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Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide
By EssayHub Experts
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Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide By EssayHub Experts Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide By EssayHub Experts
Motivation In Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
The character motivation of
Julius Caesar
A coward dies many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste death but once. Julius Caesar
was a brave man. He never lost a war. He defeated the forces of Pompey after a long civil war. They
return home to take control the Rome. The character motivation of Julius Caesar was his ego, advice,
ambition, and kingship
Caesars first character motivation was his ego. I do not know the man I should fear. See the weather
well conceited man. He had a high self esteem that made him become leader. It made people think he
was too full of himself and he would change. The second character motivation for Caesar was the
advice he got from his wife. In Caesar s life he took little advice. He took advice from his wife about
staying home instead of going to the capital which would have saved his life. Because I love you, I
will let you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Calpurnia here, my wife, save me at home. This shows he started to take advice from someone other
than his self. It also shows he has started to change during his life. This is also the time that almost
gave him a chance to save his life if he would have completely listened.
The third motivation was his ambition. Caesar s ambition was one of his greatest downfalls. It caused
his best friends who want to kill him. I don t know I don t know personal cause to the general. He
would be crowned. How might this change his nature there s the question. This was said by one of his
best friends Brutus.
The final part of Caesar s wife is where he reverted back to his old self. It was when they told him
about him getting the crown. After that he told his wife how foolish do
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Statistical Data Reveal That 25% Of Adult Americans Have
Statistical data reveal that 25% of adult Americans have a mental illness, and more than half of the
U.S. population will develop a mental illness at some point during their lifetime (CDC; APA). Major
Depressive disorder is a leading cause of disability for ages 15 44. Major depressive disorder affects
approximately 14.8 million American adults, or 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in
a given year while anxiety disorder affects ...40 million...adults ages 18 and older... (NIMH; APA).
Comparatively, cardiovascular, diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, cancer, and asthma, and other chronic
diseases are surfacing with increased frequency among the mentally ill (CDC; APA). The
aforementioned finding elicits question about medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Patient encounters in cardiology practicum afforded extended latitude to embrace nursing
competencies relative to direct clinical practice, consultation, research, clinical and professional
leadership, collaboration, and ethical decision making, which are applicable and fundamental to the
role of the advanced practice nurse. Further experiences in both cardiology and medical surgical
provided opportunity to connect the dots, via the use of physical assessment skills as correlated to
illness and pathological findings. (Self evaluation reflects sound clinical/assessment skills and a good
grasp of pathophysiological conditions.) Clinical experiences in hospice and palliative care provided
opportunity to view health care from the dichotomous spectrum of life and death, with understanding
that not only should one be afforded a quality life, but also a quality and dignified death. An issue of
contention for this clinician has always been the unilateral focus of medical care without attention to
the psychological framework that governs physiological states. Working in Hospice and palliative care
was enlightening as it allowed for introspection and exploration of feelings that might otherwise
remain untapped unless personally faced with a similar situation. Cultural awareness, biosocial skills,
and communication skills were
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Essay on Equality and Civil Rights
Democracy stresses the equality of all individuals and insists that all men are created equal.
Democracy does not persist on an equality of condition for all people or argue that all persons have a
right to an equal share of worldly goods. Rather, its concept of equality insists that all are entitled to
equality of opportunity and equality before the law. The democratic concept of equality holds that no
person should be held back for any such arbitrary reasons as those based on race, color, religion, or
gender. This concept of equality holds that each person must be free to develop himself or herself as
fully as he or she can or cares to and that each person should be treated as the equal of all other
persons by the law. We have come ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Equality and Civil Rights is complex in nature that the 14th Amendment (Equal Protection Clause) is
the closest approach to a literal statement of equality, it declares: No State shall deny to any person
within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The clause was originally intended to benefit
newly freed slaves. Over time, it has acquired a broader meaning. Today, it forbids states and their
local governments to draw unreasonable distinctions between classes of persons. The equal rights
amendment (ERA) was introduced in 1923. Their policy was for protection of women and based
largely on sexual stereotypes, which has been woven into the legal fabric of American life. This
protectionism has limited the freedom of women to compete with men socially and economically on
an equal footing. The movement to provide equal rights to women advanced a step with the passage of
the Equal Pay Act of 1963. That act required equal pay for men and women doing similar work. On
the other hand, to remove the restrictions of protectionism, women needed equal opportunity for
employment. They got it in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and later the legislation. The commitment
that led to affirmative action programs expanded opportunities for women, minorities, and those who
are disabled.
The (Equal Opportunity
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This document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1. Create an account by providing a password and email. 2. Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline to request a "Write My Paper For Me" assignment. 3. Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications and reviews. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. Free revisions are allowed. 5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction. Plagiarized work will be refunded.

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The document discusses artificial neural networks (ANN) as a type of machine learning where systems are trained to infer patterns from data through supervised learning by being given input-output examples to learn a mapping between inputs and outputs to approximate functions. ANNs are inspired by biological neural networks and are designed to mimic their learning abilities through a network of interconnected nodes that can learn relationships and patterns in data through experience.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a request for an assignment writing service on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The document promises original, high-quality content and refunds for plagiarized work.

Party Influence on Democratic Elections
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, democracy is a government by the people. Merriam
additionally specifies democracy as the rule of the majority. In government, this definition may be a
contradiction. A classic democratic state is defined as a government in which the supreme power is
invested in the people which is exercised directly or indirectly through the use of elections. However,
according to the definition of Merriam Webster the power comes from the masses. In the
parliamentary democracy of the United Kingdom and Sweden either theory may be applied. In both
countries, the Constitution declares the people as the main source of public power. Nevertheless,
voters are hesitant to exercise their right of control through free ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore the opposition party has the chance to participate in legislative decisions before either house
Subsequently, it has been criticized that the electoral system employed in Britain works only to the
advantage of large parties, the winning party in particular. This has in turn led to an over represented
government at the expense of third parties. This can be seen in recent general elections where a single
party emerged with clear majority legislation, then able to form a dominant government. As a result,
voter participation has been low. It appears to citizens that their vote does not have much political
weight when electing officials from minority parties. Thus, causes a low percentage of voter turnouts.
On the contrary, the Sweden Parliament is a unicameral government. The Riksdag is the national
legislative assembly of Sweden. The assembly contains 349 members who are chosen by direct
elections based on suffrage for all Swedish citizens aged 18 or over who are residents of Sweden.
Consequently, general elections to the Riksdag are based on proportional representation for a fixed
term of four years. The state of Sweden is divided into constituencies from which seats are distributed
between political parties. The numbers of seats assigned to parties corresponds to
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Communication Skills Increase Successful Relationships
Social skills are needs we all should have in order to communicate in all types of environments.
strong communication skills increase successful relationships. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Communication
are the key to developing and keeping friendships which help build a strong social support
team. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Skills are things we learn during our stages of growth, which we come to
acknowledge trial and error. There are three areas of communication that we should practice: 1. Non
verbal communication, 2.Conversation skills and assertiveness. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Communication
be displayed in many different ways such as; body language, via email and text messaging, sign
and even letters. There are some people who are intellectual that can communicate with sound and
pictures in order for you to understand what they may want or need. Some nonverbal things we
may not pay attention to posture, movement and gestures, physical distance, eye contact, facial
expression, volume of voice and tone of voice. The tone of voice we use to communicate sends
off what types of emotions we may be feeling. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Conversation skills deals with
conversations and keeping them going. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Assertive communication is the honest
expression of one s own needs, wants and feelings, while respecting those of the other person.
(Anxiety BC, 2015)Communicating assertively means your manner is non threatening and non
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Albert Camus Accomplishments
Do not walk behind me; I may not lead. Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside
me and be my friend Albert Camus (Simpson). Albert Camus was an interesting intellectual during the
1940s and 50s. He was more than just a writer; he was a top class individual that lived life to the
fullest, even though it was short lived for him. In 1960 car accident and died January 4th (Rhein). At
the time of Camus death, he was only 46. In that short time he was more than just a writer; he was also
an actor, playwright, political writer, owned his own newspaper, leader of the French resistance during
World War II, part owner of a theater in France, and also a Nobel Prize winner. Overall he was way
more than a writer, he was a highly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After he was a political journalist, he explored his interest into theater and did exceptionally well. Two
of his most enduring contributions to the theatre may well be his stage performance of William
Faulkner s Requiem for a Nun and The Possessed. He could only produce and act for a short amount
of time because of his constant attacks of tuberculosis. At the beginning of the 1940 s he writes two of
his most famous novels The stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. Those two novels skyrocketed his
popularity in France, and he started to become a popular author as well as keep up with his producing
and writing career for the theater. Camus joined the resistance movement during the occupation and
after the liberation was a columnist for the newspaper Combat. (Nobelprize.org). He was part of the
French resistance as the Nazis tried to take over France. During that time, he always would become a
columnist and later a publisher for The Combat from 1947 until his death. During the war, Camus had
married again, had twins, praised the Americans use of the Atomic Bomb and got criticized for it,
wrote two novels, and still and productions at The Theater of
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The Effect Of Modified Cut Off Function For Tersoff...
Molecular dynamics based simulations to study the effect of modified cut off function for Tersoff
potential on estimating mechanical properties of graphene
G. Rajasekaran and Avinash Parashar*
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
247667, India
* Corresponding author: E Mail: drap1fme@iitr.ac.in, Ph: +91 1332 284801
A modified cutoff function for Tersoff potential has been proposed in this paper, to estimate the
realistic mechanical behavior of single sheet of graphene. Success of any molecular dynamics based
simulation entirely depends on the empirical potential employed for estimating the interatomic
interaction forces. Cutoff distance in Tersoff potential that was earlier chosen arbitrarily has now been
optimized. Simulations were performed at different set of temperatures and strain rate to validate the
modified Tersoff potential with the existing experimental results. In detail comparison has also been
made with respect to mechanical behavior of graphene estimated with the help of modified Tersoff
potential and other potentials AIREBO, 2nd generation REBO and optimized Tersoff.
1.0 Introduction
Due to outstanding mechanical, thermal and electronic properties, graphene is receiving increased
attention by the scientific community. Exceptional properties of graphene are owing to its hexagonal
monolayer of honeycomb lattice packed with carbon atoms. The mechanical properties of graphene
have been extensively
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The document provides instructions for completing an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to complete assignments through a bidding system while ensuring client satisfaction.

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The document discusses the information processing theory of cognitive development. It states that this theory views the mind as operating similar to a computer, which processes information from the environment. The key components of the mind according to this theory are attention mechanisms which bring in information, working memory which temporarily stores and manipulates information, and long-term memory which archives information that can be recalled later. Memory is responsible for encoding, storing, and recalling information and allows for learning and adaptation through experiences.

Overcoming Adversity In The Jewish Community
The Jewish community has had to overcome both physical and mental elements that tested their faith.
They overcame adversity when their people where being killed multiple times in history. In the
beginning when the Egyptians where killing the males babies to reduce their population because they
felt the community was taking over. To the 1940 s when Germany or HItler was trying to kill off their
whole community and or religion. These events helped lead up to how Judaism became its own belief
system branched off of the jewish religion base. Once a base was created Judaism had their own
branches which are: Orthodox, Reform and Conservative. These diverse selections give multiple
selections and help maintain the Judaism faith. Having different
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Speech On Panacea
In a city like Guwahati, it has been the dream of many people to escape the urban sprawl and settle
down in the countryside where the air is cleaner, and the life is quieter, and healthier.
Realistically saying it s just not possible to leave everything and embrace such a lifestyle away from
the chaos of a city.
But every once and a while you need to recharge your batteries, breathe the fresh air and listen to the
peace and quiet of country life. You probably don t have weeks and weeks of vacation time in your
schedule, so you need to use your weekends creatively in order to both explore the countryside and
relax a little!
So, you want to experience the charm of the ethnic and cultural diversity of Assam devoid of much
artificiality without ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sounds impossible to find such a getaway near Guwahati?
What if we say, it s possible!!
Now with Panacea where you can spend some beautiful time amidst the beautiful kaleidoscope of
unadulterated natural environment, modern amenities, and traditional ethnic lifestyle and eco
adventure sports tailor made according to you preferences. Bestowed with natural spaces and various
fun activities, it is offering the best alternative for the people who prefer to spend some peaceful time
far from the agitated city life.
At the centre of every culture is always food; At Panacea you can get a taste of authentic and rich
Assamese cuisine; right from Duck meat, Pork meat, fresh water fishes to Barbe qued in BahorSunga ;
each one representing different facets of social and cultural life of Assam.
You don t need to travel for hours to enjoy an outdoor getaway removed from the frenzy of city life. It
is located a sprawling 5 acres of virgin land, about 24 kilometers from Guwahati in a corner of the
foothills in a small village hamlet called Erabari in Sonapur. It has got calm, pure and peaceful scenery
where everything is open and calm, giving you a good sense of freedom and
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The Three Political Parties
When you think about the presidential elections in the United States of America you only hear about
the two major parties which is the Republican party and the Democratic Party. But in reality there is a
Major third that consist of three different parties called the Libertarian party, Green party, and
Constitution party. I think the reason the third parties has such a problem in the electoral races is
because of the years of experience the Green party was started in 2001 the Libertarian Party was
started in 1971 and the Constitution Party was founded in 1991. The longest of the three parties was
only 46 years which is nothing compared to the Democratic and Republican parties which has over
150 years they have been an official party. I would
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Caffeine Experiment Lab Report
Materials and Methods
The planaria were placed in 1 petri dish, 18ml of pond water for storage, after the collection. The
planaria were separated into groups designated by a labeled petri dish. 1 planaria group was placed in
a petri dish filled with 18ml of pond water. Another group, the control group was placed in another
petri dish prepared in the same fashion. Each group of planaria was fed each Friday, although most of
the first group died from unclean dishes, human error, which necessitated the sampling of a second
group. During each experiment, 2 planaria from the control group were placed in a petri dish filled
with pond water, while 2 from the treatment group were prepared in a petri dish filled with pond water
and 2ml of caffeine. The Planaria were observed 5 times, once every 7 days, allowing them to recover
from the effects of the caffeine each week before testing in a new trial, for unbiased data. The
following concentrations were (2, 1 ml), whereas the following times were (30,15). In order to observe
the effects of the caffeine on their decision ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They were fed pellets each Friday, and the water was cleaned each day, in order to prevent die outs.
During each trial, the behavior of the planaria in each petri dish, in the maze, and the length of time in
the maze, was recorded, with the following experimental error: the planaria were attracted to the small
bits of metal in the maze, which affected the time in the maze. The times in the maze were measured
three times to provide replicates. In trials 1 and 3, the following time was recorded as the dosage time,
(30) while each trial used the following concentrations (2, 1 ml) respectively. Trials 2, and 4 followed
a likewise fashion with the following dosage time (15) and the same concentrations (2, 1
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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized content.

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The document discusses a website called HelpWriting.net that provides essay writing services, with a 5 step process for students to request papers: registering an account, completing an order form, choosing a writer through competitive bidding, reviewing and authorizing payment for completed papers, and requesting revisions if needed. The site promises original, high-quality papers and refunds for any cases of plagiarism.

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1. The document analyzes demographic and socioeconomic data from 203 US Metropolitan Statistical Areas between 2006 and 2012, focusing on population changes, family structures, age distribution, and economic conditions. 2. It finds that as more women enter the workforce and medical advances increase lifespans, populations are aging overall while family structures shift away from stay-at-home spouses. 3. New businesses and industries moving to cities can boost local economies by attracting working populations, though demographic changes may pose challenges that require policy responses to help areas maintain their populations.

Diversity Field Report
92 BLX The Beat of The Bay. This is DJ Rodsky boomed the radio into my preschool classroom at St.
Mary Catholic School. My best friend Emani s dad was featured on the radio that morning, and my
teacher let the whole class tune in. While in may seem like an odd occurrence to listen to a rap station
in a preschool setting, it highlights the attitude towards diversity that shaped my formative education.
Instead of the hand picked, curated diversity that sometimes plagues schools, this encounter
demonstrates the raw, unalderterated diversity that kindles appreciation for all races, genders,
backgrounds, or affiliations without any reservations. This unique experience from such a young age
paints a clear memory in my mind that denotes that diversity is important because it gives people a
new perspective on life. People that move through life totally unaffected by the reality of diversity,
sheltered from the harmless encroachment on their social organization, lack the ability to be able to
fully understand people from different backgrounds or races that they meet in the real world. Being
exposed to diversity in all forms at a young age helps develop in people humility, compassion,
consideration, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mary Catholic School manifests the imperativness of diversity that derives from the reflection of the
real world it presents on a small, comprehensible scale. Confidently stepping into the real world
without having been adequately prepared by exposure to people that possess different characteristics
from one s own sets one up for failure in an unfamiliar environment. People that do not experience
diversity are ill equipped to handle real life diversity because they have never learned how to deal with
it. Having been presented with opportunities to handle diversity in my past, I am able to manage it in
everyday life, which is a vital skill crucial to becoming a functioning part of
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The Works Of Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix, born on April 26 1798, was a French painter who had a lot of influence on
Romanticism. He studied art at age 17 and academic painter, Baron Pierre Narcisse Guerin, mentored
him. He learned from the romantic Landscapist and used some of their techniques. Early on in his life,
he demonstrated the influence that Michelangelo and Peter Paul Rubens, two excellent artists, had on
his painting. Delacroix intensely studied Michelangelo s modeling of figures and the matter of life or
death he brought to the canvas. He was also deeply affected by Rubens treatment of color. Romantic
artist play around with emotions, divinity found in nature and the sense of creativity or imagination.
He developed his own style over the years and had a unique approach with color. His style was to
show pain and suffering in his work through bright colored canvases which exploded with energy.
Delacroix s use of color was influential in the development of Impressionist and also of Post
Impressionist painting. His inspiration came mostly from historical or contemporary events or
literature, and also the visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Delacroix
Debuted at the Paris salon of 1822 where he exhibited his first painting Dante and Virgil in hell which
was inspired by Dante s Divine comedy but influenced by Michelangelo and Paul Peter Rubens style
as I said before. Later on, as his experience keep growing and his style maturing, Delacroix painted
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Persuasive Essay On Snowing In Sports
Hockey is a game that should be fun and played with sticks and pucks not with scraped ice. Snowing
is an action where a player stops in front of the goalie either intestinally or by accident. This creates
snow, which ends up spraying the goalie in the face with the snow that was created. The school made
the correct decision that snowing in practice for fun is considered hazing. Making snowing a habit in
practice for the players, they would think its ok to do it in games. Snowing is considered
unsportsmanlike penalty if its done intentionally, in the discretion of the referee. But snowing has no
real physical abuse; it won t leave any significant damage to the kid s eyes. Snowing in practice
shouldn t be tolerated; it could make the kids think that snowing is okay. When the kids believe its
okay they would bad habits, eventually doing it on purpose in games to distract the goalie. This isn t
okay this action shows a sign of bad sportsmanship, which is never okay in sports. These could lead to
bad habits later in life when playing time or roster spots is limited. When these kids still have these
habits, these kids would either get limited playing time or not be offered a spot even though they are
skilled. The player would feel upset that they didn t make it even though you are skilled. Coaches
these days would rather take less skilled players with a good personality and sportsmanship than
players who are skilled without a good personality. This is because having these players
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Injustice In The Crucible
: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere , said by Martin Luther King, Jr. The Crucible
written by Arthur Miller in 1953 introduces us a story of this kind that injustice brought by a character
named Danforth brings the social malfunction of Salem accompanied by a breakdown of humanity
and faith. In our modern society, the public requires the power and presence of laws and justice system
to protect their rights. However, when the structures become shackles and the judges mute off their
voice of the truth, it leads the tragedy and misery to the people. Deputy Governor Danforth is a selfish,
arrogant, and corrupt man who only cares about his own goods. His flawed personalities and
hypocritical attitudes make him blind and irrational throughout the entire witchcraft, which directly
causes the calamity of the town. Danforth feels embarrassing and doesn t know what to do when
Proctor brings Mary Warren s deposition that shows his previous judgments are wrong. He is baffled
and find a reason to defend himself, there lurks nowhere in your heart, nor hidden in your spirit, any
desire to undermine this court? Are you in all respects a Gospel Christian? Not come to Church? (94).
Instead of taking a closer look at the details and the evidence of the case, he chooses to question
Proctor s credibility, and he believes people who confound his theory are challenging his authority and
he will never let that happen. Furthermore, Danforth is somewhat terrified and worried
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and requesting essay writing help on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Writers will bid on the request and the customer can choose a writer. 4) The customer will receive the paper and can request revisions if needed. 5) HelpWriting.net promises original, high-quality content and refunds for plagiarized work.

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The document provides tips for using the HelpWriting.net service to have papers written. It outlines the 5 main steps: 1) Create an account; 2) Submit a request with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The service uses a bidding system for requests and promises original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Histology Chapter 5 Summary
Chapter 5 deals with histology, the study of tissues. Types of tissue include epithelial tissue,
connective tissue, nervous and muscular tissue. Cell junctions, glands and tissue growth, development,
repair and degeneration are discussed.
Histology is also called microscopic anatomy because a microscope is needed to view the structures of
Tissues are prepared for study thinly slicing the tissue, preserving them with a fixative and staining
them to produce greater detail. Tissue samples can be sliced longitudinally, by cross sections or by
oblique sections. Liquid tissues, like blood are smeared on a slide for microscopic study. Epithelial
tissue covers the body and internal organs. It protects the body from injury and ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The two types of osseous tissue are spongy bone and compact bone. Blood is the liquid connective
tissue. It is made of a ground substance called plasma and other formed elements. The formed
elements are erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets that aid in
Nervous tissue is made of neurons, and neuroglia (glial cells). The neurons have a pronounced cell
body called the neurosoma. Dendrites are extensions that branch from the neurosoma to receive
messages and communicate those messages to the neurosoma. Neurosoma also have an axon (nerve
fiber) that extends from the cell body that sends out signals to other cells. Glial cells transmit
messages only short distances. They provide protection and support to the nervous system.
Muscular tissue is built to contract and relax for movement, circulation and digestion. Skeletal, cardiac
and smooth muscle are the 3 types of muscular tissue. Skeletal muscle is usually attached to bone, but
there are exception like the tongue and some muscles of the face. Skeletal muscle is voluntary and
striated. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart. It is involuntary muscle tissue but is also striated.
Smooth muscle is neither striated nor voluntary. It can be found in the digestive tract, respiratory tract
and urinary
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Is A Peg Exchange Rate Regime Is The Loss Of Control Over...
One prominent criticism of adopting a peg exchange rate regime is the loss of control over monetary
policy. The simultaneous combination of a fixed exchange rate regime and open capital markets with
an independent monetary policy constitutes the Impossible Trinity. If the exchange rate is pegged and
capital is mobile, then the domestic nominal interest rate must equal the foreign nominal interest rate.
Lack of effective local monetary policy is harmful, especially when a country is hit by domestic
shocks which are not correlated with business cycles in the anchor country. A domestic monetary
policy is a plus, but the existence of an independent monetary policy does not guarantee its proper
performance. Developing countries usually do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Three historical examples of the Bretton Woods system in the 1970s, the successful attacks under the
European Monetary System in 1992 and 1993 and the emerging market crises of 1994 2000 prove that
the fragility of a peg exchange rate is more severe under an open capital market (Obstfeld and Rogoff,
1995). Another challenge in a fixed exchange rate regime, after choosing the right anchor, is pegging
to the right rate. The risk of being locked into a misaligned exchange rate is a disadvantage of a fixed
exchange rate regime. The equilibrium exchange rate an exchange rate based on the fundamentals is
the efficient rate. Any divergence from this rate and insisting on the wrong exchange rate is damaging.
This is not the case in a floating exchange rate regime where the exchange rate is not locked.
However, even in a floating exchange rate regime, there is a possibility of being far from the
equilibrium exchange rate for some time. In a fixed exchange rate regime, especially if the trade of a
country is concentrated with those major currencies, the cross rate fluctuation (the fluctuations of the
anchor currency against other major currencies) is another severe flaw. For example, the Persian Gulf
oil exporting countries follow a peg exchange rate to the US dollar and have most of their trade with
Europe and Japan. In 1997, the appreciation of the US dollar
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Standardized Testing Craze In The Usa Research Paper
The mark of success in America for most people is pursuing higher education once a high school
diploma or General Education Development (GED) is obtained. However, the pursuit of higher
education is not easy to come by since it all comes down to the decisions made by College Admissions
committees at various colleges and universities. Being admitted into a college or university depends
on a number factors, namely Grade Point Average (GPA), Rank, and SAT or ACT exam scores. Should
college entrance exams be weighed so heavily in the college admissions process? The standardized
testing craze in the United States is to blame for the emphasis on college entrance exams. College
entrance exams can be tied to standardized testing that began in the ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
However, these exams seem to favor white students. ...SAT questions in the verbal section favored
white students by using language with which they were more familiar compared to non other white
groups. (Prois 2011) Low income students tend to be minority students as well. These exams are
known to use higher level vocabulary, minority students may not be able to comprehend the
vocabulary used on the exams. Lack of comprehension can negatively affect those students scores on
their college entrance exams. If students know ahead of time that they are at a disadvantage they
should try that much harder to set themselves up for success. Students can read and learn the
definitions of higher level vocabulary words to better comprehend the vocabulary used on the SAT
and ACT. Being a minority and/or low income student does not have to be a disadvantage when taking
college entrance exams. Minority and low income students can study higher level vocabulary on their
own time and use fee waivers when they take their exams. By doing the two things listed above, these
students are more likely to set themselves up for success on their
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Jeune Syndrome Disease
Jeune syndrome is a rare inherited disease that has a significant impact on infants and small children.
As a result of this disease infants with this condition usually experiences difficulty breathing, kidney
abnormalities, and other life threatening issues. Antenatal examination is possible by ultrasound but
specific diagnosis is difficult and seemingly impossible. Individuals are diagnosed at birth after
careful observation of the limbs and chest area. Patients usually die from respiratory failure because of
a very small chest and repeated respiratory infections (Phillips and Van Aalst 2008). There is not a lot
that can be done for patients with Jeune syndrome because scientists are still in the process of
obtaining knowledge about the initial cause and ways to prevent the mutation (Phillips and Van Aalst
2008). It is understood that because this is autosomal recessive disease, meaning both parents must be
When it comes to Jeune syndrome the primary problem rose from the disruption of proteins found in
the cilia. The cilia is known as the hair like structures that protrude from the cell membrane and is
responsible for moving the cell they are attached to or moving the liquid that is adjacent to the cell
(Miller et al 2013). Very few people view the cilia as a signaling hub which contains the noncanonical
Wingless (WNT), Hedgehog, and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) signalling systems, and their
disruption leads to striking developmental defects (Wang et al
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This document provides instructions for requesting assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete a order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers and provide original, high-quality content through revisions.

How To Write A Character Analysis Essay Outline, Ti
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized content.

Image Result For Anchor Chart Writi
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The passage discusses the impact of modern property development on people. It notes that modernity is characterized by a break from tradition and the rise of tall buildings, skyscrapers, and large constructions. This is partly due to increasing world population and land shortage in urban areas. While modern developments provide needed housing, they can have negative environmental impacts like pollution and limiting access to fresh air and sunlight for local residents. The passage examines these issues and debates the tradeoffs of modern property development.

Christian Dior Personal Statement
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life (Confucius). Growing up
under a conservative father, I never considered art as a profession even though it was always where
my heart belonged. My parents wanted me to become a doctor or a lawyer, and I blindly thought that
was the way to go. However, I made a life changing decision to become a fashion designer when I
watched a fashion show clip of Christian Dior couture collection in high school. Driven by the energy
and excitement of the runway, I thought of creating work like that. My father didn t approve, and he
told me that I should not turn my hobby into my profession because I would end up not enjoying it.
Despite his advice, I showed him the quote above and told him that I want to spend my life following
my passion instead of being forced to do something else. I received a BFA degree from the School of
the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014. SAIC taught me to approach fashion as an interdisciplinary
medium that brings different areas of art together such as painting, sculpture, performance, fiber, and
more. I feel that the time of solely creating beautiful things has ended. Accordingly, good
contemporary art needs to be more substantial than a visual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
She is a professor at SAIC; who has influenced me the most. She was full of knowledge and always
posed engaging questions about what fashion does. I would always stay after class to talk with her and
share my thoughts on the lectures. By doing so, I started re examining the role of fashion in our
society and how clothing and culture of one time reflect each other. One of the primary research I had
done with her was a progression of menswear and how it would affect the principle of
masculinity.These discussions shifted my perspective about fashion towards a conceptual level rather
than focusing only on
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Essay on Grand Theft Auto IV
A. Introduction
In Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV), you play the role of an Eastern European immigrant who has come
to Liberty City to visit his self proclaimed successful cousin, Roman. After making the journey, Niko
finds that his cousin is actually stuck in a cycle of debt and struggle and has been lying about his large
mansion and beautiful women. After spending some time with Roman, Niko finds that his cousin is
being harassed by local loan sharks. Niko must commit illegal activities for the loan sharks in order to
eradicate Roman s debt. As a result, he must enter the underground world of drugs and violence. Soon
after, Roman discovers that his girlfriend is cheating on him with Niko s boss, Vlad, and is
heartbroken. When Niko ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the game comes to a conclusion, the player is asked to make one more moral decision. Niko has
the option of either working with Dimitri Rascalov, a man who sold him out to a Russian crime lord,
or killing Dimitri. If Niko works with Dimitri, he tries to kill Niko at Roman s wedding, and
accidentally kills Roman. If Niko takes revenge on Dimitri and kills him, Niko s business partner kills
Roman s wife for thwarting his plan. Whichever path the player takes, the game concludes with Niko
killing the man who killed his loved one. Although both endings are very tragic, they are
representative of the huge sacrifices immigrants face and the price they must pay to achieve the
American dream.
B. Elements Perhaps the most important element of the revenge theme is the outcome of the revenge.
In GTA IV, Niko is given many opportunities to take revenge on those who have wronged him. Each
time Niko killed a man who wronged him or his family, he ended up suffering. When Niko killed
Vlad, Niko and Roman were kidnapped and forced to work for their lives. By taking revenge on
Darko, Niko does not actually change anything. He finishes his decade long quest but he is still void
on the inside. If art is created to help people draw parallels to their life and learn a lesson, the entire
purpose of the revenge theme is to demonstrate that getting even does not work as well as it may
seem. The player is shown multiple times that taking revenge does not
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Audiology Admission Essay
Growing up I never dreamed of one day becoming an audiologist. In fact, until recent years I knew
very little about the field of audiology. During my sophomore year at LSU, I enrolled in an anatomy
and physiology course that properly introduced me to the human ear. I became fascinated with the
intricate structures of the ear and the science behind audition. The more I learn about the field of
audiology, the more captivated I become. The human body is extraordinary and the field of audiology
seamlessly blends both science and art. During my last semester of college, I gained firsthand
experience with the profession through an undergraduate hearing clinic. This clinical experience
provided me with direct exposure to audiologic assessments and ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Even as a young child, I knew I wanted to pursue a career that would allow me to interact with people
on a daily basis. This deep rooted love for others originated from the values instilled in me as a child;
values of loyalty, dedication, and compassion. Throughout my undergraduate career, I have discovered
what is truly important in life and the impact I want to make in my community. I have found I have a
strong desire to serve others, to help them and to make a tangible difference in their lives. Over the
past four years, I have had the opportunity to serve those in need in my community. Each year, I am
involved in numerous service projects that bring food and clothing to low income families, as well as
assist in the rebuilding and restoring of homes. Each Thanksgiving, I help collect food, organize
donations, and distribute Thanksgiving meals to families who, otherwise, would go without. These
service opportunities have taught me how to connect with individuals on a personal level, regardless
of our differences in life experiences. I have learned the importance of service, human interaction, and
most importantly, listening. My compassion for others, servant attitude, and ability to communicate
with individuals from diverse backgrounds will help me to succeed in graduate school, as well as
allow me to become an exceptional
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Randle Patrick Mcmurphy Character Analysis
Randle Patrick McMurphy is a criminal who was sentenced to prison for a short period of time. He
then decides to have himself declared insane so he can be transferred into a mental institution. There,
he expects to serve the rest of his term free from prison labor and in comfort and luxury. In the mental
institution, he is led by tyrant, Nurse Ratched, who had cowed the patients into dejected
institutionalized submission. McMurphy becomes captured in many power games with Ratched for
the minds and hearts of the patients. However, constantly, the question is how with it are any of the
players in the ward. During McMurphy s stay at the institute, he forms friendships with two fellow
patients: Billy Bibbit and Chief Bromden. Billy Bibbit is a suicidal man child who stutters. Ratched
has humiliated him so many times that he became a quivering mess. Chief Bromden is a huge,
muscular man who has schizophrenia. The patients know him as deaf and unable to speak. They tend
to ignore him but still respect him for his size. In the former, McMurphy sees a little brother figure. He
wants to teach him to have fun, while the latter is his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She commands the orderlies to lock the window and have a head count. They discover that Billy is
missing. Billy is then discovered with Candy and she is immediately led out of the hospital. Ratched
finds out the Billy slept with Candy and she threatens to tell his mother. Billy begs her not to tell his
mother. She explains to him that he should have thought of the consequences and then Billy bursts
into tears. He is led to Dr. Spivey s office. McMurphy still has the keys to escape so he unlocks one of
the windows. He is about to escape when he hears one of the orderlies scream. Everyone rushes to the
room that Billy was dragged to. While Billy was left alone for a second, he committed suicide.
McMurphy explodes into a rage and strangles Ratched almost to
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Elie Wiesel survived the concentration camps for several reasons: he had a reason to live which kept him fighting to survive; he was afraid of death and fought to avoid it; and he was physically able to pass the selection processes. Other Jews survived for similar reasons, having qualities, views, and traits that allowed them to endure the extreme conditions. It was remarkable that anyone was able to survive such cruel camps. A major factor for Elie was his family, especially his father, who he struggled to care for and protect.

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The document discusses some potential disadvantages of artificial intelligence. It provides a brief history of AI development and mentions that while AI has benefits, some researchers are concerned about issues it could cause. The main disadvantages discussed are job disruption, autonomous weapons, bias and unfairness, and loss of human control. It states that as AI systems become more advanced, the risks will increase and it will be important to address these challenges to ensure AI's safe development.

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How Is Diction Used In Emily Dickinson s Poetry
One of three children Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was an American poet born in Amherst,
Massachusetts, 50 miles from Boston, born December 10, 1830. Dickinson is known for her unusual
social life and reserved lifestyle. Dickinson went to Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South
Hadley But she only attended for one year. Dickinson was a very rare but bright individual at a young
age Dickinson was not allowed to read different types of literature including Walt Whitman which like
Dickinson was a great poet but was discovered after his lifetime. Her father Edward Dickinson did not
allow any types of inappropriate readings in his home. He was a father who believed in fairness, and
personal restraint to a point. When Dickinson was young she obeyed ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Many people believed the Dickinson lived a lonely and sad life with no friend or family, always
isolated with no one to talk to. In this last paragraph I started early took my dog will be the poem that I
will be discussing. A 135 word poem with only 6 stanzas it was published in 1896. 10 years after
Emily Dickinson died. In stanza 1 Dickinson provides a calm but yet, magical setting for this poem.
The imagery would make you think that you are walking on the ocean. She creates the magical setting
with the quote the mermaids in the basement that looked up at her. Dickinson makes you think that
you are being watched by a mermaid but we all mermaids are in our imagination. Dickinson feels as if
she is worthy of being looked at by something that s not real. In stanza 2 Dickinson links magically
with real events because the frigates is a type of warship used in the U.S. Navy. The explanation of a
warship suggests that Dickinson is aware of the magical and peaceful parts of her life, such as the sea
and the mermaids, but she is also aware of reality, such as war. While Dickinson openly sees the
warship on the sea, she also sees the mermaids at the bottom of the sea floor looking at her. Dickinson
continues to give the sea human like characterization. In stanza 3 Dickinson talks about her personal
life. Dickinson first describes the sea as a man; Dickinson makes it very clear that No
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Math Essay
Learning outcome:
Upon completion student will be able to: * Given linear and exponential data, interpret the rate of
change within the given context. * Represent linear and exponential models as equations, tables,
graphs and verbal descriptions.
Scoring/Grading rubric:
Each question is worth 10 points.
Everyone has had some experience with gossip. In this lab, you will explore how well rumors (or
secrets) spread when this information is passed on to other people.
Scenario A: At noon, you get some great news but you need to keep it a secret. It s just too good to
keep to yourself; so 5 minutes after you get the news you call 2 friends and tell them, but swear them
to secrecy. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How many people know your secret at 12:40 in Scenario A?
In Scenario B?
2. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people told column for both Scenario A and
Scenario B.
3. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people who know column for both Scenario A and
Scenario B.
4. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval(n) in
Scenario A.
5. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval in Scenario B.
6. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute interval in Scenario A.
7. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute interval in Scenario B.
Using the equations you wrote in problems 4 7, create an Excel spreadsheet with the columns 5
minute interval, Number of people told, and Number of people who know . Make sure your
spreadsheet matches your tables above before answering the following questions. 8. After how many
minutes would at least 100 people know in Scenario A?
In Scenario B?
9. According to the 2012 US Census, the population of NC is 9,752,073. Using Scenario B,
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Beethoven Argumentative Essay
In Vienna, 1822, Christoph and his mother were mourning the death of his father and because they had
no income, Uncle Curt rented out Christoph s fathers old office to none other than Beethoven.
When Beethoven first moved in upstairs, he is constantly disturbing Christoph and Christoph didn t
like it one bit at all, but he wasn t the only one who couldn t stand Beethoven. Whilst not getting on
with Christoph was on thing, fighting daily with Sophie the House Keeper and throwing tantrums
directed at her, they didn t get on the greatest either.
Every day, Beethoven would disappear somewhere for a couple of hours and nobody would ever
know where he went, until one day when Christoph followed him. Christoph followed him around
town, quite stealthily, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whilst on their walk though, Christoph admits to Beethoven that he quit playing but Beethoven
contradicts him, saying, music isn t something you can quit.
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Beethoven and Christoph saw more of one another and
become happier with one another s company and appear to become friends.
Beethoven began his 9th Symphony and in a matter of weeks started rehearsals, but got extremely
frustrated when his sopranos continuously told him that they couldn t sing the notes he required. But
not just that, but his instrumentalists couldn t play fast enough for his liking and the fact that he couldn
t hear them didn t help his fiery temper.
During one of his rehearsals, Christoph comes in and listens to Beethoven play some of his composed
pieces, and begins to cry from the beauty of it all. Christoph questions why Beethoven doesn t cry
from the beauty of the piece, and Beethoven merely states that Composers don t cry Composers are
made of fire.
Beethoven promised Christoph and his mother tickets to see his show and when the symphony is
performed, they get front row
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we may assume that God created the cosmos to be his great temple, in which he rested after his creative work. Nevertheless, his special revelatory presence did not fill the entire earth yet, since it was his intention that his human vice-regent, whom he installed in the garden sanctuary, would extend worldwide the boundaries of that sanctuary and of God’s presence. Adam, of course, disobeyed this mandate, so that humanity no longer enjoyed God’s presence in the little localized garden. Consequently, the entire earth became infected with sin and idolatry in a way it had not been previously before the fall, while yet in its still imperfect newly created state. Therefore, the various expressions about God being unable to inhabit earthly structures are best understood, at least in part, by realizing that the old order and sanctuary have been tainted with sin and must be cleansed and recreated before God’s Shekinah presence, formerly limited to heaven and the holy of holies, can dwell universally throughout creation

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Analysis Of Reliability Calculations On Mobile Ad Hoc...
Analysis of Reliability Calculations in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Sai Charan Goud Kolanu, Tejaswi Reddy Karemma
Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science
California State University, Long Beach
With the increasing dependency on wireless networks, the need for proper reliability analysis for
Mobile ad hoc networks (Manets) is also increasing. Failure of Manets in areas like warfare, nuclear
reactors, medical equipment and airplanes can lead to catastrophe. Unlike traditional networks,
measuring the reliability of Manets is a tedious task as it involves dynamically changing topology. The
existing methods for calculating reliability use two terminal analysis as the basis for calculation. It
uses the same method used for traditional computer networks to calculate reliability. However, the
method is not very efficient when it comes to the wireless networks as they are far different from
traditional networks. It is also a time consuming task to identify all the nodes and links in a wireless
network as nodes move freely in the network. In This paper, We are going to discuss about NLN(Node
Link Node) technique which reduces the complexity of analyzing the reliability in Manets.
Keywords: Manet, NodeLinkNode, Reliability.
The Mobile ad hoc networks is one of the emerging technologies today. The instability of the nodes in
a mobile ad hoc network makes it difficult to calculate the reliability of the network. When a node
moves freely move in a
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Secrets In The Cellar
Secrets in the Cellar written by John Glatt is part of the true crime series, explaining details of
unthinkable crimes and what goes on behind them, exploiting the nature of criminals and their thought
process. John Glatt is a famous author among this genre, writing a total of 16 books over the course of
more than thirty years. He wrote this piece to expose a crime that shocked the world in order to inform
people about it, as he does with his other books. The book is simply here to enlighten readers who are
interested in the details of this specific crime. This book was a very interesting read, but it takes a
certain kind of reader to appreciate it, because of the fact that it does go into major details of a
disturbing crime. However, it was still a fascinating book overall. Secrets in the Cellar tells the true
story of how Austrian Josef Fritzl lured and trapped his young daughter Elisabeth into his man made
dungeon, and kept her there for 24 years. Over the course of this time he sexually abuses her and
keeps her in barely livable conditions, while no one else is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
You were able to see the disturbed thoughts of Fritzl during the crime, and even years before the
crime. Glatt did a great job of displaying how morbid Fritzl was through this life, and you could see
aspects that stemmed from his childhood growing up with his abusive mother and the Nazi regime.
Not only did Glatt show Fritzl s psychological journey, but he also showed Elisabeths. Being trapped
by ones father for 24 years undoubtedly puts a toll on someone s mental state, but this book also
described how she developed Stockholm syndrome, in which the victim sympathizes with their
torturer to survive. It was definitely a great addition to the book to include the psychological processes
involved in these crimes, as it makes the reader understand the act and the motives
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Leg Injury Compensation
A Guidance to Sum of Leg Injury Compensation Money
Leg injury can be happened due to a lot of mishaps and illnesses. The effect of your leg injuries on
your capability to get on with your every day life will rely very much on the level of the injuries and
your conditions, the conditions of your mishap or illness and personal injury solicitors. There are the
things that will also decide the sum of leg injury payment you might be titled to.
This piece of writing gives a fairly accurate guidance to the sum of damages you may be titled to for
your injuries at the same time as established by Law College s Guidelines for the evaluation of general
compensation in injury claims.
Less critical leg injuries
£13,000 £20,200 compensation
The compensation claim considering in this category will typically relate to bone damage, by which
you will get, or are look forward to, achieve a considerable recovery with possibly slight effects on the
your leg movement on how you get on with your every day routine. For example, in this minor
compensation limit of movement might be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Considerable leg injury
£20,200 £28,700 compensation
By personal injury solicitors, these injuries will be classified as considerable and be assorted in above
limit if you have undergone more than one and/or complex bone damages. Such more considerable
injuries can have meaning that there can be problems with the bone treatment and may also cause to
happen problems with the movement of leg joints, for example the knee and ankle joint. Given the
consequence of the injuries in this limit, it may be looked forward that there will be long term
scarring. Such injuries may also make a person more at risk to any more leg injury.
Personal injuries classified as considerable are likely to deserve damages ranges from £20,200
Critical leg injury
£28,700 £100,200
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The Musical Aspects Of Frank Sinatra
Chapter Two: Sinatra as a Cultural Icon In the first chapter, this essay primarily addressed the musical
aspects of Frank Sinatra. This section will examine his celebrity image, and how it reflected the values
of popular culture that spanned his career. Sinatra was the first musician, more specifically a singer, to
achieve this kind of fame and notoriety among his audiences. Intentional or not, he started a trend in
popular music that would later be replicated by many artists, including Elvis, Michael Jackson,
Freddie Mercury, and Barbara Streisand. One interesting facet about Sinatra is that he was not born
into stardom, nor groomed for success. As mentioned above, Sinatra was born of two middle class
Italian immigrants. Deeply rooted in American culture is the concept of the American Dream ,
espousing the country as a land of opportunity where anything is possible. Michael Frontani cites
author Richard Weiss, in describing this ideal: The belief that all men, in accordance with certain
rules, but exclusively by their own efforts, can make of their lives what they will... The pursuit of the
American Dream involves a long road to financial independence for the individual, achieved by
resilience and hard work. Whether or not the dream could be easily attainable by anyone is up for
debate, as Sinatra faced racism and adversity early on in his quest for fame. Coming from a
disadvantaged Italian family, Frontani recalls how his mother, Dolly, wanted him to seek out
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Shays Rebellion Research Paper
Brian Cooper
HIST 300
Dr. Karr
December 4 2013
Shays Rebellion and Young American Democracy
After the Revolutionary War, the newly formed United States were finding their governmental system,
the Articles of Confederation, facing its first years of trials. One of these trials, which was a
culmination of many political and economic conflicts of the times, was Shays Rebellion. Shays
Rebellion was an armed rebel uprising that took place in Massachusetts during 1786 and 1787. The
Rebellion was a result of long standing and increasing disaffection with State and Federal
governments by farmers and others affected by tax and debt imbalances resulting from the falling out
with Britain after the Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led a group of
rebels in rising up first against Massachusetts courts, and later in marching on the United States
Federal Armory at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An Address from the General Court, to the People of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts [electronic
resource]. n.p.: Boston : Adams Nourse, 1786., 1786. SIUC online resources, EBSCOhost (accessed
September 4, 2014).
Feer, Robert (September 1969). Shays s Rebellion and the Constitution: A Study in Causation . The
New England Quarterly (Volume 42, No. 3). JSTOR 363616
Minot, George Richards. 1970. The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in the Year
Seventeen Hundred and Eighty Six and the Rebellion Consequent Thereon. n.p.: Freeport, N.Y.,
Books for Libraries Press [1970], 1970. I Share, EBSCOhost (accessed September 4, 2014).
Richards, Leonard L (2002). Shays s Rebellion: The American Revolution s Final Battle. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978 0 8122 1870 1. OCLC 56029217
Szatmary, David P. (1980). Shays s Rebellion: The Making of an Agrarian Insurrection. University of
Massachusetts Press. ISBN 978 0 87023 419 4.
Zinn, Howard (2005). A People s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978 0
06 083865 2. OCLC
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide By EssayHub Experts

  • 1. Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide By EssayHub Experts 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide By EssayHub Experts Critical Lens Essay Writing Guide By EssayHub Experts
  • 2. Motivation In Julius Caesar Julius Caesar The character motivation of Julius Caesar A coward dies many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste death but once. Julius Caesar was a brave man. He never lost a war. He defeated the forces of Pompey after a long civil war. They return home to take control the Rome. The character motivation of Julius Caesar was his ego, advice, ambition, and kingship Caesars first character motivation was his ego. I do not know the man I should fear. See the weather well conceited man. He had a high self esteem that made him become leader. It made people think he was too full of himself and he would change. The second character motivation for Caesar was the advice he got from his wife. In Caesar s life he took little advice. He took advice from his wife about staying home instead of going to the capital which would have saved his life. Because I love you, I will let you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Calpurnia here, my wife, save me at home. This shows he started to take advice from someone other than his self. It also shows he has started to change during his life. This is also the time that almost gave him a chance to save his life if he would have completely listened. The third motivation was his ambition. Caesar s ambition was one of his greatest downfalls. It caused his best friends who want to kill him. I don t know I don t know personal cause to the general. He would be crowned. How might this change his nature there s the question. This was said by one of his best friends Brutus. The final part of Caesar s wife is where he reverted back to his old self. It was when they told him about him getting the crown. After that he told his wife how foolish do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Statistical Data Reveal That 25% Of Adult Americans Have Statistical data reveal that 25% of adult Americans have a mental illness, and more than half of the U.S. population will develop a mental illness at some point during their lifetime (CDC; APA). Major Depressive disorder is a leading cause of disability for ages 15 44. Major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults, or 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year while anxiety disorder affects ...40 million...adults ages 18 and older... (NIMH; APA). Comparatively, cardiovascular, diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, cancer, and asthma, and other chronic diseases are surfacing with increased frequency among the mentally ill (CDC; APA). The aforementioned finding elicits question about medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Patient encounters in cardiology practicum afforded extended latitude to embrace nursing competencies relative to direct clinical practice, consultation, research, clinical and professional leadership, collaboration, and ethical decision making, which are applicable and fundamental to the role of the advanced practice nurse. Further experiences in both cardiology and medical surgical provided opportunity to connect the dots, via the use of physical assessment skills as correlated to illness and pathological findings. (Self evaluation reflects sound clinical/assessment skills and a good grasp of pathophysiological conditions.) Clinical experiences in hospice and palliative care provided opportunity to view health care from the dichotomous spectrum of life and death, with understanding that not only should one be afforded a quality life, but also a quality and dignified death. An issue of contention for this clinician has always been the unilateral focus of medical care without attention to the psychological framework that governs physiological states. Working in Hospice and palliative care was enlightening as it allowed for introspection and exploration of feelings that might otherwise remain untapped unless personally faced with a similar situation. Cultural awareness, biosocial skills, and communication skills were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Essay on Equality and Civil Rights Democracy stresses the equality of all individuals and insists that all men are created equal. Democracy does not persist on an equality of condition for all people or argue that all persons have a right to an equal share of worldly goods. Rather, its concept of equality insists that all are entitled to equality of opportunity and equality before the law. The democratic concept of equality holds that no person should be held back for any such arbitrary reasons as those based on race, color, religion, or gender. This concept of equality holds that each person must be free to develop himself or herself as fully as he or she can or cares to and that each person should be treated as the equal of all other persons by the law. We have come ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Equality and Civil Rights is complex in nature that the 14th Amendment (Equal Protection Clause) is the closest approach to a literal statement of equality, it declares: No State shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The clause was originally intended to benefit newly freed slaves. Over time, it has acquired a broader meaning. Today, it forbids states and their local governments to draw unreasonable distinctions between classes of persons. The equal rights amendment (ERA) was introduced in 1923. Their policy was for protection of women and based largely on sexual stereotypes, which has been woven into the legal fabric of American life. This protectionism has limited the freedom of women to compete with men socially and economically on an equal footing. The movement to provide equal rights to women advanced a step with the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963. That act required equal pay for men and women doing similar work. On the other hand, to remove the restrictions of protectionism, women needed equal opportunity for employment. They got it in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and later the legislation. The commitment that led to affirmative action programs expanded opportunities for women, minorities, and those who are disabled. The (Equal Opportunity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Party Influence on Democratic Elections According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, democracy is a government by the people. Merriam additionally specifies democracy as the rule of the majority. In government, this definition may be a contradiction. A classic democratic state is defined as a government in which the supreme power is invested in the people which is exercised directly or indirectly through the use of elections. However, according to the definition of Merriam Webster the power comes from the masses. In the parliamentary democracy of the United Kingdom and Sweden either theory may be applied. In both countries, the Constitution declares the people as the main source of public power. Nevertheless, voters are hesitant to exercise their right of control through free ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore the opposition party has the chance to participate in legislative decisions before either house votes. Subsequently, it has been criticized that the electoral system employed in Britain works only to the advantage of large parties, the winning party in particular. This has in turn led to an over represented government at the expense of third parties. This can be seen in recent general elections where a single party emerged with clear majority legislation, then able to form a dominant government. As a result, voter participation has been low. It appears to citizens that their vote does not have much political weight when electing officials from minority parties. Thus, causes a low percentage of voter turnouts. On the contrary, the Sweden Parliament is a unicameral government. The Riksdag is the national legislative assembly of Sweden. The assembly contains 349 members who are chosen by direct elections based on suffrage for all Swedish citizens aged 18 or over who are residents of Sweden. Consequently, general elections to the Riksdag are based on proportional representation for a fixed term of four years. The state of Sweden is divided into constituencies from which seats are distributed between political parties. The numbers of seats assigned to parties corresponds to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Communication Skills Increase Successful Relationships Social skills are needs we all should have in order to communicate in all types of environments. Having strong communication skills increase successful relationships. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Communication skills are the key to developing and keeping friendships which help build a strong social support team. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Skills are things we learn during our stages of growth, which we come to acknowledge trial and error. There are three areas of communication that we should practice: 1. Non verbal communication, 2.Conversation skills and assertiveness. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Communication can be displayed in many different ways such as; body language, via email and text messaging, sign language and even letters. There are some people who are intellectual that can communicate with sound and pictures in order for you to understand what they may want or need. Some nonverbal things we may not pay attention to posture, movement and gestures, physical distance, eye contact, facial expression, volume of voice and tone of voice. The tone of voice we use to communicate sends off what types of emotions we may be feeling. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Conversation skills deals with starting conversations and keeping them going. (Anxiety BC, 2015) Assertive communication is the honest expression of one s own needs, wants and feelings, while respecting those of the other person. (Anxiety BC, 2015)Communicating assertively means your manner is non threatening and non ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Albert Camus Accomplishments Do not walk behind me; I may not lead. Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend Albert Camus (Simpson). Albert Camus was an interesting intellectual during the 1940s and 50s. He was more than just a writer; he was a top class individual that lived life to the fullest, even though it was short lived for him. In 1960 car accident and died January 4th (Rhein). At the time of Camus death, he was only 46. In that short time he was more than just a writer; he was also an actor, playwright, political writer, owned his own newspaper, leader of the French resistance during World War II, part owner of a theater in France, and also a Nobel Prize winner. Overall he was way more than a writer, he was a highly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After he was a political journalist, he explored his interest into theater and did exceptionally well. Two of his most enduring contributions to the theatre may well be his stage performance of William Faulkner s Requiem for a Nun and The Possessed. He could only produce and act for a short amount of time because of his constant attacks of tuberculosis. At the beginning of the 1940 s he writes two of his most famous novels The stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. Those two novels skyrocketed his popularity in France, and he started to become a popular author as well as keep up with his producing and writing career for the theater. Camus joined the resistance movement during the occupation and after the liberation was a columnist for the newspaper Combat. (Nobelprize.org). He was part of the French resistance as the Nazis tried to take over France. During that time, he always would become a columnist and later a publisher for The Combat from 1947 until his death. During the war, Camus had married again, had twins, praised the Americans use of the Atomic Bomb and got criticized for it, wrote two novels, and still and productions at The Theater of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Effect Of Modified Cut Off Function For Tersoff... Molecular dynamics based simulations to study the effect of modified cut off function for Tersoff potential on estimating mechanical properties of graphene G. Rajasekaran and Avinash Parashar* Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India * Corresponding author: E Mail: drap1fme@iitr.ac.in, Ph: +91 1332 284801 ABSTART A modified cutoff function for Tersoff potential has been proposed in this paper, to estimate the realistic mechanical behavior of single sheet of graphene. Success of any molecular dynamics based simulation entirely depends on the empirical potential employed for estimating the interatomic interaction forces. Cutoff distance in Tersoff potential that was earlier chosen arbitrarily has now been optimized. Simulations were performed at different set of temperatures and strain rate to validate the modified Tersoff potential with the existing experimental results. In detail comparison has also been made with respect to mechanical behavior of graphene estimated with the help of modified Tersoff potential and other potentials AIREBO, 2nd generation REBO and optimized Tersoff. 1.0 Introduction Due to outstanding mechanical, thermal and electronic properties, graphene is receiving increased attention by the scientific community. Exceptional properties of graphene are owing to its hexagonal monolayer of honeycomb lattice packed with carbon atoms. The mechanical properties of graphene have been extensively ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Overcoming Adversity In The Jewish Community The Jewish community has had to overcome both physical and mental elements that tested their faith. They overcame adversity when their people where being killed multiple times in history. In the beginning when the Egyptians where killing the males babies to reduce their population because they felt the community was taking over. To the 1940 s when Germany or HItler was trying to kill off their whole community and or religion. These events helped lead up to how Judaism became its own belief system branched off of the jewish religion base. Once a base was created Judaism had their own branches which are: Orthodox, Reform and Conservative. These diverse selections give multiple selections and help maintain the Judaism faith. Having different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Speech On Panacea Panacea.Doc In a city like Guwahati, it has been the dream of many people to escape the urban sprawl and settle down in the countryside where the air is cleaner, and the life is quieter, and healthier. Realistically saying it s just not possible to leave everything and embrace such a lifestyle away from the chaos of a city. But every once and a while you need to recharge your batteries, breathe the fresh air and listen to the peace and quiet of country life. You probably don t have weeks and weeks of vacation time in your schedule, so you need to use your weekends creatively in order to both explore the countryside and relax a little! So, you want to experience the charm of the ethnic and cultural diversity of Assam devoid of much artificiality without ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sounds impossible to find such a getaway near Guwahati? What if we say, it s possible!! Now with Panacea where you can spend some beautiful time amidst the beautiful kaleidoscope of unadulterated natural environment, modern amenities, and traditional ethnic lifestyle and eco adventure sports tailor made according to you preferences. Bestowed with natural spaces and various fun activities, it is offering the best alternative for the people who prefer to spend some peaceful time far from the agitated city life. At the centre of every culture is always food; At Panacea you can get a taste of authentic and rich Assamese cuisine; right from Duck meat, Pork meat, fresh water fishes to Barbe qued in BahorSunga ; each one representing different facets of social and cultural life of Assam. You don t need to travel for hours to enjoy an outdoor getaway removed from the frenzy of city life. It is located a sprawling 5 acres of virgin land, about 24 kilometers from Guwahati in a corner of the foothills in a small village hamlet called Erabari in Sonapur. It has got calm, pure and peaceful scenery where everything is open and calm, giving you a good sense of freedom and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Three Political Parties When you think about the presidential elections in the United States of America you only hear about the two major parties which is the Republican party and the Democratic Party. But in reality there is a Major third that consist of three different parties called the Libertarian party, Green party, and Constitution party. I think the reason the third parties has such a problem in the electoral races is because of the years of experience the Green party was started in 2001 the Libertarian Party was started in 1971 and the Constitution Party was founded in 1991. The longest of the three parties was only 46 years which is nothing compared to the Democratic and Republican parties which has over 150 years they have been an official party. I would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Caffeine Experiment Lab Report Materials and Methods The planaria were placed in 1 petri dish, 18ml of pond water for storage, after the collection. The planaria were separated into groups designated by a labeled petri dish. 1 planaria group was placed in a petri dish filled with 18ml of pond water. Another group, the control group was placed in another petri dish prepared in the same fashion. Each group of planaria was fed each Friday, although most of the first group died from unclean dishes, human error, which necessitated the sampling of a second group. During each experiment, 2 planaria from the control group were placed in a petri dish filled with pond water, while 2 from the treatment group were prepared in a petri dish filled with pond water and 2ml of caffeine. The Planaria were observed 5 times, once every 7 days, allowing them to recover from the effects of the caffeine each week before testing in a new trial, for unbiased data. The following concentrations were (2, 1 ml), whereas the following times were (30,15). In order to observe the effects of the caffeine on their decision ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were fed pellets each Friday, and the water was cleaned each day, in order to prevent die outs. During each trial, the behavior of the planaria in each petri dish, in the maze, and the length of time in the maze, was recorded, with the following experimental error: the planaria were attracted to the small bits of metal in the maze, which affected the time in the maze. The times in the maze were measured three times to provide replicates. In trials 1 and 3, the following time was recorded as the dosage time, (30) while each trial used the following concentrations (2, 1 ml) respectively. Trials 2, and 4 followed a likewise fashion with the following dosage time (15) and the same concentrations (2, 1 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Diversity Field Report 92 BLX The Beat of The Bay. This is DJ Rodsky boomed the radio into my preschool classroom at St. Mary Catholic School. My best friend Emani s dad was featured on the radio that morning, and my teacher let the whole class tune in. While in may seem like an odd occurrence to listen to a rap station in a preschool setting, it highlights the attitude towards diversity that shaped my formative education. Instead of the hand picked, curated diversity that sometimes plagues schools, this encounter demonstrates the raw, unalderterated diversity that kindles appreciation for all races, genders, backgrounds, or affiliations without any reservations. This unique experience from such a young age paints a clear memory in my mind that denotes that diversity is important because it gives people a new perspective on life. People that move through life totally unaffected by the reality of diversity, sheltered from the harmless encroachment on their social organization, lack the ability to be able to fully understand people from different backgrounds or races that they meet in the real world. Being exposed to diversity in all forms at a young age helps develop in people humility, compassion, consideration, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mary Catholic School manifests the imperativness of diversity that derives from the reflection of the real world it presents on a small, comprehensible scale. Confidently stepping into the real world without having been adequately prepared by exposure to people that possess different characteristics from one s own sets one up for failure in an unfamiliar environment. People that do not experience diversity are ill equipped to handle real life diversity because they have never learned how to deal with it. Having been presented with opportunities to handle diversity in my past, I am able to manage it in everyday life, which is a vital skill crucial to becoming a functioning part of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Works Of Eugene Delacroix Eugene Delacroix, born on April 26 1798, was a French painter who had a lot of influence on Romanticism. He studied art at age 17 and academic painter, Baron Pierre Narcisse Guerin, mentored him. He learned from the romantic Landscapist and used some of their techniques. Early on in his life, he demonstrated the influence that Michelangelo and Peter Paul Rubens, two excellent artists, had on his painting. Delacroix intensely studied Michelangelo s modeling of figures and the matter of life or death he brought to the canvas. He was also deeply affected by Rubens treatment of color. Romantic artist play around with emotions, divinity found in nature and the sense of creativity or imagination. He developed his own style over the years and had a unique approach with color. His style was to show pain and suffering in his work through bright colored canvases which exploded with energy. Delacroix s use of color was influential in the development of Impressionist and also of Post Impressionist painting. His inspiration came mostly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and also the visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Delacroix Debuted at the Paris salon of 1822 where he exhibited his first painting Dante and Virgil in hell which was inspired by Dante s Divine comedy but influenced by Michelangelo and Paul Peter Rubens style as I said before. Later on, as his experience keep growing and his style maturing, Delacroix painted the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Snowing In Sports Hockey is a game that should be fun and played with sticks and pucks not with scraped ice. Snowing is an action where a player stops in front of the goalie either intestinally or by accident. This creates snow, which ends up spraying the goalie in the face with the snow that was created. The school made the correct decision that snowing in practice for fun is considered hazing. Making snowing a habit in practice for the players, they would think its ok to do it in games. Snowing is considered unsportsmanlike penalty if its done intentionally, in the discretion of the referee. But snowing has no real physical abuse; it won t leave any significant damage to the kid s eyes. Snowing in practice shouldn t be tolerated; it could make the kids think that snowing is okay. When the kids believe its okay they would bad habits, eventually doing it on purpose in games to distract the goalie. This isn t okay this action shows a sign of bad sportsmanship, which is never okay in sports. These could lead to bad habits later in life when playing time or roster spots is limited. When these kids still have these habits, these kids would either get limited playing time or not be offered a spot even though they are skilled. The player would feel upset that they didn t make it even though you are skilled. Coaches these days would rather take less skilled players with a good personality and sportsmanship than players who are skilled without a good personality. This is because having these players ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Injustice In The Crucible : Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere , said by Martin Luther King, Jr. The Crucible written by Arthur Miller in 1953 introduces us a story of this kind that injustice brought by a character named Danforth brings the social malfunction of Salem accompanied by a breakdown of humanity and faith. In our modern society, the public requires the power and presence of laws and justice system to protect their rights. However, when the structures become shackles and the judges mute off their voice of the truth, it leads the tragedy and misery to the people. Deputy Governor Danforth is a selfish, arrogant, and corrupt man who only cares about his own goods. His flawed personalities and hypocritical attitudes make him blind and irrational throughout the entire witchcraft, which directly causes the calamity of the town. Danforth feels embarrassing and doesn t know what to do when Proctor brings Mary Warren s deposition that shows his previous judgments are wrong. He is baffled and find a reason to defend himself, there lurks nowhere in your heart, nor hidden in your spirit, any desire to undermine this court? Are you in all respects a Gospel Christian? Not come to Church? (94). Instead of taking a closer look at the details and the evidence of the case, he chooses to question Proctor s credibility, and he believes people who confound his theory are challenging his authority and he will never let that happen. Furthermore, Danforth is somewhat terrified and worried ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Histology Chapter 5 Summary Chapter 5 deals with histology, the study of tissues. Types of tissue include epithelial tissue, connective tissue, nervous and muscular tissue. Cell junctions, glands and tissue growth, development, repair and degeneration are discussed. Histology is also called microscopic anatomy because a microscope is needed to view the structures of tissues. Tissues are prepared for study thinly slicing the tissue, preserving them with a fixative and staining them to produce greater detail. Tissue samples can be sliced longitudinally, by cross sections or by oblique sections. Liquid tissues, like blood are smeared on a slide for microscopic study. Epithelial tissue covers the body and internal organs. It protects the body from injury and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The two types of osseous tissue are spongy bone and compact bone. Blood is the liquid connective tissue. It is made of a ground substance called plasma and other formed elements. The formed elements are erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets that aid in clotting. Nervous tissue is made of neurons, and neuroglia (glial cells). The neurons have a pronounced cell body called the neurosoma. Dendrites are extensions that branch from the neurosoma to receive messages and communicate those messages to the neurosoma. Neurosoma also have an axon (nerve fiber) that extends from the cell body that sends out signals to other cells. Glial cells transmit messages only short distances. They provide protection and support to the nervous system. Muscular tissue is built to contract and relax for movement, circulation and digestion. Skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle are the 3 types of muscular tissue. Skeletal muscle is usually attached to bone, but there are exception like the tongue and some muscles of the face. Skeletal muscle is voluntary and striated. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart. It is involuntary muscle tissue but is also striated. Smooth muscle is neither striated nor voluntary. It can be found in the digestive tract, respiratory tract and urinary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Is A Peg Exchange Rate Regime Is The Loss Of Control Over... One prominent criticism of adopting a peg exchange rate regime is the loss of control over monetary policy. The simultaneous combination of a fixed exchange rate regime and open capital markets with an independent monetary policy constitutes the Impossible Trinity. If the exchange rate is pegged and capital is mobile, then the domestic nominal interest rate must equal the foreign nominal interest rate. Lack of effective local monetary policy is harmful, especially when a country is hit by domestic shocks which are not correlated with business cycles in the anchor country. A domestic monetary policy is a plus, but the existence of an independent monetary policy does not guarantee its proper performance. Developing countries usually do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Three historical examples of the Bretton Woods system in the 1970s, the successful attacks under the European Monetary System in 1992 and 1993 and the emerging market crises of 1994 2000 prove that the fragility of a peg exchange rate is more severe under an open capital market (Obstfeld and Rogoff, 1995). Another challenge in a fixed exchange rate regime, after choosing the right anchor, is pegging to the right rate. The risk of being locked into a misaligned exchange rate is a disadvantage of a fixed exchange rate regime. The equilibrium exchange rate an exchange rate based on the fundamentals is the efficient rate. Any divergence from this rate and insisting on the wrong exchange rate is damaging. This is not the case in a floating exchange rate regime where the exchange rate is not locked. However, even in a floating exchange rate regime, there is a possibility of being far from the equilibrium exchange rate for some time. In a fixed exchange rate regime, especially if the trade of a country is concentrated with those major currencies, the cross rate fluctuation (the fluctuations of the anchor currency against other major currencies) is another severe flaw. For example, the Persian Gulf oil exporting countries follow a peg exchange rate to the US dollar and have most of their trade with Europe and Japan. In 1997, the appreciation of the US dollar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Standardized Testing Craze In The Usa Research Paper The mark of success in America for most people is pursuing higher education once a high school diploma or General Education Development (GED) is obtained. However, the pursuit of higher education is not easy to come by since it all comes down to the decisions made by College Admissions committees at various colleges and universities. Being admitted into a college or university depends on a number factors, namely Grade Point Average (GPA), Rank, and SAT or ACT exam scores. Should college entrance exams be weighed so heavily in the college admissions process? The standardized testing craze in the United States is to blame for the emphasis on college entrance exams. College entrance exams can be tied to standardized testing that began in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these exams seem to favor white students. ...SAT questions in the verbal section favored white students by using language with which they were more familiar compared to non other white groups. (Prois 2011) Low income students tend to be minority students as well. These exams are known to use higher level vocabulary, minority students may not be able to comprehend the vocabulary used on the exams. Lack of comprehension can negatively affect those students scores on their college entrance exams. If students know ahead of time that they are at a disadvantage they should try that much harder to set themselves up for success. Students can read and learn the definitions of higher level vocabulary words to better comprehend the vocabulary used on the SAT and ACT. Being a minority and/or low income student does not have to be a disadvantage when taking college entrance exams. Minority and low income students can study higher level vocabulary on their own time and use fee waivers when they take their exams. By doing the two things listed above, these students are more likely to set themselves up for success on their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Jeune Syndrome Disease Jeune syndrome is a rare inherited disease that has a significant impact on infants and small children. As a result of this disease infants with this condition usually experiences difficulty breathing, kidney abnormalities, and other life threatening issues. Antenatal examination is possible by ultrasound but specific diagnosis is difficult and seemingly impossible. Individuals are diagnosed at birth after careful observation of the limbs and chest area. Patients usually die from respiratory failure because of a very small chest and repeated respiratory infections (Phillips and Van Aalst 2008). There is not a lot that can be done for patients with Jeune syndrome because scientists are still in the process of obtaining knowledge about the initial cause and ways to prevent the mutation (Phillips and Van Aalst 2008). It is understood that because this is autosomal recessive disease, meaning both parents must be carriers. When it comes to Jeune syndrome the primary problem rose from the disruption of proteins found in the cilia. The cilia is known as the hair like structures that protrude from the cell membrane and is responsible for moving the cell they are attached to or moving the liquid that is adjacent to the cell (Miller et al 2013). Very few people view the cilia as a signaling hub which contains the noncanonical Wingless (WNT), Hedgehog, and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) signalling systems, and their disruption leads to striking developmental defects (Wang et al ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Christian Dior Personal Statement Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life (Confucius). Growing up under a conservative father, I never considered art as a profession even though it was always where my heart belonged. My parents wanted me to become a doctor or a lawyer, and I blindly thought that was the way to go. However, I made a life changing decision to become a fashion designer when I watched a fashion show clip of Christian Dior couture collection in high school. Driven by the energy and excitement of the runway, I thought of creating work like that. My father didn t approve, and he told me that I should not turn my hobby into my profession because I would end up not enjoying it. Despite his advice, I showed him the quote above and told him that I want to spend my life following my passion instead of being forced to do something else. I received a BFA degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014. SAIC taught me to approach fashion as an interdisciplinary medium that brings different areas of art together such as painting, sculpture, performance, fiber, and more. I feel that the time of solely creating beautiful things has ended. Accordingly, good contemporary art needs to be more substantial than a visual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She is a professor at SAIC; who has influenced me the most. She was full of knowledge and always posed engaging questions about what fashion does. I would always stay after class to talk with her and share my thoughts on the lectures. By doing so, I started re examining the role of fashion in our society and how clothing and culture of one time reflect each other. One of the primary research I had done with her was a progression of menswear and how it would affect the principle of masculinity.These discussions shifted my perspective about fashion towards a conceptual level rather than focusing only on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Essay on Grand Theft Auto IV A. Introduction In Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV), you play the role of an Eastern European immigrant who has come to Liberty City to visit his self proclaimed successful cousin, Roman. After making the journey, Niko finds that his cousin is actually stuck in a cycle of debt and struggle and has been lying about his large mansion and beautiful women. After spending some time with Roman, Niko finds that his cousin is being harassed by local loan sharks. Niko must commit illegal activities for the loan sharks in order to eradicate Roman s debt. As a result, he must enter the underground world of drugs and violence. Soon after, Roman discovers that his girlfriend is cheating on him with Niko s boss, Vlad, and is heartbroken. When Niko ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the game comes to a conclusion, the player is asked to make one more moral decision. Niko has the option of either working with Dimitri Rascalov, a man who sold him out to a Russian crime lord, or killing Dimitri. If Niko works with Dimitri, he tries to kill Niko at Roman s wedding, and accidentally kills Roman. If Niko takes revenge on Dimitri and kills him, Niko s business partner kills Roman s wife for thwarting his plan. Whichever path the player takes, the game concludes with Niko killing the man who killed his loved one. Although both endings are very tragic, they are representative of the huge sacrifices immigrants face and the price they must pay to achieve the American dream. B. Elements Perhaps the most important element of the revenge theme is the outcome of the revenge. In GTA IV, Niko is given many opportunities to take revenge on those who have wronged him. Each time Niko killed a man who wronged him or his family, he ended up suffering. When Niko killed Vlad, Niko and Roman were kidnapped and forced to work for their lives. By taking revenge on Darko, Niko does not actually change anything. He finishes his decade long quest but he is still void on the inside. If art is created to help people draw parallels to their life and learn a lesson, the entire purpose of the revenge theme is to demonstrate that getting even does not work as well as it may seem. The player is shown multiple times that taking revenge does not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Audiology Admission Essay Growing up I never dreamed of one day becoming an audiologist. In fact, until recent years I knew very little about the field of audiology. During my sophomore year at LSU, I enrolled in an anatomy and physiology course that properly introduced me to the human ear. I became fascinated with the intricate structures of the ear and the science behind audition. The more I learn about the field of audiology, the more captivated I become. The human body is extraordinary and the field of audiology seamlessly blends both science and art. During my last semester of college, I gained firsthand experience with the profession through an undergraduate hearing clinic. This clinical experience provided me with direct exposure to audiologic assessments and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even as a young child, I knew I wanted to pursue a career that would allow me to interact with people on a daily basis. This deep rooted love for others originated from the values instilled in me as a child; values of loyalty, dedication, and compassion. Throughout my undergraduate career, I have discovered what is truly important in life and the impact I want to make in my community. I have found I have a strong desire to serve others, to help them and to make a tangible difference in their lives. Over the past four years, I have had the opportunity to serve those in need in my community. Each year, I am involved in numerous service projects that bring food and clothing to low income families, as well as assist in the rebuilding and restoring of homes. Each Thanksgiving, I help collect food, organize donations, and distribute Thanksgiving meals to families who, otherwise, would go without. These service opportunities have taught me how to connect with individuals on a personal level, regardless of our differences in life experiences. I have learned the importance of service, human interaction, and most importantly, listening. My compassion for others, servant attitude, and ability to communicate with individuals from diverse backgrounds will help me to succeed in graduate school, as well as allow me to become an exceptional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Randle Patrick Mcmurphy Character Analysis Randle Patrick McMurphy is a criminal who was sentenced to prison for a short period of time. He then decides to have himself declared insane so he can be transferred into a mental institution. There, he expects to serve the rest of his term free from prison labor and in comfort and luxury. In the mental institution, he is led by tyrant, Nurse Ratched, who had cowed the patients into dejected institutionalized submission. McMurphy becomes captured in many power games with Ratched for the minds and hearts of the patients. However, constantly, the question is how with it are any of the players in the ward. During McMurphy s stay at the institute, he forms friendships with two fellow patients: Billy Bibbit and Chief Bromden. Billy Bibbit is a suicidal man child who stutters. Ratched has humiliated him so many times that he became a quivering mess. Chief Bromden is a huge, muscular man who has schizophrenia. The patients know him as deaf and unable to speak. They tend to ignore him but still respect him for his size. In the former, McMurphy sees a little brother figure. He wants to teach him to have fun, while the latter is his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She commands the orderlies to lock the window and have a head count. They discover that Billy is missing. Billy is then discovered with Candy and she is immediately led out of the hospital. Ratched finds out the Billy slept with Candy and she threatens to tell his mother. Billy begs her not to tell his mother. She explains to him that he should have thought of the consequences and then Billy bursts into tears. He is led to Dr. Spivey s office. McMurphy still has the keys to escape so he unlocks one of the windows. He is about to escape when he hears one of the orderlies scream. Everyone rushes to the room that Billy was dragged to. While Billy was left alone for a second, he committed suicide. McMurphy explodes into a rage and strangles Ratched almost to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. How Is Diction Used In Emily Dickinson s Poetry One of three children Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was an American poet born in Amherst, Massachusetts, 50 miles from Boston, born December 10, 1830. Dickinson is known for her unusual social life and reserved lifestyle. Dickinson went to Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley But she only attended for one year. Dickinson was a very rare but bright individual at a young age Dickinson was not allowed to read different types of literature including Walt Whitman which like Dickinson was a great poet but was discovered after his lifetime. Her father Edward Dickinson did not allow any types of inappropriate readings in his home. He was a father who believed in fairness, and personal restraint to a point. When Dickinson was young she obeyed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people believed the Dickinson lived a lonely and sad life with no friend or family, always isolated with no one to talk to. In this last paragraph I started early took my dog will be the poem that I will be discussing. A 135 word poem with only 6 stanzas it was published in 1896. 10 years after Emily Dickinson died. In stanza 1 Dickinson provides a calm but yet, magical setting for this poem. The imagery would make you think that you are walking on the ocean. She creates the magical setting with the quote the mermaids in the basement that looked up at her. Dickinson makes you think that you are being watched by a mermaid but we all mermaids are in our imagination. Dickinson feels as if she is worthy of being looked at by something that s not real. In stanza 2 Dickinson links magically with real events because the frigates is a type of warship used in the U.S. Navy. The explanation of a warship suggests that Dickinson is aware of the magical and peaceful parts of her life, such as the sea and the mermaids, but she is also aware of reality, such as war. While Dickinson openly sees the warship on the sea, she also sees the mermaids at the bottom of the sea floor looking at her. Dickinson continues to give the sea human like characterization. In stanza 3 Dickinson talks about her personal life. Dickinson first describes the sea as a man; Dickinson makes it very clear that No ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Math Essay I VE GOT A SECRET! Learning outcome: Upon completion student will be able to: * Given linear and exponential data, interpret the rate of change within the given context. * Represent linear and exponential models as equations, tables, graphs and verbal descriptions. Scoring/Grading rubric: Each question is worth 10 points. Introduction: Everyone has had some experience with gossip. In this lab, you will explore how well rumors (or secrets) spread when this information is passed on to other people. Scenario A: At noon, you get some great news but you need to keep it a secret. It s just too good to keep to yourself; so 5 minutes after you get the news you call 2 friends and tell them, but swear them to secrecy. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How many people know your secret at 12:40 in Scenario A? In Scenario B? 2. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people told column for both Scenario A and Scenario B. 3. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people who know column for both Scenario A and Scenario B. 4. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval(n) in Scenario A. 5. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval in Scenario B. 6. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute interval in Scenario A. 7. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute interval in Scenario B. Using the equations you wrote in problems 4 7, create an Excel spreadsheet with the columns 5 minute interval, Number of people told, and Number of people who know . Make sure your
  • 27. spreadsheet matches your tables above before answering the following questions. 8. After how many minutes would at least 100 people know in Scenario A? In Scenario B? 9. According to the 2012 US Census, the population of NC is 9,752,073. Using Scenario B, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Beethoven Argumentative Essay In Vienna, 1822, Christoph and his mother were mourning the death of his father and because they had no income, Uncle Curt rented out Christoph s fathers old office to none other than Beethoven. When Beethoven first moved in upstairs, he is constantly disturbing Christoph and Christoph didn t like it one bit at all, but he wasn t the only one who couldn t stand Beethoven. Whilst not getting on with Christoph was on thing, fighting daily with Sophie the House Keeper and throwing tantrums directed at her, they didn t get on the greatest either. Every day, Beethoven would disappear somewhere for a couple of hours and nobody would ever know where he went, until one day when Christoph followed him. Christoph followed him around town, quite stealthily, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whilst on their walk though, Christoph admits to Beethoven that he quit playing but Beethoven contradicts him, saying, music isn t something you can quit. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Beethoven and Christoph saw more of one another and become happier with one another s company and appear to become friends. Beethoven began his 9th Symphony and in a matter of weeks started rehearsals, but got extremely frustrated when his sopranos continuously told him that they couldn t sing the notes he required. But not just that, but his instrumentalists couldn t play fast enough for his liking and the fact that he couldn t hear them didn t help his fiery temper. During one of his rehearsals, Christoph comes in and listens to Beethoven play some of his composed pieces, and begins to cry from the beauty of it all. Christoph questions why Beethoven doesn t cry from the beauty of the piece, and Beethoven merely states that Composers don t cry Composers are made of fire. Beethoven promised Christoph and his mother tickets to see his show and when the symphony is performed, they get front row ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Analysis Of Reliability Calculations On Mobile Ad Hoc... Analysis of Reliability Calculations in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Sai Charan Goud Kolanu, Tejaswi Reddy Karemma Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science California State University, Long Beach Abstract With the increasing dependency on wireless networks, the need for proper reliability analysis for Mobile ad hoc networks (Manets) is also increasing. Failure of Manets in areas like warfare, nuclear reactors, medical equipment and airplanes can lead to catastrophe. Unlike traditional networks, measuring the reliability of Manets is a tedious task as it involves dynamically changing topology. The existing methods for calculating reliability use two terminal analysis as the basis for calculation. It uses the same method used for traditional computer networks to calculate reliability. However, the method is not very efficient when it comes to the wireless networks as they are far different from traditional networks. It is also a time consuming task to identify all the nodes and links in a wireless network as nodes move freely in the network. In This paper, We are going to discuss about NLN(Node Link Node) technique which reduces the complexity of analyzing the reliability in Manets. Keywords: Manet, NodeLinkNode, Reliability. INTRODUCTION: The Mobile ad hoc networks is one of the emerging technologies today. The instability of the nodes in a mobile ad hoc network makes it difficult to calculate the reliability of the network. When a node moves freely move in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Secrets In The Cellar Secrets in the Cellar written by John Glatt is part of the true crime series, explaining details of unthinkable crimes and what goes on behind them, exploiting the nature of criminals and their thought process. John Glatt is a famous author among this genre, writing a total of 16 books over the course of more than thirty years. He wrote this piece to expose a crime that shocked the world in order to inform people about it, as he does with his other books. The book is simply here to enlighten readers who are interested in the details of this specific crime. This book was a very interesting read, but it takes a certain kind of reader to appreciate it, because of the fact that it does go into major details of a disturbing crime. However, it was still a fascinating book overall. Secrets in the Cellar tells the true story of how Austrian Josef Fritzl lured and trapped his young daughter Elisabeth into his man made dungeon, and kept her there for 24 years. Over the course of this time he sexually abuses her and keeps her in barely livable conditions, while no one else is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You were able to see the disturbed thoughts of Fritzl during the crime, and even years before the crime. Glatt did a great job of displaying how morbid Fritzl was through this life, and you could see aspects that stemmed from his childhood growing up with his abusive mother and the Nazi regime. Not only did Glatt show Fritzl s psychological journey, but he also showed Elisabeths. Being trapped by ones father for 24 years undoubtedly puts a toll on someone s mental state, but this book also described how she developed Stockholm syndrome, in which the victim sympathizes with their torturer to survive. It was definitely a great addition to the book to include the psychological processes involved in these crimes, as it makes the reader understand the act and the motives ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Leg Injury Compensation A Guidance to Sum of Leg Injury Compensation Money Leg injury can be happened due to a lot of mishaps and illnesses. The effect of your leg injuries on your capability to get on with your every day life will rely very much on the level of the injuries and your conditions, the conditions of your mishap or illness and personal injury solicitors. There are the things that will also decide the sum of leg injury payment you might be titled to. This piece of writing gives a fairly accurate guidance to the sum of damages you may be titled to for your injuries at the same time as established by Law College s Guidelines for the evaluation of general compensation in injury claims. Less critical leg injuries £13,000 £20,200 compensation The compensation claim considering in this category will typically relate to bone damage, by which you will get, or are look forward to, achieve a considerable recovery with possibly slight effects on the your leg movement on how you get on with your every day routine. For example, in this minor compensation limit of movement might be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Considerable leg injury £20,200 £28,700 compensation By personal injury solicitors, these injuries will be classified as considerable and be assorted in above limit if you have undergone more than one and/or complex bone damages. Such more considerable injuries can have meaning that there can be problems with the bone treatment and may also cause to happen problems with the movement of leg joints, for example the knee and ankle joint. Given the consequence of the injuries in this limit, it may be looked forward that there will be long term scarring. Such injuries may also make a person more at risk to any more leg injury. Personal injuries classified as considerable are likely to deserve damages ranges from £20,200 £28,700. Critical leg injury £28,700 £100,200 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Musical Aspects Of Frank Sinatra Chapter Two: Sinatra as a Cultural Icon In the first chapter, this essay primarily addressed the musical aspects of Frank Sinatra. This section will examine his celebrity image, and how it reflected the values of popular culture that spanned his career. Sinatra was the first musician, more specifically a singer, to achieve this kind of fame and notoriety among his audiences. Intentional or not, he started a trend in popular music that would later be replicated by many artists, including Elvis, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, and Barbara Streisand. One interesting facet about Sinatra is that he was not born into stardom, nor groomed for success. As mentioned above, Sinatra was born of two middle class Italian immigrants. Deeply rooted in American culture is the concept of the American Dream , espousing the country as a land of opportunity where anything is possible. Michael Frontani cites author Richard Weiss, in describing this ideal: The belief that all men, in accordance with certain rules, but exclusively by their own efforts, can make of their lives what they will... The pursuit of the American Dream involves a long road to financial independence for the individual, achieved by resilience and hard work. Whether or not the dream could be easily attainable by anyone is up for debate, as Sinatra faced racism and adversity early on in his quest for fame. Coming from a disadvantaged Italian family, Frontani recalls how his mother, Dolly, wanted him to seek out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Shays Rebellion Research Paper Brian Cooper HIST 300 Dr. Karr December 4 2013 Shays Rebellion and Young American Democracy After the Revolutionary War, the newly formed United States were finding their governmental system, the Articles of Confederation, facing its first years of trials. One of these trials, which was a culmination of many political and economic conflicts of the times, was Shays Rebellion. Shays Rebellion was an armed rebel uprising that took place in Massachusetts during 1786 and 1787. The Rebellion was a result of long standing and increasing disaffection with State and Federal governments by farmers and others affected by tax and debt imbalances resulting from the falling out with Britain after the Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led a group of rebels in rising up first against Massachusetts courts, and later in marching on the United States Federal Armory at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An Address from the General Court, to the People of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts [electronic resource]. n.p.: Boston : Adams Nourse, 1786., 1786. SIUC online resources, EBSCOhost (accessed September 4, 2014). Feer, Robert (September 1969). Shays s Rebellion and the Constitution: A Study in Causation . The New England Quarterly (Volume 42, No. 3). JSTOR 363616 Minot, George Richards. 1970. The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in the Year Seventeen Hundred and Eighty Six and the Rebellion Consequent Thereon. n.p.: Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press [1970], 1970. I Share, EBSCOhost (accessed September 4, 2014). Richards, Leonard L (2002). Shays s Rebellion: The American Revolution s Final Battle. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978 0 8122 1870 1. OCLC 56029217 Szatmary, David P. (1980). Shays s Rebellion: The Making of an Agrarian Insurrection. University of Massachusetts Press. ISBN 978 0 87023 419 4. Zinn, Howard (2005). A People s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978 0 06 083865 2. OCLC ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...