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Essay Closing Paragraph
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Essay Closing Paragraph ExamplesEssay Closing Paragraph Examples
Human Relations And Police Public Relations
Human relations deals with everything that is being accomplished with other human beings with
all kinds of relationships involved. But according to dictionary.com, the definition is a study of
group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal relationships, as among employees. An
example of human relations is something all people have been taught when they were younger
and that is to treat people exactly how you want to be treated. Which basically means to build a
strong relationship whether it is good or if it is bad. So if policeofficers want respect from
everyday society they have to try and respect society as well. Public relations is defined as
activities performed by police agencies designed to create a favorable image of themselves. An
example of police public relations is where a police department will have an even where the
community can get involved and experience the police life. Police community relations is the
interaction or tension between the public and the department. An example of community relations
could be when police officers show up to high school basketball game and give support to the
community that they are familiar with showing that they are community oriented and care about
what they do for their community.
2.Discuss the rapid increase in the minority population and the challenges it presents for law
enforcement in communities that have not previously faced this issue. In you answer, explain why
multicultural understanding is critical.
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Simulation International Poverty Simulation
Poverty is defined as inferior in quantity or insufficient in amount; however, poverty strikes much
harder than simply lacking physical objects, it fosters a lifestyle tough to bear. After completing the
simulations and videos, it was evident that one cannot truly understand the magnitude of poverty
unless it is first hand.
To begin, the international poverty simulation presented a hypothetical situation; a housewife, an
agri labourer, who has two children and little financial support from her spouse was required to
balance money, time, and comfort. The major decisions consisted of what quality of water to
obtain, deciding which food items to purchase, and whether or not to prioritize work or family.
Purchasing food was the hardest task because the financial constraints were so tight. As long as
the water doesn t create a health altercation, the lower quality gets the job done; prioritizing work
over family might also be necessary in the instance. Therefore, purchasing food was difficult
because there is no way to work around it, once the money is gone, one goes hungry. The
simulation came to a conclusion when it notified me the day was over, even though all the tasks
were not complete.
Conversely, in the domestic poverty simulation, it presented three job choices as an opportunity to
attempt to relieve the scenario. All of the jobs were minimum earning positions and were somewhat
vague in the description adding to the complexity. Later on, there were decisions such as,
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Imposition Of Residential Schools Essay
Residential schools were a normal aspect of Aboriginal people s lives in the 19th and 20th century.
The purpose of a residential school was to convert Aboriginal children to Christianity and to
assimilate them into Western culture. They were operated through the Canadian government and
the church. Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their parents and put into a school, full
time. They were mistreated which led to problems that still afflict the Aboriginal population of
Canada today. Many Aboriginal people want the Canadian government to recognize the inhumane
and heinous acts that have been done and want compensation. The imposition of residential schools
has greatly impacted the Aboriginal population which resulted in many repercussions... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The mistreatment of Aboriginal children at residential schools caused detrimental impacts on their
identity and even led to death. Furthermore, this has led to many repercussions that negatively
affect their communities and made them more prone to criminal acts. There have also been rising
tensions between the Aboriginal population and the Canadian government due to the protests for
compensation. The imposition of residential schools has negatively impacted the lives of the
Aboriginal population and the government must take action for the betterment of their
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Race, Gender, And Women
During the time I observed Mass there was a dominate race in attendance mostly Caucasian
(around 200) with several Hispanics (around 50) and very few African Americans (only three);
however, there was not a dominate sex or age of the attendees. There seemed to be an equal
amount of males and females, and a vast degree of age newborns to very elderly among the
participants. The clothing of the participants was very formal and respectful. Most women either
wore long dresses or skirt with leggings or tights underneath, some women wore pants; however,
there was only a few women in pants; all women wore shirts that did not show very much (if
any) cleavage some women (around ten) wore black, white, gray, or brown veils over their
heads at first I believed that the veils were a sign that the women wearing them were preparing
to become nuns; however, several small children were wearing the veils over their heads, and
according to Lauren, the veils are symbolic they show respect to the Saints and God by allowing
women to observe submissiveness and obedience. There seems to be no correlation between the
veils color and a symbolic meaning behind the veil color. Men wore suits or khakis and a button
up shirt. Women and men were all aware that they were in a church and must be modest not shorts
or t shirts or cocktail dresses were seen of the participants if someone was to show up to Massin this
attire it would be deemed inappropriate. Even the priest and altar servers and choirmember
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Elf Thesis
Elf Today we have watched the movie Elf. And movie this is about a human whose name is
buddy, and he was raised by elves and trying to find his family in New York. The main charter s
name is buddy, he was an orphan from an orphanage, who stowed away in Santa s sack and
ended up at the North Pole. After, the Santa found him, the Santa did not send him back to
where he was from, and instead the Santa and an older elf treat him as son. Even though, the old
elf treat him really nice, he finally found he is kind of special to others. As an adult human who
happened to be raised by elves, Santa allows him to go to New York City to find his birth father.
After he arrive New York City, Buddy fails to comprehend several aspects of the human world,
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Freak The Mighty Comparison
In the book by Rodman Philbrick, Freak the Mighty , and the movie, The Mighty , starring
Kieran Culkin (as Kevin) and Elden Henson (as Max), there are many differences between the
two. The book and the movie are both about two boy s friendship and adventures together. Some
of the differences are like Kevin s death, the ornithopter being flown at the end into the medieval
ages with King Arthur s knights, and the empty book. In the movie, Freak dies in his own home
over night,while in the book Freak (Kevin) dies in the hospital. During the morning, when Kevin
or Freak, is dead with his mom alive in the back of the ambulance, Max comes out and chases the
ambulance that holds Kevin, dead, and then the ambulance stops. Kevin s mom, Gwenevere (or
the Fair Gwenevere), Kevin s mom opens the back ambulance door and explains to Max that
Kevin was dieing and he knew he was going to die, but he didn t want to tell Max about it. Max
started to cry when he heard that. Then, the Fair Gwen closes the back door to the ambulance and
the ambulance drives off and away to wherever was the destination of the ambulance. After that,
Max ran, and ran, and ran until he got to the building Kevin had said where he... Show more content
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Once Max gets kevin s ornithopter out of the tree, Max fixes the ornithopter to like it was as brand
new as ever. Then, Max takes the ornithopter and takes the ornithopter outside to see if the
ornithopter will fly. In result, the ornithopter was successful at flight was again, but in the hands of
Maxwell Kane instead of Kevin s own creative hands. To everyone s amazement, the ornithopter
went from flying at Max s home, then transacting to the ornithopter flying in the Middle Ages
impressing King Arthur and his trusty and loyal knights of the round table. Hey, what a happy
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Connotative Language In Media
Connotative Language in The Media Most words in language have evolved to have at least two
meanings. There is the denotation of a word, which is the literal meaning of the word or its
dictionary definition. Also, all words carry a connotation, which refers to the associations that are
connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions relating to it. A word s connotationcan
differ depending on context and the region in which it is used. Recently there has been a spike
in the amount of connotative language being used in news headlines. Three headlines that stand
out with their obvious use of connotative language are, NFL kneelers and the left have it all
wrong (Fox News, Sept. 27, 2017), The New York Times has a Communism fetish (The Weekly
Standard, Sept. 26, 2017), and Trump has climate change weirdos everywhere freaking out (The
American Spectator, Aug. 30, 2017). These headlines use connotative language specifically to
create political and cultural bias with their readers/viewers. The first headline that is filled with
biased connotative language is from Fox News and states, NFL kneelers and the left have it all
wrong. The headline is referring to the recent trend of NFL players kneeling during the national
anthem. The players are doing this as a protest against police brutality, the oppression of people of
color, and the criminal justice system; all of which are important causes that should be protested. In
order to create bias against the protesters
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Appearance And Court Case Analysis
In the legal field, key to presenting competence to your client, opposing attorneys, and the court,
appearance stands. Reviewing persons in the legal field remains a head to toe scrutiny, since if
your appearance portrays competence, until there exists a mishandling of the case or the client,
their confidence in the firm remains solid. Upon studying the slides of the Professional Law Firm
slides, the evaluation follows:
Slide 1 appears to be a female junior attorney and a male junior attorney discussing a case in front
of a male senior attorney in the law firm. The female attorney ensemble consists of a gray
pinstriped suit jacket with a pale blue blouse. With her top button unfastened, her hair up and
formal, no distracting makeup or jewelry, her appearance seems a casual formal attire. The males
dressed formally, dark suits, both ties and hair view appropriate for their position. The two junior
attorneys appear to be inside the professional space bubble, without knowing what their
conversation concerns, the males smile seems inappropriate. The senior attorney s desk consists of
a well ordered and properly arranged appearance, over all a ... Show more content on
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Once in court a judge called a recess, in order for an attorney to get his jacket and tie. The
attorney was wearing a nice dress shirt but it was open to the second button and the judge was a
stickler for appropriate attire. In our office, I had to either have long sleeves or wear short
sleeves and wear a jacket when meeting with clients. Our attorney loved the older style of dresses,
and once she went to court, after proceedings were complete, the judge asked her and I to chambers
where he told the attorney to release the past fashion and accept the new professional attire (Wann,
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Channel Mediated Diffusion Essay
Diffusion is categorized as passive transport in which atoms or molecules are moved, often through
a cell membrane, from a higher to a lower concentration. This process involves the spreading of the
solute, which ultimately results in the removal of a concentration gradient (Kate T. et al. 2015).
Typically, there are two types of diffusionacross a cell membrane: simple or channel mediated.
Simple diffusion occurs when molecules diffuse easily through the membrane; whereas channel
mediated diffusion occurs when molecules pass through the membrane via protein channels often
due to their size or electrical force. There are several factors which can affect the rate and
capability of diffusion such as molecule and gradient size, temperature and electrical forces. For
example, more extreme temperatures result in a slower rate of diffusion. Thus diffusion at room
temperature occurs at a much more rapid rate than would diffusion at an extremely low
temperature. Typically, the higher the temperature, the more rapid the rate of... Show more content
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Dehydration results from a lack of water in the body. This can occur if one is in an environment
with a high amount of solute in the air or water, which leads to osmotic flow of water into that
environment and therefore out of the body s cells. Kidney dialysis is used as an alternative to
normal kidney function when the kidneys stop working properly due to kidney disease (Cloe
2015). The dialysis uses a semi permeable membrane in which only small molecules can pass
through. Dialysis place[s] a semi permeable membrane between the blood and...dialysis solution
(Cloe 2015). Diffusion and osmotic movement cause the metabolites to flow out of the blood [and
into] the dialysis solution (Cloe 2015). This newly functioning kidney alternative relies on diffusion
and osmosis and is very important in regards to medicine and
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Who Is Stan Lee A Hero
Excelsior! I m pretty sure that everyone in the class has seen at least one Marvel movie or will
see one. The superhero universe is becoming one of the most famous types of movie genres
nowadays, and nerds everywhere fangirl when they have seen it. Everything has a beginning, and
sure enough, superheroes had one too. Stan Leeis the creator of many fantastic superheroes that we
know and love today. He created the famous characters like the Fantastic Four, Spider man and
many more. Stan Lee s full name is Stanley Martin Lieber. He was born on December 28, 1922, in
New York City. He married to Joan Boocock in 1947 and had one daughter.
Stan Lee began his comic book career when he was hired as an office assistant at Timely Comics
in 1939. It was then that he shortened his last name to Lee when he became a writer. Of course
everyone knows about the famous and patriotic Captain America. In the 1940s, Lee became the
company s interim editor and a year after, he produced text filler for Captain America Comics
issue #3, Captain America Foils the Traitor s Revenge . This was his first involvement in
superhero comics, and it was just the beginning. In the 1950s, he made a variety genre of comics
called Atlas Comics, which were about romance, sci fi, fantasy, and horror.
In 1961, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You might be thinking Traitor! , but he is still loyal to Marvel Comics because in 2006, he was
honoured for finishing 65 years with Marvel. He was featured in a one shot comic book series
that showed him interacting with his past creations like Spider man, Doctor Strange, and the
Fantastic Four. He was honoured in 2007, when Comic Con International made Stan Lee action
figures. He s won awards such as the National Medal of Arts, Saturn Awards, Scream Awards,
Hollywood Walk of Fame, Producers Guild of America, and Visual Effects Society
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Gaius Marius
Roman s had an idealised view of what their politicians should be. From their ancestry to their
attributes. In this essay I shall be looking at Gaius Marius. How did he live up to the Roman
ideals? What are those ideals? I shall a number of these ideals one by one. But first I shall discuss
what ideals the Romans have and why. The easiest way to find out the ideals Romans had. Was to
look some tomb inscriptions. These are useful since the Romans would list the most important
things about this person. Since what is important in one s life is subjective. It tells us what the
Roman found important and therefore these tell us what they value. Giving us insight to what
Romans value in their politicians. The Scipionic Epitaphs can show us how and... Show more
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Marius had two triumphs. He must of been a great military commander to earn achievement. His
military process is what got him his first consulship. Plutarch describes how his name and
reputation spread through Africa and he also notes Marius display of consummate courage
(Plutarch Marius 7) Your name and reputation don t spread for no reason; Marius must have had
excelled in the qualities most sought after in regard to war. Plutarch says how he showed the he
was: capable of going through what the soldiers injured, his foresight. The former gave him
considerable affection and loyalty from the troops , this loyalty lead to the soldiers writing back
to Rome, stating that The African war could only be won if Marius was elected consol (Plutarch
Marius 7) This shows that Marius must have excelled hugely at military process. The Scipio
Epitaph s list the father and offices the father held and military successes. This must have been a
compelling argument to the Romans. Plutarch notes how Metellus was visually displeased about
this (Plutrach Marius 8) Giving us further evidence to how people felt about new men. He had to
quickly get back to Rome. With his first consulship he enrolled a large number of paupers, and
slaves into the army (PLutrach Marius 9). This action is unpreceded and must have annoyed
some. This shows that he thought of new ways to use the Roman armies. Which was basically
taking the poor and training them. That training would appear to pay off. He got a triumph. It
must have been quite a shock to the Romans in some ways that a new man who becomes consol
comes into Rome celebrating a triumph. Q.Metelleus told Marius that he d support Marius being
consol with his son. An insult of sorts since Marius already 49 and that son about fifteen years
younger than him. To achieve something that hadn t happened in a long time and for it to be a new
man must have shocked a lot of people. Or at
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The Man Who Saved Me
Out of all of the days I have been alive there is one I will never forget. I woke up knowing that I
was going to be going on my first airplane ride to Iowa to visit family, but other than a little fear
everything seemed normal. As I boarded the plane and said goodbye to my family I found my seat
and waited for take off. As everyone boarded the plane, I wondered who would be sitting in the
open seat next to me. The seat remained empty for quite a while. We were just about getting
ready to take off before I heard a man with a deep voice yelling, wait wait, im here. It was then
that I knew he would be taking the empty seat next to me. We all buckled our seatbelts and
prepared for the the pressure of taking off. We were all asked to turn our phones off, which
forced us to start a conversation with the person sitting next to us. I looked over and the man
sitting next to me was a tall man who was thin in stature. He had brown hair, green eyes, and a
black hat on. I began to try and start a conversation with him but he said very little. He seemed to
be very quiet and kept to himself. I asked him where he was headed and he replied with a mumble,
and said my friends. I didn t really try to talk to him any more, I let him be. As the plane ride
continued I suddenly felt a big jerk. Since I had never been on a plane I was worried, I then
asked the man sitting next to me if that was normal? He replied with a shakiness to his voice, and
said I don t think so! From there I began
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My Adventure Essay
As blood ran through my system like race fuel, as I raced around the ancient temple. The
pounding of my heart upon my chest like a v8 in a stock car, meant I was running at 110%. I
stared back at the temple was crumbling, I was almost to the window I could taste the humid
jungle air already.I could feel my legs burning, my feet losing sensation and my lungs gasping
for air. Finally, with the last of my energy I push off of the ledge and plummeted towards fate, as
my life rested in God s hands as I fell 150ft into the abyss. I could bring these tall tales to college,
but I rather talk about my personal adventure. The story of my adventure to Paristo experience the
rich French culture. To explore the Spanish culture while I was in Spanish immersion. I may not
be an explorer of ancient ruins,however I still explore different cultures, as well as explored
unique opportunities that expanded my knowledge and skills, all this has added up to unique
attributes I hold, and are willing to share. Traveling around the world may be a dream for some,
but for me I rather explore the world. I ve been to many tourist spots, it a devastating sight to see
so many people take a photo, stare at whatever it is and then leave. They never stay and learn about
the cultureand history of that spot. I m so grateful that I was a part of the Spanish immersion
program of my school. I was able to learn so much, and I gained a greater view of the world.
Currently I m no longer enrolled, however I took
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Lorraine Hansberry Research Paper
On May 19,1930 a set of events was set in motion that an inspiration and touching to many. May
19,1930 Lorraine Vivian Hansberry was born in Chicago, Illinois, she was the youngest of four
kids. Her parents were Nannie and Carl Augustus Hansberry.Nannie and Carl Hansberry were
independent, politically active and Republican. Growing up she dealt with many problems
involving her race, her family was victims of segregation. The effects of her childhood greatly
affected how she went on about her life.
In 1950 she decided to take a leap of faith and try to pursue a career of being a writer. She moves
out to New York City and starts going to The New School but only one year later she moves out
to Harlem so involve herself in the activist struggles. In 1951 she started working writing
newspapers for black freedom.Lorraine Hansberry wrote a poem called Lynch Song inspired from
Willie McGee s court case. One June 20,1953 Lorraine Hansberry married ... Show more content on
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Her funeral was held in Harlem on January 15, 1965. Paul Robeson and SNCC organizer James
Forman gave eulogies. She is buried at Asbury United Methodist Church Cemetery in Croton on
Hudson,New York. After her death, Nemiroff adapted a collection of her writing and interviews in
To Be Young, Gifted and Black, which opened off Broadway at the Cherry Lane Theatre and ran
for eight months.
In 1973 A Raisin in the Sun opened in theaters in New York. A Raisin in the Sun won a tony
award for best musical and went on broadway in 2004 and received a tony award nomination for
best revival of a play. In 1999 Hansberry was posthumously inducted into the Chicago Gay and
Lesbian Hall of Fame. In 2013, Lorraine Hansberry was posthumously inducted into the American
Theatre Hall of Fame. The legacy of Lorraine Hansberry will forever be remembered because even
know her life is inspiring many and her audience is always
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AT T Mision Vision and Values Essay
Strategic Overview
This document identifies AT T as one of the leader communications holding corporation in the
United States and global. Operating worldwide with 307,550 employees, AT T established its
global headquarters in Dallas Texas, AT T is known as the worldwide leading provider of IP
based communications services to businesses and the principal U.S. provider of wireless, high
speed Internet access, local and long distance voice, directory publishing and advertising services
for more than a century . AT Tcontinues to build on the heritage of its predecessor Bell by serving
customers with a continuing assurance to the operation of pioneering products and services,
consistent, high quality service and excellent customer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Stephenson chairman and chief executive officer AT T Inc. had revenues of $120 billion and is
listed on the New York Stock Exchange, with a fortune 500 company. AT T is one of 30 stocks that
make up the Dow Jones Industrial average.
AT T s vision creates new solutions for consumers and business by driving innovation in the
communications and entertainment industry. AT T s current strategy is to attract additional
customers by offering integrated telecommunication services.
AT T s mission is to connect people with their world everywhere they live and work and do it better
than anyone else.
Strengthening Communities AT T strengthen the communities by providing good jobs, donating
time and talents, supporting underserved populations and promoting education programs that create
economic opportunity Giving Back AT T is committed to advancing education, strengthening
communities and improving lives. Volunteerism AT T pioneers is one of the largest industry
sponsored volunteer organizations in the country. Supporting Troops AT T is dedicated to
supporting active military personnel, their families and veterans.
Investing in People AT T strive to be a great place to work, to be respectful, and supportive, of the
diverse workforce and inclusive culture, and to recognize the benefits of the diverse suppliers,
customers and business partners. Workforce inclusion AT T
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Construction Project Essay
The design phase in the construction project life cycle is considered as a significant contributor to
the project performance. Many researchers have considered this phenomenon as being dependent
on the project success which comprises of quality, cost, time and sustainability. Nowadays, most
of the construction projects must be delivered through the fast track, therefore it is difficult to co
ordinate between the specialists and personnel as there is no accepted platform of good practice
in managing the design process (Bibby, 2003). Although some technologies have been developed
and applied in construction projects, the performance of the construction industry is still
considered low (Sacks Goldin, 2007). (Aziz Hafez, 2013) argue that the current technologies can
only improve the management of the construction process, however, in improving quality of the
projects effectively, it does not reduce cost and time of design and construction. This is referred to
as the traditional method that is still in place and currently being practiced in the industry. The
objective of this work is to present the innovative design process in building construction projects
where lean thinking (LT) is being considered for design process improvements. This research
proposes a design process model that integrates LT into the traditional design process with
activities which are able to eliminate wastes in the design process. The model is based on the set
based concurrent engineering (SBCE)
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National Parks
Marie Thurman
What will you feel as you enter a national park? Many words have been written to describe the
experience, but nothing can truly capture the complete amazement as the breathtaking views catch
your breath. It s something you must discover for yourself at least once in your lifetime, if not
time and time again. Though songs, poems and photographs have tried to capture the essence of
national parks, only your senses will tell the true story. In this research paper I will be discussing
national parks. I will be explaining what qualifies a park to be a national park, and two main
national parks in the United States, Yosemite National Parkand The Grand Canyon.
History and Definition
A national park is a noun defined as a tract of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Yosemite is surrounded by wilderness areas: the Ansel Adams Wilderness, the Hoover Wilderness,
and the Emigrant Wilderness. Yosemite national park has an annual visitation that exceeds 3.5
million. Most of these visitors concentrate only on the seven main square miles of Yosemite Valley.
Yosemite is a 1,200 square mile park that contains thousands of lakes and ponds, 1,600 miles of
streams, 800 miles of hiking trails, and 350 miles of roads. Two scenic rivers, the Merced and
Tuolumne, begin within Yosemite s borders and flow west into the Central Valley of California.
Yosemite is famous for its high concentration of waterfalls in such a limited area. Although
hundreds of waterfalls appear in different places during rainfall, the primary waterfalls are:
В§Bridalveil Falls (620 feet)
В§Chilnualna Falls (690 feet)
В§Illilouette Fall (370 feet)
В§Lehamite Falls (1,180 feet)
В§Nevada Fall (594 feet)
В§Ribbon Falls (1,612 feet)
В§Royal Arch Cascade (1,250 feet)
В§Sentinel Fall (1,920 feet)
В§Silver Strand Falls (574 feet)
В§Snow Creek Falls (2,140 feet)
В§Staircase Falls (1,020 feet)
В§Tueeulala Falls (840 feet)
В§Vernal Fall (317 feet)
В§Wapama Falls (1,700 feet)
В§Waterwheel Falls (300 feet)
В§Wildcat Falls (630 feet)
Yosemite Falls is the highest measured waterfall in North America. It is a major attraction in the
park, especially in late spring when the water flow is at its peak.
The total 2425 foot
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Reasons To Go Back To School
Making the choice to go back to school as an adult can be both exciting and intimidating. Many
adults are nervous that they don t have time or won t be able to keep up with the material.
However, succeeding at school is about dedication, persistence, and hard work, not your age! Here
are 8 great reasons to go back to school as an adult.
1.More career options
Career advancement is probably the biggest reason that most adults consider going back to school.
Perhaps you started your bachelor s degree right after high school but were unable to finish. Or,
maybe you did finish but would like to continue to get a master s degree. Either way, securing these
degrees will open the door for many career opportunities. In this competitive job market, ... Show
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Learning about new technology, gaining professional certifications, and forging new connections
are all possible when you go back to school.
3.Personal satisfaction
There is nothing quite like the feeling of holding a diploma in your hand from a university to let
you know that you ve achieved something. If you ve faced challenges in life in the past, achieving
this type of goal is great way to boost your confidence in yourself and prove to yourself that you
can handle a challenge.
4.For your family
If you aren t going back to college for yourself, there s a good chance you re doing it for your
family. Many parents go back to school to set an example for their children or to keep a promise
to their parents. Naturally, your family will also benefit from the greater career opportunities you ll
5.Expanding your perspective
Education shouldn t always be viewed in strictly practical terms. Sometimes, education for its
own sake is just as valuable. If you ve always wanted to learn more about art, languages, or history,
a college education is a great way to do it! Immersing yourself in learning is a great way to
challenge your own perspectives and grow as a
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Rbi Monetary Policy
Introduction The central bank of the country is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It was
established in April 1935 with a share capital of Rs. 5 crores on the basis of the
recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission. The share capital was divided into shares of
Rs. 100 each fully paid which was entirely owned by private shareholders in the begining. The
Government held shares of nominal value of Rs. 2,20,000. Reserve Bank of India was nationalised
in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central
Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor and four Deputy Governors, one Government
official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give
representation to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Reserve Bank Of India Bulletin is a monthly publication. It not only provides information, but
also results of important studies and investigations conducted by reserve bank are given. The
Report on currency and finance is an annual publication. It provides review of various developments
of economic and financial importance. 2. Regulatory And Supervisory Functions: The RBI has
wide powers of supervision and control over commercial and co operative banks, relating to
licensing, establishment, branch expansion, liquidity of Assets, management and methods of
working, amalgamation, re construction and liquidation. The supervisory functions of RBI have
helped a great in improving the standard of banking in India to develop on sound lines and to
improve the methods of their operation. 4. Clearing House Functions: The RBI acts as a clearing
house for all member banks. This avoids unnecessary transfer of funds between the various banks. 3.
Development And Promotional Functions : The RBI has helped in setting up Industrial Finance
Corporations of India (IFCI), State Financial Corporations (SFCs), Deposit Insurance Corporation,
Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation (ARDC), units Trust of India (UTI) etc.
these institutions were set up to mobilize savings, promote saving habits and to provide industrial
and agricultural finance. RBI has a special Agricultural Credit Department (ACD) which studies the
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Designing Projects For The Public
Joseph Wiley
English IV
Mrs. Daly
18 November, 2016
Designing Projects for the Public
Thousands people all over the world share their ideas to create future projects and that project is
in art and animation. It is really wise to start from the very beginning. The process of creating or
even preparing for a big project takes time. In order to make a character or idea come to life one
needs the right tools. This is where the skills in art come in, basically the fun part. Everyone
would like to see their ideas come to life and sharing it with the public. Soon this will lead any
person to create a project that involves gaming and animated television shows. Before starting a
project there are a few things a person may need. A character may be the important thing but there
are other factors that are far more important. What would the character do or what environment
would it be placed in? The Developer also has to think about the storyboard which involves
writing. Every project needs to start with a story (How a Game pg.1). A person can make up their
own story and can also receive help from anyone assisting in the project. Everyone may be
inspired by something they have seen which gives them many ideas for a good story. it is
important for the team to come up with a decision so they can know what fits. Once it is decided
the team will start to work on the storyboard (How a Game pg.2).
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Comparing Australian And Australian Business Tax
[Document Title]
[Document Subtitle]
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents
of the document.]
Table of Contents
Introduction and background3
Research Objectives3
Literature Review3
Income Tax3
Filing your income tax return4
Provisional tax4
Fringe benefit tax4
Comparing Australian and NZ business tax5
Research Methodology5
Research Strategy5
Secondary research methodology5
Primary research methodology5
Time frames Costs5
Ethical Issues5
Introduction and background
In 16th of August 2012 RM Research became listed in the NZX50. The company a research
company based in Auckland New Zealand. They specialise in the following research disciplines:
Accounting Finance
Strategic Management
Business Operations
Human Resource Management
RM Research has been contracted by iFAST, an Australian based company providing mobile phone
services and Internet data plans to conduct research to see if it was viable for them to conduct
business here in New Zealand.
The problem RM Research will look into are the implications of New Zealand taxation regimes and
or rules on iFAST.
The purpose for this study we will write a research proposal for iFAST that incorporates research
objectives, literature review, research design, methodology, time frames and Budgets.
Research Objectives
To conduct a detailed feasiblity to ascertain
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Jurassic Park Research Paper
The movie Jurassic Park is based on scientists trying to successfully extracting dinosaur DNA
from the thorax, cloning it, and breeding a variety of dinosaurs. Everything took place in a
remote village of Costa Rica. As a plot unfold, it becomes very clear that the Velociraptor is the
most dangerous of them all. John Hammond, the man who started it all, made his project more
cost efficient by using a few personnel as possible in the park. However, the park never got the
chance to open, due to the tragic that happened during a visit by private parties.
Dinosaurs Dinosaurs come in many different colors and sizes. The lifespan of a dinosaur is 75 to
300 years. Their daily life is hunting, mating, using the bathroom, and migrating. The defense
mechanisms helped them repair their injuries 150 mya. The bone structures are the skull, jaws,
neck bones, vertebrae, thigh, pelvis, tail, and rib bone. Dinosaur s average speed is about 27 mph.
Dinosaurs find their food by hunting, which is each other and some eat plants. They reproduce by
hatching newborns from eggs. Some communicate by their horns or flickering the tip of their tails.
Baryonyx stomach contents were found to contain fish scales, is an example of predator prey
relationship. Some animals that are related to dinosaurs are lizards, because of their skin texture. ...
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Fossils are preserved by the mold and cast, trace fossil, and carbonization. Sap of a tree and amber
preserve fossils by casting a hard stone like coating on the
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What Castles Were Built During The Middle Ages
Castles were built during the Middle Ages for the purpose of protection from foreign invaders.
In Britain, many castles were built along the borders in order to stop raids from the Welsh and
the Scots. By building castles along the borders, the British could also launch a series of raids in
return. A castle also demonstrated a lord s power over a particular land. If invaders had taken
over a castle, they could use it to help control the land that they had taken. A castle was a home
for a lord and his family. It was a defensible place where a lord could defend himself against his
enemies like his rival lords. A castle was a safe place where a lord and his knights could return to.
The Normans successfully conquered Britain in 1066. The leader... Show more content on
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This caused the need for castle designs to be changed. The first castles were mounds of earths
which were built for defence as enemies had difficulties climbing over them. The Normans then
developed the Motte and Bailey castle designs. A Motte was a large mound of earth, and a
Bailey was the flattened land beside the mound. [4] Motte and Bailey castles took a small
amount of time to build and it was very hard to attack. Castle architects developed a way to
further strengthen the Motte and Bailey Castle which was building a shell keep a thin ring of
stone around the buildings on top of the castle Motte. [4] Castle architects then constructed a
castle made from stone. Stone was much harder to be stormed by attackers and it was protected
against fire. A new style of constructing castles developed which was the gothic style. Gothic
castles were much more imposing and comfortable to live in. In 1270, concentric castles were
then developed. They had thicker outer walls and rings of extra outer walls. [4] Concentric castles
were very expensive stone castles. In Northern Wales, Edward I built some concentric castles. After
the development of cannons, castle walls were easily destroyable. The nobles then decided to turn
the castles into imposing grand
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The Antioxidant Potential Of Car- Diovascular Disease (...
been directed to the antioxidant potential of these flavonoids in cocoa and chocolate, and their
potentially protective effects against the risk of car diovascular disease (Wan et al., 2001).
It has been reported that the formation of conjugated dienes is the first step in the process leading
to the formation of oxidized fatty acids (Ferretti et al., 2004).
The effects after cocoa powder and chocolate consumption might be due to flavonoids contained in
cocoa powder and dark chocolate. Moreover, the decreased lipid peroxidation could depend on
fatty acids in chocolate according to previous studies which have shown a higher inhibition of lipid
peroxidation by mono unsaturated fatty acids compared to polyunsaturated ones (Kubes et al.,
In previous studies Procyanidins extracted from cocoa exhibited endothelium dependent relaxation
(EDR) through activation of nitric oxide synthase activity in rabbit aortic rings in vitro (Karim et
al., 2000). The results were reported to be due to the tetramers and higher polymers of epicatechin,
and monomers, dimers, and trimers were not capable of contributing to EDR. In vivo studies
indicated that dark chocolate, cocoa powder and cocoa liquor suppressed the development of
atherosclerotic lesions and inhibited atherosclerosis (Vinson et al., 2006).
Cocoa powder exerted anti cancer properties in in vivo studies. Amin et al. 2004.,indicated that
cocoa liquor extract lower the activity of tumor marker enzymes during
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Dawn Octavia Butler
Bryant Hargrave
In both Dawn by Octavia Butler, and District 9 we see the arrival of aliens and the dawn of a post
human future. While the Oankali of Dawn and the Prawns of District 9 differ in their appearances
and behavior there are some striking themes from both. The first is that as humans we are insecure,
inadequate creatures to guide our own future. As both stories progress humans are forced to
examine things that we were once confident in, whether it is Dawn s portrayal emasculating the
human males sexually. Dawn also evokes fears of the queer, specifically transgendered, and
miscegenation. District 9 is a shamelessly racist story, depicting the white control in South Africa.
While typically shown as Wikus learning a lesson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To focus our attention on it we are introduced to Wikus a mid level bureaucrat, engaged, and
indoctrinated to be prejudiced toward the Prawns. Wikus is the South African average white
guy. However, when raiding the Johnson household, he is squirted on by black juice .
Obviously the juice being black, is no coincidence it is the dirty blackness infecting Wikus. BAs
he transforms he is no longer treated like Wikus, white every man. His value as a person, declines
precipitously as he transforms into a Prawn. First his colleagues begin experiments on him and he
his mocked for possibly have sex with the aliens; which was not uncommon for those who had
interracial relationships. At the end when Wikus realizes that he is not going to be cured what he
becomes a symbol of is the fatality of miscegenation, there is no cure just an
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Graduation Rate Of The Paso Echs Students
The fact that not all El Paso ECHS students decide to enroll in this particular four year institution
could have attributed to the relatively low number of cases (n=315) in the study. It can be assumed
that these students enrolled in other universities and may have successfully completed the ECHS
model. The low number of ECHS graduates (n=125) can be attributed to different factors; such as
financial aid and data dates. For example, if a student does not meet the academic standards in one
of the semesters, the student may not qualify for financial aid the following year. Many ECHS
students rely heavily on financial aid; a lack of financial aid could potentially push these students
to take out a loan, get a job, and take less school hours (putting them behind). It is also important to
note that this study was done using data from the fall 2009 to the spring 2012 semesters.
Graduation rates could have increased significantly from the fall 2012 to spring 2015 semesters.
Analyzation of the data showed that first term GPA is strong indicator of future academic
performance and was supported with a strong significant difference. This supports our conclusion
that a student s first term GPA is crucial. Early intervention is crucial for these students since first
term GPA potentially indicates whether the student is capable of successfully completing the ECHS
model. Positive intervention upon entry to a four year university by counselors and educational staff
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Graduate School Personal Statement
If you are starting to compose a personal statement for graduate school admission process, you
should have to understand more about the style and structure of the graduate school personal
statement. Your personal statement is an important document to be submitted in front of the college
entrance advisory board. The point of your personal statement is to impart that you are intelligent,
literate, and that you have hobbies and capacities just the same as the system in which you are
The personal statement writing service basic format for the personal statement writing for graduate
school includes:
First section of your personal statement: The first paragraph maybe a couple of sentences, ought to
make clear the reason for your composition: to present an interpretive synopsis of your experience,
scholarly hobbies, and future objectives as justification for your admission to a system of graduate
Second section describes your background for the graduate entrance advisory board: This passage
ought to set up your scholarly readiness for the project to which you have connected. If you scored
well on whatever graduate examination that you took, you may need to refer to that test also.
Remember that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite the fact that you don t need to submit yourself to one profession just, you are best served
by introducing to the entrance advisory board as particular a thought as could be expected under
the circumstances about what you mean to do with the degree. Here it demonstrates to the board
that you are clearly planned, that you are fit for doing the selected education program. This section,
in conjunction with the past one, guarantees the entrance advisory board that you are a candidate
with a specific reason to join the graduate
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The Pearl Symbolism
One day the poor fisherman, kino, finds the greatest pearl in the world (Steinbeck 10).
Consequently, kino did not know what was going to happen with the pearl. In the novella, The
Pearl, by John Steinbeck, Kino, a poor fisherman, Juana, his wife, and Coyotito the baby, live in
La Paz, Mexico. While Coyotito was in the crib, he all of a sudden gets stung by a scorpion. Kino
wants to get the doctor, but Juana does not want him too because she knows the doctor will not
come to their part of town. The family also knows they do not have enough money to pay the
doctor. But one day the poor fisherman, Kino finds the greatest pearlin the world (Steinbeck 10).
However, Kino and Juana do not know what is yet to come. Steinbeck illustrates the... Show more
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In the story, Steinbeck, explains how the pearl is a positive vibe to the family and how it can
help the family be protective. Kino believes the pearl will eventually pay off Coyotito s health
and will be able to pay the doctor. Kino s brother, Juan Tomas, convinces Kino that there is a
devil in this pearl (38). Kino explains to him that it can save them from the evil. Kino continues
to believe the pearl is not evil, but promises his family for a better future for them. Kino does not
know the dangers it can bring to his family. As the themes says rich or poor family it does not
matter, family will always be there no matter what. That is what Juan Tomas is explaining to Kino,
that it does not matter if they are poor they will always be there no matter what. The pearl may
bring a different meaning to Kino and only sees happiness that they ve never had
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Lolita Pedophile
How do people set up the border between affection and illness? As metaphorically as it may seem,
although people now have clearer understanding of the importance when it comes to mental health,
some of the common conceptual illness such as pedophilia still haunts the society with the
confusion between one s freedom of choice and a disease that can be cured or eased. To grasp the
controversy and the impact of psychologyand the society, Lolitais an essential piece of literature
that demonstrates the real life application of an example in mental illness and how the society
characterize the patients that affects the group as a whole. From Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, the
theme of mental illness and social values is introduced in three main aspects:... Show more content
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The American Psychiatric Association has confirmed the latest corrected information: The new
manual specifies that in order for an atypical sexual behavior to be classified as a mental
condition, a person must: 1. Feel personal distress about their interest, not merely distress
resulting from society s disapproval; or 2. have a sexual desire or behavior that involves another
person s psychological distress... for sexual behaviors involving unwilling persons or persons
unable to give legal consent. (Stuart) In other words, as long as one does not violate others right
and does not involves in unwilling sexual relationship, one should not be considered as a
pedophile but a person who has a preferable sexual orientation. Because this concept released in
2013 has not been widely realized in the society, the unclear information confuses people with the
seemingly abstruse fantasy. In the story Lolita, the same issue is also being debated: On one
hand, the society is aware of the potential crime with pedophilia and yet regard the hidden danger
of mental illness in every individual like Humbert; On the other hand, people with a particular
disapproving sexual orientation is thought to be the scapegoat of rapists and abusers. This
eventually leads the novel to become a controversial work, Is he[Humbert] in love or insane?
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Nuclear War Vs Utilitarianism
Score I believe I deserve (out of possible 175 points):__165__
Why: I checked every requirements in the grading box, I spent three days on it but I think I still
have some grammar mistakes.
Different countries with different culture always have various international relation policies, these
policies might affect the world s activities, economic wars and even human beings safties. For
example, EU countries like France keeps a liberalism trategy, Asian country like China is always
more friendly in International Relations while the United States showed its power with more than
twenty times of invasion to other countries in last few decades. Right after the tragedy happend ...
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However, it is true that wars have to be cruel, or people will like it. On July 1, 1968, Treaty on the
non proliferation of nuclear weapons opened for signature in Washington, Moscow, London, there
were 59 countries signed up to join. The purpose of the Treaty was to prevent nuclear proliferation,
promoting nuclear disarmament and promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of
nuclear energy. The Treaty entered into force in March 1970. As of January 2003, a total of 186
States parties to the Treaty. There are 11 article provides in total, main content is, has nuclear
national shall not to any directly or indirectly transfer nuclear weapons or nuclear explosion device,
not help manufacturing nuclear weapons; seedless country guarantee not developed, and not accept
and not seeks gets nuclear weapons; stop the nuclear arms race, promoted nuclear disarmament; put
peace nuclear facilities placed International Atomic Energy institutions of international guarantees.
As President Obama stated in Berlin in 2013, the United States is prepared to negotiate further
nuclear reductions with Russia of up to one third in the deployed strategic warhead levels
established in the New Start
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Analysis Of Cytotoxic T Cells ( Ctcs )
Cytotoxic T Cells (CTCs) are comprised of alpha beta chains that have the ability to directly kill
infected cells. As a major component of the adaptive immune system, the function of CTCs are
to scan the intracellular environment in order to target and destroy infected cells . Small
peptide molecules, presented on behalf of the entire cell, are transported to the cell surface as
pMHC, allowing TCRs on the surface to detect any foreign signals in the method explain above.
The diagram below shows how the antigen fragment inside the cell associates with an MHC
molecule and is transported to the cell surface. CTC responses to disease are initiated through
the interaction between the TCR, and these protein fragments derived from foreign invaders that
are presented by pMHCI on the surface of infected cells. The affinity between CD8 and the
MHC molecule keeps the T cell and the target cell bound closely together during antigen specific
activation specially conducted in CTC due to the complex bonds within the CD8. Once a CTL
has identified a cell expressing a foreign class 1 MHC, the infected cell is eliminated. The
structure of the receptors on these CTCs are specialised for this due to its double edged variable
region, as shown in the diagram, allowing for additional binding to co receptor CD8, facilitating
the phagocytosis on the pathogen if necessary. CDR3 is found on the TCR in CTCs as CTCs
interact with a large number of different cell types and recognise a diverse
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Activity Based Costing And How It Works
I chose to write about activity based costing. I chose to write this paper because I wanted to
know more about activity based costing and how it works. According to our text, activity based
costing (ABC) has received a lot of attention since the 90 s. ABC has a lot of more details and can
be more complicated than all the other costing methods, however it s more accurate. Costing
systems are information systems. They require a specific type of information such as direct labour
hours and units produced, to be of value. It is from the input data that product costsand other
information are determined according to the specific costing system defined methodology. The
results obtained would depend on the costing system used, since the same input data could be used
in different ways. In this case the traditional costing system or an activity based costing system
(Marx.) A costing system should provide information to help minimize waste, but should not be
wasteful in itself. In other words, the resources required to design, implement and maintain a
costing system should be less than the benefit derived from the use of the system (Marx.) Activity
based costing (ABC) assigns manufacturing overhead costs to products in a more logical manner
than the traditional approach of simply allocating costs on the basis of machine hours. Activity
based costing first assigns costs to the activities that are the real cause of the overhead. It then
assigns the costof those activities only to
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Weygers Short Story
The man arrived figuratively and literally on a high horse.
Even in his later years, Weygers was full of ideas and purpose. He carried buckets of scrap iron to
his forge with effortlessness a man half his age would envy. He continued to sculpt, carve, teach,
and invent all on a near daily basis.
He could easily have earned enough money to provide himself with a country estate like the ones
popping up around his home, complete with a swimming pool, two cars, and a country club
membership. This proved especially annoying to some of his neighbors who had those possessions
but did not come by them easily.
I remember we were outside working one day and this big, stout guy with a mustache rides up on a
stallion, Weygers disciple Peter... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though his anvil s ring fell silent in 1989 when he died at the age of 87 from heart disease, it still
reverberates into the ages through the many lives he influenced. Through his work as a professor,
he became elevated to the point that as with his Discopter rendering he had a limitless view.
All of the things that Alex taught us are a continuing revelation, student Lowell Chaput said. His
teachings grow in value as the years pass, just as art does.
In 1932, John Steinbeck published a collection of 12 interconnected short stories called The
Pastures of Heaven. The stories are situated in an enchanting valley with astonishing natural
beauty. Steinbeck s stories feature a series of families that relocate to the valley, and a recurring
theme in the book is the pain caused when the focus of one s life becomes the pleasing of others.
Ten years later, Alex and Marian Weygersstruck out and settled in that same valley.
I remember a story in Pastures of Heaven about a little boy who had never been to school but had
been raised by an outdoorsman father, Weygers said. The authorities finally made the boy go to
school, but they found out he knew more about life than all of the other children thanks to being
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Morality And Ethical Behaviour Within The Human Population
Morality and ethical behaviour within the human population is vital in order to conceive a healthy
society. Although throughout history, morals and ethics have been used interchangeably, they are
in fact not one in the same. Morality is within oneself and develops over a period of time as a
result of meeting and resolving moral issues as they come forth, whereas ethicsis essentially a moral
compass, or a set of rules one follows throughout the course of their life (Crebert, Patrick,
Cragnolini, 2004). From a personal perspective, I believe each individual has several distinguishing
moral codes they live by, even if they may not distinctly know it. I personally have several moral
foundations that I live by, including transparency,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reasons for doing so was to limit the trade off between the emissions produced and
performance of the vehicle (Davenport, Ewing, 2015). The implications of this in the real world is
vast, affecting various interested parties around the world. Not only do employees, consumers and
shareholders feel misguided and lied to, but also society as a whole. Truthfulness and transparency
are fundamental concepts of morality that I use to define my life, and should have been executed in
the case of Volkswagen. If they were transparent with their fundamental operations from the
beginning, these corporate lies would never have occurred.
The Volkswagen scandal has caused, and will further cause, many consequences affecting major
associated parties. Consequences of this scandal extenuate to the individual, organisational and
social components of society. The individual consequences caused are mainly comprised of
consumers and how they have been affected. Consumers, overall, have felt that they have been
blatantly lied to and misguided by Volkswagen (Northern Daily Leader, 2015). This demonstrates
that Volkswagen seemingly do not possess the moral trait of transparency amongst its operations
with various stakeholders. Another aspect of society that has been adversely affected by this
scandal is the organisational component. Volkswagen has had harsh financial repercussions, posting
its first
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Assessment Of Perineal Pain On Women Experience During The...
Assessment of Perineal Pain
Adequate and effective management of perineal pain begins with a comprehensive assessment
(Marcus et al, 2009; Breivikl et al, 2008; Dalton et al, 1999). However, Andrews et al, (2008) UK
based study concluded that there is no pain scale to date that has been developed to appropriately
and accurately assess the perineal pain that women experience during the postnatal period. This
begins to offer explanation as why up to 92% of new mothers endure perineal pain in the early
postpartum period (Macarthur and Macarthur, 2004).To further support these findings Way (2012)
discovered that women expect perineal pain following vaginal birth but under estimate the severity
of the pain. Women will experience high levels of pain before requesting analgesia as they attempt
to normalise the pain as a consequence of vaginal delivery (Swain and Dahlen, 2013). Macarthur
and Macarthur (2004) conclude that the current management of perineal pain is inadequate as the
use of analgesia is not standardised.
Both Macarthur and Macarthur (2004) and Andrews et al, (2008) used a prospective cohort
research design to obtain their data. The sample population that was needed to ensure that the
results produced were statistically significant was, therefore, larger (Rees, 2011). Macarthur and
Macarthur (2004) used a sample size of four hundred and forty seven women from Toronto, Canada,
and Andrews et al, (2008) included two hundred and forty one women from London, England. The
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The Stereotypes Of Sikhs
The Sikhs are a group of peaceful people from India. The Sikh religion intertwines the spiritual
and secular spheres, seeing love as the ultimate goal, one achieved only by practicing love in one
s everyday life. (pg 5, US News) Followers believe in reincarnation, karma and salvation, and that
spiritual evolution depends on their deeds and actions in life. People who don t understand, or even
know about, the Sikhreligion commonly mistake them for Muslims because they resemble each
other, both having darker skin, men with beards and wearing turbans. September 11, 2001 was
one of the worst days in American History and will be remembered forever. It was a day that
brought America together to take down the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center. With
this came a fear and hostility towards the people who attacked us. Even though it was a group of
Muslim extremists, Americans started grouping what they think to be Muslims all in one. Darker
skin, beards on men and turbans (pg 3, US News) Anyone who is seen with these characteristics is
stereotyped into the terrorist category now. This shows how close minded people can be. You don t
see everyone turning against the whites when they act in a terrorist manner.... Show more content on
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In the Atlantic article, it is less opinionated and more explaining what they are and how many
people don t know that Sikhism is a religion. In the article from U.S. News, they are written as the
victims, which they are. The views have changed so much in less than a year because more
awareness has been brought to the topic from January 2015 to December 2015. In December we
knew who the candidates for the future president were. At the beginning of their campaigns, we
knew what they were going to fight for in their race for presidency. They brought awareness to
Muslims and Sikhs, and many just grouped them in with the terrorist attacks that had been
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Personaltive Of Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative I heard them fighting every night, endless and endless rage at each other. I
just hid in my room and pretended it wasn t happening in my world. Hiding was the only way to
escape the fear I felt every night. Once I said Dad, why do you and Mom yell at each other? He
replied with go to your room and don t ask that again. A seven year old couldn t understand this
and needed help but with no way to learn all I could do was watch as their marriage fell crumbling
to the ground.
After that is when the beating started, slowly at first, but progressively it got worse and worse.
He would come in after a fight and hit me out of frustration. I always tried to hide but he always
knew where to look. He said If you tell anyone, I ll kill you. I never once doubted it, so I never told
anyone. For the next six months I was under his rule, I had no control over how hard or how
long he beat me for. I prayed to god so many times, but he never answered. An idol is only as
good as you see it as. My father used to be my idol but after that started I was afraid being near
him. I could not tell anyone, I had no one to help me. I was trapped against a monster that I could
not fight.
On my eighth birthday my dad came up to me and stated plainly We re leaving, pack up your stuff
and don t tell your mother. So I went upstairs and started to pack, but I couldn t fit all of my toys
in the bag so I shouted Mom, would you help me pack? My father thundered upstairs looking
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The Maya Civilization During The Preclassic Period
It was during the Paleo Indian period when early nomads crossed into the Americas over 15,000
years ago. These were the First People to inhabit the Americas. They d first crossed into North
America until eventually splitting off from other groups and eventually migrating south through
Mexico into the YucatГЎn Peninsula of Mesoamerica.
These migrating First People in the Maya region developed their tool and hunting technologies and
went from being nomadic hunter gatherers into forming more permanent settlements. These settled
groups became more developed as they exploited the plentiful local resources.
These now settled groups progressed into the Archaic period and began advancing into a more
complex society. These archaic settlements developed culture and technology that was shared with
neighboring settled groups. The exchange of ideas between these groups formed into a shared
culture that began developing into a culturally distinct people.
The Maya Civilization originated in the YucatГЎn region during the Preclassic Period at around
2000 BC. There is some argument as to when the Preclassic Period began for the Maya. It s
argued to have began as late as 2600 BC, while there s claim that it s earlier because there are
permanent Maya settlements along the Pacific coast that date to 1800 BC. A difference of eight
hundred years, depending on region.
The Preclassic period begins where the first signs that the Maya can be recognized as a distinct
people. The two
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The Civil Rights Movement And The African American Freedom...
However, Soundtrack For A Revolution only shows half of what the Civil Rights Movement is
about. This documentary fails to show the Armed resistance aspect of the African American
Freedom struggle. As the documentary shows the nonviolent part of the Civil Rights Movement it
leaves out how important the role of armed resistance was in the African Americanfreedom struggle.
It unsuccessfully shows how armed resistance made the Civil Rights Movement possible and
protected many civil rights leaders such a Martin Luther King. Soundtrack For A Revolution does
not demonstrate how gun owners protected institutions of the movement like churches and freedom
house nor does it explain how nonviolent protesters would ve been driven out of town without
armed resistance. Armed resistance was a vital part of the Civil Rights Movement and the failure to
include it in the documentary does not accurately represent the African American freedom struggle.
While on the subject of nonviolence, Soundtrack For A Revolution also does a good job in utilizing
many important civil rights activists who were apart of the nonviolent movement, some of which
are SCLC and SCLC members, John Lewis, and Martin Luther King. Although conversely, the film
exhibits the myth of the Civil Rights Movement being King Centric. The documentary focuses on
many facts of Martin Luther King s life including, his involvement in Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SCLC), his view on nonviolence, the bombing of his house,
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Synopsis Of The Alchemist
Full title В· The Alchemist Author В· Paulo Coelho Type of work В· Novel Genre В· Fiction
Language В· Portuguese Time and place written В· 1988, Brazil Date of first publication В·
1988 Tone В· The Alchemist reads like an ancient myth or fable. It is simple, direct, and overtly
didactic. It also has elements of a picaresque, an episodic tale detailing a hero s adventures during
his quest. Tense В· The story is told in the past tense. SUMMARY Santiago is a shepherd living in
the moving slopes of an amazing place AndalucГa. He cherishes his run but can t resist the urge to
see the restricted idea of their reality. Looking for just nourishment and water, they never lift their
heads to appreciate the green slopes or the nightfall. Santiago s folks have constantly battled for the
practical details of life, and have covered their own particular aspirations in the same manner. They
live in excellent place called AndalucГa, which pulls in vacationers to its interesting and extremely
amazing towns and thrilling slopes but still for them it is no place of dreams. Santiago, then
again, can read and needs to travel. He goes into town one day to offer some of his rush, and
there he experiences a tramp ruler and a Vagabond lady. They ask him to take after his signs and
leave the world he knows. The Rover... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Every individual has a fate to seek after that exists freely of other individuals. It is the thing you
would do, or be, regardless of the possibility that you have all the adoration and cash you need.
The fortune Santiago looks for is obviously the image of the individual dream or fate, however he
is cheerful to abandon it when he finds the lady he had always wanted in a leave desert garden.
However, the chemist discloses to him that the affection for his desert spring sweetheart might be
demonstrated genuine in the event that she will bolster his fortune
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The New York World s Fair Corporation
What is average? In the 1930 s, the New York World s Fair Corporation conducted a competition
across America to answer a very similar question. They wanted to define what the average
American family was. The winners? A family by the name of the Leathers, who lived in Texas.
They were white, able bodied, with two parents, two children, and the breadmaker of the house was
a man. Other finalists in the competition paralleled the Leathers in almost every regard. When
using this contest as a foundation for the definition of average, it shows how average is not diverse
and rather exclusive. The contest completely disregarded the diverse people who make America the
melting pot of the world. This is one of many themes that American author, John... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout the novella, Crooks is shown to be treated horrendously. The only reason he is treated
in such a way, is due to the color of his skin. For instance, Crooks is regularly not allowed in the
bunkhouse, however, one time he is. It was during Christmas, and the men had been given a
bottle of whiskey. They became drunk and it is at this point that Crooks is attacked. Steinbeck
writes, They let [Crooks] come in that night. Little skinner [by the] name of Smitty took after
[him]...The guys wouldn t let him use his feet. If he coulda used his feet, Smitty says he would
have killed [Crooks] (20). There is no logical reason for Smitty to be provoked into harming
Crooks. Crooks is at the bottom of the social ladder and physically disabled. He possesses
nothing for Smitty to be jealous of, like a girl, money, or property, yet Smitty still harms him.
This emphasizes how Smitty sees Crooks as nothing better than a punching bag; something easily
replaceable and of little to no value. Not only this, but Smitty says he has no regrets for attacking
Crooks. In fact, Smitty confessing, [I] would have killed [him] (20), displays pride in the act of
almost killing another person. This pride is similar to that of a hunter killing an animal. Even more
frightening, this is not an isolated incident. Later, Crooks is threatened again, when Curley s wife
says, Well, you keep your place then [ n
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Examples Of Satire On Smoking
Satire It s not surprising that in this world you see at least one person a day smoking. I mean,
who doesn t love watching people rush to get lung cancer? Seeing one person just taking their
life away with something so stoppable, is so adorable, I mean what other qualities would you
look for in a man? I like mine fully addicted and ready to waste their life away. It s the best
religion that I must say so myself. In fact, I like that, people rely on something like religion to
lead them in the way they want to live their life. I personally believe in the smokies. The
smokinese are a group of people that worship nicotine. Id honestly love to be a part of that. I mean,
I love the smell of it in the air, the feeling of polluted air. Nothing gets better than that. In reality
smokingis the only relief to take away pain these days. I mean, what other reason would people
put something so horrible into their body if it didn t relieve any type of stress or good feeling. I
live for the day to see everyone to have lung cancer and killing themselves for just being
vulnerable about stress relief. I mean, people preach smoking nowadays. People wanna go back
to the way of smoking in a restaurant and people recommend it, it s a religion that s being created
without anyone understanding. As the smokinese people believe that the only way to live a happy
and stress free life is to become addicted to smoking, they sure are right. I mean, think about it, out
of everyone in this world that
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Research Paper On Valley Forge Dbq
Valley Forge has turned into a graveyard. Thousands of soldiers lie sick or dead. The continental
army has camped there for the winter, 18 miles away from the British in Philadelphia. My nine
month enlistment is almost up, and I must make a choice: Should I re enlist or go home to my
aging mother? The decision has been very demanding. I have thought long and hard about this,
and have come to a choice. I have decided to re enlist for three reasons which are the fact that there
are not many soldiers, to help others, and because I can do what others can t to aid the cause. The
first reason I will re enlist is because there are not many soldiers. Many soldiers are sick and close
to dying. Those who are alive are too weak to do anything. Nearly 2,000 soldiers have died due
to illness so far.(Doc A) I expect that there will be more death to come. I am strong and need to
stay so that we will have an army that can conquer the British. . If everyone who was merely
uncomfortable and able to fight left, we would be stuck with an army of sick soldiers. This is a
reason to re enlist because it shows how many soldiers were dying and why they need me.... Show
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About half of the people at Valley Forge are sick. The strong, non sick people need to stay and
help the sick people. If I leave, where will the sick people get there help? By staying, I may also
encourage others to stay and help the cause. Most people cannot do anything themselves. They are
without clothes, food and have minimal shelter. If I stay, I can contribute the little I have to help
others.(Doc B,C) This reason is causing me to re enlist because it shows how little they have and
why I need to
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Similarities Between To Kill A Mockingbird And The Help
Compare how the theme of courage is explored in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help?
Mental and moral courage are different types of courage that are demonstrated in To Kill a
Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee and The Help, directed by Tate Taylor. These can be compared
and contrasted by sharing similarities and differences through dialogue, characterisation, plot
techniques and the opinions through the eyes of different characters. These techniques are also
used to help an audience understand the different meanings of courage that are demonstrated in
these two texts.
Courage is expressed by characterisation, dialogue and plot. Showing or explaining the different
personality traits of each character highlights the acts of courage through characterisation.
Characterisation is the main technique that can be compared and contrasted between To Kill a
Mockingbird and The Help. Although every character is different, some of their beliefs, opinions
and actions are similar, which assists in creating a greater understanding of courageous, or cowardly
approaches shown in each character.
Two very courageous characters in The Help and To Kill a Mockingbird are Atticus Finch and
Eugenia Skeeter. Both characters are similar in the way that they both believe they should stand
up to what they believe in by going against the social norms. Atticus Finch defended a black man I
m simply defending a Negro his name s Tom Robinson (p83). Miss Skeeter hoped to write about the
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Social Problems And The Social Problem
Photo Essay Our world has many social problems that we try to solve or reduce in many
different ways. In order to solve them, we must first look for them. Tara Hardinge is my
Sociology professor. During her lecture, she stated that Social problem it is a social condition
that a part of society view as dangerous or harmful to members of society and there is a need to
cure or remedy it (Hardinge 2015). Linda Mooney, David Knox, and Caroline Schacht are Sociology
professors at East Carolina University and are authors of the textbook Understanding Social
Problems. Social problems have objective and subjective lements to them. Mooney, Knox, and
Schacht state that the objective element of a social problem refers to the existence of a social
condition (2). Mooney, Knox and Schacht also state that the subjective element of a social
problem refers to the belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society or to a segment
and that it should and can be changed (3). Sociological imagination is a term developed by
American Sociologist, C. Wright Mills. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that Sociological
imagination refers to the ability to see the connections between our personal lives and the social
world in which we live in (. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that Sociologists use sociological
imagination to distinguish between private troubles and public issues and to see connections
between the events and conditions of our lives and the social and historical
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Nothing feels quite like waking up refreshed and ready to...
Nothing feels quite like waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead of you. However,
while we all know how important sleep is, many of us still struggle to fall asleep at night.
Moreover, I am willing to wager that many of us also always seem to wake up fatigued, no matter
how long we have slept. If you have trouble sleeping it is possible that you may have one of
several common sleeping disorders.
The following guide is here to help you identify why you are struggling to get the satisfactory sleep
you need (and deserve).
Monkey Brain Syndrome A common disorder that owes its namesake to restless Buddhist monks.
The Monkey Brain is that part of your consciousness that just won t stay still while you are trying
to fall ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, there are also several over the counter and home remedies for snoring that are worth
looking into.
Insomnia Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that is characterized by a general difficulty falling and/or
staying asleep. It can range in its effects and severity, though people with insomnia have one or
more of the following symptoms:
A difficulty falling asleep.
Waking up multiple times during the night, and struggling to go back to sleep.
Waking up early in the morning for no apparent reason.
Feeling fatigued upon waking.
Problems with concentration or memory.
Insomnia can range from being transient or acute (short term) to chronic condition (long term).
If you suspect you may have Chronic Insomnia, then that is best handled by a health professional as
chronic insomnia can be either a symptom of, or an eventual contributor to, severe health problems
such as depression, chronic stress, and serious physical health problems.
Acute Insomnia is generally related to stress factors, both emotional and physical. Generally short
term insomnia can be handled through simple lifestyle adjustments and successfully recognizing
what stress factors are causing poor sleep quality.
Such stress factors might include:
Significant life stress (a change in environment brought on by moving, the
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Funerals In Waiting For White Horses
Grant s white horses finally arrive for him and he becomes more aware and gathers insight about
how to learn and cope with tragedies in his life. Waiting for white horses is the theme of how
people will become able to receive intuition about the journey of their life. There is an idea
expressed towards the end of the book that describes Grant s dad s funeral. It is the idea of a
funeral being sad that I refute with. I disagree with the book s thoughts and believe that funerals
should not be mournful, but in fact they should celebrate and reflect someone s life and also
celebrate the beginning of one.
I militate to the way the book, Waiting for White Horses, creates a certain persona of funerals. It
makes it seem that funerals are sad and they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The book bothers me by the way it describes the funeral by how they reflected on his life, but
they didn t celebrate his life and they weren t able to handle him going away to look at the good
aspects of his life. We should celebrate the deceased time on earth, but we should also look back on
his or her life: Should we celebrate a life at the time of death? Absolutely. But a Christian funeral
also should retell the Gospel story, should affirm that we died with Christ in our baptism and
will be raised with Christ (Funerals). There can be crying and sorrow at a funeral, but it should
be for the right purpose. People should be crying because of the great memories they have made
with you and not just that the person is gone. Instead of contemplating about how you will live
without that person you should be seeing it as an opportunity for that person. You should learn
from your loved one s death and grow not crumple up into a ball and cry. Recollect on the
individual s past and learn from the advice you may just now notice is helpful. Instead of
becoming gloomy with you thoughts embrace the fact that they are gone and know that they will
always be by your side and you may not know it at the particular moment. You should be there to
celebrate the death of the one you love instead of creating a burden for
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Saddam, Iraq, And The Gulf War Essay
War, justifiable or not, is complete madness. It is hell. No matter what the cause, or what the
reason is, war remains mankind s greatest source of tragedy, the plague of mankind, and the
plague of this country. Our country has existed for only 200 years, a relatively short time, and
already we have been involved in over eleven major wars. Four have been fought this last fifty
years. We are a nation of freedom, but we are also a nation of strong military presence. Our
reasons for going to war have differed little from most nations. Political, social, and economic
factorsworking alone or with each other lead us into all of our conflicts. A drive for independence
brought on the Revolutionary war. A common fear... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most recently, the Persian Gulf War showed to be one of this country s more popular wars, despite
the fact we, as a land mass, were never directly endangered.
Thousands showed up for rallies to send off the troops. Tens of thousands of individuals and
families across the nation sent packages of food, clothes, cassettes, CDs, suntan oil, and even
cosmetics. Some wrote letters to unknown soldiers in the front line, and gave them their best
wishes. In fact, most public opinion polls showed that about 90 percent of all Americans approved
of the Gulf War. 3
This paper covers in detail the history of Iraq s involvement in the events leading to the war in the
Persian Gulf, the involvement of the United States, and the main events that took place in Operation
Desert Shield and Desert
For centuries, the Middle East has been one of the most important, most argued about, and most
fought over areas of the world. One reason for this is their strategic location.
Since it lies at what many call the crossroads of three continents
Europe, Asia and Africa people of these continents often had to cross through the Middle East to
establish military and trade routes.
To protect these routes, other nations took the advantage of conquering and controlling a nearby
Middle Eastern country. An addition to the Middle East
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Essay Closing Paragraph Examples

  • 1. Essay Closing Paragraph Examples 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Closing Paragraph ExamplesEssay Closing Paragraph Examples
  • 2. Human Relations And Police Public Relations Human relations deals with everything that is being accomplished with other human beings with all kinds of relationships involved. But according to dictionary.com, the definition is a study of group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal relationships, as among employees. An example of human relations is something all people have been taught when they were younger and that is to treat people exactly how you want to be treated. Which basically means to build a strong relationship whether it is good or if it is bad. So if policeofficers want respect from everyday society they have to try and respect society as well. Public relations is defined as activities performed by police agencies designed to create a favorable image of themselves. An example of police public relations is where a police department will have an even where the community can get involved and experience the police life. Police community relations is the interaction or tension between the public and the department. An example of community relations could be when police officers show up to high school basketball game and give support to the community that they are familiar with showing that they are community oriented and care about what they do for their community. 2.Discuss the rapid increase in the minority population and the challenges it presents for law enforcement in communities that have not previously faced this issue. In you answer, explain why multicultural understanding is critical. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Simulation International Poverty Simulation Poverty is defined as inferior in quantity or insufficient in amount; however, poverty strikes much harder than simply lacking physical objects, it fosters a lifestyle tough to bear. After completing the simulations and videos, it was evident that one cannot truly understand the magnitude of poverty unless it is first hand. To begin, the international poverty simulation presented a hypothetical situation; a housewife, an agri labourer, who has two children and little financial support from her spouse was required to balance money, time, and comfort. The major decisions consisted of what quality of water to obtain, deciding which food items to purchase, and whether or not to prioritize work or family. Purchasing food was the hardest task because the financial constraints were so tight. As long as the water doesn t create a health altercation, the lower quality gets the job done; prioritizing work over family might also be necessary in the instance. Therefore, purchasing food was difficult because there is no way to work around it, once the money is gone, one goes hungry. The simulation came to a conclusion when it notified me the day was over, even though all the tasks were not complete. Conversely, in the domestic poverty simulation, it presented three job choices as an opportunity to attempt to relieve the scenario. All of the jobs were minimum earning positions and were somewhat vague in the description adding to the complexity. Later on, there were decisions such as, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Imposition Of Residential Schools Essay Residential schools were a normal aspect of Aboriginal people s lives in the 19th and 20th century. The purpose of a residential school was to convert Aboriginal children to Christianity and to assimilate them into Western culture. They were operated through the Canadian government and the church. Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their parents and put into a school, full time. They were mistreated which led to problems that still afflict the Aboriginal population of Canada today. Many Aboriginal people want the Canadian government to recognize the inhumane and heinous acts that have been done and want compensation. The imposition of residential schools has greatly impacted the Aboriginal population which resulted in many repercussions... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The mistreatment of Aboriginal children at residential schools caused detrimental impacts on their identity and even led to death. Furthermore, this has led to many repercussions that negatively affect their communities and made them more prone to criminal acts. There have also been rising tensions between the Aboriginal population and the Canadian government due to the protests for compensation. The imposition of residential schools has negatively impacted the lives of the Aboriginal population and the government must take action for the betterment of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Race, Gender, And Women During the time I observed Mass there was a dominate race in attendance mostly Caucasian (around 200) with several Hispanics (around 50) and very few African Americans (only three); however, there was not a dominate sex or age of the attendees. There seemed to be an equal amount of males and females, and a vast degree of age newborns to very elderly among the participants. The clothing of the participants was very formal and respectful. Most women either wore long dresses or skirt with leggings or tights underneath, some women wore pants; however, there was only a few women in pants; all women wore shirts that did not show very much (if any) cleavage some women (around ten) wore black, white, gray, or brown veils over their heads at first I believed that the veils were a sign that the women wearing them were preparing to become nuns; however, several small children were wearing the veils over their heads, and according to Lauren, the veils are symbolic they show respect to the Saints and God by allowing women to observe submissiveness and obedience. There seems to be no correlation between the veils color and a symbolic meaning behind the veil color. Men wore suits or khakis and a button up shirt. Women and men were all aware that they were in a church and must be modest not shorts or t shirts or cocktail dresses were seen of the participants if someone was to show up to Massin this attire it would be deemed inappropriate. Even the priest and altar servers and choirmember ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Elf Thesis Elf Today we have watched the movie Elf. And movie this is about a human whose name is buddy, and he was raised by elves and trying to find his family in New York. The main charter s name is buddy, he was an orphan from an orphanage, who stowed away in Santa s sack and ended up at the North Pole. After, the Santa found him, the Santa did not send him back to where he was from, and instead the Santa and an older elf treat him as son. Even though, the old elf treat him really nice, he finally found he is kind of special to others. As an adult human who happened to be raised by elves, Santa allows him to go to New York City to find his birth father. After he arrive New York City, Buddy fails to comprehend several aspects of the human world, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Freak The Mighty Comparison In the book by Rodman Philbrick, Freak the Mighty , and the movie, The Mighty , starring Kieran Culkin (as Kevin) and Elden Henson (as Max), there are many differences between the two. The book and the movie are both about two boy s friendship and adventures together. Some of the differences are like Kevin s death, the ornithopter being flown at the end into the medieval ages with King Arthur s knights, and the empty book. In the movie, Freak dies in his own home over night,while in the book Freak (Kevin) dies in the hospital. During the morning, when Kevin or Freak, is dead with his mom alive in the back of the ambulance, Max comes out and chases the ambulance that holds Kevin, dead, and then the ambulance stops. Kevin s mom, Gwenevere (or the Fair Gwenevere), Kevin s mom opens the back ambulance door and explains to Max that Kevin was dieing and he knew he was going to die, but he didn t want to tell Max about it. Max started to cry when he heard that. Then, the Fair Gwen closes the back door to the ambulance and the ambulance drives off and away to wherever was the destination of the ambulance. After that, Max ran, and ran, and ran until he got to the building Kevin had said where he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once Max gets kevin s ornithopter out of the tree, Max fixes the ornithopter to like it was as brand new as ever. Then, Max takes the ornithopter and takes the ornithopter outside to see if the ornithopter will fly. In result, the ornithopter was successful at flight was again, but in the hands of Maxwell Kane instead of Kevin s own creative hands. To everyone s amazement, the ornithopter went from flying at Max s home, then transacting to the ornithopter flying in the Middle Ages impressing King Arthur and his trusty and loyal knights of the round table. Hey, what a happy ending, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Connotative Language In Media Connotative Language in The Media Most words in language have evolved to have at least two meanings. There is the denotation of a word, which is the literal meaning of the word or its dictionary definition. Also, all words carry a connotation, which refers to the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions relating to it. A word s connotationcan differ depending on context and the region in which it is used. Recently there has been a spike in the amount of connotative language being used in news headlines. Three headlines that stand out with their obvious use of connotative language are, NFL kneelers and the left have it all wrong (Fox News, Sept. 27, 2017), The New York Times has a Communism fetish (The Weekly Standard, Sept. 26, 2017), and Trump has climate change weirdos everywhere freaking out (The American Spectator, Aug. 30, 2017). These headlines use connotative language specifically to create political and cultural bias with their readers/viewers. The first headline that is filled with biased connotative language is from Fox News and states, NFL kneelers and the left have it all wrong. The headline is referring to the recent trend of NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. The players are doing this as a protest against police brutality, the oppression of people of color, and the criminal justice system; all of which are important causes that should be protested. In order to create bias against the protesters ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Appearance And Court Case Analysis In the legal field, key to presenting competence to your client, opposing attorneys, and the court, appearance stands. Reviewing persons in the legal field remains a head to toe scrutiny, since if your appearance portrays competence, until there exists a mishandling of the case or the client, their confidence in the firm remains solid. Upon studying the slides of the Professional Law Firm slides, the evaluation follows: Slide 1 appears to be a female junior attorney and a male junior attorney discussing a case in front of a male senior attorney in the law firm. The female attorney ensemble consists of a gray pinstriped suit jacket with a pale blue blouse. With her top button unfastened, her hair up and formal, no distracting makeup or jewelry, her appearance seems a casual formal attire. The males dressed formally, dark suits, both ties and hair view appropriate for their position. The two junior attorneys appear to be inside the professional space bubble, without knowing what their conversation concerns, the males smile seems inappropriate. The senior attorney s desk consists of a well ordered and properly arranged appearance, over all a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once in court a judge called a recess, in order for an attorney to get his jacket and tie. The attorney was wearing a nice dress shirt but it was open to the second button and the judge was a stickler for appropriate attire. In our office, I had to either have long sleeves or wear short sleeves and wear a jacket when meeting with clients. Our attorney loved the older style of dresses, and once she went to court, after proceedings were complete, the judge asked her and I to chambers where he told the attorney to release the past fashion and accept the new professional attire (Wann, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Channel Mediated Diffusion Essay Diffusion is categorized as passive transport in which atoms or molecules are moved, often through a cell membrane, from a higher to a lower concentration. This process involves the spreading of the solute, which ultimately results in the removal of a concentration gradient (Kate T. et al. 2015). Typically, there are two types of diffusionacross a cell membrane: simple or channel mediated. Simple diffusion occurs when molecules diffuse easily through the membrane; whereas channel mediated diffusion occurs when molecules pass through the membrane via protein channels often due to their size or electrical force. There are several factors which can affect the rate and capability of diffusion such as molecule and gradient size, temperature and electrical forces. For example, more extreme temperatures result in a slower rate of diffusion. Thus diffusion at room temperature occurs at a much more rapid rate than would diffusion at an extremely low temperature. Typically, the higher the temperature, the more rapid the rate of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dehydration results from a lack of water in the body. This can occur if one is in an environment with a high amount of solute in the air or water, which leads to osmotic flow of water into that environment and therefore out of the body s cells. Kidney dialysis is used as an alternative to normal kidney function when the kidneys stop working properly due to kidney disease (Cloe 2015). The dialysis uses a semi permeable membrane in which only small molecules can pass through. Dialysis place[s] a semi permeable membrane between the blood and...dialysis solution (Cloe 2015). Diffusion and osmotic movement cause the metabolites to flow out of the blood [and into] the dialysis solution (Cloe 2015). This newly functioning kidney alternative relies on diffusion and osmosis and is very important in regards to medicine and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Who Is Stan Lee A Hero Excelsior! I m pretty sure that everyone in the class has seen at least one Marvel movie or will see one. The superhero universe is becoming one of the most famous types of movie genres nowadays, and nerds everywhere fangirl when they have seen it. Everything has a beginning, and sure enough, superheroes had one too. Stan Leeis the creator of many fantastic superheroes that we know and love today. He created the famous characters like the Fantastic Four, Spider man and many more. Stan Lee s full name is Stanley Martin Lieber. He was born on December 28, 1922, in New York City. He married to Joan Boocock in 1947 and had one daughter. Stan Lee began his comic book career when he was hired as an office assistant at Timely Comics in 1939. It was then that he shortened his last name to Lee when he became a writer. Of course everyone knows about the famous and patriotic Captain America. In the 1940s, Lee became the company s interim editor and a year after, he produced text filler for Captain America Comics issue #3, Captain America Foils the Traitor s Revenge . This was his first involvement in superhero comics, and it was just the beginning. In the 1950s, he made a variety genre of comics called Atlas Comics, which were about romance, sci fi, fantasy, and horror. In 1961, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You might be thinking Traitor! , but he is still loyal to Marvel Comics because in 2006, he was honoured for finishing 65 years with Marvel. He was featured in a one shot comic book series that showed him interacting with his past creations like Spider man, Doctor Strange, and the Fantastic Four. He was honoured in 2007, when Comic Con International made Stan Lee action figures. He s won awards such as the National Medal of Arts, Saturn Awards, Scream Awards, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Producers Guild of America, and Visual Effects Society ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Gaius Marius Roman s had an idealised view of what their politicians should be. From their ancestry to their attributes. In this essay I shall be looking at Gaius Marius. How did he live up to the Roman ideals? What are those ideals? I shall a number of these ideals one by one. But first I shall discuss what ideals the Romans have and why. The easiest way to find out the ideals Romans had. Was to look some tomb inscriptions. These are useful since the Romans would list the most important things about this person. Since what is important in one s life is subjective. It tells us what the Roman found important and therefore these tell us what they value. Giving us insight to what Romans value in their politicians. The Scipionic Epitaphs can show us how and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Marius had two triumphs. He must of been a great military commander to earn achievement. His military process is what got him his first consulship. Plutarch describes how his name and reputation spread through Africa and he also notes Marius display of consummate courage (Plutarch Marius 7) Your name and reputation don t spread for no reason; Marius must have had excelled in the qualities most sought after in regard to war. Plutarch says how he showed the he was: capable of going through what the soldiers injured, his foresight. The former gave him considerable affection and loyalty from the troops , this loyalty lead to the soldiers writing back to Rome, stating that The African war could only be won if Marius was elected consol (Plutarch Marius 7) This shows that Marius must have excelled hugely at military process. The Scipio Epitaph s list the father and offices the father held and military successes. This must have been a compelling argument to the Romans. Plutarch notes how Metellus was visually displeased about this (Plutrach Marius 8) Giving us further evidence to how people felt about new men. He had to quickly get back to Rome. With his first consulship he enrolled a large number of paupers, and slaves into the army (PLutrach Marius 9). This action is unpreceded and must have annoyed some. This shows that he thought of new ways to use the Roman armies. Which was basically taking the poor and training them. That training would appear to pay off. He got a triumph. It must have been quite a shock to the Romans in some ways that a new man who becomes consol comes into Rome celebrating a triumph. Q.Metelleus told Marius that he d support Marius being consol with his son. An insult of sorts since Marius already 49 and that son about fifteen years younger than him. To achieve something that hadn t happened in a long time and for it to be a new man must have shocked a lot of people. Or at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Man Who Saved Me Out of all of the days I have been alive there is one I will never forget. I woke up knowing that I was going to be going on my first airplane ride to Iowa to visit family, but other than a little fear everything seemed normal. As I boarded the plane and said goodbye to my family I found my seat and waited for take off. As everyone boarded the plane, I wondered who would be sitting in the open seat next to me. The seat remained empty for quite a while. We were just about getting ready to take off before I heard a man with a deep voice yelling, wait wait, im here. It was then that I knew he would be taking the empty seat next to me. We all buckled our seatbelts and prepared for the the pressure of taking off. We were all asked to turn our phones off, which forced us to start a conversation with the person sitting next to us. I looked over and the man sitting next to me was a tall man who was thin in stature. He had brown hair, green eyes, and a black hat on. I began to try and start a conversation with him but he said very little. He seemed to be very quiet and kept to himself. I asked him where he was headed and he replied with a mumble, and said my friends. I didn t really try to talk to him any more, I let him be. As the plane ride continued I suddenly felt a big jerk. Since I had never been on a plane I was worried, I then asked the man sitting next to me if that was normal? He replied with a shakiness to his voice, and said I don t think so! From there I began ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. My Adventure Essay As blood ran through my system like race fuel, as I raced around the ancient temple. The pounding of my heart upon my chest like a v8 in a stock car, meant I was running at 110%. I stared back at the temple was crumbling, I was almost to the window I could taste the humid jungle air already.I could feel my legs burning, my feet losing sensation and my lungs gasping for air. Finally, with the last of my energy I push off of the ledge and plummeted towards fate, as my life rested in God s hands as I fell 150ft into the abyss. I could bring these tall tales to college, but I rather talk about my personal adventure. The story of my adventure to Paristo experience the rich French culture. To explore the Spanish culture while I was in Spanish immersion. I may not be an explorer of ancient ruins,however I still explore different cultures, as well as explored unique opportunities that expanded my knowledge and skills, all this has added up to unique attributes I hold, and are willing to share. Traveling around the world may be a dream for some, but for me I rather explore the world. I ve been to many tourist spots, it a devastating sight to see so many people take a photo, stare at whatever it is and then leave. They never stay and learn about the cultureand history of that spot. I m so grateful that I was a part of the Spanish immersion program of my school. I was able to learn so much, and I gained a greater view of the world. Currently I m no longer enrolled, however I took ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Lorraine Hansberry Research Paper On May 19,1930 a set of events was set in motion that an inspiration and touching to many. May 19,1930 Lorraine Vivian Hansberry was born in Chicago, Illinois, she was the youngest of four kids. Her parents were Nannie and Carl Augustus Hansberry.Nannie and Carl Hansberry were independent, politically active and Republican. Growing up she dealt with many problems involving her race, her family was victims of segregation. The effects of her childhood greatly affected how she went on about her life. In 1950 she decided to take a leap of faith and try to pursue a career of being a writer. She moves out to New York City and starts going to The New School but only one year later she moves out to Harlem so involve herself in the activist struggles. In 1951 she started working writing newspapers for black freedom.Lorraine Hansberry wrote a poem called Lynch Song inspired from Willie McGee s court case. One June 20,1953 Lorraine Hansberry married ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her funeral was held in Harlem on January 15, 1965. Paul Robeson and SNCC organizer James Forman gave eulogies. She is buried at Asbury United Methodist Church Cemetery in Croton on Hudson,New York. After her death, Nemiroff adapted a collection of her writing and interviews in To Be Young, Gifted and Black, which opened off Broadway at the Cherry Lane Theatre and ran for eight months. In 1973 A Raisin in the Sun opened in theaters in New York. A Raisin in the Sun won a tony award for best musical and went on broadway in 2004 and received a tony award nomination for best revival of a play. In 1999 Hansberry was posthumously inducted into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame. In 2013, Lorraine Hansberry was posthumously inducted into the American Theatre Hall of Fame. The legacy of Lorraine Hansberry will forever be remembered because even know her life is inspiring many and her audience is always ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. AT T Mision Vision and Values Essay Strategic Overview This document identifies AT T as one of the leader communications holding corporation in the United States and global. Operating worldwide with 307,550 employees, AT T established its global headquarters in Dallas Texas, AT T is known as the worldwide leading provider of IP based communications services to businesses and the principal U.S. provider of wireless, high speed Internet access, local and long distance voice, directory publishing and advertising services for more than a century . AT Tcontinues to build on the heritage of its predecessor Bell by serving customers with a continuing assurance to the operation of pioneering products and services, consistent, high quality service and excellent customer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Stephenson chairman and chief executive officer AT T Inc. had revenues of $120 billion and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, with a fortune 500 company. AT T is one of 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial average. Vision AT T s vision creates new solutions for consumers and business by driving innovation in the communications and entertainment industry. AT T s current strategy is to attract additional customers by offering integrated telecommunication services. Mission AT T s mission is to connect people with their world everywhere they live and work and do it better than anyone else. Values Strengthening Communities AT T strengthen the communities by providing good jobs, donating time and talents, supporting underserved populations and promoting education programs that create economic opportunity Giving Back AT T is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities and improving lives. Volunteerism AT T pioneers is one of the largest industry sponsored volunteer organizations in the country. Supporting Troops AT T is dedicated to supporting active military personnel, their families and veterans. Investing in People AT T strive to be a great place to work, to be respectful, and supportive, of the diverse workforce and inclusive culture, and to recognize the benefits of the diverse suppliers, customers and business partners. Workforce inclusion AT T ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Construction Project Essay The design phase in the construction project life cycle is considered as a significant contributor to the project performance. Many researchers have considered this phenomenon as being dependent on the project success which comprises of quality, cost, time and sustainability. Nowadays, most of the construction projects must be delivered through the fast track, therefore it is difficult to co ordinate between the specialists and personnel as there is no accepted platform of good practice in managing the design process (Bibby, 2003). Although some technologies have been developed and applied in construction projects, the performance of the construction industry is still considered low (Sacks Goldin, 2007). (Aziz Hafez, 2013) argue that the current technologies can only improve the management of the construction process, however, in improving quality of the projects effectively, it does not reduce cost and time of design and construction. This is referred to as the traditional method that is still in place and currently being practiced in the industry. The objective of this work is to present the innovative design process in building construction projects where lean thinking (LT) is being considered for design process improvements. This research proposes a design process model that integrates LT into the traditional design process with activities which are able to eliminate wastes in the design process. The model is based on the set based concurrent engineering (SBCE) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. National Parks Marie Thurman What will you feel as you enter a national park? Many words have been written to describe the experience, but nothing can truly capture the complete amazement as the breathtaking views catch your breath. It s something you must discover for yourself at least once in your lifetime, if not time and time again. Though songs, poems and photographs have tried to capture the essence of national parks, only your senses will tell the true story. In this research paper I will be discussing national parks. I will be explaining what qualifies a park to be a national park, and two main national parks in the United States, Yosemite National Parkand The Grand Canyon. History and Definition A national park is a noun defined as a tract of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yosemite is surrounded by wilderness areas: the Ansel Adams Wilderness, the Hoover Wilderness, and the Emigrant Wilderness. Yosemite national park has an annual visitation that exceeds 3.5 million. Most of these visitors concentrate only on the seven main square miles of Yosemite Valley. Yosemite is a 1,200 square mile park that contains thousands of lakes and ponds, 1,600 miles of streams, 800 miles of hiking trails, and 350 miles of roads. Two scenic rivers, the Merced and Tuolumne, begin within Yosemite s borders and flow west into the Central Valley of California. Yosemite is famous for its high concentration of waterfalls in such a limited area. Although hundreds of waterfalls appear in different places during rainfall, the primary waterfalls are: В§Bridalveil Falls (620 feet) В§Chilnualna Falls (690 feet) В§Illilouette Fall (370 feet) В§Lehamite Falls (1,180 feet) В§Nevada Fall (594 feet) В§Ribbon Falls (1,612 feet) В§Royal Arch Cascade (1,250 feet) В§Sentinel Fall (1,920 feet) В§Silver Strand Falls (574 feet) В§Snow Creek Falls (2,140 feet) В§Staircase Falls (1,020 feet) В§Tueeulala Falls (840 feet) В§Vernal Fall (317 feet) В§Wapama Falls (1,700 feet) В§Waterwheel Falls (300 feet) В§Wildcat Falls (630 feet) Yosemite Falls is the highest measured waterfall in North America. It is a major attraction in the park, especially in late spring when the water flow is at its peak. The total 2425 foot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Reasons To Go Back To School Making the choice to go back to school as an adult can be both exciting and intimidating. Many adults are nervous that they don t have time or won t be able to keep up with the material. However, succeeding at school is about dedication, persistence, and hard work, not your age! Here are 8 great reasons to go back to school as an adult. 1.More career options Career advancement is probably the biggest reason that most adults consider going back to school. Perhaps you started your bachelor s degree right after high school but were unable to finish. Or, maybe you did finish but would like to continue to get a master s degree. Either way, securing these degrees will open the door for many career opportunities. In this competitive job market, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Learning about new technology, gaining professional certifications, and forging new connections are all possible when you go back to school. 3.Personal satisfaction There is nothing quite like the feeling of holding a diploma in your hand from a university to let you know that you ve achieved something. If you ve faced challenges in life in the past, achieving this type of goal is great way to boost your confidence in yourself and prove to yourself that you can handle a challenge. 4.For your family If you aren t going back to college for yourself, there s a good chance you re doing it for your family. Many parents go back to school to set an example for their children or to keep a promise to their parents. Naturally, your family will also benefit from the greater career opportunities you ll gain. 5.Expanding your perspective Education shouldn t always be viewed in strictly practical terms. Sometimes, education for its own sake is just as valuable. If you ve always wanted to learn more about art, languages, or history, a college education is a great way to do it! Immersing yourself in learning is a great way to challenge your own perspectives and grow as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Rbi Monetary Policy Introduction The central bank of the country is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It was established in April 1935 with a share capital of Rs. 5 crores on the basis of the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission. The share capital was divided into shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid which was entirely owned by private shareholders in the begining. The Government held shares of nominal value of Rs. 2,20,000. Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor and four Deputy Governors, one Government official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give representation to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Reserve Bank Of India Bulletin is a monthly publication. It not only provides information, but also results of important studies and investigations conducted by reserve bank are given. The Report on currency and finance is an annual publication. It provides review of various developments of economic and financial importance. 2. Regulatory And Supervisory Functions: The RBI has wide powers of supervision and control over commercial and co operative banks, relating to licensing, establishment, branch expansion, liquidity of Assets, management and methods of working, amalgamation, re construction and liquidation. The supervisory functions of RBI have helped a great in improving the standard of banking in India to develop on sound lines and to improve the methods of their operation. 4. Clearing House Functions: The RBI acts as a clearing house for all member banks. This avoids unnecessary transfer of funds between the various banks. 3. Development And Promotional Functions : The RBI has helped in setting up Industrial Finance Corporations of India (IFCI), State Financial Corporations (SFCs), Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation (ARDC), units Trust of India (UTI) etc. these institutions were set up to mobilize savings, promote saving habits and to provide industrial and agricultural finance. RBI has a special Agricultural Credit Department (ACD) which studies the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Designing Projects For The Public Joseph Wiley English IV Mrs. Daly 18 November, 2016 Designing Projects for the Public Thousands people all over the world share their ideas to create future projects and that project is in art and animation. It is really wise to start from the very beginning. The process of creating or even preparing for a big project takes time. In order to make a character or idea come to life one needs the right tools. This is where the skills in art come in, basically the fun part. Everyone would like to see their ideas come to life and sharing it with the public. Soon this will lead any person to create a project that involves gaming and animated television shows. Before starting a project there are a few things a person may need. A character may be the important thing but there are other factors that are far more important. What would the character do or what environment would it be placed in? The Developer also has to think about the storyboard which involves writing. Every project needs to start with a story (How a Game pg.1). A person can make up their own story and can also receive help from anyone assisting in the project. Everyone may be inspired by something they have seen which gives them many ideas for a good story. it is important for the team to come up with a decision so they can know what fits. Once it is decided the team will start to work on the storyboard (How a Game pg.2). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Comparing Australian And Australian Business Tax [Document Title] [Document Subtitle] [Author] ABSTRACT [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] Table of Contents Introduction and background3 Research Objectives3 Literature Review3 Income Tax3 Filing your income tax return4 Provisional tax4 Fringe benefit tax4 Comparing Australian and NZ business tax5 Research Methodology5 Research Strategy5 Secondary research methodology5 Primary research methodology5 Time frames Costs5 Ethical Issues5 Bibliography6 Introduction and background In 16th of August 2012 RM Research became listed in the NZX50. The company a research company based in Auckland New Zealand. They specialise in the following research disciplines: Marketing Communication Accounting Finance Strategic Management Business Operations Taxation Human Resource Management RM Research has been contracted by iFAST, an Australian based company providing mobile phone services and Internet data plans to conduct research to see if it was viable for them to conduct business here in New Zealand. The problem RM Research will look into are the implications of New Zealand taxation regimes and or rules on iFAST. The purpose for this study we will write a research proposal for iFAST that incorporates research
  • 23. objectives, literature review, research design, methodology, time frames and Budgets. Research Objectives To conduct a detailed feasiblity to ascertain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Jurassic Park Research Paper The movie Jurassic Park is based on scientists trying to successfully extracting dinosaur DNA from the thorax, cloning it, and breeding a variety of dinosaurs. Everything took place in a remote village of Costa Rica. As a plot unfold, it becomes very clear that the Velociraptor is the most dangerous of them all. John Hammond, the man who started it all, made his project more cost efficient by using a few personnel as possible in the park. However, the park never got the chance to open, due to the tragic that happened during a visit by private parties. Dinosaurs Dinosaurs come in many different colors and sizes. The lifespan of a dinosaur is 75 to 300 years. Their daily life is hunting, mating, using the bathroom, and migrating. The defense mechanisms helped them repair their injuries 150 mya. The bone structures are the skull, jaws, neck bones, vertebrae, thigh, pelvis, tail, and rib bone. Dinosaur s average speed is about 27 mph. Dinosaurs find their food by hunting, which is each other and some eat plants. They reproduce by hatching newborns from eggs. Some communicate by their horns or flickering the tip of their tails. Baryonyx stomach contents were found to contain fish scales, is an example of predator prey relationship. Some animals that are related to dinosaurs are lizards, because of their skin texture. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fossils are preserved by the mold and cast, trace fossil, and carbonization. Sap of a tree and amber preserve fossils by casting a hard stone like coating on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Castles Were Built During The Middle Ages Castles were built during the Middle Ages for the purpose of protection from foreign invaders. In Britain, many castles were built along the borders in order to stop raids from the Welsh and the Scots. By building castles along the borders, the British could also launch a series of raids in return. A castle also demonstrated a lord s power over a particular land. If invaders had taken over a castle, they could use it to help control the land that they had taken. A castle was a home for a lord and his family. It was a defensible place where a lord could defend himself against his enemies like his rival lords. A castle was a safe place where a lord and his knights could return to. The Normans successfully conquered Britain in 1066. The leader... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This caused the need for castle designs to be changed. The first castles were mounds of earths which were built for defence as enemies had difficulties climbing over them. The Normans then developed the Motte and Bailey castle designs. A Motte was a large mound of earth, and a Bailey was the flattened land beside the mound. [4] Motte and Bailey castles took a small amount of time to build and it was very hard to attack. Castle architects developed a way to further strengthen the Motte and Bailey Castle which was building a shell keep a thin ring of stone around the buildings on top of the castle Motte. [4] Castle architects then constructed a castle made from stone. Stone was much harder to be stormed by attackers and it was protected against fire. A new style of constructing castles developed which was the gothic style. Gothic castles were much more imposing and comfortable to live in. In 1270, concentric castles were then developed. They had thicker outer walls and rings of extra outer walls. [4] Concentric castles were very expensive stone castles. In Northern Wales, Edward I built some concentric castles. After the development of cannons, castle walls were easily destroyable. The nobles then decided to turn the castles into imposing grand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Antioxidant Potential Of Car- Diovascular Disease (... been directed to the antioxidant potential of these flavonoids in cocoa and chocolate, and their potentially protective effects against the risk of car diovascular disease (Wan et al., 2001). It has been reported that the formation of conjugated dienes is the first step in the process leading to the formation of oxidized fatty acids (Ferretti et al., 2004). The effects after cocoa powder and chocolate consumption might be due to flavonoids contained in cocoa powder and dark chocolate. Moreover, the decreased lipid peroxidation could depend on fatty acids in chocolate according to previous studies which have shown a higher inhibition of lipid peroxidation by mono unsaturated fatty acids compared to polyunsaturated ones (Kubes et al., 1991). In previous studies Procyanidins extracted from cocoa exhibited endothelium dependent relaxation (EDR) through activation of nitric oxide synthase activity in rabbit aortic rings in vitro (Karim et al., 2000). The results were reported to be due to the tetramers and higher polymers of epicatechin, and monomers, dimers, and trimers were not capable of contributing to EDR. In vivo studies indicated that dark chocolate, cocoa powder and cocoa liquor suppressed the development of atherosclerotic lesions and inhibited atherosclerosis (Vinson et al., 2006). Cocoa powder exerted anti cancer properties in in vivo studies. Amin et al. 2004.,indicated that cocoa liquor extract lower the activity of tumor marker enzymes during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Dawn Octavia Butler Bryant Hargrave 7/25/2016 In both Dawn by Octavia Butler, and District 9 we see the arrival of aliens and the dawn of a post human future. While the Oankali of Dawn and the Prawns of District 9 differ in their appearances and behavior there are some striking themes from both. The first is that as humans we are insecure, inadequate creatures to guide our own future. As both stories progress humans are forced to examine things that we were once confident in, whether it is Dawn s portrayal emasculating the human males sexually. Dawn also evokes fears of the queer, specifically transgendered, and miscegenation. District 9 is a shamelessly racist story, depicting the white control in South Africa. While typically shown as Wikus learning a lesson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To focus our attention on it we are introduced to Wikus a mid level bureaucrat, engaged, and indoctrinated to be prejudiced toward the Prawns. Wikus is the South African average white guy. However, when raiding the Johnson household, he is squirted on by black juice . Obviously the juice being black, is no coincidence it is the dirty blackness infecting Wikus. BAs he transforms he is no longer treated like Wikus, white every man. His value as a person, declines precipitously as he transforms into a Prawn. First his colleagues begin experiments on him and he his mocked for possibly have sex with the aliens; which was not uncommon for those who had interracial relationships. At the end when Wikus realizes that he is not going to be cured what he becomes a symbol of is the fatality of miscegenation, there is no cure just an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Graduation Rate Of The Paso Echs Students DISCUSSION The fact that not all El Paso ECHS students decide to enroll in this particular four year institution could have attributed to the relatively low number of cases (n=315) in the study. It can be assumed that these students enrolled in other universities and may have successfully completed the ECHS model. The low number of ECHS graduates (n=125) can be attributed to different factors; such as financial aid and data dates. For example, if a student does not meet the academic standards in one of the semesters, the student may not qualify for financial aid the following year. Many ECHS students rely heavily on financial aid; a lack of financial aid could potentially push these students to take out a loan, get a job, and take less school hours (putting them behind). It is also important to note that this study was done using data from the fall 2009 to the spring 2012 semesters. Graduation rates could have increased significantly from the fall 2012 to spring 2015 semesters. Analyzation of the data showed that first term GPA is strong indicator of future academic performance and was supported with a strong significant difference. This supports our conclusion that a student s first term GPA is crucial. Early intervention is crucial for these students since first term GPA potentially indicates whether the student is capable of successfully completing the ECHS model. Positive intervention upon entry to a four year university by counselors and educational staff could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Graduate School Personal Statement If you are starting to compose a personal statement for graduate school admission process, you should have to understand more about the style and structure of the graduate school personal statement. Your personal statement is an important document to be submitted in front of the college entrance advisory board. The point of your personal statement is to impart that you are intelligent, literate, and that you have hobbies and capacities just the same as the system in which you are intrigued. The personal statement writing service basic format for the personal statement writing for graduate school includes: First section of your personal statement: The first paragraph maybe a couple of sentences, ought to make clear the reason for your composition: to present an interpretive synopsis of your experience, scholarly hobbies, and future objectives as justification for your admission to a system of graduate study. Second section describes your background for the graduate entrance advisory board: This passage ought to set up your scholarly readiness for the project to which you have connected. If you scored well on whatever graduate examination that you took, you may need to refer to that test also. Remember that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite the fact that you don t need to submit yourself to one profession just, you are best served by introducing to the entrance advisory board as particular a thought as could be expected under the circumstances about what you mean to do with the degree. Here it demonstrates to the board that you are clearly planned, that you are fit for doing the selected education program. This section, in conjunction with the past one, guarantees the entrance advisory board that you are a candidate with a specific reason to join the graduate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Pearl Symbolism One day the poor fisherman, kino, finds the greatest pearl in the world (Steinbeck 10). Consequently, kino did not know what was going to happen with the pearl. In the novella, The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, Kino, a poor fisherman, Juana, his wife, and Coyotito the baby, live in La Paz, Mexico. While Coyotito was in the crib, he all of a sudden gets stung by a scorpion. Kino wants to get the doctor, but Juana does not want him too because she knows the doctor will not come to their part of town. The family also knows they do not have enough money to pay the doctor. But one day the poor fisherman, Kino finds the greatest pearlin the world (Steinbeck 10). However, Kino and Juana do not know what is yet to come. Steinbeck illustrates the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the story, Steinbeck, explains how the pearl is a positive vibe to the family and how it can help the family be protective. Kino believes the pearl will eventually pay off Coyotito s health and will be able to pay the doctor. Kino s brother, Juan Tomas, convinces Kino that there is a devil in this pearl (38). Kino explains to him that it can save them from the evil. Kino continues to believe the pearl is not evil, but promises his family for a better future for them. Kino does not know the dangers it can bring to his family. As the themes says rich or poor family it does not matter, family will always be there no matter what. That is what Juan Tomas is explaining to Kino, that it does not matter if they are poor they will always be there no matter what. The pearl may bring a different meaning to Kino and only sees happiness that they ve never had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Lolita Pedophile How do people set up the border between affection and illness? As metaphorically as it may seem, although people now have clearer understanding of the importance when it comes to mental health, some of the common conceptual illness such as pedophilia still haunts the society with the confusion between one s freedom of choice and a disease that can be cured or eased. To grasp the controversy and the impact of psychologyand the society, Lolitais an essential piece of literature that demonstrates the real life application of an example in mental illness and how the society characterize the patients that affects the group as a whole. From Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, the theme of mental illness and social values is introduced in three main aspects:... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The American Psychiatric Association has confirmed the latest corrected information: The new manual specifies that in order for an atypical sexual behavior to be classified as a mental condition, a person must: 1. Feel personal distress about their interest, not merely distress resulting from society s disapproval; or 2. have a sexual desire or behavior that involves another person s psychological distress... for sexual behaviors involving unwilling persons or persons unable to give legal consent. (Stuart) In other words, as long as one does not violate others right and does not involves in unwilling sexual relationship, one should not be considered as a pedophile but a person who has a preferable sexual orientation. Because this concept released in 2013 has not been widely realized in the society, the unclear information confuses people with the seemingly abstruse fantasy. In the story Lolita, the same issue is also being debated: On one hand, the society is aware of the potential crime with pedophilia and yet regard the hidden danger of mental illness in every individual like Humbert; On the other hand, people with a particular disapproving sexual orientation is thought to be the scapegoat of rapists and abusers. This eventually leads the novel to become a controversial work, Is he[Humbert] in love or insane? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Nuclear War Vs Utilitarianism Score I believe I deserve (out of possible 175 points):__165__ Why: I checked every requirements in the grading box, I spent three days on it but I think I still have some grammar mistakes. ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC POLICY DEBATE RELATED TO MULTICULTURALISM Different countries with different culture always have various international relation policies, these policies might affect the world s activities, economic wars and even human beings safties. For example, EU countries like France keeps a liberalism trategy, Asian country like China is always more friendly in International Relations while the United States showed its power with more than twenty times of invasion to other countries in last few decades. Right after the tragedy happend ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, it is true that wars have to be cruel, or people will like it. On July 1, 1968, Treaty on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons opened for signature in Washington, Moscow, London, there were 59 countries signed up to join. The purpose of the Treaty was to prevent nuclear proliferation, promoting nuclear disarmament and promoting international cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The Treaty entered into force in March 1970. As of January 2003, a total of 186 States parties to the Treaty. There are 11 article provides in total, main content is, has nuclear national shall not to any directly or indirectly transfer nuclear weapons or nuclear explosion device, not help manufacturing nuclear weapons; seedless country guarantee not developed, and not accept and not seeks gets nuclear weapons; stop the nuclear arms race, promoted nuclear disarmament; put peace nuclear facilities placed International Atomic Energy institutions of international guarantees. As President Obama stated in Berlin in 2013, the United States is prepared to negotiate further nuclear reductions with Russia of up to one third in the deployed strategic warhead levels established in the New Start ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Analysis Of Cytotoxic T Cells ( Ctcs ) Cytotoxic T Cells (CTCs) are comprised of alpha beta chains that have the ability to directly kill infected cells. As a major component of the adaptive immune system, the function of CTCs are to scan the intracellular environment in order to target and destroy infected cells . Small peptide molecules, presented on behalf of the entire cell, are transported to the cell surface as pMHC, allowing TCRs on the surface to detect any foreign signals in the method explain above. The diagram below shows how the antigen fragment inside the cell associates with an MHC molecule and is transported to the cell surface. CTC responses to disease are initiated through the interaction between the TCR, and these protein fragments derived from foreign invaders that are presented by pMHCI on the surface of infected cells. The affinity between CD8 and the MHC molecule keeps the T cell and the target cell bound closely together during antigen specific activation specially conducted in CTC due to the complex bonds within the CD8. Once a CTL has identified a cell expressing a foreign class 1 MHC, the infected cell is eliminated. The structure of the receptors on these CTCs are specialised for this due to its double edged variable region, as shown in the diagram, allowing for additional binding to co receptor CD8, facilitating the phagocytosis on the pathogen if necessary. CDR3 is found on the TCR in CTCs as CTCs interact with a large number of different cell types and recognise a diverse ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Activity Based Costing And How It Works I chose to write about activity based costing. I chose to write this paper because I wanted to know more about activity based costing and how it works. According to our text, activity based costing (ABC) has received a lot of attention since the 90 s. ABC has a lot of more details and can be more complicated than all the other costing methods, however it s more accurate. Costing systems are information systems. They require a specific type of information such as direct labour hours and units produced, to be of value. It is from the input data that product costsand other information are determined according to the specific costing system defined methodology. The results obtained would depend on the costing system used, since the same input data could be used in different ways. In this case the traditional costing system or an activity based costing system (Marx.) A costing system should provide information to help minimize waste, but should not be wasteful in itself. In other words, the resources required to design, implement and maintain a costing system should be less than the benefit derived from the use of the system (Marx.) Activity based costing (ABC) assigns manufacturing overhead costs to products in a more logical manner than the traditional approach of simply allocating costs on the basis of machine hours. Activity based costing first assigns costs to the activities that are the real cause of the overhead. It then assigns the costof those activities only to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Weygers Short Story The man arrived figuratively and literally on a high horse. Even in his later years, Weygers was full of ideas and purpose. He carried buckets of scrap iron to his forge with effortlessness a man half his age would envy. He continued to sculpt, carve, teach, and invent all on a near daily basis. He could easily have earned enough money to provide himself with a country estate like the ones popping up around his home, complete with a swimming pool, two cars, and a country club membership. This proved especially annoying to some of his neighbors who had those possessions but did not come by them easily. I remember we were outside working one day and this big, stout guy with a mustache rides up on a stallion, Weygers disciple Peter... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though his anvil s ring fell silent in 1989 when he died at the age of 87 from heart disease, it still reverberates into the ages through the many lives he influenced. Through his work as a professor, he became elevated to the point that as with his Discopter rendering he had a limitless view. All of the things that Alex taught us are a continuing revelation, student Lowell Chaput said. His teachings grow in value as the years pass, just as art does. *** In 1932, John Steinbeck published a collection of 12 interconnected short stories called The Pastures of Heaven. The stories are situated in an enchanting valley with astonishing natural beauty. Steinbeck s stories feature a series of families that relocate to the valley, and a recurring theme in the book is the pain caused when the focus of one s life becomes the pleasing of others. Ten years later, Alex and Marian Weygersstruck out and settled in that same valley. I remember a story in Pastures of Heaven about a little boy who had never been to school but had been raised by an outdoorsman father, Weygers said. The authorities finally made the boy go to school, but they found out he knew more about life than all of the other children thanks to being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Morality And Ethical Behaviour Within The Human Population Morality and ethical behaviour within the human population is vital in order to conceive a healthy society. Although throughout history, morals and ethics have been used interchangeably, they are in fact not one in the same. Morality is within oneself and develops over a period of time as a result of meeting and resolving moral issues as they come forth, whereas ethicsis essentially a moral compass, or a set of rules one follows throughout the course of their life (Crebert, Patrick, Cragnolini, 2004). From a personal perspective, I believe each individual has several distinguishing moral codes they live by, even if they may not distinctly know it. I personally have several moral foundations that I live by, including transparency,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reasons for doing so was to limit the trade off between the emissions produced and performance of the vehicle (Davenport, Ewing, 2015). The implications of this in the real world is vast, affecting various interested parties around the world. Not only do employees, consumers and shareholders feel misguided and lied to, but also society as a whole. Truthfulness and transparency are fundamental concepts of morality that I use to define my life, and should have been executed in the case of Volkswagen. If they were transparent with their fundamental operations from the beginning, these corporate lies would never have occurred. The Volkswagen scandal has caused, and will further cause, many consequences affecting major associated parties. Consequences of this scandal extenuate to the individual, organisational and social components of society. The individual consequences caused are mainly comprised of consumers and how they have been affected. Consumers, overall, have felt that they have been blatantly lied to and misguided by Volkswagen (Northern Daily Leader, 2015). This demonstrates that Volkswagen seemingly do not possess the moral trait of transparency amongst its operations with various stakeholders. Another aspect of society that has been adversely affected by this scandal is the organisational component. Volkswagen has had harsh financial repercussions, posting its first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Assessment Of Perineal Pain On Women Experience During The... Assessment of Perineal Pain Adequate and effective management of perineal pain begins with a comprehensive assessment (Marcus et al, 2009; Breivikl et al, 2008; Dalton et al, 1999). However, Andrews et al, (2008) UK based study concluded that there is no pain scale to date that has been developed to appropriately and accurately assess the perineal pain that women experience during the postnatal period. This begins to offer explanation as why up to 92% of new mothers endure perineal pain in the early postpartum period (Macarthur and Macarthur, 2004).To further support these findings Way (2012) discovered that women expect perineal pain following vaginal birth but under estimate the severity of the pain. Women will experience high levels of pain before requesting analgesia as they attempt to normalise the pain as a consequence of vaginal delivery (Swain and Dahlen, 2013). Macarthur and Macarthur (2004) conclude that the current management of perineal pain is inadequate as the use of analgesia is not standardised. Both Macarthur and Macarthur (2004) and Andrews et al, (2008) used a prospective cohort research design to obtain their data. The sample population that was needed to ensure that the results produced were statistically significant was, therefore, larger (Rees, 2011). Macarthur and Macarthur (2004) used a sample size of four hundred and forty seven women from Toronto, Canada, and Andrews et al, (2008) included two hundred and forty one women from London, England. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Stereotypes Of Sikhs The Sikhs are a group of peaceful people from India. The Sikh religion intertwines the spiritual and secular spheres, seeing love as the ultimate goal, one achieved only by practicing love in one s everyday life. (pg 5, US News) Followers believe in reincarnation, karma and salvation, and that spiritual evolution depends on their deeds and actions in life. People who don t understand, or even know about, the Sikhreligion commonly mistake them for Muslims because they resemble each other, both having darker skin, men with beards and wearing turbans. September 11, 2001 was one of the worst days in American History and will be remembered forever. It was a day that brought America together to take down the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center. With this came a fear and hostility towards the people who attacked us. Even though it was a group of Muslim extremists, Americans started grouping what they think to be Muslims all in one. Darker skin, beards on men and turbans (pg 3, US News) Anyone who is seen with these characteristics is stereotyped into the terrorist category now. This shows how close minded people can be. You don t see everyone turning against the whites when they act in a terrorist manner.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Atlantic article, it is less opinionated and more explaining what they are and how many people don t know that Sikhism is a religion. In the article from U.S. News, they are written as the victims, which they are. The views have changed so much in less than a year because more awareness has been brought to the topic from January 2015 to December 2015. In December we knew who the candidates for the future president were. At the beginning of their campaigns, we knew what they were going to fight for in their race for presidency. They brought awareness to Muslims and Sikhs, and many just grouped them in with the terrorist attacks that had been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Personaltive Of Personal Narrative Personal Narrative I heard them fighting every night, endless and endless rage at each other. I just hid in my room and pretended it wasn t happening in my world. Hiding was the only way to escape the fear I felt every night. Once I said Dad, why do you and Mom yell at each other? He replied with go to your room and don t ask that again. A seven year old couldn t understand this and needed help but with no way to learn all I could do was watch as their marriage fell crumbling to the ground. After that is when the beating started, slowly at first, but progressively it got worse and worse. He would come in after a fight and hit me out of frustration. I always tried to hide but he always knew where to look. He said If you tell anyone, I ll kill you. I never once doubted it, so I never told anyone. For the next six months I was under his rule, I had no control over how hard or how long he beat me for. I prayed to god so many times, but he never answered. An idol is only as good as you see it as. My father used to be my idol but after that started I was afraid being near him. I could not tell anyone, I had no one to help me. I was trapped against a monster that I could not fight. On my eighth birthday my dad came up to me and stated plainly We re leaving, pack up your stuff and don t tell your mother. So I went upstairs and started to pack, but I couldn t fit all of my toys in the bag so I shouted Mom, would you help me pack? My father thundered upstairs looking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Maya Civilization During The Preclassic Period It was during the Paleo Indian period when early nomads crossed into the Americas over 15,000 years ago. These were the First People to inhabit the Americas. They d first crossed into North America until eventually splitting off from other groups and eventually migrating south through Mexico into the YucatГЎn Peninsula of Mesoamerica. These migrating First People in the Maya region developed their tool and hunting technologies and went from being nomadic hunter gatherers into forming more permanent settlements. These settled groups became more developed as they exploited the plentiful local resources. These now settled groups progressed into the Archaic period and began advancing into a more complex society. These archaic settlements developed culture and technology that was shared with neighboring settled groups. The exchange of ideas between these groups formed into a shared culture that began developing into a culturally distinct people. The Maya Civilization originated in the YucatГЎn region during the Preclassic Period at around 2000 BC. There is some argument as to when the Preclassic Period began for the Maya. It s argued to have began as late as 2600 BC, while there s claim that it s earlier because there are permanent Maya settlements along the Pacific coast that date to 1800 BC. A difference of eight hundred years, depending on region. The Preclassic period begins where the first signs that the Maya can be recognized as a distinct people. The two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Civil Rights Movement And The African American Freedom... However, Soundtrack For A Revolution only shows half of what the Civil Rights Movement is about. This documentary fails to show the Armed resistance aspect of the African American Freedom struggle. As the documentary shows the nonviolent part of the Civil Rights Movement it leaves out how important the role of armed resistance was in the African Americanfreedom struggle. It unsuccessfully shows how armed resistance made the Civil Rights Movement possible and protected many civil rights leaders such a Martin Luther King. Soundtrack For A Revolution does not demonstrate how gun owners protected institutions of the movement like churches and freedom house nor does it explain how nonviolent protesters would ve been driven out of town without armed resistance. Armed resistance was a vital part of the Civil Rights Movement and the failure to include it in the documentary does not accurately represent the African American freedom struggle. While on the subject of nonviolence, Soundtrack For A Revolution also does a good job in utilizing many important civil rights activists who were apart of the nonviolent movement, some of which are SCLC and SCLC members, John Lewis, and Martin Luther King. Although conversely, the film exhibits the myth of the Civil Rights Movement being King Centric. The documentary focuses on many facts of Martin Luther King s life including, his involvement in Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), his view on nonviolence, the bombing of his house, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Synopsis Of The Alchemist Full title В· The Alchemist Author В· Paulo Coelho Type of work В· Novel Genre В· Fiction Language В· Portuguese Time and place written В· 1988, Brazil Date of first publication В· 1988 Tone В· The Alchemist reads like an ancient myth or fable. It is simple, direct, and overtly didactic. It also has elements of a picaresque, an episodic tale detailing a hero s adventures during his quest. Tense В· The story is told in the past tense. SUMMARY Santiago is a shepherd living in the moving slopes of an amazing place AndalucГa. He cherishes his run but can t resist the urge to see the restricted idea of their reality. Looking for just nourishment and water, they never lift their heads to appreciate the green slopes or the nightfall. Santiago s folks have constantly battled for the practical details of life, and have covered their own particular aspirations in the same manner. They live in excellent place called AndalucГa, which pulls in vacationers to its interesting and extremely amazing towns and thrilling slopes but still for them it is no place of dreams. Santiago, then again, can read and needs to travel. He goes into town one day to offer some of his rush, and there he experiences a tramp ruler and a Vagabond lady. They ask him to take after his signs and leave the world he knows. The Rover... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Every individual has a fate to seek after that exists freely of other individuals. It is the thing you would do, or be, regardless of the possibility that you have all the adoration and cash you need. The fortune Santiago looks for is obviously the image of the individual dream or fate, however he is cheerful to abandon it when he finds the lady he had always wanted in a leave desert garden. However, the chemist discloses to him that the affection for his desert spring sweetheart might be demonstrated genuine in the event that she will bolster his fortune ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The New York World s Fair Corporation What is average? In the 1930 s, the New York World s Fair Corporation conducted a competition across America to answer a very similar question. They wanted to define what the average American family was. The winners? A family by the name of the Leathers, who lived in Texas. They were white, able bodied, with two parents, two children, and the breadmaker of the house was a man. Other finalists in the competition paralleled the Leathers in almost every regard. When using this contest as a foundation for the definition of average, it shows how average is not diverse and rather exclusive. The contest completely disregarded the diverse people who make America the melting pot of the world. This is one of many themes that American author, John... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the novella, Crooks is shown to be treated horrendously. The only reason he is treated in such a way, is due to the color of his skin. For instance, Crooks is regularly not allowed in the bunkhouse, however, one time he is. It was during Christmas, and the men had been given a bottle of whiskey. They became drunk and it is at this point that Crooks is attacked. Steinbeck writes, They let [Crooks] come in that night. Little skinner [by the] name of Smitty took after [him]...The guys wouldn t let him use his feet. If he coulda used his feet, Smitty says he would have killed [Crooks] (20). There is no logical reason for Smitty to be provoked into harming Crooks. Crooks is at the bottom of the social ladder and physically disabled. He possesses nothing for Smitty to be jealous of, like a girl, money, or property, yet Smitty still harms him. This emphasizes how Smitty sees Crooks as nothing better than a punching bag; something easily replaceable and of little to no value. Not only this, but Smitty says he has no regrets for attacking Crooks. In fact, Smitty confessing, [I] would have killed [him] (20), displays pride in the act of almost killing another person. This pride is similar to that of a hunter killing an animal. Even more frightening, this is not an isolated incident. Later, Crooks is threatened again, when Curley s wife says, Well, you keep your place then [ n ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Examples Of Satire On Smoking Satire It s not surprising that in this world you see at least one person a day smoking. I mean, who doesn t love watching people rush to get lung cancer? Seeing one person just taking their life away with something so stoppable, is so adorable, I mean what other qualities would you look for in a man? I like mine fully addicted and ready to waste their life away. It s the best religion that I must say so myself. In fact, I like that, people rely on something like religion to lead them in the way they want to live their life. I personally believe in the smokies. The smokinese are a group of people that worship nicotine. Id honestly love to be a part of that. I mean, I love the smell of it in the air, the feeling of polluted air. Nothing gets better than that. In reality smokingis the only relief to take away pain these days. I mean, what other reason would people put something so horrible into their body if it didn t relieve any type of stress or good feeling. I live for the day to see everyone to have lung cancer and killing themselves for just being vulnerable about stress relief. I mean, people preach smoking nowadays. People wanna go back to the way of smoking in a restaurant and people recommend it, it s a religion that s being created without anyone understanding. As the smokinese people believe that the only way to live a happy and stress free life is to become addicted to smoking, they sure are right. I mean, think about it, out of everyone in this world that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Research Paper On Valley Forge Dbq Valley Forge has turned into a graveyard. Thousands of soldiers lie sick or dead. The continental army has camped there for the winter, 18 miles away from the British in Philadelphia. My nine month enlistment is almost up, and I must make a choice: Should I re enlist or go home to my aging mother? The decision has been very demanding. I have thought long and hard about this, and have come to a choice. I have decided to re enlist for three reasons which are the fact that there are not many soldiers, to help others, and because I can do what others can t to aid the cause. The first reason I will re enlist is because there are not many soldiers. Many soldiers are sick and close to dying. Those who are alive are too weak to do anything. Nearly 2,000 soldiers have died due to illness so far.(Doc A) I expect that there will be more death to come. I am strong and need to stay so that we will have an army that can conquer the British. . If everyone who was merely uncomfortable and able to fight left, we would be stuck with an army of sick soldiers. This is a reason to re enlist because it shows how many soldiers were dying and why they need me.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... About half of the people at Valley Forge are sick. The strong, non sick people need to stay and help the sick people. If I leave, where will the sick people get there help? By staying, I may also encourage others to stay and help the cause. Most people cannot do anything themselves. They are without clothes, food and have minimal shelter. If I stay, I can contribute the little I have to help others.(Doc B,C) This reason is causing me to re enlist because it shows how little they have and why I need to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Similarities Between To Kill A Mockingbird And The Help Compare how the theme of courage is explored in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help? Mental and moral courage are different types of courage that are demonstrated in To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee and The Help, directed by Tate Taylor. These can be compared and contrasted by sharing similarities and differences through dialogue, characterisation, plot techniques and the opinions through the eyes of different characters. These techniques are also used to help an audience understand the different meanings of courage that are demonstrated in these two texts. Courage is expressed by characterisation, dialogue and plot. Showing or explaining the different personality traits of each character highlights the acts of courage through characterisation. Characterisation is the main technique that can be compared and contrasted between To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help. Although every character is different, some of their beliefs, opinions and actions are similar, which assists in creating a greater understanding of courageous, or cowardly approaches shown in each character. Two very courageous characters in The Help and To Kill a Mockingbird are Atticus Finch and Eugenia Skeeter. Both characters are similar in the way that they both believe they should stand up to what they believe in by going against the social norms. Atticus Finch defended a black man I m simply defending a Negro his name s Tom Robinson (p83). Miss Skeeter hoped to write about the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Social Problems And The Social Problem Photo Essay Our world has many social problems that we try to solve or reduce in many different ways. In order to solve them, we must first look for them. Tara Hardinge is my Sociology professor. During her lecture, she stated that Social problem it is a social condition that a part of society view as dangerous or harmful to members of society and there is a need to cure or remedy it (Hardinge 2015). Linda Mooney, David Knox, and Caroline Schacht are Sociology professors at East Carolina University and are authors of the textbook Understanding Social Problems. Social problems have objective and subjective lements to them. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that the objective element of a social problem refers to the existence of a social condition (2). Mooney, Knox and Schacht also state that the subjective element of a social problem refers to the belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society or to a segment and that it should and can be changed (3). Sociological imagination is a term developed by American Sociologist, C. Wright Mills. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that Sociological imagination refers to the ability to see the connections between our personal lives and the social world in which we live in (. Mooney, Knox, and Schacht state that Sociologists use sociological imagination to distinguish between private troubles and public issues and to see connections between the events and conditions of our lives and the social and historical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Nothing feels quite like waking up refreshed and ready to... Nothing feels quite like waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead of you. However, while we all know how important sleep is, many of us still struggle to fall asleep at night. Moreover, I am willing to wager that many of us also always seem to wake up fatigued, no matter how long we have slept. If you have trouble sleeping it is possible that you may have one of several common sleeping disorders. The following guide is here to help you identify why you are struggling to get the satisfactory sleep you need (and deserve). Monkey Brain Syndrome A common disorder that owes its namesake to restless Buddhist monks. The Monkey Brain is that part of your consciousness that just won t stay still while you are trying to fall ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, there are also several over the counter and home remedies for snoring that are worth looking into. Insomnia Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that is characterized by a general difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. It can range in its effects and severity, though people with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms: A difficulty falling asleep. Waking up multiple times during the night, and struggling to go back to sleep. Waking up early in the morning for no apparent reason. Feeling fatigued upon waking. Irritability. Problems with concentration or memory. Insomnia can range from being transient or acute (short term) to chronic condition (long term). If you suspect you may have Chronic Insomnia, then that is best handled by a health professional as chronic insomnia can be either a symptom of, or an eventual contributor to, severe health problems such as depression, chronic stress, and serious physical health problems. Acute Insomnia is generally related to stress factors, both emotional and physical. Generally short term insomnia can be handled through simple lifestyle adjustments and successfully recognizing what stress factors are causing poor sleep quality. Such stress factors might include: Significant life stress (a change in environment brought on by moving, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Funerals In Waiting For White Horses Grant s white horses finally arrive for him and he becomes more aware and gathers insight about how to learn and cope with tragedies in his life. Waiting for white horses is the theme of how people will become able to receive intuition about the journey of their life. There is an idea expressed towards the end of the book that describes Grant s dad s funeral. It is the idea of a funeral being sad that I refute with. I disagree with the book s thoughts and believe that funerals should not be mournful, but in fact they should celebrate and reflect someone s life and also celebrate the beginning of one. I militate to the way the book, Waiting for White Horses, creates a certain persona of funerals. It makes it seem that funerals are sad and they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The book bothers me by the way it describes the funeral by how they reflected on his life, but they didn t celebrate his life and they weren t able to handle him going away to look at the good aspects of his life. We should celebrate the deceased time on earth, but we should also look back on his or her life: Should we celebrate a life at the time of death? Absolutely. But a Christian funeral also should retell the Gospel story, should affirm that we died with Christ in our baptism and will be raised with Christ (Funerals). There can be crying and sorrow at a funeral, but it should be for the right purpose. People should be crying because of the great memories they have made with you and not just that the person is gone. Instead of contemplating about how you will live without that person you should be seeing it as an opportunity for that person. You should learn from your loved one s death and grow not crumple up into a ball and cry. Recollect on the individual s past and learn from the advice you may just now notice is helpful. Instead of becoming gloomy with you thoughts embrace the fact that they are gone and know that they will always be by your side and you may not know it at the particular moment. You should be there to celebrate the death of the one you love instead of creating a burden for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Saddam, Iraq, And The Gulf War Essay War, justifiable or not, is complete madness. It is hell. No matter what the cause, or what the reason is, war remains mankind s greatest source of tragedy, the plague of mankind, and the plague of this country. Our country has existed for only 200 years, a relatively short time, and already we have been involved in over eleven major wars. Four have been fought this last fifty years. We are a nation of freedom, but we are also a nation of strong military presence. Our reasons for going to war have differed little from most nations. Political, social, and economic factorsworking alone or with each other lead us into all of our conflicts. A drive for independence brought on the Revolutionary war. A common fear... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most recently, the Persian Gulf War showed to be one of this country s more popular wars, despite the fact we, as a land mass, were never directly endangered. Thousands showed up for rallies to send off the troops. Tens of thousands of individuals and families across the nation sent packages of food, clothes, cassettes, CDs, suntan oil, and even cosmetics. Some wrote letters to unknown soldiers in the front line, and gave them their best wishes. In fact, most public opinion polls showed that about 90 percent of all Americans approved of the Gulf War. 3 This paper covers in detail the history of Iraq s involvement in the events leading to the war in the Persian Gulf, the involvement of the United States, and the main events that took place in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. For centuries, the Middle East has been one of the most important, most argued about, and most fought over areas of the world. One reason for this is their strategic location. Since it lies at what many call the crossroads of three continents Europe, Asia and Africa people of these continents often had to cross through the Middle East to establish military and trade routes. To protect these routes, other nations took the advantage of conquering and controlling a nearby Middle Eastern country. An addition to the Middle East ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...