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Big data processing with Apache
Spark and Oracle database
Martin Toshev
Who am I
Software consultant (CoffeeCupConsulting)
BG JUG board member (http://jug.bg)
(BG JUG is a 2018 Oracle Duke’s
choice award winner)
• Apache Spark from an eagle’s eye
• Apache Spark capabilities
• Using Oracle RDBMS as a Spark datasource
Apache Spark from an Eagle’s eye

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Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013
Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013
Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013

Parquet is a columnar storage format for Hadoop data. It was developed by Twitter and Cloudera to optimize storage and querying of large datasets. Parquet provides more efficient compression and I/O compared to traditional row-based formats by storing data by column. Early results show a 28% reduction in storage size and up to a 114% improvement in query performance versus the original Thrift format. Parquet supports complex nested schemas and can be used with Hadoop tools like Hive, Pig, and Impala.

Change Data Feed in Delta
Change Data Feed in DeltaChange Data Feed in Delta
Change Data Feed in Delta

This document discusses Delta Change Data Feed (CDF), which allows capturing changes made to Delta tables. It describes how CDF works by storing change events like inserts, updates and deletes. It also outlines how CDF can be used to improve ETL pipelines, unify batch and streaming workflows, and meet regulatory needs. The document provides examples of enabling CDF, querying change data and storing the change events. It concludes by offering a demo of CDF in Jupyter notebooks.

InfluxDB IOx Tech Talks: Query Engine Design and the Rust-Based DataFusion in...
InfluxDB IOx Tech Talks: Query Engine Design and the Rust-Based DataFusion in...InfluxDB IOx Tech Talks: Query Engine Design and the Rust-Based DataFusion in...
InfluxDB IOx Tech Talks: Query Engine Design and the Rust-Based DataFusion in...

The document discusses updates to InfluxDB IOx, a new columnar time series database. It covers changes and improvements to the API, CLI, query capabilities, and path to open sourcing builds. Key points include moving to gRPC for management, adding PostgreSQL string functions to queries, optimizing functions for scalar values and columns, and monitoring internal systems as the first step to releasing open source builds.

influxdbinfluxdatatime series database
• A framework for large-scale distributed data processing
• Originally in Scala but extended with Java, Python and R
• One of the most contributed
open source/Apache/GitHub projects with over 1400
Spark vs MapReduce
• Spark has been developed in order to address the
shortcomings of the MapReduce programming model
• In particular MapReduce is unsuitable for:
– real-time processing (suitable for batch processing of present data)
– operations not limited to the key-value format of data
– large data on a network
– online transaction processing
– graph processing
– sequential program execution
Spark vs Hadoop
• Spark is faster as it depends more on RAM usage and
tries to minimize disk IO (on the storage system)
• Spark however can still use Hadoop:
– as a storage engine (HDFS)
– as a compute engine (MapReduce or Hadoop YARN)
• Spark has pluggable storage and compute engine
Spark components
Spark Framework
Spark Core
MLib GraphXSpark SQL

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Spark SQL: Another 16x Faster After Tungsten: Spark Summit East talk by Brad ...
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Spark SQL: Another 16x Faster After Tungsten: Spark Summit East talk by Brad ...

Apache Spark 2.1.0 boosted the performance of Apache Spark SQL due to Project Tungsten software improvements. Another 16x times faster has been achieved by using Oracle’s innovations for Apache Spark SQL. This 16x improvement is made possible by using Oracle’s Software in Silicon accelerator offload technologies. Apache Spark SQL In-memory performance is becoming more important due to many factors. Users are now performing more advanced SQL processing on multi-terabyte workloads. In addition on-prem and cloud servers are getting larger physical memory to enable storing these huge workloads be stored in memory. In this talk we will look at using Spark SQL in feature creation, feature generation within pipelines for Spark ML. This presentation will explore workloads at scale and with complex interactions. We also provide best practices and tuning suggestion to support these kinds of workloads on real applications in cloud deployments. In addition ideas for next generation Tungsten project will also be discussed.

spark summit eastapache spark
Configuration Driven Reporting On Large Dataset Using Apache Spark
Configuration Driven Reporting On Large Dataset Using Apache SparkConfiguration Driven Reporting On Large Dataset Using Apache Spark
Configuration Driven Reporting On Large Dataset Using Apache Spark

In financial world, petabytes of transactional data need to be stored, processed, distributed across global customers and partners in a secured, compliant and accurate way with high availability, resiliency and observability. In American Express, we need to generate hundreds of different kinds of reports and distribute to thousands of partners in different schedules based on billions of daily transactions. Our next generation reporting framework is a highly configurable enterprise framework that caters to different reporting needs with zero development. This reusable framework entails dynamic scheduling of partner-specific reports, transforming, aggregating and filtering the data into different dataframes using inbuilt as well as user-defined spark functions leveraging spark’s in memory and parallel processing capabilities. This also encompasses applying business rules and converting it into different formats by embedding template engines like FreeMarker and Mustache into the framework.

Frame - Feature Management for Productive Machine Learning
Frame - Feature Management for Productive Machine LearningFrame - Feature Management for Productive Machine Learning
Frame - Feature Management for Productive Machine Learning

Presented at the ML Platforms Meetup at Pinterest HQ in San Francisco on August 16, 2018. Abstract: At LinkedIn we observed that much of the complexity in our machine learning applications was in their feature preparation workflows. To address this problem, we built Frame, a shared virtual feature store that provides a unified abstraction layer for accessing features by name. Frame removes the need for feature consumers to deal directly with underlying data sources, which are often different across computing environments. By simplifying feature preparation, Frame has made ML applications at LinkedIn easier to build, modify, and understand.

machine learningproductivity
Spark architecture
Spark application
Input data
Output data
Apache Spark capabilities
Spark datasets
• The building block of Spark are RDDs (Resilient
Distributed Datasets)
• They are immutable collections of objects spread across
a Spark cluster and stored in RAM or on disk
• Created by means of distributed transformations
• Rebuilt on failure of a Spark node
Spark datasets
• The DataFrame API is a superset of RDDs introduced in
Spark 2.0
• The Dataset API provides a way to work with a
combination of RDDs and DataFrames
• The DataFrame API is preferred compared to RDDs due to
improved performance and more advanced operations

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Apache Spark Data Source V2 with Wenchen Fan and Gengliang Wang
Apache Spark Data Source V2 with Wenchen Fan and Gengliang WangApache Spark Data Source V2 with Wenchen Fan and Gengliang Wang
Apache Spark Data Source V2 with Wenchen Fan and Gengliang Wang

As a general computing engine, Spark can process data from various data management/storage systems, including HDFS, Hive, Cassandra and Kafka. For flexibility and high throughput, Spark defines the Data Source API, which is an abstraction of the storage layer. The Data Source API has two requirements. 1) Generality: support reading/writing most data management/storage systems. 2) Flexibility: customize and optimize the read and write paths for different systems based on their capabilities. Data Source API V2 is one of the most important features coming with Spark 2.3. This talk will dive into the design and implementation of Data Source API V2, with comparison to the Data Source API V1. We also demonstrate how to implement a file-based data source using the Data Source API V2 for showing its generality and flexibility.

apache sparksparkaisummit
Spark + Parquet In Depth: Spark Summit East Talk by Emily Curtin and Robbie S...
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What if you could get the simplicity, convenience, interoperability, and storage niceties of an old-fashioned CSV with the speed of a NoSQL database and the storage requirements of a gzipped file? Enter Parquet. At The Weather Company, Parquet files are a quietly awesome and deeply integral part of our Spark-driven analytics workflow. Using Spark + Parquet, we’ve built a blazing fast, storage-efficient, query-efficient data lake and a suite of tools to accompany it. We will give a technical overview of how Parquet works and how recent improvements from Tungsten enable SparkSQL to take advantage of this design to provide fast queries by overcoming two major bottlenecks of distributed analytics: communication costs (IO bound) and data decoding (CPU bound).

apache sparkspark summit east
Using LLVM to accelerate processing of data in Apache Arrow
Using LLVM to accelerate processing of data in Apache ArrowUsing LLVM to accelerate processing of data in Apache Arrow
Using LLVM to accelerate processing of data in Apache Arrow

Most query engines follow an interpreter-based approach where a SQL query is translated into a tree of relational algebra operations then fed through a conventional tuple-based iterator model to execute the query. We will explore the overhead associated with this approach and how the performance of query execution on columnar data can be improved using run-time code generation via LLVM. Generally speaking, the best case for optimal query execution performance is a hand-written query plan that does exactly what is needed by the query for the exact same data types and format. Vectorized query processing models amortize the cost of function calls. However, research has shown that hand-written code for a given query plan has the potential to outperform the optimizations associated with a vectorized query processing model. Over the last decade, the LLVM compiler framework has seen significant development. Furthermore, the database community has realized the potential of LLVM to boost query performance by implementing JIT query compilation frameworks. With LLVM, a SQL query is translated into a portable intermediary representation (IR) which is subsequently converted into machine code for the desired target architecture. Dremio is built on top of Apache Arrow’s in-memory columnar vector format. The in-memory vectors map directly to the vector type in LLVM and that makes our job easier when writing the query processing algorithms in LLVM. We will talk about how Dremio implemented query processing logic in LLVM for some operators like FILTER and PROJECT. We will also discuss the performance benefits of LLVM-based vectorized query execution over other methods. Speaker Siddharth Teotia, Dremio, Software Engineer

apache arrowdata processing and warehousingdataworks summit san jose
Spark datasets
List<Item> items = …;
SparkConf configuration = new
JavaSparkContext context =
new JavaSparkContext(configuration);
JavaRDD<Item> itemsRDD = context.parallelize(items);
Spark transformations
map itemsRDD.map(i -> { i.setName(“phone”);
return i;});
filter itemsRDD.filter(i ->
flatMap itemsRDD.flatMap(i ->
Arrays.asList(i, i).iterator());
union itemsRDD.union(newItemsRDD);
intersection itemsRDD.intersection(newItemsRDD);
distinct itemsRDD.distinct()
cartesian itemsRDD.cartesian(otherDatasetRDD)
Spark transformations
groupBy pairItemsRDD = itemsRDD.mapToPair(i ->
new Tuple2(i.getType(), i));
modifiedPairItemsRDD =
reduceByKey pairItemsRDD = itemsRDD.mapToPair(o ->
new Tuple2(o.getType(), o));
modifiedPairItemsRDD =
pairItemsRDD.reduceByKey((o1, o2) ->
new Item(o1.getType(),
o1.getCount() + o2.getCount(),
• Other transformations include aggregateByKey,
sortByKey, join, cogroup …
Spark actions
• Spark actions are the terminal operations that produce
results from the transformations
• Actions are a way to communicate back from the
execution engine to the Spark driver instance

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Parquet and AVRO
Parquet and AVROParquet and AVRO
Parquet and AVRO

This document provides an overview and comparison of the Avro and Parquet data formats. It begins with introductions to Avro and Parquet, describing their key features and uses. The document then covers Avro and Parquet schemas, file structures, and includes code examples. Finally, it discusses considerations for choosing between Avro and Parquet and shares experiences using the two formats.

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A Rusty introduction to Apache Arrow and how it applies to a time series dat...
A Rusty introduction to Apache Arrow and how it applies to a  time series dat...A Rusty introduction to Apache Arrow and how it applies to a  time series dat...
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This has a high level overview of the Apache Arrow and how it applies to a time series database, and contains examples written in Rust

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Apache Hudi: The Path Forward
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Apache Hudi: The Path Forward

Alluxio Day VI October 12, 2021 https://www.alluxio.io/alluxio-day/ Speaker: Vinoth Chandar, Apache Software Foundation Raymond Xu, Zendesk

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Spark actions
collect itemsRDD.collect()
reduce itemsRDD.map(i ->
i.getUnitPrice() * i.getCount()).
reduce((x, y) -> x + y);
count itemsRDD.count()
first itemsRDD.first()
take itemsRDD.take(4)
takeOrdered itemsRDD.takeOrdered(4, comparator)
foreach itemsRDD.foreach(System.out::println)
saveAsTextFile itemsRDD.saveAsTextFile(path)
saveAsObjectFile itemsRDD.saveAsObjectFile(path)
• A dataframe can be created using an instance of the
org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession class
• The DataFrame/DataSet APIs provide more advanced
operations and the capability to run SQL queries on the
session.sql("SELECT * FROM items");
• An existing RDD can be converted to a Spark dataframe:
• An RDD can be retrieved from a dataframe as well:
SparkSession session =
Dataset<Row> itemsDS =
session.createDataFrame(itemsRDD, Item.class);
Spark data sources
• Spark can receive data from a variety of data sources in a
variety of ways (batching, real-time streaming)
• These datasources might be:
– files: Spark supports reading data from a variety of formats (JSON, CSV, Avro,
– relational databases: using JDBC/ODBC driver Spark can extract data from an
– TCP sockets, messaging systems: using streaming capabilities of Spark data
can be read from messaging systems and raw TCP sockets

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Presto: Fast SQL-on-Anything (including Delta Lake, Snowflake, Elasticsearch ...
Presto: Fast SQL-on-Anything (including Delta Lake, Snowflake, Elasticsearch ...Presto: Fast SQL-on-Anything (including Delta Lake, Snowflake, Elasticsearch ...
Presto: Fast SQL-on-Anything (including Delta Lake, Snowflake, Elasticsearch ...

Presto, an open source distributed SQL engine, is widely recognized for its low-latency queries, high concurrency, and native ability to query multiple data sources. Proven at scale in a variety of use cases at Airbnb, Comcast, GrubHub, Facebook, FINRA, LinkedIn, Lyft, Netflix, Twitter, and Uber, in the last few years Presto experienced an unprecedented growth in popularity in both on-premises and cloud deployments over Object Stores, HDFS, NoSQL and RDBMS data stores.

Deploying Flink on Kubernetes - David Anderson
 Deploying Flink on Kubernetes - David Anderson Deploying Flink on Kubernetes - David Anderson
Deploying Flink on Kubernetes - David Anderson

Kubernetes has rapidly established itself as the de facto standard for orchestrating containerized infrastructures. And with the recent completion of the refactoring of Flink's deployment and process model known as FLIP-6, Kubernetes has become a natural choice for Flink deployments. In this talk we will walk through how to get Flink running on Kubernetes

kubernetesflinkapache flink
Unified Stream and Batch Processing with Apache Flink
Unified Stream and Batch Processing with Apache FlinkUnified Stream and Batch Processing with Apache Flink
Unified Stream and Batch Processing with Apache Flink

The document discusses Apache Flink, an open source stream processing framework. It provides high throughput and low latency processing of both streaming and batch data. Flink allows for explicit handling of event time, stateful stream processing with exactly-once semantics, and high performance. It also supports features like windowing, sessionization, and complex event processing that are useful for building streaming applications.

Spark data sources
• Spark provides support for operations on batch data or
real time data
• For real time data Spark provides two main APIs:
– Spark streaming is an older API working on RDDs
– Spark structured streaming is a newer API working on DataFrames/DataSets
Spark data sources
• Spark provides capabilities to plug-in additional data
sources not supported by Spark
• For streaming sources you can define your own custom
Spark streaming
• Data is divided into batches called Dstreams
(decentralized streams)
• Typical use case is the integration of Spark with
messaging systems such as Kafka, RabbitMQ and
ActiveMQ etc.
• Fault tolerance can be enabled in Spark Streaming
whereby data is stored in HDFS
Spark streaming
• To define a Spark stream you need to create a
JavaStreamingContext instance
SparkConf conf = new
JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf,

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Top 5 Mistakes When Writing Spark Applications
Top 5 Mistakes When Writing Spark ApplicationsTop 5 Mistakes When Writing Spark Applications
Top 5 Mistakes When Writing Spark Applications

This document discusses 5 common mistakes when writing Spark applications: 1) Improperly sizing executors by not considering cores, memory, and overhead. The optimal configuration depends on the workload and cluster resources. 2) Applications failing due to shuffle blocks exceeding 2GB size limit. Increasing the number of partitions helps address this. 3) Jobs running slowly due to data skew in joins and shuffles. Techniques like salting keys can help address skew. 4) Not properly managing the DAG to avoid shuffles and bring work to the data. Using ReduceByKey over GroupByKey and TreeReduce over Reduce when possible. 5) Classpath conflicts arising from mismatched library versions, which can be addressed using sh

#apachespark #sparksummit
Streaming Data Lakes using Kafka Connect + Apache Hudi | Vinoth Chandar, Apac...
Streaming Data Lakes using Kafka Connect + Apache Hudi | Vinoth Chandar, Apac...Streaming Data Lakes using Kafka Connect + Apache Hudi | Vinoth Chandar, Apac...
Streaming Data Lakes using Kafka Connect + Apache Hudi | Vinoth Chandar, Apac...

Apache Hudi is a data lake platform, that provides streaming primitives (upserts/deletes/change streams) on top of data lake storage. Hudi powers very large data lakes at Uber, Robinhood and other companies, while being pre-installed on four major cloud platforms. Hudi supports exactly-once, near real-time data ingestion from Apache Kafka to cloud storage, which is typically used in-place of a S3/HDFS sink connector to gain transactions and mutability. While this approach is scalable and battle-tested, it can only ingest data in mini batches, leading to lower data freshness. In this talk, we introduce a Kafka Connect Sink Connector for Apache Hudi, which writes data straight into Hudi's log format, making the data immediately queryable, while Hudi's table services like indexing, compaction, clustering work behind the scenes, to further re-organize for better query performance.

apache kafkakafka summit
Building highly scalable data pipelines with Apache Spark
Building highly scalable data pipelines with Apache SparkBuilding highly scalable data pipelines with Apache Spark
Building highly scalable data pipelines with Apache Spark

This document provides a summary of Apache Spark, including: - Spark is a framework for large-scale data processing across clusters that is faster than Hadoop by relying more on RAM and minimizing disk IO. - Spark transformations operate on resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) to manipulate data, while actions return results to the driver program. - Spark can receive data from various sources like files, databases, sockets through its datasource APIs and process both batch and streaming data. - Spark streaming divides streaming data into micro-batches called DStreams and integrates with messaging systems like Kafka. Structured streaming is a newer API that works on DataFrames/Datasets.

javaapache sparkbig data
Spark streaming
• Then a receiver can be created for the data:
– from sockets:
– from data directory:
– from RDD streams (for testing purposes):
jssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 7777);
jssc.textFileStream("... some data directory ...");
jssc.queueStream(... RDDs queue ... )
Spark streaming
• Then the data pipeline can be built using transformations
and actions on the streams
• Finally retrieval of data must be triggered from the
streaming context:
Spark streaming
• Window streams can be created over stream data based
on two criteria:
– length of the window
– sliding interval for the windows
• Streaming datasets can also be joined with other
streaming or batch datasets
Spark structured streaming
• Newer streaming API working on DataSets/DataFrames:
• A schema can be specified on the streaming data using
the .schema(<schema>) method on the read stream
SparkSession context = SparkSession
Dataset<Row> lines = spark
.option("host", "localhost")
.option("port", 7777)

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What Is Apache Spark? | Introduction To Apache Spark | Apache Spark Tutorial ...
What Is Apache Spark? | Introduction To Apache Spark | Apache Spark Tutorial ...What Is Apache Spark? | Introduction To Apache Spark | Apache Spark Tutorial ...
What Is Apache Spark? | Introduction To Apache Spark | Apache Spark Tutorial ...

This presentation about Apache Spark covers all the basics that a beginner needs to know to get started with Spark. It covers the history of Apache Spark, what is Spark, the difference between Hadoop and Spark. You will learn the different components in Spark, and how Spark works with the help of architecture. You will understand the different cluster managers on which Spark can run. Finally, you will see the various applications of Spark and a use case on Conviva. Now, let's get started with what is Apache Spark. Below topics are explained in this Spark presentation: 1. History of Spark 2. What is Spark 3. Hadoop vs Spark 4. Components of Apache Spark 5. Spark architecture 6. Applications of Spark 7. Spark usecase What is this Big Data Hadoop training course about? The Big Data Hadoop and Spark developer course have been designed to impart an in-depth knowledge of Big Data processing using Hadoop and Spark. The course is packed with real-life projects and case studies to be executed in the CloudLab. What are the course objectives? Simplilearn’s Apache Spark and Scala certification training are designed to: 1. Advance your expertise in the Big Data Hadoop Ecosystem 2. Help you master essential Apache and Spark skills, such as Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, machine learning programming, GraphX programming and Shell Scripting Spark 3. Help you land a Hadoop developer job requiring Apache Spark expertise by giving you a real-life industry project coupled with 30 demos What skills will you learn? By completing this Apache Spark and Scala course you will be able to: 1. Understand the limitations of MapReduce and the role of Spark in overcoming these limitations 2. Understand the fundamentals of the Scala programming language and its features 3. Explain and master the process of installing Spark as a standalone cluster 4. Develop expertise in using Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) for creating applications in Spark 5. Master Structured Query Language (SQL) using SparkSQL 6. Gain a thorough understanding of Spark streaming features 7. Master and describe the features of Spark ML programming and GraphX programming Who should take this Scala course? 1. Professionals aspiring for a career in the field of real-time big data analytics 2. Analytics professionals 3. Research professionals 4. IT developers and testers 5. Data scientists 6. BI and reporting professionals 7. Students who wish to gain a thorough understanding of Apache Spark Learn more at https://www.simplilearn.com/big-data-and-analytics/apache-spark-scala-certification-training

what is apache sparkintroduction to apache sparkapache spark tutorial
Spark SQL
Spark SQLSpark SQL
Spark SQL

The document summarizes Spark SQL, which is a Spark module for structured data processing. It introduces key concepts like RDDs, DataFrames, and interacting with data sources. The architecture of Spark SQL is explained, including how it works with different languages and data sources through its schema RDD abstraction. Features of Spark SQL are covered such as its integration with Spark programs, unified data access, compatibility with Hive, and standard connectivity.

Spark from the Surface
Spark from the SurfaceSpark from the Surface
Spark from the Surface

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed processing engine that is up to 100 times faster than Hadoop for processing data stored in memory and 10 times faster for data stored on disk. It provides high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python and SQL and supports batch processing, streaming, and machine learning. Spark runs on Hadoop, Mesos, Kubernetes or standalone and can access diverse data sources using its core abstraction called resilient distributed datasets (RDDs).

Spark structured streaming
• Write sinks can also be used to write out streaming datasets:
• The following write sinks are provided by Spark:
- file
- Kafka
- foreach
- console (for testing purpose)
- memory (for testing purpose)
StreamingQuery query =
• Spark supports the following cluster managers:
– Standalone scheduler (default)
– Mesos
• Support for Kubernetes cluster manager is also
undergoing (experimental at present)
Using Oracle RDBMS
as a Spark datasource
Oracle RDBMS data source
• Spark supports retrieval of data through JDBC/ODBC
• Database driver must be supplied to the Spark classpath
(specified with the --driver-class-path) option
• For Oracle RDBMS that is the ojdbc driver

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Apache Spark on HDinsight Training
Apache Spark on HDinsight TrainingApache Spark on HDinsight Training
Apache Spark on HDinsight Training

An Engine to process big data in faster(than MR), easy and extremely scalable way. An Open Source, parallel, in-memory processing, cluster computing framework. Solution for loading, processing and end to end analyzing large scale data. Iterative and Interactive : Scala, Java, Python, R and with Command line interface.

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Data science with spark on amazon EMR - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv
Data science with spark on amazon EMR - Pop-up Loft Tel AvivData science with spark on amazon EMR - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv
Data science with spark on amazon EMR - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv

Organizations need to perform increasingly complex analysis on their data — streaming analytics, ad-hoc querying and predictive analytics — in order to get better customer insights and actionable business intelligence. However, the growing data volume, speed, and complexity of diverse data formats make current tools inadequate or difficult to use. Apache Spark has recently emerged as the framework of choice to address these challenges. Spark is a general-purpose processing framework that follows a DAG model and also provides high-level APIs, making it more flexible and easier to use than MapReduce. Thanks to its use of in-memory datasets (RDDs), embedded libraries, fault-tolerance, and support for a variety of programming languages, Apache Spark enables developers to implement and scale far more complex big data use cases, including real-time data processing, interactive querying, graph computations and predictive analytics. In this session, we present a technical deep dive on Spark running on Amazon EMR. You learn why Spark is great for ad-hoc interactive analysis and real-time stream processing, how to deploy and tune scalable clusters running Spark on Amazon EMR, how to use EMRFS with Spark to query data directly in Amazon S3, and best practices and patterns for Spark on Amazon EMR.

amazon web servicescloud computingjonathan fritz
Intro to Spark
Intro to SparkIntro to Spark
Intro to Spark

This document provides an introduction and overview of Apache Spark. It discusses why Spark is useful, describes some Spark basics including Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) and DataFrames, and gives a quick tour of Spark Core, SQL, and Streaming functionality. It also provides some tips for using Spark and describes how to set up Spark locally. The presenter is introduced as a data engineer who uses Spark to load data from Kafka streams into Redshift and Cassandra. Ways to learn more about Spark are suggested at the end.

big dataspark streamingspark sql
Oracle RDBMS data source
.option("dbtable", "items")
.option("user", "c##spark")
.option("password", "spark")
Oracle RDBMS data source
• You can use a variery of options when reading data from an
RDBMS using the jdbc format:
– query: a subquery that provides the possibility to limit retrieved data
– queryTimeout: specify the timeout for the JDBC query executed
against the RDBMS
• You can also save datasets to a table:
jdbc("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//", “items",
Data processing options
• However the support provided by Spark is for batch
processing of data from the RDBMS …
• In many cases one might want to process data in a
streaming manner
Data processing options
• For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a
Spark instance may have to:
– process records as they are inserted in the RDBMS
Id Type OrderTime
1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05
2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23
3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17
4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32

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Spark core
Spark coreSpark core
Spark core

Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for big data processing, with built-in modules for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing.

Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3
Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3
Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3

This introductory workshop is aimed at data analysts & data engineers new to Apache Spark and exposes them how to analyze big data with Spark SQL and DataFrames. In this partly instructor-led and self-paced labs, we will cover Spark concepts and you’ll do labs for Spark SQL and DataFrames in Databricks Community Edition. Toward the end, you’ll get a glimpse into newly minted Databricks Developer Certification for Apache Spark: what to expect & how to prepare for it. * Apache Spark Basics & Architecture * Spark SQL * DataFrames * Brief Overview of Databricks Certified Developer for Apache Spark

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Processing Large Data with Apache Spark -- HasGeek
Processing Large Data with Apache Spark -- HasGeekProcessing Large Data with Apache Spark -- HasGeek
Processing Large Data with Apache Spark -- HasGeek

Apache Spark presentation at HasGeek FifthElelephant https://fifthelephant.talkfunnel.com/2015/15-processing-large-data-with-apache-spark Covering Big Data Overview, Spark Overview, Spark Internals and its supported libraries

ml pipelinedata framesdstream
Data processing options
• For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a
Spark instance may have to:
– process records on evenly-sized batches
Id Type OrderTime
1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05
2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23
3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17
4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
Data processing options
• For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a
Spark instance may have to:
– process records on evenly-sized time intervals (record size may vary)
Id Type OrderTime
1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05
2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23
3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17
4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
Data processing options
• For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a
Spark instance may have to:
– process batches of overlapping records using a sized window
Id Type OrderTime
1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05
2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23
3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17
4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
Data processing options
• For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a
Spark instance may have to:
– processing of batches based on custom filter criteria
Id Type OrderTime
1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05
2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23
3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17
4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32

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This document discusses Spark Streaming and its use for near real-time ETL. It provides an overview of Spark Streaming, how it works internally using receivers and workers to process streaming data, and an example use case of building a recommender system to find matches using both batch and streaming data. Key points covered include the streaming execution model, handling data receipt and job scheduling, and potential issues around data loss and (de)serialization.

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Best Practices for Using Apache Spark on AWS
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Organizations need to perform increasingly complex analysis on data — streaming analytics, ad-hoc querying, and predictive analytics — in order to get better customer insights and actionable business intelligence. Apache Spark has recently emerged as the framework of choice to address many of these challenges. In this session, we show you how to use Apache Spark on AWS to implement and scale common big data use cases such as real-time data processing, interactive data science, predictive analytics, and more. We will talk about common architectures, best practices to quickly create Spark clusters using Amazon EMR, and ways to integrate Spark with other big data services in AWS. Learning Objectives: • Learn why Spark is great for ad-hoc interactive analysis and real-time stream processing. • How to deploy and tune scalable clusters running Spark on Amazon EMR. • How to use EMR File System (EMRFS) with Spark to query data directly in Amazon S3. • Common architectures to leverage Spark with Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Kinesis, and more.

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Data processing options
• These can be achieved using the following mechanism:
– by duplicating writes over a streaming system such as Kafka
– via Spark streaming receiver that:
• buffer records (if a small delay is tolerable)
• creates an endpoint that an RDBMS trigger calls upon insertion
• listens for database changes using DCN (Database Change Notifications) via JDBC
(only pre-12c, DCN support dropped for PDBs as of 12c)
• Apache Spark is one of the most feature-rich and
developed big data processing frameworks
• Provides a mechanism to distribute load over a large
number of nodes using different cluster managers
• A great option for fast and scalable processing of data
from an Oracle RDBMS

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Big data processing with Apache Spark and Oracle Database

  • 1. Big data processing with Apache Spark and Oracle database Martin Toshev
  • 2. Who am I Software consultant (CoffeeCupConsulting) BG JUG board member (http://jug.bg) (BG JUG is a 2018 Oracle Duke’s choice award winner)
  • 3. Agenda • Apache Spark from an eagle’s eye • Apache Spark capabilities • Using Oracle RDBMS as a Spark datasource
  • 4. Apache Spark from an Eagle’s eye
  • 5. Highlights • A framework for large-scale distributed data processing • Originally in Scala but extended with Java, Python and R • One of the most contributed open source/Apache/GitHub projects with over 1400 contributors
  • 6. Spark vs MapReduce • Spark has been developed in order to address the shortcomings of the MapReduce programming model • In particular MapReduce is unsuitable for: – real-time processing (suitable for batch processing of present data) – operations not limited to the key-value format of data – large data on a network – online transaction processing – graph processing – sequential program execution
  • 7. Spark vs Hadoop • Spark is faster as it depends more on RAM usage and tries to minimize disk IO (on the storage system) • Spark however can still use Hadoop: – as a storage engine (HDFS) – as a compute engine (MapReduce or Hadoop YARN) • Spark has pluggable storage and compute engine architecture
  • 8. Spark components Spark Framework Spark Core Spark Streaming MLib GraphXSpark SQL
  • 11. Spark datasets • The building block of Spark are RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) • They are immutable collections of objects spread across a Spark cluster and stored in RAM or on disk • Created by means of distributed transformations • Rebuilt on failure of a Spark node
  • 12. Spark datasets • The DataFrame API is a superset of RDDs introduced in Spark 2.0 • The Dataset API provides a way to work with a combination of RDDs and DataFrames • The DataFrame API is preferred compared to RDDs due to improved performance and more advanced operations
  • 13. Spark datasets List<Item> items = …; SparkConf configuration = new SparkConf().setAppName(“ItemsManager").setMaster("local"); JavaSparkContext context = new JavaSparkContext(configuration); JavaRDD<Item> itemsRDD = context.parallelize(items);
  • 14. Spark transformations map itemsRDD.map(i -> { i.setName(“phone”); return i;}); filter itemsRDD.filter(i -> i.getName().contains(“phone”)) flatMap itemsRDD.flatMap(i -> Arrays.asList(i, i).iterator()); union itemsRDD.union(newItemsRDD); intersection itemsRDD.intersection(newItemsRDD); distinct itemsRDD.distinct() cartesian itemsRDD.cartesian(otherDatasetRDD)
  • 15. Spark transformations groupBy pairItemsRDD = itemsRDD.mapToPair(i -> new Tuple2(i.getType(), i)); modifiedPairItemsRDD = pairItemsRDD.groupByKey(); reduceByKey pairItemsRDD = itemsRDD.mapToPair(o -> new Tuple2(o.getType(), o)); modifiedPairItemsRDD = pairItemsRDD.reduceByKey((o1, o2) -> new Item(o1.getType(), o1.getCount() + o2.getCount(), o1.getUnitPrice()) ); • Other transformations include aggregateByKey, sortByKey, join, cogroup …
  • 16. Spark actions • Spark actions are the terminal operations that produce results from the transformations • Actions are a way to communicate back from the execution engine to the Spark driver instance
  • 17. Spark actions collect itemsRDD.collect() reduce itemsRDD.map(i -> i.getUnitPrice() * i.getCount()). reduce((x, y) -> x + y); count itemsRDD.count() first itemsRDD.first() take itemsRDD.take(4) takeOrdered itemsRDD.takeOrdered(4, comparator) foreach itemsRDD.foreach(System.out::println) saveAsTextFile itemsRDD.saveAsTextFile(path) saveAsObjectFile itemsRDD.saveAsObjectFile(path)
  • 18. DataFrames/DataSets • A dataframe can be created using an instance of the org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession class • The DataFrame/DataSet APIs provide more advanced operations and the capability to run SQL queries on the data itemsDS.createOrReplaceTempView(“items"); session.sql("SELECT * FROM items");
  • 19. DataFrames/DataSets • An existing RDD can be converted to a Spark dataframe: • An RDD can be retrieved from a dataframe as well: SparkSession session = SparkSession.builder().appName("app").getOrCreate(); Dataset<Row> itemsDS = session.createDataFrame(itemsRDD, Item.class); itemsDS.rdd()
  • 20. Spark data sources • Spark can receive data from a variety of data sources in a variety of ways (batching, real-time streaming) • These datasources might be: – files: Spark supports reading data from a variety of formats (JSON, CSV, Avro, etc.) – relational databases: using JDBC/ODBC driver Spark can extract data from an RDBMS – TCP sockets, messaging systems: using streaming capabilities of Spark data can be read from messaging systems and raw TCP sockets
  • 21. Spark data sources • Spark provides support for operations on batch data or real time data • For real time data Spark provides two main APIs: – Spark streaming is an older API working on RDDs – Spark structured streaming is a newer API working on DataFrames/DataSets
  • 22. Spark data sources • Spark provides capabilities to plug-in additional data sources not supported by Spark • For streaming sources you can define your own custom receivers
  • 23. Spark streaming • Data is divided into batches called Dstreams (decentralized streams) • Typical use case is the integration of Spark with messaging systems such as Kafka, RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ etc. • Fault tolerance can be enabled in Spark Streaming whereby data is stored in HDFS
  • 24. Spark streaming • To define a Spark stream you need to create a JavaStreamingContext instance SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[4]").setAppName("CustomerItems"); JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(1));
  • 25. Spark streaming • Then a receiver can be created for the data: – from sockets: – from data directory: – from RDD streams (for testing purposes): jssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 7777); jssc.textFileStream("... some data directory ..."); jssc.queueStream(... RDDs queue ... )
  • 26. Spark streaming • Then the data pipeline can be built using transformations and actions on the streams • Finally retrieval of data must be triggered from the streaming context: jssc.start(); jssc.awaitTermination();
  • 27. Spark streaming • Window streams can be created over stream data based on two criteria: – length of the window – sliding interval for the windows • Streaming datasets can also be joined with other streaming or batch datasets
  • 28. Spark structured streaming • Newer streaming API working on DataSets/DataFrames: • A schema can be specified on the streaming data using the .schema(<schema>) method on the read stream SparkSession context = SparkSession .builder() .appName("CustomerItems") .getOrCreate(); Dataset<Row> lines = spark .readStream() .format("socket") .option("host", "localhost") .option("port", 7777) .load();
  • 29. Spark structured streaming • Write sinks can also be used to write out streaming datasets: • The following write sinks are provided by Spark: - file - Kafka - foreach - console (for testing purpose) - memory (for testing purpose) StreamingQuery query = wordCounts.writeStream() .outputMode("complete") .format("console") .start(); query.awaitTermination();
  • 30. Clustering • Spark supports the following cluster managers: – Standalone scheduler (default) – YARN – Mesos • Support for Kubernetes cluster manager is also undergoing (experimental at present)
  • 31. Using Oracle RDBMS as a Spark datasource
  • 32. Oracle RDBMS data source • Spark supports retrieval of data through JDBC/ODBC • Database driver must be supplied to the Spark classpath (specified with the --driver-class-path) option • For Oracle RDBMS that is the ojdbc driver
  • 33. Oracle RDBMS data source session.read() .format("jdbc") .option("url","jdbc:oracle:thin:@//") .option("dbtable", "items") .option("user", "c##spark") .option("password", "spark") .load();
  • 34. Oracle RDBMS data source • You can use a variery of options when reading data from an RDBMS using the jdbc format: – query: a subquery that provides the possibility to limit retrieved data – queryTimeout: specify the timeout for the JDBC query executed against the RDBMS • You can also save datasets to a table: itemsDF.write().mode(org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode.Append). jdbc("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//", “items", prop);
  • 35. Data processing options • However the support provided by Spark is for batch processing of data from the RDBMS … • In many cases one might want to process data in a streaming manner
  • 36. Data processing options • For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a Spark instance may have to: – process records as they are inserted in the RDBMS Id Type OrderTime 1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05 2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23 3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17 4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
  • 37. Data processing options • For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a Spark instance may have to: – process records on evenly-sized batches Id Type OrderTime 1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05 2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23 3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17 4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
  • 38. Data processing options • For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a Spark instance may have to: – process records on evenly-sized time intervals (record size may vary) Id Type OrderTime 1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05 2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23 3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17 4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
  • 39. Data processing options • For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a Spark instance may have to: – process batches of overlapping records using a sized window Id Type OrderTime 1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05 2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23 3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17 4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
  • 40. Data processing options • For stream processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS a Spark instance may have to: – processing of batches based on custom filter criteria Id Type OrderTime 1 Laptop 2019.11.05 11:55:05 2 Battery 2019.11.05 12:04:23 3 Headphones 2019.11.05 12:24:17 4 Laptop 2019.11.05 12:52:32
  • 41. Data processing options • These can be achieved using the following mechanism: – by duplicating writes over a streaming system such as Kafka – via Spark streaming receiver that: • buffer records (if a small delay is tolerable) • creates an endpoint that an RDBMS trigger calls upon insertion • listens for database changes using DCN (Database Change Notifications) via JDBC (only pre-12c, DCN support dropped for PDBs as of 12c)
  • 42. DEMO
  • 43. Summary • Apache Spark is one of the most feature-rich and developed big data processing frameworks • Provides a mechanism to distribute load over a large number of nodes using different cluster managers • A great option for fast and scalable processing of data from an Oracle RDBMS