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Harry Wright
AS Mediatransitionproject
Analysis of an existing school magazine cover
Font- All off the fontsusedonthisparticular
magazine coverare serif,the reasonwhyserif is
likelytohave beenchosenisthatthe humaneye
printedoutina serif font. The effectwhichis
causedby thisuse of fontis that the audience find
it easiertofollowthe flowof the text. The title isin
the biggestfontsize,showingitsimportance,the
othertextisin smallertextandthe redsectionat
the bottomis smallerthanthat.
Layout- The route of eye hasbeenusedonthis
frontcover.In my opinionthe layoutiswell
orderedthisisbecause the textisn'tall overthe
place as it hasits ownoveron the lefthandside.I
alsolike how the name of the magazine isbyitself,
thisallowsthe othertexttobe setaside fromit.
One issue withthe layoutthatI have isthe
placementof the barcode,Iwouldpersonallyhave
it onthe back cover,as itspoilsthe background
image. The ratioof image totextis around60:40.
Image- The onlyimage onthe magazine coverisa
midshot of a female student.the mise-en-scene
usedinthe shot are typical of whata studentlooks
like whilstat school,these itemsinparticularare the blazerandthe workfolderinherhand. The
coloursinthe shotare quite darkhowevertheyare natural andsoftimplyingthatthe school hasa
positive atmosphere andafriendlyenvironment.
Mode of address- the magazine addressitscontentsinaformal way,it doesthisbyitsuse of
language andalsothe image of the girl whois wearinghersmart/formal attire.
Conventions- The layoutisveryconventional,Iknow thisbecause itfollowsthe route of eye andthis
isverytypical of all magazines. The wordofficialisona lotof school magazinesthatIhave seen
online.The contentsof the magazine isalsotypical asitshowsinformationaboutnew pupilsand
aboutnewmemberstothe school staff.
Harry Wright
AS Mediatransitionproject
Draft contents page
Title, page number, image and a
brief outline of the main story
Image related to the main story
numbers of
stories and
articles in
School name, address and details
Harry Wright
AS Mediatransitionproject
Fonts- Century for headings andCalibri bodyforlargerchunks
I've chose these coloursastheycomplementeachotherwell. The three colourschosenalsoappeal
to bothsexesmeaningthatitislikelytobe more appropriate andpopularasa school magazine.
Harry Wright
AS Mediatransitionproject
Evaluationof myfrontcover
Font- on my frontcoverI use three differentfontsizes,the largestissize 72 followedby18 and then
the smallestissize 12. The largestfontisthe show the name of the school andattract the audience's
attention. Iputthe school name initalicsas it looksmore professional.
Layout - I have triedto make the layoutfollow the
criteriato be classedas usingthe route of eye,I've
triedto dothis as itis verypopularinall magazines
and worksverywell. The layoutisalsosimilarto
otherschool magazinesbecause itincludesthe
school name at the top and informationaboutwhat's
inside the magazine goingdownthe lefthandside.
Image - There are two photographedimagesonthe
frontcover of my school magazine. The first
photographisof the school building,Iputa black and
white filteroverthe originalpicture, Ithencroppedit
intoan oval frame. The otherimage isa midshotof a
female pupil of the school.The pupil iswearingsmart
attire to showthat she ispart of the school and that
theyare focusedonlookingasthoughthe pupil is
readyfor school.Inthe pupilshandshe isholding
several school relatedbooksshowingthatpupilsat
Neale Wade Academyare readyandeagerto learnintheirenvironment.
Colour- The main/base colourof mymagazine coverisgrey,thisis ina grey scale gradienttone,
startingdark and the top andfadingto lightgreyat the bottom. All of the texton the coveris red, I
chose redbecause I feel itcontrastswell againstthe background.The colourredrepresentsanger
howeverinthissituationIdon'tthinkthatit istoo over powering.These colours werealsochosen
because theyare not considered tobe suitedtojustone sex i.e. "pinkisforgirls".
Mode of address- I triedtomake the magazine coverlookasformal as possible,one waythatItried
to do thiswasby makingmymodel wearsmart attire,thiswasdone byher wearingasmart/ dressy
blazer,inblack. The langue thatI have usedisn'toverlyformal howeveritiswrote well,I've chosen
to use thislanguage asits understoodbypupilsandparentswhoare the mostlikelytobe readingis,
thismagazine coverwouldn'tbe anideal place forslang/textspeaksoI didn'tincorporate itbecause
it wouldthen make the magazine informal andchildish.
Conventions - The layoutistypical asthe school name isat the top of the cover,it isalsoverybold
and ina large fontsize. Anotherwayinwhichitistypical isthat ithas a photoof the school building,
I foundthat thiswasverycommonwhilstlookingforfrontcoverexamplesof school magazines.The
storiesthatI have advertisedgoingdownthe lefthandside of the coverare alsoverysimilartowhat
I have seeninotherschool magazines,meaningthisiswhat'sinmostotherschool magazines.

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This magazine contents page targets college students as evidenced by the colorful fonts that would catch students' attention and the inclusion of photos that may include other students. The different sections are distinguished by separate colors to help readers recognize them. The title font looks formal but the rest of the page has a fun, informal design suitable for students. However, the large number of different colors used makes the page look unprofessional and difficult to focus on.


This document analyzes a school magazine cover. It discusses the font, layout, colors, images, mode of address, and conventions used in the magazine cover. The font uses a bold sans serif style to catch readers' attention. The layout places key elements in the primary optical area and route of the eye. Colors like blue and yellow make the content pop. Images include students and school settings. The mode of address is informal to appeal to students. Conventions follow typical magazine design principles. The document also evaluates the author's own school magazine cover design and compares it to an existing school magazine cover.

Harry Wright
AS Mediatransitionproject
Neale Wade
Episode 1
Meet the new
teaching staff
Find out how
you can win
this month's
results in
both A-levels
and GCSE's

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As media

  • 1. Harry Wright AS Mediatransitionproject Analysis of an existing school magazine cover Font- All off the fontsusedonthisparticular magazine coverare serif,the reasonwhyserif is likelytohave beenchosenisthatthe humaneye findsiteasiertodistinguishtextwhichhasbeen printedoutina serif font. The effectwhichis causedby thisuse of fontis that the audience find it easiertofollowthe flowof the text. The title isin the biggestfontsize,showingitsimportance,the othertextisin smallertextandthe redsectionat the bottomis smallerthanthat. Layout- The route of eye hasbeenusedonthis frontcover.In my opinionthe layoutiswell orderedthisisbecause the textisn'tall overthe place as it hasits ownoveron the lefthandside.I alsolike how the name of the magazine isbyitself, thisallowsthe othertexttobe setaside fromit. One issue withthe layoutthatI have isthe placementof the barcode,Iwouldpersonallyhave it onthe back cover,as itspoilsthe background image. The ratioof image totextis around60:40. Image- The onlyimage onthe magazine coverisa midshot of a female student.the mise-en-scene usedinthe shot are typical of whata studentlooks like whilstat school,these itemsinparticularare the blazerandthe workfolderinherhand. The coloursinthe shotare quite darkhowevertheyare natural andsoftimplyingthatthe school hasa positive atmosphere andafriendlyenvironment. Mode of address- the magazine addressitscontentsinaformal way,it doesthisbyitsuse of language andalsothe image of the girl whois wearinghersmart/formal attire. Conventions- The layoutisveryconventional,Iknow thisbecause itfollowsthe route of eye andthis isverytypical of all magazines. The wordofficialisona lotof school magazinesthatIhave seen online.The contentsof the magazine isalsotypical asitshowsinformationaboutnew pupilsand aboutnewmemberstothe school staff.
  • 2. Harry Wright AS Mediatransitionproject Draft contents page Contents 1 Title, page number, image and a brief outline of the main story Image related to the main story Page numbers of other stories and articles in the magazine School name, address and details
  • 3. Harry Wright AS Mediatransitionproject Fonts- Century for headings andCalibri bodyforlargerchunks Colourscheme- I've chose these coloursastheycomplementeachotherwell. The three colourschosenalsoappeal to bothsexesmeaningthatitislikelytobe more appropriate andpopularasa school magazine.
  • 4. Harry Wright AS Mediatransitionproject Evaluationof myfrontcover Font- on my frontcoverI use three differentfontsizes,the largestissize 72 followedby18 and then the smallestissize 12. The largestfontisthe show the name of the school andattract the audience's attention. Iputthe school name initalicsas it looksmore professional. Layout - I have triedto make the layoutfollow the criteriato be classedas usingthe route of eye,I've triedto dothis as itis verypopularinall magazines and worksverywell. The layoutisalsosimilarto otherschool magazinesbecause itincludesthe school name at the top and informationaboutwhat's inside the magazine goingdownthe lefthandside. Image - There are two photographedimagesonthe frontcover of my school magazine. The first photographisof the school building,Iputa black and white filteroverthe originalpicture, Ithencroppedit intoan oval frame. The otherimage isa midshotof a female pupil of the school.The pupil iswearingsmart attire to showthat she ispart of the school and that theyare focusedonlookingasthoughthe pupil is readyfor school.Inthe pupilshandshe isholding several school relatedbooksshowingthatpupilsat Neale Wade Academyare readyandeagerto learnintheirenvironment. Colour- The main/base colourof mymagazine coverisgrey,thisis ina grey scale gradienttone, startingdark and the top andfadingto lightgreyat the bottom. All of the texton the coveris red, I chose redbecause I feel itcontrastswell againstthe background.The colourredrepresentsanger howeverinthissituationIdon'tthinkthatit istoo over powering.These colours werealsochosen because theyare not considered tobe suitedtojustone sex i.e. "pinkisforgirls". Mode of address- I triedtomake the magazine coverlookasformal as possible,one waythatItried to do thiswasby makingmymodel wearsmart attire,thiswasdone byher wearingasmart/ dressy blazer,inblack. The langue thatI have usedisn'toverlyformal howeveritiswrote well,I've chosen to use thislanguage asits understoodbypupilsandparentswhoare the mostlikelytobe readingis, thismagazine coverwouldn'tbe anideal place forslang/textspeaksoI didn'tincorporate itbecause it wouldthen make the magazine informal andchildish. Conventions - The layoutistypical asthe school name isat the top of the cover,it isalsoverybold and ina large fontsize. Anotherwayinwhichitistypical isthat ithas a photoof the school building, I foundthat thiswasverycommonwhilstlookingforfrontcoverexamplesof school magazines.The storiesthatI have advertisedgoingdownthe lefthandside of the coverare alsoverysimilartowhat I have seeninotherschool magazines,meaningthisiswhat'sinmostotherschool magazines.
  • 5. Harry Wright AS Mediatransitionproject Neale Wade Academy Episode 1 Meet the new teaching staff Find out how you can win this month's award Excellent results in both A-levels and GCSE's