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Creating positive work
environments for mental
wellbeing – the what, why and
Whakataka te hau ki te uru,
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga.
Kia mākinakina ki uta,
Kia mātaratara ki tai.
E hī ake ana te atākura,
He tio, he huka, he hauhunga.
Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e!
Get ready for the westerly
and be prepared for the southerly.
It will be icy-cold inland,
and icy-cold on the shore.
May the dawn rise red-tipped on ice,
on snow, on frost.
Join! Gather! Intertwine!
What you will get out of today
• Understand
mental health and wellbeing
why it’s important to think about wellbeing at work
• Learn
how to create a positive work environment
some practical things that you can do
Is there anything else someone wants to learn today?
What is mental health and wellbeing?
• A state of wellbeing where people can reach their potential, cope with normal
stressors, can work productively and contribute to community (WHO 2014)
• Aspects of work that harm or impair mental wellbeing are commonly referred to
as psychosocial risks, but it may be more helpful to refer to psychosocial risks
simply as risks to mental wellbeing.

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The document discusses strategies for creating a positive workplace for employee mental health. It recommends assessing a range of potential mental health problems faced by employees and implementing a range of programs, from clinical services to address diagnosed issues to wellness programs to promote mental health for all employees. The document emphasizes assessing organizational factors that can negatively impact mental health and implementing policies to address workload, employee engagement, workplace culture, and other issues. It also stresses the importance of involving employees in planning and promoting mental health initiatives.

Mental Wellbeing
Mental WellbeingMental Wellbeing
Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness talk for CIPD Mid Scotland branch, 2019. Mental health vs mental illness. Depression, anxiety and stress.

mental healthmanagementwork
Culture-work positive.pptx
Culture-work positive.pptxCulture-work positive.pptx
Culture-work positive.pptx

The document provides strategies for creating a positive workplace for employee mental health. It discusses establishing a range of programs, from worksite wellness programs to clinical services. The strategies include establishing peer support programs, promoting mental health through HR policies and management practices, and addressing organizational risk factors like workload, control, and relationships that can impact mental health. Effective strategies involve employees in planning and focus on developing a supportive workplace culture and community.

Poor mental wellbeing
• Costly to both individuals and organisations
• Acute or chronic
• Result from a single or repeated exposure to risk(s) factors
• Impact can be mild to severe psychological disorders e.g.,
depression, anxiety
Mental health and mental wellbeing
What we want for our workers
The statistics
• It is estimated that mental health problems cost New Zealand
businesses at least $1.65bn per annum
• The WorkSafe Segmentation and Insights Programme Research (2019)
found that in the last 12 months, 20% of respondents experienced
depression, 31% anxiety, and 60% stress
• The New Zealand Workplace Barometer (2020) reported that 70% of
respondents reported an absence from work during the last 12
months due to ‘physical or mental health’

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Peter Gould
Peter GouldPeter Gould
Peter Gould

This document outlines Redland City Council's approach to employee wellbeing. It discusses how the council has focused on specific hazards affecting its workforce like an aging workforce and sedentary work. Programs developed include strategies on psychosocial safety, aging workers, sedentary work, mental health and occupational health. The council takes a holistic approach and evaluates its programs annually. Current offerings include yoga, mindfulness courses, physiotherapy, massages and fitness classes. The goal is to address risks and listen to employees to develop an effective and sustainable wellbeing program.

visions conference 20192019queensland

This document discusses mental health in the workplace. It covers definitions of well-being, mental health, and mental illness. It discusses signs employers should look for in employees and how to approach employees respectfully. The document outlines when employers can and cannot ask about mental health and gives examples of reasonable adjustments. It emphasizes creating a positive workplace culture that promotes well-being and managing mental health issues like physical health issues. The recovery model and Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) are presented as tools to support employees.

Positive work culture.pptx
Positive work culture.pptxPositive work culture.pptx
Positive work culture.pptx

This document discusses strategies for creating a positive workplace for employee mental health. It recommends implementing a range of programs including worksite wellness initiatives, addressing organizational factors that impact mental health, and providing clinical services. Some key strategies include promoting stress management and peer support programs, ensuring adequate behavioral health insurance coverage, addressing workload, work relationships, and workplace culture, and getting employee input on mental health programs and policies. The goal is to reduce absenteeism and increase productivity while also supporting employees' mental well-being.

The business case: Te tangata,
te tangata
• Improved recruitment and retention
• Fewer disruptions impacting your organisations
• Enhanced reputation
• Decreased unplanned leave
• Decreased presenteeism
• Increased productivity and improved customer service
• Knowledge, skills and experience are of little use without energy
• HSWA 2015, ERA 2000, Human Rights Act 1993
Creating positive work environments

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Culture-work positive.pptxCulture-work positive.pptx
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The document discusses strategies for creating a positive workplace for employee mental health. It recommends implementing a range of programs including worksite wellness initiatives, addressing organizational factors that impact mental health, and providing clinical services. Some specific strategies mentioned include stress management training, ensuring employees take vacation and feel supported taking sick time, promoting sleep and work-life balance, and soliciting employee feedback to design mental health programs. The goal is to reduce absenteeism and increase productivity, morale and reputation through supporting employee mental well-being.

The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Linking Self-Care and Wellbeing to Impact
The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Linking Self-Care and Wellbeing to Impact The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Linking Self-Care and Wellbeing to Impact
The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Linking Self-Care and Wellbeing to Impact

This session is about how and why it is important to treat self-care and well-being as an organizational strategy and cultural norm. When self-care initiatives are treated as “extras” instead of being built right into the fabric of an organization’s culture, they are nothing more than a Band-Aid, barely disguising the underlying chronic stress and eroding the nonprofits ability to meet its mission. This session will share the latest thinking on well-being in the nonprofit workplace based on the presenter's book “The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout.” Going beyond a narrow focus on physical health and wellness, the session will share examples and insights from nonprofits that have created and implemented a culture of well-being in the workplaces that supports results.  

leadershipworkplace wellbeingtalent development
Workplace counselling
Workplace counsellingWorkplace counselling
Workplace counselling

Importance of Workplace Counselling Services that Counselor can provide @ workplace Basic Principles of Workplace Counselling

human resource managementworkplace counsellingcounselors for recruiting process
Key elements for creating positive work
• Leadership commitment
• Policies and processes
• Effective communication
• Evaluating and reviewing
1. Leadership commitment
•Communicate policies
and objectives
•Model mentally-healthy
behaviours and values
•Engage with the team
2. Policies and processes
Policies and processes should support people to work, and should be reviewed on a
regular basis to ensure they are fit for purpose.
How does each policy impact mental wellbeing?
• Is it safe? Creating a psychologically-safe workplace
• Is it supportive? Pro-active, fair and empathetic
• Will it strengthen wellbeing? Encourage workers to engage?
• How does this policy reflect your workplace values?
• How are risks to mental wellbeing identified and managed?
• Are your people a strategic asset, with the knowledge that they are contributing
to the purpose and values of the organisation?
New tools – the design of mentally-
healthy work
Business leaders' health and safety forum
• CEO's guide to mental health and wellbeing at work, and protecting mental wellbeing at work guide for CEOs
• https://forum.org.nz/resources/
• Vaccination policy support
• https://forum.org.nz/resources/vaccination/
ISO 45003
Occupational health and safety management – psychological health and safety at work guidelines for managing
psychosocial risks
• https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:45003:ed-1:v1:en

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The document discusses building mentally healthy workplaces. It summarizes a project conducted by the Conference Board of Canada that examined perspectives of Canadian workers and front-line managers on mental health issues in the workplace. Key findings from the project include that 46% of respondents feel their employer promotes mental health, though views differ between occupational levels. While 81% of managers feel confident discussing mental health, only 29% of employees feel managers are knowledgeable about it. Most managers received little training on mental health. The document advocates for education to reduce stigma, creating a supportive culture, leadership, and training managers.

HR Insights - Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace
HR Insights - Mental Health Awareness in the WorkplaceHR Insights - Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace
HR Insights - Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

Muslimah Miah covered how to identify when staff may be struggling with their mental health, the consequences of ignoring mental health in the workplace and how companies can promote wellness amongst their staff.

mental healthworkstress
How to Create a Culture of Organizational Well-being
How to Create a Culture of Organizational Well-beingHow to Create a Culture of Organizational Well-being
How to Create a Culture of Organizational Well-being

To create a healthier and more productive workforce, organizations have begun to expand their traditional view of wellness programs to focus on overall employee well-being. This new view extends beyond physical health to include emotional/mental, spiritual and financial well-being. Additionally, well-being takes a “holistic” view of the employee and incorporates other elements such as social well-being that includes relationships both in and outside of the workplace. Managing the “whole employee” means acknowledging that everyone is multidimensional and has numerous roles to balance in life — all of which affect job performance. The “whole employee” concept is also about allowing the employee to bring their “whole” self to work. This means that physical well-being is not just about offering health screenings and assessments to your employees but also making real cultural changes in the workplace that allow employees to truly shut down when they clock out at the end of the day. In this webinar, you will learn: What the difference is between wellness and well-being. What role well-being plays in the engagement of an organization’s employees. How to embed well-being into the culture of your organization.

3. Effective communication
• Ensure messages are relevant and transparent, clear and
• Messages should strike a balance, cut through the noise
• Two-way communication using a variety of mediums
• Team discussions
• One-on-one discussions
• Conversations when someone is struggling
Team discussions
• Know your team members, and their strengths and weaknesses as
individuals and in teams
• If you're working in a hybrid or WFH situation, have a routine, check-
ins and de-briefs
• Make wellbeing conversations part of the normal check-in process
• Ensure expectations of the team and ourselves are reasonable
• Create a sense of control, hope and fun
• Team building

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Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop
Happy Healthy Nonprofit WorkshopHappy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop
Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop

Beth Kanter presented on linking self-care and wellbeing to impact in nonprofits. She discussed how burnout can sneak up on nonprofit professionals and provided tips for self-care, including protecting sleep, walking more, organizing phones to avoid addiction, and scheduling solo work time. Kanter emphasized that wellbeing needs to be embedded in an organization's culture through strategies like listening to employees, creating spaces for conversation, and leveraging staff champions. When implemented properly, a culture of wellbeing can benefit an organization through talent retention, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

Mental health matters
Mental health mattersMental health matters
Mental health matters

The document outlines Jacobs' strategy to promote positive mental health in the workplace. The vision is to create an environment where employees can thrive and that promotes mental well-being. The strategies aim to raise awareness of mental health issues, support employees suffering from mental illness, and foster a supportive workplace. Positive Mental Health Champions and the Employee Assistance Program provide resources and referrals for employees. The importance of mental health for employees and businesses is highlighted, along with tips for maintaining well-being such as the "5 Ways to Wellbeing."

Including Mental Health Support in Project Delivery, 14 May.pdf
Including Mental Health Support in Project Delivery, 14 May.pdfIncluding Mental Health Support in Project Delivery, 14 May.pdf
Including Mental Health Support in Project Delivery, 14 May.pdf

APM webinar hosted by the Scotland Network on 14 May 2024. Speakers: Chris Drysdale and Peter Huggett An interactive session discussing how Project Managers can identify mental health symptoms, provide tools to help themselves and others, plus also increase the capabilities of the Project Management function. This webinar was held on 14 May 2024. The covid-19 pandemic led to concerns about a worsening of mental health & wellbeing across the world and increased awareness in both society and the workplace. This webinar looks to advise the benefits of having a Mental Health First Aid function in the workplace whilst also providing tools and techniques that can be readily used and applied to yourself and colleagues. Additionally, there are wider benefits to Project Management which will be proposed and discussed.

association for project managementscotland network14 may 2024
1-1 conversations
• Practice everyday conversations – how are you today, what’s
important to you today, what supports are in place, what barriers?
• If you become great at having everyday conversations, then when
someone is struggling it's going to be easier to talk about it.
The Covid-19 conversation
• Be aware of and manage your emotions, tone, speed, body language
• Be non-judgemental
• Ask questions, don’t make assumptions
• Listen, and try and understand
• Empathise and use affirmations
• Distinguish between vaccine-hesitant and anti-vaccination stances
• Focus on what you can agree on
• When you do/don’t do xyz it makes me feel unsafe, to feel safe I need
Conversations when someone might be
What might you notice?
- Change in behaviour, emotions, thoughts, reactions
What could you do?
- Ask
- Listen
- Help, repeat
How could you start the conversation?
Some tips:
• Consider the conversation's time and place
• Talk about the behaviour or change
• Reassure them, and be non-judgemental
• Ask questions, don’t make assumptions
• Listen, and try to understand
• Empathise
• Help them to make a plan about what to do next
• Check back in later

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Positive work culture.pptx

This document discusses strategies for creating a positive workplace for employee mental health. It recommends implementing a range of programs, from worksite wellness initiatives to clinical services, to address a variety of mental health problems. Practical considerations for employers include whether to contract services or provide them directly. Developing peer support programs and considering employee and organizational factors can also promote mental wellness. Implementing policies that encourage work-life balance, normalize discussions of mental health, and involve employees can benefit workplace mental health.

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Mental Health at Work: The Power of Supporting Mental Health at Work

Founder & Lead Innovator of Mental Health Innovations, Stéphane Grenier, discusses the importance of creating an inclusive mental health culture in the workplace, and what you can do to support your employees.

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Ontotext’s Clinical Trials Eligibility Design Assistant helps with one of the most challenging tasks in study design: selecting the proper patient population.

clinical trialslarge language modelllm
4. Evaluating and reviewing
• KISS – Keep it simple, sweetie!
• ASK staff
• One-on-ones
• Team meetings
• Staff surveys
• Re-visit plans regularly
• It is about starting, and then continually improving
Reviewing workshop goals
• Understand
mental health and wellbeing
why it’s important to think about wellbeing at work
• Learn
how to create a positive work environment
some practical things that you can do
What our workplace offers
• Add in your local supports and services, e.g.,
• Employee Assistance Programmes
• Key staff contacts
• Local health and wellbeing providers
• You can get an updated list of helplines and local mental health services
(https://mentalhealth.org.nz/helplines) - this has space to add your local
numbers as well
• https://covid19.govt.nz/

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- Video recording of this lecture in English language: https://youtu.be/FHV_jNJUt3Y - Video recording of this lecture in Arabic language: https://youtu.be/D5kYfTMFA8E - Link to download the book free: https://nephrotube.blogspot.com/p/nephrotube-nephrology-books.html - Link to NephroTube website: www.NephroTube.com - Link to NephroTube social media accounts: https://nephrotube.blogspot.com/p/join-nephrotube-on-social-media.html

Mental Health Foundation Covid-19
Kia whakairia te tapu
Kia wātea ai te ara
Kia turuki whakataha ai
Kia turuki whakataha ai
Haumi e. Hui e. Tāiki e!
Restrictions are moved aside
So the pathway is clear
To return to everyday activities
Creating positive environments
for mental wellbeing
– the what, why and how

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  • 1. Creating positive work environments for mental wellbeing – the what, why and how
  • 2. Karakia Whakataka te hau ki te uru, Whakataka te hau ki te tonga. Kia mākinakina ki uta, Kia mātaratara ki tai. E hī ake ana te atākura, He tio, he huka, he hauhunga. Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e! Get ready for the westerly and be prepared for the southerly. It will be icy-cold inland, and icy-cold on the shore. May the dawn rise red-tipped on ice, on snow, on frost. Join! Gather! Intertwine!
  • 3. What you will get out of today • Understand mental health and wellbeing why it’s important to think about wellbeing at work • Learn how to create a positive work environment some practical things that you can do Is there anything else someone wants to learn today?
  • 4. What is mental health and wellbeing? • A state of wellbeing where people can reach their potential, cope with normal stressors, can work productively and contribute to community (WHO 2014) • Aspects of work that harm or impair mental wellbeing are commonly referred to as psychosocial risks, but it may be more helpful to refer to psychosocial risks simply as risks to mental wellbeing.
  • 5. Poor mental wellbeing • Costly to both individuals and organisations • Acute or chronic • Result from a single or repeated exposure to risk(s) factors • Impact can be mild to severe psychological disorders e.g., depression, anxiety
  • 6. Mental health and mental wellbeing
  • 7. What we want for our workers
  • 8. The statistics • It is estimated that mental health problems cost New Zealand businesses at least $1.65bn per annum • The WorkSafe Segmentation and Insights Programme Research (2019) found that in the last 12 months, 20% of respondents experienced depression, 31% anxiety, and 60% stress • The New Zealand Workplace Barometer (2020) reported that 70% of respondents reported an absence from work during the last 12 months due to ‘physical or mental health’
  • 11. The business case: Te tangata, te tangata • Improved recruitment and retention • Fewer disruptions impacting your organisations • Enhanced reputation • Decreased unplanned leave • Decreased presenteeism • Increased productivity and improved customer service • Knowledge, skills and experience are of little use without energy • HSWA 2015, ERA 2000, Human Rights Act 1993
  • 12. Creating positive work environments
  • 13. Key elements for creating positive work environments • Leadership commitment • Policies and processes • Effective communication • Evaluating and reviewing LEADERSHIP CULTURE P E R F O R M A N C E
  • 14. 1. Leadership commitment •Communicate policies and objectives •Model mentally-healthy behaviours and values •Engage with the team
  • 15. 2. Policies and processes Policies and processes should support people to work, and should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are fit for purpose. How does each policy impact mental wellbeing? • Is it safe? Creating a psychologically-safe workplace • Is it supportive? Pro-active, fair and empathetic • Will it strengthen wellbeing? Encourage workers to engage? • How does this policy reflect your workplace values? • How are risks to mental wellbeing identified and managed? • Are your people a strategic asset, with the knowledge that they are contributing to the purpose and values of the organisation?
  • 16. New tools – the design of mentally- healthy work Business leaders' health and safety forum • CEO's guide to mental health and wellbeing at work, and protecting mental wellbeing at work guide for CEOs • https://forum.org.nz/resources/ • Vaccination policy support • https://forum.org.nz/resources/vaccination/ ISO 45003 Occupational health and safety management – psychological health and safety at work guidelines for managing psychosocial risks • https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:45003:ed-1:v1:en
  • 17. 3. Effective communication • Ensure messages are relevant and transparent, clear and consistent • Messages should strike a balance, cut through the noise • Two-way communication using a variety of mediums • Team discussions • One-on-one discussions • Conversations when someone is struggling
  • 19. Teams • Know your team members, and their strengths and weaknesses as individuals and in teams • If you're working in a hybrid or WFH situation, have a routine, check- ins and de-briefs • Make wellbeing conversations part of the normal check-in process • Ensure expectations of the team and ourselves are reasonable • Create a sense of control, hope and fun • Team building
  • 21. 1-1 conversations • Practice everyday conversations – how are you today, what’s important to you today, what supports are in place, what barriers? • If you become great at having everyday conversations, then when someone is struggling it's going to be easier to talk about it.
  • 22. The Covid-19 conversation • Be aware of and manage your emotions, tone, speed, body language • Be non-judgemental • Ask questions, don’t make assumptions • Listen, and try and understand • Empathise and use affirmations • Distinguish between vaccine-hesitant and anti-vaccination stances • Focus on what you can agree on • When you do/don’t do xyz it makes me feel unsafe, to feel safe I need …
  • 23. Conversations when someone might be struggling What might you notice? - Change in behaviour, emotions, thoughts, reactions What could you do? - Ask - Listen - Help, repeat
  • 24. How could you start the conversation? Some tips: • Consider the conversation's time and place • Talk about the behaviour or change • Reassure them, and be non-judgemental • Ask questions, don’t make assumptions • Listen, and try to understand • Empathise • Help them to make a plan about what to do next • Check back in later
  • 25. 4. Evaluating and reviewing • KISS – Keep it simple, sweetie! • ASK staff • One-on-ones • Team meetings • Staff surveys • Re-visit plans regularly • It is about starting, and then continually improving
  • 26. Reviewing workshop goals • Understand mental health and wellbeing why it’s important to think about wellbeing at work • Learn how to create a positive work environment some practical things that you can do
  • 27. What our workplace offers • Add in your local supports and services, e.g., • Employee Assistance Programmes • Key staff contacts • Local health and wellbeing providers • You can get an updated list of helplines and local mental health services (https://mentalhealth.org.nz/helplines) - this has space to add your local numbers as well • https://covid19.govt.nz/
  • 29. Mental Health Foundation Covid-19 resources https://mentalhealth.org.nz/search?query=covid
  • 30. Karakia Kia whakairia te tapu Kia wātea ai te ara Kia turuki whakataha ai Kia turuki whakataha ai Haumi e. Hui e. Tāiki e! Restrictions are moved aside So the pathway is clear To return to everyday activities
  • 31. Creating positive environments for mental wellbeing – the what, why and how

Editor's Notes

  1. Source: Southern Cross Healthy Futures Report 2020