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College Essay Stanford Sample
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College Essay Stanford Sample College Essay Stanford Sample
Ancient Hawaii Culture
Warm sand, blue waves, and the tropical sun this is what Hawaii is all about. But the beaches and
the dramatic landscape is not all Hawaii has to offer. Hawaii is rich with the culture of its past:
fighting, sporting, and celebrating was a big part of ancient Hawaiian culture.
The Hawaiian Islands may look like they went undisturbed till their discovery in 1778. But
unfortunately, that is not completely true. Hawaii has had its share of invaders and war. (Fitzpatrick)
Geographically Hawaii was cut off from foreign influence, but as with every ancient civilization:
war was inevitable. Warfare amongst the tribal chieftains of the Hawaiian Islands was common,
with fierce battles typically fought to establish political boundaries and during successional
disputes. (Mythical Hawaii) Tribal chieftains and their warriors all ... Show more content on
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This brutal form of unarmed self defense delivered bone crushing blows that would render an
opponent useless. However, that was not all Lua was used for because Ancient Hawaiians not only
used Lua in warfare but for entertainment as well. (Fitzpatrick)
Sports played a big part in Hawaiian culture because it was in a time designated for peace.
Chieftains and the koa warriors all competed in Olympic style games during the Makahiki Festival
that tested their abilities. (Mythic Hawaii) The Makahiki Festival was celebrated annually during
the four lunar months of October to February or November to March. (robertshawaii)
There were many sports involved in the Makahiki festival and surfing was among them. Surfing
was once a sport reserved for Hawaiian royalty, (Surfing in Hawaii) and chieftains surfed to claim
the title of conquer of the seas (Surfing Hawaiian Culture) Warriors participated in the following:
Huku Huki, lava sledding, spear catching, and cliff diving. These were some of the many
dangerous sports played by Ancient
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A Spiritual Perspective On Theological Inquiry Essay
A Spiritual Perspective on Theological Inquiry
Spiritual practice and theological inquiry are not mutually exclusive, rather they possess an intrinsic
connection. This relationship also exists between spirituality and self reflexivity, promoting an
examined life which connects to a larger moral vision that extends beyond the self into the
community. Spirituality, theological inquiry, and self reflexivity interact as a paradox of religious
identity rooted in one s being while also being critically open, fair minded, and participatory in
dialogue. Karl Rahner s The Hearer of the Message delineates the inherent connectivity between
academic and spiritual life, religious tradition and community, theology and self reflexivity.
Through the lense of Rahner, I will argue that the self reflexive writing and pursuit of philosophical
theology in both religious and academic contexts is a spiritual practice.
Obstacles to an Academic and Spiritual Life
Rahner underscores the interlocking relationship of philosophy and theology, and this idea directly
pertains to the relationship between academic and spiritual contexts. Rather than being so
opposed, the love of wisdom is akin to the love of the Divine. Stemming from a collection of
sources, I will explore the relationship of spirituality to the present world, in religious and academic
spheres. Schneider s Religion vs. Spirituality: A Contemporary Conundrum , Sheldrake s Christian
Spirituality as a Way of Living Publicly and The
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Objectives Of The New Deal
The New Deal In 1929 the United States and the rest of the world were beginning to deal with the
Great Depression. During these hard times, many people believed that the federal government
should have a larger role in the economy. These beliefs led to the election of Franklin D.
Roosevelt. In President Roosevelts inaugural speech, (1933) he first used the great phrase, ...the
only thing we have to fear is fear itself... He needed to strengthen our nation and boost the
confidence of the citizens. It is because of these realities that Franklin D. Rooseveltand his advisors
created The New Deal.
Key Objectives of The New Deal The New Deal was made up of three main objectives. These
objectives were relief, recovery, and reform. As a country, we needed relief and recovery from the
great depression. Unemployment was through the roof, farmers were struggling to succeed, and
our economy was in shambles. Agencies and programs were created to help alleviate these
problems and create jobs. Agencies were also created to reform industry and banking practices that
had a large hand on our path to The Great Depression.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) A great example of one of the relief programs would be the
Civilian Conservation Corps. The idea was to take young men and provide them jobs in forests,
infrastructure, and other public projects. This not only provided work for the young men and their
families, but also helped us rejuvenate our natural landscape. The Civilian
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Essay On Most Memorable Moment – Telegraph. ⇉My most memorable moment Essay Example | GraduateWay. Most Memorable Day Of My Life Free Essay Example. Most memorable moment in life essay in 2021 | How to memorize things .... memorable moment - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. Essay on A memorable day Free Essay Example. Most Memorable Meal Free Essay Example. Most Memorable Moment Essay – Telegraph. My most memorable moments are spent with my good friends from the .... Essay on most memorable moment of my life - Google Docs. MY MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT Essay in English - YouTube. Capturing memorable moments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written .... A Memorable Day in My Life Essay. Memorable Vacation Free Essay Example.

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Someone To Write My Essay For Me - College Homewor

The document provides instructions for requesting essay writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The document promotes HelpWriting.net's writing services by emphasizing satisfaction guarantees and the bidding system.

Common App Transfer Essay.pdf
Common App Transfer Essay.pdfCommon App Transfer Essay.pdf
Common App Transfer Essay.pdf

10+ Outstanding Common App Essay Examples. My Common App Transfer : Common App for transfer students / Message .... Common application transfer essay help - How to Write an Effective .... College Transfer Application Essay Examples | Libertyparkusafd.

Banning The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by...
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain might seem like a good book to
have high school students read since it s about a boy named Huckleberry Finn and his
adventures through his life by dealing with the struggles that he has or when he finds a runaway
slave, named Jim, who is on an island trying to stay hidden so he will not be sold as a slave.
Throughout the novel the reader will see that Huck has an adventurous personality, comes to find
out who is father is and tries to help Jim, the runaway slave, to live and hopefully see his family
again. Also, there are people out there that might think Huck Finn may not be a good book to read
and think that it should be banned from schools and libraries. The reason why people... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, it was a liberal word that was used to describe African Americans and Mark Twainwas just
using this word as to portray how the Southerners talked and wanted to maintain the reality of
the book. Readers who read Huck Finn may find it hard to read due to the fact that Mark Twain
uses the language of his time period as the language in the book and that involved using
profanity and not showing lots of respect towards either the white Southerners or the black
Southerners, that is why most people reading this will not be able to handle either the profanity
or the reality of how people we treated in the South during the early 1800 s. A second thing that
most people who read or have read this would probably think that this is a controversial book,
but in fact it s actually a classic, with real life events or situations. What some people do not
realize is that Huck Finn uses profanity as so does the real world, but so does music and movies
and if their trying to get books banned because it uses profanity then they should try to get music
and movies banned too. Huck Finn is just a young boy living to survive and helping Jim along
the way. He s just living a most people back in the day and that is real life, there s nothing
controversial about that. Also, some people think while reading this book that Jim was a bad
person and was influencing Huck while they were together when in reality Jim was a positive role
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Witchcraft Hysteria
There were many significant factors that came into play at the time of the Salem witchcraft
hysteria. Of the numerable amount of factors that contributed to the hysteria the most influential
were religion, superstition, politics, economics, and concepts of gender during this time period.
People during the 1600 s lacked a basic understanding of how things around them worked
compared to what is known and generally accepted in today s world of science. For this sole reason
the concept of magicand witchcraftwas widely and generally accepted by a large majority of the
population during this time period. People often used false accusations of witchcraft against their
neighbors because it gave them a simple way to steal another person s land. Women were also not
trustworthy sources.
Religion played the most crucial role in the development of the witch hysteria. Residents in the
town of Salem were Puritans, which meant they were very immoderate in their beliefs.
Puritans believed their life purpose was to serve God, which meant vanquishing evil even if
there was no evil present. The average lifestyle of a Puritan was monotonous and dull; they
believed life was meant to be simple, and any spare time should have been spent serving God.
Puritans strived to exterminate any presence of the Devil or evil they could find so they could
pursue their quest of being worthy of being saved by their God. Puritans looked down to people
that did not serve God the same way that they did, and they
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Cesar Chavez A Hero
Cesar Chavez is a hero because he gave farm workers who were not educated enough to get better
working conditions. His life reflected his personality and his everlasting legacy proves
Cesar Chavez s biography shows a lot about the way he was raised and how that taught him his
ways and shaped his personality. Cesar was born on March 31, 1927 (Gonzales 22) and was
subjected early to intense destitution because his family was one of many migrant, Mexican
American, families (Pao) that rely on the money even if the conditions were terrible for any
human. His experience of the farm worker s life was what drove him to help other workers.
Cesar and his father trudged twelve miles to Yuma looking for a bank loan. They came back
covered with dust and empty handed. (Terzian 7) He had early experiences with upwards battles
and it taught him how to manage them. Another time was captured by James Terzian when he
wrote about Chavez s dad taking care of his fellow workers. These people are poor, ignorant
peasants campesinos! They ll sleep anywhere, eat anything take any wage you pay. Why waste
your time and money on them, eh? said the neighbor. Cesar s dad responds, They are children of
God. They will get shelter and soap for as long as they work on my farm. (5). He was raised to
respect workers and understand that they are people too. Cesar Chavez started the United Farm
Workers on Oct 15, 1966 (Holmes). Cease new that the farm workers were living hard lives and
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Physical Therapy Research Paper
Whether you play sports, have an active job, or enjoy fun activities you have probably injured
yourself at some point in your life. If the injury had affected your daily life perhaps you had the
option of rehab. The types of rehab can vary, but as I learned from personal experience and
observing my field site, physical therapyis the most common form of rehabilitation. In today s
society, we have access to a ton of health benefits that many people before us have never had. A
big field that is growing is physical therapy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014)
physical therapy is projected to grow 36 percent from 2010 to 2020. This would make physical
therapy one of the fastest rising occupations. A physical therapist has a bachelor s... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whenever I heard the word physical therapist I would think of soccer players with torn ALCs,
not people with long term breathing problems or infants with disabilities. I never really knew all
the injuries, whether external or internal, that physical therapist could treat. Like me, many
believe that physical therapists help physically injured people by evaluating their injury and
assigning them exercises to ease their recovery. These articles have taught me a physical
therapist s job is way more than just that. Physical therapists are extremely educated and have
immense knowledge about the body s movement. They are the base of a patients support team.
Not only do they assisted their patients with their injury, but they also give them the confidence
and support they need to move forward and positivity accept their injury. After learning exercise
can help depression, it made me think about the importance of physical exercise for physical
therapy patients. Many patients receiving physical therapy are receiving this care because an
injury has occurred to them. Sometimes these injuries can completely change one s way of life
affecting them not only physically, but also mentally. It s easy to start to feel depressed when
something big like a life altering injury occurs. I can personally speak from experience that
participating in physical therapy at my field site has
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Shakespeare Essay Questions.pdf

Essay Questions on William Shakespeare's Macbeth. William Shakespeare Essay in English | Essay on William Shakespeare in .... William Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... William shakespeare the tempest essay. How to start an essay about shakespeare. Essay on William Shakespeare in English. Interview Questions - William Shakespeare. shakespeare essay - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. Essay on William Shakespeare | William Shakespeare Essay for Students .... Shakespeare Study Essay | English (Advanced) - Year 11 HSC | Thinkswap. Write a short essay on William Shakespeare | Essay writing | English .... Macbeth FREEBIE: Three Levels of Questioning with 145 Questions for .... Explain why Shakespeare's - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. William Shakespeare: A Question of Authorship Research Paper Example .... As You Like It by William Shakespeare: Essay Question - GCSE English .... Response to Shakespeare essay question | Teaching Resources. Shakespeare Authorship | Shakespeare Authorship Question | William .... Shakespeare Essay Questions. Shakespeare Coursework Essay - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. Shakespeare Essay - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. 47 Questions ABOUT Shakespeare FOR THE SHAKESPEARE.

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The passage discusses the pros and cons of the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) in India. Advocates argue that the NJAC could improve judicial selection and quality by making the process more diverse, representative, and accountable. However, critics contend that the NJAC violates the basic constitutional structure by reducing the judiciary's independence and role in appointments. The Supreme Court ultimately struck down the NJAC as unconstitutional.

Mayan Ball Game Essay
Montaigne had very in depth opinions about the new world and how he felt simple and civilized
societies operated. Even though in his excerpt he defends cannibalism which would usually
discredit the writer, he still makes some very valid points. It is in fact barbaric to kill a living
person, and to make a mockery out of them by hanging is inhumane. Montaigne even goes as far
as to call war the human disease and believed it was more constant between the Europeans than it
was the natives. One thing that can be agreed upon is the savagery of a group of people that
would sacrifice a living person. In the Mayan ball game, anybody who lost the game which
happened to be kings or high officials most of the time, were killed and sacrificed to the Gods.
The Mayan ball game was an opportunity for the Mayans to show their loyalty to the gods by
sacrificing captured kings, high lords, or losing opponents. It was an alternative to war for cities
nearby, for settling issues they had with each other. There were always many spectators to watch
this game. To have many people watch the game and watch the losers get sacrificed to the gods,
regardless of their beliefs is inhumane. To the Mayans, this game was normal and necessary for
survival but from the outside looking in, one might think their behavior is barbaric.... Show more
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On the other hand, many can understand why he would say it is more barbaric to kill a living
man than to eat a dead man. Murder is unacceptable in any form, whether it is a part of religious
beliefs or not. Montaigne would feel the Mayan ball game is a ritual for savages. However, the
game turns the tables as far as Montaigne s views on simple and civilized societies goes. In this
case the simple societies are sacrificing the kings and high officials or as he would refer to them as
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Choosing The Forbes Travel Guide Star
This means that every month for the last 2 years, 6.2 new luxury hotel were built in the world.
Hotels where each guest may easily fancy himself as prince surrounded by a flock of courtiers
(Sherman, 2007, p. 26) are being required more and more every day. The World Luxury Index
(2014) revealed that the global consumer interest for the luxury hospitality industry grew 7.7% in
one year.
The numbers donВґt lie, the luxury hotels industry is growing fast. But, are they positioning
themselves correctly in the consumer s head? Are they targeting the right client segment? And what
are the triggers they use to attract their consumers?
To answer these questions, I chose two luxury hotels brands. I will evaluate and compare them
covering the brands personalities and positioning, and analyze what these brands do to motivate the
consumers in their purchase decision. The two brands chosen were The Ritz Carlton and the South
African Lodge Londolozi. These very different choices were made considering The Forbes Travel
Guide Star Awards definition of Luxury Hotel; it defines them as those that provide a memorable
experience through virtually flawless service and the finest of amenities. In these hotels, the staff is
perceptive, involved and passionate, willing to go that extra mile. They were both designed with
the guest s comfort in mind, investing special attention to quality.
Brands Personalities and Consumers
When walking eather into the Ritz or Londolozi Lodge, you can
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The Controllers Of The Air Controllers
Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977
was light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport
was not equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the
appropriate size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the
appropriate maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are
moving in and minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the
controllers ever feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why
did they not ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the
planes safely land and take off by managing the order of takeoffand each plane s direction. If they
cannot see them how are they able to effectively do this?
Leadership Style Van Zanten s leadership style not only affected the performance of his own
team, but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers
on both planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision making at Tenerife,
and it is not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in
the case of Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him
to not focus fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day
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Theme Of Communication In Michael Ondaatje s In The Skin...
In Michael Ondaatje s novel, In the Skin of a Lion, there is a severe shift in tone, character
morality, and emotion when comparing the beginning to the end. After completing the novel and
working to make sense of it, I began to question what the source of all this change was and the
reasoning behind it. Through analysis, I came to the conclusion that many of the prominent
characters featured in this novel are unable to engage in what is called competent communication.
To be a competent communicator, an individual must adapt to different social settings in order for
their intended message to be both appropriate and effective for their intended audience. In
Ondaatje s novel, however, most characters lack this skill, seeing things only from their point of
view, failing to ever consider others perspectives. This results in several conflicts being left
without a solution and creates a cause and effect chain of events leading to chaos. In addition to
communication incompetence, I found there to be various other barriers in communication that
include, physical, linguistic, and psychological. Throughout this paper I will be explaining and
providing evidence for why these various communication barriers are responsible for the eventual
character breakdown and excessive entropic nature in In the Skin of a Lion. Physical barriers are
those that communicate to others outside of a certain group to stay out. Some of these barriers are
obvious such as barricades, territories, doors,
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Chicano Movement Essay.pdf
Chicano Movement Essay.pdfChicano Movement Essay.pdf
Chicano Movement Essay.pdf

Chicano movement essay paper. Example Of Chicano History Essay - 763 Words - NerdySeal. ≫ Chicano Is the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement Free Essay .... Documents of the Chicano Movement • ABC-CLIO. The Chicano Movement: Empowerment, Leadership, and Legacy Free Essay .... Chicano movement essay - High Quality Essay Writing From Best Writers. Luis Valdez, Chicano Movement and Theatre Essay Example | Topics and .... Chicano Civil Rights Movement Essay Introduction. PPT - “The Origins and History of the Chicano Movement” PowerPoint .... PPT - The Chicano Movement PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID .... PPT - The Roots Of Chicano Movement PowerPoint Presentation, free .... ⇉Essayon Chicano, A Community That Has Overcome Essay Example | GraduateWay. The Chicano Art Movement, 1960’s – present – ILI 5. Chicano Movement: Historical Development and Importance - 944 Words ....

Chicano Movement Essay
Chicano Movement EssayChicano Movement Essay
Chicano Movement Essay

Chicano movement essay paper. Example Of Chicano History Essay - 763 Words - NerdySeal. ≫ Chicano Is the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement Free Essay .... Documents of the Chicano Movement • ABC-CLIO. The Chicano Movement: Empowerment, Leadership, and Legacy Free Essay .... Chicano movement essay - High Quality Essay Writing From Best Writers. Luis Valdez, Chicano Movement and Theatre Essay Example | Topics and .... Chicano Civil Rights Movement Essay Introduction. PPT - “The Origins and History of the Chicano Movement” PowerPoint .... PPT - The Chicano Movement PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID .... PPT - The Roots Of Chicano Movement PowerPoint Presentation, free .... ⇉Essayon Chicano, A Community That Has Overcome Essay Example | GraduateWay. The Chicano Art Movement, 1960’s – present – ILI 5. Chicano Movement: Historical Development and Importance - 944 Words ....

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Freedom-Writers-Diary-Book-Cover ArchshrkFreedom-Writers-Diary-Book-Cover Archshrk
Freedom-Writers-Diary-Book-Cover Archshrk

The document provides a 5-step process for seeking writing help from the website HelpWriting.net. It explains that users must first create an account, then complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers will bid on the request and users can choose a writer based on qualifications. The user pays a deposit to start the assignment, reviews the work, provides payment and revisions if needed. The website promises original, high-quality content and refunds for plagiarized work.

Essay on Toyota s Supply Chain Q A
In January 2010, some of the Toyota, Lexus and Pontiac vehicles were recalled because of
problems about defective accelerator pedals made from CTS Corporation, a leading automotive
supplier in North America, Europe, and Asia. The problems are related to the friction inside the
moving part of the units that controls the pedal to return as soon as the pressure on the pedal is
released. This friction should be designed to consistently corresponsive to the pressure on the
pedal, in both pressed and released positions, so that the drivers can smoothly control the speed of
the vehicles. It is thought that the condensation caused by cold weather is one of the reasons that
lead to an increase of the friction. Another reason is related to ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Even though CTS controverted that it created the gas pedals as the specification given by Toyota,
the gas pedals of vehicles which are assembled with other suppliers do not have any problem.
Ferrari States that Toyota and CTS have participated in developing a new pedal to meet a Toyota
specification (Ferrari, 2010). Therefore, because of the faulty of outsourcing, it enables the large
number of Toyota and Lexus was recalled.
As a result of the sticky gas pedals, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or
NHTSA (2010) indicates that Toyota has recalled the affected vehicles including 2.3 million.
The owners of the involved vehicles may have their gas pedals repaired, free of charge, at any
Toyota dealers to prevent the possible problems. Each dealer is provided with the necessary
parts and training to effectively deal with the problems. In the case of the existing units, the gas
pedals will be modified to quickly fix the problems related to the increased friction inside the
units. There is a spring inside the assembly that responsible for the pedal to return when the
pressure is released. With the buildup friction, it will take longer time for the spring to move the
pedal back to the non accelerated position. A reinforcement bar made of precision cut steel will be
inserted behind the spring to
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Why Do Tribunals Deserve Justice
Individuals who commit war crimes and genocide undoubtedly deserve severe punishment, and
their victims deserve justice. Though this sentiment would likely be agreed upon by a majority of
people, the logistics of how exactly to carry out this punishment and procure justice are widely
debated. Recently, international courts and tribunals have been set up to try individuals for war
crimes and bring justice to the victims of these war crimes. However, these international courts and
tribunals are often ineffective. Throughout this paper, I will explain why I agree with Adam Smith
that domestic or hybrid courts are preferable over an international court system. There are several
reasons why international law is not the most effective way to achieve... Show more content on
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Since justice is a concept that differs amongst every culture and group, it is difficult to empirically
measure the effectiveness of an international court in regard to providing justice. However,
supporters of international courts measure their success in ways other than justice brought. For
example, if a group sees that other criminals are being tried, sentenced, and punished appropriately
by an international court, one might assume that this group would be less inclined to carry out
similar crimes. According to Hyeran Jo and Beth Simmons in their 2016 study on international
criminal courts, a large study affiliated with the World Bank based on developing countries found
that higher conviction rates tended to reduce crime, even controlling for the death penalty (Jo and
Simmons, 447). Theoretically, an international court such as the International Criminal Courtcould
deter groups and individuals from committing war crimes based on this criminological data, if these
individuals and groups saw that the court prosecuted effectively and thoroughly. However, there are
many instances that show an international trial is not effective nor thorough. As mentioned earlier,
the Khmer Rouge tribunal lasted for a decade and only three individuals received a
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Roles Of Animals In Medieval Times
In the Middle Ages from the 12th to 14th centuries, animal books, or bestiaries, depicted and
explained the roles of animals in natures. However, these books had greater significance than
merely providing necessary knowledge for the survival of these wild peoples as the medieval
period in Europe was primarily and intensely Christian, the bestiaries carried a distinctly religious
connotation as well. The Physiologus, the most widely distributed book in Europe after the Bible,
not only describes mythical and real animals, but also explains why they exist. For example, just
as Christ revived humanity with his blood after three days in his grave, the beautiful pelican can
revive her perished young after three days with her own blood. God, as creator, purposefully
designed his creatures to reflect his teachings and thus, nature and the bestiary tradition is God s...
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Furthermore, since lion cubs are thought to be born dead until they are brought to life by the
lion roaring over his cubs on the third day, Leo also symbolizes the Resurrection; God wakes
Jesus after three days in his tomb. By drawing directly upon core events in Christianity, the lion
directly teaches the Word of God through nature and contains special meaning. Moreover, Leo s
other natures provide examples of men should carry their lives: just as Leo will not attack a
prostrate man, allows for captive men to depart, and is not quick to anger, people should be
patient, slow to anger, and quickly forgiving of
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Substance Abuse Trauma
Child abuse is often a linking factor in history of substance abusers, Drug, Alcohol or other risky
behaviours would fall into the category of substance abuse. In this essay I will discuss how I think
child abuse aids is a direct cause of substance abuse in adults later in life, in addition to evidence
supporting my thesis which is the fact child abuse is a linking factor to substance abuse. Two thirds
of adults in drug treatment were either physically, sexually or emotionally abused during their
childhood (Unknown, 2015). Almost all women that reside in Canada s drug capital in the
downtown Eastside of Vancouver have been subjected to either sexual or physical trauma during
childhood ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Constant stress in the environment during child hood can contribute to adult substance abuse. A
few stressors could be parents fighting, family financial struggles, divorce, death of a family
member or constant moving. For some adults, stressors could lead to developed feelings of being
unwanted or feeling lonely and could result in the abuse of drugs to cope with the stressors
endured during their childhood. When parental figure(s) or guardian(s) is constantly absent or
negligent, the child will find new forms of role models, which is often their peers who may come
from worse off homes or backgrounds, and influence and aid in developing negative
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Help Cant Do My Essay History And Benefits Of RecyHelp Cant Do My Essay History And Benefits Of Recy
Help Cant Do My Essay History And Benefits Of Recy

Here are some key measures office employees can take to help ensure office security: - Lock up valuable equipment and documents when not in use or overnight. This includes computers, printers, files containing personal or financial information, etc. - Be vigilant about "tailgating" - don't allow unknown people to enter the office without checking their credentials first. - Change passwords on a regular basis and don't share passwords with others. Use strong, unique passwords. - Back up important data regularly to an external hard drive or cloud storage in case of data loss from hardware failure or cyberattack. - Shred confidential documents before throwing them out. Don't just throw documents in the regular trash. -

Essay Politics And The English Language
Essay Politics And The English LanguageEssay Politics And The English Language
Essay Politics And The English Language

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The purpose is to guide users through obtaining writing help by outsourcing assignments to qualified writers on the site.

The Catcher In The Rye Essays. Persuasive essay: Essay catcher in the rye
The Catcher In The Rye Essays. Persuasive essay: Essay catcher in the ryeThe Catcher In The Rye Essays. Persuasive essay: Essay catcher in the rye
The Catcher In The Rye Essays. Persuasive essay: Essay catcher in the rye

Catcher in The Rye Essay English Advanced - Year 11 HSC Thinkswap. Catcher in the Rye and Into the Wild Essay Year 11 HSC - English .... The Catcher in The Rye Essay Topics PDF Essays Cognition. Catcher in the Rye Essay Development Essays Citation. Catcher in th

Gender Roles, Stereotyping and Gender Bias Essay
Gender affects every aspect of our life, from how we feel about ourselves and set our goals in
educational, recreational and work opportunities as well as the the nature and extent of our
participation in social and civic life. It has a strong impact on the way we practice our religion,
the way we dress, the way we express our feelings and the nature of all of our relationships with
This paper explores various facets of gender roles in order to understand this topic such as what
role males and females are expected to play in today s society, how gender roles are decided,
affected and exaggerated by stereotyping. Futhermore, this paper will draw attention towards how
stereotyping leads to gender biases.
What is Gender ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An individual can either identify themselves with a subculture or social group which results in them
having diverse gender roles.
Today when a human baby is born the first question that is asked is Is it a boy or a girl? In
human culture the answer to this question is gigantically significant. This definition of
femaleness or maleness is the hypothesis of the society which assumes that the child who is
born a girl will remain female forever, while a boy will be a male. Gender roles are created by
society and vary from society to society as it takes all sorts to make a world. It does not matter
where ever you are in the world its just society which assigns the gender roles without even having
enough knowledge about one s gender identity. We living in 21st century but when it comes to
gender role orientation we are in total chaos. Gender identity :
Most non Western societies have three human genders man ,woman and third gender. In the West,
gender is consider to be the same as one s sex identity and there are only two valid options male
or female. Any gender variation , other than male or female gender is treated as disease or
abnormalities or gender disorder e.g homosexual, bisexual
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Morality and Dehumanization in One Day in the Life of...
The novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, presents moral issues, and daily
dehumanization of men living in a camp in Russia in 1951. Ivan Denisovich, the protagonist in the
novel spoke out against Stalin, and was then put in a prison camp because of it. The novel presents
a terrible situation in which Ivan must overcome daily circumstances, which only a person living in
a prison camp would know how to survive. The tone and mood of the novelare able to work together
to show the theme of the novel, that humanself respect is achieved as long as one is still holding
onto it. The extract that was chosen occurs on the last page of the novel. Shukhov has just returned
from being counted, and helping out another Zek, Tsezar, whose... Show more content on
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An example of this is on lines one through five. Now they released you faster, for they were
counting one by one. The word you in the above quotation, shows how either Shukhov or the
narrator may have been speaking in the quotation; showing the free indirect discourse. The free
indirect discourse helps show the bleak tone of the novel. The bleak tone of the novel
communicates the theme; human self respect is achieved as long as one is still holding onto it.
Because the tone is bleak, the theme is more emphasized through Shukhovs actions of holding
his self respect. Whether it may be by holding onto items of sentimental purpose, or hoping for a
letter from his family. The mood of the novel also fits in with the bleak tone. The dreary mood is
seen through the tone, but goes deeper and describes the emotions portrayed throughout the novel.
The last paragraphs of the novel, lines 40 45, show the dreary mood of the novel. A day without a
dark cloud. Almost a happy day. There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three days like
that in his stretch. The quotation continues on, but from this quotation one is able to notice the
irony in it. That it may have been a happy day, but there are still so many days to come that it is
impossible to tell what those days will bring. The dreary mood is thus demonstrated from the
quotation. The
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Doping is not Dope in Athletics
Doping is Not Dope Should athletes be able to use performing enhancement drugs. Many athletes
are trying to get a competitive edge on their competition and some start by taking performing
enhancement drugs, even though taking them could be devastating and detriment to them
personally. Using performance enhancing drugs comes with many risks physically and
emotionally. Performance enhancing drugs is as known as doping . There are many kinds of
steroids such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormones, androstenedione, designer steroids and
stimulants to name a few (mayoclinic.com, 2012). Even though athletes see performance
enhancing drugs as a positive and a career advancement advantage, all of them are very harmful to
your body and has many side effects. Some of the advantages that the athletes see in these
performance enhancement drugs are promotion of muscle building. It also helps them to recover
after they have had a hard workout, which when a normal person works out, they are a lot of times
sore from the physical activity; however these drugs make them less sore. In addition, these drugs
temporarily boost Chism 2 performance in the athletes. It does give them an advantage over other
athletes when it comes to performance of their sport. But it is an unfair advantage. While taking
performance enhancing drugs, comes many side effects. For both men and women there are
detrimental side effects such as circulatory problems,
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The Religions Are Affected With The Times
Different religions are affected with the times in the hospital because some religions have praying
times throughout the day, but someone might have to go to cancer treatment in those same times.
Here are how the different religions are affected.
Hindu: A hindu has a shrine or a small alter, or picture in the room where an offering is made. A
ritual should be performed three times a day.
Muslim: Muslims must pray 5 times each day. At the start, they need to pray before sunrise.
Buddhist: Buddhist don t pray to God. They have devotional meditation practices. Prayer is going
on most of the time.
Christian: Christians believe in the scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Pray without ceasing. Christian
have no set time to pray. They can pray ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If they are hospitalized they can worship in the hospital.
Jews: Jews pray Friday evening and Saturday morning. Some people go everyday. Some go to
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Torah is read from on Saturday Mornings.
Jehovah Witness: Go to church on twice a week. They pray using the personal name of Jehovah.
Atheists: Atheists do not have a religion. They do not have any set time for pray, confession, or
worship. They also do not believe in any creator. Atheists probably watch TV in hospital instead of
a worship or prayer time with no chaplin.
These religions are affected because not all religions can be helped in a hospital setting for their
proper worship time they are all used to. If someone has surgery, or can not kneel when they pray.
Every religion is different. Each hospital will accommodate as much as possible for each individual.
Hindu: Hinduism is not an organized religion and has no single, systematic approach to teaching its
value system. Nor do Hindus have a simple set of rules to follow like the Ten Commandments.
Local, regional, caste, and community driven practices influence the interpretation and practice of
beliefs throughout the Hindu world.
Muslim: Understanding Islam begins with looking at the basic beliefs (Five Pillars of Faith) and
required rituals (Five Pillars of Worship) of Muslims as well as the different Islamic sects that
Muslims may belong to.
Buddhist: Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world; it encompasses
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Essay On Golden Temple In English
Essay On Golden Temple In EnglishEssay On Golden Temple In English
Essay On Golden Temple In English

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Physics Extended Essay Format
Physics Extended Essay FormatPhysics Extended Essay Format
Physics Extended Essay Format

The document provides instructions for submitting an assignment request and receiving writing help from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete a request form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper; 5) Request revisions if needed, with HelpWriting.net providing a full refund for plagiarized work.

Healthcare Essay
Chapter 3
The Evolution of Health Services in the United States
Learning Objectives
To discover historical developments that have shaped the nature of the US health care delivery
To evaluate why the system has been resistant to national health insurance reforms
To explore developments associated with the corporatization of health care
To speculate on whether the era of socialized medicine has dawned in the United States
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26501_CH03_FINAL.indd 81
7/27/11 10:31:29 AM
The Evolution of Health Services in the United States
The health care delivery system of the United States evolved quite differently from the systems in
Europe. American values and the social, political, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kaiser Family Foundation 2011). Cultural beliefs and values are strong forces against attempts to
initiate fundamental changes in the financing and
26501_CH03_FINAL.indd 82
delivery of health care. Therefore, enactment of major health system reforms requires consensus
among Americans on basic values and ethics (Kardos and Allen 1993). Ironically, American beliefs
and values were not allowed a chance to play out in the political maneuvering that led to the
passage of the
ACA of 2010 (see Chapter 13).
The growth of medical science and technology (discussed in Chapter 5) has also played a key role
in shaping the US health care delivery system. Stevens (1971) points out that the technological
revolution has been primarily responsible for bringing medicine into the public domain.
Advancement of technology has influenced other factors, as well, such as medical education,
growth of institutions, and urban development. Hence, American medicine did not emerge as a
professional entity until the beginning of the 20th century, with the progress in biomedical science.
Since then, the
US health care delivery system has been a growth enterprise. Debates over issues such as methods
of financing health care, quality improvement, and the appropriate role
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The Effects of Caffeine on Daphnia
This experiment is to see The Affect of Caffeine on Daphnia. Daphnia is also known as a water
flea. It is a distant relative of crabs and shrimps. (Marshall Cavendish, 2002) Daphnia have a
hard external skeleton with jointed appendages and limbs. The head contains a large central eye
which is made of two eyes joined together. Daphnia has two pairs of antennae which are used for
swimming. Each daphnia has five pairs of limbs. These limbs lie in a certain space under the
body bounded by the carapace. (Marshall Cavendish, 2002) A carapace is a hard upper shell or
chitinous outer covering on the back of some animals. The daphnia is well preserved because of
its shells which are composed of chitin. The usual size of this microorganism is about 0.2 0.3
mm; they look like flat disks. Their bodies are divided into three parts head, thorax, and
abdomen. The head is typically dome shaped with five pairs of appendages. Among these five
are two pairs of antennae; there is a small pair and a larger pair. The smaller pair of antennae
serves as a sensory function and the larger one is used for swimming. The other three
appendages purpose is to secure food they intake. (Michael Hutchins, 2003) The thorax holds
four to six pairs of legs that are used for gathering food, filtering water, or grasping mates. There
are over 400 species of daphnia and they are distributed worldwide. Daphnia uses their thoracic
legs to produce a constant current of water; this allows them to filter food
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The Importance Of Human Development And The Stages Of...
Surveys that have been conducted in the current times have revealed that there are many adults that
are returning to their parents at home. It s not the first time that this pattern is being experienced it
have happened in the past and it have always been accompanied with financial problems, it s no
different even now (Adler, 2001). It occurs when the economy is in real struggle this makes it
harder for the young men and women in the society to find their financial independence. Jeffrey
Arnett a psychologist came up with a suggestion that in these modern times the stages of
development are increasing (Mitchell, B 2006). He said that there is a new type of the
classification of the ages known as the emerging adults; this is what bridges the gap between the
adulthood and the adolescents. As per the theory it is believed that people while at their 20s
undergo a stage of development which is different from the stage of adulthood (Morton, R 2013).
This could serve as a good explanation why most of the young adults remain in their parents home
Relevance to human development field
This survey is a great benefit to the field of human development in that it will enable them to
develop a treatment plan that will be successful. It will also enable them to stand in the position of
pioneers in their respective fields. It also helps them to understand better the situation. This makes a
possibility to rise that the reason why the young people find it hard to live
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The Fountainhead Essay. California Intercontinental UniversityThe Fountainhead Essay. California Intercontinental University
The Fountainhead Essay. California Intercontinental University

Writing an essay on Ayn Rand's novel "The Fountainhead" presents several challenges. It requires a nuanced understanding of Rand's complex philosophical ideas of objectivism, individualism, and critique of collectivism, as well as a careful examination of the characters, themes, and Howard Roark's unconventional approach to architecture. Navigating the intricate narrative structure and subtle interplay of ideas demands synthesis into a well-structured essay while remaining faithful to the original work. Engaging with scholarly critical analyses also necessitates a sophisticated grasp of the existing discourse. Composing such an essay demands analytical and interpretive skills combined with a deep engagement of philosophical concepts through extensive research and awareness of the novel's intricate layers.

Essay On Apple Fruit. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Essay On Apple Fruit. University of Minnesota, Twin CitiesEssay On Apple Fruit. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Essay On Apple Fruit. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

While writing an essay about apples may seem straightforward, crafting a compelling piece requires avoiding clichés, exploring the fruit's cultural and historical significance, and maintaining reader interest. Researching the extensive history and varieties of apples demands thorough investigation. An effective essay on apples should describe their physical characteristics as well as their role in cuisine, symbolism, and mythology.

Donnie Darko Essay. University of North Florida
Donnie Darko Essay. University of North FloridaDonnie Darko Essay. University of North Florida
Donnie Darko Essay. University of North Florida

The document discusses some of the challenges of writing an essay about the film "Donnie Darko", including its complex and ambiguous narrative, intricate characters that require understanding psychological theories, and dense symbolism and allegory. It notes that analyzing these elements while maintaining a clear argument is difficult, but that unraveling the layers of the film can be intellectually rewarding. The document recommends seeking writing help from services like HelpWriting.net for those struggling with such essays.

The Problem Of Digital Piracy
1.0 Situation Analysis 1.1Introduction: Digital Piracy refers to the occurrence of unauthorized
copying of digital goods, documents, video and audio without the legal approval of the owners
(Lixuan Zhang Wayne William 2009). Software privacy is reported to cost the film industry an
estimated $58 billion per year in the United States alone (Ma et al, 2011.). Sony is a Japanese
multinational corporation, with business in a variety of areas including; consumer and professional
electronics, gaming, music and motion pictures. Piracy of Sony s content is a continuing problem,
and the management team has made various attempts at prosecuting the individuals who pirate. The
management team attempted to deter the individuals pirating, through sending legal letters
threatening action, however this only led to a short term impact. In order to work towards a long
term solution, the management team would like to understand what factors impact a person s
likelihood to download pirated material. 1.2 Problem Statement: Sony have a problem of digital
piracy, which has a multitude of impacts on the company, including huge revenue losses, losses of
jobs, and an overall diminishment on the growth of the software industry (Peace, Galletta and
Thong, 2014). There are a number of factors which contribute towards the intention to commit
digital piracy. These factors include; the age of the individual digitally pirating, the punishment
severity imposed, the perceived behavioral control,
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Essay The Psychodynamic Approach
The psychodynamic approach focuses on individuals who behave in a certain way due to having
emotional feelings buried deep inside their unconscious mind. The theory was developed by
Sigmund Freud who was a psychologist. The use of the psychodynamic approach within health
and social care helps individuals understand and support patients who are undergoing the
psychodynamic process as it is generally used around the world. This essay aims to show my
understanding of the approach and the ways health and social care workers could apply the theory
to a health and social care setting. By explaining what psychodynamic counselling is and how it
helps individuals it shows how I am able to identify the solutions to the problems.
Psychodynamic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is the part that makes people obey the rules and that makes them behave the way they do. It
judges people, criticizes them, and makes them feel guilty when they do something incorrect. It
is what makes people feel guilty and ashamed, it is their inner judge. It is the part of personality
which holds all of individual s ideals that are required from parents and society (individual s sense
of right and wrong). The Super Ego provides guidance in creating judgments. Freud had stated that
the Super Ego starts to appear at age five.
There are two parts of the Super Ego: * The Ego Ideal this involves the rules and standards for
good behaviour. These behaviours consist of those which are permitted by parental and other
authority figures. Following these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and achievement
* The Conscience consists of details about things that are thought of being bad by parents and
society. These sorts of behaviours are regularly not allowed and lead to bad consequences,
punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse.
The Superego s purpose is to act and improve the behaviours of individuals. It operates to suppress
all inappropriate urges which comes from the id and struggles to make the ego act upon the
idealistic standards rather than upon realistic principles. The Superego is present in the conscious,
preconscious and unconscious.
The Id, Ego and Super Ego are functions of the mind
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Barry Meer s Claims
In this passage I do not think Barry Meier, the author supports his claim made in the title. The
author gives all the opposite reasons to support his claim like rats injected with an energy drink
can swim longer than those who don t, another one is if you drink the drink at the right time it
can improve your athletic ability, and taurine, a drug found in energy drinks was given to the
Japanese Navy at night to sharpen eye vision and reduce fatigue. The author gives the wrong
reasons to believe that energy drinks don t work. He gave evidence of a scientific experiment that
involves injecting rats with energy drink and the rats swim longer that the ones who are not
injected. The experiment he gave totally goes against his claim because he saying... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The sugar found in drinks do give a quick boost of energy and totally goes against his claim. The
next example is if you drink the drink at the right time it can improve your athletic ability. Barry
Meier also states М€Caffeine, a stimulant increases alertness, awareness, and if taken at the right
time, improves athletic performance, studies show М€. A study shows that all these things can
happen if you drink caffeine. That statement totally throws his claim out because his claim is
saying that energy drinks do not work like they promise. The last example is that the Japanese
Imperial Navy were given taurine, a drug found in some energy drinks so it reduces fatigue and
sharpen their eye vision at night. Barry Meier states in his passage М€ A formula that is so
effective in treating unexplained fevers, neuralgia, fatigue, whooping cough and other
conditions for which there is no drug is very rare needed. М€ The drug is used to treat fatigue,
which is when people are tired. Taurine helps people get more awake with less fatigue so it helps
people get more energy from it. In conclusion the barry Meier does not get his claim enough
evidence and the wrong evidence to believe that energy drinks don t give you energy. The
examples he gave were
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Microeconomics And Macroeconomics Of Microeconomics
Economics is an enormous field. The term economics is the broader term, however within this,
there are additional fields such as microeconomics and macroeconomics. The difference between
microeconomics and macroeconomics is analogous to the human body and the individual cell that
makes up the human body. Macroeconomics is involved with the wide lens aspect of society. In
other words, macroeconomics focuses on the broader large scale economy of a society.
Macroeconomics focuses on larger economic issues such as national employment rates, gross
domestic product, interest rates, as well as currency exchange rates just to name a few examples.
On the other hand, microeconomics focuses more on the narrower lens of an economy. This
approach focuses on the individual businesses and customers as far as economic decisions are
concerned. Specifically, microeconomics studies the decision making process of the consumer.
Microeconomics ask the question, how do consumers spend their money? According to
Investopedia (find source), microeconomics is at the heart of consumer purchasing.
The Use of Utility in Microeconomics
The Impact of Key Economic Principles
Economics is a fascinating topic within our world. Pause and take a minute to look around.
Assuming you are not on a deserted island, everything you see is influenced by economics. The
clothes you wear, the food you eat, the electricity you are using, are all influenced by economics.
Our world is so greatly influenced by
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Oliver Twist Essay Topics. Guilford CollegeOliver Twist Essay Topics. Guilford College
Oliver Twist Essay Topics. Guilford College

Writing an essay on Oliver Twist essay topics presents a multifaceted challenge that requires thorough research, critical thinking, and strong writing skills. Exploring topics such as themes of poverty, character analyses of Oliver, Fagin and Nancy, or Dickens' portrayal of Victorian society demands a nuanced understanding of the novel and historical context. Additionally, crafting a coherent argument using textual evidence while presenting an original perspective is difficult but essential. Overall, an essay on Oliver Twist requires blending literary analysis, historical context, critical thinking, and effective writing to adequately discuss the complexities in Dickens' classic work.

Essay On Steve Jobs Life. Louisiana College
Essay On Steve Jobs Life. Louisiana CollegeEssay On Steve Jobs Life. Louisiana College
Essay On Steve Jobs Life. Louisiana College

Writing an essay about Steve Jobs' life presents many challenges. It requires meticulous research to distill the most relevant aspects of his contributions as co-founder of Apple, his impact on the personal computer revolution, and his evolving leadership style and ideas. The essay must avoid being a mere chronological listing of events and instead weave a narrative that captures Jobs' visionary thinking, resilience, and relentless pursuit of innovation. It also must analyze the technological and cultural impact of his inventions like the iPhone and Macintosh. Additionally, the essay needs to engage readers with a fresh perspective on Jobs that offers new insights into his motivations and legacy.

Sustainability Essay. Owens Community College
Sustainability Essay. Owens Community CollegeSustainability Essay. Owens Community College
Sustainability Essay. Owens Community College

Crafting a sustainability essay poses unique challenges due to the broad and interdisciplinary nature of the topic, which encompasses environmental, social, and economic dimensions. The writer must explore connections between human activities and the environment, evaluate long-term consequences of practices, and propose viable solutions. Additionally, the essay requires understanding global challenges like climate change through research in scientific data, policy analyses, and sociological studies. Composing a sustainability essay is an intellectually demanding task that needs dedication to unravel complexities and propose meaningful solutions for a better future.

Hay Bayer Essay
Hay Bayler Problem Statement: you have five bales of hay that were weighed in all possible
combinations of two, 1 and 2, 1 and 3, 1 and 4, and so on. The weight combination was written
down without keeping track of which weight matched which pair of bales. The weights are 80, 82,
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, and 91. You need to find out which two bales go with which weight and
how much bales 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weigh. Are there more than 1 possibility. Process: my group first
did guess and check to try and solve the problem. First we thought that the bales had to be 40 50
because if you had 70+70 it would be out of the range of 80 90 by a lot. Our first guess was that
bale 1=42, 2=43, 3=44, 4=40, and bale 5=45. That didn t work so then we tried doing bale 1=42,
2=43, 3=41, 4=47, and bale 5=44. That also didn t work so then we thought. I thought that maybe
we had to give bales 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and 4 and 5 one of the weights and see if it works.
We gave 1 and 2 85, 2 and 3 84, 3 and 4 88, and 4 and 5 91. It worked but when we tried to add 1
and 3, 2 and 5, and 1 and 4 it just fell apart. So that theory did not work. The whole class was
having trouble so we did it all together. Our teacher gave us each a number 36 48. I got the number
39. So I started with 39+41=40, then 39+43=82. Then I did 41+43=84 I kept doing it till I found
the answer. Bale1=39, Bale2=41, Bale3=43, Bale4=44,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Self Assesment: Problem Statement Process Solution S/A LA 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 I earned 12
/12. This is 100% of the possible points. There wasn t really new math or strategy learned. I
basically just guessed and checked. There was more than one step there were ten steps. That is
why it took honors a long time to solve. My math teacher needed two hours to solve it because
there were ten steps you needed to solve and if you messed a problem up then you have to
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Criticism Of John Donne
MLove s sweet nipples and voluptuous bust! Aphrodisia fruit to quell my lust! Had I the temerity
and the conceit to compose a sonnet in the style of John Donne using circles and spheres as tropes
such are metaphors I might use to construct my strong lines . And with Donne like boldness I might
even entitle my work: Areolas of Love. On the other hand, if I attempted the same task along
Petrarchan lines, I d meter out a couple of stanzas dedicated to a radiant but distance Laura with
sapphire eyes, a head of gold diaphanous hair, encircled by halos of blue butterflies and, for good
measure, I might throw in a merry go round of unicorns.
Such stereotypes are often found in discussions of the poetry of John Donne and his philosophy of
sex and love especially when contrasted to Petrarchan sonneteers. But, as with most stereotypes, the
underlying assumptions may be too facile. In fundamental ways, John Donne can be seen not as a
rebuke of the Petrarchan tradition but rather as an extenuation of this form of literature when it
took a literary turn sharp north and wound up in the drawing rooms of England ( The Good
Morrow , 20).
Indeed, even biographically, Donne and Petrarch had much in common. Both were well educated,
well rounded and well travelled born to families with aristocratic ties; each a universal man (uomo
universale) baptized in the universal church. Additionally, both men read the law (i.e. learned to
argue at an early age); and both served in
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Cloning, The, And False Interpretations Of Cloning
Cloning, an ethical issue that has been pressed across the globe, has become a substantial debate
throughout a majority of nations. The incorporation of a new type of reproduction in the United
States has a plentiful amount of benefits for certain animals and objects, but duplicates of humans
is hard to comprehend for many people across America. Currently, cloningis an interesting topic that
could become a new way to improve reproductionof animals and humans, prevent diseases, and
increase the overall health of Americans.
The incorporation of cloning in America has been long pondered on by scientists, government
officials, and even citizens. The issues associated with cloning is simply the unknowns and false
interpretations. These unknowns and false interpretations of cloning has caused a significant
number of Americans to coward at the thought of it. Americans believe that cloning is
impossible, and that it s simply an act straight from a science fiction movie. With millions of
people viewing science fiction movies on cloning, such as Jurassic Park, Avatar, and The 6th Day,
those movies all lead to the downfall of the society. The negative connotation associated with
cloning in the media has created a detrimental perspective on cloning by the American people. The
status of how Americans view cloning is evident within the results from a CGS detailed survey. In
the survey of 1000 adult Americans, 860 of the surveyed believed that cloning to produce a child
should be deemed
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Anatoli Boukreev s Into Thin Air
In the letter Anatoli Boukreev (Responds to Krakauer), Anatoli Boukreev addresses the topic of
the narrative Krakauer wrote Into Thin Air. He argues on behalf of himself after the many false
comments according to Anatoli, Krakauer left behind for him in the novel Into Thin Air. Anatoli
would begin with his biggest point of all that since Krakauer was not there during the storm, he
would not have understood the gravity of the situation. In paragraph 2 Boukreev explains how
experienced he is by talking about his 3 times summiting everest. Also in paragraphs 3 6 Boukreev
defends his decision to descend stating that it was because he was concerned the climbers did not
have enough oxygen, he defends himself again in paragraphs 7 9 about the decision
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Writing an interview essay involves several challenges at each stage of the process. First, the author must select a compelling interview topic that is interesting, relevant, and suitable for the interviewee. Conducting the actual interview then requires crafting thoughtful questions and navigating the discussion sensitively. Finally, transforming the raw interview data into a coherent written essay involves organizing the information logically, incorporating relevant quotes, and maintaining a cohesive narrative while balancing multiple perspectives. Overall, writing a successful interview essay combines research, communication, and storytelling skills to navigate these challenges at each stage and craft a rich narrative that offers readers unique insights.

Describing Myself Essay. Carlow University
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Writing a describing myself essay is a complex task that requires self-awareness, storytelling ability, and understanding audience expectations. The challenges include accurately portraying oneself while balancing humility and confidence, and engaging the reader without seeming boastful or modest. It also demands critical self-evaluation and selecting pertinent details to create a well-rounded image. Moreover, vivid language, anecdotes, and compelling structure are needed to captivate the reader. Navigating subjective self-perception and how one may be seen by others can be emotionally difficult. With introspection and communication skills, however, one can craft a compelling narrative that captures their essence and resonates with readers.

Rabindranath Tagore Essay In Hindi. Christian Brothers University
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Writing an essay about Rabindranath Tagore in Hindi is challenging as it requires a balance between language skills, cultural knowledge, and effectively capturing Tagore's multifaceted contributions. The essayist must research Tagore's life, philosophy, works, and impact in depth. They must also skillfully translate and interpret his profound ideas into Hindi while maintaining an engaging narrative style. Additionally, the essayist must find a fresh perspective on Tagore's influence despite extensive prior scholarship. Composing such an essay demands proficiency in Hindi as well as a nuanced understanding of Tagore's literary and cultural legacy.

Argumentative Essay On Buy Nothing Day
The rise of industrialization and manufacturing that began in the eighteenth century has drastically
changed the lifestyles of the world. No longer do citizens find, make, or trade for everything they
need at home and in their local communities, but instead they rely on national and global commerce
to provide for them. This shift in production is the basis for the annual Buy Nothing Day, which
attempts to reverse the ill effects of gross consumerismand spread awareness of the issues in our
current lifestyles. While many critics would point to the fact that one day will provide little to no
discernable impact on the problems faced, Buy Nothing Day will produce greater effects through
the awareness it provides than any actual deeds committed on that singular day. Widespread
consumerism and the materialistic society we live in has many detrimental effects on the
environment. The factories, vehicles, and resources used to sustain our goods based economy
contribute greatly to global climate change, pollution, and deforestation. Your coffee beans from
Starbucks are harvested from dying out forests in South America, among other places, and shipped
to the location nearest you by using excessive quantities of non renewable fossil fuels, all so you
can receive your morning pick me up. While refraining from purchasing that coffee on Buy Nothing
Day alone will not provide an immediate solution to the issue at hand, the ideals preached by the
yearly event can make the participants
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How Did Tchaikovsky Contribute To Ballet
According to George Dorris, classical ballet music can be divided into two big eras: the years of
the classical multi act ballets and the two decades of the Diaghilev era ; Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
falls into the first one, which lasted from Coppelia in 1870 to Raymonda in 1898. He is certainly
one of the mainstays in Russian ballet; his creative works make him the first really gifted
professional musician who put an end to the domination of amateurism in Russia. His most popular
and famous works include The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and The Sleeping Beauty.
Sergei Lifar noted in his article that Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty were retained in
Diaghilev s (founder of the Ballet Russes) repertory in early 20th century, even though these
productions were rather unpopular in Paris during that period. Today, these Russian ballets from
Tchaikovsky are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The difference between them and Tchaikovsky is that they were simply furnish[ing] unobtrusive
aural decor and rhythmic support as a background against which the dancers could be put through
their paces while Tchaikovsky s interest was principally in the decorations of the ballet music. His
innovations have far reaching consequences for the future not only of ballet music but of the very
nature of the genre. And this difference is what makes Tchaikovsky a master; not a lot of ballet
composers can gain such compliment from other musicians. From this, we can see the position of
Tchaikovsky is on top of the list in the world of ballets ―
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Walter Disney s Be Our Guest
Be Our Guest seems to be an interesting topic for a book. By the cover of this book I can
immediately tell that it was intended for Disney lovers, although I don t fall into that category, I
can still apply the information. Be Our Guest is intended to provide the right tools and equipment
necessary to satisfy customers. At first glance, this book seemed plain and boring to me, but as I
kept reading I came across more and more information about the American entrepreneur, film
producer animator an voice actor Walter Elias Disney and about his billion dollar empire he
created. Walter Disney was a man with a vision, a man with dreams, a man who was not satisfied
with the normal doings of life. Chapter one focuses on the Disney Quality Service
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The Kill Switch
I am reading The Kill Switch by Grant Blackwood and James Rollins and I am on page 205. This
book is about an ex soldier and his dog who are hired to get a VIP out of russia without being
caught or killed. In this journal I will be predicting and questioning.
G: I predict Tucker and Kane will rescue Dr.Bulkovo from russia
Y: Tucker will get dr.bulkovo out of russia but he won t be able to go home
R: The doctor talks about de clark and the chemical wepon
R: the chemical weapon coulb being presued and he nees to get to it first
Y: He is very close to the extraction zone
R: Tucker and Kane have plans with sigma to get picked up at volgograd and they are less than 100
miles away
R: Tucker just repelled an attack from spetznaz and their phones ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Tucker and his group are very close to the extraction zone. When Tucker made plans with Harper,
they agreed the extraction zone would be in Volgograd, which is less than 100 miles away. They
also just got a new car, so they will be going fast to get to Volgograd in less than 1 hour. Because
tucker eliminated the spetznaz threat, there would be nobody else to stop them. In Volgograd
sigma will be waiting to pick them up so Tucker will have backup if someone attacks him in
Volgograd. Another reason I think they will make it is, their car went into the water so any
electronics that could be used to track them would have been destroyed. I believe that after or if
Tucker rescues the doctor, he will not be able to go back to America. On page 172, the Dr.Bulakov
talks about Dr.DeClerck and how he was an army doctor and botanist who found this chemical
used in the chemical weapon. If a chemical so dangerous as described is in a cave in Africa,
Tucker and Kane will most likely be assigned to go find it and bring samples back to Sigma. The
reason people want Dr.Bulakov, is the chemical weapon he knows about. These people hunting
Dr.Bulakov are also looking for DeClerck cave for the chemicals. Tucker must get there first for
the safety of humanity. I think Tucker will not go back to America after and if he saves the
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Psychology as a science presents unique challenges for essay writing. First, one must have a comprehensive understanding of psychology's branches, theories, and methodologies. Additionally, psychology constantly evolves, so writers must keep up with new research while addressing historical and contemporary perspectives. Constructing a coherent argument about whether psychology qualifies as a science involves exploring its scientific criteria and methods alongside potential criticisms. Discussing the ethical implications of psychological experiments also complicates the writing process by requiring a nuanced balance between critique and acknowledgment of the field's ethical standards. Overall, composing an essay on this topic demands in-depth subject knowledge as well as skillfully integrating diverse perspectives to navigate psychology's multifaceted nature and address its scientific credibility

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Crafting an essay on Mark Twain's works presents unique challenges. Twain's writing blended wit, humor and social commentary that requires careful analysis to understand contextual meanings beyond surface ideas. His vast works, from iconic novels to lesser-known essays, require selecting focused material and themes. Capturing Twain's complex persona and distinctive voice demands exploring his life experiences without mere paraphrasing. The essay should critically engage with Twain's ideas and relevance today through thoughtful exploration of his commentary on society, race and human nature, including controversial aspects. Successfully analyzing Twain's essays is a challenging endeavor requiring profound understanding of his style, material selection, personal exploration, and critical theme engagement.

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The document discusses the challenges of writing an essay on civil rights. It notes that civil rights encompass a broad range of complex issues including history, law, social movements, and ongoing struggles for equality. Navigating this requires thorough research and understanding of the historical context. The essay must also balance factual information with the emotional and social significance, while examining struggles, legal battles, and cultural shifts in a sensitive way. It further involves addressing controversial topics thoughtfully and acknowledging diverse views. Additionally, the essay must stay updated on current civil rights issues and developments. In conclusion, writing about civil rights offers growth in understanding social justice, and a well-crafted essay can contribute to discussions on equality, though it presents challenges due to its

Black Plague And The Black Epidemic
Black Plague The Black Plague outbreak was one of the scariest events in human history. The
people were afraid to do everyday activities and carry on with their normal routines. This plague
is known to almost every person on Earth. Even as a kid, teachers tell their students about this
plague. Even the thought of an outbreak like the Black Plague makes people s skin crawl. I am
included in that category. It has gotten to the point that when any outbreak of any type or kind of
disease happens that the world gets into panic mode. All of this panic comes from the Black Death.
In this synthesis and analysis essay I will cover the places the Black Plague reached, the effects of
the Black Plague, and the thoughts of the people that lived in... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The disease spread through eight districts in the Chinese and Mongol dynasties. The deaths were
so severe that some areas didn t even have time to bury all the bodies, so they just stacked them
up against the city walls. Next, the plague spread to Europe, it arrived in Europe through trading
ships. By the time the ships landed in Messina. Most of the crew members on the ships were
either dead or infected. The abandon ships peaked a lot of interest and since the ships were
infested with rodents, the locals that looted from the ships helped the disease spread even
further. By 1348 the disease spread all the way to Genoa and Venice. Then the disease went from
Italy and spread northwest France, Spain, Portugal, and England by June 1348. This is a rapid
spread rate since six countries in less than a year. Although the disease was not yet done with
Europe, it then spread east through Germany and Scandinavia through 1350. The last stop in
Europe was Russia in 1351. The last stop for the Black Plague was the Middle East. The
outbreak in the Middle East led to serious depopulation and economic structures just like the other
countries. When the disease reached Mecca, the people of Mecca tried to blame it on non
believers. The plague continued to kill people all the way up to the Seventeenth century and there
have even been isolated cases as recent as 1980 (Black Death). The Black Plague had many
different types of affects that it influenced on the people exposed to it.
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Role Play Analysis
At one point in time, I hated role plays. You never know what to expect from one second to the
next. Feelings of anxiety and some nervousness always sprout up when I know there is a role
play to perform. Furthermore, the thought of acting, knowing it was not a real scenario is
daunting. Everybody would be staring at you, and this makes me slightly uncomfortable. Many
thoughts raced through my mind. For example, What if I said the wrong thing, what if I did the
wrong thing; or what if my acting skills were not up to par. Role playing made no sense to me
because, in real life situations, I knew it would be different. I would be able to respond
accordingly, and not feel judged by all of the eyes that were focused on me. As a result, my client
in real life would benefit from our therapeutic sessions. It is funny though, because once the role
playin the class started, feelings of calmness surrounded me. In addition, my gameface was on, I
was cool and collected. In part this can be attributed to the calm atmosphere my classmates
created, and also, the fact the professor met me where I was at. He portrayed an elderly individual
who was experiencing symptoms of depression. This was right up my alley as I have many years
working with the elderly population.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this way, I will be able to see from a perspective different than my own. As a result, this will
make me a stronger more competent clinician. Another way for me to improve is to learn from
individuals who inspire me to be a better clinician. In this way, I can use the qualities they possess
and incorporate them into my role as a clinician. Even though the role play client was not difficult
to handle, there are those who are/will be. Learning how to handle difficult situations and difficult
people is key to success for any clinician. Therefore, I will learn skills/techniques to aid in working
with those
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The Night Sky
I woke up desperately taking in a gasp of air. My body rose and fell uncontrollably as I laid on
the cold earth taking in the fact that I was still alive. At first I couldn t tell if I was blind or not
with the darkness lingering in front of me. That was until I rolled myself over and was introduced
to the milky colored moon that peaked behind the clouds. They quickly made their way across the
barren land to reveal the deep purple haze that was the night sky. The night looked young as the
moon shined bright behind the branches of the dead trees. Each of the trees stretched their
branches out to reach for the sky. You could tell that they wanted to escape from this place as
their branches reached for the stars. However, the malnourished earth refused to let them go as
the ground locked their exposed roots to the soil beneath them. Some had many of their hopes of
leaving forever, lost, as they were flat on the dirt soil. With the coldness of the earth under my
bare back I was in awe as I was on the ground, naked, feeling like time had stopped. For the first
time I felt separated from my body. Just my mindand my spirit were present, filled with questions
that never led to answers: How did I get here? Where was home? Who even am I? How do I
know things, but at the same time don t? Why can t I remember what happened before this? My
questions were never answered, for I was abruptly interrupted by a stranger that loomed over me.
His face appeared out of thin air and hovered
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Black Colleges Research Paper
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, established in the south by black ministers for
African Americans who were freed from slavery. The first known HBCU was a school in
Philadelphia called Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. Today there are 100 private and public
institutions. Some of the top colleges are Spelman College, Morehouse College, Morgan state
university, Virginia State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Virginia Union
University. On the other hand, A PWI, predominantly white institution, was established prior to
1964. These schools were mostly for whites but of course some of these labeled PWI s were
slightly integrated. Some PWI s are Virginia Commonwealth University, Clarke University,
Huntington University. There are many reasons anyone would want to go to a HBCU or a PWI,
and it is not race thing anymore. Most people follow after their family. Most African American
students who attend a HBCU because of family background. Often times students do not think
about the schools as PWI s or HBCU s because for example, Virginia Union University and
Virginia Commonwealth University are so close to one another, you may remember that VUU is a
HBCU, and forget VCU is a PWI. Some people might say they still choice... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Some of these activities include the chemistry club, SGA (student government association), pre law
society, basketball for both men and women, softball, lacrosse, golf, tennis, football among a list of
others. Some Organizations include Greek life, also called the Divine nine. Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Eta Phi
Beta Sorority, Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity. Along with
classes and extracurricular activities, campus life can never get
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Writing an essay on Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" presents unique challenges that require an in-depth understanding of the complex narrative, themes of sin, morality, and judgment in Puritan society. Crafting a compelling argument involves connecting literary elements like symbolism and character development to broader themes through insightful analysis and interpretation. Additionally, addressing counterarguments, adhering to academic standards, and structuring the essay logically are integral to demonstrating a nuanced grasp of the subject matter. For assistance navigating the intricacies of literary analysis and essay writing, resources that provide writing services and support can help students face these challenges.

Argumentation Essays. The Catholic University of America
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Argumentation Essays. The Catholic University of America

This document discusses the challenges of crafting an effective argumentative essay. It notes that developing a strong argument requires comprehensive research, logical organization with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, and addressing counterarguments. An argumentative essay also demands persuasive writing skills to engage the audience through techniques like rhetoric, imagery, and balance of ethos, pathos, and logos. Overall, the document emphasizes that writing a high-quality argumentative essay is a challenging but rewarding task.

Anti Death Penalty Arguments Essay. Carthage College
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Crafting an essay against the death penalty is a complex task that requires considering moral, legal, and philosophical perspectives on the inherently emotional issue. The writer must thoroughly research legal cases, sociological studies, and scholarly articles to understand precedents and build a robust argument. They must acknowledge counterarguments and address them effectively while maintaining an objective tone. Producing a persuasive anti-death penalty essay is challenging but important for fostering informed discussion on this sensitive issue.

Argumentative Essay On Orca Captivity
Zoological parks, aquariums, and theme parks featuring cetaceans have proven to be hotspots for a
wide range of strongly held opinions regarding mammalian ethics and environmental education.
Although some animal rights activists and concerned citizens question the practice keeping of any
wild animal in captivity, orca whales (Orcinus orca) have become a species of particular contention
in recent years. The questionable history of orca capture, beginning with the sad story of Moby
Doll and the Penn Cove incident, combined with the recent deaths of SeaWorld trainers and the
inflammatory Blackfish documentary, have brought the issue to a head. Marine parks and some
scientists agree that while the wild is the optimal environment for orcas, holding some in captivity
is an invaluable asset for conservation, environmental education, and research.... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of the first orcas that were captured were already weak and sickly; however, others, such as
Moby Doll and the orcas captured in Penn Cove, were violently seized from the wild (Center for
Whale Research, n.d.). Robeck,
Willis, Scarpuzzi, and O Brien (2015) report that between 1965 and 1985, 18 orcas were taken
from the wild and placed in the care of Sea World. By 1985, all but 8 of these whales had passed
away (Robeck et al., 2015). One scientific survey conducted during this time frame sought to
compile the reports of the known causes of death for numerous captured individuals. Ridgway
(1979) determined that several mortalities were due to pre existing conditions or injuries sustained
prior to the capture of the whales. However, he also acknowledged that numerous deaths were the
direct result of either illnesses obtained during capture or the inability of several aquariums to
properly care for the animals (Ridgway,
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The Flight Research Paper
The Flight
Maritza Nunez
Keiser University
The Flight Flying on an airplane has always been one of the most exciting experiences in the life
of a person. For many people it is a process that causes them fear. Others love the idea of flying.
For me it was the first time I flew in an airplane, it was an experience full of adrenaline, and one
of the best moments of my life. Love every part of being in an airplane. Going into the airplane,
takeoff, landing and of course the best moment of all was to see my mom again. Boarding the
airplane was interesting. After arriving at the airport and saying goodbye to my family, it was time
to move to check in my flight. While in the line he could hear a sweet voice calling ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The more we advanced they were seeing more lights. These turned into a big city, Miami . At
that time I did not know whether it was fantasy or reality. Seeing Miami for the first time from
the sky gave me the idea of a toy city. A city where the night is full of life, lights and movement.
Suddenly again the same pleasant voice that greeted us on the plane ride. This time to inform us
that we were about to land. When we flew over the airport and see that big building made me
feel that many surprises were to come. During the landing there was a bit of turbulence, it was
funny because it felt like when you go in a car and there are bumps in the road. After landing, I
went to the emigration office. This office was filled with people in suits and all talking in
English, giving me the security that I was in right place. After finish the whole process of
emigration, came the most anticipated part of my entire trip, see my mom. Down the ramp my
mom was the first thing I saw. Seeing her was as if time stopped, as if it were a movie meeting.
While I hug her, her skin felt so soft. I feel that sweet smell that has always characterized her. Tears
began to show up in our eyes witnessing a beautiful family
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Causes Of The Protestant Reformation
The early church had all the power over everything in most of Europe. It was the wealthiest thing
in all the land and with that came other big concepts. The church had power over the people, over
other people s money and even other people s lives. However, during the time period of 1300 to
1789 the church s power declined by a significant amount. A number of things happened that
decreased the church s power during the time period of 1300 to 1789, but the Protestant reformation
and the Scientific Revolution had weakened the role of the church the most. The Protestant
Reformation had decreased the role of the church in Europe by decreasing its power by a large
margin. Martin Luther had, had some ideas of what was wrong with the church. He... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefor Darwin s theory had proven such an important story of the church incorrect and people
began to follow science more than religion, thus weakening the role of the church in Europe.
Astronomy had weakened the role of the church by showing that humans are not are not praised by
God as we thought. People used to believe that Earth was the center of the universe and everything
evolved around us in perfect circles showing that we are important because we are God s creation.
The church agreed with this and condemned any other ideas Both Protestant and Catholic religious
leaders condemned the work because it was contrary to traditional teachings (Watts). Nicolaus
Copernicus had founded the heliocentric system where everything had evolved around the sun,
not the earth and that it was not in perfect circles. The heliocentric solar system had weakened the
church by showing that God did not make his creation the great center of the universe and not
everything in space is perfect. The biggest reason on how science decreases the role of the church
is by proof. Science isn t something we just believe in like religion, it s something we need to
prove. The Scientific Revolution decreased the role of the church by showing proof that somethings
in the church are false.
Many things had decreased the role of the church
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The High School English Professional Learning Community
The team that was surveyed was the Rivercrest High School English professional learning
community, heretofore referred to in this paper as the English PLC. The purpose of the survey
was to collect data with the goal of improving the working relationship of the English PLC, with
the ultimate goal of improving the educational opportunities afforded to Rivercrest students. Out
of the seven surveys that were sent out, six were completed. Of the six teachers, none were
male, and none were minority. The teachers ranged in experience from seven years to 40 years.
Three of the teachers (T1, T2, and T5) have master s degrees, and three of the teachers have
bachelor s degrees. T5 and T6 teach at the junior high level. Copies of the surveys were printed
and placed them in the teacher s mailboxes. Attached to the survey was a questionnaire that
asked for years of service and education information. The surveys were submitted anonymously.
Teacher CodeYears of ExperienceEducational LevelNational Board Certified T17MANo
T214MSENo T340BSNo T421BSENo T521MSNo T67BSNo The results of the survey were as
follows: Absence of Trust 6.67 Fear of Conflict 7.67 Lack of Commitment 6.67 Avoidance of
Accountability 4.33 Inattention to Results 7.4 The English PLC received a score of 6.67, which
indicates that there could be a problem with trust within the team. This has been evidenced in team
meetings, as at least one team member is viewed as slacking and is
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Crafting a comparison and contrast essay presents many challenges. Writers must understand the subjects being compared in depth to highlight both similarities and differences. They must also structure the essay effectively, with a strong introduction, coherent paragraphs, and a conclusion that ties everything together. Additionally, finding the right balance of conciseness and elaboration in the language and maintaining an original perspective are perpetual struggles in this genre. Overall, writing a successful comparison and contrast essay is a nuanced endeavor that requires intellectual ability as well as strong analytical, writing, and organizational skills.

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Population growth is a complex topic that requires consideration of many interrelated factors from different perspectives. An effective essay on population growth must use statistical data to back up its arguments while providing meaningful analysis and interpretation. It also needs to have a broad global perspective by considering diverse viewpoints and case studies. Examining factors like fertility rates, mortality rates, migration patterns, and government policies demands a nuanced approach that accounts for their interplay over time. Additionally, discussing the ethical issues surrounding population growth, such as access to healthcare and social inequality, requires a thoughtful, sensitive treatment of the human impacts.

Modern Times And It Happened One Night
There were many who often assumed roles or stereotypes recognized by the masses of the female
gender before the 1940s, of examples such as the naГЇve princess or the obedient housewife. It was
additionally a time of doubts and indecisions due to stock market crash. The concept of
modernity was slowly being represented as a mirror or response to the reality. This paper will
discuss the way that the female leads were presented in the film Modern Times and It Happened
one Night in response the changing ideas of modernity such as gender, class, and sexuality. The
definition of the feminine form was interpreted exceptionally in the titles mentioned to appeal to
the developing modernity. During the time, films presented women as fragile object that are
easy to break and need to be cared for while also often found themselves in love with dangerous
men. Claudette Colbert, performing Ellen Ellie Andrews from It Happened One Night, capture
the necessary shift in characters to mirror the conversions in the real life conventions. After
defying her father s will of canceling her engagement with Jameson Thomas, the pilot adventurer,
she ran off the property where she was cherished and loved. During her escape to her fiancГ©,
she met Peter Warne, the tough reporter. The character of Ellan aged throughout the film as Peter
and she grew closer. In the end, she chose to reject her previous lover to be with Peter. Similarly in
Modern Times, Ellen Peterson, played by Paulette Goddard,
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Dent V West Virginia
One of the most important decisions an individual can make is the type of occupation they choose.
Instead of being merely an economic necessity, an occupation is a reflection of an individual s
personality. For example, a more artistically inclined individual may choose an occupation that
requires creativity, such as hair dressing. Despite this, the government has a way of making it
difficult for people to follow their passions. Occupational licensing laws are the way the
government does this. These laws are government issued permits given once certain educational
standards are met. Though, having the freedom to choose the occupation that you want is not in the
constitution, it is seen, however, as a substantive right. Barriers to employment... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
West Virginia is the constitutionalityof a law requiring those specializing in medicine to attend
medical school (482). The Court upheld the constitutionality of the law, stating that it serves a
legitimate state interest to protect the public from fraud and other deceptive practices (482).
Though, the Court found this specific law constitutional, they emphasize that similar kind of
laws are invalid when [regulations] have no relation to such calling or profession . . . they can
operate to deprive one of his right to pursue a lawful vocation (482). San Francisco, California
had a law that required those who owned a wooden building and used it as a storefront for a
laundry business to obtain a permit from the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors
were given great discretion in how they granted permits under the law (482). The Court, in Yick
Wo v. Hopkins, held that the law was unconstitutional based on its discriminatory nature; Chinese
owners of laundries were the victims of this state sanctioned discriminatory, since they were
usually denied permits when they applied (482). Nebbia v. New York is the case that marks the
beginning of the Court s constitutional deference to state governments in regard to law and
regulations that inhibit employment (482). This difference is otherwise known as the rational
basis test, which gives states great leeway to adopt whatever economic policy [that] may
reasonably be deemed to promote public welfare, in so far as the laws passed are seen to have a
reasonable relation to a proper legislative purpose, and are neither arbitrary nor discriminatory
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British Control Over The Suez Canal
In 1882, Great Britain took over Egypt through military invasions, making it a protectorate in order
to have control over the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal connected the British Empire in the west to
India in the east, making it significant trade route for Britain to control. During the Cold War,
Egypt became an area of great tension, challenging British control over the canal. There was an
increase of nationalism, along with the rise of Gamal Abdel Nasserto power. His rise to power lead
to the Suez CanalCrisis and Egypts independence from Britain in 1956. The Arab Spring began in
Tunisia in December, 2010, eventually spreading to Egypt in 2011. British control over parts of
Africa during the nineteenth century lead to many crises in the 20th and 21st centuries, including
the Suez Canal Crisis and the Arab Spring in Egypt. The Cold War began soon after the Second
World War ended, starting in 1947 and ending in 1991. The United States and the Soviet Union
competed for nuclear superiority, beginning a nuclear arms race. Most other countries were in debt
because of the war, so the US and the USSR became superpowers that other countries became allies
with (Kte pi, par. 4). The American side was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or
NATO, and consisted of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United Kingdom (Kte pi, par. 9). Albania, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Mozart and Haydn Essay
Two of history s greatest figures in the development of Classical style music during the eighteenth
century were Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn. Both men worked together and were
very close friends while living in Vienna. Between the two, Joseph Hayden and Amadeus Mozart
devoted much of their musicfor composing symphonies, minuets, librettos, sonatas, concertos,
masses, oratorios and operas. While both men achieved popularity and status during their time,
they also discovered that success must be earned rather than freely given. While both men enjoyed
similar success during their lives, their character and personal lives contrast one another as one
developed a haughty spirit and died penniless after enjoying a life of fame... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Like Mozart, Haydn s talent was also recognized at a young age. According to Schneider, Haydn
s cousin who served as a schoolmaster quickly recognized his musical ability and offered to take
him to school to further develop his musical skills. After years of hardship and challenges that
were thrown at him in life, Haydn s persistence paid off when, according to Schneider, his
musical talent became noticed and he was offered the position of Music Director for Count
Morzin. This eventually led to being offered and accepting employment with Prince Paul Anton
Esterhazy where he became the Vice Kapellmeister and later Kapellmeister. The Esterhazys, were
a family of extremely wealthy Hungarian princes that Haydn would serve for the next thirty five
years. While serving this noble family, Haydn composed eleven operas, sixty symphonies, five
masses, thirty sonatas, one concerto, and hundreds of shorter pieces. He later enjoyed more success
and praise for what is now known as his London symphonies.
Despite his celebrity status, Mozart s life was filled with suffering. Although he had great musical
ability, Mozart s strange dependence on his father and early fame may have led to his immaturity
with others and with his personal finances. At a young age, Mozart s fame quickly spread as he
was lavishly celebrated by all. Being fully conscious of his musical talent, an arrogant demeanor
developed with many that he worked for and with. This celebrity status and
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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Writing an essay on gender inequality is a complex task that requires understanding of historical, cultural, economic, and political factors. It also demands comprehensive research on topics like wage gaps, leadership representation, cultural expectations, and discrimination. The essayist must acknowledge diverse experiences while also capturing human stories with empathy. Finally, staying up-to-date on current research, movements, and policies is important to ensure the essay remains relevant to the evolving discourse on gender inequality.

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An essay about tolerance requires exploring human nature, societal dynamics, and diversity. It must define tolerance, examine its nuances and challenges in a diverse world, and balance highlighting its virtues with acknowledging obstacles. The writer must dissect prejudices and biases while finding a unique voice that compels reflection on attitudes toward tolerance. Addressing counterarguments requires understanding diverse views without compromising the core message. In conclusion, a tolerance essay blends empathy, research, and persuasive writing to inspire positive change through a deeper appreciation of diversity.

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  • 2. Ancient Hawaii Culture Warm sand, blue waves, and the tropical sun this is what Hawaii is all about. But the beaches and the dramatic landscape is not all Hawaii has to offer. Hawaii is rich with the culture of its past: fighting, sporting, and celebrating was a big part of ancient Hawaiian culture. The Hawaiian Islands may look like they went undisturbed till their discovery in 1778. But unfortunately, that is not completely true. Hawaii has had its share of invaders and war. (Fitzpatrick) Geographically Hawaii was cut off from foreign influence, but as with every ancient civilization: war was inevitable. Warfare amongst the tribal chieftains of the Hawaiian Islands was common, with fierce battles typically fought to establish political boundaries and during successional disputes. (Mythical Hawaii) Tribal chieftains and their warriors all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This brutal form of unarmed self defense delivered bone crushing blows that would render an opponent useless. However, that was not all Lua was used for because Ancient Hawaiians not only used Lua in warfare but for entertainment as well. (Fitzpatrick) Sports played a big part in Hawaiian culture because it was in a time designated for peace. Chieftains and the koa warriors all competed in Olympic style games during the Makahiki Festival that tested their abilities. (Mythic Hawaii) The Makahiki Festival was celebrated annually during the four lunar months of October to February or November to March. (robertshawaii) There were many sports involved in the Makahiki festival and surfing was among them. Surfing was once a sport reserved for Hawaiian royalty, (Surfing in Hawaii) and chieftains surfed to claim the title of conquer of the seas (Surfing Hawaiian Culture) Warriors participated in the following: Huku Huki, lava sledding, spear catching, and cliff diving. These were some of the many dangerous sports played by Ancient ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. A Spiritual Perspective On Theological Inquiry Essay A Spiritual Perspective on Theological Inquiry Spiritual practice and theological inquiry are not mutually exclusive, rather they possess an intrinsic connection. This relationship also exists between spirituality and self reflexivity, promoting an examined life which connects to a larger moral vision that extends beyond the self into the community. Spirituality, theological inquiry, and self reflexivity interact as a paradox of religious identity rooted in one s being while also being critically open, fair minded, and participatory in dialogue. Karl Rahner s The Hearer of the Message delineates the inherent connectivity between academic and spiritual life, religious tradition and community, theology and self reflexivity. Through the lense of Rahner, I will argue that the self reflexive writing and pursuit of philosophical theology in both religious and academic contexts is a spiritual practice. Obstacles to an Academic and Spiritual Life Rahner underscores the interlocking relationship of philosophy and theology, and this idea directly pertains to the relationship between academic and spiritual contexts. Rather than being so opposed, the love of wisdom is akin to the love of the Divine. Stemming from a collection of sources, I will explore the relationship of spirituality to the present world, in religious and academic spheres. Schneider s Religion vs. Spirituality: A Contemporary Conundrum , Sheldrake s Christian Spirituality as a Way of Living Publicly and The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Objectives Of The New Deal The New Deal In 1929 the United States and the rest of the world were beginning to deal with the Great Depression. During these hard times, many people believed that the federal government should have a larger role in the economy. These beliefs led to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt. In President Roosevelts inaugural speech, (1933) he first used the great phrase, ...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself... He needed to strengthen our nation and boost the confidence of the citizens. It is because of these realities that Franklin D. Rooseveltand his advisors created The New Deal. Key Objectives of The New Deal The New Deal was made up of three main objectives. These objectives were relief, recovery, and reform. As a country, we needed relief and recovery from the great depression. Unemployment was through the roof, farmers were struggling to succeed, and our economy was in shambles. Agencies and programs were created to help alleviate these problems and create jobs. Agencies were also created to reform industry and banking practices that had a large hand on our path to The Great Depression. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) A great example of one of the relief programs would be the Civilian Conservation Corps. The idea was to take young men and provide them jobs in forests, infrastructure, and other public projects. This not only provided work for the young men and their families, but also helped us rejuvenate our natural landscape. The Civilian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Banning The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by... The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain might seem like a good book to have high school students read since it s about a boy named Huckleberry Finn and his adventures through his life by dealing with the struggles that he has or when he finds a runaway slave, named Jim, who is on an island trying to stay hidden so he will not be sold as a slave. Throughout the novel the reader will see that Huck has an adventurous personality, comes to find out who is father is and tries to help Jim, the runaway slave, to live and hopefully see his family again. Also, there are people out there that might think Huck Finn may not be a good book to read and think that it should be banned from schools and libraries. The reason why people... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, it was a liberal word that was used to describe African Americans and Mark Twainwas just using this word as to portray how the Southerners talked and wanted to maintain the reality of the book. Readers who read Huck Finn may find it hard to read due to the fact that Mark Twain uses the language of his time period as the language in the book and that involved using profanity and not showing lots of respect towards either the white Southerners or the black Southerners, that is why most people reading this will not be able to handle either the profanity or the reality of how people we treated in the South during the early 1800 s. A second thing that most people who read or have read this would probably think that this is a controversial book, but in fact it s actually a classic, with real life events or situations. What some people do not realize is that Huck Finn uses profanity as so does the real world, but so does music and movies and if their trying to get books banned because it uses profanity then they should try to get music and movies banned too. Huck Finn is just a young boy living to survive and helping Jim along the way. He s just living a most people back in the day and that is real life, there s nothing controversial about that. Also, some people think while reading this book that Jim was a bad person and was influencing Huck while they were together when in reality Jim was a positive role ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Witchcraft Hysteria There were many significant factors that came into play at the time of the Salem witchcraft hysteria. Of the numerable amount of factors that contributed to the hysteria the most influential were religion, superstition, politics, economics, and concepts of gender during this time period. People during the 1600 s lacked a basic understanding of how things around them worked compared to what is known and generally accepted in today s world of science. For this sole reason the concept of magicand witchcraftwas widely and generally accepted by a large majority of the population during this time period. People often used false accusations of witchcraft against their neighbors because it gave them a simple way to steal another person s land. Women were also not trustworthy sources. Religion played the most crucial role in the development of the witch hysteria. Residents in the town of Salem were Puritans, which meant they were very immoderate in their beliefs. Puritans believed their life purpose was to serve God, which meant vanquishing evil even if there was no evil present. The average lifestyle of a Puritan was monotonous and dull; they believed life was meant to be simple, and any spare time should have been spent serving God. Puritans strived to exterminate any presence of the Devil or evil they could find so they could pursue their quest of being worthy of being saved by their God. Puritans looked down to people that did not serve God the same way that they did, and they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Cesar Chavez A Hero Cesar Chavez is a hero because he gave farm workers who were not educated enough to get better working conditions. His life reflected his personality and his everlasting legacy proves unforgettable. Cesar Chavez s biography shows a lot about the way he was raised and how that taught him his ways and shaped his personality. Cesar was born on March 31, 1927 (Gonzales 22) and was subjected early to intense destitution because his family was one of many migrant, Mexican American, families (Pao) that rely on the money even if the conditions were terrible for any human. His experience of the farm worker s life was what drove him to help other workers. Cesar and his father trudged twelve miles to Yuma looking for a bank loan. They came back covered with dust and empty handed. (Terzian 7) He had early experiences with upwards battles and it taught him how to manage them. Another time was captured by James Terzian when he wrote about Chavez s dad taking care of his fellow workers. These people are poor, ignorant peasants campesinos! They ll sleep anywhere, eat anything take any wage you pay. Why waste your time and money on them, eh? said the neighbor. Cesar s dad responds, They are children of God. They will get shelter and soap for as long as they work on my farm. (5). He was raised to respect workers and understand that they are people too. Cesar Chavez started the United Farm Workers on Oct 15, 1966 (Holmes). Cease new that the farm workers were living hard lives and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Physical Therapy Research Paper Whether you play sports, have an active job, or enjoy fun activities you have probably injured yourself at some point in your life. If the injury had affected your daily life perhaps you had the option of rehab. The types of rehab can vary, but as I learned from personal experience and observing my field site, physical therapyis the most common form of rehabilitation. In today s society, we have access to a ton of health benefits that many people before us have never had. A big field that is growing is physical therapy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014) physical therapy is projected to grow 36 percent from 2010 to 2020. This would make physical therapy one of the fastest rising occupations. A physical therapist has a bachelor s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whenever I heard the word physical therapist I would think of soccer players with torn ALCs, not people with long term breathing problems or infants with disabilities. I never really knew all the injuries, whether external or internal, that physical therapist could treat. Like me, many believe that physical therapists help physically injured people by evaluating their injury and assigning them exercises to ease their recovery. These articles have taught me a physical therapist s job is way more than just that. Physical therapists are extremely educated and have immense knowledge about the body s movement. They are the base of a patients support team. Not only do they assisted their patients with their injury, but they also give them the confidence and support they need to move forward and positivity accept their injury. After learning exercise can help depression, it made me think about the importance of physical exercise for physical therapy patients. Many patients receiving physical therapy are receiving this care because an injury has occurred to them. Sometimes these injuries can completely change one s way of life affecting them not only physically, but also mentally. It s easy to start to feel depressed when something big like a life altering injury occurs. I can personally speak from experience that participating in physical therapy at my field site has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Mayan Ball Game Essay Montaigne had very in depth opinions about the new world and how he felt simple and civilized societies operated. Even though in his excerpt he defends cannibalism which would usually discredit the writer, he still makes some very valid points. It is in fact barbaric to kill a living person, and to make a mockery out of them by hanging is inhumane. Montaigne even goes as far as to call war the human disease and believed it was more constant between the Europeans than it was the natives. One thing that can be agreed upon is the savagery of a group of people that would sacrifice a living person. In the Mayan ball game, anybody who lost the game which happened to be kings or high officials most of the time, were killed and sacrificed to the Gods. The Mayan ball game was an opportunity for the Mayans to show their loyalty to the gods by sacrificing captured kings, high lords, or losing opponents. It was an alternative to war for cities nearby, for settling issues they had with each other. There were always many spectators to watch this game. To have many people watch the game and watch the losers get sacrificed to the gods, regardless of their beliefs is inhumane. To the Mayans, this game was normal and necessary for survival but from the outside looking in, one might think their behavior is barbaric.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, many can understand why he would say it is more barbaric to kill a living man than to eat a dead man. Murder is unacceptable in any form, whether it is a part of religious beliefs or not. Montaigne would feel the Mayan ball game is a ritual for savages. However, the game turns the tables as far as Montaigne s views on simple and civilized societies goes. In this case the simple societies are sacrificing the kings and high officials or as he would refer to them as civilized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Choosing The Forbes Travel Guide Star This means that every month for the last 2 years, 6.2 new luxury hotel were built in the world. Hotels where each guest may easily fancy himself as prince surrounded by a flock of courtiers (Sherman, 2007, p. 26) are being required more and more every day. The World Luxury Index (2014) revealed that the global consumer interest for the luxury hospitality industry grew 7.7% in one year. The numbers donВґt lie, the luxury hotels industry is growing fast. But, are they positioning themselves correctly in the consumer s head? Are they targeting the right client segment? And what are the triggers they use to attract their consumers? To answer these questions, I chose two luxury hotels brands. I will evaluate and compare them covering the brands personalities and positioning, and analyze what these brands do to motivate the consumers in their purchase decision. The two brands chosen were The Ritz Carlton and the South African Lodge Londolozi. These very different choices were made considering The Forbes Travel Guide Star Awards definition of Luxury Hotel; it defines them as those that provide a memorable experience through virtually flawless service and the finest of amenities. In these hotels, the staff is perceptive, involved and passionate, willing to go that extra mile. They were both designed with the guest s comfort in mind, investing special attention to quality. Brands Personalities and Consumers When walking eather into the Ritz or Londolozi Lodge, you can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Controllers Of The Air Controllers Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely land and take off by managing the order of takeoffand each plane s direction. If they cannot see them how are they able to effectively do this? Leadership Style Van Zanten s leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team, but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision making at Tenerife, and it is not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Theme Of Communication In Michael Ondaatje s In The Skin... In Michael Ondaatje s novel, In the Skin of a Lion, there is a severe shift in tone, character morality, and emotion when comparing the beginning to the end. After completing the novel and working to make sense of it, I began to question what the source of all this change was and the reasoning behind it. Through analysis, I came to the conclusion that many of the prominent characters featured in this novel are unable to engage in what is called competent communication. To be a competent communicator, an individual must adapt to different social settings in order for their intended message to be both appropriate and effective for their intended audience. In Ondaatje s novel, however, most characters lack this skill, seeing things only from their point of view, failing to ever consider others perspectives. This results in several conflicts being left without a solution and creates a cause and effect chain of events leading to chaos. In addition to communication incompetence, I found there to be various other barriers in communication that include, physical, linguistic, and psychological. Throughout this paper I will be explaining and providing evidence for why these various communication barriers are responsible for the eventual character breakdown and excessive entropic nature in In the Skin of a Lion. Physical barriers are those that communicate to others outside of a certain group to stay out. Some of these barriers are obvious such as barricades, territories, doors, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Essay on Toyota s Supply Chain Q A Problem In January 2010, some of the Toyota, Lexus and Pontiac vehicles were recalled because of problems about defective accelerator pedals made from CTS Corporation, a leading automotive supplier in North America, Europe, and Asia. The problems are related to the friction inside the moving part of the units that controls the pedal to return as soon as the pressure on the pedal is released. This friction should be designed to consistently corresponsive to the pressure on the pedal, in both pressed and released positions, so that the drivers can smoothly control the speed of the vehicles. It is thought that the condensation caused by cold weather is one of the reasons that lead to an increase of the friction. Another reason is related to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though CTS controverted that it created the gas pedals as the specification given by Toyota, the gas pedals of vehicles which are assembled with other suppliers do not have any problem. Ferrari States that Toyota and CTS have participated in developing a new pedal to meet a Toyota specification (Ferrari, 2010). Therefore, because of the faulty of outsourcing, it enables the large number of Toyota and Lexus was recalled. Solution As a result of the sticky gas pedals, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA (2010) indicates that Toyota has recalled the affected vehicles including 2.3 million. The owners of the involved vehicles may have their gas pedals repaired, free of charge, at any Toyota dealers to prevent the possible problems. Each dealer is provided with the necessary parts and training to effectively deal with the problems. In the case of the existing units, the gas pedals will be modified to quickly fix the problems related to the increased friction inside the units. There is a spring inside the assembly that responsible for the pedal to return when the pressure is released. With the buildup friction, it will take longer time for the spring to move the pedal back to the non accelerated position. A reinforcement bar made of precision cut steel will be inserted behind the spring to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Why Do Tribunals Deserve Justice Individuals who commit war crimes and genocide undoubtedly deserve severe punishment, and their victims deserve justice. Though this sentiment would likely be agreed upon by a majority of people, the logistics of how exactly to carry out this punishment and procure justice are widely debated. Recently, international courts and tribunals have been set up to try individuals for war crimes and bring justice to the victims of these war crimes. However, these international courts and tribunals are often ineffective. Throughout this paper, I will explain why I agree with Adam Smith that domestic or hybrid courts are preferable over an international court system. There are several reasons why international law is not the most effective way to achieve... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since justice is a concept that differs amongst every culture and group, it is difficult to empirically measure the effectiveness of an international court in regard to providing justice. However, supporters of international courts measure their success in ways other than justice brought. For example, if a group sees that other criminals are being tried, sentenced, and punished appropriately by an international court, one might assume that this group would be less inclined to carry out similar crimes. According to Hyeran Jo and Beth Simmons in their 2016 study on international criminal courts, a large study affiliated with the World Bank based on developing countries found that higher conviction rates tended to reduce crime, even controlling for the death penalty (Jo and Simmons, 447). Theoretically, an international court such as the International Criminal Courtcould deter groups and individuals from committing war crimes based on this criminological data, if these individuals and groups saw that the court prosecuted effectively and thoroughly. However, there are many instances that show an international trial is not effective nor thorough. As mentioned earlier, the Khmer Rouge tribunal lasted for a decade and only three individuals received a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Roles Of Animals In Medieval Times In the Middle Ages from the 12th to 14th centuries, animal books, or bestiaries, depicted and explained the roles of animals in natures. However, these books had greater significance than merely providing necessary knowledge for the survival of these wild peoples as the medieval period in Europe was primarily and intensely Christian, the bestiaries carried a distinctly religious connotation as well. The Physiologus, the most widely distributed book in Europe after the Bible, not only describes mythical and real animals, but also explains why they exist. For example, just as Christ revived humanity with his blood after three days in his grave, the beautiful pelican can revive her perished young after three days with her own blood. God, as creator, purposefully designed his creatures to reflect his teachings and thus, nature and the bestiary tradition is God s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, since lion cubs are thought to be born dead until they are brought to life by the lion roaring over his cubs on the third day, Leo also symbolizes the Resurrection; God wakes Jesus after three days in his tomb. By drawing directly upon core events in Christianity, the lion directly teaches the Word of God through nature and contains special meaning. Moreover, Leo s other natures provide examples of men should carry their lives: just as Leo will not attack a prostrate man, allows for captive men to depart, and is not quick to anger, people should be patient, slow to anger, and quickly forgiving of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Substance Abuse Trauma THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CHILD ABUSE AND DRUG ADDICTION Child abuse is often a linking factor in history of substance abusers, Drug, Alcohol or other risky behaviours would fall into the category of substance abuse. In this essay I will discuss how I think child abuse aids is a direct cause of substance abuse in adults later in life, in addition to evidence supporting my thesis which is the fact child abuse is a linking factor to substance abuse. Two thirds of adults in drug treatment were either physically, sexually or emotionally abused during their childhood (Unknown, 2015). Almost all women that reside in Canada s drug capital in the downtown Eastside of Vancouver have been subjected to either sexual or physical trauma during childhood ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Constant stress in the environment during child hood can contribute to adult substance abuse. A few stressors could be parents fighting, family financial struggles, divorce, death of a family member or constant moving. For some adults, stressors could lead to developed feelings of being unwanted or feeling lonely and could result in the abuse of drugs to cope with the stressors endured during their childhood. When parental figure(s) or guardian(s) is constantly absent or negligent, the child will find new forms of role models, which is often their peers who may come from worse off homes or backgrounds, and influence and aid in developing negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Gender Roles, Stereotyping and Gender Bias Essay Gender affects every aspect of our life, from how we feel about ourselves and set our goals in educational, recreational and work opportunities as well as the the nature and extent of our participation in social and civic life. It has a strong impact on the way we practice our religion, the way we dress, the way we express our feelings and the nature of all of our relationships with others. This paper explores various facets of gender roles in order to understand this topic such as what role males and females are expected to play in today s society, how gender roles are decided, affected and exaggerated by stereotyping. Futhermore, this paper will draw attention towards how stereotyping leads to gender biases. What is Gender ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An individual can either identify themselves with a subculture or social group which results in them having diverse gender roles. Today when a human baby is born the first question that is asked is Is it a boy or a girl? In human culture the answer to this question is gigantically significant. This definition of femaleness or maleness is the hypothesis of the society which assumes that the child who is born a girl will remain female forever, while a boy will be a male. Gender roles are created by society and vary from society to society as it takes all sorts to make a world. It does not matter where ever you are in the world its just society which assigns the gender roles without even having enough knowledge about one s gender identity. We living in 21st century but when it comes to gender role orientation we are in total chaos. Gender identity : Most non Western societies have three human genders man ,woman and third gender. In the West, gender is consider to be the same as one s sex identity and there are only two valid options male or female. Any gender variation , other than male or female gender is treated as disease or abnormalities or gender disorder e.g homosexual, bisexual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Morality and Dehumanization in One Day in the Life of... The novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, presents moral issues, and daily dehumanization of men living in a camp in Russia in 1951. Ivan Denisovich, the protagonist in the novel spoke out against Stalin, and was then put in a prison camp because of it. The novel presents a terrible situation in which Ivan must overcome daily circumstances, which only a person living in a prison camp would know how to survive. The tone and mood of the novelare able to work together to show the theme of the novel, that humanself respect is achieved as long as one is still holding onto it. The extract that was chosen occurs on the last page of the novel. Shukhov has just returned from being counted, and helping out another Zek, Tsezar, whose... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An example of this is on lines one through five. Now they released you faster, for they were counting one by one. The word you in the above quotation, shows how either Shukhov or the narrator may have been speaking in the quotation; showing the free indirect discourse. The free indirect discourse helps show the bleak tone of the novel. The bleak tone of the novel communicates the theme; human self respect is achieved as long as one is still holding onto it. Because the tone is bleak, the theme is more emphasized through Shukhovs actions of holding his self respect. Whether it may be by holding onto items of sentimental purpose, or hoping for a letter from his family. The mood of the novel also fits in with the bleak tone. The dreary mood is seen through the tone, but goes deeper and describes the emotions portrayed throughout the novel. The last paragraphs of the novel, lines 40 45, show the dreary mood of the novel. A day without a dark cloud. Almost a happy day. There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three days like that in his stretch. The quotation continues on, but from this quotation one is able to notice the irony in it. That it may have been a happy day, but there are still so many days to come that it is impossible to tell what those days will bring. The dreary mood is thus demonstrated from the quotation. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Doping is not Dope in Athletics Doping is Not Dope Should athletes be able to use performing enhancement drugs. Many athletes are trying to get a competitive edge on their competition and some start by taking performing enhancement drugs, even though taking them could be devastating and detriment to them personally. Using performance enhancing drugs comes with many risks physically and emotionally. Performance enhancing drugs is as known as doping . There are many kinds of steroids such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormones, androstenedione, designer steroids and stimulants to name a few (mayoclinic.com, 2012). Even though athletes see performance enhancing drugs as a positive and a career advancement advantage, all of them are very harmful to your body and has many side effects. Some of the advantages that the athletes see in these performance enhancement drugs are promotion of muscle building. It also helps them to recover after they have had a hard workout, which when a normal person works out, they are a lot of times sore from the physical activity; however these drugs make them less sore. In addition, these drugs temporarily boost Chism 2 performance in the athletes. It does give them an advantage over other athletes when it comes to performance of their sport. But it is an unfair advantage. While taking performance enhancing drugs, comes many side effects. For both men and women there are detrimental side effects such as circulatory problems, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Religions Are Affected With The Times Different religions are affected with the times in the hospital because some religions have praying times throughout the day, but someone might have to go to cancer treatment in those same times. Here are how the different religions are affected. Hindu: A hindu has a shrine or a small alter, or picture in the room where an offering is made. A ritual should be performed three times a day. Muslim: Muslims must pray 5 times each day. At the start, they need to pray before sunrise. Buddhist: Buddhist don t pray to God. They have devotional meditation practices. Prayer is going on most of the time. Christian: Christians believe in the scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Pray without ceasing. Christian have no set time to pray. They can pray ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If they are hospitalized they can worship in the hospital. Jews: Jews pray Friday evening and Saturday morning. Some people go everyday. Some go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Torah is read from on Saturday Mornings. Jehovah Witness: Go to church on twice a week. They pray using the personal name of Jehovah. Atheists: Atheists do not have a religion. They do not have any set time for pray, confession, or worship. They also do not believe in any creator. Atheists probably watch TV in hospital instead of a worship or prayer time with no chaplin. These religions are affected because not all religions can be helped in a hospital setting for their proper worship time they are all used to. If someone has surgery, or can not kneel when they pray. Every religion is different. Each hospital will accommodate as much as possible for each individual. Hindu: Hinduism is not an organized religion and has no single, systematic approach to teaching its value system. Nor do Hindus have a simple set of rules to follow like the Ten Commandments. Local, regional, caste, and community driven practices influence the interpretation and practice of beliefs throughout the Hindu world. Muslim: Understanding Islam begins with looking at the basic beliefs (Five Pillars of Faith) and required rituals (Five Pillars of Worship) of Muslims as well as the different Islamic sects that Muslims may belong to. Buddhist: Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world; it encompasses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Healthcare Essay Chapter 3 The Evolution of Health Services in the United States Learning Objectives To discover historical developments that have shaped the nature of the US health care delivery system To evaluate why the system has been resistant to national health insurance reforms To explore developments associated with the corporatization of health care To speculate on whether the era of socialized medicine has dawned in the United States Where s the market? 81 26501_CH03_FINAL.indd 81 7/27/11 10:31:29 AM 82 CHAPTER 3 The Evolution of Health Services in the United States Introduction The health care delivery system of the United States evolved quite differently from the systems in Europe. American values and the social, political, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kaiser Family Foundation 2011). Cultural beliefs and values are strong forces against attempts to initiate fundamental changes in the financing and 26501_CH03_FINAL.indd 82 delivery of health care. Therefore, enactment of major health system reforms requires consensus among Americans on basic values and ethics (Kardos and Allen 1993). Ironically, American beliefs and values were not allowed a chance to play out in the political maneuvering that led to the passage of the ACA of 2010 (see Chapter 13). The growth of medical science and technology (discussed in Chapter 5) has also played a key role in shaping the US health care delivery system. Stevens (1971) points out that the technological revolution has been primarily responsible for bringing medicine into the public domain. Advancement of technology has influenced other factors, as well, such as medical education,
  • 22. growth of institutions, and urban development. Hence, American medicine did not emerge as a professional entity until the beginning of the 20th century, with the progress in biomedical science. Since then, the US health care delivery system has been a growth enterprise. Debates over issues such as methods of financing health care, quality improvement, and the appropriate role of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Effects of Caffeine on Daphnia This experiment is to see The Affect of Caffeine on Daphnia. Daphnia is also known as a water flea. It is a distant relative of crabs and shrimps. (Marshall Cavendish, 2002) Daphnia have a hard external skeleton with jointed appendages and limbs. The head contains a large central eye which is made of two eyes joined together. Daphnia has two pairs of antennae which are used for swimming. Each daphnia has five pairs of limbs. These limbs lie in a certain space under the body bounded by the carapace. (Marshall Cavendish, 2002) A carapace is a hard upper shell or chitinous outer covering on the back of some animals. The daphnia is well preserved because of its shells which are composed of chitin. The usual size of this microorganism is about 0.2 0.3 mm; they look like flat disks. Their bodies are divided into three parts head, thorax, and abdomen. The head is typically dome shaped with five pairs of appendages. Among these five are two pairs of antennae; there is a small pair and a larger pair. The smaller pair of antennae serves as a sensory function and the larger one is used for swimming. The other three appendages purpose is to secure food they intake. (Michael Hutchins, 2003) The thorax holds four to six pairs of legs that are used for gathering food, filtering water, or grasping mates. There are over 400 species of daphnia and they are distributed worldwide. Daphnia uses their thoracic legs to produce a constant current of water; this allows them to filter food ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Importance Of Human Development And The Stages Of... Introduction Surveys that have been conducted in the current times have revealed that there are many adults that are returning to their parents at home. It s not the first time that this pattern is being experienced it have happened in the past and it have always been accompanied with financial problems, it s no different even now (Adler, 2001). It occurs when the economy is in real struggle this makes it harder for the young men and women in the society to find their financial independence. Jeffrey Arnett a psychologist came up with a suggestion that in these modern times the stages of development are increasing (Mitchell, B 2006). He said that there is a new type of the classification of the ages known as the emerging adults; this is what bridges the gap between the adulthood and the adolescents. As per the theory it is believed that people while at their 20s undergo a stage of development which is different from the stage of adulthood (Morton, R 2013). This could serve as a good explanation why most of the young adults remain in their parents home completely. Relevance to human development field This survey is a great benefit to the field of human development in that it will enable them to develop a treatment plan that will be successful. It will also enable them to stand in the position of pioneers in their respective fields. It also helps them to understand better the situation. This makes a possibility to rise that the reason why the young people find it hard to live ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Problem Of Digital Piracy 1.0 Situation Analysis 1.1Introduction: Digital Piracy refers to the occurrence of unauthorized copying of digital goods, documents, video and audio without the legal approval of the owners (Lixuan Zhang Wayne William 2009). Software privacy is reported to cost the film industry an estimated $58 billion per year in the United States alone (Ma et al, 2011.). Sony is a Japanese multinational corporation, with business in a variety of areas including; consumer and professional electronics, gaming, music and motion pictures. Piracy of Sony s content is a continuing problem, and the management team has made various attempts at prosecuting the individuals who pirate. The management team attempted to deter the individuals pirating, through sending legal letters threatening action, however this only led to a short term impact. In order to work towards a long term solution, the management team would like to understand what factors impact a person s likelihood to download pirated material. 1.2 Problem Statement: Sony have a problem of digital piracy, which has a multitude of impacts on the company, including huge revenue losses, losses of jobs, and an overall diminishment on the growth of the software industry (Peace, Galletta and Thong, 2014). There are a number of factors which contribute towards the intention to commit digital piracy. These factors include; the age of the individual digitally pirating, the punishment severity imposed, the perceived behavioral control, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay The Psychodynamic Approach The psychodynamic approach focuses on individuals who behave in a certain way due to having emotional feelings buried deep inside their unconscious mind. The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud who was a psychologist. The use of the psychodynamic approach within health and social care helps individuals understand and support patients who are undergoing the psychodynamic process as it is generally used around the world. This essay aims to show my understanding of the approach and the ways health and social care workers could apply the theory to a health and social care setting. By explaining what psychodynamic counselling is and how it helps individuals it shows how I am able to identify the solutions to the problems. Psychodynamic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is the part that makes people obey the rules and that makes them behave the way they do. It judges people, criticizes them, and makes them feel guilty when they do something incorrect. It is what makes people feel guilty and ashamed, it is their inner judge. It is the part of personality which holds all of individual s ideals that are required from parents and society (individual s sense of right and wrong). The Super Ego provides guidance in creating judgments. Freud had stated that the Super Ego starts to appear at age five. There are two parts of the Super Ego: * The Ego Ideal this involves the rules and standards for good behaviour. These behaviours consist of those which are permitted by parental and other authority figures. Following these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and achievement * The Conscience consists of details about things that are thought of being bad by parents and society. These sorts of behaviours are regularly not allowed and lead to bad consequences, punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse. The Superego s purpose is to act and improve the behaviours of individuals. It operates to suppress all inappropriate urges which comes from the id and struggles to make the ego act upon the idealistic standards rather than upon realistic principles. The Superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious. The Id, Ego and Super Ego are functions of the mind ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Barry Meer s Claims In this passage I do not think Barry Meier, the author supports his claim made in the title. The author gives all the opposite reasons to support his claim like rats injected with an energy drink can swim longer than those who don t, another one is if you drink the drink at the right time it can improve your athletic ability, and taurine, a drug found in energy drinks was given to the Japanese Navy at night to sharpen eye vision and reduce fatigue. The author gives the wrong reasons to believe that energy drinks don t work. He gave evidence of a scientific experiment that involves injecting rats with energy drink and the rats swim longer that the ones who are not injected. The experiment he gave totally goes against his claim because he saying... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The sugar found in drinks do give a quick boost of energy and totally goes against his claim. The next example is if you drink the drink at the right time it can improve your athletic ability. Barry Meier also states М€Caffeine, a stimulant increases alertness, awareness, and if taken at the right time, improves athletic performance, studies show М€. A study shows that all these things can happen if you drink caffeine. That statement totally throws his claim out because his claim is saying that energy drinks do not work like they promise. The last example is that the Japanese Imperial Navy were given taurine, a drug found in some energy drinks so it reduces fatigue and sharpen their eye vision at night. Barry Meier states in his passage М€ A formula that is so effective in treating unexplained fevers, neuralgia, fatigue, whooping cough and other conditions for which there is no drug is very rare needed. М€ The drug is used to treat fatigue, which is when people are tired. Taurine helps people get more awake with less fatigue so it helps people get more energy from it. In conclusion the barry Meier does not get his claim enough evidence and the wrong evidence to believe that energy drinks don t give you energy. The examples he gave were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Microeconomics And Macroeconomics Of Microeconomics Abstract Economics is an enormous field. The term economics is the broader term, however within this, there are additional fields such as microeconomics and macroeconomics. The difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics is analogous to the human body and the individual cell that makes up the human body. Macroeconomics is involved with the wide lens aspect of society. In other words, macroeconomics focuses on the broader large scale economy of a society. Macroeconomics focuses on larger economic issues such as national employment rates, gross domestic product, interest rates, as well as currency exchange rates just to name a few examples. On the other hand, microeconomics focuses more on the narrower lens of an economy. This approach focuses on the individual businesses and customers as far as economic decisions are concerned. Specifically, microeconomics studies the decision making process of the consumer. Microeconomics ask the question, how do consumers spend their money? According to Investopedia (find source), microeconomics is at the heart of consumer purchasing. The Use of Utility in Microeconomics The Impact of Key Economic Principles Economics is a fascinating topic within our world. Pause and take a minute to look around. Assuming you are not on a deserted island, everything you see is influenced by economics. The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the electricity you are using, are all influenced by economics. Our world is so greatly influenced by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Hay Bayer Essay Hay Bayler Problem Statement: you have five bales of hay that were weighed in all possible combinations of two, 1 and 2, 1 and 3, 1 and 4, and so on. The weight combination was written down without keeping track of which weight matched which pair of bales. The weights are 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, and 91. You need to find out which two bales go with which weight and how much bales 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weigh. Are there more than 1 possibility. Process: my group first did guess and check to try and solve the problem. First we thought that the bales had to be 40 50 because if you had 70+70 it would be out of the range of 80 90 by a lot. Our first guess was that bale 1=42, 2=43, 3=44, 4=40, and bale 5=45. That didn t work so then we tried doing bale 1=42, 2=43, 3=41, 4=47, and bale 5=44. That also didn t work so then we thought. I thought that maybe we had to give bales 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and 4 and 5 one of the weights and see if it works. We gave 1 and 2 85, 2 and 3 84, 3 and 4 88, and 4 and 5 91. It worked but when we tried to add 1 and 3, 2 and 5, and 1 and 4 it just fell apart. So that theory did not work. The whole class was having trouble so we did it all together. Our teacher gave us each a number 36 48. I got the number 39. So I started with 39+41=40, then 39+43=82. Then I did 41+43=84 I kept doing it till I found the answer. Bale1=39, Bale2=41, Bale3=43, Bale4=44,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Self Assesment: Problem Statement Process Solution S/A LA 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 1/1 I earned 12 /12. This is 100% of the possible points. There wasn t really new math or strategy learned. I basically just guessed and checked. There was more than one step there were ten steps. That is why it took honors a long time to solve. My math teacher needed two hours to solve it because there were ten steps you needed to solve and if you messed a problem up then you have to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Criticism Of John Donne MLove s sweet nipples and voluptuous bust! Aphrodisia fruit to quell my lust! Had I the temerity and the conceit to compose a sonnet in the style of John Donne using circles and spheres as tropes such are metaphors I might use to construct my strong lines . And with Donne like boldness I might even entitle my work: Areolas of Love. On the other hand, if I attempted the same task along Petrarchan lines, I d meter out a couple of stanzas dedicated to a radiant but distance Laura with sapphire eyes, a head of gold diaphanous hair, encircled by halos of blue butterflies and, for good measure, I might throw in a merry go round of unicorns. Such stereotypes are often found in discussions of the poetry of John Donne and his philosophy of sex and love especially when contrasted to Petrarchan sonneteers. But, as with most stereotypes, the underlying assumptions may be too facile. In fundamental ways, John Donne can be seen not as a rebuke of the Petrarchan tradition but rather as an extenuation of this form of literature when it took a literary turn sharp north and wound up in the drawing rooms of England ( The Good Morrow , 20). Indeed, even biographically, Donne and Petrarch had much in common. Both were well educated, well rounded and well travelled born to families with aristocratic ties; each a universal man (uomo universale) baptized in the universal church. Additionally, both men read the law (i.e. learned to argue at an early age); and both served in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Cloning, The, And False Interpretations Of Cloning Cloning, an ethical issue that has been pressed across the globe, has become a substantial debate throughout a majority of nations. The incorporation of a new type of reproduction in the United States has a plentiful amount of benefits for certain animals and objects, but duplicates of humans is hard to comprehend for many people across America. Currently, cloningis an interesting topic that could become a new way to improve reproductionof animals and humans, prevent diseases, and increase the overall health of Americans. The incorporation of cloning in America has been long pondered on by scientists, government officials, and even citizens. The issues associated with cloning is simply the unknowns and false interpretations. These unknowns and false interpretations of cloning has caused a significant number of Americans to coward at the thought of it. Americans believe that cloning is impossible, and that it s simply an act straight from a science fiction movie. With millions of people viewing science fiction movies on cloning, such as Jurassic Park, Avatar, and The 6th Day, those movies all lead to the downfall of the society. The negative connotation associated with cloning in the media has created a detrimental perspective on cloning by the American people. The status of how Americans view cloning is evident within the results from a CGS detailed survey. In the survey of 1000 adult Americans, 860 of the surveyed believed that cloning to produce a child should be deemed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Anatoli Boukreev s Into Thin Air In the letter Anatoli Boukreev (Responds to Krakauer), Anatoli Boukreev addresses the topic of the narrative Krakauer wrote Into Thin Air. He argues on behalf of himself after the many false comments according to Anatoli, Krakauer left behind for him in the novel Into Thin Air. Anatoli would begin with his biggest point of all that since Krakauer was not there during the storm, he would not have understood the gravity of the situation. In paragraph 2 Boukreev explains how experienced he is by talking about his 3 times summiting everest. Also in paragraphs 3 6 Boukreev defends his decision to descend stating that it was because he was concerned the climbers did not have enough oxygen, he defends himself again in paragraphs 7 9 about the decision ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Argumentative Essay On Buy Nothing Day The rise of industrialization and manufacturing that began in the eighteenth century has drastically changed the lifestyles of the world. No longer do citizens find, make, or trade for everything they need at home and in their local communities, but instead they rely on national and global commerce to provide for them. This shift in production is the basis for the annual Buy Nothing Day, which attempts to reverse the ill effects of gross consumerismand spread awareness of the issues in our current lifestyles. While many critics would point to the fact that one day will provide little to no discernable impact on the problems faced, Buy Nothing Day will produce greater effects through the awareness it provides than any actual deeds committed on that singular day. Widespread consumerism and the materialistic society we live in has many detrimental effects on the environment. The factories, vehicles, and resources used to sustain our goods based economy contribute greatly to global climate change, pollution, and deforestation. Your coffee beans from Starbucks are harvested from dying out forests in South America, among other places, and shipped to the location nearest you by using excessive quantities of non renewable fossil fuels, all so you can receive your morning pick me up. While refraining from purchasing that coffee on Buy Nothing Day alone will not provide an immediate solution to the issue at hand, the ideals preached by the yearly event can make the participants ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. How Did Tchaikovsky Contribute To Ballet According to George Dorris, classical ballet music can be divided into two big eras: the years of the classical multi act ballets and the two decades of the Diaghilev era ; Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky falls into the first one, which lasted from Coppelia in 1870 to Raymonda in 1898. He is certainly one of the mainstays in Russian ballet; his creative works make him the first really gifted professional musician who put an end to the domination of amateurism in Russia. His most popular and famous works include The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and The Sleeping Beauty. Sergei Lifar noted in his article that Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty were retained in Diaghilev s (founder of the Ballet Russes) repertory in early 20th century, even though these productions were rather unpopular in Paris during that period. Today, these Russian ballets from Tchaikovsky are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The difference between them and Tchaikovsky is that they were simply furnish[ing] unobtrusive aural decor and rhythmic support as a background against which the dancers could be put through their paces while Tchaikovsky s interest was principally in the decorations of the ballet music. His innovations have far reaching consequences for the future not only of ballet music but of the very nature of the genre. And this difference is what makes Tchaikovsky a master; not a lot of ballet composers can gain such compliment from other musicians. From this, we can see the position of Tchaikovsky is on top of the list in the world of ballets ― ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Walter Disney s Be Our Guest Be Our Guest seems to be an interesting topic for a book. By the cover of this book I can immediately tell that it was intended for Disney lovers, although I don t fall into that category, I can still apply the information. Be Our Guest is intended to provide the right tools and equipment necessary to satisfy customers. At first glance, this book seemed plain and boring to me, but as I kept reading I came across more and more information about the American entrepreneur, film producer animator an voice actor Walter Elias Disney and about his billion dollar empire he created. Walter Disney was a man with a vision, a man with dreams, a man who was not satisfied with the normal doings of life. Chapter one focuses on the Disney Quality Service ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Kill Switch I am reading The Kill Switch by Grant Blackwood and James Rollins and I am on page 205. This book is about an ex soldier and his dog who are hired to get a VIP out of russia without being caught or killed. In this journal I will be predicting and questioning. G: I predict Tucker and Kane will rescue Dr.Bulkovo from russia Y: Tucker will get dr.bulkovo out of russia but he won t be able to go home R: The doctor talks about de clark and the chemical wepon R: the chemical weapon coulb being presued and he nees to get to it first Y: He is very close to the extraction zone R: Tucker and Kane have plans with sigma to get picked up at volgograd and they are less than 100 miles away R: Tucker just repelled an attack from spetznaz and their phones ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tucker and his group are very close to the extraction zone. When Tucker made plans with Harper, they agreed the extraction zone would be in Volgograd, which is less than 100 miles away. They also just got a new car, so they will be going fast to get to Volgograd in less than 1 hour. Because tucker eliminated the spetznaz threat, there would be nobody else to stop them. In Volgograd sigma will be waiting to pick them up so Tucker will have backup if someone attacks him in Volgograd. Another reason I think they will make it is, their car went into the water so any electronics that could be used to track them would have been destroyed. I believe that after or if Tucker rescues the doctor, he will not be able to go back to America. On page 172, the Dr.Bulakov talks about Dr.DeClerck and how he was an army doctor and botanist who found this chemical used in the chemical weapon. If a chemical so dangerous as described is in a cave in Africa, Tucker and Kane will most likely be assigned to go find it and bring samples back to Sigma. The reason people want Dr.Bulakov, is the chemical weapon he knows about. These people hunting Dr.Bulakov are also looking for DeClerck cave for the chemicals. Tucker must get there first for the safety of humanity. I think Tucker will not go back to America after and if he saves the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Black Plague And The Black Epidemic Black Plague The Black Plague outbreak was one of the scariest events in human history. The people were afraid to do everyday activities and carry on with their normal routines. This plague is known to almost every person on Earth. Even as a kid, teachers tell their students about this plague. Even the thought of an outbreak like the Black Plague makes people s skin crawl. I am included in that category. It has gotten to the point that when any outbreak of any type or kind of disease happens that the world gets into panic mode. All of this panic comes from the Black Death. In this synthesis and analysis essay I will cover the places the Black Plague reached, the effects of the Black Plague, and the thoughts of the people that lived in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The disease spread through eight districts in the Chinese and Mongol dynasties. The deaths were so severe that some areas didn t even have time to bury all the bodies, so they just stacked them up against the city walls. Next, the plague spread to Europe, it arrived in Europe through trading ships. By the time the ships landed in Messina. Most of the crew members on the ships were either dead or infected. The abandon ships peaked a lot of interest and since the ships were infested with rodents, the locals that looted from the ships helped the disease spread even further. By 1348 the disease spread all the way to Genoa and Venice. Then the disease went from Italy and spread northwest France, Spain, Portugal, and England by June 1348. This is a rapid spread rate since six countries in less than a year. Although the disease was not yet done with Europe, it then spread east through Germany and Scandinavia through 1350. The last stop in Europe was Russia in 1351. The last stop for the Black Plague was the Middle East. The outbreak in the Middle East led to serious depopulation and economic structures just like the other countries. When the disease reached Mecca, the people of Mecca tried to blame it on non believers. The plague continued to kill people all the way up to the Seventeenth century and there have even been isolated cases as recent as 1980 (Black Death). The Black Plague had many different types of affects that it influenced on the people exposed to it. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Role Play Analysis At one point in time, I hated role plays. You never know what to expect from one second to the next. Feelings of anxiety and some nervousness always sprout up when I know there is a role play to perform. Furthermore, the thought of acting, knowing it was not a real scenario is daunting. Everybody would be staring at you, and this makes me slightly uncomfortable. Many thoughts raced through my mind. For example, What if I said the wrong thing, what if I did the wrong thing; or what if my acting skills were not up to par. Role playing made no sense to me because, in real life situations, I knew it would be different. I would be able to respond accordingly, and not feel judged by all of the eyes that were focused on me. As a result, my client in real life would benefit from our therapeutic sessions. It is funny though, because once the role playin the class started, feelings of calmness surrounded me. In addition, my gameface was on, I was cool and collected. In part this can be attributed to the calm atmosphere my classmates created, and also, the fact the professor met me where I was at. He portrayed an elderly individual who was experiencing symptoms of depression. This was right up my alley as I have many years working with the elderly population.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this way, I will be able to see from a perspective different than my own. As a result, this will make me a stronger more competent clinician. Another way for me to improve is to learn from individuals who inspire me to be a better clinician. In this way, I can use the qualities they possess and incorporate them into my role as a clinician. Even though the role play client was not difficult to handle, there are those who are/will be. Learning how to handle difficult situations and difficult people is key to success for any clinician. Therefore, I will learn skills/techniques to aid in working with those ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Night Sky I woke up desperately taking in a gasp of air. My body rose and fell uncontrollably as I laid on the cold earth taking in the fact that I was still alive. At first I couldn t tell if I was blind or not with the darkness lingering in front of me. That was until I rolled myself over and was introduced to the milky colored moon that peaked behind the clouds. They quickly made their way across the barren land to reveal the deep purple haze that was the night sky. The night looked young as the moon shined bright behind the branches of the dead trees. Each of the trees stretched their branches out to reach for the sky. You could tell that they wanted to escape from this place as their branches reached for the stars. However, the malnourished earth refused to let them go as the ground locked their exposed roots to the soil beneath them. Some had many of their hopes of leaving forever, lost, as they were flat on the dirt soil. With the coldness of the earth under my bare back I was in awe as I was on the ground, naked, feeling like time had stopped. For the first time I felt separated from my body. Just my mindand my spirit were present, filled with questions that never led to answers: How did I get here? Where was home? Who even am I? How do I know things, but at the same time don t? Why can t I remember what happened before this? My questions were never answered, for I was abruptly interrupted by a stranger that loomed over me. His face appeared out of thin air and hovered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Black Colleges Research Paper Historically Black Colleges and Universities, established in the south by black ministers for African Americans who were freed from slavery. The first known HBCU was a school in Philadelphia called Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. Today there are 100 private and public institutions. Some of the top colleges are Spelman College, Morehouse College, Morgan state university, Virginia State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Virginia Union University. On the other hand, A PWI, predominantly white institution, was established prior to 1964. These schools were mostly for whites but of course some of these labeled PWI s were slightly integrated. Some PWI s are Virginia Commonwealth University, Clarke University, Huntington University. There are many reasons anyone would want to go to a HBCU or a PWI, and it is not race thing anymore. Most people follow after their family. Most African American students who attend a HBCU because of family background. Often times students do not think about the schools as PWI s or HBCU s because for example, Virginia Union University and Virginia Commonwealth University are so close to one another, you may remember that VUU is a HBCU, and forget VCU is a PWI. Some people might say they still choice... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of these activities include the chemistry club, SGA (student government association), pre law society, basketball for both men and women, softball, lacrosse, golf, tennis, football among a list of others. Some Organizations include Greek life, also called the Divine nine. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity. Along with classes and extracurricular activities, campus life can never get ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Argumentative Essay On Orca Captivity Zoological parks, aquariums, and theme parks featuring cetaceans have proven to be hotspots for a wide range of strongly held opinions regarding mammalian ethics and environmental education. Although some animal rights activists and concerned citizens question the practice keeping of any wild animal in captivity, orca whales (Orcinus orca) have become a species of particular contention in recent years. The questionable history of orca capture, beginning with the sad story of Moby Doll and the Penn Cove incident, combined with the recent deaths of SeaWorld trainers and the inflammatory Blackfish documentary, have brought the issue to a head. Marine parks and some scientists agree that while the wild is the optimal environment for orcas, holding some in captivity is an invaluable asset for conservation, environmental education, and research.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the first orcas that were captured were already weak and sickly; however, others, such as Moby Doll and the orcas captured in Penn Cove, were violently seized from the wild (Center for Whale Research, n.d.). Robeck, Willis, Scarpuzzi, and O Brien (2015) report that between 1965 and 1985, 18 orcas were taken from the wild and placed in the care of Sea World. By 1985, all but 8 of these whales had passed away (Robeck et al., 2015). One scientific survey conducted during this time frame sought to compile the reports of the known causes of death for numerous captured individuals. Ridgway (1979) determined that several mortalities were due to pre existing conditions or injuries sustained prior to the capture of the whales. However, he also acknowledged that numerous deaths were the direct result of either illnesses obtained during capture or the inability of several aquariums to properly care for the animals (Ridgway, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Flight Research Paper The Flight Maritza Nunez Keiser University The Flight Flying on an airplane has always been one of the most exciting experiences in the life of a person. For many people it is a process that causes them fear. Others love the idea of flying. For me it was the first time I flew in an airplane, it was an experience full of adrenaline, and one of the best moments of my life. Love every part of being in an airplane. Going into the airplane, takeoff, landing and of course the best moment of all was to see my mom again. Boarding the airplane was interesting. After arriving at the airport and saying goodbye to my family, it was time to move to check in my flight. While in the line he could hear a sweet voice calling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The more we advanced they were seeing more lights. These turned into a big city, Miami . At that time I did not know whether it was fantasy or reality. Seeing Miami for the first time from the sky gave me the idea of a toy city. A city where the night is full of life, lights and movement. Suddenly again the same pleasant voice that greeted us on the plane ride. This time to inform us that we were about to land. When we flew over the airport and see that big building made me feel that many surprises were to come. During the landing there was a bit of turbulence, it was funny because it felt like when you go in a car and there are bumps in the road. After landing, I went to the emigration office. This office was filled with people in suits and all talking in English, giving me the security that I was in right place. After finish the whole process of emigration, came the most anticipated part of my entire trip, see my mom. Down the ramp my mom was the first thing I saw. Seeing her was as if time stopped, as if it were a movie meeting. While I hug her, her skin felt so soft. I feel that sweet smell that has always characterized her. Tears began to show up in our eyes witnessing a beautiful family ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Causes Of The Protestant Reformation The early church had all the power over everything in most of Europe. It was the wealthiest thing in all the land and with that came other big concepts. The church had power over the people, over other people s money and even other people s lives. However, during the time period of 1300 to 1789 the church s power declined by a significant amount. A number of things happened that decreased the church s power during the time period of 1300 to 1789, but the Protestant reformation and the Scientific Revolution had weakened the role of the church the most. The Protestant Reformation had decreased the role of the church in Europe by decreasing its power by a large margin. Martin Luther had, had some ideas of what was wrong with the church. He... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefor Darwin s theory had proven such an important story of the church incorrect and people began to follow science more than religion, thus weakening the role of the church in Europe. Astronomy had weakened the role of the church by showing that humans are not are not praised by God as we thought. People used to believe that Earth was the center of the universe and everything evolved around us in perfect circles showing that we are important because we are God s creation. The church agreed with this and condemned any other ideas Both Protestant and Catholic religious leaders condemned the work because it was contrary to traditional teachings (Watts). Nicolaus Copernicus had founded the heliocentric system where everything had evolved around the sun, not the earth and that it was not in perfect circles. The heliocentric solar system had weakened the church by showing that God did not make his creation the great center of the universe and not everything in space is perfect. The biggest reason on how science decreases the role of the church is by proof. Science isn t something we just believe in like religion, it s something we need to prove. The Scientific Revolution decreased the role of the church by showing proof that somethings in the church are false. Many things had decreased the role of the church ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The High School English Professional Learning Community The team that was surveyed was the Rivercrest High School English professional learning community, heretofore referred to in this paper as the English PLC. The purpose of the survey was to collect data with the goal of improving the working relationship of the English PLC, with the ultimate goal of improving the educational opportunities afforded to Rivercrest students. Out of the seven surveys that were sent out, six were completed. Of the six teachers, none were male, and none were minority. The teachers ranged in experience from seven years to 40 years. Three of the teachers (T1, T2, and T5) have master s degrees, and three of the teachers have bachelor s degrees. T5 and T6 teach at the junior high level. Copies of the surveys were printed and placed them in the teacher s mailboxes. Attached to the survey was a questionnaire that asked for years of service and education information. The surveys were submitted anonymously. Teacher CodeYears of ExperienceEducational LevelNational Board Certified T17MANo T214MSENo T340BSNo T421BSENo T521MSNo T67BSNo The results of the survey were as follows: Absence of Trust 6.67 Fear of Conflict 7.67 Lack of Commitment 6.67 Avoidance of Accountability 4.33 Inattention to Results 7.4 The English PLC received a score of 6.67, which indicates that there could be a problem with trust within the team. This has been evidenced in team meetings, as at least one team member is viewed as slacking and is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Modern Times And It Happened One Night There were many who often assumed roles or stereotypes recognized by the masses of the female gender before the 1940s, of examples such as the naГЇve princess or the obedient housewife. It was additionally a time of doubts and indecisions due to stock market crash. The concept of modernity was slowly being represented as a mirror or response to the reality. This paper will discuss the way that the female leads were presented in the film Modern Times and It Happened one Night in response the changing ideas of modernity such as gender, class, and sexuality. The definition of the feminine form was interpreted exceptionally in the titles mentioned to appeal to the developing modernity. During the time, films presented women as fragile object that are easy to break and need to be cared for while also often found themselves in love with dangerous men. Claudette Colbert, performing Ellen Ellie Andrews from It Happened One Night, capture the necessary shift in characters to mirror the conversions in the real life conventions. After defying her father s will of canceling her engagement with Jameson Thomas, the pilot adventurer, she ran off the property where she was cherished and loved. During her escape to her fiancГ©, she met Peter Warne, the tough reporter. The character of Ellan aged throughout the film as Peter and she grew closer. In the end, she chose to reject her previous lover to be with Peter. Similarly in Modern Times, Ellen Peterson, played by Paulette Goddard, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Dent V West Virginia One of the most important decisions an individual can make is the type of occupation they choose. Instead of being merely an economic necessity, an occupation is a reflection of an individual s personality. For example, a more artistically inclined individual may choose an occupation that requires creativity, such as hair dressing. Despite this, the government has a way of making it difficult for people to follow their passions. Occupational licensing laws are the way the government does this. These laws are government issued permits given once certain educational standards are met. Though, having the freedom to choose the occupation that you want is not in the constitution, it is seen, however, as a substantive right. Barriers to employment... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... West Virginia is the constitutionalityof a law requiring those specializing in medicine to attend medical school (482). The Court upheld the constitutionality of the law, stating that it serves a legitimate state interest to protect the public from fraud and other deceptive practices (482). Though, the Court found this specific law constitutional, they emphasize that similar kind of laws are invalid when [regulations] have no relation to such calling or profession . . . they can operate to deprive one of his right to pursue a lawful vocation (482). San Francisco, California had a law that required those who owned a wooden building and used it as a storefront for a laundry business to obtain a permit from the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors were given great discretion in how they granted permits under the law (482). The Court, in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, held that the law was unconstitutional based on its discriminatory nature; Chinese owners of laundries were the victims of this state sanctioned discriminatory, since they were usually denied permits when they applied (482). Nebbia v. New York is the case that marks the beginning of the Court s constitutional deference to state governments in regard to law and regulations that inhibit employment (482). This difference is otherwise known as the rational basis test, which gives states great leeway to adopt whatever economic policy [that] may reasonably be deemed to promote public welfare, in so far as the laws passed are seen to have a reasonable relation to a proper legislative purpose, and are neither arbitrary nor discriminatory ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. British Control Over The Suez Canal In 1882, Great Britain took over Egypt through military invasions, making it a protectorate in order to have control over the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal connected the British Empire in the west to India in the east, making it significant trade route for Britain to control. During the Cold War, Egypt became an area of great tension, challenging British control over the canal. There was an increase of nationalism, along with the rise of Gamal Abdel Nasserto power. His rise to power lead to the Suez CanalCrisis and Egypts independence from Britain in 1956. The Arab Spring began in Tunisia in December, 2010, eventually spreading to Egypt in 2011. British control over parts of Africa during the nineteenth century lead to many crises in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the Suez Canal Crisis and the Arab Spring in Egypt. The Cold War began soon after the Second World War ended, starting in 1947 and ending in 1991. The United States and the Soviet Union competed for nuclear superiority, beginning a nuclear arms race. Most other countries were in debt because of the war, so the US and the USSR became superpowers that other countries became allies with (Kte pi, par. 4). The American side was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, and consisted of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United Kingdom (Kte pi, par. 9). Albania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Mozart and Haydn Essay Two of history s greatest figures in the development of Classical style music during the eighteenth century were Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn. Both men worked together and were very close friends while living in Vienna. Between the two, Joseph Hayden and Amadeus Mozart devoted much of their musicfor composing symphonies, minuets, librettos, sonatas, concertos, masses, oratorios and operas. While both men achieved popularity and status during their time, they also discovered that success must be earned rather than freely given. While both men enjoyed similar success during their lives, their character and personal lives contrast one another as one developed a haughty spirit and died penniless after enjoying a life of fame... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like Mozart, Haydn s talent was also recognized at a young age. According to Schneider, Haydn s cousin who served as a schoolmaster quickly recognized his musical ability and offered to take him to school to further develop his musical skills. After years of hardship and challenges that were thrown at him in life, Haydn s persistence paid off when, according to Schneider, his musical talent became noticed and he was offered the position of Music Director for Count Morzin. This eventually led to being offered and accepting employment with Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy where he became the Vice Kapellmeister and later Kapellmeister. The Esterhazys, were a family of extremely wealthy Hungarian princes that Haydn would serve for the next thirty five years. While serving this noble family, Haydn composed eleven operas, sixty symphonies, five masses, thirty sonatas, one concerto, and hundreds of shorter pieces. He later enjoyed more success and praise for what is now known as his London symphonies. Despite his celebrity status, Mozart s life was filled with suffering. Although he had great musical ability, Mozart s strange dependence on his father and early fame may have led to his immaturity with others and with his personal finances. At a young age, Mozart s fame quickly spread as he was lavishly celebrated by all. Being fully conscious of his musical talent, an arrogant demeanor developed with many that he worked for and with. This celebrity status and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...