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500 Word This I Believe Essay
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500 Word This I Believe Essay Idea 500 Word This I Believe Essay Idea
Similarities Between Washington McNeely by Edgar Lee...
Many authors are inspired to write by other things like a special thing in their day or sometimes other
writings or poems. Washington Mcneely by Edgar Lee Masters and Our Town by Thornton Wilder
themes because Our Town was inspired by many of Edgar Lee Masters poems. Both pieces of work
share the themes of death and time, a character similarities between Mrs. Webb and Washington
McNeely. Two themes the poem has is death and time. The poem displays the theme of time, because
it starts out telling the story of a man who is from, and raises his children in, a noble and rich family.
As his children get older, 2 of them died, and the others, to quote the poem all were gone, or broken
winged or devoured by life . He had lost, essentially all of his children, and as we find out his wife.
The poem shows how he went from a great man with a happy family, to a lost man who is all alone.
The next theme the poem shows is death. Death is all throughout the poem. It starts with a man living
a good life, but as it goes on his first child leaves, his next 2 children die, and the next 3 become
incredibly unsocial and that s not even it! Near the end his wife, the mother of all 6 children, dies. I sat
under my cedar tree, till ninety years were tolled. The poem ends with the man dying, after everything
he had lost; he died in his favorite place to be, under his cedar tree. The book also displays the same
themes as the poem. The book, Our Town shows the theme of time, because we see two
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Mandaean Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, Turning the Tables on Jesus: the Mandaean View , by Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley, states
that studying the descendents of the firsts followers of Jesus, we can have a better understanding of
the social history of the early Christians. The Mandaeans were known as the knower s or Gnostics and
they are the only ones that survived that have a connection to the early Christians. Mandaeans have
their own spoken language and religion with unique ritual practices. In addition, their cultural
traditions come from their literature text. Mandaean ritual s purpose is to control or overcome evil,
which makes them believe that this has saved them from extinction. Mandaean people way of life is
through their religion and history, today we can even find them. Buckley states that evidence suggests
that the Mandaean people may have originated in Palestine during the time of John the Baptist and
Jesus. The Mandeans see themselves as former Judeans from Jerusalem because of traditional
practices. The most important evidence is the linguistic evidence and historical legend in some of
Christian text; for example, the Characene scripts, were the Mandaic languages appears. Although
there are other scripts that were found in different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Buckley uses the Haran Gawaita, a collection of myths, traditions and history as evidence to support
of the idea that Mandaeans were in contact in some kind form with early Christianity. Although the
text is preserved poorly because some parts broken off. In the Haran Gawaita text states that Ardban
King of Persia was a savior of the Mandaeans. Buckley uses the Haran Gawaita and history to prove
which of the five kings were mention in the text, which proves the timeline and location the Haran
Gawaita text refers to. In the text there is version of how the Mandaean people emigrated from
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The Importance of Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin to the...
Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin were all important in bringing the Communist Dictatorship in Russia from
1917 1939. All three of them wouldn t be able to make progresses without each other.
The basement or a trigger to communism in Russia was Lenin as he was the organizer. He has been
studying Marxism and Socialism for many years and in the result he has brought the October
Revolution in 1917 to Russia. In addition Lenin has written many books in order to spread the idea of
communism. As he was the organizer of this revolution and the person who led the Bolshevik take
over of Russia in 1917 he became the first leader of Russia in communist regime. Later on he
introduced Cheka and other forms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Trotsky even helped Lenin to create and maintain the Bolshevik dictatorship of Russia in 1917.
Opposition could take over and execute Lenin, if they won the Civil War. However Trotsky prevented
it, by organizing and forming huge Red Army in order to fight the whites to make Lenin s dictatorship
safe from overthrowing. There was a massive rising in Kronstadt, because the sailors were unhappy
with the lack of progress, the famine and the terror and they demanded free speech and press, sale of
peasant grain, free elections for soviets and free trade unions. Of course this was impossible in
Communist regime and consequently Trotsky used his Red Army to destroy and crush rebels, because
he was worried that dissent might spread when the ice around the base thawed and let the sailors leave
and again he made dictatorship safe. Furthermore by believing in Permanent Revolution , Trotsky
even helped Lenin to promote communism around the world. Trotsky even recognized the economic
crisis in 1920 and suggested a change of policy to encourage businesses, but Lenin rejected it at first,
however later on Trotsky s idea was supported by Lenin and NEP was introduced. All the points above
say that Trotsky has played an important part in Lenin s life and his career. All in all it is clear to see
that Trotsky would not have been able to
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Truth Commissions, As Outlined By The Course, Are Thought
Truth commissions, as outlined by the course, are thought of as essentially good . However, the
benefit of these truth commission, what makes them good, is that they are more so learning tools for
the future rather than a be all end all solution for countries problems, as discussed in lecture. Thus,
truth commissions, as observed, are successful in the instance of addressing violence, but are not so
successful in transformative events that could benefit the lands and people. The success of these
commissions are measured by the constituency of democracy as viewed from a primarily democratic
outer party, as brought about by one of my classmates. While truth commissions are not relatively
similar at all, besides the violence taking place ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The United States plentifully does so, especially when it affects them. The extent of the nation s
involvement, however, differs per case in extremism. In the Chilean case for example, the United
States had money invested in the mining industry and thus were scared to see the country meet a fate
of communism in fear for their investments safety. Thus, much money was repealed. In Guatemala,
due to the banana fruit company, the Unites States was once again fearful for their money. Perhaps the
goals of these powerful nations is on a more selfish level than previously thought of. It s difficult to
measure and give life a price tag when the effect is not personal it seems. Some countries disputes
were easier to reconcile than others because the countries were primarily democratic to begin with,
which allowed an easier process of civil liberties to take place. In situations like this, involvements are
less restrictive because there is a sense of wanting improvement. An exemplary case of this is
Argentina, which reformed their constitution in 1994 to enhance democracy and make international
treaties into constitutional law for the sake of human rights. Thus, the truth commission was
considered successful because it returned to democracy so quickly (and because of the selling rates of
the published truth commission). As previously noted, other instances with the same installments did
not meet the same alleged fate of correctness. Guatemala, for instance, upheld their
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Gastric Digestion Research Paper
1. Firstly, the cracker enters the mouth. This is where the cracker is physically broken down by
chewing, and chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins. Salivary glands in the mouth produce saliva
which moistens dry food and contains salivary amylase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down
carbohydrates. The cracker is then swallowed. Paristalsis (involuntary muscle contractions) push food
down the esophagus. In the stomach the cracker bathes it in gastric juices. Gastric juice is composed
of three main parts; hydrochloric acid, mucus, and pepsin. Hydrochloric acid helps to digest the
cracker chemically and protects the body by killing bacteria present in the cracker. Mucus acts as a
protective barrier preventing the gastric juice from burning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
From the right atrium the blood moves into the right ventricle through the AV valve. When the
ventricles contract the blood is moves through the semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery. This
artery then branches off into the left lung and the right lung so that the blood can become oxygenated.
The oxygen rich blood returns to the left atrium of the heart through the pulmonary veins.
4. The kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes, like excess water, and produce urine. The ureters,
urinary bladder, and urethra together form the urinary tract, which drain urine from the kidneys. They
also store the urine then release it during urination. The kidneys filter metabolic wastes, excess ions,
and chemicals from the blood to form urine.
Gravity as well as peristalsis of muscle tissue in the walls of the ureters move urine toward the
bladder. The ends of the ureters extend into the urinary bladder and are attached to the ureterovesical
valves. These valves prevent urine from flowing back towards the kidneys.
The urinary bladder is used for the storage of urine. Urine entering the urinary bladder from the
ureters slowly fills the bladder and stretches
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When You Have Already Mastered You Will Never Grow Analysis
I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson s statement that Unless you try to do something beyond what you
have already mastered, you will never grow. I agree with this because I believe that there is always
room to grow in life and people always need to push themselves to the next level. Even once someone
master something, they can always do better. There is nobody there telling people okay, you ve
mastered this, you don t need to go any further ;however, many people think that once they ve reached
a certain point they can just stop because they ve gotten that far. The problem is that people need to
realize that even after a certain skill is mastered or they reach a certain point in life you still need to
strive to be the best person they can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people show examples of breaking past the point of doing well to get to a place where they are
extremely successful. One example of this would be Steve Jobs, he could ve settled after the
Macintosh was successful and taken his profit and been done. Instead, Steve actually did the opposite
and he strove to make a fortune off his ideas because he knew they were worth something. He
continued to create new ideas and devices that people went fanatic over, and he succeeded. All of it
happened because he went beyond just mastering one thing. He expanded his thoughts into a greater
idea that absolutely benefited him in the long run. In my personal experiences, I have learned that
pushing myself caused me great achievements, academically as well as socially. In school, when I
think I m doing my best, I try harder. When I think I help my friends and family enough, I help more.
There is always more to do and more lessons to learn. Without all these experiences and lessons I have
learned from working harder than the average, I wouldn t be who
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Boy Scouts Controversy
One major controversy in effect today is whether girls should be allowed to join the Boy Scouts of
America or should there be a distinct separation between the girls and boys. In the article, Boy Scouts
Face Renewed Push to Let Girls Join the Ranks by David Crary, several girls across the nation have
took it upon themselves to try and join the Boy Scouts of America. Some believe that girls should be
able to join in order to gain the same scouting experience as the boys in the organization. Others
including myself, believe that if the girl scouts aren t happy with their scouting, they should take the
initiative to make a difference in their own community.
Today, the highest award a girl scout can achieve is a Gold Award, which is supposed
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Scm And Erp Software Implementation At Nike
Term paper SCM and ERP Software Implementation at Nike: From Failure to Success by Praveen
Kumar Reddy Pandem 10000126104 CMP 570 Table of contents Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Nike
background 3 Nike supply chain 3 Nike supply chain project 4 An ERP solution gone bad 5 Playing
blame game what went wrong 7 Nike rebound 9 Lessons learned 10 Conclusion 11 References 12
1.Abstract: The case provides a complete account of the failing of Supply and Demand Planning
software program implementation at Nike , a leading Footwear and Apparel company . The case
follows the background of supply chain and ERP software execution at Nike and exposes the theory
behind their implementation . It analysis the situations that resulted in the SCM software
implementation failure as well as discusses the measures undertaken by Nike to resolve the obstacle .
Ultimately , the case explores the way Nike was able to utilize the learning from the failure to its
usefulness and also show up triumphant with the SAP implementation , an integral part of the Nike
Supply Chain Project . 2.Introduction failure of supply chain software it is installed to reduce
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The Importance Of Self-Esteem In The Whale Rider
When someone tells us something rude, we have two reactions. We either prove them wrong and work
harder to be the best you can be or you say that their right and just move on. In the novel The Whale
Rider by Witi Ihimaera, the main protagonist Kahu gets shut down by her great grandfather Koro
Apirana multiple times because she is a girl and she is the next heir to be chief. But that breaks Maori
tradition and Koro Apirana does not approve of that. The theme of The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera
is how the power of others affects our self esteem. Kahu doesn t let Koro Apirana s hateful words get
to her and she eventually proves him wrong and becomes important to him.
Kahu s self esteem changes throughout the book by Koro Apirana s words. Koro says hateful words
throughout the book at Kahu because she breaks the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her face lit up and she ran to him, crying, Paka! Oh! Paka! He turned to her quickly. Go back, he said.
Go away. You are of no use to me. Kahu stopped in her tracks. I thought she would cry, but she knitted
her eyebrows and gave him a look of such frustration that I could almost hear her saying to herself,
You just wait, Paka. You just wait. (Pg.82). Koro Apirana [Paka] is walking to the school that he
teaches at to the young boys about the Maori culture and find out who will become chief. Kahu gets
excited when she sees him and runs over to him. But Koro, being obsessed with tradition, tells her to
go away because he has no use for her. She is not discouraged by this and by the end of the book she
proves him wrong and she becomes the chief. Kahu is not letting Koro s ignorant words get to her and
by the end of the book Kahu finally proves to him that she is the right one to be chief and that she is
the legendary Whale Rider. Our ancestor wants to die. [Koro] But why? [Kahu] There is no place for it
here in this world. The people
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Elementary Hosts Popcorn At School
Every other Friday, Cascades Elementary hosts Popcorn Friday in their cafeteria. Volunteers come and
help make, bag, and distribute the salty snack to the classrooms. The line goes popcorn machine,
empty bags, bag folders and tape placers, finished bags, and classroom totes. However, to make the
line flow easily, the line might go; empty bags, popcorn machine, bag folders, tapers, finished bags in
lines of five, and the classroom totes that are brought up from the classroom. This suggested lineup
requires a volunteer to open bags and place them so the popcorn machine volunteer is able to reach the
paper bags, and possibly a couple more volunteers to ensure the supplies needed never runs out and
the flow is maintained. Unfortunately, many parents with nothing to do on Fridays do not come to
On Popcorn Day, the volunteers meet at Cascades Elementary at eight in the morning in the cafeteria
after dropping their children off at school. One volunteer begins to heat up the popcorn maker and
make popcorn while a second volunteer sets out bags and a third sets out strips of tape along the side
of the table. After classes begin, the teacher selects two students to take the class mesh tote and the
popcorn money for the class to the cafeteria where the volunteers make the popcorn. Once the students
hand one of the volunteers the class tote and popcorn money, the students are able to go back to class.
The average popcorn bags requested by each classroom is about 30 bags. The
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Mexicans and Racism
Racism isn t a subject that appears in every day conversations. Although most people try to ignore its
existence, it s quite obvious that it marked the lives of a lot of people and it has now become an
essential part of our history. As a student who has lived in the valley all her life, I ve been taught about
the hardships African Americans had to endure while obtaining their freedom, becoming eligible to
vote, being segregated, but never did I stop to think that the people who shared my culture and walked
the streets of the Valley and San Antonio were going through a similar experience. Throughout the
years it has become apparent that African Americans weren t the only people who had been
mistreated. In those days, from El Paso to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Orozco 30) Although a temporary school was provided, it wasn t until four years later that an actual
permanent school was created. Despite all the problems, a bettering in the economy helped expand the
educational opportunities for La Raza. Education became a tool used to expand their knowledge. The
education level between the whites and La Raza still differed as the latter only received schooling
regarding domestic training. San Antonio s Sidney Lanier Junior High School, predominantly
comprised of Mexican descent children, boasted the city s largest and most elaborate shop facilities
(Orozco 30). Politics weren t a strong point for Mexicans as they were looked down upon for their
lack of intelligence and their lack of fluidity in the English language. They had little to no political
representation and when it came to voting most of the time they were simply used by candidates for
the political win. As time progressed fewer and fewer Raza members withheld political power. The
Raza was slowly losing their representation and remaining voiceless in this system. It became evident
that most people weren t in favor of Mexicans being allowed to vote as they believed that Mexicans
had no real knowledge of what a political system should be like. Their claim was based around the
fact that Mexicans didn t know what a democracy was like and that their sole reason for
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Why The US Won The Super Bowl
Three minutes later, Brady again led his team down the field scoring a touchdown and then converting
the 2 point conversion, 28 20 Falcons. The Falcons responded with a great drive thanks to Julio Jones
making what could be the catch of the year. However they were forced to punt due to a sack and
penalties. The Patriots converted one first down until the play of the game took place. On 1st and 10
Tom Brady throws a ball in the middle of the field that gets tip by a defender. Julian Edelman sees the
ball in the air, surrounded by three defenders, he extends his body and just gets his hands under the
ball. The Patriots then went on to score and convert the 2 point conversion tying the game, 28 28.
Then go into overtime, win the coin toss, drive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In other words, one can say that Super Bowl LI kind of symbolizes the war. In the beginning of the
war Germany was riding a hot hand in Adolf Hitler. Hitler was dominating all of Europe with ease just
like Matt Ryan in the first half. The young power dominated the allies up until they woke the the
sleeping beast, the USA. Right before entering the war the US was experiencing the Great Depression.
Just like at halftime when the Patriots faced the largest deficit in Super Bowl history. On December 7,
1941, the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor which inspired many Americans to fight. Many believe that the
day the US joined the war was the turning point for the war. The turning point for the Patriots might
have been the scoreboard in a sense. Looking up at that scoreboard could ve dropped a bomb on the
Patriots sideline. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves both the soldiers and players got fired up and
wanted to make a difference. Which is also a key trait to being an American, persevering through
hardships no matter what. In the movie, Rocky the main character says, It s not about hard you get hit.
It s about how hard you can get hit and get back up. This quote completely sums up both American
soldiers and the Patriots
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Symbolism In Lord Of The Glies In William Golding s Lord...
In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses the conch to enforce that without proper leadership, people
become more prone to be disorganized and power hungry. The conch initially serves as a tool for the
prosperity of the boys. Yet, over time, the conch loses it s value, leading to the boys living in a
disorganized society and causing some to strive for power. The effectiveness of the conch continues
on the same downward spiral and eventually becomes obsolete, as the boys fight for the right to rule
each other. When the boys reach the island, the conch is viewed as a symbol of power and acts as a
tool to organize the boys. When the conch is first discovered by Ralph and Piggy on the beach, Piggy
identifies the strange looking object in the sand and exclaims A conch he called it. On someone s back
wall. A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It s ever so valuable
(18). Upon the conch s discovery, the boys are clearly enthralled with it, displaying their intentions to
use the conch to call attention and create order. At this early stage of the story, some of the boys are
concerned with using tools that symbolize power and creating a society that has a strong structure. It
was understood between the boys that the conch was a tool to allow for cooperation and
understanding. Moments later, Piggy states that the boys can use this to call the others. They ll come
when they hear us (20). In this passage, Piggy states his belief that the boys
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Leukocytes Research Paper
Leukocytes have a nucleus, do not contain haemoglobin and are much larger that erythrocytes. They
either have a spherical or an irregular shape and have important roles in the immune response. There
are two basic types of leukocytes, granulocytes which have a granular cytoplasm and a lobed nuclei
and agranulocytes which have a cytoplasm that has no granules making it appear smooth and they
have a rounded or horseshoe shaped nucleus. Granulocytes can be subdivided into neutrophils,
eosinophils, and basophils and agranulocytes can be subdivided into monocytes and lymphocytes
(Bethesda, 2005).
Neutrophils are polymorphonuclear cells, meaning they have a nucleus which is complex and
lobulated. They have three types of granules in their cytoplasm, gelatinase granules, azurophilic
granules and specific granules. The gelatinase granules aid neutrophils in the process of exiting the
bloodstream and help them to relocate to get to an infection site. The azurophilic and specific granules
give neutrophils the ability to kill microbes and they contain antimicrobial ... Show more content on
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There are three different types, T cells, B cells and natural killer cells. T cells are generated in the
thymus gland and have a T cell receptor molecule that is specialised and is found on the cells surface.
T cells bind to antigens after it identifies them. The next type, B cells develop in the bone marrow and
they have a B cell receptor. This is a protein that is specialised, like T cells it is means B cells are able
to attach to specific antigens that they identify. Both T cells and B cells have binding sites that are
highly specific, this enable them to identify antigens that have invaded the body and stick to them,
Lastly, natural killer cells have a cytotoxic nature which means they can destroy cells. Also, they have
the ability to identify cells that have been infected by a virus and destroy them (Arrington,
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Female Genital Mutilation Throughout America
Female Genital Mutilation in America Female circumcision has been a cultural tradition practiced in
different parts of the world for many years in order to secure virginity until marriage. In Africa female
genital mutilation tradition is a part of the Muslim culture and parts of the Middle East, for the women
to be desirable by her husband. (JPEG) Consequently, girls the ages of 4 through 14 are to endure the
severe pains of female circumcision in order to not betray their culture and family beliefs. (Ali, 2016)
In the US, the estimated number of females between 15 and 49, who are either at risk of genital
mutilation or who have already undergone a procedure, has reached more than 500,000, triple the
amount reported in the 1990 national census. (Female genital mutilation in the US tripled in 25 years,
2015) This controversial practice performed on females lead advocates to believe that this is a form of
female genital mutilation that must come to an end. (Ali, 2016) Female genital mutilation is any
procedure involving removal of partial or total external female genitalia on girls to ensure their
virginity this practice is illegal in many parts of the United States. (Ali, 2016)Over the years congress
passed the Transport for Female Genital Mutilation Act, which bans Vacation cutting and the practice
in parts of the United States. (Ali, 2016)This law was put into effect since 1996 and is punishable by
up to five years in prison, sadly some doctors are still doing this
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Financial Policy Definition
Amartuul Turbat Professor Fillenwarth Financial Policy 11 March 2011 The Definitions Question 1 2;
(1 1.a.b.) Proprietorship: is the entity owned by an individual who is only founder and manager of the
company. Even though it does not pay tax for located states, proprietorship s profits or loses reports on
its owners annual tax reports. Despite the fact that proprietorship is easy to form and has seldom
government regulations, its term of operation is directly depending on its founder life time (Ehrhardt
and Brigham 5). In addition on proprietorship, a partnership is more flexible type which is a business
relationship between several individuals who are similar desires to obtain the profits from the
partnership s operation. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Question 1 3 Intrinsic value is the true value of the organizations which based on real position of
market share, company s assets, and perception of the future. This value can be same as market value
if factors are same in the estimation process. On the other hand, intrinsic value may be different from
market value depending on information used in evaluation. For example, if management hides
negative information, market value might be higher than intrinsic values (Ehrhardt and Brigham 9).
Question 1 4 Edmund Enterprises recently made a large investment to upgrade its technology. Even
though this investment cannot improve the income in short term, it can reduce the production cost.
Therefore, in short term investment cost will increase in the Income Statement because of the new
investment; as a result profits will decrease and company s earnings per share will decrease. However,
in the financial markets, this news affects positively on stock s market price. Also, this investment can
raise the company s intrinsic value since it can reduce the production costs (Ehrhardt and Brigham
30). Question 1 5 Capital can be transferred by the direct and indirect ways. In direct ways only two
sides participate. Savers can make investment direct into business, and business sells their securities to
savers without other parties. On the other hand, investment bank or financial intermediaries can
participate effectively in transfers of
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Rick And Murty Analysis
Rick and Morty is an animated sci fi sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Adult
Swim. It follows a cynical, irresponsible, drunken mad scientist named Rick Sanchez and his
somewhat naive grandson Morty while they travel through space and between dimensions using Rick
s portal gun. It s basically Back to the Future except they travel through the multiverse rather than
time (and no one ever awkwardly dates their mom). The science in the show is often just an excuse for
some wonderfully geeky humor. Rick and Morty references enough scientific concepts to do dozens of
these videos but today we re going to use this show as a vehicle to take a look at quantum mechanics.
Be sure to check out the sources, which are in the description ... Show more content on
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A Geiger counter and tiny bit of some radioactive element are in the room. Within some time, say one
day, one of the radioactive element s atoms might decay, or there may be no decay. The Geiger counter
can measure whether or not any decay has occurred. If it measures decay, it will release a poison,
which will kill the cat. If it doesn t, it won t. The cat may be thought of as simultaneously both alive
and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic
event that may or may not occur. This thought experiment helps us understand both the Copenhagen
interpretation of quantum mechanics and the problem that Schrödinger saw in it. If the Copenhagen
interpretation suggests the radioactive material can have simultaneously decayed and not decayed in
the sealed environment, then it follows the cat too is both alive and dead until the box is opened.
Common sense tells us this is not the case, and Schrödinger used this to highlight the limits of the
Copenhagen interpretation when applied to practical situations. The cat is actually either dead or alive,
whether or not it has been observed. In the many worlds interpretation, the cat would be both alive and
dead until observed. After that, the universe would split into two timelines. One where cat is alive and
another where the cat is
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Essay about Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault
Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a term that is used interchangeably with the word rape. The decision on whether or
not to use the term rape or sexual assault is made by a state s jurisdiction. Sexual assault is more
readily used in an attempt to be more gender neutral (National Victim Center). Sexual assault can be
most easily described as forced or unconsentual sexual intercourse. The individual that is performing
these acts on the victim may either be a stranger or an acquaintance. In 1994, 64.2 percent of all rapes
were committed by someone the offender had previously known (Ringel, 1997). Regardless, this type
of crime can have extreme effects on the victim. Sexual assault is a traumatic event ... Show more
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They feel as though there is no one that can help them and that they are alone. This phase may be
expressed several hours or even days after the crime (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 35). In the second
phase, called the recoil stage, the victim struggles to adapt to the violation and tries to reintegrate their
fragmented selves (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 40). During this phase, the victim tries to recover.
This phase is very complex and deals with a lot of issues and emotions. The victim often faces
extreme fear and anxiety. They become fearful of their safety, as well as anxious in their surrounding
environment. They are afraid of the person that has violated them as well as fearful of being alone.
They also may fear the medical, legal, or social consequences of the crime (CASA House). During this
phase, the victim experiences sadness and depression, as well as low self esteem. Along with this
phase comes anger. The victim either becomes angry with the person who defiled them or they may
turn against themselves. (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 45). The victim has a sense of guilt and blame.
They often ask themselves why did I go there by myself? or why didn t I fight back harder? During
this phase, the victim may also suffer from mood swings (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 46). They may
go from happiness to sudden sadness, or from rage to despair. The third and final phase is called the
reorganization phase; the victim becomes reorganized over time and
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Transport Proteins on Strike Essay
Case Study: Newsflash! Transport Proteins on Strike!
1. What is the meaning behind the PHOSPHOLIPIDS chant?
Phospholipids make up most of the cell membrane, in a phospholipid bilayer. Phospholipid molecules
form two layers, with the hydrophilic (water loving) head facing the extracellular fluid and the cytosol
(intracellular) fluid, and the hydrophobic (not water loving) tails facing one another. The cell
membrane is constructed in such a way that it is semipermeable, and allows oxygen, CO2 and lipid
soluble molecules through easily, while other molecules like glucose, amino acids, water, and ions
cannot pass through quite as easily. That is the meaning behind the chant some things can pass, others
cannot! .
2. Why is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4. Could O2 and CO2 make the same claim as GLUCOSE and AMINO ACID? Why or why not?
No. They cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion and don t need proteins.
Mary Amico
Physiology 141 Section 002
Case Study: Newsflash! Transport Proteins on Strike!
5. The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of the cell is called gas exchange. Which
two body organ systems are involved in gas exchange? Which type of plasma membrane transport is
used for gas exchange? Is this method best? Explain your answer.
The two body organ systems involved in gas exchange are the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
O2 and CO2 cross the cell membrane via simple diffusion. Because cells all throughout the body
require oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide, this simple method of diffusion is the best way to
transport such small molecules over a large area as efficiently as possible.
6. PHIL LIPID and PROFESSOR TOSOL discuss the Great Dehydration. Explain what you think
occurred during the Great Dehydration. Why are sports drinks recommended to prevent, or treat,
The Great Dehydration was a result of a stomach virus which apparently caused the body to lose
water. As the body lost water, water moved out of the cells in attempt to keep solute concentrations
balanced across the cell membrane. Sports drinks contain water as well as electrolytes like
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Essay on The Life of Konstantin Tsiolokovsky
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 1935) was a Russian mathematics teacher who in 1903 published the
Tsiolkovsky formula which is an equation that remains the basis of spacecraft engineering even today.
This formula established the relationships among rocket speed, the speed of the gas at exit, and the
mass of the rocket and its propellant. Tsiolkovsky also conducted theoretical work on the design of
liquid fuel rocket engineering which included the ideas of throttling capability and multi staging,
gyroscopes, escape velocities from the Earth s gravitational field, and the principle of action and
reaction. He paved the way for Sputnik I (the world s first artificial satellite) and the Vostok rocket
(the first of manned spaceflight). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1922, Oberth submitted a doctoral thesis on rocketry By Rocketry to Space for his Ph.D. degree
from the University of Heidelberg, which was also rejected. In 1923, he published his first draft of his
book, The Rocket Into Planetary Space . The Rocket Into Planetary Space introduced the idea of the
optimal velocity that minimises propellant consumption, and explained how rockets could escape the
Earth s gravitational pull. The book also described the details of liquid propellant engines and
calculated propellant exhaust velocities and from this explored the theory that rockets could operate in
a vacuum where they could travel faster than their own exhaust. Other ideas explored rocket staging,
film cooling of the engine walls, and strengthening the structure by pressurising propellant tanks. A
detailed design of a two stage rocket with extensive supporting engineering calculations was
presented. The rocket used liquid oxygen as an oxidiser. The fuel was an alcohol water mixture for the
first stage engine and liquid hydrogen for the second stage engine. The liquid oxygen with the alcohol
water mixture was used in the German A 4 (V 2) ballistic missile in the 1940s. He also suggested the
possibility of launching satellites into orbit (called observation stations) which could be used for
communications and for studying Earth from space in terms of surveying war operations and spotting
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The Rise and Fall of Dynasties in China
The rise and fall of dynasties in china
Rhoads Murphey describes the history of China history is on the succession of dynasties that ruled it
over a period of time until around 1912 when Republic of china was formed before rising to the
current People s Republic of China was formed in 1949. In China, a dynasty was made up of Kings or
emperors that came from the same family. They ruled in succession where a king could be inherited by
his son or his immediate relatives. Although china s history is majorly regarded on the basis of
dynastic ruling, other small kingdoms were established that ruled different part of china. For example,
in 200AD, the fall of great Han dynasty triggered formation of smaller kingdoms all over the china
which were later united by a short lived Sui Dynasty that reigned between 580 and 618 AD.
In Murphey s book varied dynasties have been described how they came to power and how they
eventually collapsed. From his book, various reasons for dynastic rise in china can be summarized as
follows; most dynasties were founded through force and especially when there was disorder in a given
dynasty. This could even break into a fight and those who won could take up and rule for a period of
time waiting to be overthrown by other powerful people. Dynasty could also rise as a result of leaders
who were very powerful and vigourous. These leaders could create their own stable and prosperous
kingdom that secured it territories and people.
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United States Pc Crisis Reaction Pack
Most normal issues confronted by the alliance have extended PC and Information Systems, business
layouts are an outcome of the security blasts. Government foundations and affiliations are not kept
from such data security dangers. The current condition as most convention affiliations are joined with
media and long range interpersonal correspondence closes the rehash of modernized systems on
government alliance Information Systems had augmented. As condition of connection is to
commission identified with people when in doubt, the mechanized assaults on the association data
framework could be considered as dividing security hazard to protection of open data. State and
government business areas build up several strategies identified with such propelled strikes;
regardless, there is going up against bother in social undertaking necessities considering the rate at
which modernized ambushes are developing. For instance, as demonstrated by the survey drove by US
CERT (United States PC crisis reaction pack) it was seen that the measure of mechanized assault
scenes has stretched out from 29000 to 48000 (give or take) some spot around 2009 and
2012(USGAO, 2013). It got to be troublesome for the orgs to make fitting gameplans to avoid
progressed ambushes as the amplify sort of mechanized assaults have significantly broadened.
Amidst beginning days the assault will need to have extraordinary programming language to make a
propelled pitfall and to arrangement connection data security.
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Contributions Of Jean Piaget
Throughout history many psychologists have made major impacts in psychology one of these was
Jean Piaget he also made an impact in sociology. Jean Piaget was a Swiss clinical psychologist who
discoveries still help people to this day. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchatel, in the Francophone region
of Switzerland on August 9, 1986 and died in Geneva, Switzerland on September 16, 1980 at age 84.
Piaget was buried with his family in an unmarked grave in the Cimetiere des Rois cemetery of kings
in Geneva, Switzerland this was at Piaget request. Piaget family was very influential in his success
throughout his life he was the oldest son of Arthur Piaget and Rebecca Jackson who was French. His
father was a swiss professor of medieval literature at the University of Neuchatel Piaget look up to his
father he saw how dedicated his father was to his work because of this at a young age he took his
studies very seriously he became interested in zoology he started collecting many things including sea
shells. When Jean Piaget was ten years old he showed an interesting interest in mollusks which are
invertible animals whose membranes are known as mollusks. Piaget started going to the local museum
of natural history in Neuchatel and would be there for hours learning. Just at the age of eleven years
old Piaget attended Neuchatel Latin High School he published his first scientific paper on a rare albino
sparrow it was the beginning of many articles he would write and over fifty books. The article
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Leadership Skills to Manage Diversity in the Military
Essay 5: How Do Leaders Manage Diversity In The Military?
Given the proliferation of missions that often have multiple objectives aligned to counterterrorism,
humanitarian aid, and national defense, the alacrity at which the armed forces are expected to integrate
and quickly deliver results in a foreign nation is increasing. The cross cultural competency (3C) model
is designed as a foundation for streamlining the cultural assimilation process, providing leaders and
subordinates with a more efficient approach to quickly understanding and become effective in a
culture different than one s own (Abbe, Gulick, Herman, 2007). As the alacrity and intensity of
cultural assimilation is increasing across all branches of the military, combined with greater levels of
mission complexity and required collaboration of foreign governments and agencies, developing a
effective 3C model is essential for mission success. The intent of this analysis is to provide insights
into how leaders can manage diversity more effectively in the military, especially those called upon to
serve in cultures significantly different than one s own. Training in cross cultural competency often
includes references to the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions and the specific attributes of
collectivism versus individuality, two potentially polarizing aspects of military leadership in foreign
regions (Goodman, 2012). The Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions is complimentary ot the 3C
Model in that is
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Reasons Against The Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution
Many people were against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution because it sent millions of troops to Vietnam
to fight a war many Americans didn t seem necessary. Americans realized that after the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution was passed it was a declaration of war even though no declaration was officially passed.
Many Americans did not want to be in any wars and a very large majority just did not want to be
halfway around the world in Vietnam, fighting a war that was unnecessary in their eyes. The Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution gave President Johnson a blank check so he had full control of the military and
most of the American taxpayer s money at his disposal. People were not excited to be in a war
considered useless to them and because a war with China
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Science Astronomy Nebula Essay
Science Astronomy
What are nebulas? How did they come about? Nebulas are made up of dust, hydrogen helium and
plasma. Nebulas, essentially gaseous clouds, are formed. A supernova is a star that collapses under its
own gravity after it dramatically increases in its brightness. The first nebula, Dumbbell Nebula M27,
was discovered by Charles Messier on July 12 1764. In 1784 William Herschel invented the name
Planetary nebula after he had started comprehensively scanning the deep sky and discovered a famous
planetary nebula, the Saturn Nebula NGC 7009 in 1782. The nebula theory, states that this theory is
the most accepted evolutionary theory for the formation of the solar system from a cloud of gas and
dust particles known as a nebula. The process starts with a rotating cloud of gas and dust that contracts
and flattens to form a disk around a star forming at its centre. Planets grow from the dust and gas in
the disk and are left behind when the disk clears. The process of a nebula forming is linked to the
creation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people question how the solar system was made and a theory was developed by Emanuel
Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, and Pierre Simon Laplace. This theory provides more evidence for
society to believe. The solar system is thought to be created from enormous spinning cloud. This cloud
was made up of gas and dust. The core of a cloud grew under the influence of gravity and as a result it
became denser and hotter. Material was collected into the core and the cloud increased in speed and
became flat, almost like a disk shape. As the cloud became increasingly hotter the cloud generated
enough energy to create a nuclear fusion. The light gas was distributed far out in the solar system. This
light gas left rocky materials and metallic that had high melting points were left behind. These
materials clumped together caused by mutual gravity and formed
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Latin American Culture And Globalization
Economy: An expanding international commitment to free trade among countries has internationalized
the market for goods; people have access to goods that were previously out of reach. Finally, in
addition to the exchange of goods across borders, traders move billions of dollars daily with the click
of a mouse. Some countries have been helped by the newly emerging economic order because they
have the resources to expand production worldwide and to create goods that are in demand
internationally. On the other hand, some countries and individuals have been hurt because they are not
able to compete with the strongest producers internationally. The United States is one of the world s
leading exporters and maintains a lead in many of the future s most promising industries, including
biotechnology, space technology, and computer software. U.S. corporations have sought a competitive
edge by taking advantage of cheap labor in Latin America and Asia. ... Show more content on
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In one sense, globalization has produced strong pressures for harmonization of values around the
world, in particular, a value in universal human rights. In another important sense, globalization has
resulted in the emergence, interaction, and competition of many different value systems on the global
stage. While there have always been debate and discussion within cultures about values, globalization
has brought these debates to a global scale. Sometimes the interaction of differing value systems has
been a source of positive change and growth. The globalization of culture and values has brought
Western conceptions of democracy and liberty to many areas of the world in the last twenty five years.
In many cases, the internet and popular culture have helped to spread those ideas. Many people resent
the Americanization of the world and feel that the forces of globalization threaten their
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Macgregor Essay
Introduction The following report for Macgregor Meats is to be used to assist them in choosing
whether to export to countries outside of Australia. The countries that are reviewed in this report are
India and China. Macgregor Meats wishes to export to India and China, requires research before
attempting an exporting deal with either of the two countries. Research is not done on the other
countries then products could fail to sell on the foreign markets due to a number of factors. These
include: The countries beliefs/views on the product If items are prohibited or not The communication
barriers if they speak another language The size of the population Public holidays Exchange rate
Personal presentation If Macgregor meats went straight into exporting without researching they would
have a slim chance of succeeding without research they would gain a bad reputation and indefinitely
worsen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Indians views towards business meetings and their requirement to exchange business cards on first
meetings, but will show leniency for late arrivals as they themselves may do the same with meetings
and punctuality. Overall India s punctuality will make a big impact on the business relations between
Macgregor Meats and India. In China, the biggest cultural impacts affecting business relations are the
amount of public holidays they have, again Macgregor Meats punctuality with addressing others and
meetings. Overall Macgregor Meats has again a punctuality issue as Chinese businesses take
punctuality very seriously, if a company representative is late for a business meeting it will drastically
change the opinion of the Chinese business and affect the deal. Chinese prefer to be early if possible
but always be on time. This is the main problem that will affect the business relations between
Macgregor meats and
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The Similarities Between Thomas Nast And Political Cartoons
During many interesting time periods of American history, news about impactful events were not only
communicated to the people through the radio or news articles. In fact an even more intriguing
medium was used to serve this purpose, Thomas nast was an illustrator that made comics. In the
current day, there are still many cartoons made about the American Government. This form of news
telling attracts a massive amount of people because of how much more engaging it makes news.
Thomas Nast made huge contributions to making the news entertaining, he did his art on presidents,
wars, and sometimes how we treat foreign countries. He arrived in New York at the age of six, from
Germany, and started illustrator for Harper s weekly. Harper s weekly held a status that proved them to
be worthy of praise. As a publishing house, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the twenty first century, we should maintain and uphold political cartoons, and keep them present
because they capture such a huge audience. Today, there are many cartoons and drawings about our
government. A prime example would be the cartoons directed towards president Trump and his
immature ways of handling threats from North Korea. Many Cartoons were displayed on the front
pages of the internet. New Sites such as Mercury News, and Social media sites such as pinterest, all
feature these comics and political cartoons on the topic. One cartoon shows Trump and Kim Jong Un
in an angry fight similar to how kids would to communicate the idea of immaturity. The Websites
Claims: Cartoonists illustrate Rhetoric between Trump and North Korea, after being threatened by
nuclear weapons. (Dempsey). Politics has a
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Technology in Life
In the past people have difficult life because of many things and technology is one of them .As we
know, technology is very important in our life for many reasons, it makes life easy, save the time and
improve the quality . Day to day we see new technology and suitable for everyone , so no thing stay as
it is.If we aske old man or woman will know how they suffered because of having poor of technology.
In the future many types of technology will change and comes with new ideas. That is whey every
country takes care of the technology. Oman is also go ahead for this and it want to be the best. In this
project I will talk about the future of technology in Oman and how it will be effective .
when we talk about technology ,that means we human are talking about something that made the life
of easy and us do a lot of things in a short time . so my point is technology is too important in this
As we know, Oman has good technology and it provides the citizens with technology. But we want do
this plan improve technology and develop it by studding it here in Oman and making new inventions
by support the students. If we do this plan, we will have great strong technology in future. That what
we really want, strong future by technology. So we have to start the plan right now.
Last point, Technology has effected human to good way. Because technology has advantages more
than disadvantage. advantages for future technology in Oman to provide noun Oman ,to make their
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500 Word This I Believe Essay Idea

  • 1. 500 Word This I Believe Essay Idea 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 500 Word This I Believe Essay Idea 500 Word This I Believe Essay Idea
  • 2. Similarities Between Washington McNeely by Edgar Lee... Many authors are inspired to write by other things like a special thing in their day or sometimes other writings or poems. Washington Mcneely by Edgar Lee Masters and Our Town by Thornton Wilder themes because Our Town was inspired by many of Edgar Lee Masters poems. Both pieces of work share the themes of death and time, a character similarities between Mrs. Webb and Washington McNeely. Two themes the poem has is death and time. The poem displays the theme of time, because it starts out telling the story of a man who is from, and raises his children in, a noble and rich family. As his children get older, 2 of them died, and the others, to quote the poem all were gone, or broken winged or devoured by life . He had lost, essentially all of his children, and as we find out his wife. The poem shows how he went from a great man with a happy family, to a lost man who is all alone. The next theme the poem shows is death. Death is all throughout the poem. It starts with a man living a good life, but as it goes on his first child leaves, his next 2 children die, and the next 3 become incredibly unsocial and that s not even it! Near the end his wife, the mother of all 6 children, dies. I sat under my cedar tree, till ninety years were tolled. The poem ends with the man dying, after everything he had lost; he died in his favorite place to be, under his cedar tree. The book also displays the same themes as the poem. The book, Our Town shows the theme of time, because we see two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Mandaean Chapter 4 In Chapter 4, Turning the Tables on Jesus: the Mandaean View , by Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley, states that studying the descendents of the firsts followers of Jesus, we can have a better understanding of the social history of the early Christians. The Mandaeans were known as the knower s or Gnostics and they are the only ones that survived that have a connection to the early Christians. Mandaeans have their own spoken language and religion with unique ritual practices. In addition, their cultural traditions come from their literature text. Mandaean ritual s purpose is to control or overcome evil, which makes them believe that this has saved them from extinction. Mandaean people way of life is through their religion and history, today we can even find them. Buckley states that evidence suggests that the Mandaean people may have originated in Palestine during the time of John the Baptist and Jesus. The Mandeans see themselves as former Judeans from Jerusalem because of traditional practices. The most important evidence is the linguistic evidence and historical legend in some of Christian text; for example, the Characene scripts, were the Mandaic languages appears. Although there are other scripts that were found in different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Buckley uses the Haran Gawaita, a collection of myths, traditions and history as evidence to support of the idea that Mandaeans were in contact in some kind form with early Christianity. Although the text is preserved poorly because some parts broken off. In the Haran Gawaita text states that Ardban King of Persia was a savior of the Mandaeans. Buckley uses the Haran Gawaita and history to prove which of the five kings were mention in the text, which proves the timeline and location the Haran Gawaita text refers to. In the text there is version of how the Mandaean people emigrated from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Importance of Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin to the... Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin were all important in bringing the Communist Dictatorship in Russia from 1917 1939. All three of them wouldn t be able to make progresses without each other. The basement or a trigger to communism in Russia was Lenin as he was the organizer. He has been studying Marxism and Socialism for many years and in the result he has brought the October Revolution in 1917 to Russia. In addition Lenin has written many books in order to spread the idea of communism. As he was the organizer of this revolution and the person who led the Bolshevik take over of Russia in 1917 he became the first leader of Russia in communist regime. Later on he introduced Cheka and other forms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Trotsky even helped Lenin to create and maintain the Bolshevik dictatorship of Russia in 1917. Opposition could take over and execute Lenin, if they won the Civil War. However Trotsky prevented it, by organizing and forming huge Red Army in order to fight the whites to make Lenin s dictatorship safe from overthrowing. There was a massive rising in Kronstadt, because the sailors were unhappy with the lack of progress, the famine and the terror and they demanded free speech and press, sale of peasant grain, free elections for soviets and free trade unions. Of course this was impossible in Communist regime and consequently Trotsky used his Red Army to destroy and crush rebels, because he was worried that dissent might spread when the ice around the base thawed and let the sailors leave and again he made dictatorship safe. Furthermore by believing in Permanent Revolution , Trotsky even helped Lenin to promote communism around the world. Trotsky even recognized the economic crisis in 1920 and suggested a change of policy to encourage businesses, but Lenin rejected it at first, however later on Trotsky s idea was supported by Lenin and NEP was introduced. All the points above say that Trotsky has played an important part in Lenin s life and his career. All in all it is clear to see that Trotsky would not have been able to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Truth Commissions, As Outlined By The Course, Are Thought Truth commissions, as outlined by the course, are thought of as essentially good . However, the benefit of these truth commission, what makes them good, is that they are more so learning tools for the future rather than a be all end all solution for countries problems, as discussed in lecture. Thus, truth commissions, as observed, are successful in the instance of addressing violence, but are not so successful in transformative events that could benefit the lands and people. The success of these commissions are measured by the constituency of democracy as viewed from a primarily democratic outer party, as brought about by one of my classmates. While truth commissions are not relatively similar at all, besides the violence taking place ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The United States plentifully does so, especially when it affects them. The extent of the nation s involvement, however, differs per case in extremism. In the Chilean case for example, the United States had money invested in the mining industry and thus were scared to see the country meet a fate of communism in fear for their investments safety. Thus, much money was repealed. In Guatemala, due to the banana fruit company, the Unites States was once again fearful for their money. Perhaps the goals of these powerful nations is on a more selfish level than previously thought of. It s difficult to measure and give life a price tag when the effect is not personal it seems. Some countries disputes were easier to reconcile than others because the countries were primarily democratic to begin with, which allowed an easier process of civil liberties to take place. In situations like this, involvements are less restrictive because there is a sense of wanting improvement. An exemplary case of this is Argentina, which reformed their constitution in 1994 to enhance democracy and make international treaties into constitutional law for the sake of human rights. Thus, the truth commission was considered successful because it returned to democracy so quickly (and because of the selling rates of the published truth commission). As previously noted, other instances with the same installments did not meet the same alleged fate of correctness. Guatemala, for instance, upheld their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Gastric Digestion Research Paper 1. Firstly, the cracker enters the mouth. This is where the cracker is physically broken down by chewing, and chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins. Salivary glands in the mouth produce saliva which moistens dry food and contains salivary amylase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. The cracker is then swallowed. Paristalsis (involuntary muscle contractions) push food down the esophagus. In the stomach the cracker bathes it in gastric juices. Gastric juice is composed of three main parts; hydrochloric acid, mucus, and pepsin. Hydrochloric acid helps to digest the cracker chemically and protects the body by killing bacteria present in the cracker. Mucus acts as a protective barrier preventing the gastric juice from burning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the right atrium the blood moves into the right ventricle through the AV valve. When the ventricles contract the blood is moves through the semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery. This artery then branches off into the left lung and the right lung so that the blood can become oxygenated. The oxygen rich blood returns to the left atrium of the heart through the pulmonary veins. 4. The kidneys filter the blood to remove wastes, like excess water, and produce urine. The ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra together form the urinary tract, which drain urine from the kidneys. They also store the urine then release it during urination. The kidneys filter metabolic wastes, excess ions, and chemicals from the blood to form urine. Gravity as well as peristalsis of muscle tissue in the walls of the ureters move urine toward the bladder. The ends of the ureters extend into the urinary bladder and are attached to the ureterovesical valves. These valves prevent urine from flowing back towards the kidneys. The urinary bladder is used for the storage of urine. Urine entering the urinary bladder from the ureters slowly fills the bladder and stretches ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. When You Have Already Mastered You Will Never Grow Analysis I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson s statement that Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. I agree with this because I believe that there is always room to grow in life and people always need to push themselves to the next level. Even once someone master something, they can always do better. There is nobody there telling people okay, you ve mastered this, you don t need to go any further ;however, many people think that once they ve reached a certain point they can just stop because they ve gotten that far. The problem is that people need to realize that even after a certain skill is mastered or they reach a certain point in life you still need to strive to be the best person they can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people show examples of breaking past the point of doing well to get to a place where they are extremely successful. One example of this would be Steve Jobs, he could ve settled after the Macintosh was successful and taken his profit and been done. Instead, Steve actually did the opposite and he strove to make a fortune off his ideas because he knew they were worth something. He continued to create new ideas and devices that people went fanatic over, and he succeeded. All of it happened because he went beyond just mastering one thing. He expanded his thoughts into a greater idea that absolutely benefited him in the long run. In my personal experiences, I have learned that pushing myself caused me great achievements, academically as well as socially. In school, when I think I m doing my best, I try harder. When I think I help my friends and family enough, I help more. There is always more to do and more lessons to learn. Without all these experiences and lessons I have learned from working harder than the average, I wouldn t be who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Boy Scouts Controversy One major controversy in effect today is whether girls should be allowed to join the Boy Scouts of America or should there be a distinct separation between the girls and boys. In the article, Boy Scouts Face Renewed Push to Let Girls Join the Ranks by David Crary, several girls across the nation have took it upon themselves to try and join the Boy Scouts of America. Some believe that girls should be able to join in order to gain the same scouting experience as the boys in the organization. Others including myself, believe that if the girl scouts aren t happy with their scouting, they should take the initiative to make a difference in their own community. Today, the highest award a girl scout can achieve is a Gold Award, which is supposed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Scm And Erp Software Implementation At Nike Term paper SCM and ERP Software Implementation at Nike: From Failure to Success by Praveen Kumar Reddy Pandem 10000126104 CMP 570 Table of contents Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Nike background 3 Nike supply chain 3 Nike supply chain project 4 An ERP solution gone bad 5 Playing blame game what went wrong 7 Nike rebound 9 Lessons learned 10 Conclusion 11 References 12 1.Abstract: The case provides a complete account of the failing of Supply and Demand Planning software program implementation at Nike , a leading Footwear and Apparel company . The case follows the background of supply chain and ERP software execution at Nike and exposes the theory behind their implementation . It analysis the situations that resulted in the SCM software implementation failure as well as discusses the measures undertaken by Nike to resolve the obstacle . Ultimately , the case explores the way Nike was able to utilize the learning from the failure to its usefulness and also show up triumphant with the SAP implementation , an integral part of the Nike Supply Chain Project . 2.Introduction failure of supply chain software it is installed to reduce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Importance Of Self-Esteem In The Whale Rider When someone tells us something rude, we have two reactions. We either prove them wrong and work harder to be the best you can be or you say that their right and just move on. In the novel The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera, the main protagonist Kahu gets shut down by her great grandfather Koro Apirana multiple times because she is a girl and she is the next heir to be chief. But that breaks Maori tradition and Koro Apirana does not approve of that. The theme of The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera is how the power of others affects our self esteem. Kahu doesn t let Koro Apirana s hateful words get to her and she eventually proves him wrong and becomes important to him. Kahu s self esteem changes throughout the book by Koro Apirana s words. Koro says hateful words throughout the book at Kahu because she breaks the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her face lit up and she ran to him, crying, Paka! Oh! Paka! He turned to her quickly. Go back, he said. Go away. You are of no use to me. Kahu stopped in her tracks. I thought she would cry, but she knitted her eyebrows and gave him a look of such frustration that I could almost hear her saying to herself, You just wait, Paka. You just wait. (Pg.82). Koro Apirana [Paka] is walking to the school that he teaches at to the young boys about the Maori culture and find out who will become chief. Kahu gets excited when she sees him and runs over to him. But Koro, being obsessed with tradition, tells her to go away because he has no use for her. She is not discouraged by this and by the end of the book she proves him wrong and she becomes the chief. Kahu is not letting Koro s ignorant words get to her and by the end of the book Kahu finally proves to him that she is the right one to be chief and that she is the legendary Whale Rider. Our ancestor wants to die. [Koro] But why? [Kahu] There is no place for it here in this world. The people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Elementary Hosts Popcorn At School Every other Friday, Cascades Elementary hosts Popcorn Friday in their cafeteria. Volunteers come and help make, bag, and distribute the salty snack to the classrooms. The line goes popcorn machine, empty bags, bag folders and tape placers, finished bags, and classroom totes. However, to make the line flow easily, the line might go; empty bags, popcorn machine, bag folders, tapers, finished bags in lines of five, and the classroom totes that are brought up from the classroom. This suggested lineup requires a volunteer to open bags and place them so the popcorn machine volunteer is able to reach the paper bags, and possibly a couple more volunteers to ensure the supplies needed never runs out and the flow is maintained. Unfortunately, many parents with nothing to do on Fridays do not come to help. On Popcorn Day, the volunteers meet at Cascades Elementary at eight in the morning in the cafeteria after dropping their children off at school. One volunteer begins to heat up the popcorn maker and make popcorn while a second volunteer sets out bags and a third sets out strips of tape along the side of the table. After classes begin, the teacher selects two students to take the class mesh tote and the popcorn money for the class to the cafeteria where the volunteers make the popcorn. Once the students hand one of the volunteers the class tote and popcorn money, the students are able to go back to class. The average popcorn bags requested by each classroom is about 30 bags. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Mexicans and Racism Racism isn t a subject that appears in every day conversations. Although most people try to ignore its existence, it s quite obvious that it marked the lives of a lot of people and it has now become an essential part of our history. As a student who has lived in the valley all her life, I ve been taught about the hardships African Americans had to endure while obtaining their freedom, becoming eligible to vote, being segregated, but never did I stop to think that the people who shared my culture and walked the streets of the Valley and San Antonio were going through a similar experience. Throughout the years it has become apparent that African Americans weren t the only people who had been mistreated. In those days, from El Paso to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Orozco 30) Although a temporary school was provided, it wasn t until four years later that an actual permanent school was created. Despite all the problems, a bettering in the economy helped expand the educational opportunities for La Raza. Education became a tool used to expand their knowledge. The education level between the whites and La Raza still differed as the latter only received schooling regarding domestic training. San Antonio s Sidney Lanier Junior High School, predominantly comprised of Mexican descent children, boasted the city s largest and most elaborate shop facilities (Orozco 30). Politics weren t a strong point for Mexicans as they were looked down upon for their lack of intelligence and their lack of fluidity in the English language. They had little to no political representation and when it came to voting most of the time they were simply used by candidates for the political win. As time progressed fewer and fewer Raza members withheld political power. The Raza was slowly losing their representation and remaining voiceless in this system. It became evident that most people weren t in favor of Mexicans being allowed to vote as they believed that Mexicans had no real knowledge of what a political system should be like. Their claim was based around the fact that Mexicans didn t know what a democracy was like and that their sole reason for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Why The US Won The Super Bowl Three minutes later, Brady again led his team down the field scoring a touchdown and then converting the 2 point conversion, 28 20 Falcons. The Falcons responded with a great drive thanks to Julio Jones making what could be the catch of the year. However they were forced to punt due to a sack and penalties. The Patriots converted one first down until the play of the game took place. On 1st and 10 Tom Brady throws a ball in the middle of the field that gets tip by a defender. Julian Edelman sees the ball in the air, surrounded by three defenders, he extends his body and just gets his hands under the ball. The Patriots then went on to score and convert the 2 point conversion tying the game, 28 28. Then go into overtime, win the coin toss, drive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In other words, one can say that Super Bowl LI kind of symbolizes the war. In the beginning of the war Germany was riding a hot hand in Adolf Hitler. Hitler was dominating all of Europe with ease just like Matt Ryan in the first half. The young power dominated the allies up until they woke the the sleeping beast, the USA. Right before entering the war the US was experiencing the Great Depression. Just like at halftime when the Patriots faced the largest deficit in Super Bowl history. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor which inspired many Americans to fight. Many believe that the day the US joined the war was the turning point for the war. The turning point for the Patriots might have been the scoreboard in a sense. Looking up at that scoreboard could ve dropped a bomb on the Patriots sideline. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves both the soldiers and players got fired up and wanted to make a difference. Which is also a key trait to being an American, persevering through hardships no matter what. In the movie, Rocky the main character says, It s not about hard you get hit. It s about how hard you can get hit and get back up. This quote completely sums up both American soldiers and the Patriots ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Symbolism In Lord Of The Glies In William Golding s Lord... In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses the conch to enforce that without proper leadership, people become more prone to be disorganized and power hungry. The conch initially serves as a tool for the prosperity of the boys. Yet, over time, the conch loses it s value, leading to the boys living in a disorganized society and causing some to strive for power. The effectiveness of the conch continues on the same downward spiral and eventually becomes obsolete, as the boys fight for the right to rule each other. When the boys reach the island, the conch is viewed as a symbol of power and acts as a tool to organize the boys. When the conch is first discovered by Ralph and Piggy on the beach, Piggy identifies the strange looking object in the sand and exclaims A conch he called it. On someone s back wall. A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It s ever so valuable (18). Upon the conch s discovery, the boys are clearly enthralled with it, displaying their intentions to use the conch to call attention and create order. At this early stage of the story, some of the boys are concerned with using tools that symbolize power and creating a society that has a strong structure. It was understood between the boys that the conch was a tool to allow for cooperation and understanding. Moments later, Piggy states that the boys can use this to call the others. They ll come when they hear us (20). In this passage, Piggy states his belief that the boys ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Leukocytes Research Paper Leukocytes have a nucleus, do not contain haemoglobin and are much larger that erythrocytes. They either have a spherical or an irregular shape and have important roles in the immune response. There are two basic types of leukocytes, granulocytes which have a granular cytoplasm and a lobed nuclei and agranulocytes which have a cytoplasm that has no granules making it appear smooth and they have a rounded or horseshoe shaped nucleus. Granulocytes can be subdivided into neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils and agranulocytes can be subdivided into monocytes and lymphocytes (Bethesda, 2005). Neutrophils are polymorphonuclear cells, meaning they have a nucleus which is complex and lobulated. They have three types of granules in their cytoplasm, gelatinase granules, azurophilic granules and specific granules. The gelatinase granules aid neutrophils in the process of exiting the bloodstream and help them to relocate to get to an infection site. The azurophilic and specific granules give neutrophils the ability to kill microbes and they contain antimicrobial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are three different types, T cells, B cells and natural killer cells. T cells are generated in the thymus gland and have a T cell receptor molecule that is specialised and is found on the cells surface. T cells bind to antigens after it identifies them. The next type, B cells develop in the bone marrow and they have a B cell receptor. This is a protein that is specialised, like T cells it is means B cells are able to attach to specific antigens that they identify. Both T cells and B cells have binding sites that are highly specific, this enable them to identify antigens that have invaded the body and stick to them, Lastly, natural killer cells have a cytotoxic nature which means they can destroy cells. Also, they have the ability to identify cells that have been infected by a virus and destroy them (Arrington, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Female Genital Mutilation Throughout America Female Genital Mutilation in America Female circumcision has been a cultural tradition practiced in different parts of the world for many years in order to secure virginity until marriage. In Africa female genital mutilation tradition is a part of the Muslim culture and parts of the Middle East, for the women to be desirable by her husband. (JPEG) Consequently, girls the ages of 4 through 14 are to endure the severe pains of female circumcision in order to not betray their culture and family beliefs. (Ali, 2016) In the US, the estimated number of females between 15 and 49, who are either at risk of genital mutilation or who have already undergone a procedure, has reached more than 500,000, triple the amount reported in the 1990 national census. (Female genital mutilation in the US tripled in 25 years, 2015) This controversial practice performed on females lead advocates to believe that this is a form of female genital mutilation that must come to an end. (Ali, 2016) Female genital mutilation is any procedure involving removal of partial or total external female genitalia on girls to ensure their virginity this practice is illegal in many parts of the United States. (Ali, 2016)Over the years congress passed the Transport for Female Genital Mutilation Act, which bans Vacation cutting and the practice in parts of the United States. (Ali, 2016)This law was put into effect since 1996 and is punishable by up to five years in prison, sadly some doctors are still doing this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Financial Policy Definition Amartuul Turbat Professor Fillenwarth Financial Policy 11 March 2011 The Definitions Question 1 2; (1 1.a.b.) Proprietorship: is the entity owned by an individual who is only founder and manager of the company. Even though it does not pay tax for located states, proprietorship s profits or loses reports on its owners annual tax reports. Despite the fact that proprietorship is easy to form and has seldom government regulations, its term of operation is directly depending on its founder life time (Ehrhardt and Brigham 5). In addition on proprietorship, a partnership is more flexible type which is a business relationship between several individuals who are similar desires to obtain the profits from the partnership s operation. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Question 1 3 Intrinsic value is the true value of the organizations which based on real position of market share, company s assets, and perception of the future. This value can be same as market value if factors are same in the estimation process. On the other hand, intrinsic value may be different from market value depending on information used in evaluation. For example, if management hides negative information, market value might be higher than intrinsic values (Ehrhardt and Brigham 9). Question 1 4 Edmund Enterprises recently made a large investment to upgrade its technology. Even though this investment cannot improve the income in short term, it can reduce the production cost. Therefore, in short term investment cost will increase in the Income Statement because of the new investment; as a result profits will decrease and company s earnings per share will decrease. However, in the financial markets, this news affects positively on stock s market price. Also, this investment can raise the company s intrinsic value since it can reduce the production costs (Ehrhardt and Brigham 30). Question 1 5 Capital can be transferred by the direct and indirect ways. In direct ways only two sides participate. Savers can make investment direct into business, and business sells their securities to savers without other parties. On the other hand, investment bank or financial intermediaries can participate effectively in transfers of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Rick And Murty Analysis Rick and Morty is an animated sci fi sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Adult Swim. It follows a cynical, irresponsible, drunken mad scientist named Rick Sanchez and his somewhat naive grandson Morty while they travel through space and between dimensions using Rick s portal gun. It s basically Back to the Future except they travel through the multiverse rather than time (and no one ever awkwardly dates their mom). The science in the show is often just an excuse for some wonderfully geeky humor. Rick and Morty references enough scientific concepts to do dozens of these videos but today we re going to use this show as a vehicle to take a look at quantum mechanics. Be sure to check out the sources, which are in the description ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A Geiger counter and tiny bit of some radioactive element are in the room. Within some time, say one day, one of the radioactive element s atoms might decay, or there may be no decay. The Geiger counter can measure whether or not any decay has occurred. If it measures decay, it will release a poison, which will kill the cat. If it doesn t, it won t. The cat may be thought of as simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This thought experiment helps us understand both the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and the problem that Schrödinger saw in it. If the Copenhagen interpretation suggests the radioactive material can have simultaneously decayed and not decayed in the sealed environment, then it follows the cat too is both alive and dead until the box is opened. Common sense tells us this is not the case, and Schrödinger used this to highlight the limits of the Copenhagen interpretation when applied to practical situations. The cat is actually either dead or alive, whether or not it has been observed. In the many worlds interpretation, the cat would be both alive and dead until observed. After that, the universe would split into two timelines. One where cat is alive and another where the cat is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Essay about Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault Sexual assault is a term that is used interchangeably with the word rape. The decision on whether or not to use the term rape or sexual assault is made by a state s jurisdiction. Sexual assault is more readily used in an attempt to be more gender neutral (National Victim Center). Sexual assault can be most easily described as forced or unconsentual sexual intercourse. The individual that is performing these acts on the victim may either be a stranger or an acquaintance. In 1994, 64.2 percent of all rapes were committed by someone the offender had previously known (Ringel, 1997). Regardless, this type of crime can have extreme effects on the victim. Sexual assault is a traumatic event ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They feel as though there is no one that can help them and that they are alone. This phase may be expressed several hours or even days after the crime (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 35). In the second phase, called the recoil stage, the victim struggles to adapt to the violation and tries to reintegrate their fragmented selves (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 40). During this phase, the victim tries to recover. This phase is very complex and deals with a lot of issues and emotions. The victim often faces extreme fear and anxiety. They become fearful of their safety, as well as anxious in their surrounding environment. They are afraid of the person that has violated them as well as fearful of being alone. They also may fear the medical, legal, or social consequences of the crime (CASA House). During this phase, the victim experiences sadness and depression, as well as low self esteem. Along with this phase comes anger. The victim either becomes angry with the person who defiled them or they may turn against themselves. (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 45). The victim has a sense of guilt and blame. They often ask themselves why did I go there by myself? or why didn t I fight back harder? During this phase, the victim may also suffer from mood swings (Bard and Sangrey, 1979, pg. 46). They may go from happiness to sudden sadness, or from rage to despair. The third and final phase is called the reorganization phase; the victim becomes reorganized over time and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Transport Proteins on Strike Essay Case Study: Newsflash! Transport Proteins on Strike! 1. What is the meaning behind the PHOSPHOLIPIDS chant? Phospholipids make up most of the cell membrane, in a phospholipid bilayer. Phospholipid molecules form two layers, with the hydrophilic (water loving) head facing the extracellular fluid and the cytosol (intracellular) fluid, and the hydrophobic (not water loving) tails facing one another. The cell membrane is constructed in such a way that it is semipermeable, and allows oxygen, CO2 and lipid soluble molecules through easily, while other molecules like glucose, amino acids, water, and ions cannot pass through quite as easily. That is the meaning behind the chant some things can pass, others cannot! . 2. Why is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4. Could O2 and CO2 make the same claim as GLUCOSE and AMINO ACID? Why or why not? No. They cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion and don t need proteins. Mary Amico Physiology 141 Section 002 Case Study: Newsflash! Transport Proteins on Strike! 5. The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of the cell is called gas exchange. Which two body organ systems are involved in gas exchange? Which type of plasma membrane transport is used for gas exchange? Is this method best? Explain your answer. The two body organ systems involved in gas exchange are the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. O2 and CO2 cross the cell membrane via simple diffusion. Because cells all throughout the body require oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide, this simple method of diffusion is the best way to transport such small molecules over a large area as efficiently as possible. 6. PHIL LIPID and PROFESSOR TOSOL discuss the Great Dehydration. Explain what you think occurred during the Great Dehydration. Why are sports drinks recommended to prevent, or treat, dehydration? The Great Dehydration was a result of a stomach virus which apparently caused the body to lose water. As the body lost water, water moved out of the cells in attempt to keep solute concentrations balanced across the cell membrane. Sports drinks contain water as well as electrolytes like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Essay on The Life of Konstantin Tsiolokovsky Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857 1935) was a Russian mathematics teacher who in 1903 published the Tsiolkovsky formula which is an equation that remains the basis of spacecraft engineering even today. This formula established the relationships among rocket speed, the speed of the gas at exit, and the mass of the rocket and its propellant. Tsiolkovsky also conducted theoretical work on the design of liquid fuel rocket engineering which included the ideas of throttling capability and multi staging, gyroscopes, escape velocities from the Earth s gravitational field, and the principle of action and reaction. He paved the way for Sputnik I (the world s first artificial satellite) and the Vostok rocket (the first of manned spaceflight). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1922, Oberth submitted a doctoral thesis on rocketry By Rocketry to Space for his Ph.D. degree from the University of Heidelberg, which was also rejected. In 1923, he published his first draft of his book, The Rocket Into Planetary Space . The Rocket Into Planetary Space introduced the idea of the optimal velocity that minimises propellant consumption, and explained how rockets could escape the Earth s gravitational pull. The book also described the details of liquid propellant engines and calculated propellant exhaust velocities and from this explored the theory that rockets could operate in a vacuum where they could travel faster than their own exhaust. Other ideas explored rocket staging, film cooling of the engine walls, and strengthening the structure by pressurising propellant tanks. A detailed design of a two stage rocket with extensive supporting engineering calculations was presented. The rocket used liquid oxygen as an oxidiser. The fuel was an alcohol water mixture for the first stage engine and liquid hydrogen for the second stage engine. The liquid oxygen with the alcohol water mixture was used in the German A 4 (V 2) ballistic missile in the 1940s. He also suggested the possibility of launching satellites into orbit (called observation stations) which could be used for communications and for studying Earth from space in terms of surveying war operations and spotting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Rise and Fall of Dynasties in China The rise and fall of dynasties in china Introduction Rhoads Murphey describes the history of China history is on the succession of dynasties that ruled it over a period of time until around 1912 when Republic of china was formed before rising to the current People s Republic of China was formed in 1949. In China, a dynasty was made up of Kings or emperors that came from the same family. They ruled in succession where a king could be inherited by his son or his immediate relatives. Although china s history is majorly regarded on the basis of dynastic ruling, other small kingdoms were established that ruled different part of china. For example, in 200AD, the fall of great Han dynasty triggered formation of smaller kingdoms all over the china which were later united by a short lived Sui Dynasty that reigned between 580 and 618 AD. In Murphey s book varied dynasties have been described how they came to power and how they eventually collapsed. From his book, various reasons for dynastic rise in china can be summarized as follows; most dynasties were founded through force and especially when there was disorder in a given dynasty. This could even break into a fight and those who won could take up and rule for a period of time waiting to be overthrown by other powerful people. Dynasty could also rise as a result of leaders who were very powerful and vigourous. These leaders could create their own stable and prosperous kingdom that secured it territories and people. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. United States Pc Crisis Reaction Pack Most normal issues confronted by the alliance have extended PC and Information Systems, business layouts are an outcome of the security blasts. Government foundations and affiliations are not kept from such data security dangers. The current condition as most convention affiliations are joined with media and long range interpersonal correspondence closes the rehash of modernized systems on government alliance Information Systems had augmented. As condition of connection is to commission identified with people when in doubt, the mechanized assaults on the association data framework could be considered as dividing security hazard to protection of open data. State and government business areas build up several strategies identified with such propelled strikes; regardless, there is going up against bother in social undertaking necessities considering the rate at which modernized ambushes are developing. For instance, as demonstrated by the survey drove by US CERT (United States PC crisis reaction pack) it was seen that the measure of mechanized assault scenes has stretched out from 29000 to 48000 (give or take) some spot around 2009 and 2012(USGAO, 2013). It got to be troublesome for the orgs to make fitting gameplans to avoid progressed ambushes as the amplify sort of mechanized assaults have significantly broadened. Amidst beginning days the assault will need to have extraordinary programming language to make a propelled pitfall and to arrangement connection data security. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Contributions Of Jean Piaget Throughout history many psychologists have made major impacts in psychology one of these was Jean Piaget he also made an impact in sociology. Jean Piaget was a Swiss clinical psychologist who discoveries still help people to this day. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchatel, in the Francophone region of Switzerland on August 9, 1986 and died in Geneva, Switzerland on September 16, 1980 at age 84. Piaget was buried with his family in an unmarked grave in the Cimetiere des Rois cemetery of kings in Geneva, Switzerland this was at Piaget request. Piaget family was very influential in his success throughout his life he was the oldest son of Arthur Piaget and Rebecca Jackson who was French. His father was a swiss professor of medieval literature at the University of Neuchatel Piaget look up to his father he saw how dedicated his father was to his work because of this at a young age he took his studies very seriously he became interested in zoology he started collecting many things including sea shells. When Jean Piaget was ten years old he showed an interesting interest in mollusks which are invertible animals whose membranes are known as mollusks. Piaget started going to the local museum of natural history in Neuchatel and would be there for hours learning. Just at the age of eleven years old Piaget attended Neuchatel Latin High School he published his first scientific paper on a rare albino sparrow it was the beginning of many articles he would write and over fifty books. The article ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Leadership Skills to Manage Diversity in the Military Essay 5: How Do Leaders Manage Diversity In The Military? Introduction Given the proliferation of missions that often have multiple objectives aligned to counterterrorism, humanitarian aid, and national defense, the alacrity at which the armed forces are expected to integrate and quickly deliver results in a foreign nation is increasing. The cross cultural competency (3C) model is designed as a foundation for streamlining the cultural assimilation process, providing leaders and subordinates with a more efficient approach to quickly understanding and become effective in a culture different than one s own (Abbe, Gulick, Herman, 2007). As the alacrity and intensity of cultural assimilation is increasing across all branches of the military, combined with greater levels of mission complexity and required collaboration of foreign governments and agencies, developing a effective 3C model is essential for mission success. The intent of this analysis is to provide insights into how leaders can manage diversity more effectively in the military, especially those called upon to serve in cultures significantly different than one s own. Training in cross cultural competency often includes references to the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions and the specific attributes of collectivism versus individuality, two potentially polarizing aspects of military leadership in foreign regions (Goodman, 2012). The Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions is complimentary ot the 3C Model in that is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Reasons Against The Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution Many people were against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution because it sent millions of troops to Vietnam to fight a war many Americans didn t seem necessary. Americans realized that after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed it was a declaration of war even though no declaration was officially passed. Many Americans did not want to be in any wars and a very large majority just did not want to be halfway around the world in Vietnam, fighting a war that was unnecessary in their eyes. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gave President Johnson a blank check so he had full control of the military and most of the American taxpayer s money at his disposal. People were not excited to be in a war considered useless to them and because a war with China ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Science Astronomy Nebula Essay Science Astronomy Nebulas What are nebulas? How did they come about? Nebulas are made up of dust, hydrogen helium and plasma. Nebulas, essentially gaseous clouds, are formed. A supernova is a star that collapses under its own gravity after it dramatically increases in its brightness. The first nebula, Dumbbell Nebula M27, was discovered by Charles Messier on July 12 1764. In 1784 William Herschel invented the name Planetary nebula after he had started comprehensively scanning the deep sky and discovered a famous planetary nebula, the Saturn Nebula NGC 7009 in 1782. The nebula theory, states that this theory is the most accepted evolutionary theory for the formation of the solar system from a cloud of gas and dust particles known as a nebula. The process starts with a rotating cloud of gas and dust that contracts and flattens to form a disk around a star forming at its centre. Planets grow from the dust and gas in the disk and are left behind when the disk clears. The process of a nebula forming is linked to the creation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people question how the solar system was made and a theory was developed by Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, and Pierre Simon Laplace. This theory provides more evidence for society to believe. The solar system is thought to be created from enormous spinning cloud. This cloud was made up of gas and dust. The core of a cloud grew under the influence of gravity and as a result it became denser and hotter. Material was collected into the core and the cloud increased in speed and became flat, almost like a disk shape. As the cloud became increasingly hotter the cloud generated enough energy to create a nuclear fusion. The light gas was distributed far out in the solar system. This light gas left rocky materials and metallic that had high melting points were left behind. These materials clumped together caused by mutual gravity and formed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Latin American Culture And Globalization Economy: An expanding international commitment to free trade among countries has internationalized the market for goods; people have access to goods that were previously out of reach. Finally, in addition to the exchange of goods across borders, traders move billions of dollars daily with the click of a mouse. Some countries have been helped by the newly emerging economic order because they have the resources to expand production worldwide and to create goods that are in demand internationally. On the other hand, some countries and individuals have been hurt because they are not able to compete with the strongest producers internationally. The United States is one of the world s leading exporters and maintains a lead in many of the future s most promising industries, including biotechnology, space technology, and computer software. U.S. corporations have sought a competitive edge by taking advantage of cheap labor in Latin America and Asia. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In one sense, globalization has produced strong pressures for harmonization of values around the world, in particular, a value in universal human rights. In another important sense, globalization has resulted in the emergence, interaction, and competition of many different value systems on the global stage. While there have always been debate and discussion within cultures about values, globalization has brought these debates to a global scale. Sometimes the interaction of differing value systems has been a source of positive change and growth. The globalization of culture and values has brought Western conceptions of democracy and liberty to many areas of the world in the last twenty five years. In many cases, the internet and popular culture have helped to spread those ideas. Many people resent the Americanization of the world and feel that the forces of globalization threaten their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Macgregor Essay Introduction The following report for Macgregor Meats is to be used to assist them in choosing whether to export to countries outside of Australia. The countries that are reviewed in this report are India and China. Macgregor Meats wishes to export to India and China, requires research before attempting an exporting deal with either of the two countries. Research is not done on the other countries then products could fail to sell on the foreign markets due to a number of factors. These include: The countries beliefs/views on the product If items are prohibited or not The communication barriers if they speak another language The size of the population Public holidays Exchange rate Personal presentation If Macgregor meats went straight into exporting without researching they would have a slim chance of succeeding without research they would gain a bad reputation and indefinitely worsen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Indians views towards business meetings and their requirement to exchange business cards on first meetings, but will show leniency for late arrivals as they themselves may do the same with meetings and punctuality. Overall India s punctuality will make a big impact on the business relations between Macgregor Meats and India. In China, the biggest cultural impacts affecting business relations are the amount of public holidays they have, again Macgregor Meats punctuality with addressing others and meetings. Overall Macgregor Meats has again a punctuality issue as Chinese businesses take punctuality very seriously, if a company representative is late for a business meeting it will drastically change the opinion of the Chinese business and affect the deal. Chinese prefer to be early if possible but always be on time. This is the main problem that will affect the business relations between Macgregor meats and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Similarities Between Thomas Nast And Political Cartoons During many interesting time periods of American history, news about impactful events were not only communicated to the people through the radio or news articles. In fact an even more intriguing medium was used to serve this purpose, Thomas nast was an illustrator that made comics. In the current day, there are still many cartoons made about the American Government. This form of news telling attracts a massive amount of people because of how much more engaging it makes news. Thomas Nast made huge contributions to making the news entertaining, he did his art on presidents, wars, and sometimes how we treat foreign countries. He arrived in New York at the age of six, from Germany, and started illustrator for Harper s weekly. Harper s weekly held a status that proved them to be worthy of praise. As a publishing house, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the twenty first century, we should maintain and uphold political cartoons, and keep them present because they capture such a huge audience. Today, there are many cartoons and drawings about our government. A prime example would be the cartoons directed towards president Trump and his immature ways of handling threats from North Korea. Many Cartoons were displayed on the front pages of the internet. New Sites such as Mercury News, and Social media sites such as pinterest, all feature these comics and political cartoons on the topic. One cartoon shows Trump and Kim Jong Un in an angry fight similar to how kids would to communicate the idea of immaturity. The Websites Claims: Cartoonists illustrate Rhetoric between Trump and North Korea, after being threatened by nuclear weapons. (Dempsey). Politics has a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Technology in Life In the past people have difficult life because of many things and technology is one of them .As we know, technology is very important in our life for many reasons, it makes life easy, save the time and improve the quality . Day to day we see new technology and suitable for everyone , so no thing stay as it is.If we aske old man or woman will know how they suffered because of having poor of technology. In the future many types of technology will change and comes with new ideas. That is whey every country takes care of the technology. Oman is also go ahead for this and it want to be the best. In this project I will talk about the future of technology in Oman and how it will be effective . when we talk about technology ,that means we human are talking about something that made the life of easy and us do a lot of things in a short time . so my point is technology is too important in this geuiration. As we know, Oman has good technology and it provides the citizens with technology. But we want do this plan improve technology and develop it by studding it here in Oman and making new inventions by support the students. If we do this plan, we will have great strong technology in future. That what we really want, strong future by technology. So we have to start the plan right now. Last point, Technology has effected human to good way. Because technology has advantages more than disadvantage. advantages for future technology in Oman to provide noun Oman ,to make their work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...