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How Many Words Is A Typical
College Essay
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How Many Words Is A Typical College Essay How Many Words Is A Typical College Essay
The African Doctor Sparknotes
The African Doctor is about this African man, who is a doctor living in a dictatorship country. He
wants to move because he doesn t want to live in a dictatorship country. One night he was hanging
around with his friends at a bar, there he met a man looking for a local doctor for a small village. The
man, which is the mayor of the village, talks to the doctor about the details and instead of persuading
him to take the job, he pushes the doctor away. The reason he did so, was because the small village
has never seen a black person. The doctor insist of taking the job anyway, feeling good about it. The
doctor calls his family, telling them that they re moving. The family misunderstood where they were
moving to and thought they were going to Paris instead. The next day, they ... Show more content on
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That caused everyone to like her. The doctor broke the promise he made with his wife, causing her to
leave the village, leaving him with the kids. The daughter makes the team win the soccer game and got
them to the minor league. The doctor gets arrested for being a doctor without a French Nationality. He
s forced to stop working as a doctor. The doctor tries to call the wife and tells her that he s sorry and
they he wishes he could see her the next day and tells her that he can t work anymore and that their
daughter is an amazing soccer player. The elections for mayor is here and the doctor wants the current
mayor to win the election so that he can become a doctor again. He tells everyone that he s leaving
unless the current mayor wins, so that people would vote for the current mayor. The wife comes back
the next day, and elections start. After everyone voted, the kids and other students put a play about the
doctor. About what he went through and how he pulled through. They then announced who won the
election, and it was the current mayor. That concludes that the doctor is staying and he then got a
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What Is Voyeurism In Rear Window
I chose to critique a movie called Rear Window, a realist film by Alfred Hitchcock produced in 1954.
Starring James Stewart, Grace Kelly and, Wendell Corey. The genre is thriller and the sub genre
suspense infused with mystery. Therefore, Rear Window one of Alfred Hitchcock s highly inspired
audience participation films. When a person watches it, he feels, tantalized, shocked, and exhilarated.
Further in this essay, I will summarize the plots, discuss the styles used, and deconstruct parts of the
The protagonist film is Jeff who is photographer that broke one of his legs and is sitting in a wheel
chair by his apartment window. Having nothing to achieve, Jeff gets very board he peeks at his
neighbor s room from his rear window. With ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hitchcock, the director points it out to the audience as he concentrates on Jeff focusing on what s
happening inside his neighborhood. Allowing the audience to stay focused, as we become voyeurs
watching the various dramas unfolding. Moreover, Alfred Hitchcock has unlimited technical brilliance
with a boundless ability to portray a story in a very distinctive manner. Using the techniques of
dramatic variation of size to achieve other desired emotions from the audience, by cutting from long
shots to extreme close ups. The story line in the film revolves around voyeurism, guilt, friendship, and
sexuality. Moreover, the editing techniques in the film raise attention to the events that unfold in front
of us. The shots in the movie are edited in a relatively subjective style. According to Hitchcock
Editing shouldn t be in terms of cutting but rather in terms of assembly or Mosaic (Hitchcok, 1963,
p.4). Therefor, Montage is the process or technique of selecting and piecing together separate sections
of film to form a continuous sequence. When two shots juxtapose in such a way it gives the third shot
another meaning. This is one classic examples of Alfred Hitchcock s way of thinking. The voyeurism
practiced in the film makes the audience conscious of why the protagonist is behaving in a certain
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How An Oems Helps Buy Side Firms
How an OEMS helps buy side firms to comply with best execution policy (in fixed income market)
Asset managers are fiduciary to clients. In the execution process, asset managers need to demonstrate
reasonable steps to determine a best execution condition, follow their defined best execution trading
policy and perform fair dealing to all client accounts on trades. . In creating best practices, oversight is
essential to foster the process. Compliance, trading, portfolio management, operations and
administration should be consulted and involved in the creation of such policy.
Broker dealers are under the obligation of providing best execution opportunities to buy side clients.
SEC states that brokers have a duty to provide best executions that are reasonable available.
According CFA institute s trade management guidelines, best execution is defined as the trading
process firms apply that seeks to maximize the value of a client s portfolio within the client s stated
investment objectives and constraints.
There are many factors to be considered when traders are executing client orders. Client instructions,
including mandate and restrictions; Price offered by the market, costs associated with the transaction,
brokerage fees; Speed of the execution, the type of market place and location; Liquidity of the market,
measuring the capability of additional transactions with little impact on the current price level; Size of
the order; likelihood of settlement etc.
The basic framework of
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Assignment #3. 1.Corporate Governance Is A Set Of Rules
Assignment #3
1. Corporate Governance is a set of rules enforced in a company to have control and be led in a certain
direction. Corporate Governance balances interests of stakeholders, and the corporation s objectives.
Corporate Governance aims to manage action plans and internal controls to measure a company s
performance and corporate disclosure. Corporate Governance is important to every American citizen
for various reasons. Bad governance of a company makes the company unreliable, such as
participation in illegal activities. Corporate Governance is mainly to build trust of American people to
invest in companies. Corporate governance became a major issue in 2002 after the Sarbanes Oxley
Act. The Sarbanes Oxley Act was formed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Diversity of a corporate board is important in terms of varying skill sets and experience of board
members. The diversity brought by different board members allows a contrast in perspectives and
opinions on how the benefit the corporation. A corporate board should have a separate director (with
explicit rules and regulations) that is capable of properly managing. The director must also be capable
to decide whether it is the corporation s best interest to have CEO participation with a corporate board.
Also, the board of directors make decisions for shareholders as a fiduciary, while seeking commercial
stability of the company. The board of directors is in charge of hiring and firing executives. A poor
structured board makes it almost impossible to fire ineffective officials, (Staff, page 1). To clearly see
the accounting of a corporation, no corporation should stray away from clearly explaining the
corporation s accounting outcomes. The calculating of corporate incomes should always be shown in
stock or options based on compensation. There must be a productive commitment to engage with
shareholders between company and its shareholders in order to have the best governing,
(Commonsense Corporate Governance Principles, (n.d.), paragraph 5 9). Many executives and
investors have made it their primary goal to get the most profit on quarterly earnings in contrary to
long term growth of the investments and company. At the corporate level,
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Jack Russel Terrier Research Paper
The Jack Russell Terrier, or also known as the Parson Russell Terrier, are
more than just your everyday pet, they re more like a Jack in a box. These exuberant
little creatures are sought after and used for many different purposes. They date
back to as early as the 1800 s and were bred specifically for one purpose: that is
hunting fox and other small varmints. Don t let their hunting lineage fool you; they
are capable of far more than chasing a fox down a hole. Jack Russell Terriers are
among one of the most commonly used dogs in film and entertainment. Jack
Russell s gained a great deal of attention through the media when the show Frasier
was on the air. In an article titled, Our Towns; Little Terrors Turned into the Dogs ... Show more
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It is important that a Jack Russell is
exercised daily, due to the amount of energy they contain. According to the article,
The Jack Russell Terrier Personality: Small Dog, Big Attitude, author Amy Brannan
states, like most intelligent dog breeds that were intended as working dogs, Jack
Russell s must be stimulated every single day and offered an appropriate level of
exercise to allow the dog an outlet for its energy (par. 7). Some may look at their
high energy levels as a bad trait, but it doesn t have to be. They are great for an
active individual seeking a dog that can keep up and constantly be on the move. This
holds especially true for any active person who loves to spend a great deal of time
outdoors; seeing the Jack Russell s main objective Is to hunt. If you re the type of
person who likes to be entertained, Jack Russell s are known for doing some very
quirky things. Such things include, running circles around your house at the speed of
light, adamantly watching what s on the television, licking you and everything in site
for no apparent reason, as well as being extremely curious and constantly in
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Summary Of Cadence Sinclair Eastman
Cadence Sinclair Eastman resides in Burlington, Vermont during the time she s in school. Cadence
goes to the hospital after suffering a concussion from slamming her head on a rock at the beach. She
goes to the hospital near Martha s Vineyard and there the doctors tell her no serious damage was
informed. There are four islands on Beechwood: Windermere, Cuddledown, Redgate, and Clairmont.
After the incident, she returns to Beechwood to be with her family. The Sinclair family disembodied
by their drama; which the plot was developed around this idea of self encasement. These characters
rarely see other people and instead are left to indulge in their wealth. Her family is highly respected
and productive. They buy the newest of appliances each year.
This story was written in the first person, and they give that to us right as the book starts. My full
name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman. I live in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although this book has a lot of down moments, it doesn t fail to profess its romance through the main
characters love for one another. Through the majority of this story you re trapped inside the mind of
Cadence, only able to see what she goes through. Although her family is filthy rich, she still struggles
to live her life due to her addiction to pain medications, the death of the household, and her loved one,
Gat. They all died due to the fire they start in Clairmont. Cadence plan for the fire is purely acted out
based on emotion and not logical reasoning. Their unconscious thoughts lead them to destroy their
house, seen to them as a shrine of their grandfather s tyranny. Everyone in the family who survived all
wishes they were dead, however, everyone lives on through the tragedy. At the end of the book,
Cadence repeats her line said in paragraph two, My full name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman. I live in
Burlington, Vermont, with Mummy and three dogs. I am nearly
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Keynes’s Analysis of the Stock Market and Identifying the...
Keynes s analysis in Chapter 12 of the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money suggests
that capitalism is inherently unstable due to its financial structure .
Discuss outlining Keynes s analysis of the stock market and identifying the related policy conclusions
he reaches.
In Chapter 12 of the General Theory of Employment, John Maynard Keynes focused on examining
the stock market and how it functions, in the sense of its structure and how it is affected by the
behavior of investors because he believed the behavior of the stock market affects the aggregate
demand, hence the rest of the economic system. He is most interested in the fluctuations of the rates of
investments in the stock market that consequently affect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Keynes (1936, p155 56) describes the stock market using an analogy between professional investment
and newspaper beauty contest: Professional investment may be likened to those newspaper
competitions in which the competitors have to pick out the six prettiest faces from a hundred
photographs, the prize being awarded to the competitor whose choice most nearly corresponds to the
average preferences of the competitors as a whole...It is not a case of choosing those which, to the best
of one s judgment, are really the prettiest, nor even those which average opinion genuinely thinks the
prettiest. We have reached the third degree where we devote our intelligence to anticipating what
average opinion expects the average opinion to be. And there are some, I believe, who practice the
fourth, fifth, and higher degrees. The Stock Market decisions work based on conventional values too,
where each is not concerned with determining the real stock value, but the market value the
community will place on the stock, before everyone else does. Keynes observes some other features of
this situation within the stock market. This type of liquidity not only leads to future fluctuations in
physical asset investment, but also creates fluctuations of the daily profit on investments which further
influences the market. One of the key themes Keynes observes is that there is plenty of
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The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana
In the United States, childhood is a relatively carefree time in which children are expected to have
time to play and to receive care from adults. In other societies, like the one in Anchee Min s memoir
Red Azalea and Gayle Tzemach Lemmon s book The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana, one can see how
Min and Kamila become strong, independent, leaders at a young. Ultimately both women learn to
work around their society s social issues to survive. I find the life stories of these women to be very
unique, because of their efforts and attitudes of surviving and never complaining about their given
responsibilities. Therefore, Min and Kamila s families depended on them because they were perceived
as brave, mature, and smart young women.
The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana, took place during the 1990 s when the Taliban s took over Kabul,
Afghanistan and reconstructed the whole government. Due to many of the changes made by the
Taliban s many had to flee and find safety, including Kamila s parents and older brother. Since there
was no one superior to Kamila she had to take the responsibilities of an adult, and become the leader
of her family. On page 38, we see how Kamila assimilates the conversation she had with her father
before he fled to Parwan. It states, All night long Kamila thought of his words. He was counting on
her. And so were her sisters. She had to find a way to take care of her family (Lemmon 38). This
demonstrates how Mr. Sidiqi left Kamila in control of the household, and
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A Suburb Of Darlinghurst Is A Suburb
Snuggled in the inner city area is a suburb called Darlinghurst. It s very close to the CBD and is
considered a quaint and cultured area of Sydney. The most exciting and happening street in this suburb
is Oxford Street, which is celebrated for its colourful, glamorous, and amazing clubs, shopping
venues, entertainment districts, and theatres. Living in the City Living in the inner city comes with its
benefits. Darlinghurst has undergone a huge transformation over the past 30 years by cleaning up the
suburb to make it a safer and popular place to live. This is a dynamic suburb loaded with historic
terraces, apartments, and small neighbourhood parks to the delight of its residents and to visitors.
Shopping Dining Oxford Street offers so much
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Teenage Underage Drinking
In this day and age, underage drinking is very much rampant among teenagers ages 12 years old to 17
years old. It truly cannot be denied that teens of this generation are very much liberated and out there .
Because of these traits, the generation of teens is very much likely to indulge in alcohol drinking. This
is an issue that must be addressed for it possess a threat to the present generation and the generations
to come. An output of being liberated is the tendency for teenagers to frequently socialize with a
variety of people and this usually leads to influencing one another in various habits and one common
habit is alcohol drinking. Social factors like peer pressure, lack of guidance and a negative family
background can profoundly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A teenager on his or her crucial stages of development, have not fully developed the skill of decision
making. Thus pressure one feels from peers and the persistent exposure to the act can cause the
individual to eventually indulge in underage drinking for social acceptance. The struggle to fit in is
always a constant issue amongst our teenagers in this generation. And underage drinking has been a
status qualifier that signifies a person s dominance and liberation. This is why most peers would
encourage themselves to engage in such habits. Apart from that, without proper guidance and
supervision from parents or guardians, teenagers most likely are at risk to engage in underage
drinking. Without the reinforcement, they will grow up to believe that such habit is a form of mere
socialization and not a fatal grip for their future. Guidance is truly relevant. Without it, one day you
may realize the effect of underage drinking is very much morbid or worse, irreversible. Lastly, a
negative family environment is truly a major factor that molds a teen s young mind into what is
socially acceptable and what is not. If alcohol drinking is freely displayed at home, then this kind of
notion is most likely hardwired on the teenagers subconscious mind causing him/her to be very much
okay with the set up. A negative family environment will most likely cause the individual to engage in
negative coping mechanisms: such as underage drinking. Based on the data the researchers have
collected and the survey conducted, the researchers conclude that social factors strongly influence the
alcoholic tendencies of selected Engineering students because of peer pressure, lack of guidance and
negative family
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Cultural Challenges Facing Military Operations in Pan Arab...
For this assignment the cultural manifestations I selected to discuss as being important to our Unit s
success are Wasta, Deference to authority, and Tendency to seek compromise. Of course
understanding all of the cultural manifestations are important to our unit s success, but each region
within the Middle East North African (MENA) region will have their own variations based upon
which branch of Islam is dominant in the region, what that region s experience has been with the U.S.
or a Western presence in general and numerous other factors such as the prevailing socio economic
factors of the region.
By way of back ground, I thought it would be helpful to point out that the MENA region is a pretty
diverse area comprised of have s and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The bottom line for our team however, is to understand that the widespread practice of wasta in the
Middle East is assumed, it is a given. So we must learn the nuances of the practice and use it to our
advantage to be successful in our mission. That means finding the right Wasta to curry influence with
the particular elders you are working with. Originally based upon family loyalty, the family is still the
primary wasta channel, but that familial relationship has expanded to include friends and
acquaintances, as well as private agreements whereby services are provided in exchange for gifts or
specific fees. In the words of one observer, Today s wasta is too often a middle man, seeking fame and
fortune by doing favors. Our job is to find that Middle Man and enter into that relationship with our
eyes wide open, knowing it isn t going to be a cheap date, but that it will be worth the lives it will save
down the road. Incidentally, the IMF, World Bank and regional economic leaders consider the taming
or conversion of wasta as necessary to the MENA Region ultimately becoming an emerging market
leader and engine of world growth, its effect in the regional economy is that debilitating. So let s do
our part to keep it that way! Where s my Wasta!?! Here wasta wasta!
Deference to Authority: As LTC Wunderle describes, Arab culture favors
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District Diversity Plan For The Bolivar D 1 School District
District Strategic Diversity Plan
Brian Thompson
Arkansas State University
ELAD 7073: Summer 2015
Dr. Neal
District Profile
The Bolivar R 1 School District is located in Bolivar, Missouri, which is the county seat of Polk
County and has an estimated population of 10,572 people as of 2014. The racial makeup of the
Bolivar community, as of 2010, was 94.8% White, 1.5% African American, 0.5% Native American,
0.6% Asian, 2.5% Hispanic and 0.7% other races. The Bolivar community is an area that is made up
of primarily beef and dairy farms as well as being the home of Southwest Baptist University. The
Bolivar School District is one of five school districts that are located in the county. The school district
is made up of four primary campuses that include one elementary building (K 2), one intermediate
building (3 5), one middle school (6 8), and one high school (9 12). The district also has one
alternative school (9 12), one early intervention school (for students ages 3 5 with developmental
delays), one extension school (for older students with developmental delays), one pre school, one day
care, and provides the staff for two group homes (one boys and one girls). The Bolivar School District
had a total student population of 2,646 based on the number of students that were enrolled at the
beginning of the 2014 2015 school year. Breaking the student population down by building we find
there were 850 students at the high school, 593 students at the middle school,
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NASCAR and the Temperance Movement Essay
How would you like to go over 100 mph and make a living doing it? The event I am researching is
NASCAR. NASCAR is which a multibillion dollar industry they race 1500 races a year in 39 states
and 100 tracks. NASCAR is the 2nd most watched sport in the United States. The major race series
they are the sprint cup series, nationwide series, and the camping world truck series. NASCAR is the
largest sanctioning body of stock car racing in the United States. NASCAR headquarters are located in
Daytona Beach Florida. The temperance movement is what started the prohibition. The temperance
movement of the 19th century was a movement that tried to moderate the consumption of alcohol and
they pressed for complete absence of alcohol. The movement ... Show more content on
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Dale Earnhardt was one of the best drivers in the sport. Earnhardt won a total of 76 races. Earnhardt
was known for his aggressive driving style that s why he got the nickname the intimidator . He earned
7 Winston cup championships an tie with Richard petty. On February the 18, 2001 he was involved in
a crash he lost his life of basilar skull fracture. When he died that day a piece of NASCAR also died
that day. Richard lee petty grew up in level cross North Carolina. Growing up Richard was destined to
be a NASCAR driver just like his father. Richard began his professional driving carrier in 1958.
Nicknamed the king he has won 200 NASCAR races holding numerous victories at the Daytona 500
and the Winston cup.
Modern day NASCAR hasn t really differed that much. It is said the best NASCAR driver today is
Jeff Gordon. Jeff Gordon was born on august the 4 1971 in Vallejo, California. Gordon started driving
when he was five years old. Preforming laps on a makeshift track. Gordon won rookie of the year in
1991 in NASCAR. He was the first race car driver to win $100 million dollars in cup winnings in
2011. He placed third on NASCAR all time win list. The next driver is debatable the best NASCAR
driver today. His name is Dale Earnhardt Jr. his dad was dale Earnhardt the intimidator . Dale was
born October 10, 1974 in concord North Carolina. Nick named junior dale is a party and fun to be
around kind of guy. And on the track he is all business. Junior shows he can
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Alcohol Marketing and Advertising
Alcohol Marketing and Advertising
A Report to Congress
September 2003
Federal Trade Commission, 2003
Timothy J. Muris Chairman
Mozelle W. Thompson Commissioner
Orson Swindle Commissioner
Thomas B. Leary Commissioner
Pamela Jones Harbour Commissioner
Report Contributors
Janet M. Evans, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices
Jill F. Dash, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices
Neil Blickman, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Enforcement
C. Lee Peeler, Deputy Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection
Mary K. Engle, Associate Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising
Joseph Mulholland, Bureau of Economics
Dawne E. Holz, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unless care is taken, alcohol ads targeted to young legal drinkers also may appeal to those under the
legal age. Because of significant constitutional issues, the Commission continues to recommend
enhanced selfregulation to address concerns about alcohol advertising s appeal to minors.
In addition to self regulation of advertising, a comprehensive alcohol policy also must address the
means by which teens obtain alcohol for consumption. Younger minors obtain alcohol primarily from
noncommercial sources; this social availability can be addressed by changing adult attitudes about
teen use. Changes also are needed to reduce underage alcohol purchases from commercial outlets, a
source of alcohol for older minors. Support is needed for the efforts of organizations that can conduct
rigorous field studies of the efficacy of alternative approaches to improving enforcement of minimum
age purchase laws.
The Commission will continue to monitor alcohol industry self regulation, particularly the
implementation of the new placement standard requiring that adults constitute at least 70% of the
audience for advertising. Additionally, the Commission will monitor the effectiveness of thirdparty
review programs and will continue to evaluate new advertising programs that may have undue appeal
to underage consumers.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Mrs Luna In The Bostonians
The Bostonians: Who is in Charge of the Narrative?
The Bostonians begins with an intriguing tirade by which Adeline Luna preannounces the appearance
of her sister, Olive Chancellor, who is one of the most enigmatic and attractive characters in Henry
James novels and who will be the answer to question in the title. Olive will come down in about ten
minutes says Mrs. Luna (James 3) , entering the room where Basil Ransom, the sister s cousin from
Mississippi, has waited for his hostess who wrote for him to come to Boston. About ten, Mrs. Luna
adds to her previous statement and puts rather rambling comments to that, saying [t]hat is exactly like
Olive. Neither five nor fifteen, and yet not ten exactly, but either nine or eleven (3). Mrs. ... Show
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When Verena cried, with a laugh, in the middle of the conversation with Basil, for instance, the
narrator tells that [Basil] knows that the laugh ha[s] been expressive of some embarrassment (323),
unlike what it looks like to him, and adds that he does not know the meaning of her laugh. Here, the
narrator does not only deliver the descriptions available only to the omniscient narrator, but also points
out that it is her chronicler, the narrator, who knows the characters mind (323). The omniscient
narrator, who explains characters for the reader, in The Bostonians, interestingly, append seemingly
unnecessary explanation about the way the narrator s mind understands the characters, referring to
himself like a character in the novel. This supposedly omniscient narrator, who calls himself like a
character, initially loses its highly authoritative and reliable position, and also degenerates himself into
the status of historian, who just gather[s] the documents together about the events happened (260), but
nothing more than that. This peculiar position of the narrator seem to make inscrutable, or invisible
gaps here and there in The Bostonians, where he seemingly renounces his omniscience which
originally penetrates everything. When Olive has a conversation with Mattthias Pardon who wants
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Essay on The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires
The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal societies all relied on bureaucracies that drew inspiration from the
steppe traditions of Turkish and Mogol people and from the heritage of Islam, they adopted similar
policies, they looked for ways to keep peace in their societies which were made up of different
religious and ethnic backgrounds, and they were associated with literary and artistic talents. Military
and religious factors gave rise to all three of these empires.
The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman dynasty, in which, was named for its founder Osman Bey, a leader
of a band of semi nomadic Turks who migrated to northwestern Anatolia in the thirteenth century.
Osman and his followers sought to become ghazi warriors who fought for their faith. ... Show more
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However, with the Ottomans use of gun powdered weapons and Janissaries, the Safavids were
ultimately defeated with the temporary loss of their capital. This was mainly due to the lack of
technology and resources, which destroy it. In the late sixteenth century Shah Abbas the Great,
restored the Safavid empire, moved the capital to Isfahan, encouraged trade with other lands and
reformed the administrative and military institutions of the empire. He brought most of northwestern
Iran, the Caucasus, and Mesopotamia under Safavid rule. (Bentley, Streets, Ziegler, 2008, pg. 461).
The Mughal Empire: Zahir al Din, also known as Babur, was a Chagatai Turk that, unlike the Ottoman
and Safavids, was just a soldier of fortune not fighting on behalf of Islam. He wanted to use his
fortune to transform a glorious central Asian empire. Although, he did not succeed at that goal he then
focused on India. Babur took Delhi in 1526. He did not like the land that he had conquered, it was a
hot and humid climate but, Babur decided to stay. By the time of his death he had embraced most of
the Indian subcontinent. The height of the Mughal power and influence came from Babur s grandson
Akbar. He gained power in Gujarat and Bengal, destroyed the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar in order
to later expand in southern India. He was a thoughtful man who tolerated the religious differences in
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Corrupt Pope Corrupts
In the same way we see another corrupt pope having the same problem when pope John XXIII quoted:
Italians come to ruin most generally in three ways, women, gambling, and farming. My family chose
the slowest one. Just in saying that shows you how easily persuade and corruptible he was. Woman
weren t his only downfall being pope, but other corrupted sins such as: Simony. It started when Pope
John wanted a third occupation after advancing in his military position and then getting his doctorate
being a lawyer. His interest in a religion based career was curious and when beginning he was put to
work under Pope Boniface who was the pope of the west when the catholic church split apart making
two popes: one in rome and one in Avignon. In the year ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were many practices that went on within the church such as: Simony, Selling of Indulgences,
relics, pilgrimages, and the sexual immorality of popes, as well as priests and nuns. The practices were
not of God and more so God wrote against these in his word and thus making them very sinful and
wrong actions. Simony: the act of buying and selling spiritual privileges, was done by many popes
including: Clement XIII, Clement VII, Stephen VII, John X, John XI, John XII etc. The name simony
originated from the man simon Magus, who once sought to buy the power of the holy spirit from the
apostles. He had hoped for that power to be able to lay hands on others to then receive the holy spirit.
In the end he is told to repent from what he persuade and ask for forgiveness from God. In addition to
Simony, Peter told the church that if anyone tryed the act of Simony they were to be told to repent at
once. In contradiction, the church ignored this and the act of Simony grew. Then in the middle of the
eleventh century the act of Simony turned from spiritual things to more material things. When being
involved in this act it is not required for money to be exchanged from one person to the other for the
act of Simony to be considered done. As well as if the action is for personal benefit, involuntarily
Simony has been
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The Great Migration
Without The Great Migration, or the migration of African Americans from 1915 to 1970 from the
south to the north, the north would have suffered economically (Wilkerson 8). Specifically, without
the Great Migration, the north would have faced extensive job shortages, that would have eventually
led to economic turmoil. One cause of The Great Migration was the need for southern African
Americans to take industrial jobs in the north. Furthermore, during times of war, many men were
removed from the workforce, meaning that the north needed additional workers to fill the now vacated
spots. (The Great) The north needed the southern African Americans in order to fill these slots, and
without them, the north s economy would have suffered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During World War I, 4,734,991 people were involved, during World War II 16,112,566 were involved,
during the Korean War, 5,720,000 were involved, and during the Vietnam War, 8,744,000 were
involved. (America s) These created a situation where large amounts of people were removed from
their jobs. These jobs needed to be filled, along with the myriad of other jobs that were created during
the migration. Southern African Americans seemed to be a solution, as they were trying to get out of
their current situations, and the north needed workers. At times, northern companies sent recruiters to
draw more southern African American to work in the north. (The Great)The north needed people to
take these jobs, and southern African Americans fit the bill.
While some of these jobs created by wars and by industrialization were taken by immigrants, this
group could not have accounted and taken all the jobs that needed to be filled in the north. First,
immigrants were not being accepted at an extremely high rate during the Great Migration. Right
before the United States entered the first world war, the number of legal immigrants dropped by nearly
one million, with the number in 1917 being 295,403. During the Great Migration, the highest amount
of legal immigrants coming into the United States was 805,228 in 1921, and the lowest amount of
legal immigrants coming in being 23,725 in 1943, during a
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My Barbie Dolls
It was one normal and typical evening, where I was bored playing with my Barbie dolls up in my
mom s room like every little girl usually does. My mom s room wasn t too big or too small, the bed
was messed up because I had used the covers as a Barbie doll home. I was wearing a yellow shirt
along with pink pants. My hair was down and all over the place. I was brushing the Barbie s hair until
the main door opened. My cousins Anisah and Muhaddes called my name like they do every time they
come over. Fabiaaa ! My cousins yelled. I quickly threw my Barbie dolls back in their box and ran
downstairs. I m here ! I said as I m rushing down the stairs to see them. I go hug my cousins while our
mom s start talking to each other. We went and sat on the sofas. Anisah was wearing a purple tee with
blue jeans and pink sandals while Muhaddes was wearing a striped tee with brown shorts and brown
sandals. I then asked them Sooooo, whatcha wanna do ? Ummm, wanna play outside ? Anisah said.
Yea, sure let s go ! Muhaddes said. So we went out to the backyard and decided that we wanted to
play tag. We did eeny mini miny moe to see who would be it. I was it so I counted up to ten while they
ran around like crazy cheetahs. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ! I counted while
standing on the porch. I ran after them. They were fast but I still was able to catch them. HA! GOT
YOU ! I said after I caught Anisah. Then I started running after Muhaddes. I was running after him
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Ph And Colyer Lake Has A Concentration Of 3.00
ppm, and Colyer Lake has a concentration of 2.00 x
10 4 M or 20 ppm.
AA analysis (table 3) also supports the order for hardness of the samples by giving a total hardness
value of 166.1 ppm for Speedwell Forge Lake, 34.59 ppm for
Kyle Lake, and 11.81 ppm for Colyer Lake.
These results do not agree with my hypothesis. I predicted Colyer Lake to be the hardest because there
are more types of bedrock that can dissolve and contribute calcium and magnesium ions into the
water. I also predicted Speedwell Forge Lake to be the softest because the only type of rock to
contribute cations is sandstone. Sandstone contains silica, calcium carbonate, and iron oxide, so very
little Ca2+ should have been dissolved into the water.9
Table 5: EDTA results of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These lakes are purely recreational lakes, not associated with public water use. The Characteristics of
Recreational Lakes published by the Department of Environmental Resources in 1978 did not
document all of the lakes in Pennsylvania, but instead sampled major lakes in the state that are
required to be tested for harness due to drainage of water for public use. I obtained hardness results for
three of the lakes that are closest to the three lakes sampled in this experiment. Memorial Lake in
Lebanon County is the closest documented lake to
Speedwell Forge Lake. It had a Ca concentration of 4.8 mg/L, Mg concentration of 1.3 mg/L and a
total hardness of 18 ppm. Parker Dam Lake is closest to Kyle Lake. It had a
Ca concentration of 3.7 mg/L, Mg concentration of 1.4 mg/L and a total hardness of 15 ppm. Lastly,
Poe Valley Lake is closest to Colyer Lake. It had a Ca concentration of 2.7 mg/L, Mg concentration of
1.4 mg/L, and a total hardness of 13 ppm.10 According to the results for these lakes, which are in
close vicinity to the lakes tested in this experiment, the pattern of hardness across Pennsylvania agrees
with the pattern of hardness found in the experiment.
The results of total hardness from AA was found to be higher than the results from EDTA for Colyer
Lake and Kyle Lake. This should be the case, because it is harder to recognize the end point in
titrations during EDTA. For instance, the concentration of a substance that has been
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Macedonian Culture And Greek Culture
Macedonian culture is significantly similar to the Greek culture. Certainly, both of those cultures are
not identical; they do have differences, yet by looking at the women s independent role and freedom
among the society and the military success of those cultures, it is clear that both of them resemble. For
instance, Alexander the Great thought that he was a descendant of a Greek God and always wanted to
show how Greek he was. This might be the reason why the Macedonian culture is very similar to the
Greek culture. In both cultures, women have an important role in the society: they are free and are
perfectly able to live without men. The position of women in the society is quite similar in the Greek
culture and the Macedonian ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This demonstrates to which extent women were autonomous and allowed to make their own decisions.
In fact the independence that a Spartan woman had allowed her to divorce her husband if he was
unable to give her children. In contrast, in the Macedonian culture, women in the ruling class had a
similar and even greater power in the society comparing to the women in Sparta. Just as in Sparta,
women rule during the absence of men, they appear in public and even participate in public talking.
The Macedonian culture women were recognized and respected. For instance, public announcements
were made about women s activities such as public talking. In addition, women in the Macedonian
culture of Ptolemaic Egypt could choose under which contract they wanted to marry: The Greek
contract required guardians, while the Egyptian did not. This freedom of choice supports the idea that
women were independent and to some extent free just as in the Greek culture. In both of those
cultures, women ran the society in the absence of men and were free. They could make their own
decision and were autonomous. The women s role in the society proves that those societies are
coincidental. The strong and unconquerable army in both cultures ensured phenomenal military
conquests and the protection of the state. In the Greek culture, the army is
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Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Tong Character Analysis
Conrad Joyal
Final Paper: The Things They Carried
Mrs. Rossi
In the novel The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien, women are not physically present throughout
the book, but still play a significant role just as a man in Vietnam War. These women are both good
and bad for the men. Some are a source of comfort and motivation to succeed, and get home alive.
But, others cause a negative impact on the men, making them lose focus on the task at hand. Mary
Anne and Martha are two women that had a significant role in the book. Mary Anne is present in the
book and her actions affected the men. While Martha is just a memoir, she still has the same affect.
In the short story Sweetheart of the song Tra Bong the character Mary Anne flies to
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Impact Of Tourism On The International Tourism
People are travelling further and more frequently for a various causes like holidays, business, and
education. Tourism plays a vital role in Australian economy. Foreign household incomes, the cost of
travel and the comparative price of tourism in Australia with other places, are the important factors
which influences demand for international tourism.(Pc.gov.au, 2016)
Demand for the international tourism in Australia has grown strongly over the past two decades. The
number of international visitors has increased from 2.5 million in 1992 to almost 6.7 million in 2014,
which is more than doubled. (Pc.gov.au, 2016)
Tourism industry is set to be a major focus for economic growth, as the country is facing the continued
economic downturn in the mining industry. (Young and Winter, 2014). It contributes higher than the
agricultural sector in Australian GDP. Tourism spending contributed almost 3 per cent of Australia s
GDP, one third of which was by international visitors, in 2014.
In 2013/14, tourism denoted 2.7%, or 43.4 billion of Australian GDP. It also employed 4.6% of all
employed Australians around 500,000 people. (Scutt, 2015). In 2013, tourist spending in the tourism
industry exceeded $98.5 billion. (Young and Winter, 2014).
Tourists from Asia, specifically from China and India are the main growth area for Australian tourists
exports. In 2014/15, the number of temporary arrivals from China to Australia increased to 935k from
770k in 2013/14. (Scutt, 2015)
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Thalassotherapy Therapeutic Treatment
Thalassotherapy is a hydrotherapeutic treatment meaning it uses external application of water for a
health or beauty benefit. It involves using the natural properties of the seawater and ocean dwelling
plants for skin rejuvenation. Having originated in France, thalassotherapy is considered a natural
remedy, used with a combination of mineral elements from seawater, skin care products and hot water.
It is believed that the sea water used in thalassotherapy is similar in electrolyte concentration to that of
the blood plasma in the body. Apparently this allows for greater absorption of essential trace elements;
like magnesium, potassium, calcium and other mineral salts, directly into the skin. The reaction of
thalassotherapy on the skin results ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A thermal blanket is placed over the body for approximately an hour. After this time the blanket and
the seaweed wrap is removed. The residue of the seaweed products, oils and herbs are gently
massaged into the skin. This increases blood circulation and apparently detoxifies the body removing
accumulated toxin build up. The seaweed body wrap helps to disperse local fatty tissue deposits,
leaving the skin nourished and healthy looking. The skin also absorbs minerals that are essential for
the restoration of its tone and vitality.
Benefits of Thalassotherapy
The beauty and cosmetic industry claims that the following health benefits can be derived from
thalassotherapy. While the medical fraternity will scoff at some of these outrageous claims,
thalassotherapy is still widely practiced globally with hundreds of thousands of men and women
vouching for its benefits.
The healing properties of salt water a administered in thalassotherapy helps in the management of high
blood pressure, asthma and muscle atrophy.
This treatment is the natural defense against aging as it combats the physical signs of aging by
reducing the appearance of fine lines and
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Indian Ocean Research Paper
The Indian Ocean Jon Alikakos tsunami Mr. Pizzuto
On the morning of December 26, 2004 on the eastern shoreline of India, individuals saw the ocean
retreating a couple of hundred meters and they could see the uncovered beach front rack. This
happened in light of the fact that an enormous tsunami which happened after the undersea seismic
tremor with a size of 9.3 severed the bank of Bandeh Aceh in Northern Sumatra.
This wave spread itself to a length of 1200 km reaching the Indian Coast, Sri Lanka, Maldives
furthermore up to eastern waterfront Africa. As the torrent waves approach the shore, water becomes
shallower, waves back off, the wavelength gets to be distinctly shorter and the statures of the wave get
to be extremely dangerous.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014 12 24/boxing day tsunami how the disaster unfolded/5977568
The Indian Ocean wave devastated a great many miles of coastline and even submerged whole islands
forever. The island nation Maldives rises just a couple of feet above ocean level, however it is
generally safeguarded by distant coral reefs. All things considered, the wave cleared over the reefs ...
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At the point when the gigantic wave hits the shore, the drive of the power and shear height will
destroy everything on that shoreline and anything that is in its paths until it eventually dies down.
There is not generally only one wave that hits, more often than not there is numerous waves hitting the
shore 1 after the other for the most part in 5 10 min periods taking after the past wave. There is an
immense danger in this as many people think the main wave is the last rush of a torrent so they leave
the shore to see what had happened and another wave hits making more lives lost and more destructed
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The Model Driven Development Paradigm
3. Model Driven Development Paradigm
In the last few years, the software development evolves in an important manner MDD is a group of
approaches, theories and methodological frameworks for industrialized software development.
The basic idea of this model is to transfer the development efforts from programming to the higher
level of abstraction,through use models such as primary artifacts and by transforming models into
source code or other artifacts .
This paper explains the meaning of analysis and design phases also analysis, designpatterns, as well as
the points of differences and similarities between them, also describe what is development
methods,and how to use these patterns in modern development methods, and the ... Show more
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Then, a general definition of patterns according to (RIEHLE and ZÜLLIGHOVEN 1996) A pattern is
the abstraction from a concrete form which keeps recurring in specific non arbitrary contexts. also
there is another definition Patterns are regularities in data from a specified source according to....
Analysis and Design Phases Description
Software Engineering is the whole process of developing a software product from beginning to end
using an accepted methodology. One of the common and oldest methods is the Waterfall model which
sets a linear sequence of progression from Requirements gathering and analysis, design,
implementation, testing to maintenance (Philip L, Matthew, Nick, 2002).
Fig (1) the waterfall model of software development
The five common stages include
1. Analysis
At this stage the system requirements are collected and defined. Every existing systems can also be
evaluated and each inadequacy can be highlighted.
2. Design
A design specification is taken from requirements analysis, which plans are prepared related to
physical construction, hardware, operating systems, programming, communications and safety issues.
3. Build
Using the design specification, the system is developed and elements built. Additionally, the system
will also be tested and user training will happen.
4. Implement
The system is installed and implemented. That is, through any a gradual phased process or through a
more cost
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What Are The Objectives Of Netflix
Netflix is on demand DVD rental as well as internet streaming provider working in different countries
such as United Kingdom, USA, Latin America, and Ireland. Some of the corporate objectives of the
company are as follows: To develop further favourable relationships with production studios in order
to expand their video library To make Netflix available on all the internet accessible devices To
generate more than $1 billion revenue in coming years The Netflix expects 10% of all the US
households to become the member of Netflix by 2016 (Dransfield, 2001) External Analysis It is
imperative from the prospect of Netflix that they should assess external environment of the business or
related industry for the reason that it would help them ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The resources that are significant for Netflix are divided into two categories that are tangible and
intangible. The tangible resources of the company include financial assistance, organisational and
physical requirements. Financial assistance is considered as the basic resource because all the
operations and functions of the business are dependent on this resource. For instance, the focus of the
company is that revenue keeps on growing, however, in order to achieve this target, investment is
needed which can be fulfilled by financial resource. Another division of tangible resource is
organisation in which the company need organisational resource for conducting their functions. It is
noticed that Netflix hired about 7 chief managers in order to ensure that business keeps on running
smoothly. Moreover, they also hired 75 employees in their Beverly Hills. These are the organisation
resource, which are also required for performing the basic activities of the business. In terms of
physical resource, the company needs number of DVDs to provide service. It is also one of the
important resources for Netflix because their function takes place on this particular resource. While on
the other hand, intangible resources include human resource in which the company focused on hiring
competent and skilled employees (Rothaermel, 2012; Teece,
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Essay on BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
An oil spill of 4.9 million barrels, which happened in 2010, created not only turmoil for the
environment, but caused the economy to take a great hit from the loss of an important raw material.
Transocean were the owners of the oil rig drilling on behalf of BP, who were the ones at fault for the
spill. This event caused a stir in both the government and non governmental organizations, because of
the extensive damage that it caused. Federal investigations were put under way to determine the
factors that caused the spill and once the investigation was concluded several environmental groups
began to target the company to portray them as negligent. BP became the sole recipient of both the
government and environmental organizations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first step begins with geologists and geophysicist exploring areas around which they might
consider drilling in order to examine rocks, the formations they make to the earth, and they type and
shape of the subsurface of the rock. They also use aircrafts that are able to measure the gravitational
pull, and acoustic surveys to receive pictures of the layering of the earth through the use of sound
waves. Once all assessments have been completed and experts have been consulted, the risks have
been assessed, the environmental studies have been carried out and the data has been compiled into
workable maps of the exploration site, it s time to send in the drilling crew (BP, 2013, para. 1). The
decision to drill is not a hasty one and once it is decided, drilling in the ocean is a more difficult task
when attempting to maintain an oilrig in place with the currents and waves. As many precautions as
possible is taken before the drilling actually begins and when it does, BP is concerned with using the
best type of technology in order to maintain a safe environment. Because of the gravity of the oil spill
in the Gulf of Mexico and the enormity of the situation, the government was obliged to step in and
investigate. According to Ososfky, the spill takes place at the intersection of legal regimes governing
offshore activities and those governing oil spills and other disasters.
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Agonist Maintenance Treatment Essay
You are in great trouble if you are addicted or live with an addict. Due to addiction, most of the
addicts die and also take down their family members with them. But if an addicted person really wants
to recover, he must remain honest to himself. Addiction treatment can comprise medications,
behavioral therapy (such as cognitive therapy, counseling or psychotherapy) or their combination.
Drug Addictions can be broken through several Addiction treatments.
Agonist Maintenance Treatment is a kind of addiction treatment which is mainly provided to the
opiate addicts. This addiction treatment helps to reduce the patients craving for the opiate. Due to the
sustained and adequate dosage of methadone, a well tested medication, the patient becomes stabilized
and can function normally.
Narcotic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Addiction is viewed regarding an individual s mental and social deficits, and this addiction treatment
mainly aims in developing the socially creative life of the addicted.
Short Term Residential Programs originally aimed to deal with alcohol problems, but after the cocaine
epidemic in 1980 s, many started to deal with addiction treatment and illicit drug abuse.
In case of Medical Detoxification treatment, an individual is withdrawn from an addicting drug under
a physician s care. In case of some types of drugs, like alcohol, barbiturates and other sedatives,
detoxification may be medically necessary, and if it is withdrawn suddenly it may be deadly or
medically dangerous.
From several researches, it is evident that, if we combine criminal justice sanction along with drug
treatment, it can be effective in reducing drug use and other crimes.
In case of Prison Based Treatment Program, those under the addiction treatment should be separated
from the prison population so that, the prison culture is not able to overcome the progress towards
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Nehru Gandhi And Indira Gandhi
When India became independent in August 1947 and established independence from the British
Empire after years of colonial rule and oppression, various conflicts were faced within the issue of
addressing and running a new state. The new state of India was accompanied by a vast array of issues,
relating to matters such as inequality and prejudice. These problems that occurred after the
independence of India were addressed by the Congress Party under the leadership of Jawaharlal
Nehru, and after his death in 1964, his daughter Indira Gandhi, who ran as Prime Minister from 1966
to 1977 and then again from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. During their time as the Prime
Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi implemented many significant social, political
and economic policies and reforms that had a major effect in the establishment of the world s largest
democracy. However many issues were encountered such as the partisan violence and the language
and cultural barriers which resulted in the feeling of erasure by various faiths and communities. Nehru
also implemented aspects of democratic socialism and a secular state during his time as Prime
Minister, and within his government, as his continuous persistence with the advocacy for more rights
for women, his educational reforms and his industrialisation policies, such as the various 5 Year Plans
from 1951 onwards. Indira s strict industrial policies also had a dramatic effect on India, such as the
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Thematic Essay On The Painted Bird
A thematic research paper on the novel of The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski In Jerzy Kosinski s
novel, T he Painted Bird, marginalisation creates genocide, a crime­
ridden second class, and vast
amounts of psychological torment. Jews were massacred during World War II causing the young boy
to flee from village after village to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. The young boy s plea for
safety lands him in various situations, many of which cause him to be tortured and/or abused.
Psychological torment from marginalisation causes the young boy to believe God holds disdain
toward those without blond hair and blue eyes, causing the young boy to feel depressed.
Marginalisation of society in World War II causes a genocide; this genocide forces the young boy to
flee from his home and make an endless journey in search of a place of sanctuary. During World War
II, Jews were sent to concentration camps and extermination camps in an effort to promote their
marginalisation and genocide; the young boy knew this reality and fled from many villages to escape
persecution. After causing mischief at his previous village, the young boy decided to flee into the
woods in search of a new home. I wandered for several days in the woods and made attempts to
approach the villages. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The young boy s lust for a safe environment lead him to abusive situations. Jews at that time were
demonized, causing society to shun them. Psychological torment from marginalisation lead many dark
hair and dark skinned people to feel ashamed of themselves, the young boy in T he Painted Bird was
an example of this. The young boy s psychological torment forced him to hold disdain for God since
God would not answer his prayers. The torment forced upon the young boy was the harsh reality for
Jews and other minorities during World War II. By reading this book one is able to temporarily step
into the shoes of a genocide
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The Pros And Cons Of Restraint
Restraints limit a patient s movement. This brings up many ethical debates and issues. There are
certain guidelines that should be followed when it comes to using restraints. It is important to know
the different kinds of restraints, how to apply a physical restraint properly and how to administer a
chemical restraint safely. It is important to consider alternatives as the use of restraints can present risk
and negative outcomes.
History of Restraints Restraints were incorporated into health care many decades ago. In the late
1970s, more than 25% of U.S residents in long term care facilities were restrained compared to a
current average of 5% (Taylor, Lillis, Lynn, 2015, p. 707). Since 1987, the federal government and
accrediting agencies have worked to reduce or eliminate the use of restraints (Taylor et al. 2015, p.
708). Also according to Taylor, Lillis, and Lynn (2015) a Safety Alert from the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in 1995 informed nurses and other members of the health care team the risks of
using side rails, especially when all four side rails are up.
Different Types of Restraints There are three categories of restraints. The three categories are physical,
chemical, and seclusion. According to Springer (2015), a physical restraint is a device that keeps the
patient from moving freely or from the patient harming themselves or other people nearby. Chemical
restraints are drugs that are administered that do the same thing a physical restraint does.
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  • 2. The African Doctor Sparknotes The African Doctor is about this African man, who is a doctor living in a dictatorship country. He wants to move because he doesn t want to live in a dictatorship country. One night he was hanging around with his friends at a bar, there he met a man looking for a local doctor for a small village. The man, which is the mayor of the village, talks to the doctor about the details and instead of persuading him to take the job, he pushes the doctor away. The reason he did so, was because the small village has never seen a black person. The doctor insist of taking the job anyway, feeling good about it. The doctor calls his family, telling them that they re moving. The family misunderstood where they were moving to and thought they were going to Paris instead. The next day, they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That caused everyone to like her. The doctor broke the promise he made with his wife, causing her to leave the village, leaving him with the kids. The daughter makes the team win the soccer game and got them to the minor league. The doctor gets arrested for being a doctor without a French Nationality. He s forced to stop working as a doctor. The doctor tries to call the wife and tells her that he s sorry and they he wishes he could see her the next day and tells her that he can t work anymore and that their daughter is an amazing soccer player. The elections for mayor is here and the doctor wants the current mayor to win the election so that he can become a doctor again. He tells everyone that he s leaving unless the current mayor wins, so that people would vote for the current mayor. The wife comes back the next day, and elections start. After everyone voted, the kids and other students put a play about the doctor. About what he went through and how he pulled through. They then announced who won the election, and it was the current mayor. That concludes that the doctor is staying and he then got a French ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. What Is Voyeurism In Rear Window I chose to critique a movie called Rear Window, a realist film by Alfred Hitchcock produced in 1954. Starring James Stewart, Grace Kelly and, Wendell Corey. The genre is thriller and the sub genre suspense infused with mystery. Therefore, Rear Window one of Alfred Hitchcock s highly inspired audience participation films. When a person watches it, he feels, tantalized, shocked, and exhilarated. Further in this essay, I will summarize the plots, discuss the styles used, and deconstruct parts of the film. The protagonist film is Jeff who is photographer that broke one of his legs and is sitting in a wheel chair by his apartment window. Having nothing to achieve, Jeff gets very board he peeks at his neighbor s room from his rear window. With ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hitchcock, the director points it out to the audience as he concentrates on Jeff focusing on what s happening inside his neighborhood. Allowing the audience to stay focused, as we become voyeurs watching the various dramas unfolding. Moreover, Alfred Hitchcock has unlimited technical brilliance with a boundless ability to portray a story in a very distinctive manner. Using the techniques of dramatic variation of size to achieve other desired emotions from the audience, by cutting from long shots to extreme close ups. The story line in the film revolves around voyeurism, guilt, friendship, and sexuality. Moreover, the editing techniques in the film raise attention to the events that unfold in front of us. The shots in the movie are edited in a relatively subjective style. According to Hitchcock Editing shouldn t be in terms of cutting but rather in terms of assembly or Mosaic (Hitchcok, 1963, p.4). Therefor, Montage is the process or technique of selecting and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous sequence. When two shots juxtapose in such a way it gives the third shot another meaning. This is one classic examples of Alfred Hitchcock s way of thinking. The voyeurism practiced in the film makes the audience conscious of why the protagonist is behaving in a certain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. How An Oems Helps Buy Side Firms How an OEMS helps buy side firms to comply with best execution policy (in fixed income market) Asset managers are fiduciary to clients. In the execution process, asset managers need to demonstrate reasonable steps to determine a best execution condition, follow their defined best execution trading policy and perform fair dealing to all client accounts on trades. . In creating best practices, oversight is essential to foster the process. Compliance, trading, portfolio management, operations and administration should be consulted and involved in the creation of such policy. Broker dealers are under the obligation of providing best execution opportunities to buy side clients. SEC states that brokers have a duty to provide best executions that are reasonable available. According CFA institute s trade management guidelines, best execution is defined as the trading process firms apply that seeks to maximize the value of a client s portfolio within the client s stated investment objectives and constraints. There are many factors to be considered when traders are executing client orders. Client instructions, including mandate and restrictions; Price offered by the market, costs associated with the transaction, brokerage fees; Speed of the execution, the type of market place and location; Liquidity of the market, measuring the capability of additional transactions with little impact on the current price level; Size of the order; likelihood of settlement etc. The basic framework of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Assignment #3. 1.Corporate Governance Is A Set Of Rules Assignment #3 1. Corporate Governance is a set of rules enforced in a company to have control and be led in a certain direction. Corporate Governance balances interests of stakeholders, and the corporation s objectives. Corporate Governance aims to manage action plans and internal controls to measure a company s performance and corporate disclosure. Corporate Governance is important to every American citizen for various reasons. Bad governance of a company makes the company unreliable, such as participation in illegal activities. Corporate Governance is mainly to build trust of American people to invest in companies. Corporate governance became a major issue in 2002 after the Sarbanes Oxley Act. The Sarbanes Oxley Act was formed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Diversity of a corporate board is important in terms of varying skill sets and experience of board members. The diversity brought by different board members allows a contrast in perspectives and opinions on how the benefit the corporation. A corporate board should have a separate director (with explicit rules and regulations) that is capable of properly managing. The director must also be capable to decide whether it is the corporation s best interest to have CEO participation with a corporate board. Also, the board of directors make decisions for shareholders as a fiduciary, while seeking commercial stability of the company. The board of directors is in charge of hiring and firing executives. A poor structured board makes it almost impossible to fire ineffective officials, (Staff, page 1). To clearly see the accounting of a corporation, no corporation should stray away from clearly explaining the corporation s accounting outcomes. The calculating of corporate incomes should always be shown in stock or options based on compensation. There must be a productive commitment to engage with shareholders between company and its shareholders in order to have the best governing, (Commonsense Corporate Governance Principles, (n.d.), paragraph 5 9). Many executives and investors have made it their primary goal to get the most profit on quarterly earnings in contrary to long term growth of the investments and company. At the corporate level, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Jack Russel Terrier Research Paper The Jack Russell Terrier, or also known as the Parson Russell Terrier, are more than just your everyday pet, they re more like a Jack in a box. These exuberant little creatures are sought after and used for many different purposes. They date back to as early as the 1800 s and were bred specifically for one purpose: that is hunting fox and other small varmints. Don t let their hunting lineage fool you; they are capable of far more than chasing a fox down a hole. Jack Russell Terriers are among one of the most commonly used dogs in film and entertainment. Jack Russell s gained a great deal of attention through the media when the show Frasier was on the air. In an article titled, Our Towns; Little Terrors Turned into the Dogs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is important that a Jack Russell is exercised daily, due to the amount of energy they contain. According to the article, The Jack Russell Terrier Personality: Small Dog, Big Attitude, author Amy Brannan states, like most intelligent dog breeds that were intended as working dogs, Jack Russell s must be stimulated every single day and offered an appropriate level of exercise to allow the dog an outlet for its energy (par. 7). Some may look at their high energy levels as a bad trait, but it doesn t have to be. They are great for an active individual seeking a dog that can keep up and constantly be on the move. This holds especially true for any active person who loves to spend a great deal of time outdoors; seeing the Jack Russell s main objective Is to hunt. If you re the type of person who likes to be entertained, Jack Russell s are known for doing some very
  • 7. quirky things. Such things include, running circles around your house at the speed of light, adamantly watching what s on the television, licking you and everything in site for no apparent reason, as well as being extremely curious and constantly in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Summary Of Cadence Sinclair Eastman Cadence Sinclair Eastman resides in Burlington, Vermont during the time she s in school. Cadence goes to the hospital after suffering a concussion from slamming her head on a rock at the beach. She goes to the hospital near Martha s Vineyard and there the doctors tell her no serious damage was informed. There are four islands on Beechwood: Windermere, Cuddledown, Redgate, and Clairmont. After the incident, she returns to Beechwood to be with her family. The Sinclair family disembodied by their drama; which the plot was developed around this idea of self encasement. These characters rarely see other people and instead are left to indulge in their wealth. Her family is highly respected and productive. They buy the newest of appliances each year. This story was written in the first person, and they give that to us right as the book starts. My full name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman. I live in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although this book has a lot of down moments, it doesn t fail to profess its romance through the main characters love for one another. Through the majority of this story you re trapped inside the mind of Cadence, only able to see what she goes through. Although her family is filthy rich, she still struggles to live her life due to her addiction to pain medications, the death of the household, and her loved one, Gat. They all died due to the fire they start in Clairmont. Cadence plan for the fire is purely acted out based on emotion and not logical reasoning. Their unconscious thoughts lead them to destroy their house, seen to them as a shrine of their grandfather s tyranny. Everyone in the family who survived all wishes they were dead, however, everyone lives on through the tragedy. At the end of the book, Cadence repeats her line said in paragraph two, My full name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman. I live in Burlington, Vermont, with Mummy and three dogs. I am nearly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Keynes’s Analysis of the Stock Market and Identifying the... Keynes s analysis in Chapter 12 of the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money suggests that capitalism is inherently unstable due to its financial structure . Discuss outlining Keynes s analysis of the stock market and identifying the related policy conclusions he reaches. In Chapter 12 of the General Theory of Employment, John Maynard Keynes focused on examining the stock market and how it functions, in the sense of its structure and how it is affected by the behavior of investors because he believed the behavior of the stock market affects the aggregate demand, hence the rest of the economic system. He is most interested in the fluctuations of the rates of investments in the stock market that consequently affect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Keynes (1936, p155 56) describes the stock market using an analogy between professional investment and newspaper beauty contest: Professional investment may be likened to those newspaper competitions in which the competitors have to pick out the six prettiest faces from a hundred photographs, the prize being awarded to the competitor whose choice most nearly corresponds to the average preferences of the competitors as a whole...It is not a case of choosing those which, to the best of one s judgment, are really the prettiest, nor even those which average opinion genuinely thinks the prettiest. We have reached the third degree where we devote our intelligence to anticipating what average opinion expects the average opinion to be. And there are some, I believe, who practice the fourth, fifth, and higher degrees. The Stock Market decisions work based on conventional values too, where each is not concerned with determining the real stock value, but the market value the community will place on the stock, before everyone else does. Keynes observes some other features of this situation within the stock market. This type of liquidity not only leads to future fluctuations in physical asset investment, but also creates fluctuations of the daily profit on investments which further influences the market. One of the key themes Keynes observes is that there is plenty of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana In the United States, childhood is a relatively carefree time in which children are expected to have time to play and to receive care from adults. In other societies, like the one in Anchee Min s memoir Red Azalea and Gayle Tzemach Lemmon s book The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana, one can see how Min and Kamila become strong, independent, leaders at a young. Ultimately both women learn to work around their society s social issues to survive. I find the life stories of these women to be very unique, because of their efforts and attitudes of surviving and never complaining about their given responsibilities. Therefore, Min and Kamila s families depended on them because they were perceived as brave, mature, and smart young women. The Dressmakers Of Khair Khana, took place during the 1990 s when the Taliban s took over Kabul, Afghanistan and reconstructed the whole government. Due to many of the changes made by the Taliban s many had to flee and find safety, including Kamila s parents and older brother. Since there was no one superior to Kamila she had to take the responsibilities of an adult, and become the leader of her family. On page 38, we see how Kamila assimilates the conversation she had with her father before he fled to Parwan. It states, All night long Kamila thought of his words. He was counting on her. And so were her sisters. She had to find a way to take care of her family (Lemmon 38). This demonstrates how Mr. Sidiqi left Kamila in control of the household, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. A Suburb Of Darlinghurst Is A Suburb Snuggled in the inner city area is a suburb called Darlinghurst. It s very close to the CBD and is considered a quaint and cultured area of Sydney. The most exciting and happening street in this suburb is Oxford Street, which is celebrated for its colourful, glamorous, and amazing clubs, shopping venues, entertainment districts, and theatres. Living in the City Living in the inner city comes with its benefits. Darlinghurst has undergone a huge transformation over the past 30 years by cleaning up the suburb to make it a safer and popular place to live. This is a dynamic suburb loaded with historic terraces, apartments, and small neighbourhood parks to the delight of its residents and to visitors. Shopping Dining Oxford Street offers so much ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Teenage Underage Drinking In this day and age, underage drinking is very much rampant among teenagers ages 12 years old to 17 years old. It truly cannot be denied that teens of this generation are very much liberated and out there . Because of these traits, the generation of teens is very much likely to indulge in alcohol drinking. This is an issue that must be addressed for it possess a threat to the present generation and the generations to come. An output of being liberated is the tendency for teenagers to frequently socialize with a variety of people and this usually leads to influencing one another in various habits and one common habit is alcohol drinking. Social factors like peer pressure, lack of guidance and a negative family background can profoundly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A teenager on his or her crucial stages of development, have not fully developed the skill of decision making. Thus pressure one feels from peers and the persistent exposure to the act can cause the individual to eventually indulge in underage drinking for social acceptance. The struggle to fit in is always a constant issue amongst our teenagers in this generation. And underage drinking has been a status qualifier that signifies a person s dominance and liberation. This is why most peers would encourage themselves to engage in such habits. Apart from that, without proper guidance and supervision from parents or guardians, teenagers most likely are at risk to engage in underage drinking. Without the reinforcement, they will grow up to believe that such habit is a form of mere socialization and not a fatal grip for their future. Guidance is truly relevant. Without it, one day you may realize the effect of underage drinking is very much morbid or worse, irreversible. Lastly, a negative family environment is truly a major factor that molds a teen s young mind into what is socially acceptable and what is not. If alcohol drinking is freely displayed at home, then this kind of notion is most likely hardwired on the teenagers subconscious mind causing him/her to be very much okay with the set up. A negative family environment will most likely cause the individual to engage in negative coping mechanisms: such as underage drinking. Based on the data the researchers have collected and the survey conducted, the researchers conclude that social factors strongly influence the alcoholic tendencies of selected Engineering students because of peer pressure, lack of guidance and negative family ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Cultural Challenges Facing Military Operations in Pan Arab... For this assignment the cultural manifestations I selected to discuss as being important to our Unit s success are Wasta, Deference to authority, and Tendency to seek compromise. Of course understanding all of the cultural manifestations are important to our unit s success, but each region within the Middle East North African (MENA) region will have their own variations based upon which branch of Islam is dominant in the region, what that region s experience has been with the U.S. or a Western presence in general and numerous other factors such as the prevailing socio economic factors of the region. By way of back ground, I thought it would be helpful to point out that the MENA region is a pretty diverse area comprised of have s and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The bottom line for our team however, is to understand that the widespread practice of wasta in the Middle East is assumed, it is a given. So we must learn the nuances of the practice and use it to our advantage to be successful in our mission. That means finding the right Wasta to curry influence with the particular elders you are working with. Originally based upon family loyalty, the family is still the primary wasta channel, but that familial relationship has expanded to include friends and acquaintances, as well as private agreements whereby services are provided in exchange for gifts or specific fees. In the words of one observer, Today s wasta is too often a middle man, seeking fame and fortune by doing favors. Our job is to find that Middle Man and enter into that relationship with our eyes wide open, knowing it isn t going to be a cheap date, but that it will be worth the lives it will save down the road. Incidentally, the IMF, World Bank and regional economic leaders consider the taming or conversion of wasta as necessary to the MENA Region ultimately becoming an emerging market leader and engine of world growth, its effect in the regional economy is that debilitating. So let s do our part to keep it that way! Where s my Wasta!?! Here wasta wasta! Deference to Authority: As LTC Wunderle describes, Arab culture favors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. District Diversity Plan For The Bolivar D 1 School District District Strategic Diversity Plan Brian Thompson Arkansas State University ELAD 7073: Summer 2015 Dr. Neal District Profile The Bolivar R 1 School District is located in Bolivar, Missouri, which is the county seat of Polk County and has an estimated population of 10,572 people as of 2014. The racial makeup of the Bolivar community, as of 2010, was 94.8% White, 1.5% African American, 0.5% Native American, 0.6% Asian, 2.5% Hispanic and 0.7% other races. The Bolivar community is an area that is made up of primarily beef and dairy farms as well as being the home of Southwest Baptist University. The Bolivar School District is one of five school districts that are located in the county. The school district is made up of four primary campuses that include one elementary building (K 2), one intermediate building (3 5), one middle school (6 8), and one high school (9 12). The district also has one alternative school (9 12), one early intervention school (for students ages 3 5 with developmental delays), one extension school (for older students with developmental delays), one pre school, one day care, and provides the staff for two group homes (one boys and one girls). The Bolivar School District had a total student population of 2,646 based on the number of students that were enrolled at the beginning of the 2014 2015 school year. Breaking the student population down by building we find there were 850 students at the high school, 593 students at the middle school, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. NASCAR and the Temperance Movement Essay How would you like to go over 100 mph and make a living doing it? The event I am researching is NASCAR. NASCAR is which a multibillion dollar industry they race 1500 races a year in 39 states and 100 tracks. NASCAR is the 2nd most watched sport in the United States. The major race series they are the sprint cup series, nationwide series, and the camping world truck series. NASCAR is the largest sanctioning body of stock car racing in the United States. NASCAR headquarters are located in Daytona Beach Florida. The temperance movement is what started the prohibition. The temperance movement of the 19th century was a movement that tried to moderate the consumption of alcohol and they pressed for complete absence of alcohol. The movement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dale Earnhardt was one of the best drivers in the sport. Earnhardt won a total of 76 races. Earnhardt was known for his aggressive driving style that s why he got the nickname the intimidator . He earned 7 Winston cup championships an tie with Richard petty. On February the 18, 2001 he was involved in a crash he lost his life of basilar skull fracture. When he died that day a piece of NASCAR also died that day. Richard lee petty grew up in level cross North Carolina. Growing up Richard was destined to be a NASCAR driver just like his father. Richard began his professional driving carrier in 1958. Nicknamed the king he has won 200 NASCAR races holding numerous victories at the Daytona 500 and the Winston cup. Modern day NASCAR hasn t really differed that much. It is said the best NASCAR driver today is Jeff Gordon. Jeff Gordon was born on august the 4 1971 in Vallejo, California. Gordon started driving when he was five years old. Preforming laps on a makeshift track. Gordon won rookie of the year in 1991 in NASCAR. He was the first race car driver to win $100 million dollars in cup winnings in 2011. He placed third on NASCAR all time win list. The next driver is debatable the best NASCAR driver today. His name is Dale Earnhardt Jr. his dad was dale Earnhardt the intimidator . Dale was born October 10, 1974 in concord North Carolina. Nick named junior dale is a party and fun to be around kind of guy. And on the track he is all business. Junior shows he can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Alcohol Marketing and Advertising Alcohol Marketing and Advertising A Report to Congress September 2003 Federal Trade Commission, 2003 Timothy J. Muris Chairman Mozelle W. Thompson Commissioner Orson Swindle Commissioner Thomas B. Leary Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour Commissioner Report Contributors Janet M. Evans, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices Jill F. Dash, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices Neil Blickman, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Enforcement C. Lee Peeler, Deputy Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection Mary K. Engle, Associate Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Advertising Practices Joseph Mulholland, Bureau of Economics Assistants Dawne E. Holz, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unless care is taken, alcohol ads targeted to young legal drinkers also may appeal to those under the legal age. Because of significant constitutional issues, the Commission continues to recommend enhanced selfregulation to address concerns about alcohol advertising s appeal to minors. In addition to self regulation of advertising, a comprehensive alcohol policy also must address the means by which teens obtain alcohol for consumption. Younger minors obtain alcohol primarily from noncommercial sources; this social availability can be addressed by changing adult attitudes about teen use. Changes also are needed to reduce underage alcohol purchases from commercial outlets, a source of alcohol for older minors. Support is needed for the efforts of organizations that can conduct rigorous field studies of the efficacy of alternative approaches to improving enforcement of minimum age purchase laws. The Commission will continue to monitor alcohol industry self regulation, particularly the implementation of the new placement standard requiring that adults constitute at least 70% of the audience for advertising. Additionally, the Commission will monitor the effectiveness of thirdparty review programs and will continue to evaluate new advertising programs that may have undue appeal to underage consumers. Table of Contents Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Mrs Luna In The Bostonians The Bostonians: Who is in Charge of the Narrative? The Bostonians begins with an intriguing tirade by which Adeline Luna preannounces the appearance of her sister, Olive Chancellor, who is one of the most enigmatic and attractive characters in Henry James novels and who will be the answer to question in the title. Olive will come down in about ten minutes says Mrs. Luna (James 3) , entering the room where Basil Ransom, the sister s cousin from Mississippi, has waited for his hostess who wrote for him to come to Boston. About ten, Mrs. Luna adds to her previous statement and puts rather rambling comments to that, saying [t]hat is exactly like Olive. Neither five nor fifteen, and yet not ten exactly, but either nine or eleven (3). Mrs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Verena cried, with a laugh, in the middle of the conversation with Basil, for instance, the narrator tells that [Basil] knows that the laugh ha[s] been expressive of some embarrassment (323), unlike what it looks like to him, and adds that he does not know the meaning of her laugh. Here, the narrator does not only deliver the descriptions available only to the omniscient narrator, but also points out that it is her chronicler, the narrator, who knows the characters mind (323). The omniscient narrator, who explains characters for the reader, in The Bostonians, interestingly, append seemingly unnecessary explanation about the way the narrator s mind understands the characters, referring to himself like a character in the novel. This supposedly omniscient narrator, who calls himself like a character, initially loses its highly authoritative and reliable position, and also degenerates himself into the status of historian, who just gather[s] the documents together about the events happened (260), but nothing more than that. This peculiar position of the narrator seem to make inscrutable, or invisible gaps here and there in The Bostonians, where he seemingly renounces his omniscience which originally penetrates everything. When Olive has a conversation with Mattthias Pardon who wants ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Essay on The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal societies all relied on bureaucracies that drew inspiration from the steppe traditions of Turkish and Mogol people and from the heritage of Islam, they adopted similar policies, they looked for ways to keep peace in their societies which were made up of different religious and ethnic backgrounds, and they were associated with literary and artistic talents. Military and religious factors gave rise to all three of these empires. The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman dynasty, in which, was named for its founder Osman Bey, a leader of a band of semi nomadic Turks who migrated to northwestern Anatolia in the thirteenth century. Osman and his followers sought to become ghazi warriors who fought for their faith. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, with the Ottomans use of gun powdered weapons and Janissaries, the Safavids were ultimately defeated with the temporary loss of their capital. This was mainly due to the lack of technology and resources, which destroy it. In the late sixteenth century Shah Abbas the Great, restored the Safavid empire, moved the capital to Isfahan, encouraged trade with other lands and reformed the administrative and military institutions of the empire. He brought most of northwestern Iran, the Caucasus, and Mesopotamia under Safavid rule. (Bentley, Streets, Ziegler, 2008, pg. 461). The Mughal Empire: Zahir al Din, also known as Babur, was a Chagatai Turk that, unlike the Ottoman and Safavids, was just a soldier of fortune not fighting on behalf of Islam. He wanted to use his fortune to transform a glorious central Asian empire. Although, he did not succeed at that goal he then focused on India. Babur took Delhi in 1526. He did not like the land that he had conquered, it was a hot and humid climate but, Babur decided to stay. By the time of his death he had embraced most of the Indian subcontinent. The height of the Mughal power and influence came from Babur s grandson Akbar. He gained power in Gujarat and Bengal, destroyed the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar in order to later expand in southern India. He was a thoughtful man who tolerated the religious differences in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Corrupt Pope Corrupts In the same way we see another corrupt pope having the same problem when pope John XXIII quoted: Italians come to ruin most generally in three ways, women, gambling, and farming. My family chose the slowest one. Just in saying that shows you how easily persuade and corruptible he was. Woman weren t his only downfall being pope, but other corrupted sins such as: Simony. It started when Pope John wanted a third occupation after advancing in his military position and then getting his doctorate being a lawyer. His interest in a religion based career was curious and when beginning he was put to work under Pope Boniface who was the pope of the west when the catholic church split apart making two popes: one in rome and one in Avignon. In the year ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were many practices that went on within the church such as: Simony, Selling of Indulgences, relics, pilgrimages, and the sexual immorality of popes, as well as priests and nuns. The practices were not of God and more so God wrote against these in his word and thus making them very sinful and wrong actions. Simony: the act of buying and selling spiritual privileges, was done by many popes including: Clement XIII, Clement VII, Stephen VII, John X, John XI, John XII etc. The name simony originated from the man simon Magus, who once sought to buy the power of the holy spirit from the apostles. He had hoped for that power to be able to lay hands on others to then receive the holy spirit. In the end he is told to repent from what he persuade and ask for forgiveness from God. In addition to Simony, Peter told the church that if anyone tryed the act of Simony they were to be told to repent at once. In contradiction, the church ignored this and the act of Simony grew. Then in the middle of the eleventh century the act of Simony turned from spiritual things to more material things. When being involved in this act it is not required for money to be exchanged from one person to the other for the act of Simony to be considered done. As well as if the action is for personal benefit, involuntarily Simony has been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Great Migration Without The Great Migration, or the migration of African Americans from 1915 to 1970 from the south to the north, the north would have suffered economically (Wilkerson 8). Specifically, without the Great Migration, the north would have faced extensive job shortages, that would have eventually led to economic turmoil. One cause of The Great Migration was the need for southern African Americans to take industrial jobs in the north. Furthermore, during times of war, many men were removed from the workforce, meaning that the north needed additional workers to fill the now vacated spots. (The Great) The north needed the southern African Americans in order to fill these slots, and without them, the north s economy would have suffered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During World War I, 4,734,991 people were involved, during World War II 16,112,566 were involved, during the Korean War, 5,720,000 were involved, and during the Vietnam War, 8,744,000 were involved. (America s) These created a situation where large amounts of people were removed from their jobs. These jobs needed to be filled, along with the myriad of other jobs that were created during the migration. Southern African Americans seemed to be a solution, as they were trying to get out of their current situations, and the north needed workers. At times, northern companies sent recruiters to draw more southern African American to work in the north. (The Great)The north needed people to take these jobs, and southern African Americans fit the bill. While some of these jobs created by wars and by industrialization were taken by immigrants, this group could not have accounted and taken all the jobs that needed to be filled in the north. First, immigrants were not being accepted at an extremely high rate during the Great Migration. Right before the United States entered the first world war, the number of legal immigrants dropped by nearly one million, with the number in 1917 being 295,403. During the Great Migration, the highest amount of legal immigrants coming into the United States was 805,228 in 1921, and the lowest amount of legal immigrants coming in being 23,725 in 1943, during a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. My Barbie Dolls It was one normal and typical evening, where I was bored playing with my Barbie dolls up in my mom s room like every little girl usually does. My mom s room wasn t too big or too small, the bed was messed up because I had used the covers as a Barbie doll home. I was wearing a yellow shirt along with pink pants. My hair was down and all over the place. I was brushing the Barbie s hair until the main door opened. My cousins Anisah and Muhaddes called my name like they do every time they come over. Fabiaaa ! My cousins yelled. I quickly threw my Barbie dolls back in their box and ran downstairs. I m here ! I said as I m rushing down the stairs to see them. I go hug my cousins while our mom s start talking to each other. We went and sat on the sofas. Anisah was wearing a purple tee with blue jeans and pink sandals while Muhaddes was wearing a striped tee with brown shorts and brown sandals. I then asked them Sooooo, whatcha wanna do ? Ummm, wanna play outside ? Anisah said. Yea, sure let s go ! Muhaddes said. So we went out to the backyard and decided that we wanted to play tag. We did eeny mini miny moe to see who would be it. I was it so I counted up to ten while they ran around like crazy cheetahs. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ! I counted while standing on the porch. I ran after them. They were fast but I still was able to catch them. HA! GOT YOU ! I said after I caught Anisah. Then I started running after Muhaddes. I was running after him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Ph And Colyer Lake Has A Concentration Of 3.00 ppm, and Colyer Lake has a concentration of 2.00 x 10 4 M or 20 ppm. AA analysis (table 3) also supports the order for hardness of the samples by giving a total hardness value of 166.1 ppm for Speedwell Forge Lake, 34.59 ppm for Kyle Lake, and 11.81 ppm for Colyer Lake. These results do not agree with my hypothesis. I predicted Colyer Lake to be the hardest because there are more types of bedrock that can dissolve and contribute calcium and magnesium ions into the water. I also predicted Speedwell Forge Lake to be the softest because the only type of rock to contribute cations is sandstone. Sandstone contains silica, calcium carbonate, and iron oxide, so very little Ca2+ should have been dissolved into the water.9 Table 5: EDTA results of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These lakes are purely recreational lakes, not associated with public water use. The Characteristics of Recreational Lakes published by the Department of Environmental Resources in 1978 did not document all of the lakes in Pennsylvania, but instead sampled major lakes in the state that are required to be tested for harness due to drainage of water for public use. I obtained hardness results for three of the lakes that are closest to the three lakes sampled in this experiment. Memorial Lake in Lebanon County is the closest documented lake to Speedwell Forge Lake. It had a Ca concentration of 4.8 mg/L, Mg concentration of 1.3 mg/L and a total hardness of 18 ppm. Parker Dam Lake is closest to Kyle Lake. It had a Ca concentration of 3.7 mg/L, Mg concentration of 1.4 mg/L and a total hardness of 15 ppm. Lastly, Poe Valley Lake is closest to Colyer Lake. It had a Ca concentration of 2.7 mg/L, Mg concentration of 1.4 mg/L, and a total hardness of 13 ppm.10 According to the results for these lakes, which are in close vicinity to the lakes tested in this experiment, the pattern of hardness across Pennsylvania agrees with the pattern of hardness found in the experiment. The results of total hardness from AA was found to be higher than the results from EDTA for Colyer Lake and Kyle Lake. This should be the case, because it is harder to recognize the end point in titrations during EDTA. For instance, the concentration of a substance that has been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Macedonian Culture And Greek Culture Macedonian culture is significantly similar to the Greek culture. Certainly, both of those cultures are not identical; they do have differences, yet by looking at the women s independent role and freedom among the society and the military success of those cultures, it is clear that both of them resemble. For instance, Alexander the Great thought that he was a descendant of a Greek God and always wanted to show how Greek he was. This might be the reason why the Macedonian culture is very similar to the Greek culture. In both cultures, women have an important role in the society: they are free and are perfectly able to live without men. The position of women in the society is quite similar in the Greek culture and the Macedonian ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This demonstrates to which extent women were autonomous and allowed to make their own decisions. In fact the independence that a Spartan woman had allowed her to divorce her husband if he was unable to give her children. In contrast, in the Macedonian culture, women in the ruling class had a similar and even greater power in the society comparing to the women in Sparta. Just as in Sparta, women rule during the absence of men, they appear in public and even participate in public talking. The Macedonian culture women were recognized and respected. For instance, public announcements were made about women s activities such as public talking. In addition, women in the Macedonian culture of Ptolemaic Egypt could choose under which contract they wanted to marry: The Greek contract required guardians, while the Egyptian did not. This freedom of choice supports the idea that women were independent and to some extent free just as in the Greek culture. In both of those cultures, women ran the society in the absence of men and were free. They could make their own decision and were autonomous. The women s role in the society proves that those societies are coincidental. The strong and unconquerable army in both cultures ensured phenomenal military conquests and the protection of the state. In the Greek culture, the army is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Tong Character Analysis Conrad Joyal English Final Paper: The Things They Carried Mrs. Rossi In the novel The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien, women are not physically present throughout the book, but still play a significant role just as a man in Vietnam War. These women are both good and bad for the men. Some are a source of comfort and motivation to succeed, and get home alive. But, others cause a negative impact on the men, making them lose focus on the task at hand. Mary Anne and Martha are two women that had a significant role in the book. Mary Anne is present in the book and her actions affected the men. While Martha is just a memoir, she still has the same affect. In the short story Sweetheart of the song Tra Bong the character Mary Anne flies to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Impact Of Tourism On The International Tourism People are travelling further and more frequently for a various causes like holidays, business, and education. Tourism plays a vital role in Australian economy. Foreign household incomes, the cost of travel and the comparative price of tourism in Australia with other places, are the important factors which influences demand for international tourism.(Pc.gov.au, 2016) Demand for the international tourism in Australia has grown strongly over the past two decades. The number of international visitors has increased from 2.5 million in 1992 to almost 6.7 million in 2014, which is more than doubled. (Pc.gov.au, 2016) Tourism industry is set to be a major focus for economic growth, as the country is facing the continued economic downturn in the mining industry. (Young and Winter, 2014). It contributes higher than the agricultural sector in Australian GDP. Tourism spending contributed almost 3 per cent of Australia s GDP, one third of which was by international visitors, in 2014. In 2013/14, tourism denoted 2.7%, or 43.4 billion of Australian GDP. It also employed 4.6% of all employed Australians around 500,000 people. (Scutt, 2015). In 2013, tourist spending in the tourism industry exceeded $98.5 billion. (Young and Winter, 2014). Tourists from Asia, specifically from China and India are the main growth area for Australian tourists exports. In 2014/15, the number of temporary arrivals from China to Australia increased to 935k from 770k in 2013/14. (Scutt, 2015) Reforms The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Thalassotherapy Therapeutic Treatment Thalassotherapy is a hydrotherapeutic treatment meaning it uses external application of water for a health or beauty benefit. It involves using the natural properties of the seawater and ocean dwelling plants for skin rejuvenation. Having originated in France, thalassotherapy is considered a natural remedy, used with a combination of mineral elements from seawater, skin care products and hot water. It is believed that the sea water used in thalassotherapy is similar in electrolyte concentration to that of the blood plasma in the body. Apparently this allows for greater absorption of essential trace elements; like magnesium, potassium, calcium and other mineral salts, directly into the skin. The reaction of thalassotherapy on the skin results ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A thermal blanket is placed over the body for approximately an hour. After this time the blanket and the seaweed wrap is removed. The residue of the seaweed products, oils and herbs are gently massaged into the skin. This increases blood circulation and apparently detoxifies the body removing accumulated toxin build up. The seaweed body wrap helps to disperse local fatty tissue deposits, leaving the skin nourished and healthy looking. The skin also absorbs minerals that are essential for the restoration of its tone and vitality. Benefits of Thalassotherapy The beauty and cosmetic industry claims that the following health benefits can be derived from thalassotherapy. While the medical fraternity will scoff at some of these outrageous claims, thalassotherapy is still widely practiced globally with hundreds of thousands of men and women vouching for its benefits. The healing properties of salt water a administered in thalassotherapy helps in the management of high blood pressure, asthma and muscle atrophy. This treatment is the natural defense against aging as it combats the physical signs of aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Indian Ocean Research Paper The Indian Ocean Jon Alikakos tsunami Mr. Pizzuto On the morning of December 26, 2004 on the eastern shoreline of India, individuals saw the ocean retreating a couple of hundred meters and they could see the uncovered beach front rack. This happened in light of the fact that an enormous tsunami which happened after the undersea seismic tremor with a size of 9.3 severed the bank of Bandeh Aceh in Northern Sumatra. This wave spread itself to a length of 1200 km reaching the Indian Coast, Sri Lanka, Maldives furthermore up to eastern waterfront Africa. As the torrent waves approach the shore, water becomes shallower, waves back off, the wavelength gets to be distinctly shorter and the statures of the wave get to be extremely dangerous. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014 12 24/boxing day tsunami how the disaster unfolded/5977568 The Indian Ocean wave devastated a great many miles of coastline and even submerged whole islands forever. The island nation Maldives rises just a couple of feet above ocean level, however it is generally safeguarded by distant coral reefs. All things considered, the wave cleared over the reefs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the point when the gigantic wave hits the shore, the drive of the power and shear height will destroy everything on that shoreline and anything that is in its paths until it eventually dies down. There is not generally only one wave that hits, more often than not there is numerous waves hitting the shore 1 after the other for the most part in 5 10 min periods taking after the past wave. There is an immense danger in this as many people think the main wave is the last rush of a torrent so they leave the shore to see what had happened and another wave hits making more lives lost and more destructed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Model Driven Development Paradigm 3. Model Driven Development Paradigm In the last few years, the software development evolves in an important manner MDD is a group of approaches, theories and methodological frameworks for industrialized software development. The basic idea of this model is to transfer the development efforts from programming to the higher level of abstraction,through use models such as primary artifacts and by transforming models into source code or other artifacts . Abstract This paper explains the meaning of analysis and design phases also analysis, designpatterns, as well as the points of differences and similarities between them, also describe what is development methods,and how to use these patterns in modern development methods, and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then, a general definition of patterns according to (RIEHLE and ZÜLLIGHOVEN 1996) A pattern is the abstraction from a concrete form which keeps recurring in specific non arbitrary contexts. also there is another definition Patterns are regularities in data from a specified source according to.... Analysis and Design Phases Description Software Engineering is the whole process of developing a software product from beginning to end using an accepted methodology. One of the common and oldest methods is the Waterfall model which sets a linear sequence of progression from Requirements gathering and analysis, design, implementation, testing to maintenance (Philip L, Matthew, Nick, 2002). Fig (1) the waterfall model of software development The five common stages include 1. Analysis At this stage the system requirements are collected and defined. Every existing systems can also be evaluated and each inadequacy can be highlighted. 2. Design A design specification is taken from requirements analysis, which plans are prepared related to physical construction, hardware, operating systems, programming, communications and safety issues. 3. Build Using the design specification, the system is developed and elements built. Additionally, the system will also be tested and user training will happen. 4. Implement The system is installed and implemented. That is, through any a gradual phased process or through a more cost ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. What Are The Objectives Of Netflix Netflix is on demand DVD rental as well as internet streaming provider working in different countries such as United Kingdom, USA, Latin America, and Ireland. Some of the corporate objectives of the company are as follows: To develop further favourable relationships with production studios in order to expand their video library To make Netflix available on all the internet accessible devices To generate more than $1 billion revenue in coming years The Netflix expects 10% of all the US households to become the member of Netflix by 2016 (Dransfield, 2001) External Analysis It is imperative from the prospect of Netflix that they should assess external environment of the business or related industry for the reason that it would help them ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The resources that are significant for Netflix are divided into two categories that are tangible and intangible. The tangible resources of the company include financial assistance, organisational and physical requirements. Financial assistance is considered as the basic resource because all the operations and functions of the business are dependent on this resource. For instance, the focus of the company is that revenue keeps on growing, however, in order to achieve this target, investment is needed which can be fulfilled by financial resource. Another division of tangible resource is organisation in which the company need organisational resource for conducting their functions. It is noticed that Netflix hired about 7 chief managers in order to ensure that business keeps on running smoothly. Moreover, they also hired 75 employees in their Beverly Hills. These are the organisation resource, which are also required for performing the basic activities of the business. In terms of physical resource, the company needs number of DVDs to provide service. It is also one of the important resources for Netflix because their function takes place on this particular resource. While on the other hand, intangible resources include human resource in which the company focused on hiring competent and skilled employees (Rothaermel, 2012; Teece, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay on BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico An oil spill of 4.9 million barrels, which happened in 2010, created not only turmoil for the environment, but caused the economy to take a great hit from the loss of an important raw material. Transocean were the owners of the oil rig drilling on behalf of BP, who were the ones at fault for the spill. This event caused a stir in both the government and non governmental organizations, because of the extensive damage that it caused. Federal investigations were put under way to determine the factors that caused the spill and once the investigation was concluded several environmental groups began to target the company to portray them as negligent. BP became the sole recipient of both the government and environmental organizations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first step begins with geologists and geophysicist exploring areas around which they might consider drilling in order to examine rocks, the formations they make to the earth, and they type and shape of the subsurface of the rock. They also use aircrafts that are able to measure the gravitational pull, and acoustic surveys to receive pictures of the layering of the earth through the use of sound waves. Once all assessments have been completed and experts have been consulted, the risks have been assessed, the environmental studies have been carried out and the data has been compiled into workable maps of the exploration site, it s time to send in the drilling crew (BP, 2013, para. 1). The decision to drill is not a hasty one and once it is decided, drilling in the ocean is a more difficult task when attempting to maintain an oilrig in place with the currents and waves. As many precautions as possible is taken before the drilling actually begins and when it does, BP is concerned with using the best type of technology in order to maintain a safe environment. Because of the gravity of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the enormity of the situation, the government was obliged to step in and investigate. According to Ososfky, the spill takes place at the intersection of legal regimes governing offshore activities and those governing oil spills and other disasters. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Agonist Maintenance Treatment Essay You are in great trouble if you are addicted or live with an addict. Due to addiction, most of the addicts die and also take down their family members with them. But if an addicted person really wants to recover, he must remain honest to himself. Addiction treatment can comprise medications, behavioral therapy (such as cognitive therapy, counseling or psychotherapy) or their combination. Drug Addictions can be broken through several Addiction treatments. Agonist Maintenance Treatment is a kind of addiction treatment which is mainly provided to the opiate addicts. This addiction treatment helps to reduce the patients craving for the opiate. Due to the sustained and adequate dosage of methadone, a well tested medication, the patient becomes stabilized and can function normally. Narcotic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Addiction is viewed regarding an individual s mental and social deficits, and this addiction treatment mainly aims in developing the socially creative life of the addicted. Short Term Residential Programs originally aimed to deal with alcohol problems, but after the cocaine epidemic in 1980 s, many started to deal with addiction treatment and illicit drug abuse. In case of Medical Detoxification treatment, an individual is withdrawn from an addicting drug under a physician s care. In case of some types of drugs, like alcohol, barbiturates and other sedatives, detoxification may be medically necessary, and if it is withdrawn suddenly it may be deadly or medically dangerous. From several researches, it is evident that, if we combine criminal justice sanction along with drug treatment, it can be effective in reducing drug use and other crimes. In case of Prison Based Treatment Program, those under the addiction treatment should be separated from the prison population so that, the prison culture is not able to overcome the progress towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Nehru Gandhi And Indira Gandhi When India became independent in August 1947 and established independence from the British Empire after years of colonial rule and oppression, various conflicts were faced within the issue of addressing and running a new state. The new state of India was accompanied by a vast array of issues, relating to matters such as inequality and prejudice. These problems that occurred after the independence of India were addressed by the Congress Party under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, and after his death in 1964, his daughter Indira Gandhi, who ran as Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977 and then again from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. During their time as the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi implemented many significant social, political and economic policies and reforms that had a major effect in the establishment of the world s largest democracy. However many issues were encountered such as the partisan violence and the language and cultural barriers which resulted in the feeling of erasure by various faiths and communities. Nehru also implemented aspects of democratic socialism and a secular state during his time as Prime Minister, and within his government, as his continuous persistence with the advocacy for more rights for women, his educational reforms and his industrialisation policies, such as the various 5 Year Plans from 1951 onwards. Indira s strict industrial policies also had a dramatic effect on India, such as the Green ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Thematic Essay On The Painted Bird A thematic research paper on the novel of The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski In Jerzy Kosinski s novel, T he Painted Bird, marginalisation creates genocide, a crime­ ridden second class, and vast amounts of psychological torment. Jews were massacred during World War II causing the young boy to flee from village after village to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. The young boy s plea for safety lands him in various situations, many of which cause him to be tortured and/or abused. Psychological torment from marginalisation causes the young boy to believe God holds disdain toward those without blond hair and blue eyes, causing the young boy to feel depressed. Marginalisation of society in World War II causes a genocide; this genocide forces the young boy to flee from his home and make an endless journey in search of a place of sanctuary. During World War II, Jews were sent to concentration camps and extermination camps in an effort to promote their marginalisation and genocide; the young boy knew this reality and fled from many villages to escape persecution. After causing mischief at his previous village, the young boy decided to flee into the woods in search of a new home. I wandered for several days in the woods and made attempts to approach the villages. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The young boy s lust for a safe environment lead him to abusive situations. Jews at that time were demonized, causing society to shun them. Psychological torment from marginalisation lead many dark hair and dark skinned people to feel ashamed of themselves, the young boy in T he Painted Bird was an example of this. The young boy s psychological torment forced him to hold disdain for God since God would not answer his prayers. The torment forced upon the young boy was the harsh reality for Jews and other minorities during World War II. By reading this book one is able to temporarily step into the shoes of a genocide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Pros And Cons Of Restraint Restraints limit a patient s movement. This brings up many ethical debates and issues. There are certain guidelines that should be followed when it comes to using restraints. It is important to know the different kinds of restraints, how to apply a physical restraint properly and how to administer a chemical restraint safely. It is important to consider alternatives as the use of restraints can present risk and negative outcomes. History of Restraints Restraints were incorporated into health care many decades ago. In the late 1970s, more than 25% of U.S residents in long term care facilities were restrained compared to a current average of 5% (Taylor, Lillis, Lynn, 2015, p. 707). Since 1987, the federal government and accrediting agencies have worked to reduce or eliminate the use of restraints (Taylor et al. 2015, p. 708). Also according to Taylor, Lillis, and Lynn (2015) a Safety Alert from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995 informed nurses and other members of the health care team the risks of using side rails, especially when all four side rails are up. Different Types of Restraints There are three categories of restraints. The three categories are physical, chemical, and seclusion. According to Springer (2015), a physical restraint is a device that keeps the patient from moving freely or from the patient harming themselves or other people nearby. Chemical restraints are drugs that are administered that do the same thing a physical restraint does. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...