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Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything
 Understanding How Attitude is formed
 Importance of a Positive Attitude
 How Attitude Defines ourselves.
What is Attitude?
• Way of thinking, behaving, feeling, ...
• A manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows
one’s disposition, opinion, ...
• A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings
and values and dispositions to act in certain ways;

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Positive Attitude is Every Thing

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This document provides an overview of attitudes and positive attitude building. It defines attitude as a persistent tendency to think, feel and behave in a particular way. Attitudes have three components - cognitive, affective, and behavioral. They are learned through direct experience and social learning. Positive attitudes are communicated through optimism and focusing on successes rather than failures. Building positive attitudes involves emphasizing positives, using imagery to highlight good elements, and being mindful not to dwell on negatives. Attitude is dynamic and must be actively managed.

Why Personality Development Skills for Employees
Why Personality Development Skills for Employees Why Personality Development Skills for Employees
Why Personality Development Skills for Employees

Through this presentation, highlighting the need for personality development skills for employees. Visit us for expert personality development classes for your employees. https://bit.ly/2xsvHJv

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Your Attitude is Everything
To Succeed, all you need
to do is
change your Blood group
The Big Questions now
Do You Truly want to
If your choice is “Yes”, then all you need to do is…..
• Open Mind
• Stay Calm in all circumstances
• No defensive Back foot phenomenon
1. Complaints & Problems are opportunities to build Trust
2. Patients are humans first
3. How would you feel if you were experiencing the same

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Positive Thinking (Steps to Follow)

This document provides tips for becoming a more positive thinker. It recommends reflecting on negative thinking and taking responsibility for your attitude. Some strategies include making a plan to stop negative self-talk, avoiding black-and-white thinking, not taking words personally, spending time in peaceful natural spaces, challenging negative thoughts, spending time with optimistic people, and practicing gratitude. The overall message is that thinking positively can improve one's life and relationships.

sept. 13international positive thinking dayoptimism

1) The document discusses how attitude is like an iceberg, with only 10% of one's attitudes being visible while 90% remain below the surface, unknown to others. 2) It emphasizes that attitude makes up a large part of who we are and greatly impacts our lives and behaviors. 3) The document provides several quotes about the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and outlook.


The document discusses positive thinking, defining it as creating thoughts to bring about a positive outcome for oneself or others, and explaining that thinking is an internal mental process that integrates new information with prior knowledge. It provides tips for practicing positive thinking, such as focusing on the good, spreading smiles, and asking yourself if a thought is true, harmful, and necessary before expressing it. The overall message is that one's thinking and attitude can alter life by altering perspectives.

Should I Consider Moving?
5 WHY Rule to sort out Every thing!
5 WHY Rule to sort out Every thing!
Its not just about what you say ….
The Patient’s Problem is Your
If possible, fix the Problem
Take the opportunity to delight your
Patients. Give smiles to them.
Your Attitude is Everything

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Emotional Intelligence Workshop

This document summarizes a workshop on emotional intelligence presented by Dr. Maynard Brusman. The workshop discusses defining emotional intelligence and its five domains. Research shows that emotional intelligence is twice as important as IQ for leadership success. Developing emotional intelligence can improve motivation, teamwork, change management and relationships. The workshop teaches participants to increase self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills to become more emotionally intelligent. An assessment and action planning exercise helps participants understand their strengths and areas for growth.

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Personality development

Personality development involves improving behavioral traits like communication skills, relationships, and attitude. It is about developing the total person beyond just external appearance. The document discusses various aspects of personality like types of personalities, leadership qualities, personal qualities, and factors influencing personality. It provides tips on managing stress, time, body language and communication which are basic but important aspects of personality development. Developing the right personality can help improve one's public image and overall character.

Positive attitude
Positive attitudePositive attitude
Positive attitude

This presentation discusses attitude and its impact. It defines attitude as a mental position or leaning towards a way of thinking. A positive attitude is described as being able to access a beneficial state of mind regardless of one's situation. Some benefits of a positive attitude listed are achieving goals faster, more happiness, energy and motivation. Developing a positive attitude involves choosing happiness, looking at life's bright side, associating with positive people and reading inspirational materials. The presentation concludes that attitude determines success or failure, and focusing on strengths and achievements attracts success.

Why Choosing your Attitude is important
Only 10 % of the ICEBERG is VISIBLE
The remaining 90 % is Below the Sea Level?
Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything

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Attitude refers to an individual's feelings, thoughts, and predisposition to act towards some object. Attitudes are shaped by experience, education, and environment. There are three components of attitude - cognitive, affective, and behavioral. People can generally be categorized as having positive, negative, or neutral attitudes. Positive attitudes are characterized by optimism and confidence, while negative attitudes involve pessimism and frustration. Neutral attitudes are indifferent and detached. Attitudes influence behavior and can be changed by altering one's perspective.

Attitude Management Presentation
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Attitude Management Presentation

Attitude Management, Importance of Attitude, What is Attitude, Winners Vs Losers, Factors that determine Attitude, Features of Attitude, Characteristics of Attitude, Functions of Attitude, Components of Attitude, Kinds of Attitude, Positive Attitude, Benefits of Positive Attitude, Negative Attitude, Consequences of Negative Attitude, Steps to Change Attitude, Attitude is Everything. This was a presentation prepared by me for a seminar addressing around 100 people. Though some slides are self-explanatory, some are to be explained with discussions.


This document discusses attitude and its importance for success. It defines attitude as an individual's positive or negative feelings toward an object. Attitudes are formed through direct experiences, associations with others, mass communication, and more. Attitudes are represented through opinions, beliefs, and values. Only about 10% of one's attitude is visible through their behavior, while 90% remains unknown internally. Developing a good work attitude is important for success and can be achieved by having a positive mindset, not complaining, working hard, and planning work. Maintaining a good attitude plays a vital role.

Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything
Positive attitude
Your attitude is your biggest asset. Positive
thinking is extremely important as your
thoughts and attitude will influence your
plans and actions. Do not let negative
thoughts or people influence you.

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Positive Attitude
Positive AttitudePositive Attitude
Positive Attitude

This presentation explains about having a positive attitude in life. it also explains the benefits of having positive attitude and the reasons to be positive even at times of failure and how being positive can lead to a healthier life.

positive attitude ice berg
positive attitude ice bergpositive attitude ice berg
positive attitude ice berg

This document discusses the importance of having a positive attitude. It argues that attitude is the most significant factor in a person's life and success, more so than other factors like natural resources, age, or race. It compares countries and their levels of development to show that attitude plays a key role in whether a country becomes rich or poor over time. Developed countries tend to have populations with principles like ethics, integrity, and a strong work ethic. The document encourages changing one's attitude, stating that doing so can change one's life and help countries like Pakistan to become more developed. A positive attitude is described as essential.

Good work attitude ppt.
Good work attitude ppt.Good work attitude ppt.
Good work attitude ppt.

This document discusses the importance of maintaining a good work attitude. It emphasizes that attitude is a state of mind and is defined as one's way of thinking, feeling or behaving. It outlines some negative influences in the work environment like gossip, criticism and unrealistic deadlines. It recommends adopting a positive attitude by changing one's behavior, thinking and feelings through self-assessment, discipline and logical observation. Choosing to think positively can help one succeed despite challenges. Maintaining a positive outlook includes focusing on each day's good aspects and spreading kindness.

Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything
Action # 1: BE PROACTIVE
Be Proactive is about taking
responsibility for your life.
You can't keep blaming everything
on your parents or grandparents.
Proactive people recognize that
they are "response-able." They
don't blame genetics,
circumstances, conditions, or
conditioning for their behavior.
Action # 2:Begin with the End
In Mind
It is based on imagination--the
ability to envision in your mind
what you cannot at present see
with your eyes.

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Leadership and the art of receiving feedbackLeadership and the art of receiving feedback
Leadership and the art of receiving feedback

A feedback culture is based on the competence of people in receiving feedback. We tend to focus a lot on the skill of giving feedback. The true ( inner ) development lies in the competence of receiving feedback.

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Positive attitude
Positive attitude Positive attitude
Positive attitude

The document discusses the definition and origins of attitude. It defines attitude as the way we behave and present ourselves, showing our thoughts and feelings. Attitude originally referred to a figure's posture in art but came to imply a mental state. The document focuses on the benefits of a positive attitude, defined as optimism. It states that a positive attitude helps achieve goals, brings happiness and energy, and allows one to inspire others. Maintaining a positive attitude even during difficulties is emphasized.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Seven Habits of Highly Effective PeopleSeven Habits of Highly Effective People
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

The document summarizes Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". It discusses each of the 7 habits: 1) Be Proactive, 2) Begin with the End in Mind, 3) Put First Things First, 4) Think Win-Win, 5) Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, 6) Synergize, and 7) Sharpen the Saw. Each habit is explained in 1-3 paragraphs with examples of how to apply the habit in daily life to become more effective. The overall message is that developing these 7 habits can help people take control of their lives and relationships to achieve more meaningful goals and outcomes.

self improvementseven habitslifestyle
Action # 3:Put First be First
Action # 3 is about life
management as well--
your purpose, values,
roles, and priorities. What
are "first things?" First
things are those things
you, personally, find of
most worth.
So live a more balanced
Remember that when it
comes to relationships,
little things are big things.
Action # 4: Think Win/Win
• Most of us learn to base
our self-worth on
comparisons and
competition. We think
about succeeding in
terms of someone else
failing--that is, if I win,
you lose; or if you win, I
lose. Life becomes a
zero-sum game.
Action # 5: Seek First to Understand,
Then to be Understood
Communication is the
most important skill in life.
You spend years learning
how to read and write,
and years learning how to
speak. but what about
Action # 6: Synergize
" Synergize is the habit of
creative cooperation. It is
team work, open-
mindedness, and the
adventure of finding new
solutions to old problems.
But it doesn't just happen
on its own.
. Together, they can
produce far better results
that they could

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This document provides an overview of concepts from a book titled "Lifebook" that aims to guide readers to successful outcomes. It discusses 7 key habits from Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" that include being proactive, starting with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win-win, listening to understand others, synergizing, and sharpening the saw. The document also outlines the book's table of contents that will cover additional topics like finding one's purpose, learning from mentors, leadership, and belief systems. The overall message is that developing certain habits can help one achieve goals and have an exceptional life through continuous learning and self-improvement.

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My Lessons in the "7 Habits of Highly Successful People" My Lessons in the "7 Habits of Highly Successful People"
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I attended a "7 Habits of Highly Successful People" education seminar through my job. It was a very enlightening course that gave me the new perspective on how to approach my professional career and personal life.

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Gc playbook 2021
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This document provides a summary of Gus Cerro's playbook, which aims to guide readers to successful outcomes through developing character. It discusses the seven habits of highly effective people according to Stephen Covey, including being proactive, starting with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win-win, seeking first to understand then to be understood, synergizing, and sharpening the saw. The playbook pledges to develop emotional, physical, mental and spiritual intelligence and respect, and provides a mission statement about pursuing success through a process of constant learning and improvement. It outlines contents including character development, mentors' systems, the process, leadership and belief systems.

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Action # 7: Sharpen the saw
Sharpen the Saw means preserving
and enhancing the greatest asset
you have-YOU !
Here are some examples of activities:
Physical:Beneficial eating, exercising,
and resting
Social /Emotional:Making social and
meaningful connections with others
Mental:Learning, reading, writing, and
Spiritual:Spending time in nature,
expanding spiritual self through
mediation, music, art, prayer, or
It is observed that most people have their
plans ready, but they find it extremely
difficult to make a start.
You must at least take a single step to
begin your work.
Start with a small step
Once you begin, it is easier to continue.
Do not fear making mistakes because the
more you fear, the more likely you are to
commit one. Remember that failure is
followed by success.
Steadiness and regularity in your actions is very
essential. It is possible that you may get
discouraged or tired, after the initial excitement
is over.
Strengthen your interest and desire to succeed.
Do not complain about lack of resources or
unsuitable situations.
Self Motivation Tips
Never quit
Never lose hope.
Keep on trying, find out
what is wrong but don’t
stop experimenting.
Losers quit when they
are tired, Champions
quit when they hold

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The seven habits are a framework for personal effectiveness and success. The first three habits - be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and put first things first - focus on self-mastery and independence. Habits 4, 5, and 6 address interdependence through thinking win-win, seeking first to understand then to be understood, and synergizing. The seventh habit is to sharpen the saw, which means renewing oneself physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually to sustain the other habits. Mastering the seven habits involves understanding how habits, character, and paradigms shape one's effectiveness.

Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude is Everything

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Your Attitude is Everything

  • 3. AGENDA:  Understanding How Attitude is formed  Importance of a Positive Attitude  How Attitude Defines ourselves.
  • 4. What is Attitude? • Way of thinking, behaving, feeling, ... • A manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows one’s disposition, opinion, ... • A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways;
  • 6. To Succeed, all you need to do is change your Blood group ? The Big Questions now is…… Do You Truly want to
  • 7. If your choice is “Yes”, then all you need to do is…..
  • 8. • Open Mind • Stay Calm in all circumstances • No defensive Back foot phenomenon Remember: 1. Complaints & Problems are opportunities to build Trust 2. Patients are humans first 3. How would you feel if you were experiencing the same problem?
  • 10. 5 WHY Rule to sort out Every thing!
  • 11. 5 WHY Rule to sort out Every thing! Its not just about what you say …. The Patient’s Problem is Your Problem. If possible, fix the Problem immediately! Take the opportunity to delight your Patients. Give smiles to them.
  • 13. Why Choosing your Attitude is important HOW MUCH YOU SEE OF AN ICEBURG?
  • 14. Only 10 % of the ICEBERG is VISIBLE The remaining 90 % is Below the Sea Level?
  • 20. Positive attitude Your attitude is your biggest asset. Positive thinking is extremely important as your thoughts and attitude will influence your plans and actions. Do not let negative thoughts or people influence you.
  • 23. Action # 1: BE PROACTIVE Be Proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. You can't keep blaming everything on your parents or grandparents. Proactive people recognize that they are "response-able." They don't blame genetics, circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior.
  • 24. Action # 2:Begin with the End In Mind It is based on imagination--the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes.
  • 25. Action # 3:Put First be First Action # 3 is about life management as well-- your purpose, values, roles, and priorities. What are "first things?" First things are those things you, personally, find of most worth. So live a more balanced existence. Remember that when it comes to relationships, little things are big things.
  • 26. Action # 4: Think Win/Win • Most of us learn to base our self-worth on comparisons and competition. We think about succeeding in terms of someone else failing--that is, if I win, you lose; or if you win, I lose. Life becomes a zero-sum game.
  • 27. Action # 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood Communication is the most important skill in life. You spend years learning how to read and write, and years learning how to speak. but what about listening?
  • 28. Action # 6: Synergize " Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is team work, open- mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn't just happen on its own. . Together, they can produce far better results that they could individually.
  • 29. Action # 7: Sharpen the saw Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have-YOU ! Here are some examples of activities: Physical:Beneficial eating, exercising, and resting Social /Emotional:Making social and meaningful connections with others Mental:Learning, reading, writing, and teaching Spiritual:Spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self through mediation, music, art, prayer, or service.
  • 30. It is observed that most people have their plans ready, but they find it extremely difficult to make a start. You must at least take a single step to begin your work. Start with a small step Once you begin, it is easier to continue. Do not fear making mistakes because the more you fear, the more likely you are to commit one. Remember that failure is followed by success.
  • 31. Consistency Steadiness and regularity in your actions is very essential. It is possible that you may get discouraged or tired, after the initial excitement is over. Strengthen your interest and desire to succeed. Do not complain about lack of resources or unsuitable situations. Self Motivation Tips
  • 32. Never quit Never lose hope. Keep on trying, find out what is wrong but don’t stop experimenting. Losers quit when they are tired, Champions quit when they hold gold.