceptance Letter Real And Official

The document discusses Margaret Atwood's novella The Penelopiad, which provides new perspectives on Homer's Odyssey by telling the story from the points of view of Penelope and her maids. The novella challenges issues faced by women in a patriarchal society and subverts the original myth by introducing female voices.

Collegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship
Collegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School ScholarshipCollegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship
Collegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship

This document provides instructions for obtaining essay help from CollegeVine Essay Help and CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit, 4) Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

Shoemaker Ivy 9 Research Paper
Shoemaker Levy 9(SL9) is a comet . On July 16th, 1994, twenty three years ago now, this comet had
crashed into Jupiter. Although this is when the crash had happened the comet, SL9, had been
discovered a year before it had rammed into Jupiter, on the date of March 24, 1993. Shoemaker Levy
9 s collision with Jupiter had been the first seen on another planet other than our home planet itself,
Earth. This impact that SL9 made on
Jupiter actually lasted around six days and created plumes that were recorded to be
2,000 to 3,000 kilometers high with also increasing the temperature 53,000 to 71,000 degrees
fahrenheit. Shoemaker Levy 9 also left dark rings around Jupiter which were erased by the winds on
jupiter, These many pieces of the comet had made significant ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Back in 1993 , Shoemaker Levy 9 was first discovered by Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy, which
is where the name Shoemaker Levy has come from. It turns out that the comet had been captured in
Jupiter s gravity and it clashed into Jupiter and even when this comet was first discovered it had been
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Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Compounds The Risks Of...
Ventilator associated pneumonia compounds the risks that critically ill patients face in hospitalization.
It affects a high proportion of patients on ventilators and has a fluctuating morbidity rate. The goal of
this paper is to demonstrate the potential usefulness of chlorhexidine in preventing ventilator
associated pneumonia in adults. The paper features a review of literature found via MedScape using
the keywords chlorhexidine, ventilator associated pneumonia, long term ventilation and prevention.
The results show that there is a positive correlation between using chlorhexidine in the oral care of
patients using a ventilator; however, the evidence thus far does not present an opportunity to promote
any clinical recommendations. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This literature review will look to see whether critical care patients (P) can benefit from chlorhexidine
treatment (I) as compared to tradition oral care (C) to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia (O)
during the patients stay in the hospital (T). The literature demonstrates a potential link between
chlorhexidine treatment, oral health care and a potential reduction in the number of cases and
ventilator associated pneumonia, ultimately recommending further studies.
Literature Search The literature found in this study was found by searching for relevant papers on
MedScape. The keywords chlorhexidine, ventilator associated pneumonia, long term ventilation and
Literature Review
In a trial by Arti et al, researchers used chlorhexidine to attempt to prevent ventilator associated
pneumonia in children (2013). The group included 86 patients who were divided into two groups to
complete a double blind, randomized placebo controlled trial. The first group included 41 children
who received 1% chlorhexidine gel every eight hours. The second group included 45 children who
received a placebo gel. The length of the study was three weeks, or until the patient was extubated.
The results demonstrated that 12 of out of the 41 children who received chlorhexidine and 14 out of
the 45 placebo patients developed ventilator associated pneumonia. The results showed that there was
no clear reduction in the occurrence of pneumonia
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Rod Blagojevich Research Paper
Rod Blagojevich was at the height of his political career in 2008, he was seating in his second
gubernatorial term as the Governor of Illinois. Before his was the Governor he was elected to the
Illinois House of Representative in 1992 and then won the US House Seat for Illinois in 1996. All of
this was nice for the ascetic view of his political resume, but behind the veil he was a devious, cynical,
crass and corrupt politician . He wouldn t for anything to get what he wanted and the people that he
wanted in the seats around him. This view began all the way back in 1992 and it only picked up speed
from there. In 2008, he was impeached by the House of Representatives 114 1 and by the Senate 59 0,
this was the first time in Illinois State history ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of the key events that were caught by the Tribune happened between the years of 2004 2008.
Most of the people that were arrested were indicted by the courts and all of them either worked for
Blagojevich or directly worked with Blagojevich or his people. Some of the prominent people that
were indicted were: Stuart Levine (R) who was on the board of the Health Facilities Planning Board
and the Teachers Retirement System. Levine was a well known Republican but abruptly resigned from
both positions and began the first stages of the investigations of Blago. Levine was eventually charged
with extortion and contributions to Blago. Another key individual was Antoine Resko who was a top
fundraiser for Blagojevich campaign. He was also in a prominent professional relationship with
Blagojevich s wife Pamela as they worked together with her Real estate business. Resko was also
charged with extortion and when he was caught giving multi million dollar kickbacks. The individuals
that were charge either gave money directly to Blago, Blago s wife or actually wrote checks between
the amounts of 1,000 to 2,000 dollars directly to Blago s
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CAA Rating
The Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) is a purely voluntary system supported by The
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the National Association of Theatre Owners
(Crecente). The CARA is funded by film distributors and producers who pay a fee to have their film
rated ( MPAA Movie Ratings ). The debate on whether the CARA system works or not is highly
debatable. I, personally, think that the system is very functional. This system provides parents and
other audiences with a recommended rating for a movie. It is a person s choice on whether or not to
deem that rating as appropriate enough for children or others but, they at least have a general idea or
understanding of what the film could entail. The CARA system rates ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Also, not having the film rated does make it more difficult when putting it into theaters. Many U.S.
theaters use the rating system when showing movies and an unrated movie may not be allowed ( What
Do Movie ). Another great thing about the CARA rating system is that they give their rating feedback
to the producer of the film, this allows the producer to make changes to the film, if they decide to, as a
way of changing the rating before it enters theaters (Crecente). DVDs are also supposed to stay with
the same rating when released as the film was in theaters, because they are not considered separate
products ( MPAA Movie Ratings ). In 2007, The Federal Trade Commission described the CARA
rating system as a useful and important tool that parents increasingly use to help them make informed
decisions (qtd in Crecente). I also think that the CARA system is a valuable and functional resource.
This system allows audiences the guidelines to the content of movies. Displaying evidence to an
audience of what they can expect from a film. The CARA rating system truly is a great tool to be
utilized by all audiences when deciding on what to watch at the movies, or at
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The document discusses how certain Muppet characters and scenes from films like Fraggle Rock and Labyrinth frightened the author as a child, even though they loved the Muppets. Specifically, the introductory scene with trolls in Jim Henson's 1986 film Labyrinth caused nightmares and feelings of paranoia due to the unsettling close-up shots of the trolls sitting in a dark castle. While the author enjoyed the Muppets overall, certain parts understandably scared them as a child.

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Ice-T Time Warner Case
Clifton Smith Business Ethics
Nov. 1, 2012 Ice T and Time Warner Case
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Ice T s Introduction: This next record is dedicated to some personal friends of mine, the LAPD. For
every cop that has ever taken advantage of somebody, beat em down or hurt em, because they got long
hair, listen to the wrong kinda music, wrong color, whatever they thought was the reason to do it. For
every one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
em. ). Killing policemen is a good thing, that is the plain meaning of the words, and no larger
understanding of a neglected culture, the rage of the streets or anything else can explain it away. As in
much of today s popular music, the line between performer and performance is purposely blurred.
These are political sermons clearly intended to endorse the sentiments being expressed Time Warner
states, We stand for creative freedom. We believe that the worth of what an artist or journalist has to
say does not depend on pre approval from a government official or a corporate censor. Of course Ice T
has the right to say whatever he wants. But that doesn t require any company to provide him an outlet.
And it doesn t relieve a company of responsibility for the messages it chooses to promote. Judgment is
not censorship. Many an anguished cry goes unrecorded. This one was recorded, and promoted,
because a successful artist under contract wanted to record it. There is nothing wrong with making
money, but a company cannot take the money and run from the responsibility. No commercial
enterprise need agree with every word that appears under its corporate imprimatur. Time Warner
intends to be a global force for encouraging the confrontation of ideas, but a policy of allowing
diverse viewpoints is not a moral free pass. Pro and con on national health care is one thing; pro and
con on killing policemen is
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21st Century Flood Reform Act Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the 21st Century Flood Reform Act and to provide a
recommendation on whether the Senate should vote for or against it. In order to provide an informed
recommendation, this paper will first present background information on the 21st Century Flood
Reform Act and explain what it proposes. Following the background information, this paper will
analyze arguments both in support and in opposition of the 21st Century Flood Reform Act. To
conclude, this paper will make a recommendation, based on the analysis, on how the Senate should
vote for the 21st Century Flood Reform Act.
Sean P. Duffy, a Republican Representative of Wisconsin, sponsored and introduced the 21st Century
Flood Reform Act in the House ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, these WYO insurance companies would also receive a reduction in reimbursements. These
proposed changes to the NFIP also present improvements to flood mapping practices and addresses
the issue of high risk properties, which owners rebuild at high costs following a flood (Simpson,
According to Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, if the 21st
Century Flood Reform Act became law, taxpayers would directly benefit through the competition of
private companies to provide affordable flood insurance rates for homeowners. Republican Sean P.
Duffy, the sponsor of the bill, spoke on the House floor and reinforced Hensarling s statement. Duffy
claimed that introducing private companies would allow homeowners to select alternative flood
insurance plans that may be cheaper than any available federal plans. Additionally, Duffy stated that
private flood insurance companies would assist taxpayers in covering the costs resulting from a flood.
Duffy concluded by not only stating that the 21st Century Flood Reform Act is a bipartisan bill but
also reiterated its benefit to homeowners, and that it would directly contribute to reducing the national
debt. The bill has also received support from the American Academy of Actuaries Casualty Practice
Council, as well as from environmental groups, under the condition that it would undergo additional
reforms in the Senate, such as to address flood mitigation and the financial
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Synopsis Of A Book Bible Of The Bible
A Paper Submitted to the
Faculty of Louisiana Baptist University
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Doctor of Philosophy
Advanced Prophetics
Justin G. Prock
Pyeongtaek, South Korea
July 2016
Based upon Tim LaHaye s numbers, the average amount of prophecy in the twelve Historical books of
the Bible is 15.41%1., with the Book of II Chronicles having the most at 31% and the Book of Esther
having the least at 1%. Regardless of how much prophecy is involved in these books, what is
important is the history of people of Israel through the period of the Judges, the United Kingdom and
the Divided Kingdom. Within that history, what is most important ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is
with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:1 2, 5, 9)
So, God commanded Joshua to: (1) enter the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1 5:15), (2) conquer the
Promised Land (Joshua 6:1 12:24), which included the Central Campaign (Joshua 6:1 8:25), the
Southern Campaign (Joshua 9:1 10:43), and the Northern Campaign (Joshua 11:1 15), and (3)
distribute portions of the Promised Land to the 12 tribes of Israel (Joshua 13:1 22:34), which included
the land West of the Jordan (Joshua
1. Tim LaHaye et al., Tim LaHaye s Prophecy Study Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers,
2001), 249, 277, 304, 309, 347, 378, 414, 447, 481, 524, 537, 556.
14:1 19:51), the Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20:1 9), the Cities of the Levites (Joshua 21:1 45), and the
land East of the Jordan (Joshua 22:1 34). Joshua completes God s work by informing the Israelites
how to retain the Promised Land in two speeches (Joshua 23:1 24:28), which Joshua summed up this
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the
gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in
whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...And Israel served the
LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that over lived Joshua, and which had
known all the works of the LORD, that he had done for Israel
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Things To Write Persuasive Essays On. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Things To Write Persuasive Essays On 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Things To Write Persuasive Essays On Things To Write Persuasive Essays On
  • 2. Winchendon Natural Resources Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife with permanent protection as conservation lands. Harkness and DeMarco (2016) state that a historical review is an effective way to assess a community. History states that Winchendon was settled in 1752 by the Europeans, prior to this there is evidence, via early pathways, that the Native Americans where also once in this area although no settlements were found or recorded (White, 2015). This was originally the country of the Pennacook Indians then the Nipnet/Nipmuck tribe. The area was wilderness, which the settles had to clear land, build homes and find a way to survive. Since the area was rich in waterways this energy was harnessed and used in early gristmills ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The population is largely white 95%, with the medium age in 2013 was 42.8 years old compared to the Commonwealth s medium age of 39.1 years old indicating a large percentage of older adults. The population of the age group over age 65 increased by 32.8 percent a faster rate than the population of the town. The next class of 55 64 year olds increased by more than 50 percent during that same time frame indicating that the senior population will continue to grow for the next ten years according to the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission. The population of children in the town is declining with children under the age of 5 decreased by more than eighteen percent from 2000 2010, which may indicate a decline in school enrollment in the future (Montachusett Regional Planning Commission, 2013). The medium household income was $61,937 less than statewide of $66,658. The median household per capita income was $27,688, which is $8,000 less than the state average, with 26.6% of persons in the poverty range. The male Median income is $22,171 with the female median income at $18,178. Median housing value is $176,700 with total housing units 1,999 (2010 2014 American Community Survey 5 Year Profiles). As the local manufacturing jobs continue to decline and local jobs continue to be concentrated in the service sector it will become more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Importance Of JROTC Lessons In Providing A Service What does it mean to serve someone? Serving someone means that you offered your own time to help that person and you don t expect anything in return. The Bible tells us in Matthew 20:28 that Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. In other words, Jesus came only to serve the people of the world and even died for us. I am going to describe my role in providing a service to others, tell which JROTC lesson(s) helped me prepare for service to others and how, and tell what I learned from my participation in service to others. When I was a LET 1, my grandmother was struggling with breast cancer. She needed a lot of help and support from me and the rest of my family. She ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, I learned that helping others is one of the best things that you can do. When you help people, it makes them feel good and even feel some relief. Whenever I help someone, I always feel better afterwards. At the end of the day, I feel like I can relax. Second, I learned that people really appreciate it when you help them. My grandmother has been grateful to me ever since I started helping her by doing basic chores around her house. Third, I learned that people will have a lot of respect for you. They see that you took time out of your busy schedule to help them and they will not forget it. They will also be able to trust you. It makes me feel like a better person if people trust me. Finally, I learned that helping someone else can get your mind off of your own problems. If you did badly on a test, had a death in the family, or you are just having a bad day for any reason, serving others will be a good way to keep you from thinking about it. It would be like getting a good workout at the gym. JROTC is a good program and it has helped me with being a leader and serving others. Its lesson, Leadership Defined , was the most beneficial to me. It helped me help my grandmother when she needed support from me and my family. I used the lesson s idea of purpose, direction, and motivation to get the help of my younger brother and sister. The time spent helping my grandmother also helped me learn several things ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Power of the Media to Shape the Thoughts of the... Thesis Statement Popular opinion credits media with great power to shape not only what the average individual thinks about, but also how they think about those subjects. Recent research in the fields of Political Science, Psychology, Economics, and Communications supports this opinion. Abstract Popular opinion credits media with great power to shape not only what the average individual thinks about, but also how they think about those subjects. This paper examines research in the fields of Political Science, Psychology, Economics, and Communications to determine what, if any, effect media has on American politics. An individual s perception of what is important is influenced by the media through various methods. The more prominent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regardless of the methodology used, studies support the finding that the more prominent an issue is in the media, the higher the perceived level of importance by the general public. Thus, the subtle influence of public opinion toward a candidate or platform can be achieved by increased coverage of topics where the candidate has succeeded (or failed). The candidate need not be directly named in the coverage for the perception of their ability to be effected. Mention of a subject in the media on a daily basis over a period of a month can be more powerful than one urgently worded message. Historical Overview In the early 1900 s, scholars discounted the influence media had on an individual s political choices as being minimal (Entman, 1989). The primary method for media contact during this time was newspapers and magazines, and the presentation of news was primarily confined to clearly defined presentation of fact or opinion. Technology was minimal, so the time between an event s occurrence and the media s coverage reaching an individual could range from days to months, depending on distance and available delivery methods. Over the years, communication techniques have become ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Equity and Imperfect Transfer Legal writing and credit For a trust instrument to be valid and effective, it must be properly constituted. For a trust to be deemed as completely constituted, all of the relevant formalities must have been satisfied by the settlor, hence the legal title of the property must transfer to the trustees. The reason for a conveyance of property to the hands of trustee is explained in Milroy v Lord (1862) by Turner L.J. is that a valid and effectual voluntary settlement will exist, when the settlor have done everything which was necessary according to the nature of property comprised in the settlement, which is to transfer that particular property to the trustee. This requirement of constitution of trust is clear and straightforward, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A harsh decision would been seen in the case of Re Fry (1946), as the donor in this case had completed necessary forms and returned them. He also applied for the necessary consent which required by the Defence Regulation (Amendments No.2) SI 1939/1620, but the consent was not given before his untimely demise. Romer J. did not upheld the trust because the donor has not done everything that is necessary for the transfer of the title. As Romer J. stated that if the donor had been asked for further details, he is not compelled to proceed with the transfer, he have the choice to refuse as he obtain more details about the transfer of share.The law had been very clear with regards to imperfect gifts or incompletely constituted trust, as some judges even decided harshly to comply with the maxim and general rule. However there are judges that came out with different rule to curb such harsh decision and strict principle, this is known as the every effort rule . The every effort rule which was established in the case of Re Rose [1952] explained by Rimer L.J in Zeital v Kaye [2010] that once a donor has done all in his own power to transfer the shares, he will be regarded as holding the legal title to them upon trust for the donee, who will thereupon become their beneficial owner . This rule will not render the gift or trust failed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. February 1917 Dbq Analysis In the twentieth century many Europeans liked the idea of having a totalitarian government. The people in Europe found this to be somewhat comforting. They knew that things would be okay if everything was controlled. Part of this was the idea all for one and one for all . For this to work out, there were things that had to be contributed to the governments. There were economic, social, and political conditions that helped to transition from the current government that they were using to the totalitarian government. In March 1917, there was a Revolution in Russia that started to change things in Europe. Tsar Nicholas had left power at this time, and Prince Lvov took over. Kerensky was the one who lead the revolutionary party. He was the person who was looking out for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kerensky was fighting for the farmers and the people who lived in the country to have more rights than they had. By Kerensky fighting for the working class people, it could be considered to go along with the economic conditions. Document 26 talks about the economic conditions in Russia. On page one of document 26 it states that in 1902, Lenin said that we said that there could not yet be social democratic consciousness among the workers . By this thought, it might have started a fire in the workers eyes. The workers were willing to fight back against the bosses in order to get what they deserved. In this document, it says that Social Democracy has more political struggles that are extremely intense than what the working class has to deal with. Social Democracy definitely had some political struggles, but to say that they had more extreme struggles than the working class might be an exaggeration. The working class had to deal with the bosses not caring about them, long hours and getting paid little to nothing. It would be much easier for this class to have some kind of power if the country they were in had a backwards economy. For example, in Paris the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Was Muhammad Ali A Hero Muhammad Ali is our hero because he was the biggest boxing legend, the face, voice, and heart of the anti war movement. On January 17, 1942 a legend was born... And his name was Muhammad Ali. He never gave up in what he believed in. Even when times were tough for him and his family and how others treated him. But his fierce and headstrong personality shaped him into the man he became, a hero for many. Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., (as Muhammad Ali was once known), grew up in a time when people of color were in the servant classes in Louisville ( Where Muhammad Ali grew up). But when Muhammad turned 12, his bike got stolen, leading up to where his boxing career got started. Nevertheless Muhammad was beyond outraged. In his own words he was going to whip the robber but Joe Martin the police officer, that was there at the time suggested he do boxing first... After taking up boxing from the tutelage of Joe Martin, he advanced through the amateur ranks, won a gold medal at the age of eighteen at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. And turned professional under the guidance of the Louisville Sponsoring Group ( Hauser). Conversely, throughout ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A hero is not someone with superpowers from a comic book. They are someone who is brave and not selfish.They also put themselves in front of other people to either keep them safe or to stand up for them. Muhammad Ali is a hero because he stood up for people during the Vietnam war. He took over college campus and talked to the many people there about the war. He also is a hero because he is brave. He was brave because he went in the boxing ring and got kicked/punched many times, but most of the time he won the matches, standing his ground on the rink and not giving up. Ali was also not selfish. He wasn t because he was very kind to many people, and cared about their safety and well being. Muhammad Ali was a hero because he was brave not selfish and stood up for himself and many others. Now that s why Muhammad Ali is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Abercrombie And Fitch And The Great Depression Nevertheless, the Great Depression was not all bad. In 1938 Abercrombie and Fitch founded golf and shooting school in the store. In 1939, Abercrombie and Fitch was calling itself The Greatest Sporting Goods Store in the World. It bragged the world s biggest and most profitable accumulation of guns and the vastest combination of angling flies reachable anyplace (15,000 on the whole) to go with its variety of bars, reels, and other fishing supplies tackle. Riders, canine fanciers, skiers, and bowmen all discovered each possible sort of rigging. Firearms and outdoors and angling gear represented 30 percent of the New York store s business volume in 1938. Offers of garments, shoes, and decorations represented 45 percent. Stock close by was esteemed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Taking a Look at Viacom Viacom President CEO Philippe Dauman The President and CEO for Viacom is Philippe Dauman. He has been the head of the company since September 5, 2006 has been on the Board of Directors since January 1, 2006. From May 2000 until September 2006, Dauman co founded and was Co Chairman and CEO of DND Capital Partners, LLC. Prior to him becoming Viacom s President CEO, he has had several roles at Viacom such as being Deputy Chairman and Executive Vice President of Viacom Inc. When he started as CEO, the company he inherited was plagued by bloated costs, and about to enter a global recession (Norton). He was able to cut costs by cutting theatrical releases and focusing more on creating sequels to successful movies. He also started to meet with the division leaders at Viacom once a week and junior staff members once a month to advise them and try solve any problems that their teams had. http://www.viacom.com/about/pages/seniormanagement.aspx# http://online.barrons.com/news/articles/SB50001424053111903698104579473463760113566 COO Thomas E. Dooley Thomas E. Dooley currently serves as Viacom s Chief Operating Officer. He has been the COO of the company since May 2010. Prior to becoming COO, he was the CFO for Viacom since January 1, 2007 and joined the Board of Directors on January 1, 2006. Dooley, like Dauman, was also the co founder and Co Chairman and CEO of DND Capital Partners, LLC. Dooley first joined viacom in 1980, since then he held various positions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Finding Vivian Maier Analysis In the photograph is herself in the way fo glass reflection when she was in new York City. It could be said that her works were influenced by Lisette Model, a photographer in that era. There are many photographs of Maier and Model that have the similar style, such as the self portrait using of glass reflection and a close up of people photograph. However, I believe that maybe they have some common lifestyle or vision. I watched Finding Vivian Maier , which makes me know that Maier was scared of men, she always told the children to get away from men on the street. Also, when Model was a child, she was sexually molested by her father, a medical doctor and military man. These informations makes me believe that both of them might experienced the same situation and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This might be the reason that had a big influence on her work and the way she took a photograph. It shows in the photograph that the half of its darker than the rest, which makes me clearly understand her feels from inside. She might get a feeling of losing a part of her life and became an isolated. However, on the right side of the image is bright, which provides an idea of her life. It could be said that even though she had no one to love, she still enjoying her life and proud of herself. The other idea that I discovered in shadow and only half revealed is she might had dark personallity, who was negatively thinking obsessed. I really like how Maier employed contrast as a compositional element in this work. She uses black and white as a pictorial device to create a contrast in the work. As the lady in the background is very bright, whereas the left side of Maier is very dark. She took this photograph at a low level, which is not a critical aspect of the work. Also, using the shallow depth of field provides the audience to concentrated on her, not the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Summary Of The Book Hi ! My Name s Ratha Hi! My name s Ratha. For my independent novel project, I chose the book Life of Pi , written by Yann Martel. Life of Pi is about an Indian teenager named Piscine Molitor Patel. He was named after a French swimming pool, and he changes his name to Pi after everyone started to call him Pissing . His father is a zoo owner, and his family lives in Pondicherry, a French colony on India s eastern coast. Pi s dad decides to leave India and move his entire zoo to Canada, crossing the Pacific ocean on a Japanese cargo ship named the Tsumtsum. In a severe storm the Tsimtsum sinks. The cause of the sinking is unknown. Pi is the only human survivor, and he s stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Pi tries to tame Richard Parker, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Variable Cost and Large Vessel CASE STUDY Tashtego Advanced Topics in Management Accounting and Control The purpose of this paper is to analyze the economic situation of the company Macedonian Shipping and give a recommendation whether the company should use the motor vessel Tashtego as a freight tender beween Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar in East Africa or as a tapioca ship between Balik Papan and Singapore in the East Indies. Fundamental to all these considerations are measurement issues. Financial measures, in particular, cost measures, are needed to evaluate alternate strategies on whether to introduce a new product or service line, to determine the appropriate sale price and the consequent market position for the firm s product. Question 1) Contribution ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As only ships exceeding 8000 tons burden were to be assessed $ 2.000 no costs for Special Assessment for Tashtego have to be considered. Summarizing these figures we get the total trip costs for a roundtrip for each vessel. Adding the bunkering costs (fuel costs) which are ($ 0,73*960 miles)= 700,80 and ($ 1,27*960 miles)= 1219,20 we get the Incremental trip costs for one roundtrip for the Tashtego and for a large vessel. 3. Incremental trip costs of a roundtrip | | | TASHTEGO | | | | | BP SP Tapioca | SP BP goods | Roundtrip | Trip costs | | | | Portage dues/ton/day in port | 0,14 | 0,20 | | Portage dues | 1.575,00 | 900,00 | 2.475,00 | Lighthouse | 73,00 | 126,00 | 199,00 | Special Assessment | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,00 | | 1.648,00 | 1.026,00 | 2.674,00 | fuel costs/mile | | | 0,73 | Seamiles for round trip | | | 960,00 | fuel costs | | | 700,80 | | | | | Incremental trip costs Tashtego | | | 3.374,80 | LARGE VESSEL | | | | | BP SP Tapioca | SP BP goods | Roundtrip |
  • 13. Trip costs | | | | Portage dues/ton/day in port | 0,14 | 0,20 | | Portage dues | 5.250,00 | 5.000,00 | 10.250,00 | Lighthouse | 73,00 | 252,00 | 325,00 | Special Assessment | 2.000,00 | 0,00 | 2.000,00 | | 7.323,00 | 5.252,00 | 12.575,00 | fuel costs/mile | 1,27 | round trip | 960 | fuel costs | 1.219,20 | | | Incremental trip costs Large Vessel | 13.794,20 | Question 4) With the above calculated revenue, trip ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. George Herbert s Metaphysical Poetry Metaphysical poetry comes into being as a kind of rebellion against the precedent of Golden Poetry. Not only is it extremely difficult to define metaphysical poetry, but difficult to decide what poets practise it and in which of their verses (Eliot.) If we try to define the Metaphysical Poetry we can say that it is poetry that moves from the image to the conceit, from the visual to beyond the visual. George Herbert was among a group of poets together with John Donne, Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley and more, who were considered metaphysical poets. It is difficult to find any precise use of metaphor, simile, or other conceit, which is common to all the poets and at the same time important enough as an element of style to isolate these poets as a group (Eliot.) It is to be observed that the language of these poets is as a rule simple and pure; in the verse of George Herbert this simplicity is carried as far as it can go a simplicity emulated without success by numerous modern poets. The structure of the sentences, on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We can see that same unorthodox usage of a banal concept such as love in another Metaphisical poet: John Donne. Donne in his poems also uses very unconventional ways to describe love, and also was criticized by Jonson for his unconventional method. In his poem A Valediction Forbidding Mourning , he uses ideas from the world of mathematics and geography (a compass) in order to describe the two lovers. For Jonson it is a combination of dissimilar images, the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together. Namely, he sees no connection between compasses and lovers. Herbert, in his poems, uses this simple idea of love and transcends it into something ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Representation of Women and Femininity in She and Arabian... She written by H Rider Haggard is a novel about two men, Holly and his adoptive son, Leo set out to search for a mysterious queen, Ayesha who killed her lover, Kallikrates. After finding the queen, both of them hopelessly fall in love with her and remain in her control not until she dies. Her beauty is legendary that no man can look up upon her and keep his own will. Arabian Nights is a collection of Arabic short story told by a woman, Shahrazad who willingly to marry her lustful King. The King marries a virgin woman every night and kills them the next day because he is once being cheated by his late wife but not until he is married to Shahrazad. Her generous nature to save other women in the kingdom that motivates her to the marriage. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The similarity between them is they are the causes of the male character s downfall. In She, Ayesha is a threatening figure that harms male bonds which is between Holly and Leo. Both of them cannot resist Ayesha s charms. Holly admits that Leo would be his rival. Their brotherly bond in She is broken as they are competing with one another to get Ayesha and they forget about their friend relationships. Holly leaves Leo to spend time with Ayesha when Leo has a fever. After he recovers from her spell, he finds Leo and said [h]ow I cursed my selfishness and the folly that had kept me lingering by Ayesha s side while my dear boy lay dying! Alas and alas! How easily the best of us are lighted down to evil by [women] (185). This shows that a woman can become the causes for men to have a fight because they are competing to win the female. However, in Arabian Nights, Shahrazad who is a slave but become a hero at the end of the story as she managed to win the heart of her husband. Shahrazad is brave enough to offer herself to get married with the Sultan even she knows she might be killed after the marriage as her father, a vizier who is in charge of finding a new wife for the Sultan has told her earlier. Shahrazad explains to her father about the marriage that I may either succeed in saving people or perish and die like the rest (43). This shows that even her father could not stop her from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay about The Future of Cyborgs The Future of Cyborgs Terminator and Bladerunner, portrayed cyborgs or cybernetic organisms as creatures of destruction. Are they really as horrible as the movies make them out to be? They can be more useful than perceived; it is necessary to first perfect the technology involved in creating and operating them. In this paper, I will describe how these cyborgs work and how they are portrayed in the movies. Furthermore, I will explain the helpful ways that they are expected to perform in the future. Cyborgs are a very complex creation of the future. The general concept is that they cannot be recognized as non humans. Although it has a programmed mission, this unit thinks and reacts on its own. The understructure is made of a very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the following scenes, you can see the complex design and circuitry of the cyborg. He is then blown into many pieces, but still his intact torso claws its way toward its target. Finally, he is destroyed by a metal stamp, which crushes him. This perseverance shows that cyborgs are very strong, nearly indestructible creations. In the movie Bladerunner, the cyborgs were less distinguishable from humans. The cyborgs in this movie were referred to as replicants. They represented a computer mind implanted into a human body. They were created to be slaves in the New World. They were designed to live only four years in length. This was all before there was an uprising and many of them escaped. Those who did not escape were kept under tight surveillance and lived out their four years. The others that escaped were hunted down by the bladerunners. The reason the replicants were such a threat is that their life span was only four years. They plundered and killed to try to get an extension on their life. They performed all this horrible actions in vain because there was no way to extend their life. When caught, they were retired, which was what their execution was called. The Replicants were extremely difficult to recognize. They had to be put through a series of tests and questions to determine if they were replicants. The key to recognition was in the eyes. As you can see by their portrayal in these two movies, cyborgs were evil creatures that were nearly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Civil Rights Act Essay Cold War United Nations Chiang Kai Shek Mao Zedong China Lobby Containment Doctrine George Kennan Marshall Plan National Security Act of 1947 Central Intelligence Agency NATO Berlin Airlift Warsaw Pact NSC 68 Servicemen s Readjustment Act 1944 GI Bill Coal Strike 1946 Fair Deal Labor Management Relations Act 1947 Progressive Party Thomas Dewey Korean War Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur HUAC The Hollywood 10 Alger Hiss Whittaker Chambers Richard Nixon J. Edgar Hoover Klaus Fuchs Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Joseph McCarthy Red Scare Adlai Stevenson Dwight D. Eisenhower Sputnik NASA National Defense Education Act John Foster Dulles Massive Retaliation
  • 18. Brinkmanship Shah of Iran Gammel Abdel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apply this statement to the following periods: 1870 1915 1915 1935 1935 1950 Analyze the influence of the following on American Soviet relations in the decade following the Second World War: Yalta Conference Communist Revolution in China Korean War McCarthyism How do you account for the appeal of McCarthyism in the United States in the era following the Second World War? To what extent did the decade of the 1950s deserve its reputation as an age of political, social, and cultural conformity? What accounted for the growth between 1940 and 1965 of popular and governmental concern for the position of blacks in American society? There are people who suggest that President Eisenhower was cautious in . . . international affairs. Assess the validity of this statement in regard to policies toward Korea, Vietnam, the Suez Crisis, Iran, Israel, and the Soviet Union. Reform movements of the twentieth century have shown continuity in their goals and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. 2007-2008 Financial Crisis The Global Financial Crisis of 2007 2008 The Global Financial Crisis 2007 2008 Economists and scholars spend years dissecting financial markets and evaluating the causes of booms and busts. Throughout United States history there have been multiple economic booms that were underestimated and followed by recessions. In the situation of the 2007 2008 global financial crisis many culprits have been identified as causes, such as loose monetary policy, credit booms, deregulation, over complexity, and greed. Since the economic boom was solely dependent on weak policies and misconceptions, this leads me to believe prevention was possible with adequate regulatory policy, risk assessment and clarifications for commercial banks. Monetary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Generally homeowners were required to meet certain qualifications in order to borrow funds for mortgages, also known as prime mortgages. Since the prime mortgage market had receded, lenders were encouraged to lower their requirements for lending and began to allow subprime mortgages. These less responsible homeowners began to default on their mortgages, which turned investment bankers stream of mortgage payments into empty houses. Increases in foreclosures raise the supply of available houses, which lowers the fair market values of houses. The prime mortgage homeowners were left with houses that were highly devalued relative to their mortgages and began to abandon their mortgage obligations. Mortgage lenders, investment bankers, and outside investors froze their activities, as they faced possible bankruptcy. Regulatory/Supervisory Inadequacies Deregulation is believed to be the underlying cause of all economic downturns, as its scope of responsibility reaches all markets. In the 1930s the United States experienced a bank crisis that sparked a widespread distrust in the banking system and people withdrew their money from the depository institutions overnight. The sudden retraction of the money supply from the economy caused many banks to close and the economy to suffer. The Banking Act of 1933, also known as the Glass Steagall Act, was created to insure depositors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Skippers In The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in a collection of 24 stories while on a pilgrimage to visit the relics of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. The purpose behind this pilgrimage is for the pilgrims to visit the shrine to seek forgiveness for their sins. Due to the long trip, the host made a deal with everyone to tell two stories on the way and back from Canterbury and whoever tells the best one receives a paid for meal. Each character telling their stories gives away bits of information and a visual idea of who they really are. In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer uses detail, point of view, and descriptive language to portray the Pardoner and Summoner to be worse than the Skipper. The Skipper begins to tell his tale by bringing light to his past and the battles he has fought in using details. Chaucer wrote, When he fought, the enemy vessel sank, he sent his prisoners home. (409) to give a visual of the Skippers performance in battle. In this quote Chaucer portrays the skipper as a pirate but merciful to the people who has already defeated and and took from. He was confident throughout his battle, never letting up until he felt like the overall goal was met. Another example describes his demeanor and how he presents himself, Hardy he was, prudent in undertaking. (415) during the time of his battles. In this quote Chaucer uses detail to characterize the Skipper as confident and cautious about every move he made on and off the battlefield. It was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Hamlet Twelfth Night William Shakespeare s plays Hamlet and Twelfth Night are completely opposite plays. However, there are many connections that can be made between the two. Seeing as Hamlet is a dark tragedy and Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy, both seem to have romantic twists to them developed by the hindering of the truth of one s appearance. These are shown through major themes, such as deceit through disguises, complex love triangles, and varying opinions of marriage. In the play Twelfth Night Shakespeare uses disguise as a major theme. This is partially what makes the play a comedy but also creates the ties to Hamlet . In the beginning of Hamlet the main character himself makes everyone believe he is mad to try to get the truth out of his uncle of why is father died. Many of the other characters in this play pretend to be good natured and caring toward Hamlet, when in all reality they were unjust and self absorbed. In Twelfth Night, many of the characters disguise themselves as someone else, such as Viola pretending to be Cesario. Olivia falls in love with Cesario . Feste and Malvolio disguise themselves as two completely different people than the people they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Twelfth Night, the main love triangle occurs between the main character Viola, Olivia, and Orsino. The play begins with Orsino already being in love with Viola, who then follows Olivia falling in love with Viola, who is dressed as Cesario and in love with Orsino. The love triangle is solved when Viola s twin brother Sebastian arrives. Olivia marries Sebastian, thinking him to be Viola. Thus leaving Orsino without a love interest and to find out that Viola is a woman. He decides to marry her when he finds out. The love triangle in Hamlet, or rather sexual tension, is underlying between mother and son. A great deal of jealousy is also present between Hamlet and Claudius in pursuit of Gertrude s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Integration Of Engineers And Military History INTEGRATION OF ENGINEERS IN US MILITARY HISTORY Name: Josue Forgue (SSG) Institution: SLC Class 004 14 Introduction The US military is a national force that is tasked with the duty of protecting the federal state from attacks from external forces. In this respect, the military is obliged to use some special scientific skills. This sees to it that the military combating is done with convenience and effectiveness. In this regard, the military was compelled to integrate engineers in its operations throughout its long history (Arkesian, Connor Sarkesian, 2006). Body The military history s integration of engineers dates back to the year 1775 when the continental government established the first Army Corps. This was essentially an Army ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The academy was stationed at West Point in New York State. It became the only and then the major school of engineering in the US. The Corps of Engineers were tasked with duties such as the improvement of navigation on the Mississippi river (Arkesian, Connor Sarkesian, 2006). The US military integrated topographical engineers. At around the year 1838, they were used for the sake of mainstreaming civil works. They took up the task of mapping as well as the design and the fortification of the coastal routes. The engineers also took up the task of surveying the lakes of the US in the North and the North West. These engineers saw to it that the topography of the nation was effectively mainstreamed in accordance to the requirements of the federal government (American Society of Naval Engineers Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2006). During the civil war, the engineering element that had been integrated into the military in the US played a very key role. The military carried out many missions during this time and the central nerve to these missions was the engineers. They undertook tasks like the construction of bridges, forts, batteries, the entrenchment into fortified enemy territory, and the demolition of the supply chain of the enemy. It is in this respect that the military was able to keep the enemies at bay. They were able to go over running torrents of rivers and entered into the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Niccolo Paganini s The Piano And The Mandolin By The... Niccolo Paganini was born in Genoa,Italy on October 27th, 1782. As a young boy, he was taught to play the violin and the mandolin by the elder Paganini, which played the mandolin and gained profit from doing so. As he grew up, he was somewhat of a prodigy. He displayed fascinating music talent and was also taught by the best teachers in Genoa. Given his talent with the violin, he could ve became an inspiration. He was widely known because he was a travelling performer. Niccolo s reputation was raised due to a concert within Europe. Not only did Niccolo play the violin, he also played many other instruments. Niccolo faced many illnesses, which later caused the death and health decline of Niccolo. Niccolo s first break was a concert at La Scala in Milan. This concert was a success. From this, he attracted many other musicians within Europe. Some of Niccolo s teachers in which are Ferdinando Paer and Gasparo Giretti, both had an influence on Niccolo. Although Niccolo s school is unknown, he took violin classes under famous violinists. Niccolo s skill with the violin earned him many scholarships. Niccolo s parents were Antonio and Teresa Paganini. His non legalized relationship was with Antonia Bianchi. She bore a son and his name was Achilles Cyrus Alexander. In 1805, Lucca was invaded by the Napoleonic French. From there the region was given to Napoleon s sister, Elisa Baciocchi. Niccolo became a violinist in Baciocchi court. Niccolo was affected by many syndromes and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Examples Of Gothic Elements In Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights is a romantic/gothic novel which was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym ″Ellis Bell . It was originally written by Emily Bronte who died the same year at the age of thirty. Emily Bronte was born on 30 July 1818 in the village of Thornton, West Riding of Yorkshire, in Northern England, to Maria Branwell and an Irish father, Patrick Bronte. She was the younger sister of Charlotte Bronte and the fifth of six children, though the two oldest girls, Maria and Elizabeth, died in childhood of tuberculosis. In 1820, shortly after the birth of Emily s younger sister Anne, the family moved eight miles away to Haworth, where Patrick was employed as perpetual curate; here the children developed their literary talents. Wuthering ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The genre further continued to become popular throughout the romantic period and its characteristics were adopted into various modes of literature, including, Wuthering Heights. It is a tale of tragic love and all consuming passion, these romantic themes and a sense of horror and the supernatural combine to make Wuthering Heights a Gothic novel. Quintessential elements of Gothic fiction include the above mentioned themes as well as grotesque imagery, dark and foreboding mansions and landscapes, chaos, pain and doomed love, all themes present in Bronte s work. Gothic elements are used by Bronte in allowing the novel to transcend the binds of the merely romantic. She uses the Gothic style to evoke terror and fear. The Gothic atmosphere is frequently transmitted through the setting of an antiquated or seemingly antiquated space, such as castles or mansions in faraway countries, and through raging storms, dark nights, tyranny, incarceration, and torture (Morris 301). When considering the abovementioned criteria for a narrative to be categorized as being a Gothic, there can be no doubt that Emily Bronte s story of the self contained world of Wuthering Heights, indeed, is a Gothic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Brave New World Literary Devices In the book, Brave New World, the author, Aldous Huxley, creates and alternated world in the 1930 s to show us how political and society were during that year. There was a lot of cruel, violence, segregations compare to the world in BNW. He also uses many literary devices to tell use what his society looks like during the 1930 s. During this time the WWii was going on and this was a big deal to the world because there was a lot of dramas and other dangerous things going on. Some of those devices are simile, details, metaphor... One major event was people being considerate about others instead on themselves. One of the literary devices that Aldous Huxley uses is metaphor to give us a description of what is happening to Lenina and how she acts, also help her remind her who the real Lenina is. Lenina liked the drums. Shutting her eyes she abandoned herself to their soft repeated thunder, allowed it to invade her consciousness more and more completely, till at last there was nothing left in the world but that one deep pulse of sound. It reminded her reassuringly of the synthetic noises made at Solidarity Services and Ford s Day celebrations. Orgy porgy, she whispered to herself. These drums beat out just the same rhythms (107 8). Lenina is thinking deep about herself and what she is really like. She also think about her inner self and listening to the repeated beats over and over it reminds her of the Solidarity Services. Aldous Huxley is comparing this to today s Sawyer 2 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay On Asian Americans Asian Americans Asian Americans are a diverse group of people who are among the fastest growing minority groups in the United States. Despite their minority status, they often surpass Whites in America and do so while holding on to their cultural values regarding family, education, and success. Cultural Values Toward Education The Asian group has strong standards regarding academic success. The United States Census Bureau reported that the percentage of Asian Americans to possess a bachelor s degree or higher increased by 54% which shows a significant increase within the past 20 years (United States Census Bureau, 2016). Throughout much of Asia, children are taught at an early age to believe that education is the only path to success. While they are a distinct minority, their indicators of success in terms of education and future income occur because of the unique style of parenting which is based on the belief of the philosopher Confucius. Within their culture, they are taught to work on self perfection which will help them achieve self improvement in qualities such as diligence, determination, and concentration (Seal, 2010). Parents, family members, and their community assume the responsibility for teaching and disciplining children. Furthermore, they instill the belief that a child s achievement or lack thereof is a direct reflection on the efforts of the entire family and community (Chen Uttal, 1988). These types of demands coupled with academic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Restorative Justice And The Justice Centres Restorative Justice(RJ) is a process in by which it takes an alternative form from the traditional CJS and aims to prompt resolution with offender, victims and the wider community in a safe setting. RJ looks at crime in terms of violation against the community and individual rather than a violation against the law (Gabbay, 2005). As with the traditional CJS, the voices of the victims and offenders are very minimal and not adequately addressed to a large extent; restorative justice centres its main attention on these parties. Since the adoption of RJ practices, there have been different types of RJ created by various different countries that have also resorted to this practice, such as Family Group Conferencing (NZ and Australia) and Sentencing Circles (Canada) and victim offender mediation. Since, one of the main stakeholders of these conferences are victims, it is vital that their needs and wants are being heard and met and victim satisfaction is also one of the key restorative values in these conferences, thus it is important know whether their needs are being adequately met. This essay will critically discuss the principle of restorative justice, how restorative justice effectively addresses the concerns of victims using examples illustrated from Canada and New Zealand and the limitations of RJ in certain crime cases in addressing victim concerns. . The concerns will be based on the different proponents of RJ and the overall satisfaction that arises for victims out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Human Resources Management ( Hrm ) Human Resources Management (HRM) is people who work in an organization. The manager is a person who manages people, leads, facilitates and provide tools for the organization. HRM sets strategic processes and procedures, run difficult and complex communication as the organization attracts the best talents from the recruiting process. Human resources management is where everything begins and ends for an individual and the organization. Meaning, it s where total processes are created for the organization and the individual, such as; planning, forecasting, compensation, benefits, diversity, salary, decisions, ethics, records, right protection, leadership, development, and the list is endless. In view of the fact that everything starts with HRM, it faces many challenges for the organization and the individual. Therefore, excellent communication skills are essential. Communication is everything. It s the number one driver in the process of planning a successful organization. Managers from top to bottom must be able to communicate, listen and comprehend in order to be effective in delivering the goals and mission of the organization. Chester Barnard identified seven must do communication skills in order to keep the lines of communication open and they are: a definite formal channel of communication to every member of an organization; the line of communication should be as direct and short as possible; the complete formal line of communication should normally be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Arabian Economic Advantages And Disadvantages After rapid growth in the international debt of developing countries in the 1970s and the increasing incidence of scheduling back debt in the early 1980s, the risk of countries reflecting the ability and willingness of a country to financial services has been a topic of concern for the international world (Cosset and Roy, 1991). As well as significant events that occurred on September 11, 2001, the associated risks in international relations has increased substantially, and it becomes more difficult to be analyzed and predicted for decision makers in the fields of Economics, finance and politics. International investors are also aware that the globalization of world trade and capital market openness poses a risk that could cause the financial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, in a country naturally has advantages and disadvantages. In a country that is strong in economics may have a weakness in political or social fields. This is the one that causes a country still has risks although is included in a State that has a stable economy. One example is the case in the Arabian peninsula, the Levant. The Arabian peninsula is the name of a giant peninsula in Western Asia that has the form resembles the boots. the continental climate is hot is known as one of the more prosperous cities in the world thanks to the existing oil reserves beneath it. However, not all the residents of the Arabian peninsula has a prosperous people. Yemen located in the heel of the peninsula is an example of a country that is not lucky, because in addition to having only meager oil reserves, Yemen must also wrestle with the war tearing his territory. The factor ethnicity was a factor in the Arabian peninsula that also affect why conflict there lasts incessant from past to present. KH Said Aqeel Siroj who educated scholars until the doctor in Saudi Arabia to explain, political parties or religious sect based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Anne Frank House Research Paper We are almost up, my mother said as we waited in line to enter the Anne Frank House. We stood over an hour in the winding line of people. During that time, I was able to completely assimilate to my surroundings, even though I endured the nervous anticipation. The surreal feeling of standing in a colorful world just outside the room where eight people languished in a dark existence for twenty five months was a seminal event in my life. Unbeknownst to anyone, where I stood, in 1942, Anne Frank hid in plain sight because she lived in a world that would not understand the similarity in our differences. Entering the house, people in line continued through the building. I approached the infamous bookcase that concealed the Secret Annex where Anne and her family hid. Understandably, it was heartbreaking to walk through the unfurnished house with original photos and writings still on the walls. I don t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. This was one of the many quotes by Anne Frank that was stenciled on the wall. It was unimaginable to think that despite everything she endured, she was still able to find the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I have been able to use my travel as the synapse to what I have learned in school, watched in movies, read in books or experienced from the news. I find myself reminiscing upon the real places on which was reported, the same places I have been. Seeing the diary of Anne Frank in real life and standing in the same place she hid in secret as a teenager was the nexus for understanding the important role travel has played in the balanced perspective of different cultures I have, the similar perspective Anne Frank embraced without regards to her particular circumstance. From this event I also embrace; we are more alike, my friends, than we are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Scramble for Africa What were the major historical factors explaining the scramble for Africa ? In order to approach this essay question, my analysis will be divided into two parts. The first section will define what the scramble for Africa means. In the subsequent sections, I will refer to the case history of colonization of Africa by some European countries, the motives behind their actions and its consequences on Africa particularly. The scramble for Africa was described as the golden period of European expansionism in the 19th century. It was an age in which the continents of Africa, Asia and Middle Eastern states were brought under the control of European powers following the Berlin Conference from 1884 to 1885. Hobsbawm (1987: 56) describes the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Padmore, pp. 164 165). As argued by H. L. Wessseling (1996: 366), the historical interpretation of the partition was based on imperialism due to entrepreneurship and therefore, primarily a struggle for profitable markets of investment . He opined that aside from the economic motives upon which the partition was based, there was indeed, consideration of strategic and political motives as well. From his perspective, the political elites in Britain had no plan for Africa; instead they were promoting their own preferences in Asia which was aimed at defending the crucial stake in both India and the East (p. 366). Furthermore, the development of transportation was paramount to the Middle East war because it promoted the development of Africa transportation network which was used to transport bulky supplies from Congo Rivers, through Juba and Egypt (Hargreaves, 1988: 54). Certainly, there was no question of the strategic and commercial importance of Africa, Asia and the Middle Eastern territories to the Allied Powers prior to, and during, the Second World War. acquiring a colony which further lead to an empire was significant factor in proving the status and importance of a country (Chamberlain, 1985: p. 3). Whilst huge merit pertains in this argument, there is no doubt the policy of imperialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East is different from one nation to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. California Department Of Transportation ( Caltrans ) Essay Thank you for providing the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) the opportunity to review and comment on the Initial Study and Notice of Preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the City of Colton Roquest Ranch Specific Plan (Project), located west of La Cadena Drive and north of Center Street in the City of Colton. The project proposes to develop the 336.2 acre site with up to 1,050 residential dwelling units, 1.2 acres of neighborhood commercial use, 22.3 acres of recreational open space, 199.7 acres of open space, a 0.8 acre fire station site, and a 10.3 acre school site. As the owner and operator of the State Highway System (SHS), it is our responsibility to coordinate and consult with local jurisdictions when proposed development may impact our facilities. As the responsible agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, it is also our responsibility to make recommendations to offset associated impacts with the proposed project. Although the project is under the jurisdiction of the City of Colton, due to the project s potential impact to the State facilities, including Interstate 10, Interstate 215, State Route 60, and State Route 91, it is also subject to the policies and regulations that govern the SHS. In the preceding Environmental Impact Report (EIR), we recommend a scoping meeting prior to the preparation of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to discuss any potential issues and accurately evaluate the extent of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Did Albert Einstein Changed How People Viewed The... Nicholas Fitzgerald Mr.Winther Literature and Composition 5 October 2017 History and Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was one of the greatest physicists of all time. His early life demonstrated his fascination with science. Einstein s work changed how people viewed the entire universe. Einstein s was born on the 14th of March in 1879. He grew up in Ulm, Germany. Einstein had an irregular education because he was always moving schools. Though being thrown around to many schools he read many popular books on science. By the age of 17 he started attending the Federal Polytechnic Academy in Zurich, Switzerland. While there Einstein studied physics and mathematics. In 1905 Einstein was awarded his PH.D. from the University of Zurich. 1905 was also the year that historians refer to has Einstein s miracle year . During this time he was wrote and published five theoretical papers. One of these papers titled On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light, Einstein talked about how he believed that light is made up of many photons that have particle like properties and behave like a wave. Einstein s work would eventually lead to him getting the Nobel Prize in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He talked about something he called special relativity. History.com states that In special relativity, time and space are not absolute, but relative to the motion of the observer. Thus, two observers traveling at great speeds in regard to each other would not necessarily observe simultaneous events in time at the same moment, nor necessarily agree in their measurements of space. History.com also stated In Einstein s theory, the speed of light, which is the limiting speed of any body having mass, is constant in all frames of reference. In the fifth paper that year, an exploration of the mathematics of special relativity, Einstein announced that mass and energy were equivalent and could be calculated with an equation, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay The Art of Maya Lin Maya Lin is a driven and innovative artist of our time. Many of her works have been seen as controversial and received harsh criticism. She manages to trudge on. Her works express both an artistic and mathematical feel, somehow finding a beautiful marriage between. Her obsession with art and knowledge can be greatly attributed to her parents, as she was very successful at an early age. Her art career is one of many triumphs and breaking boundaries in the art world. Lin has a great love for nature, and many of her pieces help to express the significance of this, and she loves to enthrall the audience. Maya Lin was born on October 5th, 1959 in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While attending Yale University she entered a grueling art competition amid 1500 fellow artists, and won, at the young age of twenty one. The contest was to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, in Washington,D.C. She did extensive research for the wall on subjects ranging from cultural memorials through out history to soldiers journals from World War I. The completion of the wall turned out to be her breaking moment in the world of art. After creating her visionary Vietnam Veterans Memorial she suffered much controversy and criticism. Many Veterans believed her simple black wall with listed names was a black wall of shame (Ergas 265) and insulting to the traditional idea of white marble and statues of soldiers the veterans had expected. Critics even began using her asian background to discriminate against her, which had not been an issue for Lin before this time. Even Ross Pero after finding out she was asian was heard to call her an egg roll. Lin feels if her lineage had been known at the time of the contest she never would have won. This criticism almost caused Lin to exit the world of art forever, if it hadn t been for the immense impact the wall had on visitors and the sheer number of them. Many visitors found closure and rejoice in finding there loved ones names and leaving flowers. The rubbings of loved ones names even ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Similar Triangles Activity Report Introduction In this activity, I will be working with Carolyn Ulrich, a fellow geometry teacher, to improve our students achievement in our Similar Triangles unit. This application will occur at Deer Valley High School in Glendale, Arizona; the website is: http://www.dvusd.org/Domain/42. The mathematical level of geometry is the second year math class taken by all sophomores and is tested on the Arizona state standardized test. Mrs. Ulrich is our geometry level leader on our campus, but she teaches four honors geometry classes and one regular geometry class, where I teach three of the regular geometry classes on campus. In this activity, we have decided on three standards to focus on when we instruct our students in this unit, which I will state in the next section. We will work together in a collaborative inquiry which involves identifying and agreeing on one problem or area of student need. (Nelson et al., 2010, p. 36) We will meet throughout the week and discuss what we did in class for our instructional practice, how we thought it went for each class, administer the common assessment, and see how our students did on these three standards and compare results. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 205 (Carolyn s room) Standard 1: G SRT.2 given 2 figures, use definitions of similarity in terms of transformations to decide if they are similar (similarity of triangles) Standard 2: G SRT.5 use congruence/similarity for triangles to solve problems/prove ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Social Determinants Of Population Health The influence of the population health is based on the role of the government but is not limited within the health sector but by various sectors outside the health systems. The health system is strengthened by the human resource development and the capacity to build and regulate the public health in the important areas of the health sector. The contributions to the health population are derived from the social determinants of health such as the living conditions, education, and the social security measures. Other areas for action are the population stabilization, reducing the impact of climate change on health and improving the community participation. Making public health a shared value across the various sectors is a politically challenging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Castles In Japan Research Paper Castles in Japan were built for two main purposes. First, it was built as a defensive platform. Daimyo (feudal lords) all over the country built these strongholds so they could retreat during an attack. Both the castle itself and the grounds surrounding it are fortified with numerous defenses. The main keep of the castle also stored food and weapons in case of prolonged battles. A castle was constructed to display the daimyo s wealth and power as well. Of course, the grander the castle, the stronger and wealthier the daimyo. Japan s history is intimately intertwined with the history of castles. Castles have their roots in defense built around the homes of warlords. Preceding the rise of Nobunaga, Japan was divided into a great many small provinces each ruled by a different warlord for nearly two centuries. The need for bigger and stronger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They evolved from the wooden fortress of earlier centuries to their best known form in the 16th century. Castles in Japan were built to guard significant or strategic sites, such as ports, river crossings, or crossroads. They almost always incorporated the landscape into their defenses as well. Although they were built to endure and used more stone in their construction than most Japanese buildings, castles were still constructed primarily of wood. Many were destroyed over the years, especially during the Sengoku (Warring States) period (1467 1603). However, many were rebuilt later during the Sengoku period and the following Edo period (1603 1867). Today there are more than one hundred castles remain, or partially remain, in Japan. It is estimated that there were once five thousand of them. Some castles, such as the ones at Matsue and Kōchi (both built in 1611) exist in their original forms, not having suffered any damage from sieges or other threats. In contrast, Hiroshima Castle was destroyed in the atomic bombing, and was rebuilt in 1958 as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Juno Research Paper Nasa s space probe, Juno, has many interesting information about it. Juno s manufacturers were very skilled and thoughtful when they created it. Juno s scientific instruments were a great feat. Juno is still working on gathering information to help us better understand our world. Juno was built by one of four main business divisions of Lockheed Martin, the LMSSC (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company). Lockheed Martin was founded on March 15th, 1995. LMSSC has their headquarters located in Denver, Colorado. Other areas of operation include Sunnyvale, California, Santa Cruz, California and Huntsville, Alabama. LMSSC has built other famous products such as, commercial/military satellites, other space probes, missile defense systems and space ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Juno is measuring the composition, gravity field, magnetic field, amount of water in the deep atmosphere, mass distribution and polar magnetosphere of Jupiter. Along with measuring parts of Jupiter, Juno is currently trying to find clues on how the planet was formed and whether or not it was a rocky core and studying Jupiter s deep winds. The main goal is to find the story of Jupiter s formation and evolution. Juno studies the bright auroras at Jupiter s poles. Juno launched on August 5th, 2011 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and is set to decay in February 2018. On August/September 2012, Juno use deep space maneuvers to get to try to get Jupiter. In October 2013, Earth assist Juno with a gravity assist. Using Earth s gravity, it altered Juno s path/speed so it could get to Jupiter. July 4th, 2016 was a joyous day for many people; for it was the day that Juno successfully arrived at Jupiter s orbit. The current plan for Juno is for it to orbit Jupiter for 20 months, which is roughly 37 orbits and deorbit Jupiter on February ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Measuring The Quality Of Clusters Analysis Comparison For measuring the quality of clusters four criteria have been used. The first three criteria are designed so as to measure the quality of cluster sets at different levels of granularity. Ideally it s needed to generate partitions that have compact, well separated clusters. Hence, the criteria used presently combine the two measures to return a value that indicates the quality of the partition thus the value returned is minimized when the partition is judged to consist of compact well separated clusters with different criteria judging different partition as the best one. The last criterion is based on time efficiency. The term compactness and isolation are defined as follows: Compactness: This is a measure of cohesion or similarity of objects in an individual cluster with respect to the other objects outside the cluster. The greater the similarity the greater the compactness. Isolation: This is the measure of distinctiveness or dissimilarity between a cluster and the rest of the world. The smaller the similarity, the greater the isolation. Presently simple distance based measure are used to evaluate compactness and isolation (Manhattan Distance for the present work) has been used rather than statistical test of significance used in multivariate analysis of variance. In this section, whilediscussing about each of the criterion R_i represents an object or search result, C_j represents a cluster and C_jc its centroid. G_cis the global centroid. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. How Parchman Reflects The Intertwined Themes Of Reform And... Analyzing how Parchman reflects the intertwined themes of reform and race, we must look back into the history of the state, to see what caused the instability that led to reform and the role that citizens played. The Civil War is just ending and the South lost not only did they lose the battle , but they also lost their family members, homes, land and most of all for some they lost their slaves. During the war Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in territories that opposed the Union. Oshinsky paints a beautiful picture of the scenes that had unfolded when he wrote that, Few could escape the consequences of this war. Mississippi was bankrupt. Its commerce and transportation had collapsed. The railroads and levees lay in ruins. Local governments barely functioned. (p.12) The world that many white southerners had come to know was now destroyed. Being placed under these conditions, outraged many white southerners. Adding fuel to the fire, the fact of knowing that former slaves were now equal to even the poorest of whites, did not set well. The author states that, this hatred had many sources. The ex slave had become a scapegoat for the South s humiliating defeat. John F.H. Claiborne, Mississippi s most prominent historian, blamed him for causing the war and for helping the North to prevail. ( Oshinsky, 1996, p. 14) Carl Schdrz, a reformer from the North, became very concerned about how blacks would be treated, with rising sense of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Out Of The Depth Summary Out of the Depths is a very interesting narrative book about retired Marine Edgar Harrell surviving the sinking of the USS Indianapolis in 1945. Harrell grew up on a farm in Kentucky, as a little boy he listened to the radio about the Naval Wars and Marines losing their lives, so he decided he wanted to help. When Harrell became 18, he registered for the draft right away. The massive cruiser, the USS Indianapolis, became his life and, more importantl, became his home. He lived on this ship serving and fighting for his country. He remembers very precisely about the one time he saw a Japanese Kamikaze plane hit the ship in the battle for Okinawa. He survived the attack, but nine of his friends tragically lost their lives. The ship had to return to the states as needed for repairs, because the Indianapolis had important components for the atomic bombs to drop on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. While there, he noticed that the captain said that their next assignment was to head for the Philippines to invade Japan. Harrell stated to the captain that it was necessary to have an escort through the seas to that area as the US has already lost 129 soldiers due to Japanese attacks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The torpedoes hit the ship in less than fifteen minutes causing the ship to sink. Harrell with no hesitation immediately started to find his way out as rushing waters flooded the ship. The only thing he could think of as he was struggling to escape from the deadly waters was his mom, dad, 6 brothers, two sisters, and his girlfriend that said she would wait for him to come home. Harrell thinking of this recalled to himself, I want to live, I don t want to die . He says that millions of things were going through his brain. Him and 900 to 1,200 men who survived the attack were stranded in the sea, oil soaked, holding onto anything that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Humphry Davy Honor Honor, respect that is given to someone who is admired. To me, honor means respecting someone for something that they did. I typically honor someone if they made a sacrifice for something or someone, for example, people that serve in the military. Humphry Davy was a british scientist who could be known as honorable. Humphry Davy was a chemist who was born on December 17, 1778 and died on May 29, 1829 at age 50. Humphry Davy was a British chemist who was born on December 17, 1778 and died on May 29, 1829 at age 50. He was raised Penzance, Cornwall by a middle class family. He did good in school but was also naturally intelligent, he loved to read and was always interested in nature growing up. Around age 16, Davy became friends with Davies Gilbert, who let Davy use a library and lab for scientific work. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Humphry Davy is widely known for discovering chlorine and iodine and also for creating the Davy lamp. Davy also inhaled laughing gas to test its disease causing properties. Davy tested with many things like oxides, nitrogen, and ammonia. With all the experiences he had gone through, Davy began writing books about his experiments and gained lots of respect and fame for his work. Humphry Davy may not be a familiar name, but to some the name Davy Lamp lights a bulb within their mind. Humphry Davy can be known for creating the Davy Lamp which was a safety lamp that was used for flammable atmospheres. The lamp made an impact on the world because it provided safety for many miners and many people could ve gotten injured or killed if the lamp was never ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. AIDS Essay examples Research Paper: AIDS Did you know that in the United States of America the sixth leading cause of death in people from their mid 20 s through their mid 40 s is AIDS (Zuger, 2010)? AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and is a disease derived from the virus known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The immune system gets broken down when someone has AIDS and it is basically the highest form of HIV. When a person has HIV, the CD4 cells get infected and start to deteriorate and once the CD4 count is below 200, the person is considered to have AIDS rather than HIV ( Living , 2005). Not many people know that AIDS is extremely prevalent in the world because it is not spoken about in society as much as it used to be when it first ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some women encounter vaginal itching, discharge, pain and irritation, which heighten the risk of passing on the virus to others (Cunningham, 2000). Though there are many signs and symptoms for HIV/AIDS, it is possible for a patient to have little to no symptoms at all within the first ten years of having it (Zuger, 2010). Having no symptoms is more of a curse than a blessing because if the person infected does not know they have anything wrong, they will not seek medical help. This is horrible considering it is better to start getting treated as soon as possible to stay as healthy as possible for longer while having HIV/AIDS. Another reason it would be better to have symptoms is because since it is attacking the immune system, it is destroying the lymph node glands that are trying to fight off the infection and the sooner a person can find out, the sooner they can start salvaging their lymph nodes so they can help fight off future, less severe infections. Not having any signs of HIV/AIDS is harmful because the weaker immune system a person has, the more likely it is for them to get something like pneumonia which is extremely life threatening even in someone who is healthy. Without taking an HIV test, it is impossible to determine whether or not these symptoms are because the patient is affected with HIV or if they have something else that is wrong. There are many tests that can be used to figure out if a person is infected but the most common one is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Man that Was Muhammad Ali Essay Eleanor Roosevelt once quoted The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Most people look at those kinds of quotes and similar to me, laugh at it because we realize that following your dream will lead you to a high percentage of failure in life. Famous people and programs such as Disney channel, tell us to follow our dreams and never quit. Most of the time, we refuse to listen by switching the channel or just turning off the TV. Although, Muhammad Ali was different. He challenged himself. He didn t switch the channel or refused to hear it. Instead, he didn t give up his dream that later on rewarded him with becoming the best boxer in the world. Unlike us, he had huge objects blocking his path in the time he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, young men were being drafted to go and serve in the military. When Ali was noticed for his fighting, political figures decided to draft him due to his useful fighting skills. Although, Ali rejected. He rejected because he had just won his heavyweight boxing title and because he did not want to go to war to kill people. Because of this decision, Ali s heavyweight boxing title was taken away and he was put in a five year prison sentence. Coming out of prison was hard for Ali. Because of his racial color, he would get rejected from places such as restaurants. A lot of people turned him down and he wasn t allowed to fight back in the ring. But, Ali didn t give up and soon found an opportunity that brought him to become the first person in history, to win the heavyweight champion title three times. Muhammad Ali was not only the first person in history to win the heavyweight champion title three times, but he was also a person who never gave up his dream. We quit our dream jobs because there are such obstacles in our path such as expenses, lack of education, or simply because of laziness and complicatedness but not Muhammad Ali. In fact, he faced much bigger problems than us such as segregation and going to jail however he did not quit. He fought through it in order to become the best boxer in the world. He never gave up his dream in order to achieve in something he wanted to fulfill. Muhammad Ali never gave ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Shoemaker Ivy 9 Research Paper Shoemaker Levy 9(SL9) is a comet . On July 16th, 1994, twenty three years ago now, this comet had crashed into Jupiter. Although this is when the crash had happened the comet, SL9, had been discovered a year before it had rammed into Jupiter, on the date of March 24, 1993. Shoemaker Levy 9 s collision with Jupiter had been the first seen on another planet other than our home planet itself, Earth. This impact that SL9 made on Jupiter actually lasted around six days and created plumes that were recorded to be 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers high with also increasing the temperature 53,000 to 71,000 degrees fahrenheit. Shoemaker Levy 9 also left dark rings around Jupiter which were erased by the winds on jupiter, These many pieces of the comet had made significant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back in 1993 , Shoemaker Levy 9 was first discovered by Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy, which is where the name Shoemaker Levy has come from. It turns out that the comet had been captured in Jupiter s gravity and it clashed into Jupiter and even when this comet was first discovered it had been torn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Compounds The Risks Of... Ventilator associated pneumonia compounds the risks that critically ill patients face in hospitalization. It affects a high proportion of patients on ventilators and has a fluctuating morbidity rate. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the potential usefulness of chlorhexidine in preventing ventilator associated pneumonia in adults. The paper features a review of literature found via MedScape using the keywords chlorhexidine, ventilator associated pneumonia, long term ventilation and prevention. The results show that there is a positive correlation between using chlorhexidine in the oral care of patients using a ventilator; however, the evidence thus far does not present an opportunity to promote any clinical recommendations. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This literature review will look to see whether critical care patients (P) can benefit from chlorhexidine treatment (I) as compared to tradition oral care (C) to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia (O) during the patients stay in the hospital (T). The literature demonstrates a potential link between chlorhexidine treatment, oral health care and a potential reduction in the number of cases and ventilator associated pneumonia, ultimately recommending further studies. Literature Search The literature found in this study was found by searching for relevant papers on MedScape. The keywords chlorhexidine, ventilator associated pneumonia, long term ventilation and prevention. Literature Review In a trial by Arti et al, researchers used chlorhexidine to attempt to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia in children (2013). The group included 86 patients who were divided into two groups to complete a double blind, randomized placebo controlled trial. The first group included 41 children who received 1% chlorhexidine gel every eight hours. The second group included 45 children who received a placebo gel. The length of the study was three weeks, or until the patient was extubated. The results demonstrated that 12 of out of the 41 children who received chlorhexidine and 14 out of the 45 placebo patients developed ventilator associated pneumonia. The results showed that there was no clear reduction in the occurrence of pneumonia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Rod Blagojevich Research Paper Rod Blagojevich was at the height of his political career in 2008, he was seating in his second gubernatorial term as the Governor of Illinois. Before his was the Governor he was elected to the Illinois House of Representative in 1992 and then won the US House Seat for Illinois in 1996. All of this was nice for the ascetic view of his political resume, but behind the veil he was a devious, cynical, crass and corrupt politician . He wouldn t for anything to get what he wanted and the people that he wanted in the seats around him. This view began all the way back in 1992 and it only picked up speed from there. In 2008, he was impeached by the House of Representatives 114 1 and by the Senate 59 0, this was the first time in Illinois State history ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the key events that were caught by the Tribune happened between the years of 2004 2008. Most of the people that were arrested were indicted by the courts and all of them either worked for Blagojevich or directly worked with Blagojevich or his people. Some of the prominent people that were indicted were: Stuart Levine (R) who was on the board of the Health Facilities Planning Board and the Teachers Retirement System. Levine was a well known Republican but abruptly resigned from both positions and began the first stages of the investigations of Blago. Levine was eventually charged with extortion and contributions to Blago. Another key individual was Antoine Resko who was a top fundraiser for Blagojevich campaign. He was also in a prominent professional relationship with Blagojevich s wife Pamela as they worked together with her Real estate business. Resko was also charged with extortion and when he was caught giving multi million dollar kickbacks. The individuals that were charge either gave money directly to Blago, Blago s wife or actually wrote checks between the amounts of 1,000 to 2,000 dollars directly to Blago s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. CAA Rating The Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) is a purely voluntary system supported by The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the National Association of Theatre Owners (Crecente). The CARA is funded by film distributors and producers who pay a fee to have their film rated ( MPAA Movie Ratings ). The debate on whether the CARA system works or not is highly debatable. I, personally, think that the system is very functional. This system provides parents and other audiences with a recommended rating for a movie. It is a person s choice on whether or not to deem that rating as appropriate enough for children or others but, they at least have a general idea or understanding of what the film could entail. The CARA system rates ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, not having the film rated does make it more difficult when putting it into theaters. Many U.S. theaters use the rating system when showing movies and an unrated movie may not be allowed ( What Do Movie ). Another great thing about the CARA rating system is that they give their rating feedback to the producer of the film, this allows the producer to make changes to the film, if they decide to, as a way of changing the rating before it enters theaters (Crecente). DVDs are also supposed to stay with the same rating when released as the film was in theaters, because they are not considered separate products ( MPAA Movie Ratings ). In 2007, The Federal Trade Commission described the CARA rating system as a useful and important tool that parents increasingly use to help them make informed decisions (qtd in Crecente). I also think that the CARA system is a valuable and functional resource. This system allows audiences the guidelines to the content of movies. Displaying evidence to an audience of what they can expect from a film. The CARA rating system truly is a great tool to be utilized by all audiences when deciding on what to watch at the movies, or at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Ice-T Time Warner Case Clifton Smith Business Ethics Nov. 1, 2012 Ice T and Time Warner Case Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Ice T s Introduction: This next record is dedicated to some personal friends of mine, the LAPD. For every cop that has ever taken advantage of somebody, beat em down or hurt em, because they got long hair, listen to the wrong kinda music, wrong color, whatever they thought was the reason to do it. For every one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... em. ). Killing policemen is a good thing, that is the plain meaning of the words, and no larger understanding of a neglected culture, the rage of the streets or anything else can explain it away. As in much of today s popular music, the line between performer and performance is purposely blurred. These are political sermons clearly intended to endorse the sentiments being expressed Time Warner states, We stand for creative freedom. We believe that the worth of what an artist or journalist has to say does not depend on pre approval from a government official or a corporate censor. Of course Ice T has the right to say whatever he wants. But that doesn t require any company to provide him an outlet. And it doesn t relieve a company of responsibility for the messages it chooses to promote. Judgment is not censorship. Many an anguished cry goes unrecorded. This one was recorded, and promoted, because a successful artist under contract wanted to record it. There is nothing wrong with making money, but a company cannot take the money and run from the responsibility. No commercial enterprise need agree with every word that appears under its corporate imprimatur. Time Warner intends to be a global force for encouraging the confrontation of ideas, but a policy of allowing diverse viewpoints is not a moral free pass. Pro and con on national health care is one thing; pro and con on killing policemen is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. 21st Century Flood Reform Act Analysis The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the 21st Century Flood Reform Act and to provide a recommendation on whether the Senate should vote for or against it. In order to provide an informed recommendation, this paper will first present background information on the 21st Century Flood Reform Act and explain what it proposes. Following the background information, this paper will analyze arguments both in support and in opposition of the 21st Century Flood Reform Act. To conclude, this paper will make a recommendation, based on the analysis, on how the Senate should vote for the 21st Century Flood Reform Act. Sean P. Duffy, a Republican Representative of Wisconsin, sponsored and introduced the 21st Century Flood Reform Act in the House ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these WYO insurance companies would also receive a reduction in reimbursements. These proposed changes to the NFIP also present improvements to flood mapping practices and addresses the issue of high risk properties, which owners rebuild at high costs following a flood (Simpson, 2017). According to Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, if the 21st Century Flood Reform Act became law, taxpayers would directly benefit through the competition of private companies to provide affordable flood insurance rates for homeowners. Republican Sean P. Duffy, the sponsor of the bill, spoke on the House floor and reinforced Hensarling s statement. Duffy claimed that introducing private companies would allow homeowners to select alternative flood insurance plans that may be cheaper than any available federal plans. Additionally, Duffy stated that private flood insurance companies would assist taxpayers in covering the costs resulting from a flood. Duffy concluded by not only stating that the 21st Century Flood Reform Act is a bipartisan bill but also reiterated its benefit to homeowners, and that it would directly contribute to reducing the national debt. The bill has also received support from the American Academy of Actuaries Casualty Practice Council, as well as from environmental groups, under the condition that it would undergo additional reforms in the Senate, such as to address flood mitigation and the financial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Synopsis Of A Book Bible Of The Bible PROPHECY IN THE HISTORICAL BOOKS A Paper Submitted to the Faculty of Louisiana Baptist University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy In Advanced Prophetics By Justin G. Prock Pyeongtaek, South Korea July 2016 PROPHECY IN THE HISTORICAL BOOKS Based upon Tim LaHaye s numbers, the average amount of prophecy in the twelve Historical books of the Bible is 15.41%1., with the Book of II Chronicles having the most at 31% and the Book of Esther having the least at 1%. Regardless of how much prophecy is involved in these books, what is important is the history of people of Israel through the period of the Judges, the United Kingdom and the Divided Kingdom. Within that history, what is most important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:1 2, 5, 9) So, God commanded Joshua to: (1) enter the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1 5:15), (2) conquer the Promised Land (Joshua 6:1 12:24), which included the Central Campaign (Joshua 6:1 8:25), the Southern Campaign (Joshua 9:1 10:43), and the Northern Campaign (Joshua 11:1 15), and (3) distribute portions of the Promised Land to the 12 tribes of Israel (Joshua 13:1 22:34), which included the land West of the Jordan (Joshua 1. Tim LaHaye et al., Tim LaHaye s Prophecy Study Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2001), 249, 277, 304, 309, 347, 378, 414, 447, 481, 524, 537, 556. 14:1 19:51), the Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20:1 9), the Cities of the Levites (Joshua 21:1 45), and the land East of the Jordan (Joshua 22:1 34). Joshua completes God s work by informing the Israelites how to retain the Promised Land in two speeches (Joshua 23:1 24:28), which Joshua summed up this way, And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that over lived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that he had done for Israel
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