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Analytical Essay: Purdue Owl Apa
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Analytical Essay: Purdue Owl Apa Sample Analytical Essay: Purdue Owl Apa Sample
Perso-Islamic Synthesis Essay
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the Islamization of Persia in relation to the Samanid and Buyid
Dynasties. The synthesis of Persian culture and Islam was not an immediate result of the Arab
expansion into Iran and there is certainly a lack of research on the subject. However, in this essay, I
will attempt to explain the contributions of the Samanid and Buyid dynasties to this synthesis with a
focus on the attempts of the Samanid Dynasty at centralization and a unified identity through religion,
language and culture.
The Islamization of Iran occurred as a result of the Arab conquest of Persia. The institution of a new
culture, especially if the new culture is being installed by one less organized or less capable than the
culture ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This period marked significant changes for Persia since there was a large movement of immigration
directed towards the region from the Arabian Peninsula.
After Persia was conquered, the people began to convert to Islam and landowners gave their properties
to Islam and were granted even more land as a result of the conversion. Further, the Zoroastrians were
in fact the ones most enraged by the conversion to Islam as they were involved in occupations that
involved impurities such as working with fire, etc. Missionaries did not really encounter much
opposition as it became quite easy to convert the Persians into Islam alluding to the fact that there
were already many similarities and that transforming, or converting, was really not such a hard task.
Muslim leaders would also win conversions by attending public Muslim prayers, promising money
and allowing for the Qur an to be recited in Persian and not Arabic, so that all could understand what
the Qur an was really trying to say. The Samanids, who were originally based in the Zoroastrian
nobility, started their own conversion process encouraging people become Sunni Muslims. In fact,
during the reign of the Samanids in the 9th century, the Qur an was translated into Persian completely.
The Buyid Dynasty
The Buyid Dynasty, originated from the Daylam in Galian, is considered the Shi ite Persian dynasty.
They controlled most of Iran and Iraq during the 10th and 11th century. The
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Plato s The Socratic Method
Plato wrote nearly 30 dialogues, most of which focused on his predecessor, Socrates. His earlier works
focused on Socrates Theories, or the Socratic method, while his later works focused on his own laws
and Xenophon s Hiero. Some of Plato s dialogues include the Meno, Symposium, Republic, and the
Phaedo. The Socratic method is a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals based on asking
and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to generate ideas. This paper is going to
focus on a few of Plato s earlier works and how they incorporate the Socratic method, versus his later
works that seem to go in a different direction all together. First, it is important to understand that the
Socratic method is a dialectical method that often involves discussion between people in which one
person questions the defense of a point of view; many times the person defending his point of view
may contradict himself, which gives the opposition a stronger defense. For example, Socrates would
use a simple question to begin many of his teachings, such as Is the pious loved by the gods because it
is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods? As an alternative example, are actions right, or
wrong, based only on the authority s approval of said actions? Socrates used this method many times
to secure his point of view. Although Socrates wrote nothing down, therefore not allowing us to truly
study his point of views or his teachings, we can assume that most of
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Housing Affordability Is A Growing Concern For Many...
Housing affordability has become a growing concern for many Australian citizens in the past decade.
The median Australian house price has risen substantially in the past ten years and has increased at a
rate that has exceeded the median income. Between 2012 and 2014, the median house price rose by
$76,700, and income rose by $4113.20. Putting those numbers into perspective, the average income in
2014 rose by merely 2.3% in comparison to house prices which rose by 9.23%. Australia s housing
affordability crisis is further highlighted by the International Monetary Fund, who stated, Australia has
the 3rd most expensive housing market on the planet . In addressing the issue currently, the Australian
government has a combination of policy and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Australian dream of home ownership is under threat, and currently, the nation is facing a serious
long term structural problem in relation to the availability of affordable housing within the country.
Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that since 1982, citizens aged between 25
and 34, who are able to afford their own property have fallen from 56% in 1982 to 34% in 2011, a 30
year low. If this figure is not damning enough, an Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Income
and Housing revealed that between 1982 and 2011, the percentage of home buyers that spent more
than 30% of their gross income on housing costs, increased from 10% to 21%. This figure in itself
demonstrates the problem of rising house prices within the nation, especially when income is not
growing at the same pace.
The growing problem of housing affordability has many serious long term structural implications, and
so, in order for any response to effective in addressing the issue, it is important that the government
understands the factors that have contributed to the lack of affordable housing in Australia, both in the
supply side and the demand side. Although there are several underlying reasons for the increasing
house prices, the main catalysts behind the skyrocketing property prices stem from the demand side of
the issue. Australia s lack of affordable housing is a result of a rapidly growing
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1) The commercial features an actress drinking Diet Coke Twisted Mango and then dancing poorly. 2) The dancing is so distracting and cringe-worthy that it draws attention away from promoting the product. 3) The poor effort put into the dancing and commercial makes the viewer assume the taste of Diet Coke Twisted Mango is also poor quality.

5000 Word Essay Structure
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This document discusses the importance of online advertising and native advertising in particular. It notes that traditional banner ads and online commercials are often seen as intrusive by users and are ignored. However, native advertising, which involves brands creating content instead of interruptive ads, leads to more engagement from users because it is non-intrusive. The document argues that advertising agencies should focus on native advertising approaches since current intrusive online ad methods are not effective at prompting user interaction with brands.

5000 Word Essay Structure. Online assignment writing service.
5000 Word Essay Structure. Online assignment writing service.5000 Word Essay Structure. Online assignment writing service.
5000 Word Essay Structure. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides steps for seeking writing help from HelpWriting.net. It outlines registering for an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids and choosing one, and revising the paper if needed. It notes the site promises original, high-quality content and refunds for plagiarized work. Writers are rated based on qualifications, history, and feedback.

How Does Fox Build An Empire
By Joshua D. Copeland Fox is really building an Empire out of their new show (no pun intended)...
The Fox hit series Empire destroyed records and started trends after its first season. Ever since its
season 1 finale, the whole world has been fiening for a taste. Empire is the first show from Fox to take
over the world since The Cosby Show. The TV series has tapped into giant broadcasters and networks
all over the world. According to TheUrbanDaily.com: Empire is now sold out in virtually every major
territory worldwide. Big terrestrial broadcasters like Germany s ProSiebenSat.1, Network Ten in
Australia and France s M6 networks with market positions similar to Fox s in the U.S. have acquired
the series. In the U.K., where U.S. shows
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The French And American Revolutions
The French and American Revolutions were pivotal in setting up new societies. Economic, social, and
political tensions leading up to the revolutions caused citizens to want change in the way their
government worked and functioned within society. Those who wanted the most change within the
government were called the radicals; those who wanted the least amount of change were called the
conservatives (Baradat 19; 24). The amount of change in their government was a part of the political
spectrum which grouped events and people into five groups according to how much change they
wanted. Both of the changes resulting from the two revolutions can be classified within this political
spectrum as well. While the changes in government resulting from ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The British government did not have a formal constitution, but the government was run by two
sections: the monarch, and the parliament. Neither had absolute control as the parliament was able to
curb the power of the monarch and the parliament could not pass any bills or taxes without the
agreement from the monarch. Therefore, the British government had created some checks and
balances so that no one group of government would become omnipotent. An example of this can be
seen in the English Bill of Rights written in 1698 which states, the raising or keeping of a standing
army within time of peace, unless it be with the consent of Parliament, is against the law, (English
Parliament). This shows the Parliament had some power over the monarch. Later on, this idea of
checks and balances would be put into the American government. While the Americans did not create
this idea themselves, they believed in its value to society. Due to tensions between the American
colonists and the British, the colonists wanted to break away and form a government where their ideas
were heard. The primary tension was caused by the problems in the economy. Britain was left with a
lot of debt after the Seven Years War. The colonists were blamed for this because they were clashing
with the Native Americans and the French who had other settlements further inland a space the
American settlers wanted to occupy. Fighting the Natives and the French cost the
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The Pros And Cons Of Subcontractors
We have an excellent inductions team that help the subcontractors who are applying to become
independent contractors. Our expert inductors ensure that they are able to teach the concepts of self
employment to applicants and they also ensure that they completely cover the topic of compliance
with all the legal and industry based issues when working as a self employed contractor.
Legal HR
We have a skilled legal team which ensures that our business is always compliant with the laws of the
country. We beat our competition by offering the most compliant services to our clients, thanks to the
efforts of our in house legal team. We also take the help of the best advisors in the industry by using
expert lawyers, tax experts and powerful solicitors.
Not only do we support our clients through this department, we also use for the purpose of debt
recovery. We find, that many times subcontractors are enriched beyond their service fees and this
situation results in the loss of valuable resources. We are experts at getting the monies back because
we choose to handle all the debt related work in house.
We specifically serve our clients for helping them take the advantage of the Construction Industry
Scheme (CIS). It is a special scheme which only applies on the construction industry. We offer CIS
services ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is a company that offers dedicated CIS services. It always pays the subcontractors on time and never
misses a payment. Delton Contract Services has an exemplary financial record and boasts a strong
credit rating. All the shareholders of the company are tax payers and the company does not practice
any unfair legal means. Delton Contract Services employs many bespoke banking arrangements to
service its clients according to their personal payment requirements. Remember, Delton Contract
Services are trustworthy because of a transparent record and the efficient use of the CIS legal
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Essay about Moliere
Moliere is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and famous French writers ever. His comedic plays
capture the reader with a a perfect blend of intelligent and slap stick jokes. He mastered the strange
enterprise of amusing decent people (Guicharnaud, 2) with this simple philosophy: Nothing is more
effective(in making people laugh) then holding up the mirror to nature. (Guicharnaud, 21) Jean
Baptiste Poquelin was born in Paris on January 15, 1662. His father and Mother where both interior
decorators for the king, although his mother died when Jean Baptise was ten years of age. He was sent
to College de
Claremont, an aristocratic Jesuit institution. Poquelin took a degree in law, which he never used in
practice, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His death came about within a few hours. His wife frantically searched for a priest to give him his last
rights, but to no avail. God was displaying his anger against
Moliere, said Bishop Bossuet.(Bishop, 10) Moliere s plays are some of the most popular and produced
French plays in the world. Despite defects in the plot and character development of Moliere s plays,
his works remain popular today because the basis of his comedy deals with human nature,
relationships, and hypocrisy. Tartuffe was Moliere s most performed and popular play. When it was
presented to the king in 1664 he liked it, but forbade Moliere to publicly produce it under pressure
from the church. For 5 years he pulled every string he could to get the play in production. For reasons
unknown, King Louis lifted the ban and Tartuffe became a instant hit. The play consisted of 5 acts, in
which surprisingly the main character did not even appear until the third. Simply put, the plot had the
man of a house hold in love with a stranger named Tartuffe he had taken in to his care. The rest of the
family saw through his facade, but the father insists that Tartuffe is God sent. He finally realizes the
truth when he witnesses
Tartuffe tempting his wife as he hid under the dining room table. Often
Tartuffe would often comment that the other people of the house where not following God, and that he
was his humble servant. Of course he turned
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The Problem Of Gender Sexism
Nowadays, there are still a lot of powerless groups exist in this world, such as the group of women.
The problem of gender sexism exists from the beginning of the history and still continues in today s
society. Women are still inferior to men in my country, whether from family and job status, social
position and political views, women are treated unequal and disrespectful, therefore, this problem
needs more abundant attention. Sexism, like many forms of prejudice, only survives in a traditional
environments and this is how it continues in China from All China Women s Federation s website, yet
this problem is still happening in China, but there must be a way to solve it.
Since ancient times, people have thought that men should give priority to their jobs and the society
and women should take family as the core. As a result, men and women are created and have different
definitions. Gender is actually made by the society and its meaning is also created by the society. I do
not know such a definition is good or bad. The good one is that distinction between men and women
makes the society get balanced development. Women and other family members take care of the
family and men make more contributions to the family and society. But the weakness is that some
feudal and extreme cultures would develop the distinction of gender into discrimination. In many
developing countries, women are considered to be lower than men. The distinction of gender can exist,
but it should exist
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Information Processing Theory
The information processing theory approach to the study of cognitive development evolved out of the
American experimental tradition in psychology. Developmental psychologists who adopt the
information processing perspective account for mental development in terms of maturation changes in
basic components of a child s mind. The theory is based on the idea that humans process the
information they receive, rather than merely responding to stimuli. This perspective equates the mind
to a computer, which is responsible for analyzing information from the environment. According to the
standard information processing model for mental development, the mind s machinery includes
attention mechanisms for bringing information in, working memory for ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Finding the right spot
The good neighbor
Time limits and schedules
Dealing with disorganization
Controlling distractions
Avoiding social problems.
Memory has the ability to encode, store and recall information. Memories give an organism the
capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as build relationships. Encoding
allows the perceived item of use or interest to be converted into a construct that can be stored within
the brain and recalled later from short term or long term memory. Working memory stores information
for immediate use or manipulation which is aided through hooking onto previously archived items
already present in the long term memory of an individual.
Storage in human memory is one of three core process of memory, along with Recall and Encoding. It
refers to the retention of information, which has been achieved through the encoding process, in the
brain for a prolonged period of time until it is accessed through recall. Modern memory psychology
differentiates the two distinct type of memory storage: short term memory and long term memory. In
addition, different memory models have suggested variations of existing short term and long term
memory to account for different ways of storing memory
Recall in memory refers to the retrieval of events or information from the
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Biography Of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno And Max...
Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer were alltheorists of the Frankfurt School and
they were the first to introduce the idea of the culture industry, the mass marketing of culture in the
modern era. However, Walter Benjamin gives a different perspective on the role of culture in modern
society, he believed that the possibility of mechanical reproduction (photography) was demolishing
the integrity of art in modern society . He gives the example of the Mona Lisa painting by leonardo da
vinci. The painting has a specific the existence and particular location but with mechanical
reproduction it can be copied multiple different times and occupy more than one place at a time. The
question posed by Benjamin is what are we missing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For Benjamin, the mechanical production of art democratizes cultural production Thus It loses its aura
and authority as it becomes available to everyone. We can extend this to an analysis of media today in
which everyone can be an actor and everyone can be a producer; the difference between high art and
the popular culture are blurred. Therefore, from these two Frankfurt theorists we have a different view
of the culture and the culture industry. Benjamin focuses on the democratization of culture that is
made available by the production of art while Adorno and Horkheimer argue the ways in which art
become more linked to commercial exploitation. It can be suggested through the readings of Adorno
and Horkheimer s work that they seem to be eliciting the question of whether people believe
everything that the culture tells them and trying to make sense of the distinct differences between the
messages of the culture industry and the public s realities thus creating an environment where
autonomous independent individuals, who are able to think for themselves, can form. Both theorists
seem to be exploring how cultural meaning is generated and believe that the structures which promote
and deliver these messages of cultural influence is powerful. It is safe to say that we may be
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Human Condition Essay
The human condition is a term which references our complicated existence by highlighting our
ongoing ability to adapt and change both our perceptions and values. Through our mental capabilities
of both creativity and imagination, humanity is able to achieve a sense of both self actualisation and
liberation, resulting in them acting as the core of our existence where, without them we would become
susceptible to the overwhelming flaws of the human condition. Evidencing this are the three texts,
Dejection: an Ode , This Lime Tree Bower my Prison and Focus , which
Samuel Coleridge s Dejection: an Ode, is a poem describing a man s torment as he attempts to
overcome his dispirited state as a result of the loss of a romantic relationship. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Coleridge s This Lime Tree Bower My Prison , is a poem describing a man s changing views as he
contemplates the natural word which he has been prevented from seeing. Coleridge s poem
demonstrates the ability of individuals to modify their morals and values upon receiving a cathartic
release from their relationship with nature, as predicated almost entirely on the imagination. Through
allowing the persona to visualise the encounters his friends are making with nature along their
journey, Coleridge first demonstrates the capabilities of the imagination in allowing us to picture
things in certain detail, as shown through now my friends emerge, which in all exemplifies the
presence of imagination in our relationship with nature. Furthermore, the description of their journey
demonstrates the liberation received from engaging with nature, as shown where they wander in
gladness, which relates to the cathartic release obtained from viewing nature that pushes us to reassess
our ideas and perceptions. By showing his gradual change in tone, the influence of the persona s
imagination is shown, which when in conjunction with his exclamation of yes! reveals our emotional
capabilities if becoming engulfed in our imaginations of nature. Also, by choosing to allow the
persona to speak in a melodramatic tone, the poet is able to again explicitly demonstrate his
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The document provides instructions for setting up a card payment system for a single physician medical practice in 5 steps: 1. Create an account on a website to get started. 2. Complete an order form to request paper writing services, providing instructions, sources, and a deadline. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback. Place a deposit to start the assignment. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if satisfied or request revisions. 5. Request revisions until fully satisfied, knowing the company guarantees original, high-quality work with refunds for plagiarism.

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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and ensure it meets expectations before authorizing payment. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to complete assignments through a bidding system.

Colorful Clouds Writing Paper W
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This document provides instructions for requesting and obtaining writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Actuaries in IT-Programming
History on the development of programming in the actuarial profession
It has become evident in the work place that programming has become an essential skill. The
importance of developing IT skills is highlighted by the Work Based Skills and Actuarial Training
Offices (Actuarial Society of South Africa, 2013). Also, historical documentation has emphasized the
use of technology in life insurance as well as pension funds as early as the World War II era.
Yates (1997,p.60 and 1999,p.5) stated that in the 1950s life insurance was introduced to the use of
computers as soon as they were available to commercial firms. He further elaborated on how
insurance companies impacted the electro mechanical punched card tabulating equipment technology
since they were the primary users of the punch card machines during the late 1940s and 1950s. Figure
1 below shows an image of a punched card. Figure 1: IBM punched card (Ceruzzi, 2003)
During the second world war, many mathematically trained actuaries and other insurance employees
were recruited to work on military projects involving statistics, code breaking, bombsights and
operations research while a few worked on the new computer technology being developed during the
war (Yates 1999,p.5). A paper by Myers, Friend, and Holberton (1954) illustrates how a UNIVAC
(Universal Automatic computer) was used to complete a set of actuarial calculations . In 1956,
Boermeester developed an approximate probability distribution for life
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The Civil War Of The United States Prisons
Brother against brother. This was the Civil War being summed up in just three words. Mike Wright
wrote, On both sides of the war, men and women were locked away in dark prisons or held in outdoor
camps under blistering sun and freezing snow. They were fed too little and lived and died under
primitive conditions. One would arguably say that the Northern prisons might feel a little more at
home than the Southern prisons, but this wasn t the case at all, the prisons on each side were both
poorly managed, overcrowded and full of diseases.The intentions of the prisons were not necessarily
to kill the inmates, but because of poor planning were the prisons filthy. Both the Union s and the
Confederate s prisons were equally appalling. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the early years of the war, the two sides frequently had prisoner exchanges, but that was
stopped by a decision made by U.S General Grant and Secretary of War, Stanton. They both thought
that it was pointless and using too much time and people. Robert H. Kellogg, who was a sergeant
major, described his entry as a prisoner into the camp on May 2nd, 1864: As we entered the place, a
spectacle met our eyes that almost froze our blood with horror, and made our hearts fail within us.
Before us were forms that had once been active and erect; stalwart men, now nothing but mere
walking skeletons, covered with filth and intensity of their feeling, exclaimed with earnestness. Can
this be hell? God protect us! and all thought that He alone could bring them out alive from so terrible a
place. In the center of the whole was a swamp, occupying about three or four acres of the narrowed
limits, and a part of this marshy place had been used by the prisoners as a sink, and excrement covered
the ground, the scent arising from which was suffocating. The ground allotted to our ninety was near
the edge of this plague spot, and how we were to live through the warm summer weather in the midst
of such fearful surroundings, was more than we cared to think of just then. Andersonville is a southern
camp that could easily be compared to concentration camps,. Henry Wirz, in charge of Andersonville,
was tried and executed for the crimes that he committed while being in charge.
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The Modern Day Legal Systems
Human civilization marked the beginning of modern day legal systems. The advancements in societies
resulted in maintaining certain rules and regulations to continue this progress. Every society has its
own set of laws which are in some ways distinct from others. Many of these laws have common
sections and underlying guidelines. This could be because some societies decide to retain certain
aspects of their customs after breaking out of another society. It could also be the case that over time
different societies through trade and other intercultural activities developed together, which caused
them to have agreements in their laws. For many others, it is the case that they share a common
colonial master. The law and legal systems operating today are derivatives of the forms listed above.
Like many other nations today, the laws of ancient civilizations have affected Canadian law. These
include the Code of Hammurabi, the Mosaic law, Greek and Roman laws, the Magna Carta and a few
others. More recently are the civil and common law derived from the French and British respectively.
Canada did not always have a written constitution. The territory we now refer to as Canada was once
populated by the French and English colonial masters. These colonists extended the laws of their
home countries to their colonies. As the population of this territory grew and the UK gained control of
more colonies including those from the French, regional laws became a necessity. Between the
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Why I Am A Cold Metal
Black. Nothing but, darkness. As if I m floating in an infinite jet black void but, why? Numb down to
my toes and I can t remember a thing, maybe Harry don t forget we love you and you ll always be in
our hearts. Will meet again soon, okay, Harry? Harry? Wait did I die.....I m I in a coffin? Regaining
touch, my fingers travel around meeting cushion and what seems to be cold metal above me. Wiggling
my toes, I attempt to stand up but end up hitting my head on what can only be the roof of this coffin
like room. My body aches like I haven t moved in years and just woke up from an extremely long nap.
Logically, pushing my arms up in an attempt to get out the roof surprisingly opens hitting me in the
face with the glaring sun. Swinging it over, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s eyes trailed behind me, making me aware of the shadow on the ground. A tall, lanky one armed
figure swaying in the wind. My nose scrunches up at the smell of mildew mixed with an aged sickly
body. I don t know whether or not I should be afraid, I suggest there is a chance this person could
harm me that maybe he could give me some answers. My eyes dart back and forth between the bird
and shadow, I realize that they both have something in common. For some reason, they both appeared
out of nowhere. The blackbird flies off, leaving me alone with the figure. Why hasn t it spoken to me
yet, or moved in front of me? The worst possible thing that could happen, I guess, would be that it
kills me making me actually die so, I turn my head around slowly WATCH OUT! a voice yells just as
the figure takes a hold of my shoulders.
Sharp nails dig in my shoulder blades as I whip my head around coming face to face with the most
unusual looking creature ever. It s eyes are glossy orbs almost transparent while the rest of it looks just
like the blackbird only worst. Half of its body resembles a healthy human the other more of a monster.
With it s one arm still gripping my shoulder hanging on for dear life, it begins to lower its mouth to
my ear. Letting out a shaky breath, my whole body breaks out in chills while it whispers Don t let
Zipp! An arrow flies by hitting the creature square in the head, leaving it to drop and join me in my
casket. That was a close one , someone
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The document discusses 5 major accomplishments of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt during his presidency. Teddy Roosevelt was known as an outstanding president who carried out many presidential duties successfully. Some of Roosevelt's most notable achievements included trust busting, expanding conservation efforts, building the Panama Canal, establishing consumer protections, and strengthening the presidency as an institution.

Essay Writing Websites Can Be A Great Resource For Students, Provid
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The document discusses several key causes that led to the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland: 1) The Irish language and literary revival movement promoted Irish nationalism and separatism from Britain by encouraging an understanding of distinct Irish culture, history and grievances. 2) Previous failed rebellions against British rule romanticized heroic resistance and informed later nationalist paramilitary groups. 3) The development of nationalist paramilitary organizations like the Irish Republican Brotherhood in the years before partition marked an anomalous turn to armed resistance driven by a desire for independence from Britain.

Definition Essay Writing Tips Universal Guide Pro Essay Help
Definition Essay Writing Tips Universal Guide Pro Essay HelpDefinition Essay Writing Tips Universal Guide Pro Essay Help
Definition Essay Writing Tips Universal Guide Pro Essay Help

The document provides tips and guidance for using the writing assistance service HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email, 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications, 4) Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and get a refund if work is plagiarized. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.

Critical Analysis Of Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close
Extremely Loud Incredibly Close is a 2005 book by Jonathan Safran Foer about a young boy dealing
with the death of his father in the attacks on September 11, 2001. A critical analysis of the firebombing
of Dresden and how it connects and grows the main themes of the novel will be stated forthwith.
Oskar Schell was nine years old when his father was tragically taken from him by two jetliners flown
by terrorists. This was especially unfortunate for him as his father seemed to be the only person that
fully understood how Oskar s Aspergers affected him and could use that to keep Oskar in a state of
growth. Thomas Schell, Oskar s father, would assign Oskar reconnaissance missions in which the
young boy had to converse with strangers and do other tasks in order to grow his social skills and get
him out of his shell. This was the point at which the class noticed that Oskar s father seemed to be
such a great father to make up for the fact that his own father was absent for his entire life. This moves
onto the analysis of Thomas Schell Sr. Thomas Schell Sr. lived in Dresden Germany as a child and
was raised there. As a young boy, Thomas was full of hope, love, and emotion. Today, the city of
Dresden represents a devastation incendiary bombing by the allies near the end of the second world
war. Thomas lived through this bombing and lost the love of his life as well as his unborn child. The
young man was hunkering down in a cellar attempting to shelter from the burning when he realized
that Anna, his lover, was missing. Insisting on going back out despite his parent s wishes, Thomas
went headstrong into the inferno. After the bombing, Dresden was encompassed by a firestorm
blowing air heated to hundreds of degrees fahrenheit at hurricane speeds. This brings to mind the
devastating dust cloud that touched down in NYC after the WTC attacks. This moves onto the next
chronological analysis. There are quite a few striking similarities in Oskar s and Thomas situation and
this helps to strengthen and connect Foer s novel. Oskar and Thomas both experienced extreme loss at
a relatively young age. Thomas went through the death of his lover and unborn child, while Oskar
experienced the death of the only man
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Spread Of Islamic Ethics
Islamic standards of moral conduct are specified in the shari ah. Muslims practice this by reciting the
first three verses of the al Fatihah, which is the opening to the Qur an. Islamic ethics is characterized
as the straight path of kindness that leads to the source of life. The path is lived out by Muslims by
practicing the five pillars. The five pillars are; Shahada, the profession of faith, Salat, ritual prayer five
times daily, Zakat, giving reasons to help others, Sawm, spiritual discipline to fasting, and the Hajj,
which is a pilgrimage to Mecca (p. 87). In the Zakat, Muslims practice sharing their wealth to help the
poor, people in debt, and those in need. They also practice donating money and food to the needy
during sawm. They make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These practices connect to their personal and societal practices through the predispositions that make
up their value system. The Muslims try to always have justice and fairness is financial dealings; such
as buying a car. They show compassion towards other s, including their enemies, which is very similar
to Christian s teachings as Christians are encouraged to turn the other cheek. They also believe to that
they must give due regard to nonhuman creatures. Contrary to unpopular beliefs, the Qur an and the
hadith forbid suicide, showing the extremism taken by the 9/11 terrorists was not an act of Islamic
preaching. Similar to Christianity, Islam also has a ten commandments which focuses on virtues such
as peace, forgiveness, balance, kindness, and humility. They forbid adultery, exploitation of orphans,
gambling, stealing and non marital intercourse (p. 88). Through these five pillars, ten commandments,
the guidance of the Qur an, Islam, to me, is an extension to Christianity as Christianity is an extension
of Judaism. I know that it is not exactly correct in that context, however many of the Islamic teachings
are taught in parables by Jesus. Christians are encouraged to give as much money as
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Managerial Economics Of Dell Incorporated
Running Head: The Managerial Economics of Dell Incorporated 1
The Managerial Economics of Dell Incorporated Our business is about technology, yes. But it s also
about operations and customer relationships. (Dell, n.d.). Dell Incorporated produces electronics
products, including, but not limited to; laptop computers, desktop computers, audio equipment,
monitors, and printers. Michael Dell dropped out of college in his freshman year in 1984 and founded
his new computer business under the name of PC s Limited with $1,000 and a vision for designing,
manufacturing and selling technology. Within four years, the company was renamed Dell Computer
Corporation and went public. Within this time, Dell raised its market capitalization from $1,000 to $85
million. In 1992, Dell debuted on the Fortune 500, which made Michael Dell the youngest CEO
leading a Fortune 500 company. By 1999, Dell was ranked No. 1 in PCs in the United States, No. 1
worldwide in PCs for large and medium businesses, and No. 1 in worldwide workstation shipments.
By the year 2000, dell.com had reached sales of $40 million per day and by 2001, Dell became the
No. 1 computer systems provider worldwide. In 2006, Dell became the first in the industry to offer
free product recycling for consumers worldwide. And in 2013, Michael Dell and the private equity
firm, Silver Lake Partners, bought back Dell from public shareholders, becoming a private company
once again. Between 1984 and 2013, Dell has designed, manufactured,
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Victorian Marriage
In Victorian England marriage was a necessity. If a woman did not marry well, then she could not
receive any of the advantages that a married woman received. Married women had financial security.
Married women had an estate (with their husband) where they could host guests. Married women had
children, and could fulfill the role of motherhood. Unmarried women did not have any of this, so from
a young age girls learned how to become suitable wives. A suitable wife needed to know how to
cook,clean house, sing, dance, play an instrument, become a hostess, and care for children. Once
married, the role of a woman became caring for the household, no matter what her marriage looked
like or why she married. In Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen shows her reader the importance of
marriage through couples who married for varying reasons.
A woman might marry due to a sense of duty. Austen shows the reader this through her character
Charlotte. Mr. Collins proposes to Charlotte Lucas soon after his offer Elizabeth rejects his offer.
Charlotte knows that her friend Elizabeth has declined Mr. Collins offer, and that it is not acceptable
for him to propose to someone else so soon after, but she accepts his proposal. When asked about it
later, Charlotte tells Elizabeth that she had to accept it because she might not ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Austen illustrates lust through the match of Lydia and Mr. Wickham. Lydia ran off with Wickham
because she found his social status attractive. As an officer, Wickham held a higher status than that of
the Bennet family. Knowing this, Lydia ran away with him. This made Lydia a dishonor for her
family. Marriage was important and having a daughter run away unmarried was one of the biggest
disgraces possible for the Bennets. When a woman eloped without a proper marriage, the only option
that the family saw was to somehow convince Lydia to marry the man with whom she had run away.
This is why Mr. Bennet had to go find
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Lincoln's main argument against the war with Mexico was that it was unconstitutional and unnecessary. He believed the war was started under false pretenses and was really about the expansion of slavery into new territories, which he strongly opposed. Lincoln argued that the President did not have the authority to start a war without Congressional approval, making the Mexican-American War unconstitutional. He also did not think sufficient cause had been demonstrated to justify the war and invasion of Mexico. Lincoln saw the war as a way for slave states to gain more territory in the West where slavery could expand, a view that was unpopular at the time but demonstrated his early anti-slavery principles.

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The document provides instructions for completing the Week 2 Assignment for ENG 225. Students must demonstrate their understanding of one film genre by analyzing a feature length film. The assignment involves reviewing the discussion of genre in Chapter 8 of the textbook "Film: From Watching to Seeing" and then selecting a genre to analyze using a film as an example. The film can be one mentioned in Chapter 8 or another approved by the professor. Students are encouraged to get the professor's approval if choosing a film not listed in the chapter. Overall, the assignment requires students to select a genre, review how it is discussed in the textbook, and then analyze a film

How To Write Academic Papers
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How To Write Academic Papers

The document provides instructions for writing academic papers through HelpWriting.net, including 5 steps: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and choose one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and get a refund for plagiarized work. The site aims to fully meet customer needs through an original, high-quality paper writing service.

A Window into Thinking During The Gilded Age in the Book...
In the latter chapters, Julian gains a love interest. He falls in love with Edith Leete, the daughter, who
turns out to be Edith Bartlet s great granddaughter. Edith Bartlet was his former fiancèe. In the 19th
century, anarchism was a growing movement that scared many people including Julian. Dr. Leete
describes how it was in fact the wealthiest who funded them, so people would be afraid of reform.
However, this was not enough because social change was not instigated by labor or political parties
but by the vow by mankind to persevere and conquer the old order and usher in the new. Mr. Bellamy
contrasts the anarchist and socialist movements in order posit the latter in a more favorable light. An
important issue resolved the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They both profess their love for each other which consoles Mr. West, but that night he encounters an
eery dream. It is about him waking up in back where he was at the beginning of the book. He reads of
all the horrors and atrocities in the newspaper and that night goes to Ms. Bartlet s parent s house for
dinner. By trying to convince the wealthy folks at the table of the awfulness of today s poor and how it
could be so much better, he only distresses them, and he is kicked out. In this dream, he loses all hope
for humanity, but then he wakes up and realizes that the 21st century is real and where he belongs. He
can be an ambassador to the past and work as an educator, giving a unique perspective of the 19th
century. The Gilded Age was a time a of great prosperity but also great corruption. Many advances in
technology and industry took place during the time period. The transcontinental railroad was built, the
steel industry was expanded, and oil took off. These developments allowed for the US to experience
an industrial revolution, but not all was well. Most of the wealth generated during this time
concentrated itself into the hands a of a select few who were able to weasel their way to the top of
their industry. One example is John D. Rockefeller, who with wealth adjusted for inflation, amassed a
fortune of around $700 billion. The way the these men obtained their wealth was an issue for many
during the
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Gun Control Legislation Analysis
. The United State has passed some laws concerning the ownership and use of gun, and more
legislation is being considered. Most of this legislation retrain, to an extent, the rights of the people to
own or use gun. Some of these constraint may be necessary, but presently some legislation is taking it
too far. The community gain from the use guns in the hands of reasonable or responsible citizens. An
attempt to stop the use or take away gun use from this community might not do well. As individuals in
such community fight for the protection of its people.
According to Jonathan stray (2013) there are two major federal laws that regulate firearm ownership
and sales civilians are restricted from using or owning grenades, machine guns or any powerful ...
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. The Gun control advocates beliefs that the police is always there to protect the people, the police
cannot be there all the time to protect. When one is attack one can call the police at that time even if
you all the police it take some time for them to get to the crime scene. If asked to turn in all guns, the
only ones that will comply are the law abiding citizens, the criminals or those that feels they just want
to keep it to protect themselves won t turn it in. another reason for Gun control is that, those that leave
it carelessly in their homes endanger the lives of kids. While some that do not want this Gun control
feels there are so many incident that happens in the house that cause the death of kids like bikes, the
swimming pool and so on. They claim that the TV only says news about those gun has killed but does
not talk about those that have been saved by a gun. People tend to believe what they hear or see. This
issue about gun control is so emotional and an important one. Acknowledgment for any mode/style of
control do not rely on just mechanical dispute or disagreement about efficiency; more or less, the point
on this topic are altered seriously by values and personal belief. We need to change our attitude and
what we believe in, as this is a difficult situation to just handle with ease. Views that are connected to
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Mammography Research Paper
Mammography can detected breast disease when a woman has the examination. It is an x ray image of
the breast that can detect breast cancer in the women and differences in tissue densities of breasts.
Mammography plays a key role when it s comes to detecting early breast cancer. The history of
mammography, become essential to the diagnostic tool, the equipment, improving through the years,
and even to become the mammographer needs certificate/registry from ARRT.
When x ray technology was first created in the nineteenth century, a German surgeon named Albert
was able to use the x ray technology to detect the breast cancer. Albert used chest X ray to see any
abnormal area in the chest and compare other chest x ray. According Mammography article, ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even the equipment s become very advanced. The women got mammography procedures every year.
Now, the mammography becomes easy to get by the patient and can be done without feeling
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Jessica Hische
Jessica Hische American letterer and type designer
The wayback background begins with two very understanding and supportive non artsy parents that
stocked their house full of every pencil, marker, and paint set imaginable. Jessica grew up knowing
she wanted to do something art related for a living but had no idea what graphic design was until
Sophomore year of college. She took an intro course and was hooked. Design was satisfying in a
completely different way than fine art everything was like a puzzle you had to solve. As a nineteen
year old from Nowheresville, Pennsylvania who lived a relatively charmed existence, she didn t feel
like she had much to express yet. Being able to think and execute artwork on the behalf of others to
address their needs rather than her own was a giant Eureka! moment.
Louise Fili offered her a job soon after she graduated and while working for her she really honed her
lettering skills. Jessica was doing a ton of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By winter, unsure if they wanted to take on another full time employee, her hours were cut and she put
together an illustration promo to get freelance work. That promo ended up landing me an illustration
rep and a job for one of her heroes; she migrated to Brooklyn to work for her. After two and a half
years of very little sleep and a lot of lettering, freelance work began overwhelming her life and her
desire to do side projects became too much to bear. She ventured out on her own and embarked on a
little project that would end up changing her career and earning the title That Drop Cap Girl .
She has been on her own as a letterer, illustrator, type designer, and relentless procrastiworker since
2009 and have worked for (and continue to work for) a lot of wonderful clients like Wes Anderson and
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The document discusses the steps to request an assignment writing service from HelpWriting.net. It involves creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing bids from writers. The client can then choose a writer, make a deposit, and receive the completed paper. They can request revisions until satisfied with the final product. HelpWriting.net promises original, high-quality content and refunds if plagiarism is found.

Writing A Good Research Paper. Online assignment writing service.
Writing A Good Research Paper. Online assignment writing service.Writing A Good Research Paper. Online assignment writing service.
Writing A Good Research Paper. Online assignment writing service.

Iceland experienced greater economic destruction than most countries from the 2007/08 financial crisis. It chose to deal with the crisis by allowing its economy to collapse and changing its economic approach. As a result of allowing its economy to collapse, Iceland was able to recover more quickly than expected through adopting new economic policies focused on growth.

Best Thesis Writing Service Review, E
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This document provides strategies for helping 9th grade math students effectively manage their time. It recommends incorporating daily review activities at the start of class to minimize wasted time. Students should be taught self-monitoring skills to stay on-task during independent work periods. Establishing routines and providing a syllabus can help students prioritize assignments. Frequent praise and rewards can also encourage students to meet deadlines. Overall, these time management strategies are aimed at enhancing learning for 14-year-old students.

the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on...
Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should
address the following subtopics:
Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. The
explanation of its evolution within the American tradition should include the general meaning of the
right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil
liberties. Provide examples from U.S. history of the suspension of habeas corpus and their
applicability to the present. Analyze the relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation
during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by as enemy ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The thesis statement must tell readers what the essay will demonstrate. The paper must end with a
short paragraph that states a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent. The paper must
logically develop the thesis in a way that leads to the conclusion, and that development must be
supported by facts, fully explained concepts and assertions, and persuasive reasoning. The paper must
address all subtopics outlined above. At least 20% of the essay must focus on subtopic five, listed
above (your evaluation of perspectives on the topic). Your paper must cite at least three academic
articles (excluding the course textbook) and at least four other kinds of sources (e.g., Supreme Court
opinions, magazine or newspaper articles, the course textbook, and reliable websites or videos). Use
your own words. While brief quotes from sources may be used, altogether the total amount of quoted
text must be less than five percent of the body of your paper. When you use someone else s words,
they must be enclosed in quotation marks followed by an APA in text short citation (author, year, and
page) to your source. The in text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source on the
reference page at the end of the essay. When you express in your own words someone else s ideas,
arguments or facts, your statement must be followed by an APA in text short citation (author, year, and
page) to your source. The
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Manager s Locus of Control to Managerial Style
Does a manager s locus of control have a significant relationship with their managerial style?
C. Gordon
Research Paper/Proposal
Florida Institute of Technology
Objective The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between a person s
direction of their locus of control and their managerial style. More specifically, their managerial style
as it pertains to the Managerial Grid® created by Blake and Mouton, and the Six Styles of
Management developed by the HayGroup. The objective is to ascertain how influential the personality
and self esteem implications of a person s locus of control is on their effectiveness in a managerial
Research Question Does locus of control imply managerial style? ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
His main concern is not to be held responsible for any mistakes. Results in: Disorganization,
dissatisfaction and disharmony due to lack of effective leadership. 2. Country Club style (Low
Production/High People) Description: One sided, thoughtful attention the needs of employee.
Characteristics: The relationship oriented manager has a high concern for people, but a low concern
for production. He pays much attention to the security and comfort of the employees. He hopes that
this will increase performance. He is almost incapable of employing the more punitive, coercive and
legitimate powers. This inability results from fear that using such powers could jeopardize
relationships with the other team members. Results in: A usually friendly atmosphere, but not
necessarily very productive. 3. Produce or Perish style (High Production/Low People) Description:
Authoritarian or compliance leader Characteristics: the task oriented manager is autocratic, has a high
concern for production, and low concern for people. He finds employee needs unimportant simply a
means to an end. He provide his employees with money and expects performance back. There is little
or no allowance for cooperation or collaboration. He pressures his employees through rules and
punishments to achieve the company goals. Heavily task oriented people are very strong on schedules.
They are
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Historical Inaccuracies In Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan is a film that takes place in WWII and the main conflict is trying to bring back
Private Ryan back safely. In the film many battles go on and we get to see first hand through the main
character Captain Miller how gruesome it got. First few scenes we get a good look at how hard it is
going to be for men fighting. D Day June 6, 1944 Normandy, France was the first battle, and in the
scene that takes place here is for the most part accurate. Portrayal of the Invasion of Normandy seems
to be very similar to the actual event. During the real battle, the plan was for the Ranger companies to
be the first wave with the goal of taking over Pointe du Hoc and taking the higher ground. The
soldiers stormed Omaha Beach and that is when the horrors of war began. Similarly the movie shows
the men arriving on the LCVPs and storming the beach, and also suffering heavy casualties at the
same time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There was no Captain John Miller there was no Private Ryan nor a mission to save anyone. On the
other hand there was a man named Frederick Fritz Niland from the 101st Airborne Division, who
Private Ryan was modeled after. While there is not much information on Fritz Niland, he was one of
four sons. All three of his brothers were killed in World War II. His mother received all three death
notifications at once.There is no record of a rescue mission in search of Fritz Niland, but he was sent
home to the United
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Broken Glass Jewish Essay
Broken Glass Jewish
In 1938, the onset of violent anti Semitic riots in Germany created one of the most horrific struggles of
our time. Not only did this outrageous holocaust bring sadness and death to the Jews in Germany but
also to the ones living here in America. In, The Broken Glass, by Arthur Miller, we see the lives of
three completely different characters portrayed. First, we see Sylvia Gullberg, who has been a
housewife ever since her husband Philip made her quit. She is the first one to be affected by the news
in Germany. Her husband, Phillip, has been hiding from his race ever since he was a teen, and because
of this ruins his marriage and ultimately his life. Lastly, Dr. Harry Hyman, who views everything with
his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He even has gender issues. For example, Philip say s, If my wife were a man, she could be director of
the Federal Reserve, and you can talk to my wife like she s a man. These are certainly statements that
he would not be saying about his wife if he thought gender wasn t a problem. As far as their marriage
goes, Philip and Sylvia have a very business like relationship. He feels he is the man of the house,
which is why he won t let her work. Unfortunately, this way of living for so many years has torn
Sylvia apart from him. I believe Sylvia Gullberg is the strongest character throughout this movie.
Unfortunately, she too has been living a lie for the past twenty years as a housewife and now even as
she lay paralyzed in bed, fights to make a difference. Once a businesswoman, she gave up all of that
for everyone s sake but her own. And now after all those years of hiding, she will not do so anymore.
One of the most difficult things she must face is the realization of her husband, Philip, being afraid of
his own race. Sylvia is a very well informed and respected lady. Even Dr. Hyman cannot escape the
beauty and inner drive that she possesses. For example, Dr Hyman tells her he has not been so moved
by a woman in a long time and is unsure if he can continue treating her. Time and time again she is
constantly giving while not ever receiving. Even as she lay paralyzed on the steps of her house, she
keeps saying sorry to her
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The document discusses the primary steps and process for requesting and obtaining writing assistance through the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines 5 main steps: 1) Creating an account with valid email and password. 2) Completing a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Reviewing bids from writers and choosing one based on qualifications. 4) Receiving the paper and authorizing payment if pleased. 5) Having the option to request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work. The document promotes the website's writing assistance services.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account on HelpWriting.net in order to request writing assistance. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The goal is to ensure students receive original, high-quality content through a simple online process.

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How To Write A Good Personal Essay For Scholarships - SoHow To Write A Good Personal Essay For Scholarships - So
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This document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1. Create an account by providing a password and email. 2. Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline to request a "Write My Paper For Me" assignment. 3. Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications and reviews. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. Free revisions are allowed. 5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction. Plagiarized work will be refunded.

Media Bias In The Media
The influence that the media has cannot be doubted by anyone. The media plays a very vital role in
our criminal justice system today. According to the text, Most people gain their knowledge of events
from the media, and therefore the selection and shaping of news by the media is a critical element in
forming and modeling the public opinion on most topics, including criminal justice. The media
decides what is noteworthy, and crime ranks high on that scale. (Banks, 2013) The public s view of
casualties, lawbreakers, deviants, and law enforcement officials is to a great extent dictated by their
depiction in the mass media. Crime in America is big news that is of significant concern to the
American public. In a 1997 national survey conducted by the Roper Center in conjunction with the
Newseum of Arlington, Virginia, 95% of 1,500 respondents said they want to know about crime, a
higher response rate than for any other topic, including local news, the environment, and world news.
(Parade Magazine 1997, 4) The goal of the media is to report the truth at all times. Reporting the truth
to the public is fundamental to the role of the media in society as well as a moral responsibility of the
media (Klaidman and Beauchamp 1987:30). (Banks, 2013) With reporting news stories, one need to
make sure that biasness does not occur. Is media bias essentially an issue? The impact of media bias
depends on how the group of onlookers forms the data displayed by the media. Media have huge
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Jetblue Essay
Learning objectives 1. institutional aspects of equity issuance transaction 2. costs and benefits
associated with public share offerings 3. develop a deeper appreciation for challenges of valuing
unseasoned firms and enhance corporate valuation skills
1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of going public?
2) What different approaches can be used to value JetBlue s shares?
3) At what price would you recommend that JetBlue offer their shares?
Potential Questions to be addressed in report submission * What is an Initial Public Offering and why
is it such a big deal? * Is going public, particularly at the time they did, a good idea for JetBlue? *
What do you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, according to John Owen, JetBlue had prepared the initial registration statement with
security and exchange commission (SEC) for the IPO on September 11, 2001. However, based on the
September 11 attacks, they delayed IPO before it came into force. In fact, not only the terrorist attacks
on September 11, 2001, but several events happened negatively affected the global economy during
the period of going public for JetBlue. For example, the contagion of bird flu was quite severe during
taking flights, which definitely influenced the demand of flights. The increasing oil price also raised
the basic cost in any transportation industry. Another negative condition could be the economic
downturn, including crash of the dot com bubble and financial crisis in Asia. From this point
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Essay Disputing the Canon
Disputing the Canon
I was in the best of settings when I realized that Shakespeare was indeed great. My freshman year in
high school, I had English class with an esteemed teacher, Mr. Broza hailed as the Paul D. Schreiber
High School Shakespeare aficionado, founder of Schreiber s Annual Shakespeare Day, and, perhaps
most heart warming of all, a self proclaimed Shakespeare lover whose posters of The Bard could be
found as wallpaper in his small office. How lucky I thought I was. Indeed, if I wanted to appreciate
Hamlet, I was in the right hands.
But how misled I actually was at least, in Walker Percy s eyes. In his essay, The Loss of the Creature,
Percy recalls a scene from The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter:
...the girl hides in the bushes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After sitting by a tree and reading the text front to back, perhaps then I would be able to see
Shakespeare in Percy s sense of the word.
Percy s noble task is to open our minds to the possibility that we are not the masters of what we know
that, in part, what we know and what we see, when approached passively, have a lot more to do with
preformed symbolic complex than with ourselves (512). Percy s exploration achieves one of the main
goals of all philosophy to change the way we think about things. He changes the meaning of many
concepts human beings tend to take for granted. Sight is no longer the mere act of seeing, but a
struggle, an act of understanding and appreciation (523). Sovereignty, in relation to things, is no
longer some abstract concept of power, but an ability to interpret for oneself (517). Education or
perhaps more specifically, its dynamic is reshaped, for it is no longer a passive act (i.e. being taught to
) but an action that relies much more upon the student, who may have the greatest difficulty in
salvaging the creature itself from the educational package in which it is presented (519). These
concept alterations are thus meant to alter our reality; they aim to help us rediscover in art what he
calls in his opening paragraph an island, Formosa. This previously untouched island is beautiful to its
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Once Upon A Time Gordimer
Scary Tales Fairy tales are what generations have grown up with, beginning with the Disney
princesses such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Princess And The Pea and Hansel And Gretel.
Nadine Gordimer s short story Once Upon a Time started out with a happy beginning and nevertheless
ended abrupt and depressing. Gordimer grew up in South Africa and had some of the experiences that
are described in the story. She lived through the time period and understood the conflict. The majority
of fairy tales have a happy ending and they over all teach a lesson. Irony begins in Once Upon A Time
when it starts out with joy, and then it switches to the problem at the end leaving the readers thinking.
The story is set in South Africa during the time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Once Upon A Time the wall is an important symbol. Not only do the main characters move into a
house with a wall built up around it, but it s also in a highly protected neighborhood. The wall
represents the separation between the races, but specifically whites and other groups. Arguably the
family thinks the wall is a great idea and agree that it should be even higher, You are right, said the
wife, then the wall should be higher. And the wise old witch, the husband s mother, paid for the extra
bricks as her Christmas present to her son and his wife. The increase in the wall height represents the
increase in the government s attempt to create more separation. Gordimer s point is proven after the
family adds wire coils to the fence to protect them from Apartheid. What the characters don t seem to
understand is the danger that is actually inside the fence. ...Screams while the bleeding mass of the
little boy was hacking out of the security coil, with saws, wire cutters, choppers... This is the
Apartheid in action causing separation and tearing the community apart. The mass of issues also
connects with the mass amount of separation and
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The document discusses artificial neural networks (ANN) as a type of machine learning where systems are trained to infer patterns from data through supervised learning by being given input-output examples to learn a mapping between inputs and outputs to approximate functions. ANNs are inspired by biological neural networks and are designed to mimic their learning abilities through a network of interconnected nodes that can learn relationships and patterns in data through experience.

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The document provides guidance on using the writing service HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content meeting customers' needs.

How To Write An Analytical Essay - How To Write An A
How To Write An Analytical Essay - How To Write An AHow To Write An Analytical Essay - How To Write An A
How To Write An Analytical Essay - How To Write An A

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a request for an assignment writing service on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The document promises original, high-quality content and refunds for plagiarized work.

Understanding Temperament In Infants And Amy Hunter
The article Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers is written by Lindsy T Allard and
Amy Hunter and through this article the author has tried to help early childhood caregivers and
parents to develop an understanding of temperament, so that they can better understand the individual
differences of the children and can support their holistic development.
Summary of the Article Temperament describes the way a child approaches, reacts and relate to the
world around them. It helps us identify the strengths of the child and the supports they need to succeed
in their relationships and the environments. Researchers categorized the children, who tend to be
happy, regular in their routines and don t get easily upset, as easy ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
As an educator when I am very much informed about the temperament it would help me create and
design developmentally appropriate learning environments and practices as developmentally
appropriate learning environments and practices give children optimal time and space in which to
learn new skills and build on existing competencies. In developmentally appropriate early care
children s needs are dealt with quickly. Children are talked with and listened to respectfully. (Jean
Barbre, 2013, p. 44) e.g. using familiar objects, like a stuffed animal to ease anxiety during transitions
such as morning drop off. With the understanding of temperament, I as an educator would not be
biased and use the labelling as good, bad, better and worse
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Redemption in Alice Walker s Color Purple Essay
Redemption in The Color Purple
Alice Walker grew up in rural Georgia in the mid 1900s as the daughter of two poor sharecroppers.
Throughout her life, she has been forced to face and overcome arduous lessons of life. Once she
managed to transfer the struggles of her life into a book, she instantaneously became a world
renowned author and Pulitzer Prize winner. The Color Purple is a riveting novel about the struggle
between redemption and revenge according to Dinitia Smith. The novel takes place rural Georgia,
starting in the early 1900s over a period of 30 years. Albert, also known as Mr._____, and his son
Harpo must prevail over their evil acts towards other people, especially women. Albert and Harpo
wrong many people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When Albert recognizes his need to change, he has reached his first step towards redemption.
Harpo s redemption comes about much more quickly than Albert s does. Perhaps this is because Harpo
is not as stubborn or awful as his father, or perhaps because there was always love between him and
his wife, Sofia; however, he still does great wrongs towards Sofia and women and general. He has
been taught that a man should be above all women in every aspect. Harpo eventually learns that he
cannot control Sofia, he tries to beat her at first; but she ends up hurting him badly. Harpo s first step
towards redemption is concluding that he and Sofia truly love each other, and that he needs to treat her
well if he wants to keep her (Walker 38). Even after understanding this, he does not truly learn how
much Sofia means to him until she is taken from him (Walker 89).
Albert was able to overcome the stereotype set upon him, and all he grew up learning to become a
person. He had to evaluate how he treated people in his life, and take action to correct his mistakes.
Albert discovers reflection that makes him a defined person, despite his reflective manner at the end of
the novel; he remains in the area of possibility (Davis 405). While Albert reflects on his faults, he
learns that ...morality is not an external dictate. It doesn t matter if you love the wrong people, ...or
whether you have money, or go to church, ...what
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Gandhi s The Man, His People, And The Empire
In India s history, many men and women have stepped forward to leave a legacy behind. However, no
one has come close to leaving one behind the way Mohandas Gandhi did. Gandhi is known as a
legend by the people of India because he led their country to freedom from British rule. During this
time, Britain was one of the most powerful nations and most heavily armed group of men. The
biography, Gandhi The Man, His People, And The Empire , written by Gandhi s grandson, explains
from a family perspective how Gandhi was a powerful leader that conducted peaceful protest with non
violence. In this biography, the narrator explains some of Gandhi s worst flaws and greatest
achievements. Even though India faced multiple hardships trying to break ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
From that moment, Gandhi became cognizant of his values and beliefs. At the end of Gandhi s high
school education, he decided he wanted to be a lawyer. In order to do so, Gandhi sought to go to
England. In Gandhi s own words, It was an uncommon thing for a young man from Rajkot to go to
England (Gandhi 21). Mohandas went to England with a friend, leaving his wife, son, and mother all
On his trip to England, Mohandas Gandhi struggled with the English language, and how to eat with
utensils. Gandhi, who did not eat meat, survived off sweets and fruits on the ship because he was
afraid to ask which foods were meat free. Rather than engaging with others, Gandhi remained reserved
on the ship. The ship docked on September 29, 1988, and from there, Gandhi took a train to London.
Eventually, Gandhi arrived at the Victoria Hotel, where he stayed.
Gandhi described London to be alive with ideas and movements (Gandhi 29). Gandhi enrolled at the
Inner Temple University, and graduated in 1891. He was then admitted to the bar of England, and
began reading the ideas of David Thoreau on nonviolence. These ideas shaped Gandhi s beliefs on
handling matters without violence. He soon realized he could not be successful as a lawyer in England
and returned to India. However, this did not stop Gandhi s adventures. Gandhi soon traveled to South
Africa to work for a firm. In South Africa, Gandhi
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Sandwich By Gloria Anzaldua Summary
Gloria Anzaldua concept of borderlands is one of many aspects. To begin it is a place that is
consistently transitioning, full of multiple people who are seen as different. The borderlands is also a
territory where the third world and the first world meets, specifically it is located in the US Mexican
border. Its where cultures collide, it is what separates us from them and determines what we view safe
and unsafe, but most importantly it is an unnatural boundary, made to separate us. The people here are
troublesome, they are the queer, the perverse, the mulato, the half breed, in short those who live here
are considered different. The Chicanos, Indians, Blacks, the queer, and all those who are not white are
those who dwell in the borderlands. They struggle enough as it is, but even then, they are seen as
transgressors, aliens, sometimes in their own land because they are not white, and they do not align
themselves with whites. This makes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In a Rice Sandwich we see a similar situation when the nun doesn t want Esperanza to be a part of the
kids who eat in the canteen. She states that the nun told her to, Go for today not for tomorrow only
after making her cry(45). The canteen can be seen as a borderland, Esperanza feels like she doesn t
belong because she is not like the other kids, the nun only lets her sit there out of pity. Most
importantly it s a reminder of her place in society, it shows Esperanza that she is different, not
legitimate like those in the borderlands and still part of the marginalized like those in the tracks. All of
this shapes her position in the world, reminding her she is still part of the outsiders and still not
belonging anywhere, even when she makes it in the canteen she realizes its nothing special and she
still feels
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The document provides instructions for completing an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to complete assignments through a bidding system while ensuring client satisfaction.

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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized content.

Tree Trim
Tower Hill School, a private school in Wilmington, DE, has been around for nearly a hundred years.
One of Tower Hill s many traditions is Tree Trim, which has been around for 88 years. It always
occurs the week before Winter break begins. Tree Trim, a time for family and friends of all ages to
gather together and sit around a tree while singing songs, represents more than a gathering. Alice in
Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, is a Bildungsroman, meaning it is a coming of age novel. Tree Trim
parallels Alice in Wonderland when Lewis Carroll mocks institutions, more specifically the
government, and the idea of how growing does not necessarily represent a good thing. Even though
Tower Hill is not a religious based school, they still celebrate a ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
At the same time, he also mocks many institutions such as education and government. He creates a
caucus race in the novel where a dodo holds a race to see who can dry off the fastest. This is not only
irrelevant, but it also mocks the government by stating how unorganized and immature our judicial
system is. In the beginning of the novel, Alice seems to be immature and cannot fathom the idea of
growing up when she says, shall I never get any older than I am now? That ll Be a comfort, one way
never to be an old woman but then always to have lessons to learn! Oh, I shouldn t like that (pg 45).
Alice asks herself throughout the novel who she really represents and what portrays normalcy. Alice
does not get much help from anyone along her way, however, she is able to have a conversation with a
caterpillar who sits on a mushroom. While Alice talks to the Caterpillar she says, at least I know who I
was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then (pg
55). The caterpillar gives no help to Alice and continues to ask questions to Alice until Alice comes
out with the truth: I can t explain myself you see, i m afraid, Sir because i m not myself you see (pg
55). One of the many similarities of Tree Trim and Alice in Wonderland is the fact that older people
are only around to help aid the lives of children. Even though Alice never sees why being young is
important, she learns other lessons as in when to be quiet and not to say whatever comes to mind.
Alice, who is only a little girl, seems to be too young for her own journey in the beginning due to her
immaturity, but later proves the leader wrong after she embarks on her path to
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Jack Hall
Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a paleoclimatologist who is on an expedition in Antarctica with two
colleagues, Frank (Jay O. Sanders) and Jason (Dash Mihok), drilling for ice core samples on the
Larsen Ice Shelf for the NOAA when the ice shelf breaks off from the rest of the continent, and Jack
almost falls to his death. Jack presents his findings on global warming at a United Nations conference
in New Delhi. Jack found that 10,000 years ago, a global warming changed the earth s climate into the
Ice Age. Jack says that it could happen again in maybe 100 to 1,000 years from now if we don t stop
polluting the atmosphere. Most of the diplomats, including the Vice President of the United States
(Kenneth Welsh), are unconvinced by Jack s theory. At ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Few listen, and the small group that remains burns books to keep warm and breaks the library s
vending machine for food. Laura is afflicted with blood poisoning, so Sam, Brian, and J.D. must
search for penicillin in a Russian cargo ship that drifted inland, and are attacked by escaped wolves
from the New York Zoo. Just then, the eye of the North American superstorm begins to pass over the
city with its 150 °F instant freeze temperatures, and the entire New York City skyline begins to freeze
solid, buildings and air alike. The three return to the library with medicine, food, and supplies, making
it to safety.
During the deep freeze, Jack and Jason take shelter in an abandoned Wendy s restaurant, then resume
their journey after the storm dissipates, finally arriving in New York City. They find the library buried
in snow, but find Sam s group alive and are rescued by U.S. Army soldiers flying UH 60 Blackhawk
In Mexico, the new President orders search and rescue teams to look for other survivors, having been
given hope by the survival of Sam s group. The movie concludes with two astronauts looking down at
Earth from the International Space Station, showing most of the northern hemisphere covered in ice,
including all of the United States north of the southern states, and a major reduction in
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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Analytical Essay Purdue Owl Apa Sample

  • 1. Analytical Essay: Purdue Owl Apa Sample 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Analytical Essay: Purdue Owl Apa Sample Analytical Essay: Purdue Owl Apa Sample
  • 2. Perso-Islamic Synthesis Essay The purpose of this essay is to discuss the Islamization of Persia in relation to the Samanid and Buyid Dynasties. The synthesis of Persian culture and Islam was not an immediate result of the Arab expansion into Iran and there is certainly a lack of research on the subject. However, in this essay, I will attempt to explain the contributions of the Samanid and Buyid dynasties to this synthesis with a focus on the attempts of the Samanid Dynasty at centralization and a unified identity through religion, language and culture. The Islamization of Iran occurred as a result of the Arab conquest of Persia. The institution of a new culture, especially if the new culture is being installed by one less organized or less capable than the culture ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This period marked significant changes for Persia since there was a large movement of immigration directed towards the region from the Arabian Peninsula. After Persia was conquered, the people began to convert to Islam and landowners gave their properties to Islam and were granted even more land as a result of the conversion. Further, the Zoroastrians were in fact the ones most enraged by the conversion to Islam as they were involved in occupations that involved impurities such as working with fire, etc. Missionaries did not really encounter much opposition as it became quite easy to convert the Persians into Islam alluding to the fact that there were already many similarities and that transforming, or converting, was really not such a hard task. Muslim leaders would also win conversions by attending public Muslim prayers, promising money and allowing for the Qur an to be recited in Persian and not Arabic, so that all could understand what the Qur an was really trying to say. The Samanids, who were originally based in the Zoroastrian nobility, started their own conversion process encouraging people become Sunni Muslims. In fact, during the reign of the Samanids in the 9th century, the Qur an was translated into Persian completely. The Buyid Dynasty The Buyid Dynasty, originated from the Daylam in Galian, is considered the Shi ite Persian dynasty. They controlled most of Iran and Iraq during the 10th and 11th century. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Plato s The Socratic Method Plato wrote nearly 30 dialogues, most of which focused on his predecessor, Socrates. His earlier works focused on Socrates Theories, or the Socratic method, while his later works focused on his own laws and Xenophon s Hiero. Some of Plato s dialogues include the Meno, Symposium, Republic, and the Phaedo. The Socratic method is a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to generate ideas. This paper is going to focus on a few of Plato s earlier works and how they incorporate the Socratic method, versus his later works that seem to go in a different direction all together. First, it is important to understand that the Socratic method is a dialectical method that often involves discussion between people in which one person questions the defense of a point of view; many times the person defending his point of view may contradict himself, which gives the opposition a stronger defense. For example, Socrates would use a simple question to begin many of his teachings, such as Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods? As an alternative example, are actions right, or wrong, based only on the authority s approval of said actions? Socrates used this method many times to secure his point of view. Although Socrates wrote nothing down, therefore not allowing us to truly study his point of views or his teachings, we can assume that most of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Housing Affordability Is A Growing Concern For Many... Housing affordability has become a growing concern for many Australian citizens in the past decade. The median Australian house price has risen substantially in the past ten years and has increased at a rate that has exceeded the median income. Between 2012 and 2014, the median house price rose by $76,700, and income rose by $4113.20. Putting those numbers into perspective, the average income in 2014 rose by merely 2.3% in comparison to house prices which rose by 9.23%. Australia s housing affordability crisis is further highlighted by the International Monetary Fund, who stated, Australia has the 3rd most expensive housing market on the planet . In addressing the issue currently, the Australian government has a combination of policy and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Australian dream of home ownership is under threat, and currently, the nation is facing a serious long term structural problem in relation to the availability of affordable housing within the country. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that since 1982, citizens aged between 25 and 34, who are able to afford their own property have fallen from 56% in 1982 to 34% in 2011, a 30 year low. If this figure is not damning enough, an Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Income and Housing revealed that between 1982 and 2011, the percentage of home buyers that spent more than 30% of their gross income on housing costs, increased from 10% to 21%. This figure in itself demonstrates the problem of rising house prices within the nation, especially when income is not growing at the same pace. The growing problem of housing affordability has many serious long term structural implications, and so, in order for any response to effective in addressing the issue, it is important that the government understands the factors that have contributed to the lack of affordable housing in Australia, both in the supply side and the demand side. Although there are several underlying reasons for the increasing house prices, the main catalysts behind the skyrocketing property prices stem from the demand side of the issue. Australia s lack of affordable housing is a result of a rapidly growing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. How Does Fox Build An Empire By Joshua D. Copeland Fox is really building an Empire out of their new show (no pun intended)... The Fox hit series Empire destroyed records and started trends after its first season. Ever since its season 1 finale, the whole world has been fiening for a taste. Empire is the first show from Fox to take over the world since The Cosby Show. The TV series has tapped into giant broadcasters and networks all over the world. According to TheUrbanDaily.com: Empire is now sold out in virtually every major territory worldwide. Big terrestrial broadcasters like Germany s ProSiebenSat.1, Network Ten in Australia and France s M6 networks with market positions similar to Fox s in the U.S. have acquired the series. In the U.K., where U.S. shows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The French And American Revolutions The French and American Revolutions were pivotal in setting up new societies. Economic, social, and political tensions leading up to the revolutions caused citizens to want change in the way their government worked and functioned within society. Those who wanted the most change within the government were called the radicals; those who wanted the least amount of change were called the conservatives (Baradat 19; 24). The amount of change in their government was a part of the political spectrum which grouped events and people into five groups according to how much change they wanted. Both of the changes resulting from the two revolutions can be classified within this political spectrum as well. While the changes in government resulting from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The British government did not have a formal constitution, but the government was run by two sections: the monarch, and the parliament. Neither had absolute control as the parliament was able to curb the power of the monarch and the parliament could not pass any bills or taxes without the agreement from the monarch. Therefore, the British government had created some checks and balances so that no one group of government would become omnipotent. An example of this can be seen in the English Bill of Rights written in 1698 which states, the raising or keeping of a standing army within time of peace, unless it be with the consent of Parliament, is against the law, (English Parliament). This shows the Parliament had some power over the monarch. Later on, this idea of checks and balances would be put into the American government. While the Americans did not create this idea themselves, they believed in its value to society. Due to tensions between the American colonists and the British, the colonists wanted to break away and form a government where their ideas were heard. The primary tension was caused by the problems in the economy. Britain was left with a lot of debt after the Seven Years War. The colonists were blamed for this because they were clashing with the Native Americans and the French who had other settlements further inland a space the American settlers wanted to occupy. Fighting the Natives and the French cost the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Pros And Cons Of Subcontractors We have an excellent inductions team that help the subcontractors who are applying to become independent contractors. Our expert inductors ensure that they are able to teach the concepts of self employment to applicants and they also ensure that they completely cover the topic of compliance with all the legal and industry based issues when working as a self employed contractor. Legal HR We have a skilled legal team which ensures that our business is always compliant with the laws of the country. We beat our competition by offering the most compliant services to our clients, thanks to the efforts of our in house legal team. We also take the help of the best advisors in the industry by using expert lawyers, tax experts and powerful solicitors. Not only do we support our clients through this department, we also use for the purpose of debt recovery. We find, that many times subcontractors are enriched beyond their service fees and this situation results in the loss of valuable resources. We are experts at getting the monies back because we choose to handle all the debt related work in house. Tax We specifically serve our clients for helping them take the advantage of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). It is a special scheme which only applies on the construction industry. We offer CIS services ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is a company that offers dedicated CIS services. It always pays the subcontractors on time and never misses a payment. Delton Contract Services has an exemplary financial record and boasts a strong credit rating. All the shareholders of the company are tax payers and the company does not practice any unfair legal means. Delton Contract Services employs many bespoke banking arrangements to service its clients according to their personal payment requirements. Remember, Delton Contract Services are trustworthy because of a transparent record and the efficient use of the CIS legal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay about Moliere Moliere is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and famous French writers ever. His comedic plays capture the reader with a a perfect blend of intelligent and slap stick jokes. He mastered the strange enterprise of amusing decent people (Guicharnaud, 2) with this simple philosophy: Nothing is more effective(in making people laugh) then holding up the mirror to nature. (Guicharnaud, 21) Jean Baptiste Poquelin was born in Paris on January 15, 1662. His father and Mother where both interior decorators for the king, although his mother died when Jean Baptise was ten years of age. He was sent to College de Claremont, an aristocratic Jesuit institution. Poquelin took a degree in law, which he never used in practice, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His death came about within a few hours. His wife frantically searched for a priest to give him his last rights, but to no avail. God was displaying his anger against Moliere, said Bishop Bossuet.(Bishop, 10) Moliere s plays are some of the most popular and produced French plays in the world. Despite defects in the plot and character development of Moliere s plays, his works remain popular today because the basis of his comedy deals with human nature, relationships, and hypocrisy. Tartuffe was Moliere s most performed and popular play. When it was presented to the king in 1664 he liked it, but forbade Moliere to publicly produce it under pressure from the church. For 5 years he pulled every string he could to get the play in production. For reasons unknown, King Louis lifted the ban and Tartuffe became a instant hit. The play consisted of 5 acts, in which surprisingly the main character did not even appear until the third. Simply put, the plot had the man of a house hold in love with a stranger named Tartuffe he had taken in to his care. The rest of the family saw through his facade, but the father insists that Tartuffe is God sent. He finally realizes the truth when he witnesses Tartuffe tempting his wife as he hid under the dining room table. Often Tartuffe would often comment that the other people of the house where not following God, and that he was his humble servant. Of course he turned ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Problem Of Gender Sexism Nowadays, there are still a lot of powerless groups exist in this world, such as the group of women. The problem of gender sexism exists from the beginning of the history and still continues in today s society. Women are still inferior to men in my country, whether from family and job status, social position and political views, women are treated unequal and disrespectful, therefore, this problem needs more abundant attention. Sexism, like many forms of prejudice, only survives in a traditional environments and this is how it continues in China from All China Women s Federation s website, yet this problem is still happening in China, but there must be a way to solve it. Since ancient times, people have thought that men should give priority to their jobs and the society and women should take family as the core. As a result, men and women are created and have different definitions. Gender is actually made by the society and its meaning is also created by the society. I do not know such a definition is good or bad. The good one is that distinction between men and women makes the society get balanced development. Women and other family members take care of the family and men make more contributions to the family and society. But the weakness is that some feudal and extreme cultures would develop the distinction of gender into discrimination. In many developing countries, women are considered to be lower than men. The distinction of gender can exist, but it should exist ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Information Processing Theory The information processing theory approach to the study of cognitive development evolved out of the American experimental tradition in psychology. Developmental psychologists who adopt the information processing perspective account for mental development in terms of maturation changes in basic components of a child s mind. The theory is based on the idea that humans process the information they receive, rather than merely responding to stimuli. This perspective equates the mind to a computer, which is responsible for analyzing information from the environment. According to the standard information processing model for mental development, the mind s machinery includes attention mechanisms for bringing information in, working memory for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ADHD Finding the right spot The good neighbor Time limits and schedules Dealing with disorganization Controlling distractions Avoiding social problems. Memory has the ability to encode, store and recall information. Memories give an organism the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as build relationships. Encoding allows the perceived item of use or interest to be converted into a construct that can be stored within the brain and recalled later from short term or long term memory. Working memory stores information for immediate use or manipulation which is aided through hooking onto previously archived items already present in the long term memory of an individual. Storage in human memory is one of three core process of memory, along with Recall and Encoding. It refers to the retention of information, which has been achieved through the encoding process, in the brain for a prolonged period of time until it is accessed through recall. Modern memory psychology differentiates the two distinct type of memory storage: short term memory and long term memory. In addition, different memory models have suggested variations of existing short term and long term memory to account for different ways of storing memory Recall in memory refers to the retrieval of events or information from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Biography Of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno And Max... Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer were alltheorists of the Frankfurt School and they were the first to introduce the idea of the culture industry, the mass marketing of culture in the modern era. However, Walter Benjamin gives a different perspective on the role of culture in modern society, he believed that the possibility of mechanical reproduction (photography) was demolishing the integrity of art in modern society . He gives the example of the Mona Lisa painting by leonardo da vinci. The painting has a specific the existence and particular location but with mechanical reproduction it can be copied multiple different times and occupy more than one place at a time. The question posed by Benjamin is what are we missing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For Benjamin, the mechanical production of art democratizes cultural production Thus It loses its aura and authority as it becomes available to everyone. We can extend this to an analysis of media today in which everyone can be an actor and everyone can be a producer; the difference between high art and the popular culture are blurred. Therefore, from these two Frankfurt theorists we have a different view of the culture and the culture industry. Benjamin focuses on the democratization of culture that is made available by the production of art while Adorno and Horkheimer argue the ways in which art become more linked to commercial exploitation. It can be suggested through the readings of Adorno and Horkheimer s work that they seem to be eliciting the question of whether people believe everything that the culture tells them and trying to make sense of the distinct differences between the messages of the culture industry and the public s realities thus creating an environment where autonomous independent individuals, who are able to think for themselves, can form. Both theorists seem to be exploring how cultural meaning is generated and believe that the structures which promote and deliver these messages of cultural influence is powerful. It is safe to say that we may be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Human Condition Essay The human condition is a term which references our complicated existence by highlighting our ongoing ability to adapt and change both our perceptions and values. Through our mental capabilities of both creativity and imagination, humanity is able to achieve a sense of both self actualisation and liberation, resulting in them acting as the core of our existence where, without them we would become susceptible to the overwhelming flaws of the human condition. Evidencing this are the three texts, Dejection: an Ode , This Lime Tree Bower my Prison and Focus , which Samuel Coleridge s Dejection: an Ode, is a poem describing a man s torment as he attempts to overcome his dispirited state as a result of the loss of a romantic relationship. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coleridge s This Lime Tree Bower My Prison , is a poem describing a man s changing views as he contemplates the natural word which he has been prevented from seeing. Coleridge s poem demonstrates the ability of individuals to modify their morals and values upon receiving a cathartic release from their relationship with nature, as predicated almost entirely on the imagination. Through allowing the persona to visualise the encounters his friends are making with nature along their journey, Coleridge first demonstrates the capabilities of the imagination in allowing us to picture things in certain detail, as shown through now my friends emerge, which in all exemplifies the presence of imagination in our relationship with nature. Furthermore, the description of their journey demonstrates the liberation received from engaging with nature, as shown where they wander in gladness, which relates to the cathartic release obtained from viewing nature that pushes us to reassess our ideas and perceptions. By showing his gradual change in tone, the influence of the persona s imagination is shown, which when in conjunction with his exclamation of yes! reveals our emotional capabilities if becoming engulfed in our imaginations of nature. Also, by choosing to allow the persona to speak in a melodramatic tone, the poet is able to again explicitly demonstrate his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Actuaries in IT-Programming Definition History on the development of programming in the actuarial profession It has become evident in the work place that programming has become an essential skill. The importance of developing IT skills is highlighted by the Work Based Skills and Actuarial Training Offices (Actuarial Society of South Africa, 2013). Also, historical documentation has emphasized the use of technology in life insurance as well as pension funds as early as the World War II era. Yates (1997,p.60 and 1999,p.5) stated that in the 1950s life insurance was introduced to the use of computers as soon as they were available to commercial firms. He further elaborated on how insurance companies impacted the electro mechanical punched card tabulating equipment technology since they were the primary users of the punch card machines during the late 1940s and 1950s. Figure 1 below shows an image of a punched card. Figure 1: IBM punched card (Ceruzzi, 2003) During the second world war, many mathematically trained actuaries and other insurance employees were recruited to work on military projects involving statistics, code breaking, bombsights and operations research while a few worked on the new computer technology being developed during the war (Yates 1999,p.5). A paper by Myers, Friend, and Holberton (1954) illustrates how a UNIVAC (Universal Automatic computer) was used to complete a set of actuarial calculations . In 1956, Boermeester developed an approximate probability distribution for life ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Civil War Of The United States Prisons Brother against brother. This was the Civil War being summed up in just three words. Mike Wright wrote, On both sides of the war, men and women were locked away in dark prisons or held in outdoor camps under blistering sun and freezing snow. They were fed too little and lived and died under primitive conditions. One would arguably say that the Northern prisons might feel a little more at home than the Southern prisons, but this wasn t the case at all, the prisons on each side were both poorly managed, overcrowded and full of diseases.The intentions of the prisons were not necessarily to kill the inmates, but because of poor planning were the prisons filthy. Both the Union s and the Confederate s prisons were equally appalling. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the early years of the war, the two sides frequently had prisoner exchanges, but that was stopped by a decision made by U.S General Grant and Secretary of War, Stanton. They both thought that it was pointless and using too much time and people. Robert H. Kellogg, who was a sergeant major, described his entry as a prisoner into the camp on May 2nd, 1864: As we entered the place, a spectacle met our eyes that almost froze our blood with horror, and made our hearts fail within us. Before us were forms that had once been active and erect; stalwart men, now nothing but mere walking skeletons, covered with filth and intensity of their feeling, exclaimed with earnestness. Can this be hell? God protect us! and all thought that He alone could bring them out alive from so terrible a place. In the center of the whole was a swamp, occupying about three or four acres of the narrowed limits, and a part of this marshy place had been used by the prisoners as a sink, and excrement covered the ground, the scent arising from which was suffocating. The ground allotted to our ninety was near the edge of this plague spot, and how we were to live through the warm summer weather in the midst of such fearful surroundings, was more than we cared to think of just then. Andersonville is a southern camp that could easily be compared to concentration camps,. Henry Wirz, in charge of Andersonville, was tried and executed for the crimes that he committed while being in charge. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Modern Day Legal Systems Human civilization marked the beginning of modern day legal systems. The advancements in societies resulted in maintaining certain rules and regulations to continue this progress. Every society has its own set of laws which are in some ways distinct from others. Many of these laws have common sections and underlying guidelines. This could be because some societies decide to retain certain aspects of their customs after breaking out of another society. It could also be the case that over time different societies through trade and other intercultural activities developed together, which caused them to have agreements in their laws. For many others, it is the case that they share a common colonial master. The law and legal systems operating today are derivatives of the forms listed above. Like many other nations today, the laws of ancient civilizations have affected Canadian law. These include the Code of Hammurabi, the Mosaic law, Greek and Roman laws, the Magna Carta and a few others. More recently are the civil and common law derived from the French and British respectively. Canada did not always have a written constitution. The territory we now refer to as Canada was once populated by the French and English colonial masters. These colonists extended the laws of their home countries to their colonies. As the population of this territory grew and the UK gained control of more colonies including those from the French, regional laws became a necessity. Between the eighteenth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Why I Am A Cold Metal Black. Nothing but, darkness. As if I m floating in an infinite jet black void but, why? Numb down to my toes and I can t remember a thing, maybe Harry don t forget we love you and you ll always be in our hearts. Will meet again soon, okay, Harry? Harry? Wait did I die.....I m I in a coffin? Regaining touch, my fingers travel around meeting cushion and what seems to be cold metal above me. Wiggling my toes, I attempt to stand up but end up hitting my head on what can only be the roof of this coffin like room. My body aches like I haven t moved in years and just woke up from an extremely long nap. Logically, pushing my arms up in an attempt to get out the roof surprisingly opens hitting me in the face with the glaring sun. Swinging it over, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s eyes trailed behind me, making me aware of the shadow on the ground. A tall, lanky one armed figure swaying in the wind. My nose scrunches up at the smell of mildew mixed with an aged sickly body. I don t know whether or not I should be afraid, I suggest there is a chance this person could harm me that maybe he could give me some answers. My eyes dart back and forth between the bird and shadow, I realize that they both have something in common. For some reason, they both appeared out of nowhere. The blackbird flies off, leaving me alone with the figure. Why hasn t it spoken to me yet, or moved in front of me? The worst possible thing that could happen, I guess, would be that it kills me making me actually die so, I turn my head around slowly WATCH OUT! a voice yells just as the figure takes a hold of my shoulders. Sharp nails dig in my shoulder blades as I whip my head around coming face to face with the most unusual looking creature ever. It s eyes are glossy orbs almost transparent while the rest of it looks just like the blackbird only worst. Half of its body resembles a healthy human the other more of a monster. With it s one arm still gripping my shoulder hanging on for dear life, it begins to lower its mouth to my ear. Letting out a shaky breath, my whole body breaks out in chills while it whispers Don t let Zipp! An arrow flies by hitting the creature square in the head, leaving it to drop and join me in my casket. That was a close one , someone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Critical Analysis Of Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Extremely Loud Incredibly Close is a 2005 book by Jonathan Safran Foer about a young boy dealing with the death of his father in the attacks on September 11, 2001. A critical analysis of the firebombing of Dresden and how it connects and grows the main themes of the novel will be stated forthwith. Oskar Schell was nine years old when his father was tragically taken from him by two jetliners flown by terrorists. This was especially unfortunate for him as his father seemed to be the only person that fully understood how Oskar s Aspergers affected him and could use that to keep Oskar in a state of growth. Thomas Schell, Oskar s father, would assign Oskar reconnaissance missions in which the young boy had to converse with strangers and do other tasks in order to grow his social skills and get him out of his shell. This was the point at which the class noticed that Oskar s father seemed to be such a great father to make up for the fact that his own father was absent for his entire life. This moves onto the analysis of Thomas Schell Sr. Thomas Schell Sr. lived in Dresden Germany as a child and was raised there. As a young boy, Thomas was full of hope, love, and emotion. Today, the city of Dresden represents a devastation incendiary bombing by the allies near the end of the second world war. Thomas lived through this bombing and lost the love of his life as well as his unborn child. The young man was hunkering down in a cellar attempting to shelter from the burning when he realized that Anna, his lover, was missing. Insisting on going back out despite his parent s wishes, Thomas went headstrong into the inferno. After the bombing, Dresden was encompassed by a firestorm blowing air heated to hundreds of degrees fahrenheit at hurricane speeds. This brings to mind the devastating dust cloud that touched down in NYC after the WTC attacks. This moves onto the next chronological analysis. There are quite a few striking similarities in Oskar s and Thomas situation and this helps to strengthen and connect Foer s novel. Oskar and Thomas both experienced extreme loss at a relatively young age. Thomas went through the death of his lover and unborn child, while Oskar experienced the death of the only man ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Spread Of Islamic Ethics Islamic standards of moral conduct are specified in the shari ah. Muslims practice this by reciting the first three verses of the al Fatihah, which is the opening to the Qur an. Islamic ethics is characterized as the straight path of kindness that leads to the source of life. The path is lived out by Muslims by practicing the five pillars. The five pillars are; Shahada, the profession of faith, Salat, ritual prayer five times daily, Zakat, giving reasons to help others, Sawm, spiritual discipline to fasting, and the Hajj, which is a pilgrimage to Mecca (p. 87). In the Zakat, Muslims practice sharing their wealth to help the poor, people in debt, and those in need. They also practice donating money and food to the needy during sawm. They make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These practices connect to their personal and societal practices through the predispositions that make up their value system. The Muslims try to always have justice and fairness is financial dealings; such as buying a car. They show compassion towards other s, including their enemies, which is very similar to Christian s teachings as Christians are encouraged to turn the other cheek. They also believe to that they must give due regard to nonhuman creatures. Contrary to unpopular beliefs, the Qur an and the hadith forbid suicide, showing the extremism taken by the 9/11 terrorists was not an act of Islamic preaching. Similar to Christianity, Islam also has a ten commandments which focuses on virtues such as peace, forgiveness, balance, kindness, and humility. They forbid adultery, exploitation of orphans, gambling, stealing and non marital intercourse (p. 88). Through these five pillars, ten commandments, the guidance of the Qur an, Islam, to me, is an extension to Christianity as Christianity is an extension of Judaism. I know that it is not exactly correct in that context, however many of the Islamic teachings are taught in parables by Jesus. Christians are encouraged to give as much money as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Managerial Economics Of Dell Incorporated Running Head: The Managerial Economics of Dell Incorporated 1 The Managerial Economics of Dell Incorporated Our business is about technology, yes. But it s also about operations and customer relationships. (Dell, n.d.). Dell Incorporated produces electronics products, including, but not limited to; laptop computers, desktop computers, audio equipment, monitors, and printers. Michael Dell dropped out of college in his freshman year in 1984 and founded his new computer business under the name of PC s Limited with $1,000 and a vision for designing, manufacturing and selling technology. Within four years, the company was renamed Dell Computer Corporation and went public. Within this time, Dell raised its market capitalization from $1,000 to $85 million. In 1992, Dell debuted on the Fortune 500, which made Michael Dell the youngest CEO leading a Fortune 500 company. By 1999, Dell was ranked No. 1 in PCs in the United States, No. 1 worldwide in PCs for large and medium businesses, and No. 1 in worldwide workstation shipments. By the year 2000, dell.com had reached sales of $40 million per day and by 2001, Dell became the No. 1 computer systems provider worldwide. In 2006, Dell became the first in the industry to offer free product recycling for consumers worldwide. And in 2013, Michael Dell and the private equity firm, Silver Lake Partners, bought back Dell from public shareholders, becoming a private company once again. Between 1984 and 2013, Dell has designed, manufactured, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Victorian Marriage In Victorian England marriage was a necessity. If a woman did not marry well, then she could not receive any of the advantages that a married woman received. Married women had financial security. Married women had an estate (with their husband) where they could host guests. Married women had children, and could fulfill the role of motherhood. Unmarried women did not have any of this, so from a young age girls learned how to become suitable wives. A suitable wife needed to know how to cook,clean house, sing, dance, play an instrument, become a hostess, and care for children. Once married, the role of a woman became caring for the household, no matter what her marriage looked like or why she married. In Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen shows her reader the importance of marriage through couples who married for varying reasons. A woman might marry due to a sense of duty. Austen shows the reader this through her character Charlotte. Mr. Collins proposes to Charlotte Lucas soon after his offer Elizabeth rejects his offer. Charlotte knows that her friend Elizabeth has declined Mr. Collins offer, and that it is not acceptable for him to propose to someone else so soon after, but she accepts his proposal. When asked about it later, Charlotte tells Elizabeth that she had to accept it because she might not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Austen illustrates lust through the match of Lydia and Mr. Wickham. Lydia ran off with Wickham because she found his social status attractive. As an officer, Wickham held a higher status than that of the Bennet family. Knowing this, Lydia ran away with him. This made Lydia a dishonor for her family. Marriage was important and having a daughter run away unmarried was one of the biggest disgraces possible for the Bennets. When a woman eloped without a proper marriage, the only option that the family saw was to somehow convince Lydia to marry the man with whom she had run away. This is why Mr. Bennet had to go find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Window into Thinking During The Gilded Age in the Book... In the latter chapters, Julian gains a love interest. He falls in love with Edith Leete, the daughter, who turns out to be Edith Bartlet s great granddaughter. Edith Bartlet was his former fiancèe. In the 19th century, anarchism was a growing movement that scared many people including Julian. Dr. Leete describes how it was in fact the wealthiest who funded them, so people would be afraid of reform. However, this was not enough because social change was not instigated by labor or political parties but by the vow by mankind to persevere and conquer the old order and usher in the new. Mr. Bellamy contrasts the anarchist and socialist movements in order posit the latter in a more favorable light. An important issue resolved the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They both profess their love for each other which consoles Mr. West, but that night he encounters an eery dream. It is about him waking up in back where he was at the beginning of the book. He reads of all the horrors and atrocities in the newspaper and that night goes to Ms. Bartlet s parent s house for dinner. By trying to convince the wealthy folks at the table of the awfulness of today s poor and how it could be so much better, he only distresses them, and he is kicked out. In this dream, he loses all hope for humanity, but then he wakes up and realizes that the 21st century is real and where he belongs. He can be an ambassador to the past and work as an educator, giving a unique perspective of the 19th century. The Gilded Age was a time a of great prosperity but also great corruption. Many advances in technology and industry took place during the time period. The transcontinental railroad was built, the steel industry was expanded, and oil took off. These developments allowed for the US to experience an industrial revolution, but not all was well. Most of the wealth generated during this time concentrated itself into the hands a of a select few who were able to weasel their way to the top of their industry. One example is John D. Rockefeller, who with wealth adjusted for inflation, amassed a fortune of around $700 billion. The way the these men obtained their wealth was an issue for many during the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Gun Control Legislation Analysis . The United State has passed some laws concerning the ownership and use of gun, and more legislation is being considered. Most of this legislation retrain, to an extent, the rights of the people to own or use gun. Some of these constraint may be necessary, but presently some legislation is taking it too far. The community gain from the use guns in the hands of reasonable or responsible citizens. An attempt to stop the use or take away gun use from this community might not do well. As individuals in such community fight for the protection of its people. According to Jonathan stray (2013) there are two major federal laws that regulate firearm ownership and sales civilians are restricted from using or owning grenades, machine guns or any powerful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . The Gun control advocates beliefs that the police is always there to protect the people, the police cannot be there all the time to protect. When one is attack one can call the police at that time even if you all the police it take some time for them to get to the crime scene. If asked to turn in all guns, the only ones that will comply are the law abiding citizens, the criminals or those that feels they just want to keep it to protect themselves won t turn it in. another reason for Gun control is that, those that leave it carelessly in their homes endanger the lives of kids. While some that do not want this Gun control feels there are so many incident that happens in the house that cause the death of kids like bikes, the swimming pool and so on. They claim that the TV only says news about those gun has killed but does not talk about those that have been saved by a gun. People tend to believe what they hear or see. This issue about gun control is so emotional and an important one. Acknowledgment for any mode/style of control do not rely on just mechanical dispute or disagreement about efficiency; more or less, the point on this topic are altered seriously by values and personal belief. We need to change our attitude and what we believe in, as this is a difficult situation to just handle with ease. Views that are connected to worries ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Mammography Research Paper Mammography can detected breast disease when a woman has the examination. It is an x ray image of the breast that can detect breast cancer in the women and differences in tissue densities of breasts. Mammography plays a key role when it s comes to detecting early breast cancer. The history of mammography, become essential to the diagnostic tool, the equipment, improving through the years, and even to become the mammographer needs certificate/registry from ARRT. When x ray technology was first created in the nineteenth century, a German surgeon named Albert was able to use the x ray technology to detect the breast cancer. Albert used chest X ray to see any abnormal area in the chest and compare other chest x ray. According Mammography article, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even the equipment s become very advanced. The women got mammography procedures every year. Now, the mammography becomes easy to get by the patient and can be done without feeling ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Jessica Hische Jessica Hische American letterer and type designer The wayback background begins with two very understanding and supportive non artsy parents that stocked their house full of every pencil, marker, and paint set imaginable. Jessica grew up knowing she wanted to do something art related for a living but had no idea what graphic design was until Sophomore year of college. She took an intro course and was hooked. Design was satisfying in a completely different way than fine art everything was like a puzzle you had to solve. As a nineteen year old from Nowheresville, Pennsylvania who lived a relatively charmed existence, she didn t feel like she had much to express yet. Being able to think and execute artwork on the behalf of others to address their needs rather than her own was a giant Eureka! moment. Louise Fili offered her a job soon after she graduated and while working for her she really honed her lettering skills. Jessica was doing a ton of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By winter, unsure if they wanted to take on another full time employee, her hours were cut and she put together an illustration promo to get freelance work. That promo ended up landing me an illustration rep and a job for one of her heroes; she migrated to Brooklyn to work for her. After two and a half years of very little sleep and a lot of lettering, freelance work began overwhelming her life and her desire to do side projects became too much to bear. She ventured out on her own and embarked on a little project that would end up changing her career and earning the title That Drop Cap Girl . She has been on her own as a letterer, illustrator, type designer, and relentless procrastiworker since 2009 and have worked for (and continue to work for) a lot of wonderful clients like Wes Anderson and Penguin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on... Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should address the following subtopics: Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. The explanation of its evolution within the American tradition should include the general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties. Provide examples from U.S. history of the suspension of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present. Analyze the relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by as enemy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The thesis statement must tell readers what the essay will demonstrate. The paper must end with a short paragraph that states a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent. The paper must logically develop the thesis in a way that leads to the conclusion, and that development must be supported by facts, fully explained concepts and assertions, and persuasive reasoning. The paper must address all subtopics outlined above. At least 20% of the essay must focus on subtopic five, listed above (your evaluation of perspectives on the topic). Your paper must cite at least three academic articles (excluding the course textbook) and at least four other kinds of sources (e.g., Supreme Court opinions, magazine or newspaper articles, the course textbook, and reliable websites or videos). Use your own words. While brief quotes from sources may be used, altogether the total amount of quoted text must be less than five percent of the body of your paper. When you use someone else s words, they must be enclosed in quotation marks followed by an APA in text short citation (author, year, and page) to your source. The in text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source on the reference page at the end of the essay. When you express in your own words someone else s ideas, arguments or facts, your statement must be followed by an APA in text short citation (author, year, and page) to your source. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Manager s Locus of Control to Managerial Style Does a manager s locus of control have a significant relationship with their managerial style? C. Gordon Research Paper/Proposal Florida Institute of Technology Objective The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between a person s direction of their locus of control and their managerial style. More specifically, their managerial style as it pertains to the Managerial Grid® created by Blake and Mouton, and the Six Styles of Management developed by the HayGroup. The objective is to ascertain how influential the personality and self esteem implications of a person s locus of control is on their effectiveness in a managerial role. Research Question Does locus of control imply managerial style? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His main concern is not to be held responsible for any mistakes. Results in: Disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony due to lack of effective leadership. 2. Country Club style (Low Production/High People) Description: One sided, thoughtful attention the needs of employee. Characteristics: The relationship oriented manager has a high concern for people, but a low concern for production. He pays much attention to the security and comfort of the employees. He hopes that this will increase performance. He is almost incapable of employing the more punitive, coercive and legitimate powers. This inability results from fear that using such powers could jeopardize relationships with the other team members. Results in: A usually friendly atmosphere, but not necessarily very productive. 3. Produce or Perish style (High Production/Low People) Description: Authoritarian or compliance leader Characteristics: the task oriented manager is autocratic, has a high concern for production, and low concern for people. He finds employee needs unimportant simply a means to an end. He provide his employees with money and expects performance back. There is little or no allowance for cooperation or collaboration. He pressures his employees through rules and punishments to achieve the company goals. Heavily task oriented people are very strong on schedules. They are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Historical Inaccuracies In Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan is a film that takes place in WWII and the main conflict is trying to bring back Private Ryan back safely. In the film many battles go on and we get to see first hand through the main character Captain Miller how gruesome it got. First few scenes we get a good look at how hard it is going to be for men fighting. D Day June 6, 1944 Normandy, France was the first battle, and in the scene that takes place here is for the most part accurate. Portrayal of the Invasion of Normandy seems to be very similar to the actual event. During the real battle, the plan was for the Ranger companies to be the first wave with the goal of taking over Pointe du Hoc and taking the higher ground. The soldiers stormed Omaha Beach and that is when the horrors of war began. Similarly the movie shows the men arriving on the LCVPs and storming the beach, and also suffering heavy casualties at the same time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There was no Captain John Miller there was no Private Ryan nor a mission to save anyone. On the other hand there was a man named Frederick Fritz Niland from the 101st Airborne Division, who Private Ryan was modeled after. While there is not much information on Fritz Niland, he was one of four sons. All three of his brothers were killed in World War II. His mother received all three death notifications at once.There is no record of a rescue mission in search of Fritz Niland, but he was sent home to the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Broken Glass Jewish Essay Broken Glass Jewish In 1938, the onset of violent anti Semitic riots in Germany created one of the most horrific struggles of our time. Not only did this outrageous holocaust bring sadness and death to the Jews in Germany but also to the ones living here in America. In, The Broken Glass, by Arthur Miller, we see the lives of three completely different characters portrayed. First, we see Sylvia Gullberg, who has been a housewife ever since her husband Philip made her quit. She is the first one to be affected by the news in Germany. Her husband, Phillip, has been hiding from his race ever since he was a teen, and because of this ruins his marriage and ultimately his life. Lastly, Dr. Harry Hyman, who views everything with his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He even has gender issues. For example, Philip say s, If my wife were a man, she could be director of the Federal Reserve, and you can talk to my wife like she s a man. These are certainly statements that he would not be saying about his wife if he thought gender wasn t a problem. As far as their marriage goes, Philip and Sylvia have a very business like relationship. He feels he is the man of the house, which is why he won t let her work. Unfortunately, this way of living for so many years has torn Sylvia apart from him. I believe Sylvia Gullberg is the strongest character throughout this movie. Unfortunately, she too has been living a lie for the past twenty years as a housewife and now even as she lay paralyzed in bed, fights to make a difference. Once a businesswoman, she gave up all of that for everyone s sake but her own. And now after all those years of hiding, she will not do so anymore. One of the most difficult things she must face is the realization of her husband, Philip, being afraid of his own race. Sylvia is a very well informed and respected lady. Even Dr. Hyman cannot escape the beauty and inner drive that she possesses. For example, Dr Hyman tells her he has not been so moved by a woman in a long time and is unsure if he can continue treating her. Time and time again she is constantly giving while not ever receiving. Even as she lay paralyzed on the steps of her house, she keeps saying sorry to her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Media Bias In The Media The influence that the media has cannot be doubted by anyone. The media plays a very vital role in our criminal justice system today. According to the text, Most people gain their knowledge of events from the media, and therefore the selection and shaping of news by the media is a critical element in forming and modeling the public opinion on most topics, including criminal justice. The media decides what is noteworthy, and crime ranks high on that scale. (Banks, 2013) The public s view of casualties, lawbreakers, deviants, and law enforcement officials is to a great extent dictated by their depiction in the mass media. Crime in America is big news that is of significant concern to the American public. In a 1997 national survey conducted by the Roper Center in conjunction with the Newseum of Arlington, Virginia, 95% of 1,500 respondents said they want to know about crime, a higher response rate than for any other topic, including local news, the environment, and world news. (Parade Magazine 1997, 4) The goal of the media is to report the truth at all times. Reporting the truth to the public is fundamental to the role of the media in society as well as a moral responsibility of the media (Klaidman and Beauchamp 1987:30). (Banks, 2013) With reporting news stories, one need to make sure that biasness does not occur. Is media bias essentially an issue? The impact of media bias depends on how the group of onlookers forms the data displayed by the media. Media have huge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Jetblue Essay Learning objectives 1. institutional aspects of equity issuance transaction 2. costs and benefits associated with public share offerings 3. develop a deeper appreciation for challenges of valuing unseasoned firms and enhance corporate valuation skills KEY QUESTIONS FOR CONISDERATION 1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of going public? 2) What different approaches can be used to value JetBlue s shares? 3) At what price would you recommend that JetBlue offer their shares? Potential Questions to be addressed in report submission * What is an Initial Public Offering and why is it such a big deal? * Is going public, particularly at the time they did, a good idea for JetBlue? * What do you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, according to John Owen, JetBlue had prepared the initial registration statement with security and exchange commission (SEC) for the IPO on September 11, 2001. However, based on the September 11 attacks, they delayed IPO before it came into force. In fact, not only the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, but several events happened negatively affected the global economy during the period of going public for JetBlue. For example, the contagion of bird flu was quite severe during taking flights, which definitely influenced the demand of flights. The increasing oil price also raised the basic cost in any transportation industry. Another negative condition could be the economic downturn, including crash of the dot com bubble and financial crisis in Asia. From this point ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay Disputing the Canon Disputing the Canon I was in the best of settings when I realized that Shakespeare was indeed great. My freshman year in high school, I had English class with an esteemed teacher, Mr. Broza hailed as the Paul D. Schreiber High School Shakespeare aficionado, founder of Schreiber s Annual Shakespeare Day, and, perhaps most heart warming of all, a self proclaimed Shakespeare lover whose posters of The Bard could be found as wallpaper in his small office. How lucky I thought I was. Indeed, if I wanted to appreciate Hamlet, I was in the right hands. But how misled I actually was at least, in Walker Percy s eyes. In his essay, The Loss of the Creature, Percy recalls a scene from The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter: ...the girl hides in the bushes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After sitting by a tree and reading the text front to back, perhaps then I would be able to see Shakespeare in Percy s sense of the word. Percy s noble task is to open our minds to the possibility that we are not the masters of what we know that, in part, what we know and what we see, when approached passively, have a lot more to do with preformed symbolic complex than with ourselves (512). Percy s exploration achieves one of the main goals of all philosophy to change the way we think about things. He changes the meaning of many concepts human beings tend to take for granted. Sight is no longer the mere act of seeing, but a struggle, an act of understanding and appreciation (523). Sovereignty, in relation to things, is no longer some abstract concept of power, but an ability to interpret for oneself (517). Education or perhaps more specifically, its dynamic is reshaped, for it is no longer a passive act (i.e. being taught to ) but an action that relies much more upon the student, who may have the greatest difficulty in salvaging the creature itself from the educational package in which it is presented (519). These concept alterations are thus meant to alter our reality; they aim to help us rediscover in art what he calls in his opening paragraph an island, Formosa. This previously untouched island is beautiful to its discoverer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Once Upon A Time Gordimer Scary Tales Fairy tales are what generations have grown up with, beginning with the Disney princesses such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Princess And The Pea and Hansel And Gretel. Nadine Gordimer s short story Once Upon a Time started out with a happy beginning and nevertheless ended abrupt and depressing. Gordimer grew up in South Africa and had some of the experiences that are described in the story. She lived through the time period and understood the conflict. The majority of fairy tales have a happy ending and they over all teach a lesson. Irony begins in Once Upon A Time when it starts out with joy, and then it switches to the problem at the end leaving the readers thinking. The story is set in South Africa during the time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Once Upon A Time the wall is an important symbol. Not only do the main characters move into a house with a wall built up around it, but it s also in a highly protected neighborhood. The wall represents the separation between the races, but specifically whites and other groups. Arguably the family thinks the wall is a great idea and agree that it should be even higher, You are right, said the wife, then the wall should be higher. And the wise old witch, the husband s mother, paid for the extra bricks as her Christmas present to her son and his wife. The increase in the wall height represents the increase in the government s attempt to create more separation. Gordimer s point is proven after the family adds wire coils to the fence to protect them from Apartheid. What the characters don t seem to understand is the danger that is actually inside the fence. ...Screams while the bleeding mass of the little boy was hacking out of the security coil, with saws, wire cutters, choppers... This is the Apartheid in action causing separation and tearing the community apart. The mass of issues also connects with the mass amount of separation and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Understanding Temperament In Infants And Amy Hunter The article Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers is written by Lindsy T Allard and Amy Hunter and through this article the author has tried to help early childhood caregivers and parents to develop an understanding of temperament, so that they can better understand the individual differences of the children and can support their holistic development. Summary of the Article Temperament describes the way a child approaches, reacts and relate to the world around them. It helps us identify the strengths of the child and the supports they need to succeed in their relationships and the environments. Researchers categorized the children, who tend to be happy, regular in their routines and don t get easily upset, as easy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As an educator when I am very much informed about the temperament it would help me create and design developmentally appropriate learning environments and practices as developmentally appropriate learning environments and practices give children optimal time and space in which to learn new skills and build on existing competencies. In developmentally appropriate early care children s needs are dealt with quickly. Children are talked with and listened to respectfully. (Jean Barbre, 2013, p. 44) e.g. using familiar objects, like a stuffed animal to ease anxiety during transitions such as morning drop off. With the understanding of temperament, I as an educator would not be biased and use the labelling as good, bad, better and worse ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Redemption in Alice Walker s Color Purple Essay Redemption in The Color Purple Alice Walker grew up in rural Georgia in the mid 1900s as the daughter of two poor sharecroppers. Throughout her life, she has been forced to face and overcome arduous lessons of life. Once she managed to transfer the struggles of her life into a book, she instantaneously became a world renowned author and Pulitzer Prize winner. The Color Purple is a riveting novel about the struggle between redemption and revenge according to Dinitia Smith. The novel takes place rural Georgia, starting in the early 1900s over a period of 30 years. Albert, also known as Mr._____, and his son Harpo must prevail over their evil acts towards other people, especially women. Albert and Harpo wrong many people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Albert recognizes his need to change, he has reached his first step towards redemption. Harpo s redemption comes about much more quickly than Albert s does. Perhaps this is because Harpo is not as stubborn or awful as his father, or perhaps because there was always love between him and his wife, Sofia; however, he still does great wrongs towards Sofia and women and general. He has been taught that a man should be above all women in every aspect. Harpo eventually learns that he cannot control Sofia, he tries to beat her at first; but she ends up hurting him badly. Harpo s first step towards redemption is concluding that he and Sofia truly love each other, and that he needs to treat her well if he wants to keep her (Walker 38). Even after understanding this, he does not truly learn how much Sofia means to him until she is taken from him (Walker 89). Albert was able to overcome the stereotype set upon him, and all he grew up learning to become a person. He had to evaluate how he treated people in his life, and take action to correct his mistakes. Albert discovers reflection that makes him a defined person, despite his reflective manner at the end of the novel; he remains in the area of possibility (Davis 405). While Albert reflects on his faults, he learns that ...morality is not an external dictate. It doesn t matter if you love the wrong people, ...or whether you have money, or go to church, ...what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Gandhi s The Man, His People, And The Empire In India s history, many men and women have stepped forward to leave a legacy behind. However, no one has come close to leaving one behind the way Mohandas Gandhi did. Gandhi is known as a legend by the people of India because he led their country to freedom from British rule. During this time, Britain was one of the most powerful nations and most heavily armed group of men. The biography, Gandhi The Man, His People, And The Empire , written by Gandhi s grandson, explains from a family perspective how Gandhi was a powerful leader that conducted peaceful protest with non violence. In this biography, the narrator explains some of Gandhi s worst flaws and greatest achievements. Even though India faced multiple hardships trying to break ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From that moment, Gandhi became cognizant of his values and beliefs. At the end of Gandhi s high school education, he decided he wanted to be a lawyer. In order to do so, Gandhi sought to go to England. In Gandhi s own words, It was an uncommon thing for a young man from Rajkot to go to England (Gandhi 21). Mohandas went to England with a friend, leaving his wife, son, and mother all behind. On his trip to England, Mohandas Gandhi struggled with the English language, and how to eat with utensils. Gandhi, who did not eat meat, survived off sweets and fruits on the ship because he was afraid to ask which foods were meat free. Rather than engaging with others, Gandhi remained reserved on the ship. The ship docked on September 29, 1988, and from there, Gandhi took a train to London. Eventually, Gandhi arrived at the Victoria Hotel, where he stayed. Gandhi described London to be alive with ideas and movements (Gandhi 29). Gandhi enrolled at the Inner Temple University, and graduated in 1891. He was then admitted to the bar of England, and began reading the ideas of David Thoreau on nonviolence. These ideas shaped Gandhi s beliefs on handling matters without violence. He soon realized he could not be successful as a lawyer in England and returned to India. However, this did not stop Gandhi s adventures. Gandhi soon traveled to South Africa to work for a firm. In South Africa, Gandhi ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Sandwich By Gloria Anzaldua Summary Gloria Anzaldua concept of borderlands is one of many aspects. To begin it is a place that is consistently transitioning, full of multiple people who are seen as different. The borderlands is also a territory where the third world and the first world meets, specifically it is located in the US Mexican border. Its where cultures collide, it is what separates us from them and determines what we view safe and unsafe, but most importantly it is an unnatural boundary, made to separate us. The people here are troublesome, they are the queer, the perverse, the mulato, the half breed, in short those who live here are considered different. The Chicanos, Indians, Blacks, the queer, and all those who are not white are those who dwell in the borderlands. They struggle enough as it is, but even then, they are seen as transgressors, aliens, sometimes in their own land because they are not white, and they do not align themselves with whites. This makes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a Rice Sandwich we see a similar situation when the nun doesn t want Esperanza to be a part of the kids who eat in the canteen. She states that the nun told her to, Go for today not for tomorrow only after making her cry(45). The canteen can be seen as a borderland, Esperanza feels like she doesn t belong because she is not like the other kids, the nun only lets her sit there out of pity. Most importantly it s a reminder of her place in society, it shows Esperanza that she is different, not legitimate like those in the borderlands and still part of the marginalized like those in the tracks. All of this shapes her position in the world, reminding her she is still part of the outsiders and still not belonging anywhere, even when she makes it in the canteen she realizes its nothing special and she still feels ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Tree Trim Tower Hill School, a private school in Wilmington, DE, has been around for nearly a hundred years. One of Tower Hill s many traditions is Tree Trim, which has been around for 88 years. It always occurs the week before Winter break begins. Tree Trim, a time for family and friends of all ages to gather together and sit around a tree while singing songs, represents more than a gathering. Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, is a Bildungsroman, meaning it is a coming of age novel. Tree Trim parallels Alice in Wonderland when Lewis Carroll mocks institutions, more specifically the government, and the idea of how growing does not necessarily represent a good thing. Even though Tower Hill is not a religious based school, they still celebrate a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the same time, he also mocks many institutions such as education and government. He creates a caucus race in the novel where a dodo holds a race to see who can dry off the fastest. This is not only irrelevant, but it also mocks the government by stating how unorganized and immature our judicial system is. In the beginning of the novel, Alice seems to be immature and cannot fathom the idea of growing up when she says, shall I never get any older than I am now? That ll Be a comfort, one way never to be an old woman but then always to have lessons to learn! Oh, I shouldn t like that (pg 45). Alice asks herself throughout the novel who she really represents and what portrays normalcy. Alice does not get much help from anyone along her way, however, she is able to have a conversation with a caterpillar who sits on a mushroom. While Alice talks to the Caterpillar she says, at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then (pg 55). The caterpillar gives no help to Alice and continues to ask questions to Alice until Alice comes out with the truth: I can t explain myself you see, i m afraid, Sir because i m not myself you see (pg 55). One of the many similarities of Tree Trim and Alice in Wonderland is the fact that older people are only around to help aid the lives of children. Even though Alice never sees why being young is important, she learns other lessons as in when to be quiet and not to say whatever comes to mind. Alice, who is only a little girl, seems to be too young for her own journey in the beginning due to her immaturity, but later proves the leader wrong after she embarks on her path to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Jack Hall Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a paleoclimatologist who is on an expedition in Antarctica with two colleagues, Frank (Jay O. Sanders) and Jason (Dash Mihok), drilling for ice core samples on the Larsen Ice Shelf for the NOAA when the ice shelf breaks off from the rest of the continent, and Jack almost falls to his death. Jack presents his findings on global warming at a United Nations conference in New Delhi. Jack found that 10,000 years ago, a global warming changed the earth s climate into the Ice Age. Jack says that it could happen again in maybe 100 to 1,000 years from now if we don t stop polluting the atmosphere. Most of the diplomats, including the Vice President of the United States (Kenneth Welsh), are unconvinced by Jack s theory. At ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Few listen, and the small group that remains burns books to keep warm and breaks the library s vending machine for food. Laura is afflicted with blood poisoning, so Sam, Brian, and J.D. must search for penicillin in a Russian cargo ship that drifted inland, and are attacked by escaped wolves from the New York Zoo. Just then, the eye of the North American superstorm begins to pass over the city with its 150 °F instant freeze temperatures, and the entire New York City skyline begins to freeze solid, buildings and air alike. The three return to the library with medicine, food, and supplies, making it to safety. During the deep freeze, Jack and Jason take shelter in an abandoned Wendy s restaurant, then resume their journey after the storm dissipates, finally arriving in New York City. They find the library buried in snow, but find Sam s group alive and are rescued by U.S. Army soldiers flying UH 60 Blackhawk helicopters. In Mexico, the new President orders search and rescue teams to look for other survivors, having been given hope by the survival of Sam s group. The movie concludes with two astronauts looking down at Earth from the International Space Station, showing most of the northern hemisphere covered in ice, including all of the United States north of the southern states, and a major reduction in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...