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How To Write A Discursive Essay
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How To Write A Discursive Essay English How To Write A Discursive Essay English
The French Revolution And The Egyptian Revolution
There are many ideals of the enlightenment that influenced greatly the French Revolution (1789 1815)
as well as the Egyptian Revolution (2011 Present).Some philosophes that created and supported these
ideas were John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire. Ideas supported by these philosophes
were the rights to life, liberty, and property, the freedoms of speech and religion and equality.
Many causes of the French Revolution are similar to Egyptian Revolution. Some causes of the French
Revolution were France s Old Regime, in which an absolute monarch ruled over France and there
were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates. Within this Old Regime there was extreme inequality and a major
wealth gap, the 1st and 2nd estates had to pay virtually no taxes meanwhile every peasant had to pay
along with taxes a tithe of 10 percent of his or her income. Other inequalities were the 3rd estate,
which made up 97 percent of the population, was entitled to just 1 of three votes within the estates
general; also only the 2nd estate, which made up less than 2 percent of the population, was allowed to
participate directly in government; finally the 1st estate, which made up less than one percent of
France s population, owned 10 percent of all the land in France. Other causes of the revolution was an
extraordinary famine in 1788 with the worst winter in 80 years, astounding debt, with half of all taxes
going to the debt, there was also great direct influence of philosophes and the enlightenment, as
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The Importance Of A More Effective Type Of Teacher...
Danielson s main purpose in writing the article is to explain the need for a more effective type of
teacher evaluation system. She wants to describe the weaknesses of the checklist type of teacher
evaluations that has been used as the norm in the past. Danielson describes a more effective form of
teacher evaluation that will be useful for the administrator and also the teacher. Teacher evaluations
are very critical in decision making for schools because this is a way for them to credibly show the
school board that they have highly effective teachers and at the same time allow those highly effective
teachers an opportunity to grow and learn in the situation. Danielson suggests that in the past
administrators have been more worried about the decision making process and being able to give
evidence that the teachers they have hired are doing an high quality job.
Danielson describes two main reasons why we should evaluate teaching including making sure that
you have high quality teaching and for professional development. She makes the point that these two
reasons are not able to be met by the old method of checklist evaluation. For a teacher evaluation to be
effective and useful they need to be able to meet both types of criteria including evaluating high level
teaching and professional development. Danielson explains that when thinking about the criteria of
evaluating high level teaching that there are important parts of the process that creates a valid
evaluation process.
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The Threat of Love in Totalitarian Regimes as Depicted in...
Love is the foundation and the weakness of a totalitarian regime. For a stable totalitarian society, love
between two individuals is eliminated because only a relationship between the person and the party
and a love for its leader can exist. The totalitarian society depicted throughout the Orwell s novel 1984
has created a concept of an Orwellian society. Stalin s Soviet state can be considered Orwellian
because it draws close parallels to the imaginary world of Oceania in 1984. During the twentieth
century, Soviet Russia lived under Stalin s brutal and oppressive governments, which was necessary
for Stalin to retain power. In both cases, brutality and oppression led to an absence of relationships and
love. This love was directed towards ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Joseph Stalin built up this love with the Cult of Personality . He was glorified with giant statues and
monuments. Stalin appeared daily on the cover of Soviet newspapers; he was in every facet of Soviet
life. Daily visual imagery of Stalin portrayed him as a Georgian peasant, which emphasized socialist
principles of power from the people. In addition, people called him father and teacher of the peoples
(Runyan 66) and a deity, because he replaced the Czar and the Church. These daily images were
engraved in the minds of the people. Thus, the Cult of Personality was flourishing. Propaganda
glorifying Stalin and Soviet ideals brainwashed the minds of Russian people. Stalin successfully
impressed his socialist philosophies on millions of workers and peasants. Over time, socialism
transformed into Stalinism, and it took hold. Stalin was able to hypnotize people towards one belief,
the love of Stalin. A simple cause and effect: they saw imagery of Stalin portrayed heroically everyday
in the news or on posters and they began to idolize him. Stalin is like Big Brother; he was the focus
and with the love and loyalty of his people, he had total power over them and their actions. The
description of Big Brother himself bears a physical resemblance to Stalin and his cult of personality.
Orwell s Big Brother is an all seeing, all knowing figure with ultimate authority. Soviet Russia was
Orwellian in the sense that individual thought was
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The document provides instructions for requesting assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete a request form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and get a refund if plagiarized. The purpose is to guide users through obtaining writing assistance from the site.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account on HelpWriting.net in order to request paper writing help. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the paper. The purpose is to help students get high-quality original papers by pairing them with qualified writers on the site.

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The document discusses whether honesty is for suckers or not. It describes a 5-step process for paying someone to write an essay through the website HelpWriting.net. The steps include creating an account, providing instructions for the essay, reviewing bids from writers, choosing a writer, and authorizing payment after reviewing the completed essay. The document emphasizes that the website allows for revisions and refunds if the content is plagiarized.

Dr Koch Observation
Today, I followed Dr. Koch in podiatry. For the first patient we saw, the patient already had cotton
balls on their feet, which I thought Dr. Koch s assistants had probably already looked at the patient.
Anyway, the patient had an appointment with Dr. Koch about 2 months ago and was told to wear
diabetic shoes when walking. As she and Dr. Koch talked, Dr. Koch removed one of the cotton balls
and there was a big sore on the patient s foot. Dr. Koch then asked the patient if they had diabetic
shoes, and if so, how often did they wear them. The patient answered by saying she does but only
wore the shoes for about fifty percent of the time. Dr. Koch told the patient she need to have the shoes
on the entire time, otherwise she ll keep getting sores
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Sojourner Truth And Louisa May Alcott
During the eighteenth and nineteenth century, American Literature was considered to be of
insignificant quality compared to that of English Literature, and was rarely recognized in the literary
world. However, this opinion did eventually change because of the success of some very creative
American authors. Sojourner Truth and Louisa May Alcott were two women who not only produced
unforgettable works of literature and presented powerful speeches, but also had a monumental impact
on American Literature as well as American history. These women represent the unique American
spirit because of their bravery and determination for their voices to be heard for what they believed in
during a time when women were meant to be seen but not heard.
The literary world during this time period was dominated by men, but the world was changing, and
women began to make a name for themselves as creative and legitimate writers. During the time in
history women were also fighting for their rights to be heard and treated equally among men. Also, the
issue of slavery was at its peak as the country became divided behind the issue, and the prospect of a
civil war was becoming more of a reality.
Sojourner Truth was born in Upstate New York in 1797 (Baym 804). She was not born into a life of
privilege or ease. Truth could not read or write, but she became one of the most influential speakers of
the time (Baym 801). She fought for the abolishment of slavery, as well as the rights of women (Baym
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Analysis Of Sam Raimi s Spider Man 2
In Sam Raimi s Spider Man 2 it shows a struggling college student; Peter Parker, becoming enthralled
between his two dreams in life. These dreams being the hero everyone wants, and being always there
for Mary Jane. But as his attention is pulled towards his dual life as Spider man it causes great
problems for the people around him to which he cares greatly for. As for my thoughts I believed each
scene with the supporting cast was meaningly so that Peter; the main character could be seen
processing through his thoughts and emotion in relation to each of them. While also giving great
As for the visuals and story, Sam Raimi brings detail for every part of the movie. As to analyze the in
a sufficient process the movie will be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regardless the first scenes of the movie demonstrate his everyday struggle to fill his role as Spider
man, as seen per delivering pizza; and his inability to come to Mary Jane s recital. As further proof of
this is later explored by his end of day at Aunt May s house where all the supporting characters meet.
These characters being Harry Osborn, Mary Jane, and Aunt May. Direct conflict between Harry and
Peter is shown in where Harry questions Peter directly about him missing his calls, and to the dismay
to Harry, Peter answers with a I ve been busy . Further pushing the theme of Peter being unable to
manage proper time with any of even his closest friends. Although this theme occurs and seems
unavoidable to Peter in his position it s brought to light when Harry gets Peter to meet Dr.Octavius
and his wife. Where they convince Peter of the importance of his sorta girlfriend, being so Peter grabs
himself some poetry as suggested.
Following into the 2 act, Peter earlier promised to visit a show for Mary Jane. As per usual he misses
it due to robbers running over his moped in the middle of the street. As it happened he proceeded to
flip over landing perfectly avoiding any possible injury. Inclusively to the landing Rami included a
short bit between the children and Peter. To add humanity to the stunt he had just performed by
mentioning the benefits of
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Oppressors Of Violence
Oppression silence those who can t or won t speak up to their oppressors. Violence is not always the
solution as of sometimes it drives us to do unspeakable things especially if the violence doesn t. For
the people of Iran, the Islamic revolution turned a new leaf in the everyday life of women and men.
When the people who were opposing the new leader and the Islamic religion they were called
communists. Marji (the author of Persepolis) was one of the ones who followed the rules but disagreed
with the shah. Communists were put in jail, tortured and or killed. Even Though people did fight back,
words weren t just enough to tick off the soldiers. When protesting they always expected to be a
killing or some injured. When the Rex cinema was burning
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Here are the pros and cons of using the IRAC method for legal analysis: Pros: - It provides a clear, structured framework for analyzing legal issues. Each part of the analysis is broken out systematically. - It ensures all relevant issues are addressed. The four parts (Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion) act as a checklist. - It helps the reader easily follow the logic of the argument. The structure maps the logical flow from identifying the issue to stating the conclusion. Cons: - It can feel rigid or formulaic if not applied flexibly. Real legal analysis involves nuance that may not fit neatly into the four parts. - Important context or qualifications risk getting lost if the writer

Michigan State Rail Plan Essay
big regional hub as part of the Michigan State Rail Plan, which is now the 12th largest in the country.
The Michigan State Rail Plan aims to continue to improve the service and quality of the rail system,
by ensuring the rail system is continually funded. The Gerald R. Ford International Airport is a major
airport that transports large amounts of air cargo, and services flights to numerous cities around the
country through numerous airlines such as American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and Continental
Airlines. A large, interstate highway system runs through Grand Rapids that connects the city to the
rest of the Midwest area. While the infrastructure of Grand Rapids allows the city to flourish in the
three major transportation networks, it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are over 15 on campus colleges in the Grand Rapids area, ranging from Calvin College, Ferris
State University, Davenport University, and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.
These universities and colleges offer a variety of majors and studies concentrations. Thus, internships,
part time positions, and other roles can be filled to meet the short term needs of companies, while
satisfying the long term goals of companies through full time and salaried positions.
Below is a graph that displays the age breakdown of the population of Grand Rapids. As there are
numerous college and universities in the area, it follows that a large portion of the population are
millennials, that are under the age of 45.
However, the downside to the list of the colleges and universities in the Grand Rapids area is that they
are not nationally recognized at academically top ranked, compared to other Michigan schools such as
Michigan State University (MSU) or University of Michigan (UofM). Companies may look to hire
MSU or UofM graduates, who possibly may possess higher levels of quantitative or qualitative skills
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The Essentials Needs Of Human Presences
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The essentials needs of human presences are
nourishment, dress cover. From times immemorial man has been attempting deliberations in
enhancing their expectation for everyday life. The purpose of his exertions has been to give a financial
and proficient sanctuary. The ownership of asylum other than being a fundamental, utilized, gives an
inclination of security, obligation and demonstrated the economic wellbeing of man. Each individual
has an inborn enjoying for a tranquil environment required for his charming living, this item is
attained by having a position of living arranged at the protected and helpful area, such a spot for
agreeable and average living requires considered and kept in perspective A nature s turf. Safety from
all regular source atmosphere conditions General offices for group of his neighborhood. The designer
need to remember the city conditions, building bye laws, nature, fiscal limit, water supply, sewage
game plan, procurement of future, air circulation, ventilation and so on., in recommendation a specific
kind of plan to any customers. 1.2 Selection of Plot and Study Determination of plot is extremely vital
for structures a private building. Site ought to be in great spot where there group yet administration is
helpful however not all that shut that turns into a wellspring of impairment or loud. The routine
transportation is essential due to present need as well as for maintenance of property
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Will Equal Society Happen In Harrison Bergeron
Will equal society ever happen? In Harrison Bergeron written by Kurt Vonnegut, his story is
portraying as Harrison, an attractive, smart, strong boy, against the government who created handicaps
to bring the smarter people down to the same level as everyone else. That means Nobody was smarter
than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker
than anybody else. (Vonnegut 226) But since he s everything the government don t want anyone to be,
he s became a threat. Kurt illustrated that everyone will never be truly equal. In the beginning of the
story, it shows that even though the intelligence is handicapped the ability to reason hasn t
disappeared. The wife, Hazel, told her husband, George that
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Right To Die Analysis
In this article titled, Right to Die: Is it too easy to remove life support? composed by Kenneth Jost
describes two similar cases that started in the early 1990 s. Terri Schiavo and Barbara Howe were the
two females involved in these debate stirring cases. In 1990 Terri endured a cardiac arrest which
resulted in loosing most of her brain, being unable to move, and in an uncommunicative state called
persistent vegetative state. For 15 years Schiavo was kept alive despite being almost completely
motionless and uncommunicative. Micheal, her husband, went to court requesting the tube which gave
her liquids and nutrition be disconnected in 1998. Schiavo s parents battled against his request, one
judge of the state ordered caretakers to disconnect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Worsnop, goes into detail on the pros of assisted suicide. A student from Texas A M University
College of Medicine named Timothy J. Lace composed a list of positives on assisted suicide in the
Journal of the American Medical Association, on December 1, 1989. Lace expresses that physicians
who are willing to perform these tasks for hopelessly ill patients should be granted this action without
the possibility of criminal punishment. Stating his opinion that death for the majority of people is
extremely hard to go through. Some humans prolong the life of their loved ones because they cannot
accept the fact that their loved one is just alive and not truly living their life themselves. Certain
societies need to learn that death is a fate everyone has in common and it is not an evil but a natural
and inevitable. Showing these positives gives support by showing how making these options legal can
improve but also potentially harm medically equipped societies. It informs and raises questions on the
opposing side as well as the for
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The document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company offers refunds for plagiarized work.

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The study examined how role stress among nurses can impact their job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and whether implementing a job rotation system could help nurses better understand and align with the organization's vision, thereby enhancing commitment and satisfaction. A field study was conducted to assess these relationships. The authors sought to provide insights into how hospitals can design jobs and rotations to reduce nurse stress and improve retention.

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This document summarizes the steps to request an assignment writing service from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline and sample work. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history and feedback. Place a deposit to start the assignment. 4. Ensure the completed paper meets expectations and authorize final payment. Free revisions are provided.

A Lack of Meaningful General Education Courses
General Education (GE) is defined as that part of a curriculum that is shared by all students (regardless
their original major/profession), provides broad exposure to multiple disciplines, and forms the basis
for developing important intellectual and civil capabilities (Spencer Benson, 2009). With the rapid
development of society, the demand of multi disciplinarily personals is growing dramatically. In order
to broaden students knowledge and let them respond creatively and seize opportunities to cope with
the complexity, change and diversity, many universities among the world are pursuing high qualities
of general education. (University of Macau, n.d) In UM, every student needs to take 13 general
educational courses chosen from four areas, which are language and communication, science and
information technology, society and culture, self development. However, is general educational
succeeding in its goals in UM? Unfortunately, the answer is not. General education is not as effective
as we image in our university. One phenomenon we can observe is that there are some students who
are absent minded or sleepy in class. When asked about the important content in textbooks, many
students answers are far from satisfaction and they even complain that they gain almost nothing
meaningful in their general education courses. This discounted situation is a long standing problem
and it should be improved without doubt. You may ask that what the causes of this phenomenon
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Curing Pain Perception
Curing Pain Perception Among Hospital Patients Across the United States, health centers are striving
to provide high quality treatment to their patients. In 2014, U.S. health care spending surpassed $3
trillion and accounted for 17 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) (Sisko et al. 2014). In order
[t]o attract patients and meet contract obligations regarding quality (Henke et. al. 78), hospitals have
made vast improvements by advancing medical treatments and hiring more employees. One problem
which hinders success in hospital quality involves patient s pain perception. John S. Hoff, a health
care lawyer and policy analyst in Washington, D.C., concludes that under the 2010 Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), pain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The use of surgery to cure pain and discomfort poses many complexities, since operations have
permanent consequences and sometimes harmful results. Although medical procedures often
demonstrate more successful results from the get go, particular strategies are more consequential and
perennial than non medical therapy. For instance, the discovery of the lobotomy procedure in 1936
(Diefenbach 60) was considered a solution to mental illness. This surgery, which separates the patient
s main cognitive area and the frontal lobes from the rest of the brain, also manages to entirely remove
mood disorders and suffering (Wong 297). As a result, the patient relinquishes his or her feelings and
emotions entirely. For example, 23 year old Rosemary Kennedy the sister of U.S. President John F.
Kennedy received a lobotomy surgery and ended up spending the rest of her life incapacitated (Wong
297). Although lobotomies were originally intended to ease the strain of mental disorders and illness,
their results were deemed harmful, but only after many patients had been damaged. A less encroaching
solution to the problem at hand could be the implementation of musical therapy into a patient s
recovery schedule. Music therapy, according to the American Music Therapy Association, is the
clinical and evidence based use of music interventions to accomplish
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Burning In The Bronx Essay
The Bronx is the northernmost of the five boroughs of New York. It has a land area of 42 sq. miles,
with 57 sq. miles in total including water area. According to the United States Census Bureau, the
Bronx has a population of 1,455,720 as of 2016 and a population density of 34,653.4 per sq. miles.
According to the 2010 Census, 38.1 percent of households in the Bronx have children under the age of
18. These people live in what is one of the poorest and most struggling areas in the city. The Bronx s
association with poverty crime stems from a long history of gang wars and crime waves. Most
notably, there was the plague of arsons in the 1970s. It was common to hear the phrase The Bronx is
burning from city politicians and newscasters. The burning buildings were in predominantly poor
communities, such as the South Bronx. One explanation of this epidemic is that landlords decided to
burn their low value ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, these initiatives have still not addressed one significant problem: The Bronx is still burning.
As of 2014, the Bronx is one of the places that has the highest risk for household fires in the Greater
New York Region. The American Red Cross compiled a report of the most at risk neighborhoods for
fires. Since 2014, there have been 76 severe fire incidents and 174 deaths and injuries in
neighborhoods such as Fordham, Norwood, and the South Bronx area. Most of these fires are due to
poor building conditions, and the deaths and injuries are attributed to the lack of escape possibilities
and fire safety measures. The American Red Cross in the Greater New York Region has been taking
measures to alleviate this problem. The chapter participates in the organization s Home Fire
Preparedness Campaign, in which volunteers go around neighborhoods and install smoke alarms and
and distribute fire safety information. The campaign is very active in Bronx
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Landing the Helicopter of Hovering Moms Essay
Parents usually have the best intentions like protecting their children from life s hardships and
preparing them for adulthood. However as with many other aspects of parenting, the results do not
always match the intentions. Overprotective parents generally want to protect their children from
harm, hurt, pain, failure, unhappiness, bad experiences, rejection, and disappointment (Lindsey 1).
However, parents must realize that overprotective parenting has certain side effects. Parents believe
that they are doing a favor for their children by keeping them safe without realizing that this parenting
style can have severe effects on children such as robbing children of the essential life skills that they
need in order to have a healthy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As an adult, he might find it hard to take care of himself because he never developed coping skills to
deal with life s challenges (Agadoni 3). This causes a child to be dependent on his or her parents; it
creates the illusion that no matter what the situation, mommy or daddy will be there to fix it. This
mind set is extremely crippling because eventually children leave the nest and venture out in life
without the capability dealing with situations by themselves.
Helicopter parents often send the unintentional message to their child saying that they are incompetent
of doing things on their own like the things they attempt to accomplish independently are wrong.
Instead of letting their children experience a sense of autonomy by allowing them to accomplish
things on their own, an overprotective parent would step in and take control; again promoting
dependency. A lot of times, such dependency carries on into adulthood (Sade 1). Instead of being a
mature, responsible adult and taking things into their own hands; they call on their parents whenever
things get strenuous in their lives. Likewise, adults who still depend on their parents for everything do
not mature mentally and sometimes do not have the skills needed to become successful on their own.
For statistical understanding, the graph above shows the percentage of parents who admitted to
helping their adolescent and
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The document discusses racial barriers that still exist in America despite perceptions that discrimination is a thing of the past. It notes that Native Americans remain segregated on reservations with separate governance within the US. It questions why these racial barriers have not been fully dismantled if discrimination is believed to be overcome. The document seems to argue that racial barriers persist in subtle forms contrary to common beliefs.

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The document provides instructions for students to get writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

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16 Best Images Of Five Paragraph. Online assignment writing service.16 Best Images Of Five Paragraph. Online assignment writing service.
16 Best Images Of Five Paragraph. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for using a writing service to get help with assignments. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions if needed. It notes the service offers original, high-quality papers and refunds for plagiarized work.

Explain Why Teenagers Should Not Be Allowed To Vote
On the other hand, others argue that 16 year old shouldn t be allowed to vote because they re too
young, don t have taxes, and they won t benefit the voter turnout. Many people find young teenagers
very immature and rebellious. Crowley and Denver in their study, Votes at 16? The case against note,
as Peter the Hermit said in the 11th century: The young people have no reverence for their parents;
they are impatient of all restraint; they talk as if they alone know everything and what passes for
wisdom with us is foolishness for them, (57). This source implies that teenagers only care about
themselves and are very disrespectful to their elders, so how are they mature enough to vote? Another
argument is that if teenagers pay taxes, then they
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Technology As You Know It
Technology As You Know It In The 1980
What is your idea on technology? Is it phones or computers or maybe even transportation? Through
the past years technology progressed towards a brighter future. On June 29 2007 the first IPhone was
developed for the public, the iPhone 2g sure was not the best phone that has been developed but it was
a huge impact in the social economy. It was one of the first touchscreen phones everyone wanted one.
Since the first iPhone was developed, why not make more it s like every year a new one has
progressed to the public. Through the past 8 years there has been 8 generations of iPhones, the iPhone
3, 4, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6s, even the 6s plus crazy right. They have made it where you can download apps
which help you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Confronting an ongoing world economic recession and very high rates of unemployment throughout
certain parts of the world such as Europe, the EEC was looking for many new ways to get the most out
of its union. June, 1984, a meeting in Fontainebleau, France, established a Committee on Institutional
Affairs under the chairmanship of Irish Senator James Doodge. The committee proposed not only that
the EEC work harder toward achieving the already stated goal of abolishing frontiers with the
common market, but also that the European Parliament be given more decision making power and the
European Community be allowed a greater role in security and defense matters. Lord Arthur
Cockfield, Who was responsible for preparing a detailed program and timetable for completing the
internal market, took a more cautious approach that centered on economics, but that went far beyond
the current customs union. Space he oversaw the writing of completing the internal market: White
paper from the commission to the European Council (1985), which identified three categories of Barry
errors to be illuminated by 1992 physical Barry, such as border checks for goods and people at
national boundaries technical barriers such as national standards that discriminated against foreign
goods and physical barriers such as different types rates of indirect tax. At the mill in summit of June,
1985, the European Council endorsed Cockfields White paper and examined the report
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Criticism And Analysis Of Puddn Head Wilson
Criticism and Analysis of Puddn head Wilson
In American history, we have good authors, great authors and some bad. One of the most famous
authors and probably the greatest that everyone has heard of is Mark Twain. Twain was an American
author and humorist in American Literature. Twain was born in Florida, Missouri, on November 30,
1835. In his first writing, he adopted his pen name from a well known call of the man sounding the
river in shallow places.
In 1861 he went to Carson City, Nevada, as secretary to his brother. For two years he edited papers
and moved from place to place. In 1867 he visited France, Italy and Palestine. Twains two greatest
masterpieces, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were drawn from his childhood experiences and the
life on the Mississippi frontier. Mark Twain has a legacy as an American author because of his books
like Huckleberry Fin and Pudd nhead Wilson. He put his self in the American popular culture of
literature. Twains novels and stories are popular in the media. His work has been remade into comic
strips, children s films, and cartoons. His image and his words have also figured in commercial
advertising campaigns. He is one of the greatest.
Geneva Cobb Moore is a former Scholar of American and African American Literature at the
University of Ghana and Professor of English and Women s Studies at the University of Wisconsin
Whitewater. Caucasia s migrating bodies: lessons in American history and postmodernism is an article
written by
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How The Stereotypes Associated With My Identity Affect Me
I am an African American male who loves to dance, play sports, and rap. I fit into a multitude of
stereotypes of an African American male except I have never committed a crime or ever joined a gang.
Stereotypes can be true and not necessarily a bad thing; I think it is great I am good at basketball and
dancing. However, stereotypes can also be very harmful in our conception of other people. One might
see me walking down the street at night and assume I am a thug instead of an Honors student at
Loyola Marymount University. I do not want to delve into the topic of how the stereotypes associated
with my identity affect me; rather, I would like to analyze the negative effect of the stereotype of the
supposedly happy ideal luxurious woman in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The cultural stereotypes around gender are perceived as inevitable truths rather than stereotypes to be
challenged [that] undermine calls for equality between men and women (Donovan 17). This ignorance
causes people to think they only need to look at the surface level when judging a person s value as it
relates to gender. What happens when someone s value is reduced to only the stereotype they embody
and the clothes they wear? The seemingly happy stereotype of the luxurious woman does just that.
The stereotype of the luxurious woman portrays a woman who is extremely wealthy, adorned with
jewelry and designer clothing. At first glance, a woman might aspire to live that extravagant lifestyle.
The market plays into feeding this stereotype by marketing luxury items predominantly to women, and
women who can afford them invariably become luxury items themselves (Chocano 110). Almost all
the high end luxury brands like Prada and Tiffany and Co. are regarded as women s brands that also
offer a small selection of men s items. The targeting of woman by these brands cause the woman to
objectified as only a means to sell their product. The woman wearing all of the clothing becomes a
luxury item herself due to how rare it is for her to gain the financial freedom buy the clothes and
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The document provides instructions for completing an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to complete assignments through a bidding system while ensuring client satisfaction.

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The document discusses various causes and symptoms of hearing loss. It explains that hearing loss can be conductive, sensorineural, or mixed. Conductive hearing loss involves the ear bones, ear drum, or ear canal, while sensorineural relates to nerve damage in the inner ear. Common causes mentioned include infections, allergies, tumors, earwax buildup, ruptured eardrums, genetic conditions like otosclerosis, and disorders like Meniere's disease. Symptoms can include difficulty understanding speech and other sounds. The document provides an overview of different types and potential causes of hearing loss.

(PDF) How To Write A Scientifi
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Absolutism refers to a political theory and form of government where absolute power and authority is concentrated in the hands of a monarch or sovereign who is not bound by any constitution or laws and rules by divine right. Absolute monarchy is a form of monarchy where the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government, and is not restricted by laws, a constitution, or customs. Under absolutism, the absolute monarch wields unrestricted political power over the sovereign state and people. Some key absolutist monarchs included Louis XIV of France, who famously declared "L'état, c'est moi" ("I am the state"). Absolutism centralized authority in Europe in the 16th-17th centuries

The Extreme Expansion Of The Meat Industry
Today the industries are now dominated by a handful of huge corporations that process most of the
country s meat at several facilities across the country. As of 2007, four huge companies controlled the
processing of over 80% of the country s beef and three of these same companies process over 60% of
the country s pork. Chicken processing provides over half the country s chicken supply and even the
same situation exists for turkey meat. These four major companies are Tyson, JBS, Cargill, and
Smithfield Foods. As a result of all, meatpacking companies have become increasingly powerful,
while the government bodies that regulate them have done barely anything to keep them in line. The
extreme expansion of the meat industry has accompanied the ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
We do not want another family to have to suffer as our family did. Other diseases like Salmonella and
Campylobacter can also be introduced. In addition to these food safety risks, the use of hazardous
machinery and sharp knives can injure workers when mistakes are made. This danger is exacerbated
by the increasingly rapid speeds at which workers are expected to slaughter and process animals. This
can also cause AIDS and HIV when they come in contact with our foods, if workers get injured while
processing meats. The Federal health authorities have estimated that foodborne diseases affect 1 in 6
Americans, which is over 48 million people. These diseases cause 128,000 hospitalizations and kill
3,000 Americans every year. Likewise, a number of studies have confirmed the presence of harmful
bacteria in meat, in the US.
(put in examples) (each of the sections at least one time but you can do more) (in text citations) These
levels are unacceptable; the high levels of contamination are caused by the crowded conditions in
which conventional food animals are raised, as well as the high speed at which meat is processed. In
order to lower profits, meat processors have continually increased the speed of their production lines.
Twenty years ago, meatpacking plants slaughtered about 175 cattle an hour, but due to increased line
speeds, today plants can slaughter as many as 400 cattle per hour. In order to ensure the
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You Decide Week 4
Your Decide Assignment Week 4
ACC 553
1. John Smith tax issues:
a. How is the $300,000 treated for purposes of federal tax income?
In order to determining how the $300,000 fee was received as Federal income on the part Mrs. John
Smith, we first have to determine the requirements for income. According to Code Sec. 61(a)(1) of the
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) gross income includes all income from whatever source derived, that is
including the following items: compensation for services, including fees, commission, fringe benefits
and similar items (Intuit TaxAlmanac, 2006). In John s case, income received from fees that were paid
by his client from rendered services will meet that requirement of gross income. Under Section ...
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John currently leases the property for $3,500 per month for total of $42,000 annual payments.
Payment under a lease is deductible (Smith, Harmelink, amp; Hasselback, 2013). Rent is any amount
you pay for the use of the property you do not own (IRS.Gov, 2011). John can deduct rent as a
business expense only if the rent for the property is used solely for business. If John decides to
purchase the building he will indeed benefit from the purchase versus leasing the property. John will
benefit from Code Sec. 179, which allows him as a taxpayer to immediately expense a portion of the
cost of newly acquired depreciable property rather than depreciation it over multiple years (Smith,
Harmelink, amp; Hasselback, 2013). A taxpayer may elect to treat the cost of section 179 properties as
an expense, which is chargeable to capital account (Cornell University Law School, 2013). They are
limitations as to dollar amount that need to be taken into account under Section 179. If taxpayer places
more than $2,000,000 worth of section 179 properties into service during a single taxable year, than
under section 179 deductions is reduced, dollar for dollar, by the amount exceeding $2,000,000
threshold (Cornell University Law School, 2013). This threshold is reduced to $560,000 for years
beginning in 2012, and $200,000 thereafter (Cornell University Law School, 2013). In addition for the
purpose of
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Sunshine Skyway Bridge Essay
A bridge is a load bearing structure spanning a passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or
roadway. Some examples of bridge types are; suspension bridge (George Washington Bridge
connecting New Jersey with New York City), truss arch bridge (Hurricane Deck Bridge in Hurricane
Deck, Missouri), and a cable stayed bridge (The modern Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Saint
Petersburg). Another example is a cantilever bridge (the former Sunshine Skyway Bridge). Rarely do
these structures ever have catastrophic malfunctions, however, it does happen. The citizens of Saint
Petersburg, Florida who have lived here since 1980 remember the collapse of the old Sunshine
Skyway Bridge. On May 9, 1980, a large ship hit the Skyway in the fog and it collapsed, ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If a bridge isn t built right, with the correct physics and design, it is not going to be a stable, safe
passage. The pillars on the original Sunshine Skyway Bridge weren t deep enough in the ground, and
they were not close enough together. As mentioned previously, this caused cracks in the bridge. The
cracks were repaired, and the pillars were installed deeper and actually strengthened the bridge.
However, these corrections proved to be inadequate when the Skyway was struck by the freight ship.
When looking at old pictures of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, it is very evident that the gaps between
the pillars were too wide. When the ship collided with the bridge, the stress load was too much on the
remaining pillars, and the bridge instantly collapsed, with a large piece of the roadway actually left
sitting on the very ship that had just hit it. The way the pillars were installed on the Sunshine Skyway
Bridge, caused pressure that placed so much torque, or twist, on the concrete pillars. Once the pillars
on the bridge started cracking, they bent the I beam so much that when the tanker hit the beam the
bridge collapsed. Fearing for their own safety, due to questions about the stability of the remaining
bridge, rescuers were unable to search for survivors underneath the area of the destroyed bridge. 36
people were killed in this tragic
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Eli Lilly
Multinational Management (MSc IBM) Page 1/9
Version 2015 02 09 Academic Year 2014 2015 Course unit Title: Multinational Management Course
unit code: BMAN 70012 Credit Rating: 15 credits 1 Instructors Contact details
Umair.Choksy@mbs.ac.uk Room: MBS East F3 Office hours: by arrangement
Noemi.Sinkovics@mbs.ac.uk www.manchester.ac.uk/research/noemi.sinkovics Phone: (0161) 275
6492 Room: MBS East F11 Office hours: by arrangement
Name Umair Choksy (US) Course unit coordinator Dr Noemi Sinkovics (NS)
The University of Manchester, Manchester Business School, Booth Street West, Manchester M15
Course unit Objectives
This course has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Submission is in digital copy via blackboard. Your presentation slides must be submitted on
blackboard one day after the presentation. Your individual essay is due on the 27th April by 15:00 PM
on blackboard.
  
BMAN70012 201415 MM syllabus v20150209 // Last Update: Mon Feb 23, 2015 // NS
Multinational Management (MSc IBM) Page 3/9
Penalty for late submission of coursework
There is a penalty on all course units for late or non submission (where you have not been granted an
extension) of assessment: a loss of 10 marks per day (sliding scale), for up to 10 days. A day is 24
hours, i.e. the clock starts ticking as soon as the submission deadline has passed. A day includes

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This document provides instructions for requesting and obtaining writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work.

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William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers in English literature, known for his plays and poems that are still popular today. However, not much is known about Shakespeare's personal life as there are few surviving historical records about the man. The document provides a brief biography of William Shakespeare and notes that while he is celebrated for his artistic works, he remains a mysterious figure due to the lack of biographical information available.

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I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable generating or continuing a personal narrative without the consent of the person it is about.

weekends and weekdays. You may additionally be required to complete a form acknowledging your
late submission. 6.4 Plagiarism
Students should read carefully the section on plagiarism in their handbook, and be aware of the severe
penalties that will follow proven cases of plagiarism. 7 7.1 Schedule Week, date, location overview
Week // Date // Time // Room // Lecturer // 1 // Mon 26 Jan 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West //
UC // 2 // Mon 02 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 3 // Mon 09 Feb 2015 // 10:00
13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 4 // Mon 16 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 5 //
Mon 23 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 6 // Mon
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The Massacre Of The Columbine
Few things that happen in the United State can move a whole country into action, but when they do
happen it will leave an impression that cannot be easily erased. This is the case with the infamous
Columbine. Columbine is a name that will forever resonate in the minds of those who have lived
through and survived the bloody incident that will forever change the world. It only took Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold one day and a few weeks of careful planning to strike fear into the eyes of a whole
nation and for some families bringing their happy lives tumbling down to sadness of losing a loved
one. Twelve students and one teacher were killed in the deadliest massacre before Sandy Hook and
they will never leave the memories of the people of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
soon the website had a list of all the people they wanted to kill and the amount of guns they had in
their possession. The two friends started thinking about a plan to kill as many people as they could.
They began to post videos explaining what they wanted to do and that they planned to rival the
Oklahoma bombing that happened a few years before them. Another one of their plans was taking
over a jetliner and crashing it into a building across the country in New York city. Many times on the
same website they stated their plans to flee the state and even country. The final plan they decided on
was to rig bombs in the High School cafeteria and exploding them when it was at capacity, then as the
survivors ran out of the school they would shoot at the mass of frantic bodies, as first responders
arrived on the scene they would then set off bombs rigged to cars in the parking lot. Once they settled
on this plan they began preparing. In the nearby hills they retreated to begin target practicing and
learning how to set off their homemade explosives. The pair had many weapons in their possession
including, Intratec TEC DC9, Hi point 995 carbine, Savage 67H pump action shotgun, Stevens 311D
double barreled sawed off shotgun, 99 explosive devices, and 4 knives. The most unsettling part is that
they were able to make the explosives by a quick search on the internet. Everything was set for these
two teenagers to execute a plan of mass murder and to
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How Does Hinton Use Symbols In The Outsiders
What is symbolism and how can it be used to enhance the storyline? S.E Hinton uses symbolism in the
novel, The Outsiders, in these ways. S.E. Hinton enhances the story with sunsets by making
something that Socs and Greasers can have the same opinion about, which is peacefulness. She also
uses the Greasers hair to make a difference between the Socs and the Greasers because each gang
prefers their hairstyles differently. The most important symbol S.E. Hinton uses it the blue Mustang,
she uses blue Mustangs to intensify the story and make it more exciting.
There is a symbol that reoccurs throughout The Outsiders to enhance the plot which is the blue
Mustang. When this symbol is used it usually refers that danger is near or approaching one of the main
characters. This symbol is used on page 36, We all looked and saw a blue Mustang coming down the
street. Johnny made a small noise in his throat and when I looked at him he was white . The blue
Mustang enhances the storyline by making a suspense in the plot. The suspense is made to excite the
reader to continue to read and stay interested in the novel. For example, on page 36 the blue Mustang
pulls up and Two bit, Johnny, Marica, Cherry and Ponyboy get scared. The blue Mustang creates a
suspense in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hinton uses another symbol to enhance the storyline which is the sunsets. When S.E. Hinton uses
sunsets to describe something that both the Greasers and Socs enjoy watching. Also when S.E. Hinton
uses sunsets, she uses them to create peace and something that Greasers and Socs can talk about
peacefully and without fighting. This symbol is used on page 73, It wasn t Cherry the Soc who was
helping us, it was Cherry the dreamer who watched sunsets and couldn t stand fights . This symbol
enhances the plot of the story because S.E. Hinton wanted to show that Socs and Greasers have some
things in common and using sunsets was the perfect way to do it. This is how S.E. Hinton uses sunsets
to enhance the storyline in the
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Jazz Guitar Ensemble Analysis
The Vocal Jazz Ensemble The Jazz Guitar Ensemble
Glendale Community College Auditorium May 19,2018 7:30pm
Jazz Guitar Ensemble
Now s the Time Charlie Parker arr. Mark Taylor
Calypso Mood John Baboian
All of Me Seymour Simons, Gerald Marks arr. Mark Taylor
Seven Come Eleven Benny Goodman, CHarlie Christian
I ll Remember April Gene DePaul, Patricia Johnston, Don Raye arr. Kevin Brunkhorst
Tear It Down Wes Montgomery arr. Chip Henderson
Vocal Jazz Ensemble
The Pink Panther Henry Macini arr. Jay Althouse
Don t You Worry Bout A Thing Stevie Wonder arr. Roger Emerson
Lately Stevie Wonder
60 s Rewind arr. Kirby Shaw
Vocal improvisation
Gravity Sara Bareilles
True Colors Billy Steinberg,Tom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The director of this part was the wife of Byron Delto, Clare Delto. They had also one Armenian
accompanist Leon Thomasian. If I am not mistaken he was alumni of Glendale Community College
and had a master degree in music. The first piece of this part was the old music composed by Henry
Macini and arranged by Jay Althouse called The Pink Panther . I like the mood that this music brings
with it. I use to play this song on the piano during my childhood. It was very interesting to hear this
music with the unique performance of this ensemble. They were imitating the music without a single
world and it was awesome because with the variation, tone, accents and temp in their voices and with
the gestures and mimics of their body they were bringing to me the feeling of something strange that
would happen within every moment and then in the ending there is a culmination of this story with
atonal harmony. Then a solo male artist probably a student started singing an acapella the famed song
Lately by Stevie Wonder. It was a very spectacular performance without any microphone or special
equipment for voice enhancing. I am pretty sure that he had a strong tenor voice with a very artistic
behavior. After 60 s Rewind arranged by Kirby Shaw came for me probably the most interesting part
of vocal improvisation. It started by couple bars of
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1. The document discusses an essay writing service jobs application process that involves 5 steps: creating an account, completing an order form, reviewing writer bids and choosing one, authorizing payment after receiving satisfactory work, and requesting revisions if needed. 2. Writers submit bids and the client chooses a writer based on qualifications, history, and feedback. The service guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund. 3. Clients can request revisions to ensure satisfaction with the completed work. The service aims to fully meet client needs.

Custom Research Paper Writing Service - Homework And Study Help.
Custom Research Paper Writing Service - Homework And Study Help.Custom Research Paper Writing Service - Homework And Study Help.
Custom Research Paper Writing Service - Homework And Study Help.

The document provides information about a custom research paper writing service. It outlines 5 steps for using the service: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction. The service promises original, high-quality papers and refunds for plagiarized work.

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Here are the key points about the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) requirement to provide high quality liquid assets (HQLA): - The LCR aims to ensure that banks have an adequate stock of unencumbered high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) that can be converted easily and immediately in private markets into cash to meet their liquidity needs for a 30 calendar day liquidity stress scenario. - HQLA are comprised of assets that meet strict qualifying criteria for liquidity and credit quality. They include Level 1 assets (e.g. cash, central bank reserves), Level 2A assets (e.g. certain sovereign and multilateral development bank debt), and Level 2B assets (e

Utility Models Case Study
This is also tied with high fixed cost of registering and enforcing patent legal rights. Utility Models
are significantly cheaper and faster to register as well as a shorter protection period, therefore fosters
incremental technological advances at a much faster rate than patents, which takes a long time to turn
Generally, the fees for getting utility models is lower than those of patents. As mentioned previously,
there is no substantive examination of utility model applications in most countries no examination fee
is required for registration. Like patents, maintenance or renewal fees must be paid in order to
maintain the registration, but at a lower cost than patents. (WIPO 2017). The official costs for filing,
granting, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To file for international patent, actors have to go through preliminary examination, performed by an
International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA)[citation]. The Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT) was made in 1970 which unified procedure for filing patent applications to each contracting
states. There is no such thing as international patent, however, PCTapplication establishes that all
contracting countries must follow specified phases to proceed toward granting patents. It is essentially
a standard national patent application that contracting countries abide to follow. This creates
organization of patent application by each countries and allows contracting countries to have access to
those patent information. According to WIPO, as of March 16, 2017, the PCT has now 152 contracting
states, which is majority of countries around the world.In the case for utility models, the international
obligation does not exists, meaning countries may freely determine what conditions for protection
they consider appropriate for their domestic setting. It is far flexible in terms of fitting the local,
domestic needs compared to patents. However, according to The
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Persuasive Essay On Destroying The Earth
If you were informed at a young age that you must reside in the same house until you pass away,
would you lead a lifestyle that results in the destruction of your only permanent shelter? Would you
shatter the windows, smash the appliances, and wreck the structure almost to a point of no return?
Your answer to these questions would most likely be no, because any logical person would see the
absurdity in irresponsibly ruining the one place you are confined to for your entire life. Why, then,
does the human race have such difficulty applying this same concept on a larger scale? Why do we
struggle to realize that the collective choices we make affect our surroundings in a monumental way?
Why do we not take the utmost care in preserving the only home we have ever known? If Earth is the
sole place in which living organism can dwell, why are we are steadily destroying it?
The simple answer to these questions is that people naturally have difficulty fathoming what does not
physically manifest. If an issue is not concrete, heated debate over its legitimacy ensues. Even so, the
deeply concerning problem with waiting until the impact of our decisions is visibly apparent is that it
will be too late to reverse the effects by then. Environmental catastrophes triggered by the actions of
humankind are already creeping up on our world like a sluggishly approaching grim reaper, and we
need to take the initiative to ensure our longevity and safety. Of all the obstacles that present
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Public Health Nutrition Personal Statement
Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to do something special in life. I was born in a small
village in Mexico where public health and education were very limited. In 1996, my family and I got
the opportunity to move to the United States. This move brought me closer than I had ever thought
possible to accomplishing my dream of becoming a registered dietitian and working in public health
nutrition. I have always valued my education because where I am from it was really difficult to study
beyond middle school. Here, in the United States, I have gotten the chance to further my education
beyond high school.
In 2009, I became a U.S. citizen and enrolled in Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) where I
acquired my Associates in Science degree. While at PSCC, I had the chance to study abroad and
volunteer in Segovia, Spain, where I taught English to elementary school children. I also assisted the
nurses at Los Hermanos Franciscanos de la Cruz Blanca, a center for the poor and disabled, where I
helped with patient care, feedings, daily exercises and workshops. I really enjoyed working with
people that cared about others health and well being. It was a life changing experience. ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
During my first semester at UTK, I became a member of the Educational Advancement Program
(EAP). This was formerly known as the McNair Program. In 2014, I enrolled in their Summer
Research Institute which enabled me to participate in research for the first time. This position helped
me improve my writing skills, increased my oral communication skills and confidence, as well as
introduced me to one of my mentors, Dr. Katie Kavanagh, with whom I have continued working. I
was also able to attend the 21st Annual McNair Conference and had the chance to meet many
scholars. I can honestly say my participation in the EAP has contributed greatly to my academic
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Message to the Black Man In America
Elijah Robert Poole was born on October 7,1897 in Sandersville Georgia. He was the sixth of thirteen
children born to William Poole Sr and Mariah Poole. He is famous for being an African American
religious leader and the leader of the Nation Of Islaem from 1934 until he died in 1975. He ended his
education in the fourth grade to help his family by working as a sharecropper until he left home at age
16 to work in factories. On March 17, 1917 he married Clara evans and like many blacks at the time
migrated for the jim crow south to Hamtramack Michigan for better job opportunities. While living in
Michigan Poole and his wife had 8 children. In 1931 Poole attended his first speech on Islam and
black empowerment by Wallace D Fard. Afterwards ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He states that the civilized mans job is to educate his people and if he doesn t do this job that he is
uncivilized or savage. Muhammad encourages us to adopt the names our 20 million ancestors. He
believes that a name states where is from and that Negroes with European names are wrong. He states
that we should have a name that links us to our home land Africa. He goes on to encourage us to work
for ourselves. We should work to acquire our own land because for any nation to survive they must
have ownership of there own land. He says that blacks are without a state to call their own and that we
have nothing to show for more than 310 years of forced slaver and more the 100 years of free
servitude. He encourages us to go to school and take our knowledge back to our homeland to teach our
own kind and to take the money that we make and spend on each other instead of taking it and giving
it to the slave masters children. Muhammad briefly speaks on the black women and says that we
should love pprotect and cherish them. He says that without them our race would not be able to
continue. He says that The Women is the mans field to produce his nation and that no race will ever
respect us until we can learn to respect our women. Muhammad believes that no nation on Earth
disrespects there women more then the black nation. He even states that animals treat there female
counterparts with more respect then we do. He states that we
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The document discusses an experiment that investigated the effects of different sodium chloride concentrations on growth characteristics, osmotic potential, and chlorophyll content of faba bean seedlings. It found that while low salt concentrations increased plant height, higher concentrations inhibited growth. Salinity decreased osmotic potential and chlorophyll a content in the seedlings as the concentration and duration of exposure increased.

How To Write A Short Essay Humble Blog About Acade
How To Write A Short Essay  Humble Blog About AcadeHow To Write A Short Essay  Humble Blog About Acade
How To Write A Short Essay Humble Blog About Acade

The document discusses the sleep disturbances experienced by the author due to pain in their lower left leg and back. They wake up stiff and sore, with a deep bone ache that is worsened by walking or standing. Massage provides some relief but the pain intensifies with increased activity. Their gait is altered, favoring the right side, and they rely heavily on a cane for mobility. The chronic pain and limited mobility negatively impact daily tasks and work.

How To Insert A Citation In A Paper - Perair
How To Insert A Citation In A Paper - PerairHow To Insert A Citation In A Paper - Perair
How To Insert A Citation In A Paper - Perair

The document discusses how to purchase mobile phones from OnePlus, a Chinese manufacturer, through their store on Amazon India. It describes the three phone models available - the OnePlus One, Two, and X. It notes the success of the OnePlus One and improvements in the Two like a stronger alloy frame. Customers can choose between 16GB and 64GB storage options for the Two. The OnePlus X comes in ceramic, champagne and onyx colors. Purchasing from OnePlus through Amazon India allows customers to experience their high quality phones and wireless technology.

Strict Liabilty
Strict Liability
Strict Liability
The question this week deals with product liability, on the ground of strict liability. Bob was shopping
at Carl s Hardware store. One of Carl s employee s named Dan was using a nail gun and it fired
without warning. A nail struck Bob in the leg. After checking the nail gun Carl discovers the
manufacture, Eagle Tools, Inc., improperly assembled the tool. Bob files a suit against Eagle Tools,
Inc, for product liability, on the ground of strict liability. The elements for action based on strict
liability will be covered, who the court will like rule in favor of, and why in the following paragraphs.
The doctrine for product liability applies to the seller of goods. This ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The six elements discussed above will de reviewed. First, it seems the product was defective with the
information provided. Second, the defendant is engaged in the business of selling that product. Eagle
Tools, Inc. is the manufacturer. Third, the product seems unreasonably dangerous in its defective state.
The product was dangerous beyond expectation. It fired without the trigger being activated. Fourth,
Bob did incur physical harm. Fifth, was the defective condition the proximate cause of harm? This is
where an argument can be made with the information provided. For Bob he believes this to be true, so
he feels this is met. Sixth, with the information provided it must be assumed the product was not
substantially changed from the time the product was sold to the time the injury sustained. With all the
information provided I feel Bob meets the requirements to file a suit. The last two questions need to be
covered. Who will the court rule in favor of and why? Up to this point it was been covered why Bob
can bring suit against Eagle Tool, Inc. Let s not forget Eagle Tool, Inc has the opportunity to provide a
defense to the claim. With the information provided they have no defense under Assumption of risk,
Product misuse, nor comparative negligence. It was covered above in the fifth element that there is
room to argue the defective condition was the proximate cause of harm. Dan, Carl s employee was
handling the
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Michigan State University Scholarship Essay
First, I would like to thank the organizations responsible for funding this research work, including
Michigan State University for travel funding supports, and National Institute of Health (NIH) for
research funding. I greatly appreciate the investments made by the organizations in my development
as a scientist. My undergraduate education at Ocean University of China (OUC) laid a solid
foundation for my scientific career. With the abundant research funding provided by OUC, I was able
to start real scientific research when I was a sophomore, and I gradually recognized my interest and
potential in research, which served as the initial motivation to continue my education in a graduate
school. The knowledge, skills and scientific habits I acquired from these research experiences also
facilitate my graduate study. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Importantly, I would like to thank Dr. Dana M. Spence, my advisor, for his guidance in the past three
and a half years. He does not push his students too much, but let them develop independently. He will
check your progress to make sure you are on the correct track. This free atmosphere made me feel
comfortable, but also trained me to conduct research in a more independent manner and make plans
for myself. I believe the training I have received from him is invaluable, which will undoubtedly
benefit me throughout life. I would also like to thank Dr. L. Karl Olson from the department of
physiology at MSU, who trained me how to culture INS 1 cells in his laboratory, without which, this
research work cannot be completed. I also appreciated the help provided by Dr. Merlin Bruening and
Dr. David P. Weliky in the past a few
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Burj Khalif An Embodiment Of Islamic Architecture
Burj Khalifa is the largest megatall skyscraper in the world, standing at an astounding 828 meters
(2716.5 feet). It serves as the centerpiece for downtown Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up
its country, and was designed by Adrian Smith, then representing Skidmore, Owings Merrill. It was
under construction from January of 2004, until December of 2009, finally opening its doors on
January 4th of 2010. The building is an embodiment of Islamic architecture, incorporating both
cultural and historical elements of the region into the visage of the building. This style was chosen
very deliberately, meant to enrich the, at the time, recently developed downtown Dubai. The building
has since received widespread international attention for various reasons. Some laud the records that
the building shattered and the many awards it has received, while others commend the manner in
which it has elevated the city of Dubai.
The Dubai government decided to build the Burj Khalifa as a way to diversify their economic
portfolio. Their economy had long been based solely on oil and they decided that they wanted to
generate more interest and international recognition for Dubai, thus increasing tourism and overall
improving the emirate s economy. The skyscraper served its purpose and drew a lot of additional
interest towards Dubai, receiving many awards. For example, the Burj Khalifa is recognized as the
tallest existing, or ever built, free standing structure. It is also the building
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Why Is Oj Simpson Wrong
Eddie Aspuru Professor Gamez CJE 2600 12 May 2015 Most crimes now a days just get swept under
the rug. Unless there is public outcry or the media decides that it can benefit their company. Then
there is Orenthal James Simpson aka O.J. Simpson . Former 1968 Heisman trophy winner, and 1985
NFL Hall of Famer inductee. All those accolades didn t do anything to help him on June 12, 1994
when Simpson s wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were found murdered at
the Simpson household in Brentwood, California. O.J. was charged with both their deaths, he later
would be acquitted of all charges. His lawyer was Robert Kardashian the father of Kim Kardashian.
O.J. Simpson s life began on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Where did this happen? At the condo of O.J. s ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson. Who did it? Her ex
husband O.J. Simpson was accused of criminal homicide or capital murder. What happened? Nicole
Brown Simpson and her co worker Ronald Goldman. Investigators don t know you could say it was
out anger, or hate for Nicole divorcing O.J. Just a few minutes after midnight on June 12, 1994. Nicole
Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found brutally murdered in front of Nicole s condo in
Brentwood, California. The scene is extremely gruesome and from pictures that are shown was a
crime completely out of rage no if and or buts about it. Here is a very in depth timeline of the events
leading up to the murder being discovered. Nicole Brown Simpson along with friends and family go
out to dinner at a restaurant named Mezzaluna around six thirty pm. They finish their meal at 8 pm.
Nicole s mother leaves her glasses at the restaurant and Mr. Goldman offers to go pick them up.
Sometime between nine and nine thirty pm O.J. and Brian Kaelin a friend staying at his guest house
go to eat dinner at Mc Donald s. They eat rather quickly and are back at the Simpson Residence at
nine forty five pm. Sometime between finishing dinner with Simpson and returning the glasses Nicole
wanted back; Goldman arrives at her apartment. The police recreated the night of the crime and
believe that Goldman arrived after, or during the killing of Nicole; obviously he was shortly killed
after by
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This document provides a 5-step guide for writing an assignment with an online writing service: 1. Create an account and provide contact information. 2. Complete an order form with instructions, sources, deadline and attach a sample for style matching. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications and feedback. 4. Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment. Free revisions are provided. 5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction. Plagiarized work results in a full refund.

Writing About Art
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Writing About Art

I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing a detailed analysis or summary of that website or individual.

How To Quote A Movie In Mla - ShortQuotes.Cc
How To Quote A Movie In Mla - ShortQuotes.CcHow To Quote A Movie In Mla - ShortQuotes.Cc
How To Quote A Movie In Mla - ShortQuotes.Cc

The passage discusses the author's childhood experience learning the piano despite a lack of passion for it, as their father hoped they would discover a musical talent. While struggling to play piano, the author did not have an interest in it. They believe music can be an expression of one's feelings and identity, though they are still seeking to uncover their own talent and purpose.

A Letter To Associated Students Of Western Oregon University
Dear Associated Students of Western Oregon University, Rex Fuller
When I decided to go to Western Oregon University, I knew I was going to a small school, and I
wanted that. I know only 5,382 students go to Western and that is not much bigger than my high
school.The reason I came was for the Western for the WOU women s rugby team. When I came to
WOU, I expected more support from the school and am very disappointed. Did you know that the
Western Oregon women s rugby team has gone to the conference finals three years in a row? And in
2015 and 2016, they were back to back champions? Yet the rugby team and other clubs get little to no
funding and support from the university.
The football team has fought to have a winning season since 2000, ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
WOU could easily become one of the top schools in the country for rugby. All the rugby program
would need is more support from the university. In fact, this is an excerpt from a NCAA article about
For all institutions, it is an economical way to offer a popular women s athletic activity for current and
incoming students. To field a women s rugby team, the basic needs include: 1) a pool of existing or
incoming students that want to play, 2) a coach, 3) a soccer sized field for practice and competition,
and 4) developing a schedule with local, regional and national competitive opportunities.
WOU already has all of those things and a club that is already performing at a high level, yet, rugby is
not considered a sport by the university.
By support, I do not necessarily mean money. All though money would be nice because rugby runs all
their own fundraisers and gets no financial support from the school. Currently the rugby teams
compete with the lacrosse teams for a field to practice on. Even when the rugby teams are allowed to
practice, the field is double or triple booked, meaning they have a small half or quarter of the field to
practice on. In fact, most nights the football field is completely unoccupied. If the rugby teams and
lacrosse teams could use the football field or other empty fields, there would be less frustration about
practice time. Clubs aren t even allowed to use the empty weight rooms on campus. This forces the
club teams to try and use the
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Kennedy s Appendectomy
Kennedy was enrolled at the Edward Devotion School in Brookline for his elementary years. For
grade four, he was educated at Noble and Greenough Lower School and the Dexter School. The
family moved to New York in 1927, which enrolled young Jack in Riverdale Country School, a private
school for boys, from grade five to seven. Then, at age 13, Kennedy attended Canterbury School in
Connecticut, which he had to withdraw due to an appendectomy. 1931, John attended Choate
Rosemary Hall for ninth through twelveth grade. His older brother Joe Jr. had already been at Choate
for two years and was a football player and leading student, which gave John insecurities, leading to
his rebellious behaviors, one of which being exploding a toilet seat with a
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The Disadvantages Of Virtual Reality In Schools
Every day, we are discovering new ways to learn, and Virtual Reality is making a big impression on
schools. Virtual Reality, also known as VR, come in headsets that make the environment look like a
video game, creating a simulation that seeks past reality using advanced technology. It can VR can be
a useful learning tool, however can come with risky, long term disadvantages such as causing health
issues, making one lose a sense of reality and have functionality issues. First of all, VR can be
alarmingly harmful to health. The Achieve3000 News Article called, Looks Great, But Is It Really? ,
written in 2016 by an unknown author says, There have been reports of people experiencing nausea
after wearing VR headsets. In addition, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Over time or maybe just when you open it out of the box, the headsets have a chance of not working
and can lead to a complete waste of money. Elizabeth Mann, owner of a blog, write this on her article,
Is virtual reality ready for school? , Once the various components are functioning smoothly, modular
products can be sold and used individually. Horn suggests that various edtech innovations would
benefit from concentrated development in an integrated environment otherwise, individual products
may hit the market but will not function smoothly in classrooms and schools. You may buy the
product hoping it will run smoothly, but there s no affirmation. Another piece of evidence is an article
called, The Pros and Cons of Using Virtual Reality In The Classroom by Paula Hicks, suggests, Like
with any programmed software, things can often go wrong. When things go wrong, you students
learning activity is over until the tool is fixed. This can be quite expensive and also inconvenient. You
don t want to spends hundreds of dollars just to get the headset fixed again, it s not worth the cost,
especially when there s plenty of other ways for teachers to teach and students to
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Comparison Of Mexico And Brazil Essay
Brazil and Mexico are both the giants of their geographic realms (de Blij and Muller 219,254).
Mexico constitutes an entire geographic region of Middle America (200). The country of Brazil is also
considered a single region in South America (239). Both of these regions have very large populations
in comparison to the other regions of their realms. Mexico s current population of 102 million people
has more than doubled in size since 1970 (219). Brazil s estimated population is currently near 167
million people (254). The populations of both regions are becoming increasingly more urban in
character. At least seventy four percent of Mexico s population resides in cities or towns (220).
Similarly in Brazil, eighty percent of the population ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Brazil lacked the large work force provided by the greater Amerindian population of Mexico. The
Amerindians of Mexico were already familiar with working for native overlords, making the transition
to working under a Spanish overlord a relatively smooth process (Suchlicki 31). To compensate for the
lack of an indigenous work force, the Portuguese began to bring African slaves into Brazil as early as
1433. Out of the total population of the Brazilian colony in 1585 numbering some 57,000 people,
14,000 were African slaves (Burns 49). Although the Spanish who colonized Mexico were by no
means innocent of enslaving Africans, the large numbers of Amerindians provided the bulk of the
work force on Mexican plantations (Suchlicki 31).
These historical differences in the regions of Brazil and Mexico are still evident in their populations of
today. The Amerindian influence is strong in Mexico. While only ten percent of the population is full
Amerindian (de Blij and Muller 220), the cultural influence remains greater than in Brazil. Less than
one percent of the population is full Amerindian in Brazil (Microsoft Encarta). The population of
Mexico is largely mestizo, people with mixed European and Amerindian ancestries (de Blij and
Muller 220). The population of Brazil is much more diverse; it is more heavily influenced by
European immigrations. The large numbers of slaves brought into Brazil from Africa have maintained
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This summary analyzes the theme of truth versus ignorance in the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles. The main characters Gene and Finny represent the opposing forces of truth and ignorance. While Gene comes to accept the truth, Finny remains blinded by ignorance. A key moment occurs when another character, Leper, reveals the truth about Gene's involvement in Finny's fall, which Finny is unable to accept emotionally as it shatters his innocence. The story shows how truth can illuminate even the deepest ignorance.

How To Exploit Your ProfessorS Marking Guide To Write A Bette
How To Exploit Your ProfessorS Marking Guide To Write A BetteHow To Exploit Your ProfessorS Marking Guide To Write A Bette
How To Exploit Your ProfessorS Marking Guide To Write A Bette

This summary provides the key details from the document in 3 sentences: The document discusses how to exploit a professor's marking guide to write a better paper by following 5 steps: 1) create an account on the site, 2) complete an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) choose a writer based on their bid, qualifications and reviews, 4) ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment, and 5) request revisions until fully satisfied with the high-quality original content provided. The document also discusses personality types and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, which classifies people into preferred types based on Carl Jung's psychological theories.

100Th Day Of School Worksheets And Printouts
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This document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a paper writing request to the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a form with paper details, sources, and deadline. 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize final payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The purpose is to outline the process for students to request writing help and papers from the website.

Roadside Memorials Essay
Roadside memorials are seen on the side of a street or highway often times after the passing of a loved
one in a car accident. While a grave marks where a body is finally laid, the roadside memorial marks
the last place where a person was alive. The memorial is usually kept up by family and close friends
and is decorated with flowers, messages, and a cross or plaque. However, often times controversial,
these families believe that their moral authority to remember a loved one trumps any governmental
regulations set in place.
While they have been recently popping up throughout the Western world, they do demonstrate cultural
norms through the materials left behind at the memorial site; often times, they replicate structures
similar to ones ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Roadside memorials often times do this because civil and governmental bodies do not allow the
memorials to take place. Governmental authorities view the road as a public space and it is their duty
to ensure that the roads are safe and can view erected memorials as potential distractions to drivers.
There are civil bodies that allow them appear but only when they are regulated. However, to some
families, these limited memorials are not accurate representations of their feelings and how they want
to honor the deceased loved ones. Within the past five decades, numerous things have perpetuated this
change from the conventional into the newly popular roadside commemorative methods. Whether it
was the counter culture and civil rights movement of the 1960 s or the gradual distrust in government,
more people feels as if their moral authority trumps governmental superintended rules. Although civil
bodies want to confine the size and amount of time a memorial is up for, the grieving families do not
see the purpose of having such restrictions. In some ways, these memorials can be seen as a
performance focus for those who visit. Although there are not literal stage performers with music and
lights, the way the memorials are carried out reflects those who died and the ones he or she is survived
by. The focus of these shrines is to commemorate a fallen loved one or friend. While memorials are
commonly adorned with pictures and personal items, the way
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The Influence Of Cheetos In Popular Culture
Popular culture is what combines ideas and objects generated by a society, including commercial,
political, media, and other systems, as well as the impact of these ideas and objects on society. And
food tends to be a part of it, since culture does indeed affect our eating practice. One particular food
that was introduced during the 1940s and is still going strong is Cheetos. And here we are going to
focus on how Cheetos came to be and the reasons why it was introduced and its effect on our eating
habits and diets.
Cheetos is a brand of cheese flavored, cornmeal snacks made by Frito Lay. Fritos creator Charles
Elmer Doolin invented Cheetos in 1948, and began national distribution in the U.S. In 2010, Cheetos
was ranked as the top selling brand of cheese puffs in the primary market of the United States and its
worldwide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The coating of cheese, salt tends to send our bain pleasure feelings, leading us to eat more and more.
Thus it becomes very addictive.
In conclusion, Cheetos has and still is playing a big role in media attention, as the use of convenience
foods is increasing. What we eat is somehow determined by the interaction between economic,
technological, social values, in other words by pop culture.
Processed Foods History: 1910s to 1950s. Modern Pioneer Mom. N.p., 2012. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.
History of Cheetos. History of Cheetos. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.
Elert, Emily. Why You Can t Stop Eating Cheetos. Popular Science. N.p., 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 26 Nov.
Clear, James. What Happens to Your Brain When You Eat Junk Food | James Clear. James Clear. N.p.,
14 Sept. 2016. Web. 26 Nov.
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Roe V Wade Case Summary
1. The issue before the Supreme Court on the case of Roe v. Wade was on abortion. In august 1969 a
single pregnant woman based in Texas wanted to get rid her pregnancy through an abortion. But her
doctor denied the request on a reason that it was against the Texas law. Then Jane Roe identified by
the media as Norma McCorvey sued her doctor for refusing to abort her baby she sought legal help
and filed against henry wade, district attorney for Dallas County, Texas. Jane Roe argued that the law
of Texas was unconstitutional. She later on requested an injunction to restrain Henry Wade. Roe s
lawyer claimed Texas abortion law violated her rights under due process clause of the 14th
2. The facts of the supreme court in a 7 2 decision declared that it was the legal right to an abortion
under the fourteenth amendment the case filed by McCorvey against her doctor. The district attorney
of Dallas County from 1951 1987 he enforced a Texas law which prohibited abortion. Even though
Roe v. Wade was the defining abortion case in the United States, McCorvey never actually had the
abortion. The case took three years to reach the Supreme Court, during which time McCorvey gave
birth to her baby and put her up for adoption. Norma McCorvey eventually became a Christian, left
her job at an abortion clinic, and would go on to become a powerful pro life voice. McCorvey had the
following to say about a moment of conversion
3. The decision about the roe v. wade case was in its ruling,
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Perform Ten Resistance Training Exercise
3. Perform ten resistance training exercises and describe which phase of the exercise is the eccentric,
concentric and isometric phase of the movement. At which phase is the muscle the strongest? Why?
When performing the bench press, lowering the bar to your chest (down phase) this movement is
considered an eccentric contraction. When lifting the bar off your chest (up phase) this movement is
considered a concentric contraction. If we modify the exercise and we bring the weight down to the
chest and hold this position, this fixed position of the bar is considered an isometric contraction.
During the up phase, the pectoralis major is at its strongest because the muscle is contracted at its full
potential, holding and maintaining the weight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the body lowers in this exercise, the chest, shoulders, triceps, and abdominals are all contracted,
which is a concentric contraction. As the body rises back up to the starting position, this movement is
an eccentric contraction. The muscles are at its strongest in this exercise when the body is in the down
phase and maintaining a muscle contraction on the way back up to the starting position.
Upright rows, when the barbell is raised, this movement is a concentric contraction. During this
contraction, the trapezius are at its strongest in this point in the movement. As the weight is lowered
back to its starting position, this movement downward is an eccentric contraction.
Barbell rows, when the body is about to perform the exercise (preparatory phase) and is griping the
bar, this is an isometric contraction. When the bar is raised and touching the upper abdominals, this is
a concentric contraction. The latissimus dorsi, trapezius, posterior deltoids and biceps, are all activated
during this exercise and are the strongest when the bar is touching the upper portion of the
abdominals. When the bar is lowered and brought back to the starting position, this is an eccentric
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure needs are fully met. The service uses a bidding system and promises original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

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The document discusses the history and modern usage of the tallit, a Jewish prayer shawl. Traditionally, only men wore tallits during prayer services, as the commandment to wear tzitzit fringes originated in the Bible. In recent years, some women have begun wearing tallits as well, as part of a movement toward gender equality in Judaism and to express their personal styles. The document explores the origins of the tallit in Jewish tradition, the reasons why some women have adopted wearing it, and how the tallit can be used for personal expression.

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The document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net writing service in 5 steps: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Review the paper and authorize payment if pleased, with free revisions available. 5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarism.

Empty Nest Syndrome Analysis
I chose the link attached because the article is based on a study on parental health and well being in
relation to empty nest transition. When I read the article all that I can think of is my mother how she
felt when I left home. The study touches quite a bit of everything related to empty nest syndrome:
cultural differences, the type of relationship between parent and child, parents who works vice staying
at home mom (or dad) and off time launches and violation of social schedule expectations (Mitchell
Lovegreen, 2006). It would give a different perspective on my classmates on probable health issues on
parents when a child leaves home.
In 1983 I really did not have any thought on how my mother must have felt when I left home. I was
happy, I found myself a job away from home. By reading the chapter and the link that I have attached
on this subject, it gave me a different perspective on how my mother must have felt when I left home
and why she became very depressed. Unknown to me back then, she was grieving and was unable to
cope with her loneliness. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My decision to leave home was very abrupt and I did not have a care in the world on what I was
leaving behind. I was determined that it was time for me to leave the nest and experience life.
Settersten, (2003B) wrote that thus, expectations and meanings about the timing of, and reasons for,
home leaving are important factors in shaping how parents respond to their children s leaving home.
The failure to comply or cope effectively with these normative demands may produce negative social
and psychological outcomes for young adults as well for their parents (Mitchell Lovegreen,
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Monarchy Vs. Democracy In Ancient Rome
The Roman government is very unique compared to others. While many places had either a monarchy
or democracy the Romans found a way to have both. The Roman empire had both a senate and an
emperor. The Senate made up the Democracy part having elected officials who although made laws
couldn t without approval of the emperor. The Emperor made up the Monarchy part having the final
say in all important objectives. The Roman Emperor was very much like our modern day president.
He oversaw the senate often conducting the meetings. Before Rome was an empire, it was a republic
with a long history of democratic rule. After ousting the Etruscans and their king, city state was ruled
by a Senate and/or an assembly with elected magistrates consuls ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The speaking order was similar to that of the seating arrangement, in which the princeps senatus held
the first chair, followed by the consuls, censors, praetors, aediles, tribunes and finally, the quaestors.
There were no limits to debating and various methods of delay and subversion were employed.
Among these, the practice of the filibuster, or speaking at incredible lengths to derail the opposition
and delay voting, was a popular one. Voting in the Senate could be taken by voice or show of hands in
unimportant matters, but important or formal motions were decided by a quorum, or an actual physical
division of the house to either side of the floor. In these cases even non voting members were allowed
to take places on either side of the issue, lending their support to a particular cause or motion, or to
fulfill their client
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Physical Therapy For Becoming A Physical Therapist
Physical therapy is a passion for helping disabled people able to move parts of their body again. One
would need physical therapy if they hurt their joints or spine. One must want to pursue a career in
physical therapy to become a physical therapist. If one doesn t have the people skills to become a
physical therapist then don t become one, because they will be around people all the time. Physical
therapist will have patients that didn t want a physical therapist, but was required by the hospital. With
physical therapy one is committed to helping others. One would have to want to work with others and
want to help them. One needs to be helped if they hurt their arms from like crashes or sports injuries.
They probably were recommended by a doctor to go to that therapist. Their injuries were probably
required by their doctor because they didn t know if they were going to be able to move it again.
Physical therapy would be good for one if one is a people person.
If one is doing physical therapy they will need the right education. One will need an undergraduate
degree in a related field and then a masters or doctoral degree in physical therapy. One will have five
or more years to become a physical therapist. One will have to get a license to be a physical therapist
because all states require a license to do physical therapy. There wouldn t be much training for them to
do. One will have to gain clinical experience working with patients before practicing on their own.
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Examples Of Probable Cause
The standard for a legal arrest is probable cause. For an officer to make an arrest, he or she must have
more than a mere hunch yet less than actual knowledge that the arrestee committed the crime (Peak,
2009). Law enforcement officers need to make certain they understand probable cause is different than
reasonable suspicion. A good example of a reasonable suspicion encounter is Terry V. Ohio, where an
officer who had 39 years of experience in law enforcement observed two men standing on a street
corner. It appeared based on the officer s experience the two men were casing a store because they
both were walking up and down the street peering into the store windows, and then they would return
to the corner to conference. While the officer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The officer did have reasonable suspicion to make contact and after locating the weapons he had his
probable cause. There are four situations that Probable Cause is used; involving arrests with a warrant,
arrests without a warrant, searched of items with a warrant, and searches of items without a warrant
(V., D. C., Walker, J. T., 2015). Most of my encounters with individuals occurs on traffic stops; which
require probable cause to stop them. My probable cause could be speeding, reckless driving or any
traffic violation in the traffic law manual. Once probable cause is established then contact is made
with the driver. If there is reason to believe that there is more than a traffic violation, such as an officer
smelling marijuana inside the vehicle, then he or she can now have access into the vehicle. My
probable cause to get into the vehicle is based on my training and experience that there was or is
illegal narcotics inside the vehicle. If there is no probable cause to get into the vehicle and an officer
feels there is more to the traffic stop than speeding, then the officer needs to build his reasonable
suspicion to figure out what the driver is up to. For example, one night on patrol, it was believed that
there was a possible drug transaction going on in the
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The document provides a 5-step process for requesting an assignment writing service from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, deadline, and sample work. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5. Request revisions until fully satisfied with the original, high-quality content or receive a full refund.

How To Write A Research Paper Introduction Tips
How To Write A Research Paper Introduction TipsHow To Write A Research Paper Introduction Tips
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This document provides instructions for writing a research paper in 5 steps: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and choose one; 4) Review the paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes registering on the site, providing clear directions for writers, and using the revision process to ensure quality.

The role of women in American history has evolved a great deal over the past few centuries. In less
than a hundred years, the role of women has moved from housewife to highly paid corporate executive
to political leader. As events in history have shaped the present world, one can find hidden in such
moments, pivotal points that catapult destiny into an unforeseen direction. This paper will examine
one such pivotal moment, fashioned from the fictitious character known as Rosie the Riveter who
represented the powerful working class women during World War II and how her personification has
helped shape the future lives of women.
To understand the significant changes within the role of women, it s important to ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clearly the role of women reflected one of diminished value as compared to her male companion. But
that was all about to change with the onset of World War II.
During World War II the United States began to manufacture war materials to support its allies
through lucrative government defense contracts as automobile factories like Ford and General Motors
put aside their usual business operations and began to produce tanks and airplanes, shipyards too
expanded their operations . The demand for war equipment naturally increased the demand for labor
and as a result helped pull the American economy out of the grips of the Great Depression. Then as the
unthinkable happened, on December 7, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, which drew many young
American men into the battlefield.
As young men responded to their call of duty and enlisted in the armed services, this left the American
war industry with a severe labor shortage. With so few men left to satisfy the labor needs, a call went
out to women to fill this void. However, the initial response to this request was not satisfactory . As a
result, the government devised a propaganda enriched advertising campaign to motivate the masses of
women by appealing to their sense of patriotism as well as telling women their labor efforts would
help end the war and bring soldiers home more
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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How To Write A Discursive Essay English

  • 1. How To Write A Discursive Essay English 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Discursive Essay English How To Write A Discursive Essay English
  • 2. The French Revolution And The Egyptian Revolution There are many ideals of the enlightenment that influenced greatly the French Revolution (1789 1815) as well as the Egyptian Revolution (2011 Present).Some philosophes that created and supported these ideas were John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire. Ideas supported by these philosophes were the rights to life, liberty, and property, the freedoms of speech and religion and equality. Many causes of the French Revolution are similar to Egyptian Revolution. Some causes of the French Revolution were France s Old Regime, in which an absolute monarch ruled over France and there were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd estates. Within this Old Regime there was extreme inequality and a major wealth gap, the 1st and 2nd estates had to pay virtually no taxes meanwhile every peasant had to pay along with taxes a tithe of 10 percent of his or her income. Other inequalities were the 3rd estate, which made up 97 percent of the population, was entitled to just 1 of three votes within the estates general; also only the 2nd estate, which made up less than 2 percent of the population, was allowed to participate directly in government; finally the 1st estate, which made up less than one percent of France s population, owned 10 percent of all the land in France. Other causes of the revolution was an extraordinary famine in 1788 with the worst winter in 80 years, astounding debt, with half of all taxes going to the debt, there was also great direct influence of philosophes and the enlightenment, as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Importance Of A More Effective Type Of Teacher... Danielson s main purpose in writing the article is to explain the need for a more effective type of teacher evaluation system. She wants to describe the weaknesses of the checklist type of teacher evaluations that has been used as the norm in the past. Danielson describes a more effective form of teacher evaluation that will be useful for the administrator and also the teacher. Teacher evaluations are very critical in decision making for schools because this is a way for them to credibly show the school board that they have highly effective teachers and at the same time allow those highly effective teachers an opportunity to grow and learn in the situation. Danielson suggests that in the past administrators have been more worried about the decision making process and being able to give evidence that the teachers they have hired are doing an high quality job. Danielson describes two main reasons why we should evaluate teaching including making sure that you have high quality teaching and for professional development. She makes the point that these two reasons are not able to be met by the old method of checklist evaluation. For a teacher evaluation to be effective and useful they need to be able to meet both types of criteria including evaluating high level teaching and professional development. Danielson explains that when thinking about the criteria of evaluating high level teaching that there are important parts of the process that creates a valid evaluation process. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Threat of Love in Totalitarian Regimes as Depicted in... Love is the foundation and the weakness of a totalitarian regime. For a stable totalitarian society, love between two individuals is eliminated because only a relationship between the person and the party and a love for its leader can exist. The totalitarian society depicted throughout the Orwell s novel 1984 has created a concept of an Orwellian society. Stalin s Soviet state can be considered Orwellian because it draws close parallels to the imaginary world of Oceania in 1984. During the twentieth century, Soviet Russia lived under Stalin s brutal and oppressive governments, which was necessary for Stalin to retain power. In both cases, brutality and oppression led to an absence of relationships and love. This love was directed towards ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Joseph Stalin built up this love with the Cult of Personality . He was glorified with giant statues and monuments. Stalin appeared daily on the cover of Soviet newspapers; he was in every facet of Soviet life. Daily visual imagery of Stalin portrayed him as a Georgian peasant, which emphasized socialist principles of power from the people. In addition, people called him father and teacher of the peoples (Runyan 66) and a deity, because he replaced the Czar and the Church. These daily images were engraved in the minds of the people. Thus, the Cult of Personality was flourishing. Propaganda glorifying Stalin and Soviet ideals brainwashed the minds of Russian people. Stalin successfully impressed his socialist philosophies on millions of workers and peasants. Over time, socialism transformed into Stalinism, and it took hold. Stalin was able to hypnotize people towards one belief, the love of Stalin. A simple cause and effect: they saw imagery of Stalin portrayed heroically everyday in the news or on posters and they began to idolize him. Stalin is like Big Brother; he was the focus and with the love and loyalty of his people, he had total power over them and their actions. The description of Big Brother himself bears a physical resemblance to Stalin and his cult of personality. Orwell s Big Brother is an all seeing, all knowing figure with ultimate authority. Soviet Russia was Orwellian in the sense that individual thought was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Dr Koch Observation Today, I followed Dr. Koch in podiatry. For the first patient we saw, the patient already had cotton balls on their feet, which I thought Dr. Koch s assistants had probably already looked at the patient. Anyway, the patient had an appointment with Dr. Koch about 2 months ago and was told to wear diabetic shoes when walking. As she and Dr. Koch talked, Dr. Koch removed one of the cotton balls and there was a big sore on the patient s foot. Dr. Koch then asked the patient if they had diabetic shoes, and if so, how often did they wear them. The patient answered by saying she does but only wore the shoes for about fifty percent of the time. Dr. Koch told the patient she need to have the shoes on the entire time, otherwise she ll keep getting sores ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Sojourner Truth And Louisa May Alcott During the eighteenth and nineteenth century, American Literature was considered to be of insignificant quality compared to that of English Literature, and was rarely recognized in the literary world. However, this opinion did eventually change because of the success of some very creative American authors. Sojourner Truth and Louisa May Alcott were two women who not only produced unforgettable works of literature and presented powerful speeches, but also had a monumental impact on American Literature as well as American history. These women represent the unique American spirit because of their bravery and determination for their voices to be heard for what they believed in during a time when women were meant to be seen but not heard. The literary world during this time period was dominated by men, but the world was changing, and women began to make a name for themselves as creative and legitimate writers. During the time in history women were also fighting for their rights to be heard and treated equally among men. Also, the issue of slavery was at its peak as the country became divided behind the issue, and the prospect of a civil war was becoming more of a reality. Sojourner Truth was born in Upstate New York in 1797 (Baym 804). She was not born into a life of privilege or ease. Truth could not read or write, but she became one of the most influential speakers of the time (Baym 801). She fought for the abolishment of slavery, as well as the rights of women (Baym 801). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Analysis Of Sam Raimi s Spider Man 2 In Sam Raimi s Spider Man 2 it shows a struggling college student; Peter Parker, becoming enthralled between his two dreams in life. These dreams being the hero everyone wants, and being always there for Mary Jane. But as his attention is pulled towards his dual life as Spider man it causes great problems for the people around him to which he cares greatly for. As for my thoughts I believed each scene with the supporting cast was meaningly so that Peter; the main character could be seen processing through his thoughts and emotion in relation to each of them. While also giving great narration As for the visuals and story, Sam Raimi brings detail for every part of the movie. As to analyze the in a sufficient process the movie will be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regardless the first scenes of the movie demonstrate his everyday struggle to fill his role as Spider man, as seen per delivering pizza; and his inability to come to Mary Jane s recital. As further proof of this is later explored by his end of day at Aunt May s house where all the supporting characters meet. These characters being Harry Osborn, Mary Jane, and Aunt May. Direct conflict between Harry and Peter is shown in where Harry questions Peter directly about him missing his calls, and to the dismay to Harry, Peter answers with a I ve been busy . Further pushing the theme of Peter being unable to manage proper time with any of even his closest friends. Although this theme occurs and seems unavoidable to Peter in his position it s brought to light when Harry gets Peter to meet Dr.Octavius and his wife. Where they convince Peter of the importance of his sorta girlfriend, being so Peter grabs himself some poetry as suggested. Following into the 2 act, Peter earlier promised to visit a show for Mary Jane. As per usual he misses it due to robbers running over his moped in the middle of the street. As it happened he proceeded to flip over landing perfectly avoiding any possible injury. Inclusively to the landing Rami included a short bit between the children and Peter. To add humanity to the stunt he had just performed by mentioning the benefits of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Oppressors Of Violence Oppression silence those who can t or won t speak up to their oppressors. Violence is not always the solution as of sometimes it drives us to do unspeakable things especially if the violence doesn t. For the people of Iran, the Islamic revolution turned a new leaf in the everyday life of women and men. When the people who were opposing the new leader and the Islamic religion they were called communists. Marji (the author of Persepolis) was one of the ones who followed the rules but disagreed with the shah. Communists were put in jail, tortured and or killed. Even Though people did fight back, words weren t just enough to tick off the soldiers. When protesting they always expected to be a killing or some injured. When the Rex cinema was burning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Michigan State Rail Plan Essay big regional hub as part of the Michigan State Rail Plan, which is now the 12th largest in the country. The Michigan State Rail Plan aims to continue to improve the service and quality of the rail system, by ensuring the rail system is continually funded. The Gerald R. Ford International Airport is a major airport that transports large amounts of air cargo, and services flights to numerous cities around the country through numerous airlines such as American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and Continental Airlines. A large, interstate highway system runs through Grand Rapids that connects the city to the rest of the Midwest area. While the infrastructure of Grand Rapids allows the city to flourish in the three major transportation networks, it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are over 15 on campus colleges in the Grand Rapids area, ranging from Calvin College, Ferris State University, Davenport University, and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. These universities and colleges offer a variety of majors and studies concentrations. Thus, internships, part time positions, and other roles can be filled to meet the short term needs of companies, while satisfying the long term goals of companies through full time and salaried positions. Below is a graph that displays the age breakdown of the population of Grand Rapids. As there are numerous college and universities in the area, it follows that a large portion of the population are millennials, that are under the age of 45. However, the downside to the list of the colleges and universities in the Grand Rapids area is that they are not nationally recognized at academically top ranked, compared to other Michigan schools such as Michigan State University (MSU) or University of Michigan (UofM). Companies may look to hire MSU or UofM graduates, who possibly may possess higher levels of quantitative or qualitative skills and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Essentials Needs Of Human Presences CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The essentials needs of human presences are nourishment, dress cover. From times immemorial man has been attempting deliberations in enhancing their expectation for everyday life. The purpose of his exertions has been to give a financial and proficient sanctuary. The ownership of asylum other than being a fundamental, utilized, gives an inclination of security, obligation and demonstrated the economic wellbeing of man. Each individual has an inborn enjoying for a tranquil environment required for his charming living, this item is attained by having a position of living arranged at the protected and helpful area, such a spot for agreeable and average living requires considered and kept in perspective A nature s turf. Safety from all regular source atmosphere conditions General offices for group of his neighborhood. The designer need to remember the city conditions, building bye laws, nature, fiscal limit, water supply, sewage game plan, procurement of future, air circulation, ventilation and so on., in recommendation a specific kind of plan to any customers. 1.2 Selection of Plot and Study Determination of plot is extremely vital for structures a private building. Site ought to be in great spot where there group yet administration is helpful however not all that shut that turns into a wellspring of impairment or loud. The routine transportation is essential due to present need as well as for maintenance of property ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Will Equal Society Happen In Harrison Bergeron Will equal society ever happen? In Harrison Bergeron written by Kurt Vonnegut, his story is portraying as Harrison, an attractive, smart, strong boy, against the government who created handicaps to bring the smarter people down to the same level as everyone else. That means Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. (Vonnegut 226) But since he s everything the government don t want anyone to be, he s became a threat. Kurt illustrated that everyone will never be truly equal. In the beginning of the story, it shows that even though the intelligence is handicapped the ability to reason hasn t disappeared. The wife, Hazel, told her husband, George that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Right To Die Analysis In this article titled, Right to Die: Is it too easy to remove life support? composed by Kenneth Jost describes two similar cases that started in the early 1990 s. Terri Schiavo and Barbara Howe were the two females involved in these debate stirring cases. In 1990 Terri endured a cardiac arrest which resulted in loosing most of her brain, being unable to move, and in an uncommunicative state called persistent vegetative state. For 15 years Schiavo was kept alive despite being almost completely motionless and uncommunicative. Micheal, her husband, went to court requesting the tube which gave her liquids and nutrition be disconnected in 1998. Schiavo s parents battled against his request, one judge of the state ordered caretakers to disconnect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Worsnop, goes into detail on the pros of assisted suicide. A student from Texas A M University College of Medicine named Timothy J. Lace composed a list of positives on assisted suicide in the Journal of the American Medical Association, on December 1, 1989. Lace expresses that physicians who are willing to perform these tasks for hopelessly ill patients should be granted this action without the possibility of criminal punishment. Stating his opinion that death for the majority of people is extremely hard to go through. Some humans prolong the life of their loved ones because they cannot accept the fact that their loved one is just alive and not truly living their life themselves. Certain societies need to learn that death is a fate everyone has in common and it is not an evil but a natural and inevitable. Showing these positives gives support by showing how making these options legal can improve but also potentially harm medically equipped societies. It informs and raises questions on the opposing side as well as the for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. A Lack of Meaningful General Education Courses General Education (GE) is defined as that part of a curriculum that is shared by all students (regardless their original major/profession), provides broad exposure to multiple disciplines, and forms the basis for developing important intellectual and civil capabilities (Spencer Benson, 2009). With the rapid development of society, the demand of multi disciplinarily personals is growing dramatically. In order to broaden students knowledge and let them respond creatively and seize opportunities to cope with the complexity, change and diversity, many universities among the world are pursuing high qualities of general education. (University of Macau, n.d) In UM, every student needs to take 13 general educational courses chosen from four areas, which are language and communication, science and information technology, society and culture, self development. However, is general educational succeeding in its goals in UM? Unfortunately, the answer is not. General education is not as effective as we image in our university. One phenomenon we can observe is that there are some students who are absent minded or sleepy in class. When asked about the important content in textbooks, many students answers are far from satisfaction and they even complain that they gain almost nothing meaningful in their general education courses. This discounted situation is a long standing problem and it should be improved without doubt. You may ask that what the causes of this phenomenon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Curing Pain Perception Curing Pain Perception Among Hospital Patients Across the United States, health centers are striving to provide high quality treatment to their patients. In 2014, U.S. health care spending surpassed $3 trillion and accounted for 17 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) (Sisko et al. 2014). In order [t]o attract patients and meet contract obligations regarding quality (Henke et. al. 78), hospitals have made vast improvements by advancing medical treatments and hiring more employees. One problem which hinders success in hospital quality involves patient s pain perception. John S. Hoff, a health care lawyer and policy analyst in Washington, D.C., concludes that under the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), pain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The use of surgery to cure pain and discomfort poses many complexities, since operations have permanent consequences and sometimes harmful results. Although medical procedures often demonstrate more successful results from the get go, particular strategies are more consequential and perennial than non medical therapy. For instance, the discovery of the lobotomy procedure in 1936 (Diefenbach 60) was considered a solution to mental illness. This surgery, which separates the patient s main cognitive area and the frontal lobes from the rest of the brain, also manages to entirely remove mood disorders and suffering (Wong 297). As a result, the patient relinquishes his or her feelings and emotions entirely. For example, 23 year old Rosemary Kennedy the sister of U.S. President John F. Kennedy received a lobotomy surgery and ended up spending the rest of her life incapacitated (Wong 297). Although lobotomies were originally intended to ease the strain of mental disorders and illness, their results were deemed harmful, but only after many patients had been damaged. A less encroaching solution to the problem at hand could be the implementation of musical therapy into a patient s recovery schedule. Music therapy, according to the American Music Therapy Association, is the clinical and evidence based use of music interventions to accomplish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Burning In The Bronx Essay The Bronx is the northernmost of the five boroughs of New York. It has a land area of 42 sq. miles, with 57 sq. miles in total including water area. According to the United States Census Bureau, the Bronx has a population of 1,455,720 as of 2016 and a population density of 34,653.4 per sq. miles. According to the 2010 Census, 38.1 percent of households in the Bronx have children under the age of 18. These people live in what is one of the poorest and most struggling areas in the city. The Bronx s association with poverty crime stems from a long history of gang wars and crime waves. Most notably, there was the plague of arsons in the 1970s. It was common to hear the phrase The Bronx is burning from city politicians and newscasters. The burning buildings were in predominantly poor communities, such as the South Bronx. One explanation of this epidemic is that landlords decided to burn their low value ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these initiatives have still not addressed one significant problem: The Bronx is still burning. As of 2014, the Bronx is one of the places that has the highest risk for household fires in the Greater New York Region. The American Red Cross compiled a report of the most at risk neighborhoods for fires. Since 2014, there have been 76 severe fire incidents and 174 deaths and injuries in neighborhoods such as Fordham, Norwood, and the South Bronx area. Most of these fires are due to poor building conditions, and the deaths and injuries are attributed to the lack of escape possibilities and fire safety measures. The American Red Cross in the Greater New York Region has been taking measures to alleviate this problem. The chapter participates in the organization s Home Fire Preparedness Campaign, in which volunteers go around neighborhoods and install smoke alarms and and distribute fire safety information. The campaign is very active in Bronx ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Landing the Helicopter of Hovering Moms Essay Parents usually have the best intentions like protecting their children from life s hardships and preparing them for adulthood. However as with many other aspects of parenting, the results do not always match the intentions. Overprotective parents generally want to protect their children from harm, hurt, pain, failure, unhappiness, bad experiences, rejection, and disappointment (Lindsey 1). However, parents must realize that overprotective parenting has certain side effects. Parents believe that they are doing a favor for their children by keeping them safe without realizing that this parenting style can have severe effects on children such as robbing children of the essential life skills that they need in order to have a healthy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As an adult, he might find it hard to take care of himself because he never developed coping skills to deal with life s challenges (Agadoni 3). This causes a child to be dependent on his or her parents; it creates the illusion that no matter what the situation, mommy or daddy will be there to fix it. This mind set is extremely crippling because eventually children leave the nest and venture out in life without the capability dealing with situations by themselves. Helicopter parents often send the unintentional message to their child saying that they are incompetent of doing things on their own like the things they attempt to accomplish independently are wrong. Instead of letting their children experience a sense of autonomy by allowing them to accomplish things on their own, an overprotective parent would step in and take control; again promoting dependency. A lot of times, such dependency carries on into adulthood (Sade 1). Instead of being a mature, responsible adult and taking things into their own hands; they call on their parents whenever things get strenuous in their lives. Likewise, adults who still depend on their parents for everything do not mature mentally and sometimes do not have the skills needed to become successful on their own. For statistical understanding, the graph above shows the percentage of parents who admitted to helping their adolescent and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Explain Why Teenagers Should Not Be Allowed To Vote On the other hand, others argue that 16 year old shouldn t be allowed to vote because they re too young, don t have taxes, and they won t benefit the voter turnout. Many people find young teenagers very immature and rebellious. Crowley and Denver in their study, Votes at 16? The case against note, as Peter the Hermit said in the 11th century: The young people have no reverence for their parents; they are impatient of all restraint; they talk as if they alone know everything and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness for them, (57). This source implies that teenagers only care about themselves and are very disrespectful to their elders, so how are they mature enough to vote? Another argument is that if teenagers pay taxes, then they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Technology As You Know It Technology As You Know It In The 1980 What is your idea on technology? Is it phones or computers or maybe even transportation? Through the past years technology progressed towards a brighter future. On June 29 2007 the first IPhone was developed for the public, the iPhone 2g sure was not the best phone that has been developed but it was a huge impact in the social economy. It was one of the first touchscreen phones everyone wanted one. Since the first iPhone was developed, why not make more it s like every year a new one has progressed to the public. Through the past 8 years there has been 8 generations of iPhones, the iPhone 3, 4, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6s, even the 6s plus crazy right. They have made it where you can download apps which help you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Confronting an ongoing world economic recession and very high rates of unemployment throughout certain parts of the world such as Europe, the EEC was looking for many new ways to get the most out of its union. June, 1984, a meeting in Fontainebleau, France, established a Committee on Institutional Affairs under the chairmanship of Irish Senator James Doodge. The committee proposed not only that the EEC work harder toward achieving the already stated goal of abolishing frontiers with the common market, but also that the European Parliament be given more decision making power and the European Community be allowed a greater role in security and defense matters. Lord Arthur Cockfield, Who was responsible for preparing a detailed program and timetable for completing the internal market, took a more cautious approach that centered on economics, but that went far beyond the current customs union. Space he oversaw the writing of completing the internal market: White paper from the commission to the European Council (1985), which identified three categories of Barry errors to be illuminated by 1992 physical Barry, such as border checks for goods and people at national boundaries technical barriers such as national standards that discriminated against foreign goods and physical barriers such as different types rates of indirect tax. At the mill in summit of June, 1985, the European Council endorsed Cockfields White paper and examined the report ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Criticism And Analysis Of Puddn Head Wilson Criticism and Analysis of Puddn head Wilson In American history, we have good authors, great authors and some bad. One of the most famous authors and probably the greatest that everyone has heard of is Mark Twain. Twain was an American author and humorist in American Literature. Twain was born in Florida, Missouri, on November 30, 1835. In his first writing, he adopted his pen name from a well known call of the man sounding the river in shallow places. In 1861 he went to Carson City, Nevada, as secretary to his brother. For two years he edited papers and moved from place to place. In 1867 he visited France, Italy and Palestine. Twains two greatest masterpieces, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were drawn from his childhood experiences and the life on the Mississippi frontier. Mark Twain has a legacy as an American author because of his books like Huckleberry Fin and Pudd nhead Wilson. He put his self in the American popular culture of literature. Twains novels and stories are popular in the media. His work has been remade into comic strips, children s films, and cartoons. His image and his words have also figured in commercial advertising campaigns. He is one of the greatest. Geneva Cobb Moore is a former Scholar of American and African American Literature at the University of Ghana and Professor of English and Women s Studies at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater. Caucasia s migrating bodies: lessons in American history and postmodernism is an article written by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How The Stereotypes Associated With My Identity Affect Me I am an African American male who loves to dance, play sports, and rap. I fit into a multitude of stereotypes of an African American male except I have never committed a crime or ever joined a gang. Stereotypes can be true and not necessarily a bad thing; I think it is great I am good at basketball and dancing. However, stereotypes can also be very harmful in our conception of other people. One might see me walking down the street at night and assume I am a thug instead of an Honors student at Loyola Marymount University. I do not want to delve into the topic of how the stereotypes associated with my identity affect me; rather, I would like to analyze the negative effect of the stereotype of the supposedly happy ideal luxurious woman in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cultural stereotypes around gender are perceived as inevitable truths rather than stereotypes to be challenged [that] undermine calls for equality between men and women (Donovan 17). This ignorance causes people to think they only need to look at the surface level when judging a person s value as it relates to gender. What happens when someone s value is reduced to only the stereotype they embody and the clothes they wear? The seemingly happy stereotype of the luxurious woman does just that. The stereotype of the luxurious woman portrays a woman who is extremely wealthy, adorned with jewelry and designer clothing. At first glance, a woman might aspire to live that extravagant lifestyle. The market plays into feeding this stereotype by marketing luxury items predominantly to women, and women who can afford them invariably become luxury items themselves (Chocano 110). Almost all the high end luxury brands like Prada and Tiffany and Co. are regarded as women s brands that also offer a small selection of men s items. The targeting of woman by these brands cause the woman to objectified as only a means to sell their product. The woman wearing all of the clothing becomes a luxury item herself due to how rare it is for her to gain the financial freedom buy the clothes and merely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Extreme Expansion Of The Meat Industry Today the industries are now dominated by a handful of huge corporations that process most of the country s meat at several facilities across the country. As of 2007, four huge companies controlled the processing of over 80% of the country s beef and three of these same companies process over 60% of the country s pork. Chicken processing provides over half the country s chicken supply and even the same situation exists for turkey meat. These four major companies are Tyson, JBS, Cargill, and Smithfield Foods. As a result of all, meatpacking companies have become increasingly powerful, while the government bodies that regulate them have done barely anything to keep them in line. The extreme expansion of the meat industry has accompanied the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We do not want another family to have to suffer as our family did. Other diseases like Salmonella and Campylobacter can also be introduced. In addition to these food safety risks, the use of hazardous machinery and sharp knives can injure workers when mistakes are made. This danger is exacerbated by the increasingly rapid speeds at which workers are expected to slaughter and process animals. This can also cause AIDS and HIV when they come in contact with our foods, if workers get injured while processing meats. The Federal health authorities have estimated that foodborne diseases affect 1 in 6 Americans, which is over 48 million people. These diseases cause 128,000 hospitalizations and kill 3,000 Americans every year. Likewise, a number of studies have confirmed the presence of harmful bacteria in meat, in the US. (put in examples) (each of the sections at least one time but you can do more) (in text citations) These levels are unacceptable; the high levels of contamination are caused by the crowded conditions in which conventional food animals are raised, as well as the high speed at which meat is processed. In order to lower profits, meat processors have continually increased the speed of their production lines. Twenty years ago, meatpacking plants slaughtered about 175 cattle an hour, but due to increased line speeds, today plants can slaughter as many as 400 cattle per hour. In order to ensure the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. You Decide Week 4 Your Decide Assignment Week 4 ACC 553 1. John Smith tax issues: a. How is the $300,000 treated for purposes of federal tax income? In order to determining how the $300,000 fee was received as Federal income on the part Mrs. John Smith, we first have to determine the requirements for income. According to Code Sec. 61(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) gross income includes all income from whatever source derived, that is including the following items: compensation for services, including fees, commission, fringe benefits and similar items (Intuit TaxAlmanac, 2006). In John s case, income received from fees that were paid by his client from rendered services will meet that requirement of gross income. Under Section ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... John currently leases the property for $3,500 per month for total of $42,000 annual payments. Payment under a lease is deductible (Smith, Harmelink, amp; Hasselback, 2013). Rent is any amount you pay for the use of the property you do not own (IRS.Gov, 2011). John can deduct rent as a business expense only if the rent for the property is used solely for business. If John decides to purchase the building he will indeed benefit from the purchase versus leasing the property. John will benefit from Code Sec. 179, which allows him as a taxpayer to immediately expense a portion of the cost of newly acquired depreciable property rather than depreciation it over multiple years (Smith, Harmelink, amp; Hasselback, 2013). A taxpayer may elect to treat the cost of section 179 properties as an expense, which is chargeable to capital account (Cornell University Law School, 2013). They are limitations as to dollar amount that need to be taken into account under Section 179. If taxpayer places more than $2,000,000 worth of section 179 properties into service during a single taxable year, than under section 179 deductions is reduced, dollar for dollar, by the amount exceeding $2,000,000 threshold (Cornell University Law School, 2013). This threshold is reduced to $560,000 for years beginning in 2012, and $200,000 thereafter (Cornell University Law School, 2013). In addition for the purpose of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Sunshine Skyway Bridge Essay A bridge is a load bearing structure spanning a passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway. Some examples of bridge types are; suspension bridge (George Washington Bridge connecting New Jersey with New York City), truss arch bridge (Hurricane Deck Bridge in Hurricane Deck, Missouri), and a cable stayed bridge (The modern Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Saint Petersburg). Another example is a cantilever bridge (the former Sunshine Skyway Bridge). Rarely do these structures ever have catastrophic malfunctions, however, it does happen. The citizens of Saint Petersburg, Florida who have lived here since 1980 remember the collapse of the old Sunshine Skyway Bridge. On May 9, 1980, a large ship hit the Skyway in the fog and it collapsed, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If a bridge isn t built right, with the correct physics and design, it is not going to be a stable, safe passage. The pillars on the original Sunshine Skyway Bridge weren t deep enough in the ground, and they were not close enough together. As mentioned previously, this caused cracks in the bridge. The cracks were repaired, and the pillars were installed deeper and actually strengthened the bridge. However, these corrections proved to be inadequate when the Skyway was struck by the freight ship. When looking at old pictures of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, it is very evident that the gaps between the pillars were too wide. When the ship collided with the bridge, the stress load was too much on the remaining pillars, and the bridge instantly collapsed, with a large piece of the roadway actually left sitting on the very ship that had just hit it. The way the pillars were installed on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, caused pressure that placed so much torque, or twist, on the concrete pillars. Once the pillars on the bridge started cracking, they bent the I beam so much that when the tanker hit the beam the bridge collapsed. Fearing for their own safety, due to questions about the stability of the remaining bridge, rescuers were unable to search for survivors underneath the area of the destroyed bridge. 36 people were killed in this tragic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Eli Lilly Multinational Management (MSc IBM) Page 1/9 THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER Manchester Business School MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT Version 2015 02 09 Academic Year 2014 2015 Course unit Title: Multinational Management Course unit code: BMAN 70012 Credit Rating: 15 credits 1 Instructors Contact details Umair.Choksy@mbs.ac.uk Room: MBS East F3 Office hours: by arrangement Noemi.Sinkovics@mbs.ac.uk www.manchester.ac.uk/research/noemi.sinkovics Phone: (0161) 275 6492 Room: MBS East F11 Office hours: by arrangement Name Umair Choksy (US) Course unit coordinator Dr Noemi Sinkovics (NS) The University of Manchester, Manchester Business School, Booth Street West, Manchester M15 6PB, UK 2 Course unit Objectives This course has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Submission is in digital copy via blackboard. Your presentation slides must be submitted on blackboard one day after the presentation. Your individual essay is due on the 27th April by 15:00 PM on blackboard.    BMAN70012 201415 MM syllabus v20150209 // Last Update: Mon Feb 23, 2015 // NS Multinational Management (MSc IBM) Page 3/9 6.3 Penalty for late submission of coursework There is a penalty on all course units for late or non submission (where you have not been granted an extension) of assessment: a loss of 10 marks per day (sliding scale), for up to 10 days. A day is 24 hours, i.e. the clock starts ticking as soon as the submission deadline has passed. A day includes
  • 25. weekends and weekdays. You may additionally be required to complete a form acknowledging your late submission. 6.4 Plagiarism Students should read carefully the section on plagiarism in their handbook, and be aware of the severe penalties that will follow proven cases of plagiarism. 7 7.1 Schedule Week, date, location overview Week // Date // Time // Room // Lecturer // 1 // Mon 26 Jan 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 2 // Mon 02 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 3 // Mon 09 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 4 // Mon 16 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 5 // Mon 23 Feb 2015 // 10:00 13:00 // 3.103 MBS West // UC // 6 // Mon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Massacre Of The Columbine Few things that happen in the United State can move a whole country into action, but when they do happen it will leave an impression that cannot be easily erased. This is the case with the infamous Columbine. Columbine is a name that will forever resonate in the minds of those who have lived through and survived the bloody incident that will forever change the world. It only took Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold one day and a few weeks of careful planning to strike fear into the eyes of a whole nation and for some families bringing their happy lives tumbling down to sadness of losing a loved one. Twelve students and one teacher were killed in the deadliest massacre before Sandy Hook and they will never leave the memories of the people of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... soon the website had a list of all the people they wanted to kill and the amount of guns they had in their possession. The two friends started thinking about a plan to kill as many people as they could. They began to post videos explaining what they wanted to do and that they planned to rival the Oklahoma bombing that happened a few years before them. Another one of their plans was taking over a jetliner and crashing it into a building across the country in New York city. Many times on the same website they stated their plans to flee the state and even country. The final plan they decided on was to rig bombs in the High School cafeteria and exploding them when it was at capacity, then as the survivors ran out of the school they would shoot at the mass of frantic bodies, as first responders arrived on the scene they would then set off bombs rigged to cars in the parking lot. Once they settled on this plan they began preparing. In the nearby hills they retreated to begin target practicing and learning how to set off their homemade explosives. The pair had many weapons in their possession including, Intratec TEC DC9, Hi point 995 carbine, Savage 67H pump action shotgun, Stevens 311D double barreled sawed off shotgun, 99 explosive devices, and 4 knives. The most unsettling part is that they were able to make the explosives by a quick search on the internet. Everything was set for these two teenagers to execute a plan of mass murder and to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. How Does Hinton Use Symbols In The Outsiders What is symbolism and how can it be used to enhance the storyline? S.E Hinton uses symbolism in the novel, The Outsiders, in these ways. S.E. Hinton enhances the story with sunsets by making something that Socs and Greasers can have the same opinion about, which is peacefulness. She also uses the Greasers hair to make a difference between the Socs and the Greasers because each gang prefers their hairstyles differently. The most important symbol S.E. Hinton uses it the blue Mustang, she uses blue Mustangs to intensify the story and make it more exciting. There is a symbol that reoccurs throughout The Outsiders to enhance the plot which is the blue Mustang. When this symbol is used it usually refers that danger is near or approaching one of the main characters. This symbol is used on page 36, We all looked and saw a blue Mustang coming down the street. Johnny made a small noise in his throat and when I looked at him he was white . The blue Mustang enhances the storyline by making a suspense in the plot. The suspense is made to excite the reader to continue to read and stay interested in the novel. For example, on page 36 the blue Mustang pulls up and Two bit, Johnny, Marica, Cherry and Ponyboy get scared. The blue Mustang creates a suspense in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hinton uses another symbol to enhance the storyline which is the sunsets. When S.E. Hinton uses sunsets to describe something that both the Greasers and Socs enjoy watching. Also when S.E. Hinton uses sunsets, she uses them to create peace and something that Greasers and Socs can talk about peacefully and without fighting. This symbol is used on page 73, It wasn t Cherry the Soc who was helping us, it was Cherry the dreamer who watched sunsets and couldn t stand fights . This symbol enhances the plot of the story because S.E. Hinton wanted to show that Socs and Greasers have some things in common and using sunsets was the perfect way to do it. This is how S.E. Hinton uses sunsets to enhance the storyline in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Jazz Guitar Ensemble Analysis The Vocal Jazz Ensemble The Jazz Guitar Ensemble Glendale Community College Auditorium May 19,2018 7:30pm Jazz Guitar Ensemble Now s the Time Charlie Parker arr. Mark Taylor Calypso Mood John Baboian All of Me Seymour Simons, Gerald Marks arr. Mark Taylor Seven Come Eleven Benny Goodman, CHarlie Christian I ll Remember April Gene DePaul, Patricia Johnston, Don Raye arr. Kevin Brunkhorst Tear It Down Wes Montgomery arr. Chip Henderson Vocal Jazz Ensemble The Pink Panther Henry Macini arr. Jay Althouse Don t You Worry Bout A Thing Stevie Wonder arr. Roger Emerson Lately Stevie Wonder 60 s Rewind arr. Kirby Shaw Vocal improvisation Gravity Sara Bareilles True Colors Billy Steinberg,Tom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The director of this part was the wife of Byron Delto, Clare Delto. They had also one Armenian accompanist Leon Thomasian. If I am not mistaken he was alumni of Glendale Community College and had a master degree in music. The first piece of this part was the old music composed by Henry Macini and arranged by Jay Althouse called The Pink Panther . I like the mood that this music brings with it. I use to play this song on the piano during my childhood. It was very interesting to hear this music with the unique performance of this ensemble. They were imitating the music without a single world and it was awesome because with the variation, tone, accents and temp in their voices and with the gestures and mimics of their body they were bringing to me the feeling of something strange that would happen within every moment and then in the ending there is a culmination of this story with atonal harmony. Then a solo male artist probably a student started singing an acapella the famed song Lately by Stevie Wonder. It was a very spectacular performance without any microphone or special equipment for voice enhancing. I am pretty sure that he had a strong tenor voice with a very artistic behavior. After 60 s Rewind arranged by Kirby Shaw came for me probably the most interesting part of vocal improvisation. It started by couple bars of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Utility Models Case Study This is also tied with high fixed cost of registering and enforcing patent legal rights. Utility Models are significantly cheaper and faster to register as well as a shorter protection period, therefore fosters incremental technological advances at a much faster rate than patents, which takes a long time to turn over. Generally, the fees for getting utility models is lower than those of patents. As mentioned previously, there is no substantive examination of utility model applications in most countries no examination fee is required for registration. Like patents, maintenance or renewal fees must be paid in order to maintain the registration, but at a lower cost than patents. (WIPO 2017). The official costs for filing, granting, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To file for international patent, actors have to go through preliminary examination, performed by an International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA)[citation]. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was made in 1970 which unified procedure for filing patent applications to each contracting states. There is no such thing as international patent, however, PCTapplication establishes that all contracting countries must follow specified phases to proceed toward granting patents. It is essentially a standard national patent application that contracting countries abide to follow. This creates organization of patent application by each countries and allows contracting countries to have access to those patent information. According to WIPO, as of March 16, 2017, the PCT has now 152 contracting states, which is majority of countries around the world.In the case for utility models, the international obligation does not exists, meaning countries may freely determine what conditions for protection they consider appropriate for their domestic setting. It is far flexible in terms of fitting the local, domestic needs compared to patents. However, according to The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Persuasive Essay On Destroying The Earth If you were informed at a young age that you must reside in the same house until you pass away, would you lead a lifestyle that results in the destruction of your only permanent shelter? Would you shatter the windows, smash the appliances, and wreck the structure almost to a point of no return? Your answer to these questions would most likely be no, because any logical person would see the absurdity in irresponsibly ruining the one place you are confined to for your entire life. Why, then, does the human race have such difficulty applying this same concept on a larger scale? Why do we struggle to realize that the collective choices we make affect our surroundings in a monumental way? Why do we not take the utmost care in preserving the only home we have ever known? If Earth is the sole place in which living organism can dwell, why are we are steadily destroying it? The simple answer to these questions is that people naturally have difficulty fathoming what does not physically manifest. If an issue is not concrete, heated debate over its legitimacy ensues. Even so, the deeply concerning problem with waiting until the impact of our decisions is visibly apparent is that it will be too late to reverse the effects by then. Environmental catastrophes triggered by the actions of humankind are already creeping up on our world like a sluggishly approaching grim reaper, and we need to take the initiative to ensure our longevity and safety. Of all the obstacles that present ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Public Health Nutrition Personal Statement Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to do something special in life. I was born in a small village in Mexico where public health and education were very limited. In 1996, my family and I got the opportunity to move to the United States. This move brought me closer than I had ever thought possible to accomplishing my dream of becoming a registered dietitian and working in public health nutrition. I have always valued my education because where I am from it was really difficult to study beyond middle school. Here, in the United States, I have gotten the chance to further my education beyond high school. In 2009, I became a U.S. citizen and enrolled in Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) where I acquired my Associates in Science degree. While at PSCC, I had the chance to study abroad and volunteer in Segovia, Spain, where I taught English to elementary school children. I also assisted the nurses at Los Hermanos Franciscanos de la Cruz Blanca, a center for the poor and disabled, where I helped with patient care, feedings, daily exercises and workshops. I really enjoyed working with people that cared about others health and well being. It was a life changing experience. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During my first semester at UTK, I became a member of the Educational Advancement Program (EAP). This was formerly known as the McNair Program. In 2014, I enrolled in their Summer Research Institute which enabled me to participate in research for the first time. This position helped me improve my writing skills, increased my oral communication skills and confidence, as well as introduced me to one of my mentors, Dr. Katie Kavanagh, with whom I have continued working. I was also able to attend the 21st Annual McNair Conference and had the chance to meet many scholars. I can honestly say my participation in the EAP has contributed greatly to my academic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Message to the Black Man In America Elijah Robert Poole was born on October 7,1897 in Sandersville Georgia. He was the sixth of thirteen children born to William Poole Sr and Mariah Poole. He is famous for being an African American religious leader and the leader of the Nation Of Islaem from 1934 until he died in 1975. He ended his education in the fourth grade to help his family by working as a sharecropper until he left home at age 16 to work in factories. On March 17, 1917 he married Clara evans and like many blacks at the time migrated for the jim crow south to Hamtramack Michigan for better job opportunities. While living in Michigan Poole and his wife had 8 children. In 1931 Poole attended his first speech on Islam and black empowerment by Wallace D Fard. Afterwards ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He states that the civilized mans job is to educate his people and if he doesn t do this job that he is uncivilized or savage. Muhammad encourages us to adopt the names our 20 million ancestors. He believes that a name states where is from and that Negroes with European names are wrong. He states that we should have a name that links us to our home land Africa. He goes on to encourage us to work for ourselves. We should work to acquire our own land because for any nation to survive they must have ownership of there own land. He says that blacks are without a state to call their own and that we have nothing to show for more than 310 years of forced slaver and more the 100 years of free servitude. He encourages us to go to school and take our knowledge back to our homeland to teach our own kind and to take the money that we make and spend on each other instead of taking it and giving it to the slave masters children. Muhammad briefly speaks on the black women and says that we should love pprotect and cherish them. He says that without them our race would not be able to continue. He says that The Women is the mans field to produce his nation and that no race will ever respect us until we can learn to respect our women. Muhammad believes that no nation on Earth disrespects there women more then the black nation. He even states that animals treat there female counterparts with more respect then we do. He states that we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Strict Liabilty Strict Liability Strict Liability The question this week deals with product liability, on the ground of strict liability. Bob was shopping at Carl s Hardware store. One of Carl s employee s named Dan was using a nail gun and it fired without warning. A nail struck Bob in the leg. After checking the nail gun Carl discovers the manufacture, Eagle Tools, Inc., improperly assembled the tool. Bob files a suit against Eagle Tools, Inc, for product liability, on the ground of strict liability. The elements for action based on strict liability will be covered, who the court will like rule in favor of, and why in the following paragraphs. The doctrine for product liability applies to the seller of goods. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The six elements discussed above will de reviewed. First, it seems the product was defective with the information provided. Second, the defendant is engaged in the business of selling that product. Eagle Tools, Inc. is the manufacturer. Third, the product seems unreasonably dangerous in its defective state. The product was dangerous beyond expectation. It fired without the trigger being activated. Fourth, Bob did incur physical harm. Fifth, was the defective condition the proximate cause of harm? This is where an argument can be made with the information provided. For Bob he believes this to be true, so he feels this is met. Sixth, with the information provided it must be assumed the product was not substantially changed from the time the product was sold to the time the injury sustained. With all the information provided I feel Bob meets the requirements to file a suit. The last two questions need to be covered. Who will the court rule in favor of and why? Up to this point it was been covered why Bob can bring suit against Eagle Tool, Inc. Let s not forget Eagle Tool, Inc has the opportunity to provide a defense to the claim. With the information provided they have no defense under Assumption of risk, Product misuse, nor comparative negligence. It was covered above in the fifth element that there is room to argue the defective condition was the proximate cause of harm. Dan, Carl s employee was handling the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Michigan State University Scholarship Essay First, I would like to thank the organizations responsible for funding this research work, including Michigan State University for travel funding supports, and National Institute of Health (NIH) for research funding. I greatly appreciate the investments made by the organizations in my development as a scientist. My undergraduate education at Ocean University of China (OUC) laid a solid foundation for my scientific career. With the abundant research funding provided by OUC, I was able to start real scientific research when I was a sophomore, and I gradually recognized my interest and potential in research, which served as the initial motivation to continue my education in a graduate school. The knowledge, skills and scientific habits I acquired from these research experiences also facilitate my graduate study. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Importantly, I would like to thank Dr. Dana M. Spence, my advisor, for his guidance in the past three and a half years. He does not push his students too much, but let them develop independently. He will check your progress to make sure you are on the correct track. This free atmosphere made me feel comfortable, but also trained me to conduct research in a more independent manner and make plans for myself. I believe the training I have received from him is invaluable, which will undoubtedly benefit me throughout life. I would also like to thank Dr. L. Karl Olson from the department of physiology at MSU, who trained me how to culture INS 1 cells in his laboratory, without which, this research work cannot be completed. I also appreciated the help provided by Dr. Merlin Bruening and Dr. David P. Weliky in the past a few ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Burj Khalif An Embodiment Of Islamic Architecture Burj Khalifa is the largest megatall skyscraper in the world, standing at an astounding 828 meters (2716.5 feet). It serves as the centerpiece for downtown Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up its country, and was designed by Adrian Smith, then representing Skidmore, Owings Merrill. It was under construction from January of 2004, until December of 2009, finally opening its doors on January 4th of 2010. The building is an embodiment of Islamic architecture, incorporating both cultural and historical elements of the region into the visage of the building. This style was chosen very deliberately, meant to enrich the, at the time, recently developed downtown Dubai. The building has since received widespread international attention for various reasons. Some laud the records that the building shattered and the many awards it has received, while others commend the manner in which it has elevated the city of Dubai. The Dubai government decided to build the Burj Khalifa as a way to diversify their economic portfolio. Their economy had long been based solely on oil and they decided that they wanted to generate more interest and international recognition for Dubai, thus increasing tourism and overall improving the emirate s economy. The skyscraper served its purpose and drew a lot of additional interest towards Dubai, receiving many awards. For example, the Burj Khalifa is recognized as the tallest existing, or ever built, free standing structure. It is also the building ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Why Is Oj Simpson Wrong Eddie Aspuru Professor Gamez CJE 2600 12 May 2015 Most crimes now a days just get swept under the rug. Unless there is public outcry or the media decides that it can benefit their company. Then there is Orenthal James Simpson aka O.J. Simpson . Former 1968 Heisman trophy winner, and 1985 NFL Hall of Famer inductee. All those accolades didn t do anything to help him on June 12, 1994 when Simpson s wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were found murdered at the Simpson household in Brentwood, California. O.J. was charged with both their deaths, he later would be acquitted of all charges. His lawyer was Robert Kardashian the father of Kim Kardashian. O.J. Simpson s life began on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Where did this happen? At the condo of O.J. s ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson. Who did it? Her ex husband O.J. Simpson was accused of criminal homicide or capital murder. What happened? Nicole Brown Simpson and her co worker Ronald Goldman. Investigators don t know you could say it was out anger, or hate for Nicole divorcing O.J. Just a few minutes after midnight on June 12, 1994. Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found brutally murdered in front of Nicole s condo in Brentwood, California. The scene is extremely gruesome and from pictures that are shown was a crime completely out of rage no if and or buts about it. Here is a very in depth timeline of the events leading up to the murder being discovered. Nicole Brown Simpson along with friends and family go out to dinner at a restaurant named Mezzaluna around six thirty pm. They finish their meal at 8 pm. Nicole s mother leaves her glasses at the restaurant and Mr. Goldman offers to go pick them up. Sometime between nine and nine thirty pm O.J. and Brian Kaelin a friend staying at his guest house go to eat dinner at Mc Donald s. They eat rather quickly and are back at the Simpson Residence at nine forty five pm. Sometime between finishing dinner with Simpson and returning the glasses Nicole wanted back; Goldman arrives at her apartment. The police recreated the night of the crime and believe that Goldman arrived after, or during the killing of Nicole; obviously he was shortly killed after by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. A Letter To Associated Students Of Western Oregon University Dear Associated Students of Western Oregon University, Rex Fuller When I decided to go to Western Oregon University, I knew I was going to a small school, and I wanted that. I know only 5,382 students go to Western and that is not much bigger than my high school.The reason I came was for the Western for the WOU women s rugby team. When I came to WOU, I expected more support from the school and am very disappointed. Did you know that the Western Oregon women s rugby team has gone to the conference finals three years in a row? And in 2015 and 2016, they were back to back champions? Yet the rugby team and other clubs get little to no funding and support from the university. The football team has fought to have a winning season since 2000, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... WOU could easily become one of the top schools in the country for rugby. All the rugby program would need is more support from the university. In fact, this is an excerpt from a NCAA article about rugby: For all institutions, it is an economical way to offer a popular women s athletic activity for current and incoming students. To field a women s rugby team, the basic needs include: 1) a pool of existing or incoming students that want to play, 2) a coach, 3) a soccer sized field for practice and competition, and 4) developing a schedule with local, regional and national competitive opportunities. WOU already has all of those things and a club that is already performing at a high level, yet, rugby is not considered a sport by the university. By support, I do not necessarily mean money. All though money would be nice because rugby runs all their own fundraisers and gets no financial support from the school. Currently the rugby teams compete with the lacrosse teams for a field to practice on. Even when the rugby teams are allowed to practice, the field is double or triple booked, meaning they have a small half or quarter of the field to practice on. In fact, most nights the football field is completely unoccupied. If the rugby teams and lacrosse teams could use the football field or other empty fields, there would be less frustration about practice time. Clubs aren t even allowed to use the empty weight rooms on campus. This forces the club teams to try and use the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Kennedy s Appendectomy Kennedy was enrolled at the Edward Devotion School in Brookline for his elementary years. For grade four, he was educated at Noble and Greenough Lower School and the Dexter School. The family moved to New York in 1927, which enrolled young Jack in Riverdale Country School, a private school for boys, from grade five to seven. Then, at age 13, Kennedy attended Canterbury School in Connecticut, which he had to withdraw due to an appendectomy. 1931, John attended Choate Rosemary Hall for ninth through twelveth grade. His older brother Joe Jr. had already been at Choate for two years and was a football player and leading student, which gave John insecurities, leading to his rebellious behaviors, one of which being exploding a toilet seat with a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Disadvantages Of Virtual Reality In Schools Every day, we are discovering new ways to learn, and Virtual Reality is making a big impression on schools. Virtual Reality, also known as VR, come in headsets that make the environment look like a video game, creating a simulation that seeks past reality using advanced technology. It can VR can be a useful learning tool, however can come with risky, long term disadvantages such as causing health issues, making one lose a sense of reality and have functionality issues. First of all, VR can be alarmingly harmful to health. The Achieve3000 News Article called, Looks Great, But Is It Really? , written in 2016 by an unknown author says, There have been reports of people experiencing nausea after wearing VR headsets. In addition, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over time or maybe just when you open it out of the box, the headsets have a chance of not working and can lead to a complete waste of money. Elizabeth Mann, owner of a blog, write this on her article, Is virtual reality ready for school? , Once the various components are functioning smoothly, modular products can be sold and used individually. Horn suggests that various edtech innovations would benefit from concentrated development in an integrated environment otherwise, individual products may hit the market but will not function smoothly in classrooms and schools. You may buy the product hoping it will run smoothly, but there s no affirmation. Another piece of evidence is an article called, The Pros and Cons of Using Virtual Reality In The Classroom by Paula Hicks, suggests, Like with any programmed software, things can often go wrong. When things go wrong, you students learning activity is over until the tool is fixed. This can be quite expensive and also inconvenient. You don t want to spends hundreds of dollars just to get the headset fixed again, it s not worth the cost, especially when there s plenty of other ways for teachers to teach and students to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Comparison Of Mexico And Brazil Essay Brazil and Mexico are both the giants of their geographic realms (de Blij and Muller 219,254). Mexico constitutes an entire geographic region of Middle America (200). The country of Brazil is also considered a single region in South America (239). Both of these regions have very large populations in comparison to the other regions of their realms. Mexico s current population of 102 million people has more than doubled in size since 1970 (219). Brazil s estimated population is currently near 167 million people (254). The populations of both regions are becoming increasingly more urban in character. At least seventy four percent of Mexico s population resides in cities or towns (220). Similarly in Brazil, eighty percent of the population ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Brazil lacked the large work force provided by the greater Amerindian population of Mexico. The Amerindians of Mexico were already familiar with working for native overlords, making the transition to working under a Spanish overlord a relatively smooth process (Suchlicki 31). To compensate for the lack of an indigenous work force, the Portuguese began to bring African slaves into Brazil as early as 1433. Out of the total population of the Brazilian colony in 1585 numbering some 57,000 people, 14,000 were African slaves (Burns 49). Although the Spanish who colonized Mexico were by no means innocent of enslaving Africans, the large numbers of Amerindians provided the bulk of the work force on Mexican plantations (Suchlicki 31). These historical differences in the regions of Brazil and Mexico are still evident in their populations of today. The Amerindian influence is strong in Mexico. While only ten percent of the population is full Amerindian (de Blij and Muller 220), the cultural influence remains greater than in Brazil. Less than one percent of the population is full Amerindian in Brazil (Microsoft Encarta). The population of Mexico is largely mestizo, people with mixed European and Amerindian ancestries (de Blij and Muller 220). The population of Brazil is much more diverse; it is more heavily influenced by European immigrations. The large numbers of slaves brought into Brazil from Africa have maintained their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Roadside Memorials Essay Roadside memorials are seen on the side of a street or highway often times after the passing of a loved one in a car accident. While a grave marks where a body is finally laid, the roadside memorial marks the last place where a person was alive. The memorial is usually kept up by family and close friends and is decorated with flowers, messages, and a cross or plaque. However, often times controversial, these families believe that their moral authority to remember a loved one trumps any governmental regulations set in place. While they have been recently popping up throughout the Western world, they do demonstrate cultural norms through the materials left behind at the memorial site; often times, they replicate structures similar to ones ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Roadside memorials often times do this because civil and governmental bodies do not allow the memorials to take place. Governmental authorities view the road as a public space and it is their duty to ensure that the roads are safe and can view erected memorials as potential distractions to drivers. There are civil bodies that allow them appear but only when they are regulated. However, to some families, these limited memorials are not accurate representations of their feelings and how they want to honor the deceased loved ones. Within the past five decades, numerous things have perpetuated this change from the conventional into the newly popular roadside commemorative methods. Whether it was the counter culture and civil rights movement of the 1960 s or the gradual distrust in government, more people feels as if their moral authority trumps governmental superintended rules. Although civil bodies want to confine the size and amount of time a memorial is up for, the grieving families do not see the purpose of having such restrictions. In some ways, these memorials can be seen as a performance focus for those who visit. Although there are not literal stage performers with music and lights, the way the memorials are carried out reflects those who died and the ones he or she is survived by. The focus of these shrines is to commemorate a fallen loved one or friend. While memorials are commonly adorned with pictures and personal items, the way ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Influence Of Cheetos In Popular Culture Popular culture is what combines ideas and objects generated by a society, including commercial, political, media, and other systems, as well as the impact of these ideas and objects on society. And food tends to be a part of it, since culture does indeed affect our eating practice. One particular food that was introduced during the 1940s and is still going strong is Cheetos. And here we are going to focus on how Cheetos came to be and the reasons why it was introduced and its effect on our eating habits and diets. Cheetos is a brand of cheese flavored, cornmeal snacks made by Frito Lay. Fritos creator Charles Elmer Doolin invented Cheetos in 1948, and began national distribution in the U.S. In 2010, Cheetos was ranked as the top selling brand of cheese puffs in the primary market of the United States and its worldwide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The coating of cheese, salt tends to send our bain pleasure feelings, leading us to eat more and more. Thus it becomes very addictive. In conclusion, Cheetos has and still is playing a big role in media attention, as the use of convenience foods is increasing. What we eat is somehow determined by the interaction between economic, technological, social values, in other words by pop culture. Citations: Processed Foods History: 1910s to 1950s. Modern Pioneer Mom. N.p., 2012. Web. 26 Nov. 2016. History of Cheetos. History of Cheetos. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2016. Elert, Emily. Why You Can t Stop Eating Cheetos. Popular Science. N.p., 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 26 Nov. 2016. Clear, James. What Happens to Your Brain When You Eat Junk Food | James Clear. James Clear. N.p., 14 Sept. 2016. Web. 26 Nov. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Roe V Wade Case Summary 1. The issue before the Supreme Court on the case of Roe v. Wade was on abortion. In august 1969 a single pregnant woman based in Texas wanted to get rid her pregnancy through an abortion. But her doctor denied the request on a reason that it was against the Texas law. Then Jane Roe identified by the media as Norma McCorvey sued her doctor for refusing to abort her baby she sought legal help and filed against henry wade, district attorney for Dallas County, Texas. Jane Roe argued that the law of Texas was unconstitutional. She later on requested an injunction to restrain Henry Wade. Roe s lawyer claimed Texas abortion law violated her rights under due process clause of the 14th amendment. 2. The facts of the supreme court in a 7 2 decision declared that it was the legal right to an abortion under the fourteenth amendment the case filed by McCorvey against her doctor. The district attorney of Dallas County from 1951 1987 he enforced a Texas law which prohibited abortion. Even though Roe v. Wade was the defining abortion case in the United States, McCorvey never actually had the abortion. The case took three years to reach the Supreme Court, during which time McCorvey gave birth to her baby and put her up for adoption. Norma McCorvey eventually became a Christian, left her job at an abortion clinic, and would go on to become a powerful pro life voice. McCorvey had the following to say about a moment of conversion 3. The decision about the roe v. wade case was in its ruling, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Perform Ten Resistance Training Exercise 3. Perform ten resistance training exercises and describe which phase of the exercise is the eccentric, concentric and isometric phase of the movement. At which phase is the muscle the strongest? Why? When performing the bench press, lowering the bar to your chest (down phase) this movement is considered an eccentric contraction. When lifting the bar off your chest (up phase) this movement is considered a concentric contraction. If we modify the exercise and we bring the weight down to the chest and hold this position, this fixed position of the bar is considered an isometric contraction. During the up phase, the pectoralis major is at its strongest because the muscle is contracted at its full potential, holding and maintaining the weight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the body lowers in this exercise, the chest, shoulders, triceps, and abdominals are all contracted, which is a concentric contraction. As the body rises back up to the starting position, this movement is an eccentric contraction. The muscles are at its strongest in this exercise when the body is in the down phase and maintaining a muscle contraction on the way back up to the starting position. Upright rows, when the barbell is raised, this movement is a concentric contraction. During this contraction, the trapezius are at its strongest in this point in the movement. As the weight is lowered back to its starting position, this movement downward is an eccentric contraction. Barbell rows, when the body is about to perform the exercise (preparatory phase) and is griping the bar, this is an isometric contraction. When the bar is raised and touching the upper abdominals, this is a concentric contraction. The latissimus dorsi, trapezius, posterior deltoids and biceps, are all activated during this exercise and are the strongest when the bar is touching the upper portion of the abdominals. When the bar is lowered and brought back to the starting position, this is an eccentric ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Empty Nest Syndrome Analysis I chose the link attached because the article is based on a study on parental health and well being in relation to empty nest transition. When I read the article all that I can think of is my mother how she felt when I left home. The study touches quite a bit of everything related to empty nest syndrome: cultural differences, the type of relationship between parent and child, parents who works vice staying at home mom (or dad) and off time launches and violation of social schedule expectations (Mitchell Lovegreen, 2006). It would give a different perspective on my classmates on probable health issues on parents when a child leaves home. In 1983 I really did not have any thought on how my mother must have felt when I left home. I was happy, I found myself a job away from home. By reading the chapter and the link that I have attached on this subject, it gave me a different perspective on how my mother must have felt when I left home and why she became very depressed. Unknown to me back then, she was grieving and was unable to cope with her loneliness. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My decision to leave home was very abrupt and I did not have a care in the world on what I was leaving behind. I was determined that it was time for me to leave the nest and experience life. Settersten, (2003B) wrote that thus, expectations and meanings about the timing of, and reasons for, home leaving are important factors in shaping how parents respond to their children s leaving home. The failure to comply or cope effectively with these normative demands may produce negative social and psychological outcomes for young adults as well for their parents (Mitchell Lovegreen, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Monarchy Vs. Democracy In Ancient Rome The Roman government is very unique compared to others. While many places had either a monarchy or democracy the Romans found a way to have both. The Roman empire had both a senate and an emperor. The Senate made up the Democracy part having elected officials who although made laws couldn t without approval of the emperor. The Emperor made up the Monarchy part having the final say in all important objectives. The Roman Emperor was very much like our modern day president. He oversaw the senate often conducting the meetings. Before Rome was an empire, it was a republic with a long history of democratic rule. After ousting the Etruscans and their king, city state was ruled by a Senate and/or an assembly with elected magistrates consuls ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The speaking order was similar to that of the seating arrangement, in which the princeps senatus held the first chair, followed by the consuls, censors, praetors, aediles, tribunes and finally, the quaestors. There were no limits to debating and various methods of delay and subversion were employed. Among these, the practice of the filibuster, or speaking at incredible lengths to derail the opposition and delay voting, was a popular one. Voting in the Senate could be taken by voice or show of hands in unimportant matters, but important or formal motions were decided by a quorum, or an actual physical division of the house to either side of the floor. In these cases even non voting members were allowed to take places on either side of the issue, lending their support to a particular cause or motion, or to fulfill their client ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Physical Therapy For Becoming A Physical Therapist Physical therapy is a passion for helping disabled people able to move parts of their body again. One would need physical therapy if they hurt their joints or spine. One must want to pursue a career in physical therapy to become a physical therapist. If one doesn t have the people skills to become a physical therapist then don t become one, because they will be around people all the time. Physical therapist will have patients that didn t want a physical therapist, but was required by the hospital. With physical therapy one is committed to helping others. One would have to want to work with others and want to help them. One needs to be helped if they hurt their arms from like crashes or sports injuries. They probably were recommended by a doctor to go to that therapist. Their injuries were probably required by their doctor because they didn t know if they were going to be able to move it again. Physical therapy would be good for one if one is a people person. If one is doing physical therapy they will need the right education. One will need an undergraduate degree in a related field and then a masters or doctoral degree in physical therapy. One will have five or more years to become a physical therapist. One will have to get a license to be a physical therapist because all states require a license to do physical therapy. There wouldn t be much training for them to do. One will have to gain clinical experience working with patients before practicing on their own. One ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Examples Of Probable Cause The standard for a legal arrest is probable cause. For an officer to make an arrest, he or she must have more than a mere hunch yet less than actual knowledge that the arrestee committed the crime (Peak, 2009). Law enforcement officers need to make certain they understand probable cause is different than reasonable suspicion. A good example of a reasonable suspicion encounter is Terry V. Ohio, where an officer who had 39 years of experience in law enforcement observed two men standing on a street corner. It appeared based on the officer s experience the two men were casing a store because they both were walking up and down the street peering into the store windows, and then they would return to the corner to conference. While the officer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The officer did have reasonable suspicion to make contact and after locating the weapons he had his probable cause. There are four situations that Probable Cause is used; involving arrests with a warrant, arrests without a warrant, searched of items with a warrant, and searches of items without a warrant (V., D. C., Walker, J. T., 2015). Most of my encounters with individuals occurs on traffic stops; which require probable cause to stop them. My probable cause could be speeding, reckless driving or any traffic violation in the traffic law manual. Once probable cause is established then contact is made with the driver. If there is reason to believe that there is more than a traffic violation, such as an officer smelling marijuana inside the vehicle, then he or she can now have access into the vehicle. My probable cause to get into the vehicle is based on my training and experience that there was or is illegal narcotics inside the vehicle. If there is no probable cause to get into the vehicle and an officer feels there is more to the traffic stop than speeding, then the officer needs to build his reasonable suspicion to figure out what the driver is up to. For example, one night on patrol, it was believed that there was a possible drug transaction going on in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. ROSIE THE RIVETER AND HER CONTRIBUTION TO WWII Essay I. INTRODUCTION The role of women in American history has evolved a great deal over the past few centuries. In less than a hundred years, the role of women has moved from housewife to highly paid corporate executive to political leader. As events in history have shaped the present world, one can find hidden in such moments, pivotal points that catapult destiny into an unforeseen direction. This paper will examine one such pivotal moment, fashioned from the fictitious character known as Rosie the Riveter who represented the powerful working class women during World War II and how her personification has helped shape the future lives of women. II. BODY To understand the significant changes within the role of women, it s important to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clearly the role of women reflected one of diminished value as compared to her male companion. But that was all about to change with the onset of World War II. During World War II the United States began to manufacture war materials to support its allies through lucrative government defense contracts as automobile factories like Ford and General Motors put aside their usual business operations and began to produce tanks and airplanes, shipyards too expanded their operations . The demand for war equipment naturally increased the demand for labor and as a result helped pull the American economy out of the grips of the Great Depression. Then as the unthinkable happened, on December 7, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, which drew many young American men into the battlefield. As young men responded to their call of duty and enlisted in the armed services, this left the American war industry with a severe labor shortage. With so few men left to satisfy the labor needs, a call went out to women to fill this void. However, the initial response to this request was not satisfactory . As a result, the government devised a propaganda enriched advertising campaign to motivate the masses of women by appealing to their sense of patriotism as well as telling women their labor efforts would help end the war and bring soldiers home more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...