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40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics
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40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics40 Cause And Effect Essay Topics
The Italian Campaign For World War II
The Italian Campaign The Italian Campaign put Allied troops in Europe. Lesser objectives of
the invasion included a chance to capitalize on the collapse of Italian resistance; to immediately
use Allied forces; to engage German forces that could be sent to Russia and northern France; to
take control of airfields that could be used for bombing missions; and to gain control of the
Mediterranean. Casablanca Conference Planning: Believing the North African campaign would
be over quickly, American and British leaders began discussing their next move. While the British
favored pushing north through Sicily and Italy, the Americans wanted a direct, cross Channel
attack. Since this required detailed discussions, a conference between Roosevelt, Churchill, and
their senior leadership was scheduled. The two leaders chose Casablanca for the meeting.
Casablanca Conference The Talks: The talks consisted mostly of planning an invasion of southern
Europe. It was felt that invading Italy would take Benito Mussolini s troops out of the war and
force Germany to shift forces. This would weaken the Nazi position in France, allowing for a later
invasion. Operation Husky The main forces for the invasion of Sicily were the U.S. 7th Army
under Patton and the British Eighth Army under Montgomery. The invasion began on July 10,
1943, with combined air and sea landings involving 150,000 troops, 3,000 ships and 4,000 aircraft,
all aimed at the southern shores of the island. Operation Husky ended
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Ethnic Nationalism Source Of Community Of Fear Essay
Ethnic Nationalism Source of Community of Fear
Nationalism, according to the most widely accepted definitions of, is the doctrine that the state and
the nation should be congruent. However, there is much more to add to the definition of
nationalism today in connection to the ethnic and civil society. The definition of nationalism
depends on its context. The typology of nationalism defines its strength and/or weakness of the
relationship among the community in which it s defined. While civil nationalism accepts people
for who they are in the unique condition that they accept the country s constitution, ethnic
nationalism goes beyond and requires that the community should share a common culture which
can be raced, ethnic group, language or religion. There are many explanations in resonating for why
ethnic nationalism is an exclusive National project (according to Igatieff). Despite the urgency of
this issue, Scholars have until recently not addressed the question of accommodation of
communities regarding ethnic nationalism. This argument will contribute to this discussion, by
looking at the link between conflicts and ethnic nationalism. The points presented in this
argumentation will highlight the weaknesses of ethnic nationalism in modern states. The argument
will articulate these weaknesses by first looking at the genealogical roots and the modernist origin
of ethnic nationalism. Then it will sketch the relationship between mass media, narcissism,
intolerance and the
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The Hero Of The American Soldier Who Goes Out
The film illustrates the hero that can be likened to a representative of the American soldier who
goes out to get information about a particular crime. During the movie, Ray gets to the point to
understand the Indian culture by studying the problems the go through in the United States of
America (Fusco 3). As Michael Apted directed the film, it is a fictional representation of a
soldier who is wounded in serving the people. The central scenario is dominant of the Native
Americans complaining about rights violation. Ray plays the part of the FBI agent who gets
preoccupied with investigating the hilarious acts the people complain about in the society. The
hero as portrayed in the film takes much time trying to figure out where the criminal lives. In
fact, the FBI agent is an Indian native, but he has never lived according to his beliefs. He is the
Sam Shepard s partner, who has the responsibility of delivering the best service according to the
duties attached to him. Besides, Ray became an option since his heritage was complicated making
him suitable for the investigation (Alvarez, Jenn and Waawaate 95). By working with the
government, he fails to represent the true heroic nature, who should defend his people against the
ills and odds that they go through. He goes on the mission under the support of agent Frank,
someone that he enjoys working with due to his previous successes in the similar incidence. While
on the mission, Ray becomes so informed about the way of life of
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The document summarizes the development and use of aircraft during World War 1. It began as a basic and crude technology but advanced significantly over the course of the war. Early aircraft were used mainly for aerial photography but later differentiated into fighters and bombers. By the end of the war in 1918, aircraft had become much more sophisticated and the Royal Air Force had been established as its own independent command separate from the army.

Group Home Observation
On this date worker visited Ms. Brooke Henry at Pine Place Assisted Living Facility in Arley, Al,
for the purpose of arranging services for Ms. Henry. Ms. Henry needed transportation to the SS
office, Wal Mart, group home in Curry, and to get her haircut. When worker arrived at the
facility, Ms. Henry was sitting on the couch in the living room. She was appropriately dressed with
good personal hygiene. She was very excited to see the worker and about leaving the facility for the
day. First worker and Ms. Henry was going to visit a possible group home for Ms. Henry. However,
on the way worker received a call from Holly, caseworker at Tri County, she stated the people who
ran the group home was not able to meet today and she would call back
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Purchase Christmas Trees
How to purchase Christmas tree for your Christmas celebration
Generally, decorated tree is the Christmas tree and normally evergreen conifer such as spruces and
pine of the same appearances associated with Christmas tree. The forestry of the Christmas tree
cultivation like horizontal and agriculture occupation which involves growing fir trees and spruce
trees are especially supports as the Christmas tree. The viable alternatives were farming on the
Christmas tree for the low quality farm lands such as awareness was modified within agriculture
industry. In according, to yields like optimum quality of lands would be flat rolling relatively free
of the debris and undergrowth are present in real Christmas tree. Christmas tree is grown as the wide
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Agritech Pros And Cons
Biotechnology is the manipulation of microorganisms, through DNA manipulation and bioprocess
manipulation for industrial, health, and food industries. Although, there are many different types of
biotechnologies; agriculture is the leading type of biotechnology that has affected humans for
thousands of years and will continue to make a large impact for the future of humanity. What
exactly is agricultural biotechnology? Agricultural biotechnology, or agritech, is a combination of
tools to improve or manipulate microorganisms, or parts thereof, for agricultural use such as bacteria
resistant, improve crop yield, and the list goes on. Biotechnology, in specifies, agricultural
biotechnology has been used for thousands of years. Scientists do not have a specific date as to
when agritech was first utilized, but they have concluded that approximately ten thousand to twenty
thousand years BC, early humans domesticated plants and animals. Overtime, the desired plants
and animals were bred the desired, and overall better quality plants and animals were selectively
bred. Thus overtime, unknowingly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This includes moral/ethical issues, unpredictable plant outcomes, unpredictable health outcomes.
Biotechnology, and its many different fields have been a controversial topic for many, many
years. Sparking the idea that it has moral and ethical issues which in certain eyes it does. Many
people believe that it s playing God, or gods, and even playing mother nature. Many believe that
altering genes and other biological processes should remain in the hand of whomever is the upper
being. Where mankind should not play with things that we do not truly understand; where we are
just playing around. Many religious groups believe that God, gods, and/or mother nature should be
the one who can alter the species, and that Humans are here to live amongst it and not change it to
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Asl 3 Take Home Exam
Cody Faucher
14 December 2016
ASL 3 Take Home Exam
1.What is the definition of Eugenics based on a video clip of Edwin Black?
According to Edwin Black, eugenics is the effort to create a white, blue eyed, blond haired,
Nordic master race in the United States, and wipe away the existence of everyone who did not fit
that ideal . Black goes further by explaining the implementation of this ideal, saying Now who did
they want to wipe away? They wanted to wipe away Mexicans, Italians. They wanted to wipe
away the Asians the Jews, those who they believed were feeble minded, the Deaf, the poor.
The Oxford University Press defines eugenics as the science of improving a human population by
controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics with a further
and rather illuminating explanation which states, Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method
of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the
Nazis .
2.What did you learn exactly from Edwin Black that you may have not learned in American
If I had been asked when eugenics began in practice, I would likely have pointed at Nazi era
Europe prior to seeing Edwin Black s presentation. However, at the conclusion of his speech I
found myself shaken by the fact that eugenics was in practice in California before and during Nazi
power. I had thought of California as, in the past, a brave frontier, and at present, a shining beacon of
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The document describes the steps to get writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Attach previous work samples. 3. Writers will bid on the request and the client can choose a writer based on qualifications and reviews. 4. Clients can request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and get a full refund for plagiarized work. HelpWriting.net aims to fully meet client needs.

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Family engagement through activities that include families in a child's development, such as cognitive development and wellness, has been shown to positively impact children. Research has demonstrated that family engagement aids children's learning, behavior, and health by supporting their development at home and strengthening the family-school partnership. The six types of family engagement activities outlined by Joyce Epstein provide a framework to maximize the benefits of family participation in a child's upbringing and education.

Analysis Of Internal Conflict, The Dark Battlefield
Internal Conflict, The Dark Battlefield
He hesitation or decision making issue within the characters mind is regarded as a suspense. In
Just Lather, That s All , the barber struggled with whether or not to kill the enemy who now infront
of him. In the end, the barber did not want blood on his hand. Meanwhile, in The sniper, two
snipers who were from different sides fought against each other in a war. While examining the
corpse, the sniper discovered that the enemy was his brother. Also The Black Cat narrates the
process of the protagonist from normal to committing a crime step by step. Internal conflict moves
the story s plot, thought the short stories Just Lather, That s All , The Sniper and The Black Cat
The border in Just Lather, That s all struggled with person against self which moves the plot. As
the barber thought over: No one deserves to have someone else make the sacrifice of becoming a
murder. What do you gain by it? Nothing. Others came along and still others, and the first ones kill
the second ones and they the next ones and it goes on like this until everything is a sea of blond
(Tellez 3). When faced cruel enemy, he should kill him. However, in the barber s view, murder is
not the way to stop violence and war. It only lets the violence continue, with killing the second, third
and so on. This point is the transition of the plot from thinking about murdering to hesitation. The
second thought of the border is that: I do not want
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Native American Native Land
To be a Native American, one is not just born into the ethnicity, but it is the sacredness of the
culture, language, religion, and land that makes a person a true Native American, and without
these things, there are no Indigenous people. Developing a culture is human nature, and for
Native Americans, their culture revolves around the land, and to take that away is to take away
who they are. The land may not physically be a part of Native Americans, but without their
sacred land, there is a missing part of them. The building of telescopes on Mt. Graham is one
example of how the sacred Native land is being taken over. Just like how a wheel is a part of a
chariot, the sacred land is part of a Native American, and without it, Native Americans are not
whole. Their culture is seen as inferior to white culture because of the Racial Contract, and is
why their land is treated with disrespect. Native Americans sacred lands needs to be treated with
respect and protected because without it, they are no longer Native Americans, they are a group
of people without a culture to be a part of. The word sacred is defined as: considered to be holy
and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god; connection with religion;
considered too important to be changed (Cambridge Dictionary). But what is sacred to someone,
can that really be defined? What may be sacred and important to one person may mean nothing to
another, but that does not mean that others should be able to
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Ironic Circumstances in Greasy Lake by T.C. Boyle Essay
Ironic Circumstances in Greasy Lake by T.C. Boyle
Sudden and Ironic events that happen to the narrator in T.C. Boyle s short story Greasy Lake are
the same type of events that in an instant will change a person forever. The ironic circumstances
that the narrator in Greasy Lake finds himself in are the same circumstances that young people
find themselves in when fighting war. The viewpoint of the world that the narrator has,
completely alters as certain events take place throughout the story. His outlook on nature
transforms into a wholly different standpoint as the story progresses. As his tale begins, the
narrator sees himself as a tough guy or bad character . He believes he is invincible. There is
nobody as cool as he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is forced to conceal himself in the dark waters next to a dead body while witnessing others
vandalize and destroy his car from a distance. There was a smell in the air, raw and sweet at the
same time, the smell of the sun firing buds and opening blossoms. I contemplated the car. It lay
there like a wreck along the highway, like a steel sculpture left over from a vanished civilization.
Everything was still. This was nature. These words are how he observes the nature surrounding
him after the events take place. Where only a short time ago everything about Greasy Lake was
full of life and promise it is now dead and still. He no longer sees nature the same way, or looks
at the world as he once did. He beholds the world in a different manner, he will never view life in
the way he used to. Everything has changed for him. The actions of the characters in the allegory
Greasy lake are actually the actions of war. The story takes place at the same time the VietnamWar
was happening. Though war is not once mentioned, it is a story explaining war. The desperate,
outrageous actions that take place at Greasy Lake allegorically spell out actions of war. If
untangled, the words written about what the characters experience at Greasy lake can be
interpreted as reasons why war is sparked. The kids in the story are 19 years old, it takes place the
summer after their first year of college. College is the reason kids of that age are at Greasy lake
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The Importance Of News Events In The Media
On October 3rd the news ran stories covering not only the Las Vegas shooting, but also other
newsworthy stories such as Trump s visit to Puerto Rico. The agenda setting of the front page and
framing of crucial stories in major newspapers such as The Guardian, The New York Times, and
The New York Post depict the differences in these outlets such as political orientation, style of
journalism, and audience. The news sources examined highlight the importance of proximity and
relevance when selecting stories for the front page. The top article of the British based newspaper
The Guardian did not concern the Las Vegas tragedy, but rather discussed English Prime Minister
Theresa May s plans to speak against inter party fighting over Brexit... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The actual article refutes the claim as a police spokesman confirmed it might not be a human
body part. While the story has a minuscule amount of real relevance, its absurdity generates
clicks an audience that enjoys the absurdity. Newspapers like The Guardian and The New York
Times report little about those topics, a stark contrast in the stories classified as newsworthy.
The Post is also a right leaning source, which differs from The Guardian and The Times. The
opinion sections emphasize the disparity between these conservative and liberal sources. The
Guardian has one opinion article on their main web page about Las Vegas, titled No it s not
hypocritical to call for gun control after Las Vegas. The writer takes a pro gun control stance from
a British perspective. Similarly, The New York Times opinion section has a multitude of pro gun
control pieces, such as Preventing Mass Shootings Like the Vegas Strip Attack. (FIX) Contrarily,
the main opinion piece on The New York Post s website is titled Wait for the facts on the Vegas
attack. This stark contrast highlights the different agendas of each source.
Examining a specific article from each source reporting about Trump s Puerto Rico visit provides
an in depth view at the differences between these channels regarding the ways they frame their
news. The New York Times writer Mark Landler wrote an article titled Trump Lobs Praise, and
Paper Towels, to
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The Reasons Why The Ottoman Empire Essay
The Byzantine empire had its start in 330 AD with Constantine moving the capital of the Eastern
Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire to Constantinople, present day Istanbul. This created a capital in
which nearly no one could fully siege control over for centuries. This all changed on April 5,1453
when Sultan Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, determined that he would defeat the
Byzantine Empireand take Constantinople, took action and marched to the city. After a 54 day
siege, on Tuesday, May 29,1453, Sultan Mehmed II and the Muslim Turks breached the walls of
the city and brought the last Roman empire crumbling to its knees. The reasons why the
Ottoman Empire was able to bring down what once was the greatest empire in the world was
due to a proper financial backing and assistance from allies, greater number of troops, better
technological advancements, the type of leader Sultan Mehmed II was, and strategy. In 1451,
Sultan Mehmed II, later known as Mehmed the Conquerer, started his second reign of power of
the Ottoman Empire. From the very beginning, he declared it was his aim to take the city of
Constantinople, no matter what the cost. This was challenging due to the ginormous layered
walls surrounding the Byzantine peninsula. First, the city was surrounded by a moat and a layer
of wall, then a second or middle wall rising above thirty feet with 96 towers, and then the third
and biggest wall rising up to 40 feet high and 15 feet thick [with] 96 towers each about 60
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Protestant Old Testament Essay
In the Catholic faith, the Protestant belief of sola scriptura or scripture alone is to be used along
with the Magisterial authority of those in the church such as the Pope and Bishops, which is a long
standing belief from the church s founding in 33 AD. The Protestant Bible and The Catholic Bible
both use the same New Testament, which was defined by Athanasius in 367, but use a different Old
Testament. The Protestant Old Testament is different than the Catholic Old Testament because of
the history of the founding of the Protestant faith. The Protestant Old testament comes from the
Hebrew Bible which was decided to have 24 books, with this canon being accepted at the Councils
of Jamnia in 90 118 AD. (Coffman) The early church fathers, however, were using the Septuagint ,
a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible because they could read Greek but not Hebrew. (Coffman)
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(O Brien) St. Athanasius said These are the sources of salvation, for the thirsty may drink deeply
of the words to be found here. In these alone is the doctrine of piety recorded. Let no one add to
them or take anything away from them. (Paschal Epistle, 367; Synods of Hippo, 393; Carthage
I, 397; Carthage II, 419) A letter of Pope St. Innocent I officially listed these books in 405.
(Saunders) The King James version, printed in 1611, printed these books in between the Old and
New Testament. (Saunders) The Council of Florence, 1442, established the official canon as 46
books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, (Saunders) The Council of Trent,
1546, also decided to keep these books. (Coffman) Here these Catholics said these books were to
be treated with the equal devotion and reference in the Decree of Sacred Books and on traditions
to be Received. (Saunders) The New Catechism affirms these books and the official
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Social Hierarchy in Ancient China Essay example
In ancient china, the social hierarchy was highly looked upon and very important. The shi included
eunuch, scholars and officials. This meant that for the shi, because they were second to the top of
the hierachy, they were very important and had big jobs. The shi included Eunuchs, Scholars and
officials. These people contributed to the organisation and governmentof China because they ran the
main jobs in the government including scribes, advisors and battle commanders. They also
organised communities by giving orders and insuring people knew the laws and followed them.
A Eunuch had one of the closest connections with the Emperor and imperial family. As young boys
they were often sold to the palace by poor parents and immediately ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The main job of an official was to keep law and order and discuss issues. Because of their
education, officials were well respected and were able to live a comfortable lifestyle. Due to
this, to become an official, men had to pass a 60 hour exam. This was so difficult that only
1:3000 people got in, meaning that the amount of officials was quite low. Officials spent most of
their time discussing religion, laws, farming and taxes. They had the largest job out of the shi
because there were such a variety of issues they talked about. As well as talking about issues,
officials also acted upon them. Some examples of this is when they went out to the country and
encouraged farming methods, collected taxes and enforced laws.
Why were the shi so important?
The shi were so important because they contributed greatly to the organisation and government of
China. If it weren t for them China would not be an established and wealthy country today.
Because the shi were educated and were able to read and write, we are able to learn and understand
the history and culture of Ancient China. This group of people was also very important because
they talked to the emperor and kept his information, translated documents and ran the main
government. Major jobs they had included commanding battles, scribers, clerks, organised rituals
and collected taxes. This proves that the shi provided vital jobs for Ancient China.
In conclusion, if it
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Public Relations In Alibaba
On November 11, 2014, online sales on Alibaba earned 57.1 million Yuan. Zhang Liang is the
boss of store on selling woolen clothes on Taobao e business. On Double Eleven Day , the
turnover was 840,000 Yuan. The number of turnover was 40times compared with routine sales.
(Liang Bian, 2014) Alibaba has good public relationsbecause Alibaba has high reputation in public,
and people trust him. Public usually buy the goods especially on sale promotions. It is important for
company to have good public relations. There are three main parts for managing public relations for
company. At beginning, company should understand the definition of public relations clearly.
Public relations not only is relationship but also has function of management. Next... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
And in accordance with Curtis (2011), public relations is establishing effective relationships in long
time between private person and organs. (Curtis, 2011) Public relations consist of two parts. The
first part is the two objects that are public and organization. Public means people including company
customer, supplier and investor. Public also consist of medias. Organization means corporation,
firm, company, or institutions. The second part is relation. The relation means relationship,
communication, or passageway. Public relations means relationship between public and
organizations. According to Tymson s opinion (2008), public relations is building and sustaining
comprehension between public and organizations by cogitative, designed, and continuous struggle.
(Tymson, 2008) And organizations and the public establish benefits contraction together by
communicating strategically of public relations. (PRSA, 2009) The relationship aims to let
organizations learn public and public learn organizations at same time. Public relations is a bridge
of communication between public and organizations. The aim of public relations is making money
by contacting companies and public. Public relations is not only relationship between public and
organizations but also function of
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The document discusses how brands can gain successful exposure in the market and build relationships with consumers. It notes that some brands, like Apple, may not follow typical advised procedures but are still very successful. The study aims to investigate if there are exceptions to the current rules of brand communications and exposure by examining standard practices, then comparing them to a survey of Apple consumers' opinions.

The Legislative Branch
Our Government:
The Legislative Branch
Tiara Abrams
American Government
Mr. DiCurcio
6 December 2010
THESIS: The Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate which
forms the United States Congress; the Constitution grants Congress the single authority to pass
legislation and declare war, the right to approve or reject Presidential appointments, and significant
investigative powers. I. What is the Legislative Branch?
A. It includes the House of Representatives and the Senate (Congress).
B. The requirements for both chambers.
C. It makes the laws. II. The Legislative Process
A. The first step in the legislative process is the introduction of a bill to Congress.
B. A bill must pass through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Implied Powers are powers not listed in the Constitution. They come from and depend on expressed
powers of the government. The basis for implied powers comes from the necessary and proper
clause of the Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. Another name for implied powers is called the
elastic clause because it stretches the power of the government. Implied powers have helped the
government enhance its authority to meet the many problems and situations that the Framers
unseen. Expressed Powers are those powers explicitly named in the Constitution. They grant the
legislative branch a large amount of authority over American national policy, both domestic and
foreign. The Constitution states that the Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes,
imposts, duties, excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare
of the United States; but all imposts, duties, and excises shall be uniformed throughout the United
States (Brady). There are a total of 27 expressed powers listed in the Constitution. Congress
retains a number of special powers. It can act as a judicial body to impeach and try a president or
other civil officer for misconduct. For example, the House of Representatives impeaches the
official and Senate does a trial. Congress is also empowered to create and use administrative
agencies and boards, such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to determine
facts and to enforce its
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Identity And Identity In Melina Marchetta s Looking For...
Looking for Alibrandi is a prime example on how young adults can be educated on the stresses and
losses of life and through reflection they can set you free. Looking for Alibrandi focuses on one girl
and the shame of her family s irresponsibility s have brought on them. Through her difficult school
year, her absent father, falling in love, losing friends and discovering the truth about her identity.
Melina Marchettaopened doors to the complications of the first generation Australian born ethnic
female identities. Marchetta identified the anxieties of being different and acceptance which comes
with being unfamiliar. She shows the reader themselves that people who are alike Josie are normal
and mainly important and not alone.
The main ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Secondly Looking for Alibrandi explores the relationships between mother and daughters,
fathers and daughters, grandmothers and grandchildren, relatives, girlfriends and boyfriends,
and girls together in school. A blossoming relationship throughout the novel is between Josie and
Jacob. Relationships can be a catalyst for change. They come from different worlds yet balance
each other out in the best ways possible. A main concern explored throughout the novel is the
difference between Jacob and Josie. Throughout the novel, individuals who play an important
role in Josie s life point out that Jacob isn t her type. Both are shocked to find each other
attractive, yet they both inspire each other. They both mutually understand there s more than
meets the eye. Jacob is special to Josie, they come from the same class and Josie learns to get rid
of bias of identity with his help and better to answer the question of who she really is. This
dynamic duo can relate to a lot of young individuals who are in committed relationships. Most
individuals look down upon young lovers and become sceptical on how long the relationships
would last. Not to mention the backlash Josie got from her peers about her relationships with
Jacob. Not to mention Josie would never be able to introduce Jacob to her strict Italian
grandmother. An issue a lot of young people face today as they would be shamed out of
relationships. Due to their relatives not liking their significant
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The United Nations Industrial Development Organization
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO) defines Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) as a management concept whereby companies integrate social and
environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders . The
term is explained through a Triple Bottom Line Approach as being the way through which a
company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives ( Triple Bottom
Line ) while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders
(Elkington, 1997). This approach assumes a very significant light in today s dynamic world where
every aspect of life is inter connected in a very mysterious fabric, where the alteration of one can
affect the others in ways beyond comprehension. Corporate Social Responsibility, both as a term
and concept, started becoming popular in the 1960s, when industrialization which sprouted in the
Industrial Revolutionwas fixating its roots all across the world. Industrialization can be defined as
the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society
into an industrial one . Just like the correlation and dependence of the various aspects of life with
each other, it is seen that CSR and Industrialization shared their space of mutual effects as well.
This paper aims to present a historic view on CSR, based on the trends and influencing factors,
related to the booming of industrialization.
The notion of
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Franklin D Roosevelt Left America
We as U.S. citizens live in a greatly complex world, regarding economical intricacy and political
growth and development, also involving economical and environmental competition between
countries. Resources are a vital fraction in maintaining a steady economy and a well ran country in
itself. They must be provided, as well as availed, by those countries to retain the country s
production and consumption. During the early 1940 s, President Franklin D. Rooseveltserved the
longest tenure recorded in American history. Doing more in those twelve years serving than any of
his predecessors in the White House. However, in some of his years as president, there were
circumstances that left America in destress. Some of these circumstances are in regards... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The vessel fired when the German submarine, U 652, had mistaken the American warship to be
responsible for a depth charge from a British bomber s alert, and aimed torpedoes at the USS Greer.
Through this event, this created immense tension between the United States and Germany, and was
the very beginning of World War II. Franklin D. Roosevelt had very much to say about this
situation, when he secretly called for the United States Navy to be ready to fight if any country
decided to engage in war actions with America. Why was this decision so secret? In a
conference on September 11, 1941, Roosevelt told American people the blunt truth, that the
Germans had all intentions to sink the American ship. From this attack came Roosevelt s shoot
on sight poll, addressed in the Gallop Poll number 7, released September 26, 1941. This poll had
56 percent of the American people agree with him. In my opinion, I would agree, as well. I
believe in going down with a fight for property and the divine rights of ownership. However,
Roosevelt s idea for this was not so much influenced greatly upon the American people s public
opinion. Because of the shoot on sight poll, Americans knew that this would cause a heavy war
with Germany, causing a heaping 96 percent of Americans to oppose wartime with Germany during
the Gallop Poll number 9. However,
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Essays Of Elia Charles Lamb
Essays Of Elia Charles LambEssays Of Elia Charles Lamb
Essays Of Elia Charles Lamb

The document provides instructions for requesting and obtaining writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work.

How 2 Write A Descriptive Essay. Online assignment writing service.
How 2 Write A Descriptive Essay. Online assignment writing service.How 2 Write A Descriptive Essay. Online assignment writing service.
How 2 Write A Descriptive Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions on how to request and receive writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5 step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Submit a request form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied; 5) Request revisions to ensure needs are fully met. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to complete assignments through an online bidding system with guarantees of original, high-quality work.

Essays For The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Essays For The Crucible By Arthur MillerEssays For The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Essays For The Crucible By Arthur Miller

The document provides instructions for requesting essay writing help from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism.

Rocky Horror Picture Show Essay
The Rocky Horror Picture Show starts off with Brad and Janet (originally casted as
Jarrod Emick and Alice Ripley), a newly engaged conventional couple are on a road trip from
Denton, Ohio to visit their old high school science teacher, Dr. Scott (originally casted as Lea
DeLaria) to tell him the great news. On the way, their car breaks down, and they stumble upon
Frank N Furter s (originally casted as Tom Hewitt), where he s holding a convention of people
from his home planet, Transexual Transylvania. During the night of their visit, Frank N Furter,
who is also guilty of killing Dr. Scott s uncle, Eddie, reveals to his guests, including Brad and
Janet, that he s been creating an artificial man named Rocky (Originally played by Sebastian
LaCause) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The musical opened on June 16, 1973, at The Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in London,
England. The musical which was originally a just for kicks show was intended to run only a
couple of weeks, but took broadway by storm and became a huge success. The musical then moved
from the 60seat
Theatre Upstairs to a series of larger theatres such as the Classic
Cinema. The Rocky Horror Picture Show made the cinema it s home from Aug. 14, 1973 to
Oct. 20, 1973, then moving to King s Road from Nov. 3, 1973 to March 31, 1979, and finally the
Comedy Theatre in the West End from April 6, 1979 until September 13, 1980 marking the end of
the shows initial run in the UK. The show played in London for a total of 2,960 performances.
About ten months into the run, Lou Adler saw the musical and brought it to the United States with
the show s first preview on March 19, 1974. The Rocky Horror Picture Show then spread all
throughout the world with the Australian premiere also in 1974 and Japan in 1975. The musical
was made into a feature film 1975 shot at Oakley Court in Windsor, England. In an attempt as a
promotion for the movie, the musical was brought back to the broadway stage on
March 10, 1975, but failed to capture audiences, with a total of only 3 previews and
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Dbq On The Battle Of Little Bighorn
The Battle of Little Bighorn took place in 1876 along the Little Big Horn River in south central
Montana. Warriors of the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes battled the seventh
Regiment of the U.S. Cavalry led by General George Armstrong Custer. The battle has come to
symbolize the clash of two vastly different civilizations including a hunting culture of the northern
plains and a highly sophisticated, industrial based culture of the U.S. This battle was not an isolated
soldier warrior confrontation but rather a highly strategic campaign. Essentially, Lakota leaders
such as Sitting Bulland Crazy Horse rejected the newly implemented reservation system which was
put into effect by the Fort Laramie Treaty. General Armstrong Custer... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Document E, called the Massacre of Our Troops, is an article from the New York Times
published on July 6, 1876. It is written by Muggins Taylor, a scout for General Gibbons, and
therefore, the account of events is from a white man s perspective. As stated in the document,
Gen. Custer found the Indian camp of 2,000 lodges on the Little Horn, and immediately attacked
it (Doc E). This clearly depicts his harsh treatment of Native Americans as he attempted to kill
them so Americans could possess their land. The Indians were surrounded by Custer s regiment
and merely reacted to his initial attack. Additionally, Document K, which is from the perspective
of Crazy Horse, describes the situation that his tribe was in. Crazy Horse states, They say we
massacred him, but he would have done the same to us. Our first impulse was to escape but we
were hemmed in and we had to fight (Doc K). While most people believe that the Indians savagely
attacked the white settlers, they truly had no choice. Custer s troops had surrounded the Indian
village leaving them with no option but to fight back. Custer planned an attack on the Native
Americans portraying his deplorable treatment of the Native
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Peanut And Tree Nuts
Peanut and tree nut allergies have always been a problem when going out to eat. It s no different
for schools. In the recent rise of 8% of children in the United States being diagnosed with a food
allergy, some schools are considering removing peanuts and tree nuts from their school menu. Not
only does it remove the risk of a fatal or minor allergic reactions to peanuts and tree nuts, it also
removes an important part of non allergic kids palette. Not to mention, it saves smaller kids from
falling into the unknown before they even realize it.
Firstly, removing peanuts and tree nuts from our school would remove the risk of allergic kids
having a reaction. That means, for once, that all kids will be able to roam every food and eat
peacefully knowing that they won t be in risk. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
School diets are already restricted to having low fats and sugars, and higher amounts of healthy
food. This sounds all right in the long run, however many kids aren t getting that boost of energy
from certain foods like they used too. Removing peanuts is confining the food that some kids enjoy
and decreasing the enjoyment of the meal.
Lastly, it saves smaller children from falling into their own trap when they aren t paying attention.
In the younger parts of elementary school, many kids with peanut related allergies may not know
it, may forget, or may accidentally touch or rub up against something that they re allergic to.
School is not a great place to have an allergic reaction. Having an allergic reaction at schools may
scare the student at risk and other students around them. Removing peanuts and tree nuts from
schools would be safer for them and other
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Essay on Time Value Of Money
Time Value of Money
The time value of money serves as the foundation of finance. The fact that a dollar today is worth
more than a dollar in the future is the basis for investments and business growth. The future value
of a dollar is based on the present dollar amount, interest rate and time period involved. Financial
calculators and tables can assist in computing the future and present values, which eases the pain of
the mathematically challenged. Yield or rate of return can also be calculated.
One financial application of the time value of money is buying or selling a house mortgage note.
Although normally handled by financial institutions, individuals can use this as an investment
opportunity. The first step is having the note... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The MBA graduate will add to this calculation the opportunity cost which D. Henderson points
out is redundant in word use, but an invaluable concept to the financial world. The true cost of
something is what you give up to get it. В… as contract lawyers and airplane pilots know,
redundancy can be a virtue. In this case, its virtue is to remind us that the cost of using a resource
arises from the value of what it could be used for instead. (2002).
In the above example, if the consumer was to buy a less expensive car, or finance less of the car
price, the funds not being used for car payments could be invested for a higher yield. The table
(See Amortization Table 1) in the text demonstrates how part of the loan payment is applied
towards the principle and rest goes towards reducing the principle amount (Block, Hirt, 2005).
The main learning of the amortization table is that the owner will pay slightly more in interest costs
(41,000) as he did for the loan of 40,000. So the car that was priced at 40,000 actually ended up
costing the owner 81,000. The amount paid is compounded if the owner takes into consideration
the money that could have been earned if part of those funds had been invested. At a return rate
of 8%, if the buyer had purchased a less expense car at 30,000 and invested 500 per year over 20
years, he would have 22,881 out
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The document provides instructions for requesting an assignment writing service from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with valid email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism.

Urdu Essay For 10Th Class
Urdu Essay For 10Th ClassUrdu Essay For 10Th Class
Urdu Essay For 10Th Class

Yossarian is the main character in Catch-22 who represents the themes of life versus death and sanity versus insanity during war. As an Assyrian man with an unusual name, Yossarian feels like an outsider in his squadron. He is continually worried about dying but continues flying missions to avoid someone else having to fly for him. While Yossarian thinks he is sane, others see him as crazy, representing the psyche of a soldier during war and the battles between life, death, and sanity.

3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.
3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.
3.5 Essay Outline Example. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses reasons for the rapid spread of Islam following its founding in 610 CE. It analyzes three potential factors: military conquest, trade routes, and treaties/taxes/tolerations. Trade routes may have been the most important factor, as they connected the Arabian Peninsula to Asia and northern regions, making the spread of Islamic ideas along lucrative caravan routes highly effective. Treaties like the one between Spain and Muslims in 713 CE also promoted the spread by allowing coexistence when certain conditions were met. The document examines evidence from the time period to understand the factors that enabled Islam to disseminate widely in its early centuries.

Peeling Back the Layers of being Privileged
The concept of privilege is a fairly easy concept to understand once you peel back all of its
layers. But it is also a concept that is rarely discussed among society. Because society is so
focused on how everyone is one in the same , the conversation of how people are actually different
is never discussed. Understanding that even though we all are human beings; our race, class,
sexuality, religion, and many other things is what makes us all different in some shape or form.
Conversations revolved around institutional discrimination and institutional racismcan prevent
certain people with privilege from understanding how marginalized groups are being oppressed
by certain systems. For some reason, privileged people, particularly white privileged people,
assume that all experiences are universal when we all know they aren t. Assuming that all
experiences are universal erases the lived experiences of marginalized people. Not only is there
privilege related to skin color, but there is also privilege in sexuality as well. Heterosexual men
and women have privilege as well. There have been well documented cases of institutional
discrimination against those in the LGBTQIA community. While white privilege and
heteronormativity privilege are forms of privilege, there are also other forms of privileges as well.
But of course, there are some heterosexual men and women that don t believe that they have
problem. Sadly, they do, but they fail to recognize even the smallest things that form
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Singer s Distinction Between Sentience and Self-Consciousness
Singer s distinction between sentience and self consciousness Introduction In the past, a number of
uprisings rose from the oppressed groups all over the world. The oppressed realized the ill treatment
and consequently to the initiative to campaign vigorously for equality. Equality is the treatment of
all persons with the same preference. For instance, the Black Liberation Movement called for
equality with the whites (Chappell, 2011). These are people with a consciousness and ability to
sense. They saw and felt the oppressive nature of the white s treatment against them and reacted.
However, the innate things such as trees, animals, both human and non human do not have
expressive ability that people can understand. Rights activist people and groups continue to elicit
mixed reactions due to their call for fair treatment of such animals. Sentience and self consciousness
It is difficult to realize the latent prejudice in the personal attributes towards particular groups until
the prejudiced forcefully point it to us. A liberation call demands that we expand the moral
horizons and the reinterpretation of basic moral principle of equality. The practices that in the
previous were natural are now inevitably unjustifiable prejudice (HoМ€chsmann, 2002). This raises
the question of whether the attitudes we exhibit are void of criticism. The rise of animal protection
groups and the laws that govern and guard the animal s rights brings a completely different
perspective of equality.
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Respiratory System Of The Respiratory System
The primary system in the human body that allows us to breathe is the Respiratory
System. It is divided into two sections; upper respiratory tract (nasal cavity, nostrils, pharynx,
larynx, and trachea) and lower respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi, alveoli, and diaphragm). The two
tracts work together to allow the absorption of oxygen and the exhale of carbon dioxide when we
breathe, this is the primary function of the entire system. Each organ of the respiratory system plays
a vital role in the success of making sure that our bodies are receiving the necessary air flow. The
Respiratory System consists of three major parts; the airway, the lungs and the muscles of
respiration. The airway of the Respiratory System consists of the nasal cavity, nostril, pharynx,
and larynx. The nostril and nasal cavity s primary function is to filter out the air that is entering
the body by blocking any dirt or dust before it reaches the lungs. It is lined with mucous
membrane that moisturizes our nostrils to avoid us getting nosebleeds and dryness. The pharynx
consists of three parts; the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the laryngopharynx. Once air is inhaled
it passes through the nasopharynx which is located in the back of the mouth, proceeds down to
the oropharynx, and then into the laryngopharynx. There is a separate flap that covers the area
where food is swallowed called the epiglottis. The epiglottis, a part of the larynx, acts as a cover
and works closely between the trachea
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Anti-Semitism In The 19th Century
Anti Semitism is described as a perception toward Jewish people which discriminated and
prejudiced them as a community. Jewish people as a minority group were discriminated from
Christians for ages. They were asked to abandon their religious formalities, in order to have full
rights. Jews were accused from the Christian church as ignorers of God, being devil people and
unwilling community to join the Christian community. All the claims or lies were considered as
accuracy during that time. In this paper, it will be discussed the importance of Anti Semitism from
its origin and its current importance as a perception which denigrated Jews. Since its origin, Anti
Semitism community tried to deny the emancipation of Jews. Jews were not allowed to own land,
work in public offices and free trade because they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Due to that, many Jews were integrated socially in Christian society. The complots toward
Jewish community did not stop at any time. An example of that it would Dreyfus Affair. Alfred
Dreyfus (Jew) was a member of French military and he was accused as traitor, on accusations
that he was transmitting secret information to Germans. His innocence was proved later but this
affair remained as an example of military corruption. The complots continued also in the 19th
century by providing fake publications such as Protocols of the Elders of Zion , which were
against Jewish community. (Perry, Marvin, Schweitzer, Frederick, 2005) The most activities
against Jews took place in 19th century. This is the period when also was legalized the racial
ideology against Jewish people. With the formation of Nazi party in Germany, the Jewish
discrimination increased because that party gained power through promoting Anti Semitism
propaganda. During that period, also was published the book called Mein Kampf . In this book
Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazi party described its big desire to exterminate Jews, especially
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6Th Grade Informative Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.6Th Grade Informative Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.
6Th Grade Informative Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.

The document outlines a 6 step process for obtaining writing help from HelpWriting.net, including registering for an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing bids from writers before choosing one and placing a deposit to start the assignment. It notes that customers can request revisions until satisfied and will receive a full refund if the paper is plagiarized. The process aims to ensure high quality, original content that fully meets customers' needs.

5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Printable Worksheets

This document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It describes the 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers and provide original, high-quality content through revisions.

5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Template Doc. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses strategies for finding a mate, noting that men and women both seek out partners with desirable traits but that their preferences often differ, with men tending to value youth and physical attractiveness more while women seek partners with resources and status. It outlines David Buss's research into what characteristics each sex seeks in a partner and how their mating strategies and preferences have evolved. Overall, the strategies discussed aim to explain how evolutionary pressures have shaped what men and women look for in potential mates.

The Commercial Sexual Exploitation Of Children
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children proposed an international commitment to prevent
the exploitation of children in pornography, trafficking, prostitution, and other crimes of a sexual
nature. They suggested the commitment in late 2001, and they committed to improving local,
regional, national, and international laws to help combat sexual crimes against minor children.
They developed laws to coordinate agencies and push for laws that help prosecute anyone
conducting illegal activities against children. The cooperation of all countries that accepted the
commitment made it easier for law enforcement to find, track, and eventually prosecute persons
who exploit child for the before mentioned crimes. The CSEC conducted studies on different
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Why High School Students Dropout
High School Dropouts Dropout is a broad term used to classify a person who has abandoned their
class or field of study. A great number of the teens that drop out of school are thought of as being
in the same category, but there are countless different reasons why students drop out of high school.
Be it living in low povertyareas and having to quit school to work and help the family out.
Struggling with learning disabilities and being in special education or even rebelliousness and
pregnancy. Among the abounding states in our country, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana have
the highest high schooldropoutrates.
Poverty stricken areas have high dropout rates. One of the main reasons for this is the need for a
teen of working age to help ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Teen birth rates were high in the same states with the poverty and special needs issues. With
Louisiana teen birth rate at 47.5 births per 100, ages 15 19(Wright). This means almost 50% of the
children born during this time frame were born to underage mothers entering high school or just
graduating. Typically, when a teen gets pregnant in high school they drop out. This is either due to
having to get a job and support her now new family or even the embarrassment of her situation. In
the south, particularly many teens are made to marry at young ages due to pregnancy and forced to
grow up. This situation is avoidable if parents would push their children to finish their high school
education and recognize how important receiving their diploma is.
I am hopeful as we enter a new time that the dropout rates in these southern states will become
less and less. That we can break the cycle on families having to depend of the government for
different programs to survive, so that we can begin to pour money into the school system to help
the teens with learning disabilities make it through school. I am hopeful that in these new times
teens are not forced to marry and stop pursing their education. I am optimistic one day everyone
will realize how important completing high school is and the rates we see now will soon be
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In This Part Of The Essay, Tunisia And Libya Are Discussed
In this part of the essay, Tunisia and Libya are discussed in terms of freedom, whether it is
political or social and how former ruling systems facilitated the process of recovery after Arab
Spring. Both Tunisia and Libya started their promising journey in the post coup era towards a
more democratic political environment. However, it has proven a challenge particularly for Libya
as they never experienced a democratic rule despite having elections in accordance with
democratic values during the reign of King Idris. Tunisia under the rule of Ben Ali had very
limited political freedom particularly for the members of the media. In an observation released by
the Freedom House website, a US based non governmental organization that advocates... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By suppressing their freedom of expression, the trust in Ben Ali s government slowly eroded which
caused further betrayal among the public. Ben Ali certainly had failed in accommodating the
outrage of his people and this continued with his family s corruption scandal. Freedom of
expression represented government transparency where the resistance against the former could
reflect the failure of the government s functionality.
The transition from dictatorship to democracy will not be a smooth one, particularly for a country
who had been ruled by the same president for more than twenty years with strictly controlled
freedom. Thus, it will be a challenge for the people to relive the democratic establishments of
Tunisia under their former president, Habib Bourguiba. It is important to note that Tunisia was
democratic when it gained its independence in 1956 but descended into dictatorial rule after the
coup. The experience of democracy had familiarized Tunisians with rebuilding the country on the
liberal foundations. The freedom of expression particularly among the members of the media
gradually improved after 2011. On 26th August 2016, Tunisia signed the Declaration of Media
Freedom in the Arab World, being the second country to sign the declaration after Palestine. This is
a major breakthrough for the silenced journalists and activists throughout Ben Ali s dictatorship.
The early democratic establishments paved the way for Tunisia to recover from
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Thirty Years War
Background A thorough understanding of the Thirty Years War is essential in discussing the effects
of the Peace of Westphalia. Religion dominated authority in Europe in the 16th century, namely
Catholicism. However, dissatisfaction grew as the Protestant Reformation gained more followers,
resulting in tension and divisions throughout the Holy Roman Empire. Weakened imperial power
and unrest between ruler and subjects began as early as 1555. Although the Thirty Years War broke
out based on religious conflicts, the motives of the war became mainly of political supremacy as
fighting continued on a continental scale in the latter years. It pitted Protestant against Catholic, the
Holy Roman Empire against France, the German princes and princelings
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4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.
4 H Beekeeping Essay Contest. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. Users first create an account by providing a password and email. They then complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. Writers bid on the request, and the user chooses a writer based on qualifications. After receiving the paper, the user can request revisions if needed.

5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.
5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.
5S Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The student reflects on growing as a writer during their time at Colorado Christian University, noting that feedback helped them improve their writing skills, especially with using clear academic language. An experience where negative feedback from a coworker revealed issues with broken English in a letter motivated the student to seek ways to better organize their writing. Overall, the reflection demonstrates the importance of feedback for developing strong writing abilities as a student.

5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses Melissa McCarthy's career as a comedic actress. It compares her to legendary comedians like Bill Murray and Chris Farley in terms of her dominance in the comedy genre. While some of McCarthy's films like Tammy and Identity Theft were less memorable, her performances in films like Spy, Bridesmaids, and The Heat cemented her status. The document then asks where her latest role in the R-rated comedy The Boss fits within her filmography.

Dive Mask Research Paper
SCUBA DIVING GEAR 101: The Basics As much as we, humans, would like to swim and dive
in open waters without any form of protection and aid, our anatomy just isn t perfectly designed
to handle underwater conditions for long amounts of time. This is where SCUBA Diving gear
comes in. SCUBA Diving gear allows us to see, breathe, swim and stay warm underwater. To
beginners, this stuff might look like it came from a sci fi alien invasion movie, so we ll discuss
each one to help you understand. The Dive Mask. This piece of equipment protects your eyes
from sea salt and other nasty sea stuff. But more importantly, the dive mask lets you ogle at the
beauty of the underwater world! The dive mask separates your eyes (and sometimes nose) from
water and creates an air pocket to let you see clearly underwater. The mask is fastened on the
diver s face because of something called elastomer skirt , but we don t have to worry about that
yet! All it means is that the water can t get through and your mask won t suddenly come off. The
Snorkel. It s like a straw, but instead of sucking water or beverage, we actually use this to breathe
through our mouths. The snorkel allows us to breathe while facing down when underwater. Some
models are even designed to allow us to expel the water that somehow gets in there. It is usually
used for short and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because we don t have gills, we have to rely on the regulator to breathe underwater. The regulator
is called as such because it regulates the amount of air you receive from the SCUBA tank every
time you inhale. It is a little similar to the snorkel in that it allows you to breathe underwater and
it has a mouthpiece. However, the regulator is connected to the SCUBA tank and will allow you
to stay underwater for much longer. The octopus, on the other hand, is not a pet you can take with
you when you go diving (although I wish I could). It is a backup regulator, in case something goes
wrong with your first
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Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, By Dr....
Life happens and people move on with their lives based on the decisions they make. Sometimes
the decisions we make may not be the most adequate for our lives, but nonetheless we have to
make those decisions in order to move on from one phase to another as we try to live our lives. It
is said that people make decisions in two different ways, some people make their decision based
solely on the facts and being objective, but there is also the group that makes their decision based
on their emotions. Making decisions that will affect our life forever it takes some sort of type of
intelligence. Many people are familiar with the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), a tool that measures a
person s intelligence based on a series of tests (IQ, 2016), but and very few may have heard of
Emotional Quotient (EQ) (also referred to as Emotional Intelligence or EI) even existed. Emotional
intelligence is becoming more and more important nowadays than when it was first introduced
by Dr. Daniel Goleman in 1995 in the bestseller book Emotional Intelligence, Why It Can Matter
More Than IQ (as cited in Freedman, 2005). Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive
people s feelings and to read body language which is useful for individuals as well as supervisors
because then they can be more empathetic in understanding other people s feelings and the way
people respond based on the environment they find themselves in. It is important to be familiar and
become aware of EI by learning about
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) is described as a distinctive approach to employment
management (University of Leicester, 2006:5), which mainly focuses on employees as the key
driving force to achieve organisational success. This qualitative approach differs from traditional
personnel management systems that aim to integrate HRM into strategic managementbeyond HRM
s routine functional role. This integration supports sought after organisational objectives to include
quality, commitment, and flexibility. This paper examines the key HRM function of reward
management, in particular, performance related pay systems, presenting their main concepts, roles,
weaknesses and strengths in comparison to the old traditional pay system.
Strategic Reward Management Critique Views... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This created a never ending dilemma for senior managers who could only reward high performing
employees when there was a job available. The traditional system operated well during periods of
low inflation and low corporate income. It was predictable, secure, and by most measures,
permanent. However, it also paid employees in accordance to their length of service, an
unsustainable system (Schuster Zingheim, 1992).
Organizations, hungry for more response options to reward their good employees, have widely
adapted the emerging HRM technique of reward managementthat includes all sorts of monetary and
non monetary rewards in exchange for their performed work (University of Leicester, 2006). The
value of combining base pay along with other performance related pay and non financial rewards
spurs the recruitment and retention of good caliber employees and creates a feeling of achievement,
recognition, responsibility, influence and personal growth amongst the employees (Armstrong,
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Examples Of Belonging In The Holocaust
Maya Al Saeed Belonging in the Holocaust Do you feel like you belong if you re with your
family and/or friends? Most people who lived through the Holocaust were with their families
and friends because it made them feel like they belong together. The feeling of belonging during
the Holocaust was what many people used to create hope and belonging, like in the book Night,
The boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Heros of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a hard time for
many people, belonging is something many used to cope with the situation. If you re with your
family you feel like you belong there no matter where you are, like in Night, Elie felt more at ease
when he was with his father even though they were in a concentration camp. Elie was able to let
his guard down more when he was with his father because... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The size of the meals at the Andzelm house got smaller as more Jews showed up at the door
pleading for something to eat. (Zullo and Bovsun 12). Even if it meant that Maria s family had
to sacrifice food, they still helped because they knew right from wrong. Maria also risked herself
to bring books for Moses because she knew that if she was in his situation, she would want
someone to do the same. Bruno always went to see Schmuel even though he knew it could be
dangerous. Bruno: Maybe I should go. Schmuel: What about my papa? Bruno: yeah. (The Boy in
the Striped Pajamas). Bruno stayed to help Schmuel to help find his father. Bruno chose to say and
help because he knew how important it was to find Schmuel s father. Even though Bruno and
schmuel didn t have the closest relationship, they still meant a lot to each other because they only
had each other to be friends with. Bruno wasn t able to help Schmuel ,but he still tried and that
meant a lot to
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5 College Essay Questions. Online assignment writing service.

This document discusses Nando's, a South African casual dining chain known for its spicy chicken. It is celebrating its 25th anniversary and continues expanding globally. The marketing manager discusses Nando's expansion plans and keeping momentum despite competition from brands like KFC. Nando's aims to customize each store's local art, design, and staff ("nandocas") while maintaining quality, afro-luso roots, and an experience for fans to enjoy the food. The document also mentions Hot Favourites, a manufacturer of prepared meals for over 10 years for Nando's and other retailers.

8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.
8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.
8Th Grade Essay Writing Prompts. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to fully meet their needs.

9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
9Th Grade Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.

Hassan Rouhani has served as the seventh president of Iran since 2013, working to improve Iran's relations with other countries and reduce sanctions through diplomatic negotiations over Iran's nuclear program. He was born in 1948 in Iran to a religious family and received degrees in law from universities in Iran and Scotland, helping to shape his focus on diplomacy and rule of law as president. Rouhani's moderate policies stand in contrast to other world leaders and have had a meaningful positive impact on both Iran and international relations.

The Story Of Julian Herbs. Most People Go Through A Trying
The Story of Julian Herbs
Most people go through a trying phase where they decide to take a harder look at their lives they
are living and get the feeling that it could be better. Such thoughts may lead one into a
psychological crisis characterized by a lot of stress and anxiety due to the dissatisfaction with
one s life (Schriver, 2004). Mr. Julian Herbs, a 50 year old, has been going through this phase
where he felt dissatisfied with his life despite the achievements he has been able to accomplish in
his life. He is a married man with a son and a daughter who has been able to achieve financial
security. However, he feels like his relationship with his children has deteriorated and has had the
thought of having an affair with a younger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mr. Herbs is likely to be experiencing this phase because of the things that are happening in his life.
His life is surrounded by loneliness and lack of fulfillment especially because of the changes that
he recently experienced. His daughter graduated and moved to Atlanta while his son got a job in
Chicago. His separation from his children may have contributed to his concentration on his
achievements and the decisions he has made through life. He gave up his college education to be
fully committed to his family and now that they have all grown and become successful he wishes
he could have done more on his personal achievements. Additionally, the older he gets, the closer to
death he feels. His father had always talked about dreams but he dies suddenly from a heart attack.
Therefore, Julian may be feeling stressed by the fact that he is moving closer to death yet he has
not achieved all the things he wanted to achieve in life.
Erik Erickson s Stages of Psychosocial Development According to Erik Erickson, people go
through eight stages of psychosocial development from the time they are infants to their adulthood
(Sokol, 2009). During each of these stages, the person may experience different psychosocial crises
that affect their personality development positively or negatively (Sokol, 2009). Mr. Herbs is
currently at the generativity vs. stagnation stage of
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Pros And Cons Of Fordism
Fordism a good idea or a bad one?
The purpose of this paper is to state that Fordism was not a stable production system, even though it
achieved great success when it was first applied by Henry Ford. The Fordism production method
will be critically assessed on the segregation it built between workforce and management and how it
established a dominant American industry. The study will also define the concept of Fordism and
how it influenced the motor vehicle industry, in which this production model was first implemented.
By the beginning of the 20th century technology had become advanced enough to introduce the
motor vehicle. Despite this, for many years the automobile remained an expensive luxury item
created by craftsmen. It was something only the wealthy could afford. That was until Henry Ford, a
son of the Scientific Movement of Management, developed a new line of thought. He wanted to
make cars available to the masses by changing the production process in a way that would reduce
costs, so more people could afford the product. Ford introduced a new approach to production,
which included standardization, specialization and the usage of the assembly line and the conveyor
belt system (Smith, 2011). His business model was so successful that it sparked a revolution in the
entire industry. Even today, a century later, the world is still greatly influenced by Fordism.
Authors variously interpret the term Fordism . According to Knights and Willmott (2007: 385)
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Application Of A Smart Home System Essay
Now in smart home system and abroad there found a wide variety of household appliances. These
appliances are mostly used by the user and thus accumulating huge amount of life related data. This
data contains wide information about user behaviour. Collecting this data and mining it for user
behaviour analysis is now creating more interest in researchers. This paper approaches the improved
techniques for data miningand focuses on reduction of delay of user behaviour analysis using these
improved data mining techniques.
Keywords Data Mining; Association Rule; User behaviour Analysis
A smart home system has always under attention of global IT people and home appliances
manufacturers. A fully fledged smart home system will contain a wide variety of household
appliances. With the improvement in living standards of people, smart home is becoming the next
standard of home life. Smart home not only gives users a safe, healthy and comfortable living
environment, but also helps users to remotely monitor their home state with control home
appliances.[6] Many people start to pay attention to make full use of the data processing
capabilities of smart home devices to analyze data of the smart home appliances to extract the user
s behavioural patterns of life and their habits, and finally provide users with personalized service
and remind.
Association rule is the mostly used data mining technique. As an important part of the data mining
technology, association rule
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The Pronounced Regression of Today s Society Essay
A refreshed mind is a creative and productive one, is a quote written by Kathy Bell, in her book
Regression (Bell). In a society that is continuing to regress to the ways of previous historical
times, does it make you think that maybe no one is working to keep their mind refreshed and
allow our society to grow as opposed to it going backwards? Particular aspects of our society are
regressing to ways that can be compared to those of the Paleolithicperiod, including the way our
society s gender roles are portrayed, our ideology and how we treat people, and being civilized.
We are reverting to women being the homebodies and taking care of their children and given high
expectations, and men being the one in charge. Today s society, like the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
It is near impossible to walk through a store and not see a female dressed suggestively posed on
a magazine or in an ad to sell any kind of product. Women are also subjected to be at home taking
care of the house and children and any needs that their husband may have at any given time. It is
plastered unashamedly on any available form of advertisement, whether it be for a diet pill,
gym, clothing line, etc., for a woman to look, act, and feel a certain way. Females as an entirety,
are supposed to be in shape, happy at all times to meet any and all needs, look like a runway
model, and have all of our ducks in a row. This is similar to how the Paleolithic people wanted
women to look like the statuettes and to be gatherers, serving their husband, children, and other
family members that they may have had (Anitei). Essentially, modern day society is reverting it s
ideals to those of the Paleolithic people: to separate ourselves into groups and to view women as
sex objects and servants for their family. Next, our ideology and treatment of others has somewhat
regressed to the ways of the Old Stone Age. The Paleolithic people worshiped a Mother Goddess
that was similar to a mother nature genre of belief (Cunningham). The Mother Goddess represented
female power and it s role of rebirth and life (Cunningham). Throughout history, society has drawn
away from female goddesses and towards male deities (Pino). Whilst we have numerous
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1 Page Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.1 Page Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
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The document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing bids from writers to select one and authorize payment after receiving a satisfactory paper. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers based on qualifications, order history, and feedback to ensure high quality original content that can be revised until the client is fully satisfied.

5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.
5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.
5Th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples. Online assignment writing service.

The town of Lolita, Texas took issue with Vladimir Nabokov's famous novel of the same name upon its publication in 1959, as the name then connoted rape rather than patriotism as originally intended. While the town initially wanted to distance itself from the association, over time the name "Lolita" became ingrained in popular culture. Today it is commonly used to denote a sexually precocious young girl. Some modern celebrities have adopted aspects of the "Lolita" persona to portray an image blending childlike innocence with sexuality.

5 Page Essay On Respect. Online assignment writing service.
5 Page Essay On Respect. Online assignment writing service.5 Page Essay On Respect. Online assignment writing service.
5 Page Essay On Respect. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides a character analysis of the Addams Family musical performed by high school students. It describes the major conflict as Wednesday Addams wanting to marry a normal boy, which her family and his family oppose. The tone of the play is said to be comedic. Details are given about the actors' singing abilities, the director's casting choices, and set design that helped bring the Addams Family world to life. Costumes were described as fitting each character's personality well.

Gastric Bypass Case Study
Answer: Yes, there is a problem with gastric bypass surgery and extended release medications.
The absorption of the extended release medication will decrease after gastric bypass surgery,
immediate release form medication should be recommended to this patient. I will recommend
bupropion immediate release tablet, take 100 mg tablet by mouth twice daily for 3 days, and may
increase to take 100 mg tablet by mouth three times daily.
Rationale: Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery is a surgery that bypassed the distal stomach,
duodenum, and proximal jejunum while creates a gastric pouch to help with drainage and to avoid
bile reflex. After this surgery, patients will experience malabsorption including nutritionand
medications. The absorption of the
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The Case Of Terry V. Ohio
Terry v. Ohio is an important case in law enforcement. What did the Court say in this case, and why
is it important?
The Supreme Court made it clear with its ruling that, police do have the authority to stop or detain
an individual for a questioning for a short term period without probable cause if he/she make have
or about to commit a crime. This ruling is important because it gives police officer the authority to
help protect him/herself as well as the community. It also puts steps in place to protect citizens from
unreasonable search and seizure that is protected our Fourth Amendment right. In the case of Terry
v. Ohio a police detective observed two men walking up and down a street several times and
gazing into a store window. The officer observing conduct from the individuals that would lead
him or her to suspect that a crime has already happened or about to happen is one of the
necessities need to consider this as a valid stop. The officer identified himself as an officer of the
law and began to inquire and request identification. The officer in this case followed the required
guidelines for a valid stop. In return the Supreme Court ruled that this was a valid stop and frisk.
According to United States Supreme Court TERRY v. OHIO, (1968) MR. JUSTICE HARLAN,
concurring. While I unreservedly agree with the Court s ultimate holding in this case, I am
constrained to fill in a few gaps, as I see them, in its opinion. I do this because what is said by this
Court today
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The Importance Of A Second Language Teacher
A second language teacher has a significant influence on how the learners will achieve in their
learning or fail. First and foremost, a second language teacher should understand the other language
s culture to build a communication bridge between her and the learners. Once students feel valued
and their culture is respected, they will feel motivated and try to discover the second language
enthusiastically. The effective teacher cares about a learner as a human being.
According to the Natural Approach, a teacher needs to lower the students affective filter to
minimize the degree of nervousness. Such negative feelings about the second language may block
acquisition from taking place. Therefore, the teacher can create a friendly, exciting and proper
classroom environment, where there is a low affective filter for learning. Also, the teacher can
provide the learners with group activities, games, and music to lower the emotional obstacles.
Importantly, the teacher should not put the learners in embarrassing situations or ask them to speak
before they get ready to.
As claimed in the sociocultural theory, the effective teacher should provide appropriate scaffolding
for the learners. Teacher s scaffolding role offers outstanding opportunities for the students and
helps them work collaboratively. Additionally, it enables learners to obtain a higher level than they
can attain by themselves.
Providing the learners with the correction, evaluation or feedback is crucial for both
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The Role Of Client And The Right Treatment Plan
The following two prominent research literatures became the foundation for Client directed
outcome informed (CDOI):
1.A client s improvement was related to the high level of the engagement of the therapeutic
relationship; and
2.Change of the client s personal experience is imperative in the early stages of therapy it is also
reliable in predicting if the therapist is right for the client and the right treatment plan is utilized,
(Duncan, Miller, Sparks, 2004) evidence of clients giving real time feedback concerning the
process and outcome of therapy generated higher progress rates (Miller, Duncan, Brown, Sorrell,
Chalk, 2006).
In relation to assisting the client s direct issues CDOI is not used as a treatment it is simply a ...
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The CDOI entails valuing the uniqueness of the client s position of theory in therapy helping them
to explore their strengths and honouring their choice of treatment which fit their frame of theory, in
addition the CDOI assists health services provide better treatments that benefits clients (Duncan et
al., 2004).
In order to obtain a psychometric measure of therapeutic alliance the session rating scale is
utilized giving real time feedback measuring a client s perception, progress and the strength of
the therapeutic alliance, the session rating scales consists of two scales the Outcome Rating Scale
(ORS) and the Session Rating Scale (SRS) (Miller et al., 2006). The client is presented with the
ORS at the start of the session and marks an X on four different lines relating to a self report
indicating the client s individual, interpersonal relationship, and social functioning (Miller, 2012)
giving the therapist an insight to the client s perception of their world (Duncan et al. 2004). These
results will determine the client s uniqueness and therapy needs (Duncan et al. 2004). Miller (2012)
explains the SRS, is presented at the end of the session for obtaining feedback in the therapist
performance in areas such as the quality and strength of the therapeutic alliance, the degree in
which goals, methods, and the
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The document discusses Margaret Atwood's novella The Penelopiad, which provides new perspectives on Homer's Odyssey by telling the story from the points of view of Penelope and her maids. The novella challenges issues faced by women in a patriarchal society and subverts the original myth by introducing female voices.

Collegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship
Collegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School ScholarshipCollegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship
Collegevine Essay Help, CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship

This document provides instructions for obtaining essay help from CollegeVine Essay Help and CollegeVine Dream School Scholarship. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit, 4) Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

Concept Paper Sample - Bing Images Writing Outline, B
Concept Paper Sample - Bing Images Writing Outline, BConcept Paper Sample - Bing Images Writing Outline, B
Concept Paper Sample - Bing Images Writing Outline, B

The document discusses how certain Muppet characters and scenes from films like Fraggle Rock and Labyrinth frightened the author as a child, even though they loved the Muppets. Specifically, the introductory scene with trolls in Jim Henson's 1986 film Labyrinth caused nightmares and feelings of paranoia due to the unsettling close-up shots of the trolls sitting in a dark castle. While the author enjoyed the Muppets overall, certain parts understandably scared them as a child.

Tom Grande Research Papers
There is a current 22 year old pop princess that hasn t been involved in the music industry for
long that is making headlines every time she opens her mouth to sing. With a 4 octave range
and a smooth whistle register,that s not so hard to do. She started out as an actress for a popular
Nickelodeon Television show and somehow made her way to a Mariah Carey sound a like over
night. Who would ve known that just by creating cover songs and some of her own music that
she would soon after acting see mainstream success with her first album Yours Truly. The album
would would also hit #1 on the Billboard charts and spawn so many popular singles. To the public
eye, it would basically look like she became famous over night, right? So who is this... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This show lasted for four seasons before it was canceled. That show may have been finished, but
the character that she played was not. Grande starred in a spin off of Victorious called Sam Cat
which lasted only one season before ending in 2014. Grande has really made a name for herself in
less than two years. She signed a recording contract with a Major Record Deal, Republic
Records, and is under Scooter Braun Management (known for working with Justin Bieber, Tori
Kelly and The Black Eyed Peas.) Some argue over which is better: Major or Indie Label. Some
artists refuse to sign with a major record label because they want to do their music their own way
and on their own terms and without the restrictions that come with working with a major label.
Personally, I think that people signed to a Major Record Label have more access to larger
resources and people with more experience working in the music industry and with that comes
more success (because I m sure you have heard of all the people that I mentioned that belong to
that label.) Before becoming a music star, Grande just like every other artist drew inspiration from
other female vocalists. Ariana Grande has said she looked up to Imogen Heap, India Arie, Judy
Garland, Brandy, but most importantly, Whitney Houston. She has said Whitney holds such a
special place in my heart. She inspired me to start singing as a little girl. I
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Geoffrey Chaucer Satire
Considered The Father of the English Language , Geoffrey Chaucer would have a personal
problem, or agenda, and since he s writer he uses a clever way to reveal these opinions. There are
two specific things that he doesn t agree with and wants people to know about it: the church and the
relationship between men and women. He has a problem with the church, because during the 1300
s the Catholic Church, a big deal, was very corrupt. For instance, there are many incidents where
monks would go out and hunt and get married and priests getting women pregnant and charging
people to clean their souls , or as the Catholic Church would call confession. With the relationship
between men and women, Chaucer did not approve the tradition that civilization... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the Pardoner Prologue , it starts off when the Pardoners begins to preach about how money
/greed is the root of all evil. When the Pardoner is speaking, he has a little too much to drink, and
he starts jabbering his mouth like the usual person would do today. At one point the Pardoner
says, I stand, and when the yokels have sat down, I preach, as you have heard me say before, and
tell a hundred lying mockeries more. Chaucer wanted the people to know was that the priests
thought that they were stupid and all they did was take their money for confessions. He also
said at one point that all he ever cared was for the money, and that after they are dead they can go
to Hell and go blackberry picking. Now when the Pardoner tells his tale, he really emphasized on
the idea that greed is the root of all evil. In the end of the tale, all three characters die killing each
other over a pile of gold, and thus he sets a good example why greed is the root of all evil. After
telling the story, he then loses his buzz and tells everyone that they should give him their money for
a blessing, as if he had forgotten what he said earlier. Chaucer uses this satire to show that the
Pardoner is a hypocrite himself and that the church is not all that it seems. Although, in his third
text he doesn t attack the church, but he gives a dangerous view on the relationship between men
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Abuse Of Women In Woman At Point Zero
The abuse of women is seen frequently in Nawal El Saadawi s novel Woman at Point Zero. This
repeating picture or idea of women taken over by men in the Egyptian society, takes the reader
into a different and vicious world that keeps on with the pictures or the stereotypes of men acting
like animals and destroying women. El Saadawi represents Firdaus as a catastrophic hero, who is
basically executed because she is brave enough to stand up against men in a society that is mostly
dominated by men. In the novel she was trying to bring down the harsh male lifestyle she has
grown up in. Because of their shortfall of natural strength, the women need to find a backup way to
preserve themselves. Although Firdaus at the beginning felt sensitivity in her body and there was a
touchable connection between her body and soul, the endless lot of abuses she suffered from until
her execution took over her at that connection until it detached... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Firdaus shows this as she contends to explain the heartache she felt when the only man she fell
in love with demonstrated that he did not love her back. With love I began to imagine that I had
become a human being...in love I gave my body and my soul, my mind and all the effort I could
muster, freely (El Saadawi 93). This is one of the several times that Firdaus argues any kind of
contact between her soul and her body. Hence, the eventual declining of this love confirms to
Firdaus that a successful prostitute is better than a misled saint. (El Saadawi 94) She states this
when she indicates her impulsive hatred for men, especially the ones who tried to advise her. ...not
one of them came to my help when my heart was broken because I had dared to fall in love. A
woman s life is always miserable. A prostitute, however, is a little better off (El Saadawi,
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Taxation Case Study
Task one Issues: 1. Are activities relating to use of land a business or a hobby? 2. Are the
amounts related to the land deductible or not under general rules? * the loan to purchase the
land and interest expense * council rates and insurance in respect of the land * payment to
develop plans for proposed building 3. If no, is there a specific deduction section? References:
ITAA97 s8 1 general deductions: you can deduct from your assessable income any loss or
outgoing to the extent that it is necessarily incurred in carrying on a business for the purpose of
gaining or producing your assessable income, and you... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And under ITAA97 s6 1, if an individual is an Australia resident, he/she need to satisfy ordinary
concepts test or one of three statutory residence tests. So in link with your circumstances, you got
the teaching contact of university in England. It is sure that the ruling will directly do another
three tests that are domicile test, the 183 day test and commonwealth superannuation test. In the
light of your fact, I feel that only the second rule will be looked. Because the second statutory
test delimits constructive residence in Australia is attributed to a person who is actually present
in Australia for a total period of more than half the income year unless usual place of abode is
outside Australia or does not intended to take up residency in Australia and an individual is a
resident under third the third test if he/she is a contributing member of the superannuation fund,
the fact is that you have recently completed your study and never worked in Australia before. In
test two, it will be judged whether you are domiciled in Australia unless permanent place of abode
is outside Australia. You are born in Australia and have always lived with your parent before
coming to the UK, which means your base home is Australia. So the important factor to the ruling
depends on whether you establish a permanent place of abode outside Australia. We need to
consider what your intention, family business and assets are. There are some similar cases can be
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Comparison Between Different Enterprise Architecture...
4.1 Comparison of Different Enterprise Architecture Frameworks
A number of EA frameworks exist in the industry with the goal of addressing the basic challenge of
assessing, aligning, and organizing business objectives with technical requirements and strategies.
Examples include the Zachman Enterprise Framework, The Open Group Architecture Framework
(TOGAF), OMB Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), and The Gartner Methodology (formerly
the Meta Framework).
Each framework possesses different strengths and weaknesses, which makes it difficult to find any
one existing framework that is ideal for all situations. The following chart depicts how four
Enterprise Architecture Frameworks compare.
4.2 How to Solve the Problem?
To touch lightly on value, there are multiple levels of value and it is one of the most difficult things
to measure as it contains both quantitative and qualitative aspects. But for an EA practice the
following should be considered:
Cost Avoidance How do we avoid unnecessary costs?
Cost Reduction How do we reduce our current spend?
Quality How do we improve the quality of our information?
Risk Containment How to we control and reduce organisational risks?
Stakeholder Value How do we improve our value to our stakeholders?
Resource Allocations How do we improve the view of demand for our services?
Productivity How do we increase our productivity and efficiency?
Collaboration How do we improve our engagement
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
The Financial Accounting Standards Board Essay
On February 26, 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an Accounting
Standards Update (ASU) which revised the standards on leasing. The intent for this revision was to
improve how leases are being reported on the financial statements. The consensus is that the
classification tests in current use for making this determination fail to provide a faithful and
accurate representation for leasing transactions in general. In 2005, the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission had also made recommendations which indicated this need for change in
regard to how leases were being reported. Overall, it is believed that this change would ensure
greater transparency in the financial statements concerning these type transactions. As
commonplace as leasearrangements are, accounting for leases are not quite so clear cut. One of
the hotly debated topics for leasing standards that is currently being discussed is how off
balance sheet financing presents an erroneous and misleading view of a company s true financial
position. This problem began when companies would plan ways to circumvent the rules currently
under U.S. GAAP in attempts to classify leases as operating leases when in actuality they were
capital leases. An example of this when a company purposely designs the leasing arrangements so
that the lease ends at 74% of the asset s estimated life whereas one of the U.S. GAAP criteria for
leases directs that it must be a non cancellable lease term that is
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Role and Practices in Management Accounting Today
|ACC601: Managerial Accounting | | | | | |Role and Practices in Management Accounting Today | | | |
| | | | | Table of Contents 1.Definition3 1.1 Management... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is an integral part of the management process, distinctly adds value by continuously probing
whether resources are used effectively by people and organizations in creating value for customers,
shareholders or other stakeholders. The field of organizational activity encompassed by
management accounting has developed through four evolutionary yet recognizable stages. Figure
below shows the four evolutionary stages Figure: The Four Phases of Evolution of Management
Accounting Source: IFAC, 1998: Revised International management accounting practice 1 #1,
Management accounting systems report the results of operations using financial and non financial
measures. These systems also help project and plan future operations. The company ABC for
examples need some information to have new product these include better product cost data and
metrics of on time delivery of products. These items exemplify two of the many measures dealt
with in management accounting. Cost is an example of a measure expressed in financial terms,
while on time delivery is an example of an operational measure. PURPOSE OF MANAGEMENT
ACCOUNTING THE STRATEGIC TRIANGLE The fundamental purpose of management
accounting is to help an organization achieve its strategic objectives. Meeting these objectives
satisfies the
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 2. The Italian Campaign For World War II The Italian Campaign The Italian Campaign put Allied troops in Europe. Lesser objectives of the invasion included a chance to capitalize on the collapse of Italian resistance; to immediately use Allied forces; to engage German forces that could be sent to Russia and northern France; to take control of airfields that could be used for bombing missions; and to gain control of the Mediterranean. Casablanca Conference Planning: Believing the North African campaign would be over quickly, American and British leaders began discussing their next move. While the British favored pushing north through Sicily and Italy, the Americans wanted a direct, cross Channel attack. Since this required detailed discussions, a conference between Roosevelt, Churchill, and their senior leadership was scheduled. The two leaders chose Casablanca for the meeting. Casablanca Conference The Talks: The talks consisted mostly of planning an invasion of southern Europe. It was felt that invading Italy would take Benito Mussolini s troops out of the war and force Germany to shift forces. This would weaken the Nazi position in France, allowing for a later invasion. Operation Husky The main forces for the invasion of Sicily were the U.S. 7th Army under Patton and the British Eighth Army under Montgomery. The invasion began on July 10, 1943, with combined air and sea landings involving 150,000 troops, 3,000 ships and 4,000 aircraft, all aimed at the southern shores of the island. Operation Husky ended ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Ethnic Nationalism Source Of Community Of Fear Essay Ethnic Nationalism Source of Community of Fear Nationalism, according to the most widely accepted definitions of, is the doctrine that the state and the nation should be congruent. However, there is much more to add to the definition of nationalism today in connection to the ethnic and civil society. The definition of nationalism depends on its context. The typology of nationalism defines its strength and/or weakness of the relationship among the community in which it s defined. While civil nationalism accepts people for who they are in the unique condition that they accept the country s constitution, ethnic nationalism goes beyond and requires that the community should share a common culture which can be raced, ethnic group, language or religion. There are many explanations in resonating for why ethnic nationalism is an exclusive National project (according to Igatieff). Despite the urgency of this issue, Scholars have until recently not addressed the question of accommodation of communities regarding ethnic nationalism. This argument will contribute to this discussion, by looking at the link between conflicts and ethnic nationalism. The points presented in this argumentation will highlight the weaknesses of ethnic nationalism in modern states. The argument will articulate these weaknesses by first looking at the genealogical roots and the modernist origin of ethnic nationalism. Then it will sketch the relationship between mass media, narcissism, intolerance and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Hero Of The American Soldier Who Goes Out The film illustrates the hero that can be likened to a representative of the American soldier who goes out to get information about a particular crime. During the movie, Ray gets to the point to understand the Indian culture by studying the problems the go through in the United States of America (Fusco 3). As Michael Apted directed the film, it is a fictional representation of a soldier who is wounded in serving the people. The central scenario is dominant of the Native Americans complaining about rights violation. Ray plays the part of the FBI agent who gets preoccupied with investigating the hilarious acts the people complain about in the society. The hero as portrayed in the film takes much time trying to figure out where the criminal lives. In fact, the FBI agent is an Indian native, but he has never lived according to his beliefs. He is the Sam Shepard s partner, who has the responsibility of delivering the best service according to the duties attached to him. Besides, Ray became an option since his heritage was complicated making him suitable for the investigation (Alvarez, Jenn and Waawaate 95). By working with the government, he fails to represent the true heroic nature, who should defend his people against the ills and odds that they go through. He goes on the mission under the support of agent Frank, someone that he enjoys working with due to his previous successes in the similar incidence. While on the mission, Ray becomes so informed about the way of life of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Group Home Observation On this date worker visited Ms. Brooke Henry at Pine Place Assisted Living Facility in Arley, Al, for the purpose of arranging services for Ms. Henry. Ms. Henry needed transportation to the SS office, Wal Mart, group home in Curry, and to get her haircut. When worker arrived at the facility, Ms. Henry was sitting on the couch in the living room. She was appropriately dressed with good personal hygiene. She was very excited to see the worker and about leaving the facility for the day. First worker and Ms. Henry was going to visit a possible group home for Ms. Henry. However, on the way worker received a call from Holly, caseworker at Tri County, she stated the people who ran the group home was not able to meet today and she would call back ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Purchase Christmas Trees How to purchase Christmas tree for your Christmas celebration Generally, decorated tree is the Christmas tree and normally evergreen conifer such as spruces and pine of the same appearances associated with Christmas tree. The forestry of the Christmas tree cultivation like horizontal and agriculture occupation which involves growing fir trees and spruce trees are especially supports as the Christmas tree. The viable alternatives were farming on the Christmas tree for the low quality farm lands such as awareness was modified within agriculture industry. In according, to yields like optimum quality of lands would be flat rolling relatively free of the debris and undergrowth are present in real Christmas tree. Christmas tree is grown as the wide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Agritech Pros And Cons Biotechnology is the manipulation of microorganisms, through DNA manipulation and bioprocess manipulation for industrial, health, and food industries. Although, there are many different types of biotechnologies; agriculture is the leading type of biotechnology that has affected humans for thousands of years and will continue to make a large impact for the future of humanity. What exactly is agricultural biotechnology? Agricultural biotechnology, or agritech, is a combination of tools to improve or manipulate microorganisms, or parts thereof, for agricultural use such as bacteria resistant, improve crop yield, and the list goes on. Biotechnology, in specifies, agricultural biotechnology has been used for thousands of years. Scientists do not have a specific date as to when agritech was first utilized, but they have concluded that approximately ten thousand to twenty thousand years BC, early humans domesticated plants and animals. Overtime, the desired plants and animals were bred the desired, and overall better quality plants and animals were selectively bred. Thus overtime, unknowingly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This includes moral/ethical issues, unpredictable plant outcomes, unpredictable health outcomes. Biotechnology, and its many different fields have been a controversial topic for many, many years. Sparking the idea that it has moral and ethical issues which in certain eyes it does. Many people believe that it s playing God, or gods, and even playing mother nature. Many believe that altering genes and other biological processes should remain in the hand of whomever is the upper being. Where mankind should not play with things that we do not truly understand; where we are just playing around. Many religious groups believe that God, gods, and/or mother nature should be the one who can alter the species, and that Humans are here to live amongst it and not change it to our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Asl 3 Take Home Exam Cody Faucher 14 December 2016 ASL 3 Take Home Exam 1.What is the definition of Eugenics based on a video clip of Edwin Black? According to Edwin Black, eugenics is the effort to create a white, blue eyed, blond haired, Nordic master race in the United States, and wipe away the existence of everyone who did not fit that ideal . Black goes further by explaining the implementation of this ideal, saying Now who did they want to wipe away? They wanted to wipe away Mexicans, Italians. They wanted to wipe away the Asians the Jews, those who they believed were feeble minded, the Deaf, the poor. The Oxford University Press defines eugenics as the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics with a further and rather illuminating explanation which states, Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis . 2.What did you learn exactly from Edwin Black that you may have not learned in American History? If I had been asked when eugenics began in practice, I would likely have pointed at Nazi era Europe prior to seeing Edwin Black s presentation. However, at the conclusion of his speech I found myself shaken by the fact that eugenics was in practice in California before and during Nazi power. I had thought of California as, in the past, a brave frontier, and at present, a shining beacon of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Analysis Of Internal Conflict, The Dark Battlefield Internal Conflict, The Dark Battlefield He hesitation or decision making issue within the characters mind is regarded as a suspense. In Just Lather, That s All , the barber struggled with whether or not to kill the enemy who now infront of him. In the end, the barber did not want blood on his hand. Meanwhile, in The sniper, two snipers who were from different sides fought against each other in a war. While examining the corpse, the sniper discovered that the enemy was his brother. Also The Black Cat narrates the process of the protagonist from normal to committing a crime step by step. Internal conflict moves the story s plot, thought the short stories Just Lather, That s All , The Sniper and The Black Cat respectively. The border in Just Lather, That s all struggled with person against self which moves the plot. As the barber thought over: No one deserves to have someone else make the sacrifice of becoming a murder. What do you gain by it? Nothing. Others came along and still others, and the first ones kill the second ones and they the next ones and it goes on like this until everything is a sea of blond (Tellez 3). When faced cruel enemy, he should kill him. However, in the barber s view, murder is not the way to stop violence and war. It only lets the violence continue, with killing the second, third and so on. This point is the transition of the plot from thinking about murdering to hesitation. The second thought of the border is that: I do not want ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Native American Native Land To be a Native American, one is not just born into the ethnicity, but it is the sacredness of the culture, language, religion, and land that makes a person a true Native American, and without these things, there are no Indigenous people. Developing a culture is human nature, and for Native Americans, their culture revolves around the land, and to take that away is to take away who they are. The land may not physically be a part of Native Americans, but without their sacred land, there is a missing part of them. The building of telescopes on Mt. Graham is one example of how the sacred Native land is being taken over. Just like how a wheel is a part of a chariot, the sacred land is part of a Native American, and without it, Native Americans are not whole. Their culture is seen as inferior to white culture because of the Racial Contract, and is why their land is treated with disrespect. Native Americans sacred lands needs to be treated with respect and protected because without it, they are no longer Native Americans, they are a group of people without a culture to be a part of. The word sacred is defined as: considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god; connection with religion; considered too important to be changed (Cambridge Dictionary). But what is sacred to someone, can that really be defined? What may be sacred and important to one person may mean nothing to another, but that does not mean that others should be able to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Ironic Circumstances in Greasy Lake by T.C. Boyle Essay Ironic Circumstances in Greasy Lake by T.C. Boyle Sudden and Ironic events that happen to the narrator in T.C. Boyle s short story Greasy Lake are the same type of events that in an instant will change a person forever. The ironic circumstances that the narrator in Greasy Lake finds himself in are the same circumstances that young people find themselves in when fighting war. The viewpoint of the world that the narrator has, completely alters as certain events take place throughout the story. His outlook on nature transforms into a wholly different standpoint as the story progresses. As his tale begins, the narrator sees himself as a tough guy or bad character . He believes he is invincible. There is nobody as cool as he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is forced to conceal himself in the dark waters next to a dead body while witnessing others vandalize and destroy his car from a distance. There was a smell in the air, raw and sweet at the same time, the smell of the sun firing buds and opening blossoms. I contemplated the car. It lay there like a wreck along the highway, like a steel sculpture left over from a vanished civilization. Everything was still. This was nature. These words are how he observes the nature surrounding him after the events take place. Where only a short time ago everything about Greasy Lake was full of life and promise it is now dead and still. He no longer sees nature the same way, or looks at the world as he once did. He beholds the world in a different manner, he will never view life in the way he used to. Everything has changed for him. The actions of the characters in the allegory Greasy lake are actually the actions of war. The story takes place at the same time the VietnamWar was happening. Though war is not once mentioned, it is a story explaining war. The desperate, outrageous actions that take place at Greasy Lake allegorically spell out actions of war. If untangled, the words written about what the characters experience at Greasy lake can be interpreted as reasons why war is sparked. The kids in the story are 19 years old, it takes place the summer after their first year of college. College is the reason kids of that age are at Greasy lake ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Importance Of News Events In The Media On October 3rd the news ran stories covering not only the Las Vegas shooting, but also other newsworthy stories such as Trump s visit to Puerto Rico. The agenda setting of the front page and framing of crucial stories in major newspapers such as The Guardian, The New York Times, and The New York Post depict the differences in these outlets such as political orientation, style of journalism, and audience. The news sources examined highlight the importance of proximity and relevance when selecting stories for the front page. The top article of the British based newspaper The Guardian did not concern the Las Vegas tragedy, but rather discussed English Prime Minister Theresa May s plans to speak against inter party fighting over Brexit... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The actual article refutes the claim as a police spokesman confirmed it might not be a human body part. While the story has a minuscule amount of real relevance, its absurdity generates clicks an audience that enjoys the absurdity. Newspapers like The Guardian and The New York Times report little about those topics, a stark contrast in the stories classified as newsworthy. The Post is also a right leaning source, which differs from The Guardian and The Times. The opinion sections emphasize the disparity between these conservative and liberal sources. The Guardian has one opinion article on their main web page about Las Vegas, titled No it s not hypocritical to call for gun control after Las Vegas. The writer takes a pro gun control stance from a British perspective. Similarly, The New York Times opinion section has a multitude of pro gun control pieces, such as Preventing Mass Shootings Like the Vegas Strip Attack. (FIX) Contrarily, the main opinion piece on The New York Post s website is titled Wait for the facts on the Vegas attack. This stark contrast highlights the different agendas of each source. Examining a specific article from each source reporting about Trump s Puerto Rico visit provides an in depth view at the differences between these channels regarding the ways they frame their news. The New York Times writer Mark Landler wrote an article titled Trump Lobs Praise, and Paper Towels, to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Reasons Why The Ottoman Empire Essay The Byzantine empire had its start in 330 AD with Constantine moving the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire to Constantinople, present day Istanbul. This created a capital in which nearly no one could fully siege control over for centuries. This all changed on April 5,1453 when Sultan Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, determined that he would defeat the Byzantine Empireand take Constantinople, took action and marched to the city. After a 54 day siege, on Tuesday, May 29,1453, Sultan Mehmed II and the Muslim Turks breached the walls of the city and brought the last Roman empire crumbling to its knees. The reasons why the Ottoman Empire was able to bring down what once was the greatest empire in the world was due to a proper financial backing and assistance from allies, greater number of troops, better technological advancements, the type of leader Sultan Mehmed II was, and strategy. In 1451, Sultan Mehmed II, later known as Mehmed the Conquerer, started his second reign of power of the Ottoman Empire. From the very beginning, he declared it was his aim to take the city of Constantinople, no matter what the cost. This was challenging due to the ginormous layered walls surrounding the Byzantine peninsula. First, the city was surrounded by a moat and a layer of wall, then a second or middle wall rising above thirty feet with 96 towers, and then the third and biggest wall rising up to 40 feet high and 15 feet thick [with] 96 towers each about 60 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Protestant Old Testament Essay In the Catholic faith, the Protestant belief of sola scriptura or scripture alone is to be used along with the Magisterial authority of those in the church such as the Pope and Bishops, which is a long standing belief from the church s founding in 33 AD. The Protestant Bible and The Catholic Bible both use the same New Testament, which was defined by Athanasius in 367, but use a different Old Testament. The Protestant Old Testament is different than the Catholic Old Testament because of the history of the founding of the Protestant faith. The Protestant Old testament comes from the Hebrew Bible which was decided to have 24 books, with this canon being accepted at the Councils of Jamnia in 90 118 AD. (Coffman) The early church fathers, however, were using the Septuagint , a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible because they could read Greek but not Hebrew. (Coffman) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (O Brien) St. Athanasius said These are the sources of salvation, for the thirsty may drink deeply of the words to be found here. In these alone is the doctrine of piety recorded. Let no one add to them or take anything away from them. (Paschal Epistle, 367; Synods of Hippo, 393; Carthage I, 397; Carthage II, 419) A letter of Pope St. Innocent I officially listed these books in 405. (Saunders) The King James version, printed in 1611, printed these books in between the Old and New Testament. (Saunders) The Council of Florence, 1442, established the official canon as 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, (Saunders) The Council of Trent, 1546, also decided to keep these books. (Coffman) Here these Catholics said these books were to be treated with the equal devotion and reference in the Decree of Sacred Books and on traditions to be Received. (Saunders) The New Catechism affirms these books and the official ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Social Hierarchy in Ancient China Essay example In ancient china, the social hierarchy was highly looked upon and very important. The shi included eunuch, scholars and officials. This meant that for the shi, because they were second to the top of the hierachy, they were very important and had big jobs. The shi included Eunuchs, Scholars and officials. These people contributed to the organisation and governmentof China because they ran the main jobs in the government including scribes, advisors and battle commanders. They also organised communities by giving orders and insuring people knew the laws and followed them. Eunuch A Eunuch had one of the closest connections with the Emperor and imperial family. As young boys they were often sold to the palace by poor parents and immediately ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Officials The main job of an official was to keep law and order and discuss issues. Because of their education, officials were well respected and were able to live a comfortable lifestyle. Due to this, to become an official, men had to pass a 60 hour exam. This was so difficult that only 1:3000 people got in, meaning that the amount of officials was quite low. Officials spent most of their time discussing religion, laws, farming and taxes. They had the largest job out of the shi because there were such a variety of issues they talked about. As well as talking about issues, officials also acted upon them. Some examples of this is when they went out to the country and encouraged farming methods, collected taxes and enforced laws. Why were the shi so important? The shi were so important because they contributed greatly to the organisation and government of China. If it weren t for them China would not be an established and wealthy country today. Because the shi were educated and were able to read and write, we are able to learn and understand the history and culture of Ancient China. This group of people was also very important because they talked to the emperor and kept his information, translated documents and ran the main government. Major jobs they had included commanding battles, scribers, clerks, organised rituals and collected taxes. This proves that the shi provided vital jobs for Ancient China. In conclusion, if it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Public Relations In Alibaba On November 11, 2014, online sales on Alibaba earned 57.1 million Yuan. Zhang Liang is the boss of store on selling woolen clothes on Taobao e business. On Double Eleven Day , the turnover was 840,000 Yuan. The number of turnover was 40times compared with routine sales. (Liang Bian, 2014) Alibaba has good public relationsbecause Alibaba has high reputation in public, and people trust him. Public usually buy the goods especially on sale promotions. It is important for company to have good public relations. There are three main parts for managing public relations for company. At beginning, company should understand the definition of public relations clearly. Public relations not only is relationship but also has function of management. Next... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And in accordance with Curtis (2011), public relations is establishing effective relationships in long time between private person and organs. (Curtis, 2011) Public relations consist of two parts. The first part is the two objects that are public and organization. Public means people including company customer, supplier and investor. Public also consist of medias. Organization means corporation, firm, company, or institutions. The second part is relation. The relation means relationship, communication, or passageway. Public relations means relationship between public and organizations. According to Tymson s opinion (2008), public relations is building and sustaining comprehension between public and organizations by cogitative, designed, and continuous struggle. (Tymson, 2008) And organizations and the public establish benefits contraction together by communicating strategically of public relations. (PRSA, 2009) The relationship aims to let organizations learn public and public learn organizations at same time. Public relations is a bridge of communication between public and organizations. The aim of public relations is making money by contacting companies and public. Public relations is not only relationship between public and organizations but also function of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Legislative Branch Our Government: The Legislative Branch Tiara Abrams American Government Mr. DiCurcio 6 December 2010 Outline THESIS: The Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate which forms the United States Congress; the Constitution grants Congress the single authority to pass legislation and declare war, the right to approve or reject Presidential appointments, and significant investigative powers. I. What is the Legislative Branch? A. It includes the House of Representatives and the Senate (Congress). B. The requirements for both chambers. C. It makes the laws. II. The Legislative Process A. The first step in the legislative process is the introduction of a bill to Congress. B. A bill must pass through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Implied Powers are powers not listed in the Constitution. They come from and depend on expressed powers of the government. The basis for implied powers comes from the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. Another name for implied powers is called the elastic clause because it stretches the power of the government. Implied powers have helped the government enhance its authority to meet the many problems and situations that the Framers unseen. Expressed Powers are those powers explicitly named in the Constitution. They grant the legislative branch a large amount of authority over American national policy, both domestic and foreign. The Constitution states that the Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, imposts, duties, excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all imposts, duties, and excises shall be uniformed throughout the United States (Brady). There are a total of 27 expressed powers listed in the Constitution. Congress retains a number of special powers. It can act as a judicial body to impeach and try a president or other civil officer for misconduct. For example, the House of Representatives impeaches the official and Senate does a trial. Congress is also empowered to create and use administrative agencies and boards, such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to determine facts and to enforce its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Identity And Identity In Melina Marchetta s Looking For... Looking for Alibrandi is a prime example on how young adults can be educated on the stresses and losses of life and through reflection they can set you free. Looking for Alibrandi focuses on one girl and the shame of her family s irresponsibility s have brought on them. Through her difficult school year, her absent father, falling in love, losing friends and discovering the truth about her identity. Melina Marchettaopened doors to the complications of the first generation Australian born ethnic female identities. Marchetta identified the anxieties of being different and acceptance which comes with being unfamiliar. She shows the reader themselves that people who are alike Josie are normal and mainly important and not alone. The main ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Secondly Looking for Alibrandi explores the relationships between mother and daughters, fathers and daughters, grandmothers and grandchildren, relatives, girlfriends and boyfriends, and girls together in school. A blossoming relationship throughout the novel is between Josie and Jacob. Relationships can be a catalyst for change. They come from different worlds yet balance each other out in the best ways possible. A main concern explored throughout the novel is the difference between Jacob and Josie. Throughout the novel, individuals who play an important role in Josie s life point out that Jacob isn t her type. Both are shocked to find each other attractive, yet they both inspire each other. They both mutually understand there s more than meets the eye. Jacob is special to Josie, they come from the same class and Josie learns to get rid of bias of identity with his help and better to answer the question of who she really is. This dynamic duo can relate to a lot of young individuals who are in committed relationships. Most individuals look down upon young lovers and become sceptical on how long the relationships would last. Not to mention the backlash Josie got from her peers about her relationships with Jacob. Not to mention Josie would never be able to introduce Jacob to her strict Italian grandmother. An issue a lot of young people face today as they would be shamed out of relationships. Due to their relatives not liking their significant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization The United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO) defines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders . The term is explained through a Triple Bottom Line Approach as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives ( Triple Bottom Line ) while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders (Elkington, 1997). This approach assumes a very significant light in today s dynamic world where every aspect of life is inter connected in a very mysterious fabric, where the alteration of one can affect the others in ways beyond comprehension. Corporate Social Responsibility, both as a term and concept, started becoming popular in the 1960s, when industrialization which sprouted in the Industrial Revolutionwas fixating its roots all across the world. Industrialization can be defined as the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial one . Just like the correlation and dependence of the various aspects of life with each other, it is seen that CSR and Industrialization shared their space of mutual effects as well. This paper aims to present a historic view on CSR, based on the trends and influencing factors, related to the booming of industrialization. The notion of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Franklin D Roosevelt Left America We as U.S. citizens live in a greatly complex world, regarding economical intricacy and political growth and development, also involving economical and environmental competition between countries. Resources are a vital fraction in maintaining a steady economy and a well ran country in itself. They must be provided, as well as availed, by those countries to retain the country s production and consumption. During the early 1940 s, President Franklin D. Rooseveltserved the longest tenure recorded in American history. Doing more in those twelve years serving than any of his predecessors in the White House. However, in some of his years as president, there were circumstances that left America in destress. Some of these circumstances are in regards... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The vessel fired when the German submarine, U 652, had mistaken the American warship to be responsible for a depth charge from a British bomber s alert, and aimed torpedoes at the USS Greer. Through this event, this created immense tension between the United States and Germany, and was the very beginning of World War II. Franklin D. Roosevelt had very much to say about this situation, when he secretly called for the United States Navy to be ready to fight if any country decided to engage in war actions with America. Why was this decision so secret? In a conference on September 11, 1941, Roosevelt told American people the blunt truth, that the Germans had all intentions to sink the American ship. From this attack came Roosevelt s shoot on sight poll, addressed in the Gallop Poll number 7, released September 26, 1941. This poll had 56 percent of the American people agree with him. In my opinion, I would agree, as well. I believe in going down with a fight for property and the divine rights of ownership. However, Roosevelt s idea for this was not so much influenced greatly upon the American people s public opinion. Because of the shoot on sight poll, Americans knew that this would cause a heavy war with Germany, causing a heaping 96 percent of Americans to oppose wartime with Germany during the Gallop Poll number 9. However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Rocky Horror Picture Show Essay The Rocky Horror Picture Show starts off with Brad and Janet (originally casted as Jarrod Emick and Alice Ripley), a newly engaged conventional couple are on a road trip from Denton, Ohio to visit their old high school science teacher, Dr. Scott (originally casted as Lea DeLaria) to tell him the great news. On the way, their car breaks down, and they stumble upon Frank N Furter s (originally casted as Tom Hewitt), where he s holding a convention of people from his home planet, Transexual Transylvania. During the night of their visit, Frank N Furter, who is also guilty of killing Dr. Scott s uncle, Eddie, reveals to his guests, including Brad and Janet, that he s been creating an artificial man named Rocky (Originally played by Sebastian LaCause) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The musical opened on June 16, 1973, at The Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in London, England. The musical which was originally a just for kicks show was intended to run only a couple of weeks, but took broadway by storm and became a huge success. The musical then moved from the 60seat Theatre Upstairs to a series of larger theatres such as the Classic Cinema. The Rocky Horror Picture Show made the cinema it s home from Aug. 14, 1973 to Oct. 20, 1973, then moving to King s Road from Nov. 3, 1973 to March 31, 1979, and finally the Comedy Theatre in the West End from April 6, 1979 until September 13, 1980 marking the end of the shows initial run in the UK. The show played in London for a total of 2,960 performances. About ten months into the run, Lou Adler saw the musical and brought it to the United States with the show s first preview on March 19, 1974. The Rocky Horror Picture Show then spread all throughout the world with the Australian premiere also in 1974 and Japan in 1975. The musical was made into a feature film 1975 shot at Oakley Court in Windsor, England. In an attempt as a promotion for the movie, the musical was brought back to the broadway stage on March 10, 1975, but failed to capture audiences, with a total of only 3 previews and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Dbq On The Battle Of Little Bighorn The Battle of Little Bighorn took place in 1876 along the Little Big Horn River in south central Montana. Warriors of the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes battled the seventh Regiment of the U.S. Cavalry led by General George Armstrong Custer. The battle has come to symbolize the clash of two vastly different civilizations including a hunting culture of the northern plains and a highly sophisticated, industrial based culture of the U.S. This battle was not an isolated soldier warrior confrontation but rather a highly strategic campaign. Essentially, Lakota leaders such as Sitting Bulland Crazy Horse rejected the newly implemented reservation system which was put into effect by the Fort Laramie Treaty. General Armstrong Custer... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Document E, called the Massacre of Our Troops, is an article from the New York Times published on July 6, 1876. It is written by Muggins Taylor, a scout for General Gibbons, and therefore, the account of events is from a white man s perspective. As stated in the document, Gen. Custer found the Indian camp of 2,000 lodges on the Little Horn, and immediately attacked it (Doc E). This clearly depicts his harsh treatment of Native Americans as he attempted to kill them so Americans could possess their land. The Indians were surrounded by Custer s regiment and merely reacted to his initial attack. Additionally, Document K, which is from the perspective of Crazy Horse, describes the situation that his tribe was in. Crazy Horse states, They say we massacred him, but he would have done the same to us. Our first impulse was to escape but we were hemmed in and we had to fight (Doc K). While most people believe that the Indians savagely attacked the white settlers, they truly had no choice. Custer s troops had surrounded the Indian village leaving them with no option but to fight back. Custer planned an attack on the Native Americans portraying his deplorable treatment of the Native ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Peanut And Tree Nuts Peanut and tree nut allergies have always been a problem when going out to eat. It s no different for schools. In the recent rise of 8% of children in the United States being diagnosed with a food allergy, some schools are considering removing peanuts and tree nuts from their school menu. Not only does it remove the risk of a fatal or minor allergic reactions to peanuts and tree nuts, it also removes an important part of non allergic kids palette. Not to mention, it saves smaller kids from falling into the unknown before they even realize it. Firstly, removing peanuts and tree nuts from our school would remove the risk of allergic kids having a reaction. That means, for once, that all kids will be able to roam every food and eat peacefully knowing that they won t be in risk. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... School diets are already restricted to having low fats and sugars, and higher amounts of healthy food. This sounds all right in the long run, however many kids aren t getting that boost of energy from certain foods like they used too. Removing peanuts is confining the food that some kids enjoy and decreasing the enjoyment of the meal. Lastly, it saves smaller children from falling into their own trap when they aren t paying attention. In the younger parts of elementary school, many kids with peanut related allergies may not know it, may forget, or may accidentally touch or rub up against something that they re allergic to. School is not a great place to have an allergic reaction. Having an allergic reaction at schools may scare the student at risk and other students around them. Removing peanuts and tree nuts from schools would be safer for them and other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay on Time Value Of Money Time Value of Money The time value of money serves as the foundation of finance. The fact that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future is the basis for investments and business growth. The future value of a dollar is based on the present dollar amount, interest rate and time period involved. Financial calculators and tables can assist in computing the future and present values, which eases the pain of the mathematically challenged. Yield or rate of return can also be calculated. One financial application of the time value of money is buying or selling a house mortgage note. Although normally handled by financial institutions, individuals can use this as an investment opportunity. The first step is having the note... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The MBA graduate will add to this calculation the opportunity cost which D. Henderson points out is redundant in word use, but an invaluable concept to the financial world. The true cost of something is what you give up to get it. В… as contract lawyers and airplane pilots know, redundancy can be a virtue. In this case, its virtue is to remind us that the cost of using a resource arises from the value of what it could be used for instead. (2002). In the above example, if the consumer was to buy a less expensive car, or finance less of the car price, the funds not being used for car payments could be invested for a higher yield. The table (See Amortization Table 1) in the text demonstrates how part of the loan payment is applied towards the principle and rest goes towards reducing the principle amount (Block, Hirt, 2005). The main learning of the amortization table is that the owner will pay slightly more in interest costs (41,000) as he did for the loan of 40,000. So the car that was priced at 40,000 actually ended up costing the owner 81,000. The amount paid is compounded if the owner takes into consideration the money that could have been earned if part of those funds had been invested. At a return rate of 8%, if the buyer had purchased a less expense car at 30,000 and invested 500 per year over 20 years, he would have 22,881 out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Peeling Back the Layers of being Privileged The concept of privilege is a fairly easy concept to understand once you peel back all of its layers. But it is also a concept that is rarely discussed among society. Because society is so focused on how everyone is one in the same , the conversation of how people are actually different is never discussed. Understanding that even though we all are human beings; our race, class, sexuality, religion, and many other things is what makes us all different in some shape or form. Conversations revolved around institutional discrimination and institutional racismcan prevent certain people with privilege from understanding how marginalized groups are being oppressed by certain systems. For some reason, privileged people, particularly white privileged people, assume that all experiences are universal when we all know they aren t. Assuming that all experiences are universal erases the lived experiences of marginalized people. Not only is there privilege related to skin color, but there is also privilege in sexuality as well. Heterosexual men and women have privilege as well. There have been well documented cases of institutional discrimination against those in the LGBTQIA community. While white privilege and heteronormativity privilege are forms of privilege, there are also other forms of privileges as well. But of course, there are some heterosexual men and women that don t believe that they have problem. Sadly, they do, but they fail to recognize even the smallest things that form ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Singer s Distinction Between Sentience and Self-Consciousness Singer s distinction between sentience and self consciousness Introduction In the past, a number of uprisings rose from the oppressed groups all over the world. The oppressed realized the ill treatment and consequently to the initiative to campaign vigorously for equality. Equality is the treatment of all persons with the same preference. For instance, the Black Liberation Movement called for equality with the whites (Chappell, 2011). These are people with a consciousness and ability to sense. They saw and felt the oppressive nature of the white s treatment against them and reacted. However, the innate things such as trees, animals, both human and non human do not have expressive ability that people can understand. Rights activist people and groups continue to elicit mixed reactions due to their call for fair treatment of such animals. Sentience and self consciousness It is difficult to realize the latent prejudice in the personal attributes towards particular groups until the prejudiced forcefully point it to us. A liberation call demands that we expand the moral horizons and the reinterpretation of basic moral principle of equality. The practices that in the previous were natural are now inevitably unjustifiable prejudice (HoМ€chsmann, 2002). This raises the question of whether the attitudes we exhibit are void of criticism. The rise of animal protection groups and the laws that govern and guard the animal s rights brings a completely different perspective of equality. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Respiratory System Of The Respiratory System The primary system in the human body that allows us to breathe is the Respiratory System. It is divided into two sections; upper respiratory tract (nasal cavity, nostrils, pharynx, larynx, and trachea) and lower respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi, alveoli, and diaphragm). The two tracts work together to allow the absorption of oxygen and the exhale of carbon dioxide when we breathe, this is the primary function of the entire system. Each organ of the respiratory system plays a vital role in the success of making sure that our bodies are receiving the necessary air flow. The Respiratory System consists of three major parts; the airway, the lungs and the muscles of respiration. The airway of the Respiratory System consists of the nasal cavity, nostril, pharynx, and larynx. The nostril and nasal cavity s primary function is to filter out the air that is entering the body by blocking any dirt or dust before it reaches the lungs. It is lined with mucous membrane that moisturizes our nostrils to avoid us getting nosebleeds and dryness. The pharynx consists of three parts; the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the laryngopharynx. Once air is inhaled it passes through the nasopharynx which is located in the back of the mouth, proceeds down to the oropharynx, and then into the laryngopharynx. There is a separate flap that covers the area where food is swallowed called the epiglottis. The epiglottis, a part of the larynx, acts as a cover and works closely between the trachea ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Anti-Semitism In The 19th Century Anti Semitism is described as a perception toward Jewish people which discriminated and prejudiced them as a community. Jewish people as a minority group were discriminated from Christians for ages. They were asked to abandon their religious formalities, in order to have full rights. Jews were accused from the Christian church as ignorers of God, being devil people and unwilling community to join the Christian community. All the claims or lies were considered as accuracy during that time. In this paper, it will be discussed the importance of Anti Semitism from its origin and its current importance as a perception which denigrated Jews. Since its origin, Anti Semitism community tried to deny the emancipation of Jews. Jews were not allowed to own land, work in public offices and free trade because they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to that, many Jews were integrated socially in Christian society. The complots toward Jewish community did not stop at any time. An example of that it would Dreyfus Affair. Alfred Dreyfus (Jew) was a member of French military and he was accused as traitor, on accusations that he was transmitting secret information to Germans. His innocence was proved later but this affair remained as an example of military corruption. The complots continued also in the 19th century by providing fake publications such as Protocols of the Elders of Zion , which were against Jewish community. (Perry, Marvin, Schweitzer, Frederick, 2005) The most activities against Jews took place in 19th century. This is the period when also was legalized the racial ideology against Jewish people. With the formation of Nazi party in Germany, the Jewish discrimination increased because that party gained power through promoting Anti Semitism propaganda. During that period, also was published the book called Mein Kampf . In this book Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazi party described its big desire to exterminate Jews, especially from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation Of Children The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children proposed an international commitment to prevent the exploitation of children in pornography, trafficking, prostitution, and other crimes of a sexual nature. They suggested the commitment in late 2001, and they committed to improving local, regional, national, and international laws to help combat sexual crimes against minor children. They developed laws to coordinate agencies and push for laws that help prosecute anyone conducting illegal activities against children. The cooperation of all countries that accepted the commitment made it easier for law enforcement to find, track, and eventually prosecute persons who exploit child for the before mentioned crimes. The CSEC conducted studies on different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Why High School Students Dropout High School Dropouts Dropout is a broad term used to classify a person who has abandoned their class or field of study. A great number of the teens that drop out of school are thought of as being in the same category, but there are countless different reasons why students drop out of high school. Be it living in low povertyareas and having to quit school to work and help the family out. Struggling with learning disabilities and being in special education or even rebelliousness and pregnancy. Among the abounding states in our country, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana have the highest high schooldropoutrates. Poverty stricken areas have high dropout rates. One of the main reasons for this is the need for a teen of working age to help ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teen birth rates were high in the same states with the poverty and special needs issues. With Louisiana teen birth rate at 47.5 births per 100, ages 15 19(Wright). This means almost 50% of the children born during this time frame were born to underage mothers entering high school or just graduating. Typically, when a teen gets pregnant in high school they drop out. This is either due to having to get a job and support her now new family or even the embarrassment of her situation. In the south, particularly many teens are made to marry at young ages due to pregnancy and forced to grow up. This situation is avoidable if parents would push their children to finish their high school education and recognize how important receiving their diploma is. I am hopeful as we enter a new time that the dropout rates in these southern states will become less and less. That we can break the cycle on families having to depend of the government for different programs to survive, so that we can begin to pour money into the school system to help the teens with learning disabilities make it through school. I am hopeful that in these new times teens are not forced to marry and stop pursing their education. I am optimistic one day everyone will realize how important completing high school is and the rates we see now will soon be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. In This Part Of The Essay, Tunisia And Libya Are Discussed In this part of the essay, Tunisia and Libya are discussed in terms of freedom, whether it is political or social and how former ruling systems facilitated the process of recovery after Arab Spring. Both Tunisia and Libya started their promising journey in the post coup era towards a more democratic political environment. However, it has proven a challenge particularly for Libya as they never experienced a democratic rule despite having elections in accordance with democratic values during the reign of King Idris. Tunisia under the rule of Ben Ali had very limited political freedom particularly for the members of the media. In an observation released by the Freedom House website, a US based non governmental organization that advocates... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By suppressing their freedom of expression, the trust in Ben Ali s government slowly eroded which caused further betrayal among the public. Ben Ali certainly had failed in accommodating the outrage of his people and this continued with his family s corruption scandal. Freedom of expression represented government transparency where the resistance against the former could reflect the failure of the government s functionality. The transition from dictatorship to democracy will not be a smooth one, particularly for a country who had been ruled by the same president for more than twenty years with strictly controlled freedom. Thus, it will be a challenge for the people to relive the democratic establishments of Tunisia under their former president, Habib Bourguiba. It is important to note that Tunisia was democratic when it gained its independence in 1956 but descended into dictatorial rule after the coup. The experience of democracy had familiarized Tunisians with rebuilding the country on the liberal foundations. The freedom of expression particularly among the members of the media gradually improved after 2011. On 26th August 2016, Tunisia signed the Declaration of Media Freedom in the Arab World, being the second country to sign the declaration after Palestine. This is a major breakthrough for the silenced journalists and activists throughout Ben Ali s dictatorship. The early democratic establishments paved the way for Tunisia to recover from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Thirty Years War Background A thorough understanding of the Thirty Years War is essential in discussing the effects of the Peace of Westphalia. Religion dominated authority in Europe in the 16th century, namely Catholicism. However, dissatisfaction grew as the Protestant Reformation gained more followers, resulting in tension and divisions throughout the Holy Roman Empire. Weakened imperial power and unrest between ruler and subjects began as early as 1555. Although the Thirty Years War broke out based on religious conflicts, the motives of the war became mainly of political supremacy as fighting continued on a continental scale in the latter years. It pitted Protestant against Catholic, the Holy Roman Empire against France, the German princes and princelings ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Dive Mask Research Paper SCUBA DIVING GEAR 101: The Basics As much as we, humans, would like to swim and dive in open waters without any form of protection and aid, our anatomy just isn t perfectly designed to handle underwater conditions for long amounts of time. This is where SCUBA Diving gear comes in. SCUBA Diving gear allows us to see, breathe, swim and stay warm underwater. To beginners, this stuff might look like it came from a sci fi alien invasion movie, so we ll discuss each one to help you understand. The Dive Mask. This piece of equipment protects your eyes from sea salt and other nasty sea stuff. But more importantly, the dive mask lets you ogle at the beauty of the underwater world! The dive mask separates your eyes (and sometimes nose) from water and creates an air pocket to let you see clearly underwater. The mask is fastened on the diver s face because of something called elastomer skirt , but we don t have to worry about that yet! All it means is that the water can t get through and your mask won t suddenly come off. The Snorkel. It s like a straw, but instead of sucking water or beverage, we actually use this to breathe through our mouths. The snorkel allows us to breathe while facing down when underwater. Some models are even designed to allow us to expel the water that somehow gets in there. It is usually used for short and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because we don t have gills, we have to rely on the regulator to breathe underwater. The regulator is called as such because it regulates the amount of air you receive from the SCUBA tank every time you inhale. It is a little similar to the snorkel in that it allows you to breathe underwater and it has a mouthpiece. However, the regulator is connected to the SCUBA tank and will allow you to stay underwater for much longer. The octopus, on the other hand, is not a pet you can take with you when you go diving (although I wish I could). It is a backup regulator, in case something goes wrong with your first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, By Dr.... Introduction Life happens and people move on with their lives based on the decisions they make. Sometimes the decisions we make may not be the most adequate for our lives, but nonetheless we have to make those decisions in order to move on from one phase to another as we try to live our lives. It is said that people make decisions in two different ways, some people make their decision based solely on the facts and being objective, but there is also the group that makes their decision based on their emotions. Making decisions that will affect our life forever it takes some sort of type of intelligence. Many people are familiar with the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), a tool that measures a person s intelligence based on a series of tests (IQ, 2016), but and very few may have heard of Emotional Quotient (EQ) (also referred to as Emotional Intelligence or EI) even existed. Emotional intelligence is becoming more and more important nowadays than when it was first introduced by Dr. Daniel Goleman in 1995 in the bestseller book Emotional Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (as cited in Freedman, 2005). Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive people s feelings and to read body language which is useful for individuals as well as supervisors because then they can be more empathetic in understanding other people s feelings and the way people respond based on the environment they find themselves in. It is important to be familiar and become aware of EI by learning about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management (HRM) is described as a distinctive approach to employment management (University of Leicester, 2006:5), which mainly focuses on employees as the key driving force to achieve organisational success. This qualitative approach differs from traditional personnel management systems that aim to integrate HRM into strategic managementbeyond HRM s routine functional role. This integration supports sought after organisational objectives to include quality, commitment, and flexibility. This paper examines the key HRM function of reward management, in particular, performance related pay systems, presenting their main concepts, roles, weaknesses and strengths in comparison to the old traditional pay system. Strategic Reward Management Critique Views... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This created a never ending dilemma for senior managers who could only reward high performing employees when there was a job available. The traditional system operated well during periods of low inflation and low corporate income. It was predictable, secure, and by most measures, permanent. However, it also paid employees in accordance to their length of service, an unsustainable system (Schuster Zingheim, 1992). Organizations, hungry for more response options to reward their good employees, have widely adapted the emerging HRM technique of reward managementthat includes all sorts of monetary and non monetary rewards in exchange for their performed work (University of Leicester, 2006). The value of combining base pay along with other performance related pay and non financial rewards spurs the recruitment and retention of good caliber employees and creates a feeling of achievement, recognition, responsibility, influence and personal growth amongst the employees (Armstrong, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Examples Of Belonging In The Holocaust Maya Al Saeed Belonging in the Holocaust Do you feel like you belong if you re with your family and/or friends? Most people who lived through the Holocaust were with their families and friends because it made them feel like they belong together. The feeling of belonging during the Holocaust was what many people used to create hope and belonging, like in the book Night, The boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Heros of the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a hard time for many people, belonging is something many used to cope with the situation. If you re with your family you feel like you belong there no matter where you are, like in Night, Elie felt more at ease when he was with his father even though they were in a concentration camp. Elie was able to let his guard down more when he was with his father because... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The size of the meals at the Andzelm house got smaller as more Jews showed up at the door pleading for something to eat. (Zullo and Bovsun 12). Even if it meant that Maria s family had to sacrifice food, they still helped because they knew right from wrong. Maria also risked herself to bring books for Moses because she knew that if she was in his situation, she would want someone to do the same. Bruno always went to see Schmuel even though he knew it could be dangerous. Bruno: Maybe I should go. Schmuel: What about my papa? Bruno: yeah. (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas). Bruno stayed to help Schmuel to help find his father. Bruno chose to say and help because he knew how important it was to find Schmuel s father. Even though Bruno and schmuel didn t have the closest relationship, they still meant a lot to each other because they only had each other to be friends with. Bruno wasn t able to help Schmuel ,but he still tried and that meant a lot to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Story Of Julian Herbs. Most People Go Through A Trying The Story of Julian Herbs Most people go through a trying phase where they decide to take a harder look at their lives they are living and get the feeling that it could be better. Such thoughts may lead one into a psychological crisis characterized by a lot of stress and anxiety due to the dissatisfaction with one s life (Schriver, 2004). Mr. Julian Herbs, a 50 year old, has been going through this phase where he felt dissatisfied with his life despite the achievements he has been able to accomplish in his life. He is a married man with a son and a daughter who has been able to achieve financial security. However, he feels like his relationship with his children has deteriorated and has had the thought of having an affair with a younger ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mr. Herbs is likely to be experiencing this phase because of the things that are happening in his life. His life is surrounded by loneliness and lack of fulfillment especially because of the changes that he recently experienced. His daughter graduated and moved to Atlanta while his son got a job in Chicago. His separation from his children may have contributed to his concentration on his achievements and the decisions he has made through life. He gave up his college education to be fully committed to his family and now that they have all grown and become successful he wishes he could have done more on his personal achievements. Additionally, the older he gets, the closer to death he feels. His father had always talked about dreams but he dies suddenly from a heart attack. Therefore, Julian may be feeling stressed by the fact that he is moving closer to death yet he has not achieved all the things he wanted to achieve in life. Erik Erickson s Stages of Psychosocial Development According to Erik Erickson, people go through eight stages of psychosocial development from the time they are infants to their adulthood (Sokol, 2009). During each of these stages, the person may experience different psychosocial crises that affect their personality development positively or negatively (Sokol, 2009). Mr. Herbs is currently at the generativity vs. stagnation stage of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Pros And Cons Of Fordism Fordism a good idea or a bad one? The purpose of this paper is to state that Fordism was not a stable production system, even though it achieved great success when it was first applied by Henry Ford. The Fordism production method will be critically assessed on the segregation it built between workforce and management and how it established a dominant American industry. The study will also define the concept of Fordism and how it influenced the motor vehicle industry, in which this production model was first implemented. By the beginning of the 20th century technology had become advanced enough to introduce the motor vehicle. Despite this, for many years the automobile remained an expensive luxury item created by craftsmen. It was something only the wealthy could afford. That was until Henry Ford, a son of the Scientific Movement of Management, developed a new line of thought. He wanted to make cars available to the masses by changing the production process in a way that would reduce costs, so more people could afford the product. Ford introduced a new approach to production, which included standardization, specialization and the usage of the assembly line and the conveyor belt system (Smith, 2011). His business model was so successful that it sparked a revolution in the entire industry. Even today, a century later, the world is still greatly influenced by Fordism. Authors variously interpret the term Fordism . According to Knights and Willmott (2007: 385) Fordism ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Application Of A Smart Home System Essay Now in smart home system and abroad there found a wide variety of household appliances. These appliances are mostly used by the user and thus accumulating huge amount of life related data. This data contains wide information about user behaviour. Collecting this data and mining it for user behaviour analysis is now creating more interest in researchers. This paper approaches the improved techniques for data miningand focuses on reduction of delay of user behaviour analysis using these improved data mining techniques. Keywords Data Mining; Association Rule; User behaviour Analysis I.INTRODUCTION A smart home system has always under attention of global IT people and home appliances manufacturers. A fully fledged smart home system will contain a wide variety of household appliances. With the improvement in living standards of people, smart home is becoming the next standard of home life. Smart home not only gives users a safe, healthy and comfortable living environment, but also helps users to remotely monitor their home state with control home appliances.[6] Many people start to pay attention to make full use of the data processing capabilities of smart home devices to analyze data of the smart home appliances to extract the user s behavioural patterns of life and their habits, and finally provide users with personalized service and remind. Association rule is the mostly used data mining technique. As an important part of the data mining technology, association rule ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Pronounced Regression of Today s Society Essay A refreshed mind is a creative and productive one, is a quote written by Kathy Bell, in her book Regression (Bell). In a society that is continuing to regress to the ways of previous historical times, does it make you think that maybe no one is working to keep their mind refreshed and allow our society to grow as opposed to it going backwards? Particular aspects of our society are regressing to ways that can be compared to those of the Paleolithicperiod, including the way our society s gender roles are portrayed, our ideology and how we treat people, and being civilized. We are reverting to women being the homebodies and taking care of their children and given high expectations, and men being the one in charge. Today s society, like the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is near impossible to walk through a store and not see a female dressed suggestively posed on a magazine or in an ad to sell any kind of product. Women are also subjected to be at home taking care of the house and children and any needs that their husband may have at any given time. It is plastered unashamedly on any available form of advertisement, whether it be for a diet pill, gym, clothing line, etc., for a woman to look, act, and feel a certain way. Females as an entirety, are supposed to be in shape, happy at all times to meet any and all needs, look like a runway model, and have all of our ducks in a row. This is similar to how the Paleolithic people wanted women to look like the statuettes and to be gatherers, serving their husband, children, and other family members that they may have had (Anitei). Essentially, modern day society is reverting it s ideals to those of the Paleolithic people: to separate ourselves into groups and to view women as sex objects and servants for their family. Next, our ideology and treatment of others has somewhat regressed to the ways of the Old Stone Age. The Paleolithic people worshiped a Mother Goddess that was similar to a mother nature genre of belief (Cunningham). The Mother Goddess represented female power and it s role of rebirth and life (Cunningham). Throughout history, society has drawn away from female goddesses and towards male deities (Pino). Whilst we have numerous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Gastric Bypass Case Study Answer: Yes, there is a problem with gastric bypass surgery and extended release medications. The absorption of the extended release medication will decrease after gastric bypass surgery, immediate release form medication should be recommended to this patient. I will recommend bupropion immediate release tablet, take 100 mg tablet by mouth twice daily for 3 days, and may increase to take 100 mg tablet by mouth three times daily. Rationale: Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery is a surgery that bypassed the distal stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum while creates a gastric pouch to help with drainage and to avoid bile reflex. After this surgery, patients will experience malabsorption including nutritionand medications. The absorption of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Case Of Terry V. Ohio Terry v. Ohio is an important case in law enforcement. What did the Court say in this case, and why is it important? The Supreme Court made it clear with its ruling that, police do have the authority to stop or detain an individual for a questioning for a short term period without probable cause if he/she make have or about to commit a crime. This ruling is important because it gives police officer the authority to help protect him/herself as well as the community. It also puts steps in place to protect citizens from unreasonable search and seizure that is protected our Fourth Amendment right. In the case of Terry v. Ohio a police detective observed two men walking up and down a street several times and gazing into a store window. The officer observing conduct from the individuals that would lead him or her to suspect that a crime has already happened or about to happen is one of the necessities need to consider this as a valid stop. The officer identified himself as an officer of the law and began to inquire and request identification. The officer in this case followed the required guidelines for a valid stop. In return the Supreme Court ruled that this was a valid stop and frisk. According to United States Supreme Court TERRY v. OHIO, (1968) MR. JUSTICE HARLAN, concurring. While I unreservedly agree with the Court s ultimate holding in this case, I am constrained to fill in a few gaps, as I see them, in its opinion. I do this because what is said by this Court today ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Importance Of A Second Language Teacher A second language teacher has a significant influence on how the learners will achieve in their learning or fail. First and foremost, a second language teacher should understand the other language s culture to build a communication bridge between her and the learners. Once students feel valued and their culture is respected, they will feel motivated and try to discover the second language enthusiastically. The effective teacher cares about a learner as a human being. According to the Natural Approach, a teacher needs to lower the students affective filter to minimize the degree of nervousness. Such negative feelings about the second language may block acquisition from taking place. Therefore, the teacher can create a friendly, exciting and proper classroom environment, where there is a low affective filter for learning. Also, the teacher can provide the learners with group activities, games, and music to lower the emotional obstacles. Importantly, the teacher should not put the learners in embarrassing situations or ask them to speak before they get ready to. As claimed in the sociocultural theory, the effective teacher should provide appropriate scaffolding for the learners. Teacher s scaffolding role offers outstanding opportunities for the students and helps them work collaboratively. Additionally, it enables learners to obtain a higher level than they can attain by themselves. Providing the learners with the correction, evaluation or feedback is crucial for both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Role Of Client And The Right Treatment Plan The following two prominent research literatures became the foundation for Client directed outcome informed (CDOI): 1.A client s improvement was related to the high level of the engagement of the therapeutic relationship; and 2.Change of the client s personal experience is imperative in the early stages of therapy it is also reliable in predicting if the therapist is right for the client and the right treatment plan is utilized, (Duncan, Miller, Sparks, 2004) evidence of clients giving real time feedback concerning the process and outcome of therapy generated higher progress rates (Miller, Duncan, Brown, Sorrell, Chalk, 2006). In relation to assisting the client s direct issues CDOI is not used as a treatment it is simply a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3). The CDOI entails valuing the uniqueness of the client s position of theory in therapy helping them to explore their strengths and honouring their choice of treatment which fit their frame of theory, in addition the CDOI assists health services provide better treatments that benefits clients (Duncan et al., 2004). In order to obtain a psychometric measure of therapeutic alliance the session rating scale is utilized giving real time feedback measuring a client s perception, progress and the strength of the therapeutic alliance, the session rating scales consists of two scales the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and the Session Rating Scale (SRS) (Miller et al., 2006). The client is presented with the ORS at the start of the session and marks an X on four different lines relating to a self report indicating the client s individual, interpersonal relationship, and social functioning (Miller, 2012) giving the therapist an insight to the client s perception of their world (Duncan et al. 2004). These results will determine the client s uniqueness and therapy needs (Duncan et al. 2004). Miller (2012) explains the SRS, is presented at the end of the session for obtaining feedback in the therapist performance in areas such as the quality and strength of the therapeutic alliance, the degree in which goals, methods, and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Tom Grande Research Papers There is a current 22 year old pop princess that hasn t been involved in the music industry for long that is making headlines every time she opens her mouth to sing. With a 4 octave range and a smooth whistle register,that s not so hard to do. She started out as an actress for a popular Nickelodeon Television show and somehow made her way to a Mariah Carey sound a like over night. Who would ve known that just by creating cover songs and some of her own music that she would soon after acting see mainstream success with her first album Yours Truly. The album would would also hit #1 on the Billboard charts and spawn so many popular singles. To the public eye, it would basically look like she became famous over night, right? So who is this... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This show lasted for four seasons before it was canceled. That show may have been finished, but the character that she played was not. Grande starred in a spin off of Victorious called Sam Cat which lasted only one season before ending in 2014. Grande has really made a name for herself in less than two years. She signed a recording contract with a Major Record Deal, Republic Records, and is under Scooter Braun Management (known for working with Justin Bieber, Tori Kelly and The Black Eyed Peas.) Some argue over which is better: Major or Indie Label. Some artists refuse to sign with a major record label because they want to do their music their own way and on their own terms and without the restrictions that come with working with a major label. Personally, I think that people signed to a Major Record Label have more access to larger resources and people with more experience working in the music industry and with that comes more success (because I m sure you have heard of all the people that I mentioned that belong to that label.) Before becoming a music star, Grande just like every other artist drew inspiration from other female vocalists. Ariana Grande has said she looked up to Imogen Heap, India Arie, Judy Garland, Brandy, but most importantly, Whitney Houston. She has said Whitney holds such a special place in my heart. She inspired me to start singing as a little girl. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Geoffrey Chaucer Satire Considered The Father of the English Language , Geoffrey Chaucer would have a personal problem, or agenda, and since he s writer he uses a clever way to reveal these opinions. There are two specific things that he doesn t agree with and wants people to know about it: the church and the relationship between men and women. He has a problem with the church, because during the 1300 s the Catholic Church, a big deal, was very corrupt. For instance, there are many incidents where monks would go out and hunt and get married and priests getting women pregnant and charging people to clean their souls , or as the Catholic Church would call confession. With the relationship between men and women, Chaucer did not approve the tradition that civilization... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Pardoner Prologue , it starts off when the Pardoners begins to preach about how money /greed is the root of all evil. When the Pardoner is speaking, he has a little too much to drink, and he starts jabbering his mouth like the usual person would do today. At one point the Pardoner says, I stand, and when the yokels have sat down, I preach, as you have heard me say before, and tell a hundred lying mockeries more. Chaucer wanted the people to know was that the priests thought that they were stupid and all they did was take their money for confessions. He also said at one point that all he ever cared was for the money, and that after they are dead they can go to Hell and go blackberry picking. Now when the Pardoner tells his tale, he really emphasized on the idea that greed is the root of all evil. In the end of the tale, all three characters die killing each other over a pile of gold, and thus he sets a good example why greed is the root of all evil. After telling the story, he then loses his buzz and tells everyone that they should give him their money for a blessing, as if he had forgotten what he said earlier. Chaucer uses this satire to show that the Pardoner is a hypocrite himself and that the church is not all that it seems. Although, in his third text he doesn t attack the church, but he gives a dangerous view on the relationship between men and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Abuse Of Women In Woman At Point Zero The abuse of women is seen frequently in Nawal El Saadawi s novel Woman at Point Zero. This repeating picture or idea of women taken over by men in the Egyptian society, takes the reader into a different and vicious world that keeps on with the pictures or the stereotypes of men acting like animals and destroying women. El Saadawi represents Firdaus as a catastrophic hero, who is basically executed because she is brave enough to stand up against men in a society that is mostly dominated by men. In the novel she was trying to bring down the harsh male lifestyle she has grown up in. Because of their shortfall of natural strength, the women need to find a backup way to preserve themselves. Although Firdaus at the beginning felt sensitivity in her body and there was a touchable connection between her body and soul, the endless lot of abuses she suffered from until her execution took over her at that connection until it detached... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Firdaus shows this as she contends to explain the heartache she felt when the only man she fell in love with demonstrated that he did not love her back. With love I began to imagine that I had become a human being...in love I gave my body and my soul, my mind and all the effort I could muster, freely (El Saadawi 93). This is one of the several times that Firdaus argues any kind of contact between her soul and her body. Hence, the eventual declining of this love confirms to Firdaus that a successful prostitute is better than a misled saint. (El Saadawi 94) She states this when she indicates her impulsive hatred for men, especially the ones who tried to advise her. ...not one of them came to my help when my heart was broken because I had dared to fall in love. A woman s life is always miserable. A prostitute, however, is a little better off (El Saadawi, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Taxation Case Study Task one Issues: 1. Are activities relating to use of land a business or a hobby? 2. Are the amounts related to the land deductible or not under general rules? * the loan to purchase the land and interest expense * council rates and insurance in respect of the land * payment to develop plans for proposed building 3. If no, is there a specific deduction section? References: ITAA97 s8 1 general deductions: you can deduct from your assessable income any loss or outgoing to the extent that it is necessarily incurred in carrying on a business for the purpose of gaining or producing your assessable income, and you... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And under ITAA97 s6 1, if an individual is an Australia resident, he/she need to satisfy ordinary concepts test or one of three statutory residence tests. So in link with your circumstances, you got the teaching contact of university in England. It is sure that the ruling will directly do another three tests that are domicile test, the 183 day test and commonwealth superannuation test. In the light of your fact, I feel that only the second rule will be looked. Because the second statutory test delimits constructive residence in Australia is attributed to a person who is actually present in Australia for a total period of more than half the income year unless usual place of abode is outside Australia or does not intended to take up residency in Australia and an individual is a resident under third the third test if he/she is a contributing member of the superannuation fund, the fact is that you have recently completed your study and never worked in Australia before. In test two, it will be judged whether you are domiciled in Australia unless permanent place of abode is outside Australia. You are born in Australia and have always lived with your parent before coming to the UK, which means your base home is Australia. So the important factor to the ruling depends on whether you establish a permanent place of abode outside Australia. We need to consider what your intention, family business and assets are. There are some similar cases can be referred such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Comparison Between Different Enterprise Architecture... 4.1 Comparison of Different Enterprise Architecture Frameworks A number of EA frameworks exist in the industry with the goal of addressing the basic challenge of assessing, aligning, and organizing business objectives with technical requirements and strategies. Examples include the Zachman Enterprise Framework, The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), OMB Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), and The Gartner Methodology (formerly the Meta Framework). Each framework possesses different strengths and weaknesses, which makes it difficult to find any one existing framework that is ideal for all situations. The following chart depicts how four Enterprise Architecture Frameworks compare. 4.2 How to Solve the Problem? To touch lightly on value, there are multiple levels of value and it is one of the most difficult things to measure as it contains both quantitative and qualitative aspects. But for an EA practice the following should be considered: Cost Avoidance How do we avoid unnecessary costs? Cost Reduction How do we reduce our current spend? Quality How do we improve the quality of our information? Risk Containment How to we control and reduce organisational risks? Stakeholder Value How do we improve our value to our stakeholders? Resource Allocations How do we improve the view of demand for our services? Productivity How do we increase our productivity and efficiency? Collaboration How do we improve our engagement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Financial Accounting Standards Board Essay On February 26, 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) which revised the standards on leasing. The intent for this revision was to improve how leases are being reported on the financial statements. The consensus is that the classification tests in current use for making this determination fail to provide a faithful and accurate representation for leasing transactions in general. In 2005, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had also made recommendations which indicated this need for change in regard to how leases were being reported. Overall, it is believed that this change would ensure greater transparency in the financial statements concerning these type transactions. As commonplace as leasearrangements are, accounting for leases are not quite so clear cut. One of the hotly debated topics for leasing standards that is currently being discussed is how off balance sheet financing presents an erroneous and misleading view of a company s true financial position. This problem began when companies would plan ways to circumvent the rules currently under U.S. GAAP in attempts to classify leases as operating leases when in actuality they were capital leases. An example of this when a company purposely designs the leasing arrangements so that the lease ends at 74% of the asset s estimated life whereas one of the U.S. GAAP criteria for leases directs that it must be a non cancellable lease term that is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Role and Practices in Management Accounting Today |ACC601: Managerial Accounting | | | | | |Role and Practices in Management Accounting Today | | | | | | | | | Table of Contents 1.Definition3 1.1 Management... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is an integral part of the management process, distinctly adds value by continuously probing whether resources are used effectively by people and organizations in creating value for customers, shareholders or other stakeholders. The field of organizational activity encompassed by management accounting has developed through four evolutionary yet recognizable stages. Figure below shows the four evolutionary stages Figure: The Four Phases of Evolution of Management Accounting Source: IFAC, 1998: Revised International management accounting practice 1 #1, Management accounting systems report the results of operations using financial and non financial measures. These systems also help project and plan future operations. The company ABC for examples need some information to have new product these include better product cost data and metrics of on time delivery of products. These items exemplify two of the many measures dealt with in management accounting. Cost is an example of a measure expressed in financial terms, while on time delivery is an example of an operational measure. PURPOSE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING THE STRATEGIC TRIANGLE The fundamental purpose of management accounting is to help an organization achieve its strategic objectives. Meeting these objectives satisfies the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...