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Estimating Matter Density and
Dark Energy Density
Parameters Using Type I a SNe
Photometric Data
from the Supernova Cosmology
What is the fate of the univer
 An introduction to the expanding universe and
Hubble’s Law
 Causes of the expansion?
 Structure of the universe
 Standard candle: type I a supernovae
 Theoretical and observational analysis
An introduction to the expanding
and Hubble’s Law
• Matter tells space time how to curve and curved space
time tells matter how to move
• More curved the universe the more the current
expansion will halt
• Lesser the curvature the more the expansion will
• A universe composed only of normal matter cannot expand
• It will collapse back on itself as a big crunch due to gravity
• Einstein introduced cosmological constant in order to
maintain a stable static universe
dark matter and dark energy
Galaxies are receding away from us with a velocity that is
proportional to their distance from us
V = H0 × d
• The fractional rate of change of scale factor with time
• It is roughly the reciprocal of the age of the universe and the
age increases with time
• H0 of present universe is about 72 km/sec/parsec
No galaxy can recede with a velocity greater than the velocity
of light since v/c=1 is the upper limit
Causes of the expansion?
• Observations of the explosions of the type 1a supernovae
• Dark energy responsible for driving an acceleration in the
expansion of the universe
• What is dark energy?
Structure Of The Universe
𝝆 −
𝒌𝒄 𝟐
𝒂 𝟐
Important in understanding the expansion and different models of the
a -scale factor which measures the universal expansion rate
𝒂 -change of scale factor
ρ -cosmic density
k -curvature constant which tell us about the geometry of the universe
 When k = -1
𝒄 𝟐
𝑹 𝟐
universe is described as an open universe
 When k = 0 𝒂
universe is described as flat universe
 When k = 1 a=
universe is described as closed universe
Critical density (𝛒 𝐜)
Fate of the universe is governed by density (ρ)
𝛒 𝐜 is the critical density which is the average density of material in the
universe for it to be flat
𝝆 𝒄 =
𝟑𝑯 𝟐
:Open universe
:Flat universe
:Closed universe
Density Parameters
Baryonic matter density parameter
𝝆 𝒄 − baryonic matter density
Radiation density parameter
𝝆 𝜸 − radiation density
Dark matter density parameter
𝝆 𝑫𝑴 − dark matter density
Dark energy density parameter
𝛒 𝚲 - dark energy density
Flat universe (k = 0 )
Closed universe (k>0 )
Open universe (k< 0)
Standard candle: type I a supe
• Source that has a known luminosity
• Type 1a supernovae
 A white dwarf star in a binary pair with a red dwarf accretes
mass from the red dwarf until it reaches Chandrasekhar limit
of 1.4 solar mass
 Core collapses due to gravitational pressure
 A violent explosion called type 1a supernovae occurs
 Same luminosity of explosion
m - apparent magnitude which measures the observed brightness
of an object from any point.
M - absolute magnitude which gives the brightness of an object as
seen from 10 parsecs away.
𝒅 𝑳 = 𝒄(1 + 𝒛)
 Ωm = 1 and ΩɅ = 0
matter dominated universe
 Ωm = 0.5 and ΩɅ = 0.5
 Ωm = 0 and ΩɅ = 1
dark energy dominated universe
Theoretical and observational a
The minimum value of χ2 equal to 228.8539 is got for
𝜴 𝒎 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟕 and 𝜴 𝜦 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟑
Best fit model of our universe containing 27% of matter (both
baryonic and dark matter) and 73% of dark energy
When the density parameters are added (Ωm + ΩΛ), it turns out
to be 1!
The condition for our universe to be Flat
● http://hubblesite.org/hubble_discoveries/dark_energy/detype_ia_superno vae.php
● http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/85theuniverse/supernovae/gene ralquestions/404howdo-
● https://www.universetoday.com/37105/fateoftheuniverse/
● http://discovermagazine.com/2013/may/12whatdoesdarkenergymeanforthefateoftheuniverse
● https://www.eeducation.psu.edu/astro801/content/l10_p9.html
● http://www.smithsonianmag.com/sciencenature/darkenergythebiggestmysteryintheuniverse9482130/
● http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/07/attemptexplainawaydarken ergytakeshit
● http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/cosmicvariance/2006/01/11/evolvingdarkenergy/#.WPmCVJThXqA
● https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova_Cosmology_Project
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dark matter and dark energy

  • 2. Estimating Matter Density and Dark Energy Density Parameters Using Type I a SNe Photometric Data from the Supernova Cosmology Project
  • 3. What is the fate of the univer
  • 4. CONTENT  An introduction to the expanding universe and Hubble’s Law  Causes of the expansion?  Structure of the universe  Standard candle: type I a supernovae  Theoretical and observational analysis
  • 5. An introduction to the expanding universe and Hubble’s Law
  • 6. • Matter tells space time how to curve and curved space time tells matter how to move • More curved the universe the more the current expansion will halt • Lesser the curvature the more the expansion will continue • A universe composed only of normal matter cannot expand • It will collapse back on itself as a big crunch due to gravity • Einstein introduced cosmological constant in order to maintain a stable static universe
  • 8. Galaxies are receding away from us with a velocity that is proportional to their distance from us HUBBLE’ S LAW V = H0 × d
  • 10. HUBBLE PARAMETER (H0 ) • The fractional rate of change of scale factor with time • It is roughly the reciprocal of the age of the universe and the age increases with time • H0 of present universe is about 72 km/sec/parsec
  • 11. RELATION BETWEEN REDSHIFT AND BETA (V/C) No galaxy can recede with a velocity greater than the velocity of light since v/c=1 is the upper limit
  • 12. Causes of the expansion?
  • 13. • Observations of the explosions of the type 1a supernovae • Dark energy responsible for driving an acceleration in the expansion of the universe • What is dark energy?
  • 14. Structure Of The Universe
  • 15. FRIEDMANN EQUATION 𝒂 𝒂 𝟐 = 𝟖𝝅𝑮 𝟑 𝝆 − 𝒌𝒄 𝟐 𝒂 𝟐 Important in understanding the expansion and different models of the universe a -scale factor which measures the universal expansion rate 𝒂 -change of scale factor ρ -cosmic density k -curvature constant which tell us about the geometry of the universe
  • 16. EVOLUTION OF S CALE FACTOR FOR VARIOUS VALUES OF k  When k = -1 𝒂 𝒂 𝟐 ~ 𝒄 𝟐 𝑹 𝟐 universe is described as an open universe  When k = 0 𝒂 𝒂 𝟐 = 𝟖𝝅𝑮 𝟑 𝝆 universe is described as flat universe  When k = 1 a= universe is described as closed universe
  • 17. Critical density (𝛒 𝐜) Fate of the universe is governed by density (ρ) 𝛒 𝐜 is the critical density which is the average density of material in the universe for it to be flat 𝝆 𝒄 = 𝟑𝑯 𝟐 𝟖𝝅𝑮 :Open universe :Flat universe :Closed universe
  • 18. Density Parameters Baryonic matter density parameter 𝝆 𝒄 − baryonic matter density Radiation density parameter 𝝆 𝜸 − radiation density Dark matter density parameter 𝝆 𝑫𝑴 − dark matter density Dark energy density parameter 𝛒 𝚲 - dark energy density
  • 19. Flat universe (k = 0 ) Closed universe (k>0 ) Open universe (k< 0)
  • 21. • Source that has a known luminosity • Type 1a supernovae STANDARD CANDLE  A white dwarf star in a binary pair with a red dwarf accretes mass from the red dwarf until it reaches Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4 solar mass  Core collapses due to gravitational pressure  A violent explosion called type 1a supernovae occurs  Same luminosity of explosion
  • 22. RELATION BETWEEN DISTANCE MODULUS AND LUMINOSITY DISTANCE m - apparent magnitude which measures the observed brightness of an object from any point. M - absolute magnitude which gives the brightness of an object as seen from 10 parsecs away.
  • 23. REDSHIFT LUMINOSITY DISTANCE RELATION 𝒅 𝑳 = 𝒄(1 + 𝒛) 0 𝒛 𝒅𝒛 )𝑯(𝒛
  • 24.  Ωm = 1 and ΩɅ = 0 matter dominated universe  Ωm = 0.5 and ΩɅ = 0.5  Ωm = 0 and ΩɅ = 1 dark energy dominated universe
  • 27. The minimum value of χ2 equal to 228.8539 is got for 𝜴 𝒎 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟕 and 𝜴 𝜦 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟑 Best fit model of our universe containing 27% of matter (both baryonic and dark matter) and 73% of dark energy
  • 28. When the density parameters are added (Ωm + ΩΛ), it turns out to be 1! The condition for our universe to be Flat
  • 29. REFERENCE ● http://hubblesite.org/hubble_discoveries/dark_energy/detype_ia_superno vae.php ● http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/85theuniverse/supernovae/gene ralquestions/404howdo- supernovaeshowusthattheuniversesexpansionisacceleratingadvanced ● https://www.universetoday.com/37105/fateoftheuniverse/ ● http://discovermagazine.com/2013/may/12whatdoesdarkenergymeanforthefateoftheuniverse ● https://www.eeducation.psu.edu/astro801/content/l10_p9.html ● http://www.smithsonianmag.com/sciencenature/darkenergythebiggestmysteryintheuniverse9482130/ ● http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/07/attemptexplainawaydarken ergytakeshit ● http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/cosmicvariance/2006/01/11/evolvingdarkenergy/#.WPmCVJThXqA ● https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova_Cosmology_Project