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An Overview of Agile
Methods and Agile
Project Management
Soumik Das
NetCom Learning
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© 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
What is Agile
Review of the Agile Manifesto, Declaration of Interdependence, and how they
An introduction to 7 Agile methods
Deciding Between Waterfall and Agile for Your Project
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Agile is an iterative approach to project management that helps
teams deliver value faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of
betting everything on a big launch, agile teams deliver work in
small, consumable increments. There are numerous widely used
agile methodologies, including Scrum, Extreme Programming,
and the Dynamic Systems Development Method.
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Agile Manifesto values and focuses on:
Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools
-Key actors in any project are the people
Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
-Focus on delivering business value to the customer
Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
-Customers to be seen as collaborators because Agile believes in shared value approach
Responding to Change over Following a Plan
-Product Development to be approached in an adaptive manner
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The declaration of interdependence is a set of six management principles intended for project managers of
software development projects. The principles are:
“We …
• increase return on investment by — making continuous flow of value our focus.
• deliver reliable results by — engaging customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership.
• expect uncertainty and manage for it through — iterations, anticipation and adaptation.
• unleash creativity and innovation by — recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value and
creating an environment where they can make a difference.
• boost performance through — group accountability for results and shared responsibility for team
• improve effectiveness and reliability through — situationally specific strategies, processes and practices.”
© 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
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The twelve Agile Principles are:
1. Early and continuous delivery of valuable software
2. Welcome changing requirements
3. Deliver working software frequently
4. Business people and developers must work together
5. Build projects around motivated individuals
6. Face-to-face conversation
7. Working software
8. Sustainable development
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
10. Maximizing the amount of work not done
11. Self-organizing teams
12. Team reflection on how to be more effective
© 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
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Lean Kanban integrates the use of the visualization methods as prescribed by Kanban along with the principles of
Lean Software Development.
Core Values:
Kaizen: Japanese term used to define continuous improvement. The word is made up of two parts. “Kai” means
an idea for change or an action to rectify something, and “Zen” simply means “good.”
The Kaizen cycle
Plan: Chalk out a plan to work on areas that need improvement.
Execution: Carry out the changes according to plan.
Observation: Observe the difference in the process after the execution.
Evaluation: Evaluate the results and see how well it works for the process.
Muda: This is a Japanese term used to refer to any wasteful activity that has no value
Mura: In Japanese, this term means “unevenness or inconsistency in physical matter or human spiritual
Muri: This Japanese word is used for “overburden, unreasonableness or absurdity.”
Genchi Genbutsu: In Japanese, this means “go and see for yourself.”
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Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and
effective methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. A key
strength of Scrum lies in its use of cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered teams who divide
their work into short, concentrated work cycles called Sprints.
Scrum Flow for one Sprint
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Scrum principles are the core guidelines for applying the Scrum framework and should mandatorily be
used in all Scrum projects. The six Scrum principles are:
• Empirical Process Control
• Self-organization
• Collaboration
• Value-based Prioritization
• Time-boxing
• Iterative Development
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© 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
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© 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
XP is a lightweight, low risk, flexible, and predictable way to develop software. It makes use of frequent releases
in short development cycles to improve productivity and provide check points for feedback and changes.
Key attributes of XP:
• XP is an incremental planning approach, which quickly comes up with an overall plan that is expected to
evolve throughout the life of the project.
• XP flexibly schedules the implementation of functionality, responding to changing business needs.
• XP relies on automated tests written by programmers to monitor the progress of the development, to allow
the system to evolve, and to identify defects early.
• XP relies on oral communication, tests, and source code to communicate system structure and intent.
• XP relies on an evolutionary design process that lasts as long as the system lasts.
• XP relies on close collaboration between programmers.
• XP relies on practices that work with both the short-term instincts of programmers and the long-term
interests of the project.
© 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
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Test-Driven Development (TDD)
One of the most extensively used subsets of Agile methodologies, because it ensures working code and unfailing
designs. Sometimes known as “Test-First Development,” or TFD, TDD was introduced to the IT world by Kent
Beck, the famous creator of XP. As such, this methodology is considerably influenced by the “test-first
programming” approach of XP. Test-Driven Development is a software development method that involves writing
automated test code first and developing the least amount of code necessary to pass that test later.
Dynamic Systems Development Method was introduced in 1994 as a possible solution to the unstructured
Rapid Application Development (RAD). DSDM closely follows iterative and incremental approach, which is the
hallmark of Agile methodology. DSDM sets cost, quality, and time at the outset, and adjusts the project
deliverables to meet the set criteria by prioritizing the deliverables into musts, shoulds, coulds, and won’t haves
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A balanced amalgamation of the industry-acknowledged best software development practices. FDD operates on
the principle of completing a project by breaking it down into small, client-valued functions that can be delivered
in less than two weeks’ time. This reflects FDD’s two core principles: software development as a human activity
and client-valued functionality.
Alistair Cockburn, an Agile pioneer and one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, introduced a family of
development methods popularized as the Crystal methodologies of software development in the early 1990s.
According to Cockburn’s definition, Crystal is a family of human-powered, adaptive, ultralight, and “stretch-to-
fit” software development methodologies.
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There are a number of factors that should be considered before a methodology is adopted – we’ve summed
them up to help you decide which is more suitable for your project.
1) Many Initial Product Requirements & Strict Regulatory Requirements: If your project has strict regulatory
requirements and there is little room to make changes, this will push you toward a Waterfall software
development methodology. ✅ Waterfall
2) Few Initial Product & Regulatory Requirements: If your project has few initial requirements and doesn’t need
to meet strict regulations, an Agile development methodology will result in project creativity and decreased time
to market. ✅ Agile
3) Strict Processes in Place: If you’re in an organization that has strict processes that they have to adhere to,
trying to introduce Agile processes cross-functionally could be challenging, and so the Waterfall methodology will
be more suitable. ✅ Waterfall
4) Lenient Processes in Place: If your organization doesn’t have strict processes to follow and you have the luxury
of being able to work flexibly, then Agile offers enough benefits to introduce the methodology. ✅ Agile
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5) High Product Owner Involvement: If the product owner wants to be more hands-on, an Agile development
methodology allows for the product owner to be deeply involved. The product owner is a member of the team
and is the owner of the product requirements. The product owner ultimately makes all decisions on the scope
and the functionality of the product. ✅ Agile
6) Greenfield Product: If your team is trying to build something innovative that does not exist in any form today,
these types of projects are served well by an Agile software development methodology. It allows the product
owner to discover the project’s features and requirements in an iterative way. ✅ Agile
7) Fixed & Firm Timeline: If the project timeline is fixed and can not be moved, Waterfall will offer a more
predictable outcome. ✅ Waterfall
8) Short, Flexible Timeline: If you need to get the project delivered in a short amount of time, Agile is the
appropriate choice here where action and getting things built is more important than documentation and
process. ✅ Agile
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When to Use the Waterfall Methodology
The Waterfall methodology prevails when the project is constrained by cost and/or time, and the
requirements and scope are well understood. In these cases, the Waterfall methodology provides a set of
processes that are built on the principle of approval of the previous phase.
The bottom line is that the Waterfall methodology does a better job at providing a well-defined feature set
within a constrained budget or timeline.
When to Use an Agile Methodology
Agile wins the day when the product team is unsure at the onset what needs to be built or they wish to
discover what should be built based on adjustments they make along the way. Agile will produce more
features in a shorter period of time and also gives the team more flexibility throughout the process so that
they can take advantage of opportunities as the project unfolds.
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NetCom Learning offers a comprehensive portfolio for Business Process
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An overview of agile methods and agile project management

  • 1. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | An Overview of Agile Methods and Agile Project Management Soumik Das NetCom Learning
  • 2. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | What is Agile Review of the Agile Manifesto, Declaration of Interdependence, and how they An introduction to 7 Agile methods Deciding Between Waterfall and Agile for Your Project AGENDA
  • 3. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | WHAT IS AGILE? Agile is an iterative approach to project management that helps teams deliver value faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of betting everything on a big launch, agile teams deliver work in small, consumable increments. There are numerous widely used agile methodologies, including Scrum, Extreme Programming, and the Dynamic Systems Development Method.
  • 4. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | AGILE MANIFESTO Agile Manifesto values and focuses on: Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools -Key actors in any project are the people Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation -Focus on delivering business value to the customer Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation -Customers to be seen as collaborators because Agile believes in shared value approach Responding to Change over Following a Plan -Product Development to be approached in an adaptive manner
  • 5. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE The declaration of interdependence is a set of six management principles intended for project managers of software development projects. The principles are: “We … • increase return on investment by — making continuous flow of value our focus. • deliver reliable results by — engaging customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership. • expect uncertainty and manage for it through — iterations, anticipation and adaptation. • unleash creativity and innovation by — recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value and creating an environment where they can make a difference. • boost performance through — group accountability for results and shared responsibility for team effectiveness. • improve effectiveness and reliability through — situationally specific strategies, processes and practices.”
  • 6. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | AGILE PRINCIPLES The twelve Agile Principles are: 1. Early and continuous delivery of valuable software 2. Welcome changing requirements 3. Deliver working software frequently 4. Business people and developers must work together 5. Build projects around motivated individuals 6. Face-to-face conversation 7. Working software 8. Sustainable development 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design 10. Maximizing the amount of work not done 11. Self-organizing teams 12. Team reflection on how to be more effective
  • 7. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | LEAN KANBAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Lean Kanban integrates the use of the visualization methods as prescribed by Kanban along with the principles of Lean Software Development. Core Values: Kaizen: Japanese term used to define continuous improvement. The word is made up of two parts. “Kai” means an idea for change or an action to rectify something, and “Zen” simply means “good.” The Kaizen cycle Plan: Chalk out a plan to work on areas that need improvement. Execution: Carry out the changes according to plan. Observation: Observe the difference in the process after the execution. Evaluation: Evaluate the results and see how well it works for the process. Muda: This is a Japanese term used to refer to any wasteful activity that has no value Mura: In Japanese, this term means “unevenness or inconsistency in physical matter or human spiritual condition.” Muri: This Japanese word is used for “overburden, unreasonableness or absurdity.” Genchi Genbutsu: In Japanese, this means “go and see for yourself.”
  • 8. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | SCRUM Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and effective methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. A key strength of Scrum lies in its use of cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered teams who divide their work into short, concentrated work cycles called Sprints. Scrum Flow for one Sprint
  • 9. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | SCRUM PRINCIPLES Scrum principles are the core guidelines for applying the Scrum framework and should mandatorily be used in all Scrum projects. The six Scrum principles are: • Empirical Process Control • Self-organization • Collaboration • Value-based Prioritization • Time-boxing • Iterative Development
  • 10. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | SCRUM ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE
  • 11. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | EXTREME PROGRAMMING (XP) XP is a lightweight, low risk, flexible, and predictable way to develop software. It makes use of frequent releases in short development cycles to improve productivity and provide check points for feedback and changes. Key attributes of XP: • XP is an incremental planning approach, which quickly comes up with an overall plan that is expected to evolve throughout the life of the project. • XP flexibly schedules the implementation of functionality, responding to changing business needs. • XP relies on automated tests written by programmers to monitor the progress of the development, to allow the system to evolve, and to identify defects early. • XP relies on oral communication, tests, and source code to communicate system structure and intent. • XP relies on an evolutionary design process that lasts as long as the system lasts. • XP relies on close collaboration between programmers. • XP relies on practices that work with both the short-term instincts of programmers and the long-term interests of the project.
  • 12. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | Test-Driven Development (TDD) DYNAMIC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODS (DSDM) One of the most extensively used subsets of Agile methodologies, because it ensures working code and unfailing designs. Sometimes known as “Test-First Development,” or TFD, TDD was introduced to the IT world by Kent Beck, the famous creator of XP. As such, this methodology is considerably influenced by the “test-first programming” approach of XP. Test-Driven Development is a software development method that involves writing automated test code first and developing the least amount of code necessary to pass that test later. Dynamic Systems Development Method was introduced in 1994 as a possible solution to the unstructured Rapid Application Development (RAD). DSDM closely follows iterative and incremental approach, which is the hallmark of Agile methodology. DSDM sets cost, quality, and time at the outset, and adjusts the project deliverables to meet the set criteria by prioritizing the deliverables into musts, shoulds, coulds, and won’t haves (MoSCoW).
  • 13. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | FEATURE DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT (FDD) A balanced amalgamation of the industry-acknowledged best software development practices. FDD operates on the principle of completing a project by breaking it down into small, client-valued functions that can be delivered in less than two weeks’ time. This reflects FDD’s two core principles: software development as a human activity and client-valued functionality. CRYSTAL Alistair Cockburn, an Agile pioneer and one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, introduced a family of development methods popularized as the Crystal methodologies of software development in the early 1990s. According to Cockburn’s definition, Crystal is a family of human-powered, adaptive, ultralight, and “stretch-to- fit” software development methodologies.
  • 14. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | DECIDING BETWEEN WATERFALL AND AGILE FOR YOUR PROJECT There are a number of factors that should be considered before a methodology is adopted – we’ve summed them up to help you decide which is more suitable for your project. 1) Many Initial Product Requirements & Strict Regulatory Requirements: If your project has strict regulatory requirements and there is little room to make changes, this will push you toward a Waterfall software development methodology. ✅ Waterfall 2) Few Initial Product & Regulatory Requirements: If your project has few initial requirements and doesn’t need to meet strict regulations, an Agile development methodology will result in project creativity and decreased time to market. ✅ Agile 3) Strict Processes in Place: If you’re in an organization that has strict processes that they have to adhere to, trying to introduce Agile processes cross-functionally could be challenging, and so the Waterfall methodology will be more suitable. ✅ Waterfall 4) Lenient Processes in Place: If your organization doesn’t have strict processes to follow and you have the luxury of being able to work flexibly, then Agile offers enough benefits to introduce the methodology. ✅ Agile
  • 15. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | DECIDING BETWEEN WATERFALL AND AGILE FOR YOUR PROJECT 5) High Product Owner Involvement: If the product owner wants to be more hands-on, an Agile development methodology allows for the product owner to be deeply involved. The product owner is a member of the team and is the owner of the product requirements. The product owner ultimately makes all decisions on the scope and the functionality of the product. ✅ Agile 6) Greenfield Product: If your team is trying to build something innovative that does not exist in any form today, these types of projects are served well by an Agile software development methodology. It allows the product owner to discover the project’s features and requirements in an iterative way. ✅ Agile 7) Fixed & Firm Timeline: If the project timeline is fixed and can not be moved, Waterfall will offer a more predictable outcome. ✅ Waterfall 8) Short, Flexible Timeline: If you need to get the project delivered in a short amount of time, Agile is the appropriate choice here where action and getting things built is more important than documentation and process. ✅ Agile
  • 16. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | DECIDING BETWEEN WATERFALL AND AGILE FOR YOUR PROJECT When to Use the Waterfall Methodology The Waterfall methodology prevails when the project is constrained by cost and/or time, and the requirements and scope are well understood. In these cases, the Waterfall methodology provides a set of processes that are built on the principle of approval of the previous phase. The bottom line is that the Waterfall methodology does a better job at providing a well-defined feature set within a constrained budget or timeline. When to Use an Agile Methodology Agile wins the day when the product team is unsure at the onset what needs to be built or they wish to discover what should be built based on adjustments they make along the way. Agile will produce more features in a shorter period of time and also gives the team more flexibility throughout the process so that they can take advantage of opportunities as the project unfolds.
  • 17. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | | | To watch the recorded webinar video for live demos, please access the link: https://bit.ly/35zXwUU RECORDED WEBINAR VIDEO
  • 18. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | | | ABOUT NETCOM LEARNING NetCom Learningis an award-winning global leader in managedlearning services, training and talentdevelopment. Founded : 1998 Headquarters : NewYorkCity Delivery Capability : Worldwide CEO : RussellSarder 100K+ Professionals trained | | © 1998-2019 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888- 563-8266 14K+ C orporate clients 3500 IT,Business& Soft Skillscourses 96% Of customers recommend usto others 8.6/9 Instructor evaluations 20+ Leadingvendors recognitions Microsoft’s Worldwidetraining partner of the year 80% Trainedofthe Fortune100 T op20 ITTraining Company © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | |
  • 19. © 1998-2020 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | RECOMMENDED COURSES AND MARKETING ASSETS NetCom Learning offers a comprehensive portfolio for Business Process » Introduction To Agile And Scrum Methodologies » Introduction To Agile Project Management » PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® -– Class Scheduled on March 28 » Developing Agile Requirements And User Stories In The Federal Environment – Class Scheduled on May 26 | | © 1998-2019 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 You can also access the below Marketing Assets » Free 1hr Training - Agile Fundamentals: One Step Guide for Agile Projects » Free On-Demand Training - Implementing Effective Risk Response Strategies on Your Projects » Blog - Agile Project Manager vs Product Owner © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | |
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